changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 26 ebe688cedc25
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *     Mms event watcher
    16 *
    17 */
    22 #include    <msvapi.h>
    23 #include    <msvids.h>
    24 #include    <msvuids.h>
    25 #include    <e32math.h>
    26 #include    <apparc.h>
    27 #include    <mtclreg.h>
    28 #include    <bacntf.h>
    29 #include    <centralrepository.h>
    30 #include    <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h>
    31 #include    <implementationproxy.h>
    33 #include    "mmsconst.h"
    34 #include    "mmsservercommon.h"
    35 #include    "mmscmds.h"
    36 #include    "mmswatcher.h"
    37 #include    "watcher.h"
    38 #include    "mmsclient.h"
    39 #include    "mmserrors.h"
    40 #include    "mmssettings.h" // for message variation directory
    41 #include    "MmsEnginePrivateCRKeys.h"
    42 #include    "mmscenrepobserver.h"
    43 #include    "mmspollingtimer.h"
    44 #include    "mmswatcherdebuglogging.h"
    45 #include    "mmssettings.h"
    51 // CONSTANTS
    53 // MACROS
    56 const TInt KPauseTime = 10 * KMmsMillion; // 10 s
    57 const TInt KMmsMessageGranularity = 5;
    58 const TInt KMmsStartDelay = 2 * KMmsMillion; // 2 s
    59 const TInt KMmsMediaAvailableDelay = 3 * KMmsMillion; // 3 s
    60 const TInt KMmsMessageVariationDelay = 5 * KMmsMillion; // 5 s
    61 const TInt KMmsDiskFullPause = 300 * KMmsMillion; // 5 min
    62 #ifdef __WINS__
    63 const TInt KMmsDefaultPollingInterval = 3 * KMmsMillion; 
    64 const TInt KMmsTidBuffer = 18;
    65 const TInt KMmsRowBufferLength = 128;
    66 #endif
    72 // ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ====================
    74 //
    75 // MmsWatcher is an ECOM plugin
    76 //
    78 const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] = 
    79 	{
    80 	IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(0x10005948, CMmsWatcher::NewL)
    81 	};
    83 EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
    84 	{
    85 	aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
    86 	return ImplementationTable;
    87 	}
    89 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    91 // Helper class constructor and destructor
    92 CMmsPushEntry::CMmsPushEntry():
    93     iData( NULL ),
    94     iStatus( 0 ),
    95     iOperation( 0 )
    96     {
    97     }
    99 CMmsPushEntry::~CMmsPushEntry()
   100     {
   101     delete iData;
   102     delete iOperation;
   103     }
   105 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   106 // CMmsWatcher::CMmsWatcher
   107 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   108 //
   109 CMmsWatcher::CMmsWatcher(
   110     TInt aPriority,
   111     CWatcherLog& aLog)
   112     : CActive( aPriority ),
   113     iService( KMsvNullIndexEntryId ),
   114     iNotificationFolder( KMsvNullIndexEntryId ),
   115     iState( 0 ),
   116     iLog( aLog ),
   117     iLastError( KErrNone ),
   118     iSession( NULL ),
   119     iQueuedMessages( NULL ),
   120     iOperation( NULL )
   121     {
   122     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   123     }
   125 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   126 // CMmsWatcher::ConstructL
   127 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   128 //
   129 void CMmsWatcher::ConstructL()
   130     {
   131     LOG(_L("ConstructL"));
   133     //
   134     // ConstructL basically creates some member objects and 
   135     // starts a couple of observers
   136     //
   138     iEvents = KMmsReasonBoot;
   139     iQueuedMessages = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CMmsPushEntry>( KMmsMessageGranularity );
   140     iState = EStartup;
   141     iMediaAvailable = ETrue;
   142     iMmsVersion = KMmsDefaultVersion;
   144     User::LeaveIfError( iTimer.CreateLocal() );
   145     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
   147     // Offline state observer
   148     iOfflineObserver = CMmsCenRepObserver::NewL();
   149     iOfflineObserver->SubscribeNotification(
   150         KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs,
   151         KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed,
   152         this );
   154 #ifdef __WINS__ // Support for localmode in WINS emulator
   155     iLocalModeIn = KMmsDefaultLocalModeDir;
   156     iPollingInterval = 0; 
   157     ReadLocalModeConfigData();
   158 #endif
   160     // CEnvironmentChangeNotifier detects changes in system time.
   161     // This is needed to run garbage collection if the user moves
   162     // system time too much towards future.
   163     // Task scheduler can handle short changes, but if the change is a large one,
   164     // task scheduler does not reschedule the entry, and we must do it ourselves.
   165   	iNotifier = CEnvironmentChangeNotifier::NewL(
   166   	    CActive::EPriorityLow, 
   167   	    TCallBack( EnvironmentChanged, this ) );
   168 	iNotifier->Start();
   170     //
   171     // NOTE: message server session is created just before used (in garbage 
   172     // collection). This ensures that MessageServer has properly booted.
   173     //
   175     // A little delay before any real actions in order to ensure everything
   176     // else is properly up and running.
   177     // iTimer cannot be active because it was just created
   178     iTimer.After( iStatus, KMmsStartDelay ); // 2 s - even this may be to much
   179     SetActive();
   180 #ifndef _NO_MMSS_LOGGING_
   181     if ( IsActive() )
   182         {
   183         LOG(_L("MMS watcher is now active" ));
   184         }
   185     else
   186         {
   187         LOG(_L("MMS watcher is NOT active" ));
   188         }
   189 #endif
   190     LOG(_L("End of ConstructL"));
   191     }
   193 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   194 // CMmsWatcher::NewL
   195 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   196 //
   197 CMmsWatcher* CMmsWatcher::NewL( TAny* aWatcherParams )
   198     {
   199     TWatcherParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TWatcherParams*>( aWatcherParams );
   200 	CMmsWatcher* self = new (ELeave) CMmsWatcher( EPriorityStandard, params->iLog );
   201     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   202     self->ConstructL();
   203     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   204     return self;
   205     }
   207 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   208 // CMmsWatcher::~CMmsWatcher
   209 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   210 //
   211 CMmsWatcher::~CMmsWatcher()
   212     {
   213     //
   214     // Watchers should be running all the time
   215     // 
   216     LOG(_L("Destructor called"));
   218     Cancel();
   219     delete iOperation; // unfinished garbage collection...
