changeset 0 72b543305e3a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *       CPostcardOperationOpen
    16 *
    17 */
    21 // ========== INCLUDE FILES ================================
    23 #include <AknsConstants.h>
    24 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh> 
    25 #include <apmstd.h>  // TDataType
    26 #include <gulicon.h> // CGulIcon
    27 #include <txtetext.h> // For TDocumentStorage
    29 #include <MsgMediaInfo.h>
    30 #include <MsgMedia.hrh>
    31 #include <MsgImageInfo.h>
    32 #include <MsgMediaResolver.h>		// for CMmsMediaResolver
    33 #include <MsgTextInfo.h>
    34 #include <msgtextutils.h>
    35 #include <MsgMimeTypes.h>
    37 #include <IHLImageFactory.h>
    38 #include <IHLViewerFactory.h>
    39 #include <MIHLFileImage.h>
    40 #include <MIHLBitmap.h>
    41 #include <MIHLImageViewer.h>
    43 #include <mmsvattachmentmanager.h>		// AttachmentManager
    44 #include <mmsvattachmentmanagersync.h>	// AttachmentManagerSync
    45 #include <cmsvmimeheaders.h>		// MimeHeaders
    46 #include <mmsclient.h>
    48 #include <vprop.h>	// VCardPropertyValue
    49 #include <cntitem.h>
    50 #include <vcard.h>
    51 #include <cntfldst.h> // CContactTextField
    53 #include <StringLoader.h>			// for StringLoader
    55 #include <Postcard.rsg>       	// for Postcard resources
    56 #include "PostcardLaf.h"
    57 #include "PostcardUtils.h"
    58 #include "Postcard.hrh"
    59 #include "PostcardOperationOpen.h"
    60 #include "PostcardRecipientWrapper.h"
    61 #include "PostcardContact.h"
    62 #include "PostcardPrivateCRKeys.h"  // cenrep keys
    63 #include "PostcardCenRep.h"
    65 // ========== EXTERNAL DATA STRUCTURES =====================
    67 // ========== EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES =================
    69 // ========== CONSTANTS ====================================
    71 // ========== MACROS =======================================
    73 // ========== LOCAL CONSTANTS AND MACROS ===================
    75 // This was "FN" in 3.0-3.1 but OMA says it should be "N". Accept
    76 // both when opening and be compatible with both.
    77 _LIT8(KPostcardVCardName, "N");
    78 _LIT8(KPostcardVCardNameFN, "FN");
    79 _LIT8(KPostcardVCardAddr, "ADR");
    81 // ========== MODULE DATA STRUCTURES =======================
    83 // ========== LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ====================
    85 // ========== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ==============================
    87 // ========== MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
    89 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    90 // CPostcardOperationOpen::NewL
    91 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    92 CPostcardOperationOpen* CPostcardOperationOpen::NewL(
    93             MPostcardOperationObserver& aObserver,
    94             CPostcardDocument& aDocument,
    95             CPostcardAppUi& aAppUi,
    96             RFs& aFs )
    97     {
    98     CPostcardOperationOpen* self = 
    99         new ( ELeave ) CPostcardOperationOpen( aObserver, aDocument, aAppUi, aFs );
   100     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   101     self->ConstructL( );
   102     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   103     return self;
   104     }
   106 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   107 // CPostcardOperationOpen::CPostcardOperationOpen
   108 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   109 CPostcardOperationOpen::CPostcardOperationOpen(
   110             MPostcardOperationObserver& aObserver,
   111             CPostcardDocument& aDocument,
   112             CPostcardAppUi& aAppUi,
   113             RFs& aFs ) :
   114     CPostcardOperation( aObserver, aDocument, aAppUi, aFs ),
   115     iSpecialFormat( aAppUi.CenRep().GetString( KPocaKeyServiceSpecialFormat ) ),
   116     iSeparatorChar( aAppUi.CenRep().GetString( KPocaKeyServiceSeparator ) )
   117     {
   118     }
   120 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   121 // CPostcardOperationOpen::CPostcardOperationOpen
   122 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   123 CPostcardOperationOpen::~CPostcardOperationOpen( )
   124     {
   125     if( iEditFile )
   126     	{
   127     	iEditFile->Close();
   128     	delete iEditFile;
   129     	}
   130     delete iImageInfo;
   131     delete iImageProcessor;
   132     }
   134 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   135 // CPostcardOperationOpen::Start
   136 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   137 void CPostcardOperationOpen::Start( TInt /*aArgument*/ )
   138     {
   139     ToState( EPostcardOpenInitializing );
   140     }
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   143 // CPostcardOperationOpen::Launch
   144 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   145 void CPostcardOperationOpen::DoLaunchStepL()
   146     {
   147     iFlags &= ~EPostcardOpenRequestActive;
   148     switch ( iLaunchState )
