changeset 27 7fdbb852d323
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26:ebe688cedc25 27:7fdbb852d323
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Message container class for mail editor / viewer
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #ifndef CMAILMESSAGE_H
    21 #define CMAILMESSAGE_H
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include <msvstd.h>
    25 #include <cmsvattachment.h>
    27 // DATA TYPES
    30 class CMsvEntry;
    31 class CImHeader;
    32 class CImEmailMessage;
    33 class CRichText;
    34 class CParaFormatLayer;
    35 class CCharFormatLayer;
    36 class MMessageLoadObserver;
    37 class MMsvAttachmentManager;
    38 class TMsvEmailEntry;
    39 class CMsvSession;
    40 class CMsvAttachment;
    41 class RFile;
    42 class CMuiuOperationWait;
    43 class CImMimeHeader;
    46 /**
    47 *  Internal helper class for linked html files.
    48 */
    49 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CLinkedHtmlItem): public CBase
    50     {
    51     public:
    52     inline CLinkedHtmlItem(const TDesC& aURI, TMsvAttachmentId aLinkedfileId )
    53         {
    54         delete iUriAddress;
    55         iUriAddress = NULL;
    56         iUriAddress = aURI.AllocL();
    57         iLinkedItemId = aLinkedfileId;
    58         };
    59     inline ~CLinkedHtmlItem()
    60         {
    61         delete iUriAddress;
    62         };
    63     public: // Data
    64         HBufC*      iUriAddress;
    65         TMsvAttachmentId      iLinkedItemId;
    66     };
    68 /**
    69 *  Mail message.
    70 *  Mail message container
    71 *
    72 *  @lib MsgMailUtils.dll
    73 *  @since Series 60 3.0
    74 */
    75 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMailMessage) : public CActive
    76     {
    77     public:  // Load state
    78         enum TLoadState
    79             {
    80             EHeaderReady = 0,
    81             EBodyTextReady,
    82             EAttachmentsReady,
    83             EAttachedMessagesReady,
    84             ELinkedFileReady,
    85             ELoadEnd
    86             };
    87     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    88         /**
    89         * Two-phased constructor.
    90         * @param aEntry CMsvEntry that contais mail message.
    91         */
    92         IMPORT_C static CMailMessage* NewL(CMsvEntry& aEntry);
    94         /**
    95         * Destructor.
    96         */
    97         virtual ~CMailMessage();
    99     public: // New functions
   101         /**
   102         * Start Message loading.
   103         * @since Series 60 3.0
   104         * @param aMessageObserver loading observer
   105         */
   106         IMPORT_C void LoadMessageL(
   107             MMessageLoadObserver& aMessageObserver);
   109         /**
   110         * Start loading linked HtmlContent
   111         * @param aBase
   112         * @param aURI
   113         * Observer from LoadMessageL is Notified "ELinkedFileReady"
   114         * when file loaded.
   115         * *DEPRECATED*
   116         */
   117         IMPORT_C void LoadLinkedHtmlContentL(
   118         	const TDesC& aBase, const TDesC& aURI);
   120         /**
   121         * inline MessageHeader.
   122         * @since Series 60 3.0
   123         * @return pointer to message body text. Ownership not transferred.
   124         */
   125         CImHeader* MessageHeader();
   127         /**
   128         * HtmlCharsetIdL.
   129         * @since Series 60 3.1
   130         * @return character set id of message html part.
   131         */
   132         IMPORT_C TUint HtmlCharsetIdL();
   134         /**
   135         * CharsetIdL.
   136         * @since Series 60 3.0
   137         * @return character set id.
   138         */
   139         IMPORT_C TUint CharsetIdL();
   141         /**
   142         * ConvertToCharsetL.
   143         * @since Series 60 3.0
   144         * @param character set id.
   145         */
   146         IMPORT_C void ConvertToCharsetL(TUint aCharsetId);
   148         /**
   149         * inline MessageBody.
   150         * @since Series 60 3.0
   151         * @return pointer to message body text. Ownership not transferred.
   152         */
   153         CRichText* MessageBody();
   155         /**
   156         * AttachmentManager.
   157         * @since Series 60 3.0
   158         * @return attachment manager
   159         */
   160         IMPORT_C MMsvAttachmentManager& AttachmentManager() const;
   162 		/**
   163 		* LoadAttachments
   164 		* @param aObserver load observer.
   165 		* client will be notified trought aObserver when loading is done.
   166 		*/
   167 		IMPORT_C void LoadAttachmentsL(MMessageLoadObserver& aObserver);
   169 		/**
   170 		* LoadAttachedMessagesL
   171 		* @param aObserver load observer.
   172 		* client will be notified trought aObserver when loading is done.
   173 		*/
   174 		IMPORT_C void LoadAttachedMessagesL(MMessageLoadObserver& aObserver);
   176 		/**
   177 		* LoadHtmlContentL
   178 		* @param aObserver load observer.
   179 		* client will be notified trought aObserver when loading is done.
   180 		*/
   181 		IMPORT_C void LoadHtmlContentL(MMessageLoadObserver& aObserver);
   183         /**
   184         * LoadLinkedHtmlContentL.
   185         * @since Series 60 3.0
   186         * @param aBase. Base
   187         * @param aURI. Content to be searched.