   220     if ( iQueuedMessages )
   221         {
   222         iQueuedMessages->ResetAndDestroy();
   223         }
   224     delete iQueuedMessages;
   225     iTimer.Close();
   226     iFs.Close();
   227     delete iSession;
   228     delete iNotifier;
   229     delete iOfflineObserver;
   230 #ifdef __WINS__ // Support for localmode polling in WINS emulator
   231     if( iPollingTimer )
   232         {
   233         delete iPollingTimer;
   234         }
   235 #endif
   236     }
   238 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   239 // CMmsWatcher::HandleCenRepNotificationL
   240 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   241 //
   242 void CMmsWatcher::HandleCenRepNotificationL(
   243     const TUid /*aRepositoryUid*/, // not needed currently because only one observer
   244     const TInt32 /*aKey*/,         // not needed currently because only one observer
   245     const TInt aValue )
   246     {
   247     // Offline state has changed.
   248     // If switch has been from offline to online -> invoke GarbageCollection
   249     LOG2(_L("Offline state: %d"), aValue );
   251     if( aValue != ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed )
   252         {
   253         // Now in offline -> nothing to do
   254         return;
   255         }
   256     else // back in online
   257         {
   258         iEvents |= KMmsReasonNetworkAllowed;
   259         TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   260         if( iState != EStartup && iState != EMessageVariation )
   261             {
   262             iState = EGarbageCollection;
   263             }
   264         if( !IsActive() )
   265             {
   266             iStatus = KRequestPending;
   267             SetActive();
   268             User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   269             }
   270         }
   271     }
   274 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   275 // CMmsWatcher::HandleSessionEventL
   276 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   277 //
   278 void CMmsWatcher::HandleSessionEventL(
   279     TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
   280     TAny* aArg1,
   281     TAny* aArg2,
   282     TAny* /*aArg3*/)
   283     {
   284     // CMmsSession requires as a parameter a class that implements
   285     // session observer interface (this function). Therefore this
   286     // function must always exist, though it may return immediately
   287     // without doing anything.
   289     // This function is needed to watch events related to moving
   290     // the message store in systems where the message store can
   291     // be moved to a memory card.
   293     // For test purposes, we use this as a test callback.
   294     // This function is called every time an entry changes.
   296     // we check what happened, and if an entry appears in
   297     // sent folder, we know that it has been sent to MMSC, and
   298     // we try to fetch it back.
   300     if ( aEvent == EMsvGeneralError )
   301         {
   302         return;
   303         }
   305 #ifdef __WINS__
   306     TMsvId parentId = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   307     if( aArg2 )
   308         {
   309         parentId = *(TMsvId*)aArg2;
   310         }
   312     CMsvEntrySelection* entries = NULL;
   313     if( aArg1 )
   314         {
   315         entries = STATIC_CAST(CMsvEntrySelection*, aArg1);
   316         }
   317 #endif
   319     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   321 #ifdef __WINS__
   322     TInt oldState = iState;
   323 #endif
   325     switch (aEvent)
   326         {
   327         case EMsvCloseSession:
   328             LOG(_L("Session event EMsvCloseSession"));
   329             // fall through on purpose
   330         case EMsvServerTerminated:
   331             LOG(_L("Session event EMsvServerTerminated"));
   332             if ( iSession )
   333                 {
   334                 delete iSession;
   335                 iSession = NULL;
   336                 // if we have deleted the session, we get no more
   337                 // events. We don't know when to restart.
   338                 }
   339             break;
   340         case EMsvMediaChanged:
   341             {
   342             // MessageStore drive has changed.
   343             LOG(_L("Session event EMsvMediaChanged"));
   344             LOG3(_L("- from drive %d to drive %d"), *(TInt*) aArg1, *(TInt*) aArg2 );
   345             iMediaAvailable = ETrue;
   346             iMessageDrive = *(TInt*) aArg2;
   347             if( *(TInt*) aArg1 != *(TInt*) aArg2 )
   348                 {
   349                 iEvents |= KMmsReasonMessageStoreChanged;
   350                 }
   351             // CenRep values for all entries must be updated
   352             // The ids of the MMS folders must be synchronized even if the drive has not changed
   353             // as we get this event when backup/restore happens, and in some case the restored
   354             // folder ids may be different from those in central repository (if restore is done
   355             // from a different phone or after phone has been flashed)
   356             GetMessagingEntriesL( ETrue );
   357             if( iEvents != 0 )
   358                 {
   359                 if ( iState != EStartup && iState != EMessageVariation )
   360                     {
   361                     iState = EGarbageCollection;
   362                     }
   363                 if ( !IsActive() )
   364                     {
   365                     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   366                     SetActive();
   367                     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   368                     }
   369                 else
   370                     {
   371                     // if timer is running, cancel it because it is obvious
   372                     // that we have waited long enough and can start garbage
   373                     // collection now.