   149         {
   150         case EPostcardOpenInitializing:
   151             {
   152             InitL( );
   153             iDocument.InitializeL( iFs );
   154             ToState( EPostcardOpenCheckAttas );
   155             break;
   156             }
   157         case EPostcardOpenCheckAttas:
   158             {
   159             if( !CheckAttasL( ) )
   160             	{ // If there was error, this has been completed already
   161 	            ToState( EPostcardOpenHandleImage );            		
   162             	}
   163             else
   164                 {
   165                 iLaunchState = EPostcardOpenError;
   166                 }
   167             break;
   168             }
   169         case EPostcardOpenHandleImage:
   170             {
   171             DoHandleImageL( );
   172             break;
   173             }
   174         case EPostcardOpenProcessImage:
   175             {
   176             DoStartProcessImageL( );
   177             break;
   178             }
   179         case EPostcardOpenHandleText:
   180             {
   181             DoHandleTextL( );
   182             break;
   183             }
   184         case EPostcardOpenHandleRecipient:
   185             {
   186             DoHandleRecipientL( );
   187             ToState( EPostcardOpenFinished );
   188             break;
   189             }
   190         case EPostcardOpenFinished:
   191             {
   192             UnInitL( );
   193             iObserver.PostcardOperationEvent(
   194                 EPostcardOperationOpen,
   195                 EPostcardOperationComplete ); 
   196             break;
   197             }
   198         default:
   199             UnInitL( );
   200             iObserver.PostcardOperationEvent(
   201                 EPostcardOperationOpen,
   202                 EPostcardOperationError ); 
   203             break;
   204         }
   205     }
   207 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   208 // DoHandleL
   209 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   210 void CPostcardOperationOpen::DoHandleImageL( )
   211     {
   212     if ( iImage != 0 )
   213         {
   214         if( iDocument.MessageType( ) == EPostcardSendAs )
   215         	{ // SendAs -> Lets see what's inside
   216 			RFile imageFile = iManager->GetAttachmentFileL( iImage );
   217             CleanupClosePushL( imageFile );
   218 			iImageInfo = iDocument.MediaResolver()->CreateMediaInfoL( imageFile );
   219 			iDocument.MediaResolver()->ParseInfoDetailsL( iImageInfo, imageFile );
   221             // Lets first check if the file seems to be ok for inserting
   222             if( iImageInfo->Protection( ) )
   223                 {
   224                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &imageFile ); // imageFile
   226 				return;
   227                 }
   228             if( iImageInfo->Corrupt( ) )
   229 		        {
   230 		        // Corrupt is set to only supported media types
   231                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &imageFile ); // imageFile
   232 				ToErrorState( R_POSTCARD_OBJECT_CORRUPTED );
   233 				return;
   234 		        }
   235 		    else if ( !iDocument.IsImage( iImageInfo->MimeType( ) ) )
   236 		        {
   237                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &imageFile ); // imageFile
   239 				return;
   240 		        }
   241 		    else if ( iImageInfo->MediaType() != EMsgMediaImage )
   242 		        {
   243                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &imageFile ); // imageFile
   245 				return;
   246 		        }
   247 		    else if ( static_cast<CMsgImageInfo*>(iImageInfo)->IsAnimation( ) )
   248 		        {
   249                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &imageFile ); // imageFile
   251 				return;
   252 		        }
   254 			TSize dimensions = static_cast<CMsgImageInfo*>(iImageInfo)->Dimensions( );
   255 			TInt imageWidth = dimensions.iWidth>dimensions.iHeight?dimensions.iWidth:dimensions.iHeight;
   256 			TInt imageHeight = dimensions.iWidth>dimensions.iHeight?dimensions.iHeight:dimensions.iWidth;
   258             TSize maxSize = iDocument.MaxImageDimensions( );
   260             // OK, it seems to be pretty ok, now lets see what we can do
   261             if( ( 	iImageInfo->MimeType( ).CompareF( KMsgMimeImagePng ) == 0 ) 
   262             	||  ( 		( imageWidth > maxSize.iWidth || imageHeight > maxSize.iHeight ) 
   263             			&&	iImageInfo->FileSize( ) > iDocument.MaxImageSize( ) ) )
   264                 { // This is PNG or it's a too wide JPEG file
   265 			    iEditFile = new ( ELeave ) RFile;
   266 			    CMsvAttachment* attachment = CMsvAttachment::NewL( CMsvAttachment::EMsvFile );
   267     			CleanupStack::PushL( attachment );
   268 			    attachment->SetAttachmentNameL( KPostcardFilenameScaled );
   269 		        iManager->CreateAttachmentL( KPostcardFilenameScaled, *iEditFile, attachment, iStatus );
