changeset 27 7fdbb852d323
parent 0 72b543305e3a
equal deleted inserted replaced
26:ebe688cedc25 27:7fdbb852d323
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *     Sms CDMA Viewer Application UI
    16 *
    17 */
    20 // UIKON/AVKON
    21 #include <akntitle.h>                   // CAknTitlePane
    22 #include <txtrich.h>                    // Rich text ed
    23 // messaging editors
    24 #include <msgbodycontrol.h>             // CMsgBodyControl
    25 #include <eikrted.h>                    // CEikRichTextEditor
    26 #include <msgeditorview.h>              // CMsgEditorView
    27 #include <msgaddresscontrol.h>          // CMsgAddressControl
    28 #include <msgbiobodycontrol.h>          // CMsgBioBodyControl
    29 // messaging
    30 #include <smuthdr.h>
    31 #include <SmsMessageWrappers.h> 
    32 #include <MuiuMsvUiServiceUtilities.h>  // DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
    33 #include <MuiuMsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal.h>
    34 #include <AknInputBlock.h>				// CAknInputBlock
    35 // phone
    36 #include <CommonPhoneParser.h>          // Common phone number validity checker
    37 // resources
    38 #include <smsviewer.rsg>                // resouce identifiers
    39 #include <MsgEditor.mbg>                // bitmaps
    40 // local
    41 #include "msgsmsviewer.hrh"             // application specific commands
    42 #include "msgsmsviewerdoc.h"            // CMsgSmsViewerDocument
    43 #include "msgsmsviewerappui.h"          // CMsgSmsViewerAppUi
    44 // Find item
    45 #include <finditemmenu.rsg>             // find item resources
    46 #include <finditemmenu.h>               // CFindItemMenu
    47 #include <finditem.hrh>
    48 //#include <finditemdialog.h>             // CFindItemDialog
    49 // phonebook
    50 #include <CPbkContactEngine.h>          // Phonebook Engine
    51 #include <RPbkViewResourceFile.h>
    52 #include <CPbkFieldsInfo.h>             // Phonebook field types
    53 #include <CPbkDataSaveAppUi.h>          // CreateContact menu
    54 // general
    55 #include <StringLoader.h>               // StringLoader
    56 #include <FeatMgr.h>                    // FeatureManager
    57 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>	// Data Caging For Platform Security
    58 #include <akniconutils.h>				// Icon utility
    59 #include <MsgVoIPExtension.h>
    61 // variant
    62 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    63 // local
    64 #include "msgsmsviewerdoc.h"            // CMsgSmsViewerDocument
    65 #include "msgsmsviewerappui.h"          // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi
    66 #include "msgsmsviewercdmaappui.h"          // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi
    68 #include <Sendui.h>
    69 #include <CMessageData.h>               // for SendUi
    71 // Mbm-file location
    72 _LIT( KMsgEditorMbm, "MsgEditor.mbm" );
    74 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    75 // might leave.
    76 CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi()
    77     : iCallbackNumber( KNullDesC )
    78     {
    79     }
    81 // Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
    82 void CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::ConstructL()
    83     {
    84     CMsgEditorAppUi::ConstructL();
    86     // Prepare FeatureManager, read values to members
    87     FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
    88     iHelpFeatureSupported = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdHelp );
    89     iEmailFeatureSupported =  FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdEmailOverSms);
    91     // Prepare iSmsHeader
    92     CPlainText* nullString = CPlainText::NewL();
    93     CleanupStack::PushL( nullString );
    94     iSmsHeader = CSmsHeader::NewL( CSmsPDU::ESmsDeliver, *nullString );
    95     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(nullString);
    97     iSendUi = CSendUi::NewL();
    99     if( !iEikonEnv->StartedAsServerApp( ) )
   100         { // If the app was not started as server app, we can call PrepareLaunchL
   101         Document()->PrepareToLaunchL( this );
   102         }
   103     iMsgVoIPExtension = CMsgVoIPExtension::NewL();
   105     // Use CDMA Menubar
   106     MenuBar()->SetMenuTitleResourceId(R_SMSV_OPTIONSMENUBAR_CDMA);
   107     MenuBar()->SetMenuType(CEikMenuBar::EMenuOptions);
   108     }   
   110 // Destructor
   111 CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::~CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi()
   112     {
   113     FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
   114     delete iMsgVoIPExtension;
   115     }
   118 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   119 // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::LaunchViewL
   120 // (other items were commented in a header).