   374                     // Cancelling timer should bring us back to RunL()
   375                     LOG(_L("- already active, cancelling timer to speed up the process"));
   376                     iTimer.Cancel();
   377                     }
   378                 }
   379             break;
   380             }
   381         case EMsvMediaUnavailable:
   382             {
   383             LOG(_L("Session event EMsvMediaUnavailable"));
   384             LOG2(_L("- Drive %d no longer available"), *(TInt*) aArg1 );
   385             iMediaAvailable = EFalse;
   386             if ( *(TInt*) aArg1 == iMessageDrive )
   387                 {
   388                 iMediaUnavailableTime.UniversalTime();
   389                 }
   390             break;
   391             }
   392         case EMsvMediaAvailable:
   393             {
   394             LOG(_L("Session event EMsvMediaAvailable"));
   395             LOG2(_L("- Drive %d again available"), *(TInt*) aArg1 );
   396             // MessageStore has become available again. This could be due to
   397             // insertion of MMC card or after backup/restore operation 
   398             // has finished
   399             iMediaAvailable = ETrue;
   400             if ( !(iEvents & KMmsReasonMessageStoreChanged) )
   401                 {
   402                 iEvents |= KMmsReasonHotswap;
   403                 iEvents |= KMmsReasonBackupEnded;
   404                 }
   405             if( iState != EStartup && iState != EMessageVariation )
   406                 {
   407                 iState = EGarbageCollection;
   408                 }
   409             if( !IsActive() )
   410                 {
   411                 // Delay here to prevent EMsvMediaAvailable from triggering
   412                 // Garbage collection when message store is moved to another drive.
   413                 // When message store is moved, the store is copied first.
   414                 // After the copy is complete, we get EMsvMediaAvailable event,
   415                 // but we must not start garbage collection on the original drive
   416                 // because the message store is about to be changed.
   417                 //
   418                 // 3 s delay - we are cautious
   419                 // if we are not active, timer cannot be running - no need to cancel
   420                 iTimer.After( iStatus, KMmsMediaAvailableDelay ); 
   421                 SetActive();
   422                 }
   423             break;
   424             }
   425         case EMsvMediaIncorrect:
   426             {
   427             LOG(_L("Session event EMsvMediaIncorrect"));
   428             LOG2(_L("- Incorrect disk in drive %d"), *(TInt*) aArg1 );
   429             break;
   430             }
   431         case EMsvServerReady:
   432             {
   433             LOG(_L("Session event EMsvServerReady"));
   434             break;
   435             }
   436 #ifdef __WINS__
   437         case EMsvEntriesCreated:
   438         case EMsvEntriesMoved:
   439             {
   440             // 
   441             // These events are relevant in Localmode only
   442             // 
   443             if ( parentId != KMsvSentEntryId )
   444                 {
   445                 // only sent items are interesting
   446                 return;
   447                 }
   449             // Get localmode setting from CenRep
   450             TBool localMode = EFalse;
   451             TInt retval = KErrNone;
   452             TRAP( retval, 
   453                 {
   454                 localMode = LocalModeL();
   455                 });
   456             #ifndef _NO_MMSS_LOGGING_
   457             if( retval != KErrNone )
   458                 {
   459                 LOG(_L("ERROR connecting CenRep, defaulting to normal mode"));
   460                 }
   461             #endif
   462             if( localMode == EFalse )
   463                 {
   464                 // Only localmode case is interesting
   465                 return;
   466                 }
   468             // Now invoke the server mtm to fetch it.
   469             // We queue the entry, set ourselves complete and
   470             // Let the RunL initiate the fetching.
   471             // We don't do anything unless the entry was MMS entry
   472             // Then get a list of files in MMSC directory, and
   473             // create notifications for them.
   474             // This will probably produce extra notifications,
   475             // but it is good to test that notifications about
   476             // unexisting messages or duplicates won't mess 
   477             // up the system.
   478             // Messages should be fetched one at a time, so that
   479             // there should not be too many conflicts.
   480             TInt notifications = 0;
   481             TInt size = 1;
   482             TEntry entry;
   483             TInt err = KErrNone;
   484             CDir* fileList = NULL;
   485             err = iFs.Entry( iLocalModeIn, entry );
   486             if ( err == KErrNone )
   487                 {
   488                 err = iFs.SetSessionPath( iLocalModeIn );
   489                 TFindFile finder( iFs );
   490                 _LIT( KWild, "*.mms" );
   491                 if ( err == KErrNone )
   492                     {
   493                     err = finder.FindWildByPath( KWild, NULL, fileList );
   494                     }
   495                 if ( err == KErrNone )
   496                     {
   497                     notifications = fileList->Count();
   498                     }
   499                 TInt i;
   500                 for (i = 0; i < notifications; i++ )
   501                     {
   502                     // generate notification from filename and file size
   503                     TParse fullEntry;
   504                     fullEntry.Set( ( ( *fileList )[i] ).iName, &iLocalModeIn, NULL );
   505                     TBuf8<KMaxFileName> buffer;
   506                     buffer.Copy( fullEntry.FullName() );
   507                     RFile file;
   508                     err = file.Open(iFs, fullEntry.FullName(), EFileShareAny );
   509                     if (err == KErrNone )
   510                         {
   511                         err = file.Size(size);
   512                         }
   513                     file.Close();
   514                     HBufC8 * notif = CreateNotificationL(buffer, size);
   515                     CleanupStack::PushL( notif );
   516                     TBool found = EFalse;
   517                     TInt i = 0;
   518                     while ( found == EFalse && i < iQueuedMessages->Count() ) 
   519                         {
   520                         if ( iQueuedMessages->At(i)->iData->Compare(*notif) == 0 )
   521                             {
   522                             found = ETrue;
   523                             }
   524                         i++;
   525                         }
   526                     if (! found )
   527                         {
   528                         CMmsPushEntry* newEntry = new( ELeave )CMmsPushEntry;
   529                         newEntry->iData = notif;
   530                         newEntry->iStatus = EWaiting;
   531                         newEntry->iOperation = NULL;
   532                         CleanupStack::Pop( notif );
   533                         CleanupStack::PushL( newEntry );
   534                         iQueuedMessages->AppendL( newEntry );
   535                         // notif has gone to our member...