   270                 iFlags |= EPostcardOpenRequestActive;                
   271 		        CleanupStack::Pop( attachment );    // attachment
   272 			    iEditAtta = attachment;
   273 				iLaunchState = EPostcardOpenProcessImage;	
   274 				SetActive();                
   275                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &imageFile ); // imagefile
   276                 return;
   277                 }
   278 			else if( iImageInfo->FileSize( ) > iDocument.MaxImageSize( ) )
   279 		    	{ // Image is too big, but not too wide -> create empty attachment for now
   280 			    iEditFile = new ( ELeave ) RFile;
   281 			    CMsvAttachment* attachment = CMsvAttachment::NewL( CMsvAttachment::EMsvFile );
   282     			CleanupStack::PushL( attachment );
   283 			    attachment->SetAttachmentNameL( KPostcardFilenameCompressed );
   284 		        iManager->CreateAttachmentL( KPostcardFilenameCompressed, *iEditFile, attachment, iStatus );
   285                 iFlags |= EPostcardOpenRequestActive;
   286 		        CleanupStack::Pop( attachment );    // attachment
   287 			    iEditAtta = attachment;
   288 				iLaunchState = EPostcardOpenProcessImage;	
   289 				SetActive();	        
   290                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &imageFile ); // imagefile
   291                 return;
   292 				}
   293 			else
   294 			    { // OK, the file is ok, we just need to update the MsvHeaders
   295 			    DoUpdateSendasAttachmentL( iImageInfo->MimeType( ) );
   296 			    }
   297             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ); // imagefile
   298         	}
   299         // Either this is not sendas or the image did not need conversion or compression
   300 		RFile imageFile = iManager->GetAttachmentFileL( iImage );
   301         CleanupClosePushL( imageFile );
   303         // Scale image to bitmap to be drawn on the screen
   304         iSourceImage = IHLImageFactory::OpenFileImageL( imageFile );
   305         iDestinationBitmap = IHLBitmap::CreateL();        
   306         iImageHandler = IHLViewerFactory::CreateImageViewerL( PostcardLaf::Image( ).Size( ), 
   307                                                         *iSourceImage, 
   308                                                         *iDestinationBitmap, 
   309                                                         *this, 
   310                                                         TUint32( 0 ) );
   311         User::LeaveIfError( iImageHandler->SetSourceRectPosition( TPoint( 0, 0 ) ) );
   313 	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &imageFile );   // imageFile
   314         }
   315     else
   316         {
   317         ToState( EPostcardOpenHandleText );
   318         }
   319     }
   321 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   322 // DoStartProcessImageL
   323 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   324 void CPostcardOperationOpen::DoStartProcessImageL( )
   325 	{
   326 	RFile sourceFile = iManager->GetAttachmentFileL( iImage );
   327 	CleanupClosePushL( sourceFile );	
   328 	if( !iImageProcessor )
   329 	    {
   330         iImageProcessor = new (ELeave) CUniImageProcessor( this );	    
   331 	    }
   332 	TSize maxDimensions = iDocument.MaxImageDimensions( );
   334 	TSize origDimensions = static_cast<CMsgImageInfo*>(iImageInfo)->Dimensions( );
   336 	if( origDimensions.iWidth < origDimensions.iHeight )
   337 		{ // It's portrait so swap max dimensions
   338 		origDimensions = maxDimensions;
   339 		maxDimensions.iWidth = origDimensions.iHeight;
   340 		maxDimensions.iHeight = origDimensions.iWidth;
   341 		}
   343     iImageProcessor->ProcessImageL( 	sourceFile, 
   344     									*iEditFile, 
   345     									maxDimensions,
   346     									KMsgMimeImageJpeg, 
   347     									ETrue,
   348     									iDocument.MaxImageSize( ) );
   349     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // sourceFile
   350 	}
   352 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   353 // DoUpdateSendasAttachmentL
   354 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   355 void CPostcardOperationOpen::DoUpdateSendasAttachmentL( const TDataType& aMimeType )
   356     {
   357 	CMsvMimeHeaders* headers = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewLC( );
   358 	if( aMimeType.Des8( ).CompareF( KMsgMimeImageGif ) == 0  )
   359 	    { // Image is gif
   360     	headers->SetContentLocationL( KPostcardFilenameNoOpGif);
   361 	    }
   362 	else
   363 	    {
   364     	headers->SetContentLocationL( KPostcardFilenameNoOp );		    	    
   365 	    }
   366 	headers->SetContentTypeL( aMimeType.Des8( ) );
   368     // As this function is called only when in SendAs
   369     // there's certainly just one attachment so we index it directly
   370     CMsvAttachment* attachment = iManager->GetAttachmentInfoL( 0 );
   371     CleanupStack::PushL( attachment );
   372 	headers->StoreL( *attachment );
   373     attachment->SetMimeTypeL( aMimeType.Des8( ) );