   188         * @param aObserver load observer.
   189         * Client must call "LoadHtmlContentL" before calling this method.
   190         * Result can be read by calling "LinkedHtmlContent"
   191         * when observer is notified.
   192         */
   193         IMPORT_C void LoadLinkedHtmlContentL(
   194             const TDesC& aBase,
   195             const TDesC& aURI,
   196             MMessageLoadObserver& aObserver );
   198 		/**
   199 		* GetFileHandleL
   200 		* Returns file handle to attachment.
   201 		* @param aId attachment id.
   202 		* Caller must close the handle.
   203 		*/
   204         IMPORT_C RFile GetFileHandleL( TMsvAttachmentId aId );
   206         /**
   207         * Overrides the html character set
   208         */
   209         IMPORT_C void OverrideHtmlMessageCharset( TUint aCharsetId );
   211         /**
   212         * inline MessageEntry
   213         * @return message TMsvEmailEntry
   214         */
   215         TMsvEmailEntry MessageEntry();
   217         /**
   218         * inline MessageType
   219         * @return message type uid (iMtm)
   220         */
   221         TUid MessageType();
   223         /**
   224         * inline HtmlContent
   225         * @return File handle to HTML content.
   226         * Client must close the handle.
   227         */
   228         RFile HtmlContent();
   230         /**
   231         * inline LinkedHtmlContent
   232         * @return File handle to linked HTML content
   233         * Client must close the handle.
   234         */
   235         RFile LinkedHtmlContent();
   237         /**
   238         * inline Session
   239         * @return Messge server session. Ownership not transferred.
   240         */
   241         CMsvSession* Session();
   243         /**
   244         * inline Selection
   245         * @return Message selection
   246         */
   247         const CMsvEntrySelection& Selection();
   249         /**
   250         * inline LinkedHtmlId
   251         * @return Linked content id
   252         */
   253         TMsvId LinkedHtmlId();
   255         /**
   256         * inline HtmlFileId
   257         * @return Html file id
   258         */
   259         TMsvId MhtmlPartId();
   261         /**
   262         * inline SetNew
   263         * @param aNew ETrue if new message.
   264         */
   265         void SetNew( TBool aNew );
   267         /**
   268         * inline IsNew
   269         * @return ETrue if new message.
   270         */
   271         TBool IsNew() const;
   273     public: // Functions from base classes
   275     protected: // Functions from base classes
   276         // From CActive
   277         void DoCancel();
   278         void RunL();
   279         TInt RunError(TInt aError);
   281     private:  // Implementation
   282         void DoNextStateL();
   283         TUint DoGetMimeCharsetIdL( CMsvEntry& aEntry );
   284         TUint DetermineCharactersetIdFromMimeHeaderL( CMsvEntry& aEntry,
   285         									const CImMimeHeader* aMime );
   286         TBool NextStateL();
   287         void LoadBodyTextL();
   288         void LoadHTMLContentL();
   289         void LoadLinkedHTMLContentL(const TDesC& aBase, const TDesC& aURI);
   290         void LoadAttachmentsL();
   291         void LoadAttachedMessagesL();
   292         void NotifyObserverL(TInt aState);
   293         TBool IsLinkedItemL( RFile& aHandle, TMsvAttachmentId aId );
   294         void ShowErrorNoteL( TInt aError );
   295 		// cleanups the array of active scheduler waits
   296         void CleanupWaitArray();
   297     private:
   298         /**
   299         * constructor.
   300         */
   301         CMailMessage();
   303         /**
   304         * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   305         */
   306         void ConstructL(CMsvEntry& aEntry);
   308     private:    // Data
   309         TBool iNewMessage;
   310         // message id
   311         TMsvId iMessageID;
   312         // own: copy of message entry
   313         CMsvEntry* iEntry;
   314         // Own: Mail message
   315         CImEmailMessage* iMessage;
   316         // Own: Message header
   317         CImHeader* iHeader;
   318         // Own: Message Body text
   319         CRichText* iBodyText;
   320         // Own: Para & Char layer for rich text body
   321         CParaFormatLayer* iGlobalParaLayer;
   322         CCharFormatLayer* iGlobalCharLayer;
   323         // Internal loading state
   324         TInt iState;
   325         // Html file handle
   326         RFile iHtmlFile;
   327         // html id
   328         TMsvId iMhtmlPartId;
   329         // linked content id
   330         TMsvId iLinkedfileId;
   331         // Linked html file
   332         RFile iLinkedHtmlFile;
   333         // messge flags
   334         TInt iFlags;
   335         // character set id
   336         TUint iCharacterSetId;
   337         // Ref: Mail viewer app ui
   338         MMessageLoadObserver* iMessageObserver;
   339         // Own: uri address
   340         HBufC* iURI;
   341         // Own: linked html items array
   342         RPointerArray<CLinkedHtmlItem>* iLinkedHtmlItems;
   343         // Own: object which converts asynchronous -> synchronous
   344         // must be a member to handle exiting during wait properly
   345         RPointerArray<CMuiuOperationWait> iWaitArray;
   346         CMuiuOperationWait* iAsyncWait;
   347     };
   349 #include "CMailMessage.inl"
   351 #endif      // CMAILMESSAGE_H
   353 // End of File