   536                         CleanupStack::Pop( newEntry );
   537                         }
   538                     else
   539                         {
   540                         // get rid of notif
   541                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( notif );
   542                         }
   543                     iState = EScheduling;
   544                     }
   545                 }
   547             if ( oldState == EWaiting && notifications > 0)
   548                 {
   549                 // if we are not currently sending something to server,
   550                 // we must declare ourselves complete in order to get back to
   551                 // RunL.
   552                 // Actually we should be active already, but 
   553                 // we say so just in case (to prevent stray signal)
   554                 if ( !IsActive() )
   555                     {
   556                     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   557                     SetActive();
   558                     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   559                     }
   560                 }
   561             break;
   562             }
   563 #endif // __WINS__
   565         default:
   566             break;
   567         }
   568     }
   570 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   571 // CMmsWatcher::EnvironmentChanged
   572 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   573 //
   574 TInt CMmsWatcher::EnvironmentChanged(TAny* aThis )
   575 	{
   576 	CMmsWatcher* self = reinterpret_cast<CMmsWatcher*>(aThis);
   577 	self->HandleEnvironmentChange();
   578 	return KErrNone;
   579 	}
   581 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   582 // CMmsWatcher::HandleEnvironmentChange
   583 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   584 //
   585 void CMmsWatcher::HandleEnvironmentChange()
   586     {
   588   	TInt changes = iNotifier->Change();
   589 	if ( changes & EChangesSystemTime )
   590         {
   591 #ifndef _NO_MMSS_LOGGING_
   592         LOG(_L("System time Change"));
   593         TTime time;
   594 		time.UniversalTime();
   595 		TDateTime due(time.DateTime());
   596 		LOG7( _L("- system time is now: [%02d/%02d/%d] @ %02d:%02d:%02d"),
   597 		    due.Day(), (TInt)due.Month() + 1, due.Year(), due.Hour(), due.Minute(), due.Second());
   598 #endif
   599         iEvents |= KMmsReasonEnvironmentTimeChanged;
   600         TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   601         if ( iState != EStartup && iState != EMessageVariation )
   602             {
   603             iState = EGarbageCollection;
   604             }
   606         if ( !IsActive() )
   607             {
   608             iStatus = KRequestPending;
   609             SetActive();
   610             User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   611             }
   612         }
   613     }
   615 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   616 // CMmsWatcher::Dequeue
   617 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   618 //
   619 void CMmsWatcher::Dequeue()
   620     {
   621     delete iQueuedMessages->At( 0 );
   622     iQueuedMessages->Delete( 0 );
   623     iQueuedMessages->Compress();
   624     }
   626 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   627 // CMmsWatcher::RemoveSent
   628 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   629 //
   630 void CMmsWatcher::RemoveSent()
   631     {
   632     LOG(_L("RemoveSent called"));
   633     while (iQueuedMessages->Count() > 0 &&
   634         iQueuedMessages->At(0)->iStatus != EWaiting )
   635         {
   636         // done, delete
   637         Dequeue();
   638         }
   639     }
   641 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   642 // CMmsWatcher::HandleNextInQueueL
   643 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   644 //
   645 void CMmsWatcher::HandleNextInQueueL()
   646     {
   647     // access to first entry in queue need not be protected by
   648     // semaphore:
   649     // This function is called only after we have decided
   650     // that there is at least one entry.
   651     // Entries are removed only when we get to the RunL
   652     // the next time (we are still in DoRunL now).
   653     // Adding new entries to the end of the array does not hurt us.
   654     // Removing and adding entries must be mutally exclusive,
   655     // as entries are added to the end and removed from the beginning.
   657     LOG(_L("HandleNextInQueueL"));
   659     if( !iSession )
   660         {
   661         // if we have lost our session, we must try to get a new one
   662         OpenSessionL();
   663         }
   665     // If there was no service entry when we were started, we must
   666     // check if one has appeared now. Otherwise message server does
   667     // not know where to send the request
   669     if( iService == KMsvNullIndexEntryId || 
   670         iNotificationFolder == KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
   671         {
   672         GetMessagingEntriesL();
   673         }
   675     if( iService == KMsvNullIndexEntryId || 
   676         iNotificationFolder == KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
   677         {
   678         // Something really weird is going on.
   679         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   680         }
   682     TMsvId entryId = CreateEntryL( iNotificationFolder );
   684     CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection;
   685     CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
   687     // Now we have an entry that says: local service, MMS MTM
   688     if ( entryId != KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
   689         {
   690         selection->AppendL( entryId );
   691         }
   692     else
   693         {
   694         selection->AppendL( iService );
   695         }
   697     iQueuedMessages->At(0)->iStatus = EScheduling;
   698     TWatcherParameters parameters; // initialized to zero
   699     TWatcherParametersBuf paramPack( parameters );
   701     iQueuedMessages->At(0)->iOperation = iSession->TransferCommandL(
   702         *selection, EMmsDecodePushedMessage, paramPack, iStatus );
   704     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( selection );
   705     SetActive();
   706     }
   708 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   709 // CMmsWatcher::RunL()
   710 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   711 //
   712 void CMmsWatcher::RunL()
   713     {
   714     LOG2(_L("RunL (iStatus = %d)"), iStatus.Int());
   716     iLastError = iStatus.Int();
   717     if ( iLastError == KErrCancel )
   718         {
   719         // cancel occurs only if a new event cancels timer
   720         iLastError = KErrNone;
   721         }
   723     // when we get here after doing garbage collection,
   724     // the operation can go
   725     if( iOperation )
   726         {
   727         if( iOperation->iStatus == KRequestPending )
   728             {
   729             LOG(_L("- operation still pending"));
   730             // 5 second delay needed for message variation
   731             iTimer.After( iStatus, KMmsMessageVariationDelay );
   732             SetActive();
   733             return;
   734             }
   735         else
   736             {
   737             LOG(_L("- operation completed"));
   738             if( iLastError == KErrNone )
   739                 {
   740                 iLastError = iOperation->iStatus.Int();
   741                 }
   742             delete iOperation;
   743             iOperation = NULL;
   744             }
   745         }
   747     // Now we check if Garbage collection was successful.