   374     iStore->AttachmentManagerExtensionsL( ).ModifyAttachmentInfoL( attachment );
   375     CleanupStack::Pop( attachment );
   377 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( headers ); 
   379 	iStore->Commit( );
   380     // Lets check again (to get right AttachmentIds)
   381 	CheckAttasL( );        
   382     }
   384 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   385 // ImageProcessingReady
   386 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   387 void CPostcardOperationOpen::ImageProcessingReady( TSize aBitmapSize, TInt aFileSize, TBool /*aCompressed*/ )
   388 	{
   389     if( iEditFile )
   390         {
   391         iEditFile->Close();
   392         delete iEditFile;
   393         iEditFile = NULL;            
   394         }
   396 	TBool imageFits = EFalse;
   397 	TSize maxDimensions = iDocument.MaxImageDimensions( );
   398 	if( aBitmapSize.iWidth <= maxDimensions.iWidth && 
   399 		aBitmapSize.iHeight <= maxDimensions.iHeight )
   400 		{
   401 		imageFits = ETrue;
   402 		}
   403 	else if( aBitmapSize.iWidth <= maxDimensions.iHeight && 
   404 		aBitmapSize.iHeight <= maxDimensions.iWidth )
   405 		{
   406 		imageFits = ETrue;
   407 		}
   409 	if( !imageFits || aFileSize > iDocument.MaxImageSize( ) )
   410 		{ // The process was not successful
   412 		return;
   413 		}
   415     // Call this to start scaling to screen (deletes the previous image etc..)
   416     TRAPD( err, StartScalingToScreenL( ) );
   417     if( err )
   418         {
   419         ToErrorState( R_POSTCARD_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED );
   420         }
   421 	}
   423 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   424 // StartScalingToScreenL
   425 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   426 void CPostcardOperationOpen::StartScalingToScreenL( )
   427     {
   428     TInt oldImage =  TMsvIdToIndexL( iImage );
   429     iStore->AttachmentManagerExtensionsL( ).RemoveAttachmentL( oldImage );
   430 	iStore->Commit( );
   432     DoUpdateSendasAttachmentL( iImageInfo->MimeType( ) );
   434     // Lets add headers
   435 	RFile imageFile = iManager->GetAttachmentFileL( iImage );
   436 	CleanupClosePushL( imageFile );
   438     iSourceImage = IHLImageFactory::OpenFileImageL( imageFile );
   439     iDestinationBitmap = IHLBitmap::CreateL();
   441     iImageHandler = IHLViewerFactory::CreateImageViewerL( PostcardLaf::Image( ).Size( ), 
   442                                                     *iSourceImage, 
   443                                                     *iDestinationBitmap, 
   444                                                     *this, 
   445                                                     TUint32( 0 ) );
   446     User::LeaveIfError( iImageHandler->SetSourceRectPosition( TPoint( 0, 0 ) ) );
   448     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &imageFile ); // imageFile
   449     }
   451 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   452 // ViewerBitmapChangedL
   453 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   454 void CPostcardOperationOpen::ViewerBitmapChangedL()
   455     {
   456     CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   457     CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
   458     bitmap->Duplicate( iDestinationBitmap->Bitmap().Handle( ) );
   460     if ( iDestinationBitmap->HasMask() )
   461         {
   462         mask = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   463         mask->Duplicate( iDestinationBitmap->Mask().Handle( ) );
   464         }
   466     delete iDestinationBitmap;
   467     iDestinationBitmap = NULL;
   469     delete iSourceImage;
   470     iSourceImage = NULL;
   472     delete iImageHandler;
   473     iImageHandler = NULL;
   475     iLaunchState = EPostcardOpenHandleText;
   477     CGulIcon* icon = NULL;
   478     TRAPD( err, icon = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, mask ) );
   480     if( err )
   481         { // Lets nullify it if there was an error
   482         icon = NULL;
   483         }
   485 	iAppUi.SetImage( icon );
   487 	CompleteSelf( KErrNone );        
   489     }
   491 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   492 // ViewerError
   493 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   494 void CPostcardOperationOpen::ViewerError( TInt /*aError*/ )
   495     {
   497     }
   499 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   500 // DoHandleTextL
   501 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   502 void CPostcardOperationOpen::DoHandleTextL( )
   503     {
   504 /*    if ( iText != 0 )
   505         { // Lets externalize the text itself
   506         RFile file = iManager->GetAttachmentFileL( iText );
   508 		CMmsTextInfo* info = static_cast<CMmsTextInfo*>(iDocument.MediaResolver()->ResolveFileTransferInfoL( file ));
   509 		CleanupStack::PushL( info );
   510         TUint attaCharset = info->CharacterSet();
   511         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( info );