   748     // If not, old events must be retried
   750     TBool onlineEvent = iEvents & KMmsReasonNetworkAllowed;
   752     if ( iLastError != KErrNone )
   753         {
   754         // We combine all flags in case we are getting loads of events
   755         // faster than we can handle them.
   756         iEvents |= iOldEvents;
   757         }
   759     // clear these now to prevent endless loop.
   760     iOldEvents = 0;
   762     // If we have got error in the range KMsvMediaUnavailable - KMsvIndexRestore
   763     // we must wait until we get media available event, otherwise we are in trouble.
   764     if ( iLastError <= (TInt) KMsvMediaUnavailable &&
   765         iLastError >= (TInt) KMsvIndexRestore  && !iMediaAvailable )
   766         {
   767         // media is not available, no use to retry until we get media available event.
   768         // If media is available, it is worth retrying in 10 s.
   769         return;
   770         }
   772     if ( iLastError == KMmsErrorOfflineMode && !onlineEvent )
   773         {
   774         // if we are not yet online, wait for event before retrying
   775         return;
   776         }
   778     TRAPD( error, DoRunL() );
   779     if( error )
   780         {
   781         LOG2(_L("DoRunL error %d"), error );
   782         // An error occurred - try again after a while
   783         TInt pause = KPauseTime; // default 10 s
   784         if ( error == KErrDiskFull )
   785             {
   786             pause = KMmsDiskFullPause; // 5 min
   787             }
   788         LOG2(_L("- Retry after %d seconds"), pause/KMmsMillion );
   789         iTimer.Cancel();
   790         iTimer.After(iStatus, pause);
   791         if ( !IsActive() )
   792             {
   793             SetActive();
   794             }
   795         } // error
   797     iLastError = error;
   799     // Handle next in queue sets us active again, if there
   800     // are more pushed messages to be sent to Server MTM.
   801     // If there is nothing to send, we are not active.
   802     // In that case the callback must call HandleNextInQueueL()
   803     // to start the active loop.
   804     }
   807 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   808 // CMmsWatcher::DoRunL()
   809 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   810 //
   811 void CMmsWatcher::DoRunL()
   812     {
   813     LOG2(_L("DoRunL, state == %d"), iState);
   814     switch ( iState )
   815         {
   816         case EStartup:
   817             // Make sure no error in status
   818             StartupL();
   819             iState = EMessageVariation;
   820             break;
   821         case EMessageVariation:
   822             {
   823             // Message variation is tried every time because watchers are no started
   824             // so late that first boot indicator is always off.
   825             // Precreated messages are in private directory and cannot be accessed
   826             // by outsiders except by those that have ALL FILES capability
   827             MessageVariationL();                
   828             iState = EGarbageCollection;
   829 #ifdef __WINS__
   830             // Support for localmode polling in WINS emulator is started here if needed
   831             if( iPollingInterval >= KMmsDefaultPollingInterval ) // ReadLocalModeConfigDataL might have changed it
   832                 {
   833                 iPollingTimer = CMmsPollingTimer::NewL();
   834                 iPollingTimer->Start( this, iPollingInterval );
   835                 }
   836 #endif
   837             break;
   838             }
   839         case EGarbageCollection:
   840             GarbageCollectionL();
   841             iState = EScheduling;
   842             break;
   843         case EScheduling:
   844             {
   845             TInt count = 0;
   846             if ( iLastError != KErrNone )
   847                 {
   848                 LOG2(_L("iLastError %d"), iLastError );
   849                 // I assume only the first one has been tried and failed.
   850                 // However, we retry all.
   851                 count = iQueuedMessages->Count();
   852                 TInt i;
   853                 for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   854                     {
   855                     iQueuedMessages->At( i )->iStatus = EWaiting;
   856                     }
   857                 // Leave here, and RunL will retry after a pause
   858                 User::Leave( iLastError );
   859                 }
   861             // Now we must check if there is anything to send to 
   862             // MMS server mtm
   863             if (iQueuedMessages->Count() > 0)
   864                 {
   865                 RemoveSent();
   866                 }
   867             count = iQueuedMessages->Count();
   868             // If there is anything left, queue the next one
   869             if ( count > 0 )
   870                 {
   871                 HandleNextInQueueL();
   872                 }
   873             else if ( iEvents != 0 )
   874                 {
   875                 iState = EGarbageCollection;
   876                 iStatus = KRequestPending;
   877                 TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   878                 SetActive();
   879                 User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   880                 }
   881             else
   882                 {
   883                 // If there is nothing left, continue waiting
   884                 iState = EWaiting;
   885                 }
   886             break;
   887             }
   888         case EWaiting:
   889             iStatus = KErrNone;
   890             break;
   891         default:
   892             __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, gPanic(EMmsUnknownState));
   893             break;
   894         }
   895     }
   897 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   898 // CMmsWatcher::DoCancel
   899 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   900 //
   901 void CMmsWatcher::DoCancel()
   902     {
   903     LOG(_L("DoCancel"));
   905     iTimer.Cancel();
   906     if ( iOperation )
   907         {
   908         iOperation->Cancel();
   909         }
   910     // only one operation at a time is active
   911     if ( iQueuedMessages->Count() > 0 && 
   912         iQueuedMessages->At(0)->iOperation )
   913         {
   914         iQueuedMessages->At(0)->iOperation->Cancel();
   915         }
   917     iState = EInvalid;
   918     }
   920 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   921 // CMmsWatcher::StartupL()
   922 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   923 //
   924 void CMmsWatcher::StartupL()
   925     {
   926     LOG(_L("StartupL"));
   927     TInt error = KErrNone;
   929     iMessageDrive = EDriveC; // default
   930     // Open session to MessageServer
   931     TRAP( error, OpenSessionL() );
   932     // We ignore the error. If the session could not be opened now,
   933     // it will be retried later
   934     error = KErrNone;
   936     // Get serviceId and NotificationFolderId from MMS settings
   937     TRAP( error, GetMessagingEntriesL() );
   938     if( error )
   939         {
   940         LOG(_L("- ERROR reading settings"));
   941         }
   943     // Complete in order to get back to RunL
   944     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   945     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   946     SetActive();
   947     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   948     LOG(_L("- End of StartupL"));
   949     }
   951 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   952 // CMmsWatcher::GarbageCollectionL()
   953 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   954 //
   955 void CMmsWatcher::GarbageCollectionL()
   956     {
   957     LOG(_L("GarbageCollectionL"));
   959     // Open session in case the message server has died
   960     // but we have received an event from elsewhere    
   961     if( !iSession )
   962         {
   963         // if we have lost our session, we must try to get a new one
   964         OpenSessionL();
   965         }
   967     if ( iService != KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
   968         {
   969         // if there is no service, there is no garbage either...
   970         CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection;
   971         CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
   972         selection->AppendL( iService );
   973         // Start Garbage collection
   974         TMMSGarbageCollectionParameters parameters; // initialized to zero
   975         parameters.iReasonFlags = iEvents;
   976         parameters.iMediaUnavailableTime = iMediaUnavailableTime;
   977         TMMSGarbageCollectionParametersBuf paramPack( parameters );
   978         LOG(_L("Invoking garbage collection"));
   979         iOperation = iSession->TransferCommandL(
   980             *selection, EMmsGarbageCollection, paramPack, iStatus );
   981         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( selection );
   982         // These events were handled.
   983         iOldEvents = iEvents; 
   984         iEvents = 0;
   985         iMediaUnavailableTime = 0;
   986         SetActive();
   987         }
   988     LOG(_L("- End of GarbageCollectionL"));
   989     }
   991 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   992 // CMmsWatcher::MessageVariationL()
   993 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   994 //
   995 void CMmsWatcher::MessageVariationL()
   996     {
   997     LOG(_L("MessageVariationL"));
   998     if( !iSession )
   999         {
  1000         // if we have lost our session, we must try to get a new one
  1001         OpenSessionL();
  1002         }
  1004     // If there is no service, it must be created first
  1005     if( iService == KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
  1006         {
  1007         LOG(_L("no service - must create one"));
  1008         GetMessagingEntriesL();
  1009         }
  1010     CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new(ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
  1011     CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
  1012     selection->AppendL( iService );
  1013     LOG(_L("Invoking message variation"));
  1014     iOperation = iSession->TransferCommandL(
  1015         *selection, EMmsMessageGeneration, TPtrC8(), iStatus );
  1016     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( selection );
  1017     SetActive();
  1019     LOG(_L("End of MessageVariationL"));
  1020     }
  1022 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1023 // CMmsWatcher::CreateEntryL()
  1024 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1025 //
  1026 TMsvId CMmsWatcher::CreateEntryL( TMsvId aFolder )
  1027     {
  1028     TMsvId entryId = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
  1030     if ( aFolder == KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
  1031         {
  1032         // no folder no entry
  1033         return entryId;
  1034         }
  1036     if( !iSession )
  1037         {
  1038         // if we have lost our session, we must try to get a new one
  1039         OpenSessionL();
  1040         }
  1041     CMsvEntry* cEntry = iSession->GetEntryL( aFolder );
  1042     CleanupStack::PushL( cEntry ); // ***
  1044     TMsvEntry entry;
  1045     entry.iType = KUidMsvMessageEntry;
  1046     entry.iMtm = KUidMsgTypeMultimedia;
  1047     entry.SetVisible( ETrue );
  1048     // If we want to put data here, InPreparation must be set to false first
  1049     entry.SetInPreparation( EFalse );
  1050     entry.iServiceId = KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId;
  1051     entry.iRelatedId = iService;
  1052     entry.iMtmData2 = KMmsNotificationBinary;
  1053     cEntry->CreateL( entry );
  1054     entryId = entry.Id();
  1056     //
  1057     // Stream 
  1058     // 1) length of the data as 32 bit integer
  1059     // 2) pushed message data
  1060     // into created entry's stream  
  1061     //
  1062     cEntry->SetEntryL( entryId );
  1063     CMsvStore* store = cEntry->EditStoreL();
  1064     CleanupStack::PushL( store );   // ***
  1065     RMsvWriteStream outs;
  1066     outs.AssignLC( *store, KUidBinaryNotificationStream ); // ***
  1067     outs.WriteUint32L( iQueuedMessages->At(0)->iData->Size() );
  1068     outs.WriteL( *iQueuedMessages->At(0)->iData );
  1069     outs.CommitL();
  1070     outs.Close();
  1071     store->CommitL();
  1072     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &outs ); // close outs
  1073     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store );
  1074     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cEntry );
  1076     return entryId;
  1077     }
  1079 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1080 // CMmsWatcher::OpenSessionL()
  1081 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1082 //
  1083 void CMmsWatcher::OpenSessionL()
  1084     {
  1085     LOG(_L("Opening session"));
  1086     if ( !iSession )
  1087         {
  1088         // leaves if session cannot be opened
  1089         iSession = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL( *this );
  1090         }
  1092     TRAPD( error2, iMessageDrive = iSession->CurrentDriveL() );
  1093     if( error2 != KErrNone )
  1094         {
  1095         // Using default
  1096         iMessageDrive = EDriveC;
  1097         }
  1098     }
  1100 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1101 // CMmsWatcher::CreateNotificationL()
  1102 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1103 //
  1104 #ifdef __WINS__
  1105 HBufC8* CMmsWatcher::CreateNotificationL(TDesC8& aUrl, TInt aSize)
  1106     {
  1107     // for test purposes aUrl will contain the filename.