   512         RFileReadStream input_stream( file );
   514         CPlainText::TImportExportParam param;
   515         param.iForeignEncoding = attaCharset; //charconvCharsetID;
   516         param.iOrganisation = CPlainText::EOrganiseByParagraph; 
   517         CPlainText::TImportExportResult result;
   518         TRAPD( error, text->ImportTextL( 0, input_stream, param, result) );
   519         input_stream.Close( );
   520         file.Close( );
   521         }
   522 */
   524     TPostcardMsgType type = iDocument.MessageType( );
   525     if( iText > 0 && type == EPostcardSendAs )
   526         { // If type is SendAs and file is from Phonebook -> Handle this case first
   527         CMsvAttachment* atta = iManager->GetAttachmentInfoL( iText );
   528         CleanupStack::PushL( atta );
   529         if( atta->AttachmentName( ).Find( _L("X-Nokia-PhonebookId_") ) != -1  )
   530             {
   531             // All right, it was from Phonebook
   532             RFile file = iManager->GetAttachmentFileL( iText );
   533             CleanupClosePushL( file );
   535             CPostcardContact* contact = CPostcardContact::NewL( iFs );
   536             CleanupStack::PushL( contact );
   537             contact->FetchContactL( file );
   538             DoHandlePhonebookSendAsL( *contact );
   539             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, atta ); // contact, file, atta
   541 			ToState( EPostcardOpenFinished );
   542 			return;                     
   543             }
   544         // Ok, it was not from Phonebook, so lets continue normally..
   545         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( atta );
   546         }
   548     CPlainText* text = CPlainText::NewL( CEditableText::ESegmentedStorage, KPostcardDefaultGreetingSegment );
   549     CleanupStack::PushL( text );
   551     if ( iText > 0 )
   552         { // Lets externalize the text itself
   553         RFile file = iManager->GetAttachmentFileL( iText );
   554         CleanupClosePushL( file );
   556         CMsvAttachment* atta = iManager->GetAttachmentInfoL( iText );
   557         CleanupStack::PushL( atta );
   559         CMsvMimeHeaders* msvMime = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewLC();
   560         msvMime->RestoreL( *atta );
   562         TUint attaCharset = msvMime->MimeCharset( ); // only charset needed
   564         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, atta ); // mime, atta
   566         if( attaCharset == 0 )
   567             {
   568             //assume US-ASCII - mandated by RFC 2046
   569             attaCharset = KMmsUsAscii;
   570             }
   572         TUint finalCharset = iDocument.TextUtils()->MibIdToCharconvIdL( attaCharset );
   574         RFileReadStream input_stream( file );
   576         CPlainText::TImportExportParam param;
   577         param.iForeignEncoding = finalCharset;
   578         param.iOrganisation = CPlainText::EOrganiseByParagraph; 
   579         CPlainText::TImportExportResult result;
   580         TRAP_IGNORE( text->ImportTextL( 0, input_stream, param, result) );
   581         input_stream.Close( );
   582         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file ); // file
   583         }
   585     if( type == EPostcardSendAs )
   586         {
   587         // Otherwise there's no text or text is just text
   588 	    CleanupStack::Pop( text ); 
   589 	    iAppUi.SetTextL( *text ); // AppUI takes the ownership        		
   590 		ToState( EPostcardOpenHandleRecipient );
   591 	    return;
   592         }
   593 	else if( 	type == EPostcardForward || 
   594         		type == EPostcardEdit || 
   595         		type == EPostcardSent ||
   596         		type == EPostcardDraft )
   597         {
   598         // The recipient might be added into the greeting text only when the entry
   599         // is opened from Sent folder or is forwarded or edited
   600         if( iSpecialFormat.Length( ) > 0 && text->DocumentLength( ) > 0 && iRecipient == 0 )
   601 			{ // if special send format is defined and there's no separate recipient attachment
   602 		    TPtrC16 textBuf ( text->Read( 0 ) );
   603             if( textBuf.Find( iSeparatorChar ) != KErrNotFound )
   604                 { 	// There are separators -> this msg has been sent
   605 					// lets dig the recipient info from the text
   606 			    DoHandleSpecialFormatOpenL( *text );
   607 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
   608     			ToState( EPostcardOpenFinished );
   609 				return;         
   610                 }
   611             else
   612                 {
   613                 // There are no separators -> we can normally continue
   614                 // and use "text" as the real greeting text
   615                 }
   616 			}
   617         }
   618     CleanupStack::Pop( text ); 
   619     iAppUi.SetTextL( *text ); // AppUI takes the ownership
   620     ToState( EPostcardOpenHandleRecipient );
   621     }