  1108     TInt position = 0;
  1109     CBufFlat* encodeBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL( 0x400 );
  1110     CleanupStack::PushL( encodeBuffer ); // ***
  1111     encodeBuffer->ResizeL( 0 );
  1112     encodeBuffer->ResizeL( 0x400 );
  1114     // encode message type
  1115     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsAssignedMessageType, 1 );
  1116     position++;
  1117     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsMessageTypeMNotificationInd, 1 );
  1118     position++;
  1120     // encode tid
  1121     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsAssignedTID, 1 );
  1122     position++;
  1124     // generate random TID
  1125     TPtrC8 cid;
  1126     TBufC8<KMmsTidBuffer> target;
  1127     TTime now;
  1128     now.UniversalTime();
  1129     TInt random = 0;
  1131     // we don't generate a true random TID: We generate the
  1132     // TID from the URL so that if we generate a notification
  1133     // twice from the same file, we get the same TID and the
  1134     // same URL. This way we can test the pruning function in
  1135     // server MTM
  1137     TInt i;
  1138     for ( i = 0; i < aUrl.Length(); i++ )
  1139         {
  1140         random += aUrl[ i ];
  1141         }
  1143     target.Des().Num( random );
  1144     cid.Set( target.Des() );
  1146     TInt length = cid.Length();
  1147     encodeBuffer->Write( position, cid, length );
  1148     position += length;
  1149     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsNull, 1 );
  1150     position++;
  1152     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsAssignedMmsVersion, 1 );
  1153     position++;
  1154     TUint8 version = iMmsVersion | 0x80;
  1155     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &version, 1 );
  1156     position++;
  1158     // from is optional - we don't care
  1160     // message class
  1161     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsAssignedMessageClass, 1 );
  1162     position++;
  1163     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsMessageClassPersonal, 1 );
  1164     position++;
  1166     // message size
  1167     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsAssignedMessageSize, 1 );
  1168     position++;
  1170     TUint8 byte;
  1171     const TInt KConst4 = 4;
  1172     const TInt KConst8 = 8;
  1173     TUint8 array[KConst4];
  1175     if ( aSize <= 0x7f )
  1176         {
  1177         byte = ( TInt8 ) aSize;
  1178         byte |= 0x80;
  1179         encodeBuffer->Write( position, &byte, 1);
  1180         position++;
  1181         }
  1182     else
  1183         {
  1185         length = KConst4;
  1187         TUint temp = aSize;
  1188         byte = TInt8( ( temp >> 24 ) & 0xFF );
  1190         while ( byte == 0 && length > 0 )
  1191             {
  1192             length--;
  1193             temp = temp << KConst8;
  1194             byte = TInt8( ( temp >> 24 ) & 0xFF );
  1195             }
  1197         for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
  1198             {
  1199             array[i] = TInt8( ( temp >> ( KConst8 * (3 - i) ) ) & 0xFF );
  1200             }
  1202         // write short length
  1203         encodeBuffer->Write( position, &length, 1 );
  1204         position++;
  1206         // write as many bytes as were non-zero
  1207         // There will be always at least one byte in the array
  1208         // because aSize > 127 if we are here
  1209         encodeBuffer->Write( position, &array[0], length );
  1210         position+= length;
  1211         }
  1213     // expiry
  1215     const TUint KTenHours = 10 * 60 * 60; // 10 hours
  1216     TUint temp = KTenHours;
  1217     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsAssignedExpiry, 1 );
  1218     position++;
  1220     // calculate value length
  1222     length = KConst4;
  1223     byte = TInt8( ( temp >> 24 ) & 0xFF );
  1225     while ( byte == 0 && length > 0 )
  1226        {
  1227        length--;
  1228        temp = temp << KConst8;
  1229        byte = TInt8( ( temp >> 24 ) & 0xFF );
  1230        }
  1232     // now add short length and absolute/relative token
  1234     length += 2;
  1236     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &length, 1 );
  1237     position++;
  1239     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsRelativeToken, 1 );
  1240     position++;
  1242     length -= 2; // actual integer length 
  1244     for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
  1245         {
  1246         array[i] = TInt8( ( temp >> ( KConst8 * (3 - i) ) ) & 0xFF );
  1247         }
  1249     // write short length
  1250     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &length, 1 );
  1251     position++;
  1253     // write as many bytes as were non-zero
  1254     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &array[0], length );
  1255     position+= length;
  1257     // And now the salt of the notification:
  1258     // the actual location of the message.
  1260     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsAssignedContentLocation, 1 );
  1261     position++;
  1263     // Check if we need a Quote (This does not mean the quoted string.)
  1264     if ( aUrl[0] >= 0x80 )
  1265         {
  1266         encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsQuote, 1 );
  1267         position++;
  1268         }
  1270     length = aUrl.Length();
  1271     encodeBuffer->Write( position, aUrl, length );
  1272     position += length;
  1274     encodeBuffer->Write( position, &KMmsNull, 1 );
  1275     position++;
  1277     // DONE.
  1279     TPtrC8 ptr;
  1280     encodeBuffer->ResizeL( position );
  1281     ptr.Set( encodeBuffer->Ptr(0).Left( position ) );
  1282     HBufC8* result = ptr.AllocL();
  1283     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodeBuffer );
  1285     return result;
  1286     }
  1287 #else
  1288 HBufC8* CMmsWatcher::CreateNotificationL(TDesC8& /*aUrl*/, TInt /*aSize*/)
  1289     {
  1290     User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
  1291     return NULL; // this is actually unnecessary as we always leave.
  1292     }
  1293 #endif    
  1295 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1296 // CMmsWatcher::GetMessagingEntriesL
  1297 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1298 //
  1299 void CMmsWatcher::GetMessagingEntriesL( const TBool aMessageStoreHasChanged )
  1300     {
  1301     LOG(_L("ReadMessagingEntriesL"));
  1302     // Connect CenRep
  1303     CMmsSettings* settings = CMmsSettings::NewL();
  1304     CleanupStack::PushL( settings ); // ***
  1305     settings->LoadSettingsL();
  1306     iMmsVersion = settings->MmsVersion();
  1308     if( aMessageStoreHasChanged == EFalse )
  1309         {
  1310         // Read entries from CenRep
  1311         iService = settings->Service();
  1312         iNotificationFolder = settings->NotificationFolder();        
  1313         }
  1314     else 
  1315         {
  1316         // MessageStore has changed 
  1317         // -> CenRep values are false and have to be updated
  1318         iService = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
  1319         iNotificationFolder = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
  1320         }
  1322     // If entries are null, create them to MessageStore
  1323     if( iSession &&
  1324         ( iService == KMsvNullIndexEntryId || 
  1325         iNotificationFolder == KMsvNullIndexEntryId ) )
  1326         {
  1327         LOG(_L("- No service exist or message store changed"));
  1328         LOG(_L("- Must update service id or create new"));
  1329         settings->CreateNewServiceL( *iSession );
  1330         iService = settings->Service();
  1331         iNotificationFolder = settings->NotificationFolder();
  1333         // Retest
  1334         if( iService == KMsvNullIndexEntryId || 
  1335         iNotificationFolder == KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
  1336             {
  1337             LOG(_L("- ERROR: Still no service or notification folder"));
  1338             }
  1339         settings->SaveSettingsL();
  1340         }
  1342     // Cleanup
  1343     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( settings );
  1344     }
  1346 //
  1347 // Following methods are only in WINS compilations
  1348 // for testing purposes
  1349 //
  1350 #ifdef __WINS__
  1351 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1352 // CMmsWatcher::LocalModeL
  1353 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1354 //
  1355 TBool CMmsWatcher::LocalModeL()
  1356     {
  1357     CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KUidMmsServerMtm );
  1358     CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
  1359     TInt temp = 0;
  1360     TInt retval = repository->Get( KMmsEngineLocalMode, temp );
  1361     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
  1362     if( retval == KErrNone )
  1363         {
  1364         return (TBool)temp;
  1365         }
  1366     else
  1367         {
  1368         LOG(_L("- ERROR reading localmode key from CenRep, assuming normal mode"));
  1369         return EFalse;
  1370         }
  1371     }
  1373 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1374 // CMmsWatcher::ReadLocalModeConfigData
  1375 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1376 //
  1377 void CMmsWatcher::ReadLocalModeConfigData()
  1378     {
  1379     RFileReadStream reader;
  1380     TInt err = reader.Open( iFs, KMmsLocalModeConfigFile, EFileShareReadersOnly );
  1381     if( err != KErrNone )
  1382         {
  1383         reader.Close();
  1384         return;
  1385         }
  1387     TChar delim = 0x000A;
  1388     TBuf<KMmsRowBufferLength> rowBuffer;
  1389     FOREVER
  1390         {
  1391         TRAP( err, reader.ReadL( rowBuffer, delim ) );
  1392         if( err == KErrEof )
  1393             {
  1394             reader.Close();
  1395             return;
  1396             }
  1397         TInt length = rowBuffer.Length();
  1398         if( length > 2 )
  1399             {
  1400             // Check for comment line
  1401             if( rowBuffer[0] == 0x0023 ) // 0x23 == '#'
  1402                 {
  1403                 continue;
  1404                 }
  1405             // Check for start of file (BOM)
  1406             if( rowBuffer[0] == 0xFEFF )
  1407                 {
  1408                 rowBuffer.Delete( 0, 1 );
  1409                 length = rowBuffer.Length();
  1410                 }
  1411             // Drop CR+LF from the end of line
  1412             rowBuffer.Delete( length - 2, 2 );
  1414             TInt separatorPosition = 0;
  1415             _LIT( KSeparator, "=" );
  1416             separatorPosition = rowBuffer.Find( KSeparator );
  1417             if( separatorPosition > 0 )
  1418                 {
  1419                 if( rowBuffer.Left( separatorPosition ).CompareF( KMmsLocalmodeInDirectory ) == 0 )
  1420                     {
  1421                     iLocalModeIn = rowBuffer.Mid( separatorPosition+1 );
  1422                     }
  1423                 if( rowBuffer.Left( separatorPosition ).CompareF(
  1424                     KMmsLocalmodePollingInterval ) == 0 )
  1425                     {
  1426                     TLex16 lex;
  1427                     lex.Assign( rowBuffer.Mid( separatorPosition+1 ) );
  1428                     lex.Val( iPollingInterval );
  1429                     iPollingInterval *= KMmsMillion;
  1430                     }
  1431                 }
  1432             }
  1433         }
  1434     }
  1436 #endif // __WINS__ emulator polling support
  1439 // ================= OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ==============
  1441 //
  1442 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1443 // Panic implements
  1444 // panic, for debug version only
  1445 //
  1446 GLDEF_C void gPanic(
  1447     TMmsPanic aPanic ) // error number enumerations
  1448     {
  1449     _LIT( KMmsPanic,"MMS" );
  1450     User::Panic( KMmsPanic, aPanic );
  1451     }
  1453 //  End of File