   623 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   624 // DoHandleRecipientL
   625 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   626 void CPostcardOperationOpen::DoHandleRecipientL( )
   627     {
   628     CContactCard* card = CContactCard::NewLC();
   630     if( iRecipient != 0 )
   631         {
   632         TPostcardMsgType type = iDocument.MessageType( );
   634         if( type == EPostcardForward )
   635             { // We are opening a forward entry -> delete VCard
   636             TInt oldImage = TMsvIdToIndexL( iRecipient );
   637             iStore->AttachmentManagerExtensionsL( ).RemoveAttachmentL( oldImage );
   638             iCommit = ETrue;    		
   639             }
   640         else
   641             {
   642             ParseRecipientL( *card );
   643             }
   644         }
   645     CleanupStack::Pop( card );
   646 	iAppUi.SetRecipientL( *card ); //ownership moves..    the function does not leave before card is set as a member
   647     }
   649 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   650 // CPostcardOperationOpen::ParseRecipientL
   651 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   652 void CPostcardOperationOpen::ParseRecipientL( CContactCard& aContactCard )
   653     {
   654     RFile file = iManager->GetAttachmentFileL( iRecipient );
   655     CleanupClosePushL( file );
   657     CParserVCard* parser = CParserVCard::NewL();
   658     CleanupStack::PushL(parser);
   660     RFileReadStream vCardStream( file );
   661     vCardStream.PushL();
   662     MStreamBuf* buf = vCardStream.Source();
   663     if( !buf )
   664         {
   665         User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
   666         }
   668     parser->InternalizeL(vCardStream);
   670     vCardStream.Close();
   671     vCardStream.Pop();
   673     // Does not take ownership
   674     CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* arr = parser->ArrayOfProperties(EFalse);
   675     for( TInt a = 0; a < arr->Count( ); a++ )
   676         {
   677         CParserProperty* prop = arr->At( a );
   678         TPtrC8 propName = prop->Name();
   679         CParserPropertyValue *propValue = prop->Value();
   680         if( propValue )
   681             {
   682             if( propValue->Uid().iUid == KVersitPropertyCDesCArrayUid )
   683                 {
   684                 CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray* arrayProperty = 
   685 			        reinterpret_cast<CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray*>( propValue );
   686                 CDesCArray* values = arrayProperty->Value();
   687                 if( propName.Compare( KPostcardVCardName ) == 0 )
   688                     {
   689                     TPostcardUtils::AddContactFieldL( aContactCard,
   690                         TPostcardUtils::ContactItemNameFromId( EPostcardAddressName ),
   691                         values->MdcaPoint( 0 ) );
   692                     }
   693                 else if( propName.Compare( KPostcardVCardAddr ) == 0 )
   694                     {
   695                     // This is the order items are read from the VCard store
   696                     static const TInt indexToId[] =
   697                         {
   698                         0, // PO Box in the array will be ignored
   699                         EPostcardAddressInfo, EPostcardAddressStreet,
   700                         EPostcardAddressCity, EPostcardAddressState,
   701                         EPostcardAddressZip, EPostcardAddressCountry
   702                         };
   703                     const TInt KNumIds =
   704                         sizeof( indexToId ) / sizeof( indexToId[0] );
   705                     TPostcardMsgType type = iDocument.MessageType();
   706                     // Skip PO Box at beginning of the array
   707                     for (TInt i = 1; i < values->Count() && i < KNumIds; i++)
   708                         {
   709                         TPtrC value = values->MdcaPoint(i);
   710                         // If viewing a sent postcard, all available fields are
   711                         // initialized. Otherwise the field is initialized if
   712                         // it's visible in address dialog (max. length is not zero).
   713                         if( value.Length() &&
   714                           ( type == EPostcardSent || iAppUi.MaxTextLength( indexToId[i] ) ) )
   715                             {
   716                             TPostcardUtils::AddContactFieldL( aContactCard,
   717                                 TPostcardUtils::ContactItemNameFromId( indexToId[i] ),
   718                                 value );
   719                             }
   720                         }
   721                     }
   722                 }
   723             else if( propValue->Uid().iUid == KVersitPropertyHBufCUid )
   724                 {
   725                 // Postcard before S60 3.2 release used FN (full name) property.
   726                 // Since 3.2, N property is used
   727                 if( propName.Compare( KPostcardVCardNameFN ) == 0 )
   728                     {
   729                     TPostcardUtils::AddContactFieldL( aContactCard,
   730                         TPostcardUtils::ContactItemNameFromId( EPostcardAddressName ),
   731                         static_cast<CParserPropertyValueHBufC*>( propValue )->Value() );
   732                     }
   733                 }
   734             }
   735         }
   736     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &file ); // file, parser
   737     }
   739 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   740 // CPostcardOperationOpen::ConstructL
   741 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   742 void CPostcardOperationOpen::ConstructL( )
   743     {
   744     }
   746 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   747 // CPostcardOperationOpen::DoCancel
   748 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   749 void CPostcardOperationOpen::DoCancel( )
   750     {
   751     if( iManager )
   752         {
   753         if( iFlags & EPostcardOpenRequestActive )
   754             {
   755             iManager->CancelRequest();        
   756             }
   757         }
   758     }
   760 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   761 // CPostcardOperationOpen::RunL
   762 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   763 void CPostcardOperationOpen::RunL( )
   764     {
   765     DoLaunchStepL( );
   766     }
   768 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   769 // RunError
   770 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   771 TInt CPostcardOperationOpen::RunError( TInt aError )
   772     {
   773     iLaunchState = -1;
   774     SetError( aError );
   775     iObserver.PostcardOperationEvent(
   776         EPostcardOperationOpen,
   777         EPostcardOperationError );     
   778     return KErrNone;
   779     }
   781 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   782 // CPostcardOperationOpen::DoHandlePhonebookSendAsL
   783 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   784 void CPostcardOperationOpen::DoHandlePhonebookSendAsL( CPostcardContact& aContact )
   785     {
   786     CPostcardRecipientWrapper* recWrapper = 
   787         CPostcardRecipientWrapper::NewL( iDocument, iAppUi, aContact );
   788     CleanupStack::PushL( recWrapper );
   790     // First remove wait note so that the dialog can be shown
   791     iAppUi.RemoveWaitNote( );
   793     // Location asking is done in recipientWrapper
   794     CPostcardContact::TLocation location;
   795     TBool hasLocation = recWrapper->AskLocationL( location );
   796     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( recWrapper );
   798     iAppUi.ShowWaitNoteL( R_POSTCARD_WAIT_OPENING, EFalse );
   800     if ( !hasLocation )
   801         {
   802         // Contact not found or cancel selected..
   803         CContactCard* card = CContactCard::NewL();
   804         // Ownership moves..
   805         // The function does not leave before card is set as a member
   806 	    iAppUi.SetRecipientL( *card );
   807         CPlainText* emptyText = CPlainText::NewL(
   808             CEditableText::ESegmentedStorage, KPostcardDefaultGreetingSegment );
   809         // Ownership moves..
   810         // The function does not leave before card is set as a member
   811     	iAppUi.SetTextL( *emptyText );
   812         }
   813     else
   814         {
   815         // Otherwise location now tells the chosen location
   817         CContactCard* card = CContactCard::NewLC();
   818         UpdateContactCardL( *card, aContact, location );
   820         CleanupStack::Pop( card ); // card
   821         // Ownership moves..
   822         // The function does not leave before card is set as a member
   823 	    iAppUi.SetRecipientL( *card );
   824 	    iDocument.SetChanged( EPostcardRecipient );
   825 	    iCommit = ETrue; // Remove the original atta way as it's just a phonebook atta
   826         MMsvAttachmentManagerSync& managerSync = iStore->AttachmentManagerExtensionsL();
   827 	    TInt textIndex = TMsvIdToIndexL( iText );
   828         managerSync.RemoveAttachmentL( textIndex );
   829         iText = 0;
   830         CPlainText* emptyText = CPlainText::NewL(
   831             CEditableText::ESegmentedStorage, KPostcardDefaultGreetingSegment );
   832         // Ownership moves..
   833         // The function does not leave before card is set as a member
   834 	    iAppUi.SetTextL( *emptyText );
   835         }
   836     }
   838 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   839 // CPostcardOperationOpen::UpdateContactCardL
   840 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   841 void CPostcardOperationOpen::UpdateContactCardL( CContactCard& aCard,
   842     CPostcardContact& aContact, CPostcardContact::TLocation aLocation )
   843     {
   845     // Get contact name, combined last and first name
   846     HBufC* contactName = aContact.GetNameLC();
   847     if ( contactName->Length() )
   848         {
   849         // Create a new CContactCard field
   850         AddContactCardFieldL( aCard, *contactName, EPostcardAddressName );
   851         }
   852    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contactName ); // contactName
   854     // Handle rest of the address fields
   855     for( TInt i = EPostcardAddressInfo; i <= EPostcardAddressCountry; i++)
   856         {
   857         // Initialize address field only if it's visible to user
   858         // (max. length is not zero)
   859         if ( iAppUi.MaxTextLength( i ) )
   860             {
   861             HBufC* fieldText = aContact.GetAddressFieldLC( aLocation,
   862                 CPostcardContact::ControlIdToAddrField( i ) );
   863             if ( fieldText->Length() )
   864                 {
   865                 // Create a new CContactCard field
   866                 AddContactCardFieldL( aCard, *fieldText, i );
   867                 }
   868             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fieldText ); // fieldText
   869             }
   870         }
   871     }
   873 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   874 // CPostcardOperationOpen::AddContactCardFieldL
   875 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   876 void CPostcardOperationOpen::AddContactCardFieldL( CContactCard& aCard,
   877     const TPtrC& aText, TInt aFieldSelect )
   878     {
   879     TPostcardUtils::AddContactFieldL(aCard,
   880         TPostcardUtils::ContactItemNameFromId( aFieldSelect ),
   881         aText);
   882     }
   884 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   885 // CPostcardOperationOpen::ParseSpecialFormatTextL
   886 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   887 void CPostcardOperationOpen::ParseSpecialFormatTextL( CPlainText& aText,
   888     CContactCard& aCard, CPlainText& aGreeting )
   889     {
   890     TPtrC format( iSpecialFormat );
   891     TPtrC srcText( aText.Read( 0 , aText.DocumentLength() ) );
   893     const TInt KTagLen = 3;
   895     // Find tags from format and parse source text accordingly
   896     TInt tag;
   897     TInt position = TPostcardUtils::NextTag( format, tag );
   898     // Eat prefix and tag from format. Assume the format has at least one tag.
   899     format.Set( format.Right( format.Length() - position - KTagLen ) );
   900     // Eat prefix from source text
   901     srcText.Set( srcText.Right( srcText.Length() - position ) );
   902     while( position != KErrNotFound )
   903         {
   904         TInt newTag;
   905         position = TPostcardUtils::NextTag( format, newTag );
   906         TPtrC text;
   907         if ( position != KErrNotFound )
   908             {
   909             // Separator string from previous tag to this one. This cannot
   910             // be empty, otherwise text fields cannot be separated from each other.
   911             TPtrC separator( format.Left( position ) );
   912             TInt separatorPos = srcText.Find( separator );
   913             TInt srcLen = srcText.Length() - position - separatorPos;
   914             if ( separatorPos == KErrNotFound || srcLen < 0 )
   915                 {
   916                 // Unexpected. Cannot parse.
   917                 return;
   918                 }
   919             text.Set( srcText.Left( separatorPos ) );
   920             // Eat separator and tag from format
   921             format.Set( format.Right( format.Length() - position - KTagLen ) );
   922             // Eat text and separator from source
   923             srcText.Set( srcText.Right( srcLen ) );
   924             }
   925         else
   926             {
   927             // No new tags. Text is source string minus postfix
   928             text.Set( srcText.Left( srcText.Length() - format.Length() ) );
   929             }
   930         if ( text.Length() )
   931             {
   932             if ( tag == 0 )
   933                 {
   934                 aGreeting.InsertL( 0, text );
   935                 }
   936             else
   937                 {
   938                 if ( iDocument.MessageType() != EPostcardForward )
   939                     { // Add the fields only when not in Forward mode
   940                     TPostcardUtils::AddContactFieldL(aCard,
   941                         TPostcardUtils::ContactItemNameFromTag( tag ),
   942                         text);
   943                     }
   944                 }
   945             }
   946         tag = newTag;
   947         }
   948     }
   950 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   951 // CPostcardOperationOpen::DoHandleSpecialFormatOpenL
   952 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   953 void CPostcardOperationOpen::DoHandleSpecialFormatOpenL( CPlainText& aText )
   954     {
   955     CContactCard* newCard = CContactCard::NewLC(); // New ContactCard
   956     CPlainText* newText = CPlainText::NewL( CEditableText::ESegmentedStorage, KPostcardDefaultGreetingSegment ); // New PlainText for greeting text
   957     CleanupStack::PushL( newText );
   959     ParseSpecialFormatTextL( aText, *newCard, *newText );
   961     CleanupStack::Pop(); // newText
   962     iAppUi.SetTextL( *newText ); // AppUI takes the ownership
   963     CleanupStack::Pop(); // newCard
   964     iAppUi.SetRecipientL( *newCard );
   965     }
   967 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   968 // CPostcardOperationOpen::ToState
   969 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   970 void CPostcardOperationOpen::ToState( TPostcardOpenState aState )
   971     {
   972     iLaunchState = aState;
   973     CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
   974     }
   976 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   977 // CPostcardOperationOpen::ToErrorState
   978 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   979 void CPostcardOperationOpen::ToErrorState( TInt aResourceId )
   980     {
   981     SetError( aResourceId );
   982     iLaunchState = EPostcardOpenError;
   983     CompleteSelf( KErrCancel );
   984     }
   986 // EOF