   121 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   122 void CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::LaunchViewL()
   123     {
   124     CAknInputBlock::NewLC();
   126     // Creating view (exits app immediately if fails)
   127     iView = CMsgEditorView::NewL( *this, CMsgEditorView::EMsgReadOnly );
   128     // get hands on entry
   129     const CMsgSmsViewerDocument* doc = Document();
   130     TMsvEntry msvEntry = doc->Entry();
   131     // Getting sender/receiver to From/To-field
   132     // (just copies the content of iDetails to To/From-field,
   133     // should work also with IR-messages...)
   134     iRecipientstring = msvEntry.iDetails;  
   136     __ASSERT_DEBUG(msvEntry.Id() != 
   137          KMsvNullIndexEntryId, Panic( EMsgSmsNoMessage ));
   140     // Instead of using Sms Mtm load the entry's values
   141     // using store. This is because Sms Viewer is also used
   142     // by bio messages and then sms mtm can't be used...
   144     CMsvStore* store = doc->CurrentEntry().ReadStoreL();
   145     CleanupStack::PushL(store);
   147     // This TRAPping is needed to find out if the entry's store has
   148     // KUidMsvSMSHeaderStream. If it hasn't, we're most propably dealing
   149     // with non sms message and we can assume it is received message.
   150     TRAPD( err, iSmsHeader->RestoreL( *store ));
   151     if (err == KErrNone)
   152         {// Yes, it is sms based message
   153         iIrBt = EFalse;
   155         // Original longish LaunchViewL-function is splitted to 3 parts;
   156         // LaunchViewL, SmsBasedMsgHandlingL & LaunchBioViewL
   157         SmsBasedMsgHandlingL( msvEntry.iBioType, store );
   158         }
   159     else
   160         {// No, this is not a sms and sms pdu can't be checked. However
   161         // this is most propably _received_ IR or BT message.
   162         iIrBt = ETrue;
   163         iControlId = EMsgComponentIdFrom;
   164         iView->AddControlFromResourceL( 
   165             R_SMSV_FROM, 
   166             EMsgAddressControl, 
   167             EMsgAppendControl, 
   168             EMsgHeader);
   169         }
   170     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store ); //store
   172     // Tests if Bio message
   173     if ( msvEntry.iBioType ) 
   174         {
   175         // Original longish LaunchViewL-function is split into 3 parts;
   176         // LaunchViewL, SmsBasedMsgHandlingL & LaunchBioViewL
   177         iFindItemMenu = CFindItemMenu::NewL( ESmsViewerFindItem );
   178         LaunchBioViewL( msvEntry );
   179         }
   181     if ( iIsFromEmail )
   182         { // Email over SMS. Use email address
   183         if (KErrNotFound != iEmailAddress.Match( iRecipientstring ))
   184             {
   185             iRecipientstring = KNullDesC;
   186             }
   187         }
   188     else // General SMS. Use sender number
   189         {
   190         if (KErrNotFound != iNumber.Match( iRecipientstring ))
   191             {
   192             iRecipientstring = KNullDesC;
   193             }
   194         }
   195     CMsgBaseControl* addressBase = iView->ControlById( iControlId );
   196     CMsgAddressControl* addressControl = static_cast<CMsgAddressControl*>( addressBase );
   197     if ( iIsFromEmail )
   198         { // Email over SMS. Use email address          
   199         addressControl->AddRecipientL( iRecipientstring, iEmailAddress, KNullContactId, ETrue );
   200         }
   201     else
   202         { // General SMS. Use sender number
   203         addressControl->AddRecipientL( iRecipientstring, iNumber, KNullContactId, ETrue );
   204         }
   206     if ( !iBioMsg )
   207         {
   208         // Read the value of automatic highlight sd-key
   209         ReadAutoHlSharedDataValueAndSetNotifyL();
   210         // Set the state of automatic highlighting for sms
   211         SetAutomaticHighlightL( iAutomaticHlValue );
   212         }
   214     // Parse the filename
   215     TParse tp;
   216     tp.Set( KMsgEditorMbm, &KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR, NULL );
   217     // Load the bitmaps
   218     CFbsBitmap *bitmap;
   219     CFbsBitmap *bitmapMask;
   220     AknIconUtils::CreateIconLC(
   221         bitmap, bitmapMask, tp.FullName(), 
   222         EMbmMsgeditorQgn_prop_folder_sms_tab1, 
   223         EMbmMsgeditorQgn_prop_folder_sms_tab1_mask);
   225     // navipane tabgroup takes ownership of the bitmaps.
   226     UpdateNaviPaneL( bitmap, bitmapMask );
   227     CleanupStack::Pop(2); // bitmap, bitmapMask
   229     // set focus
   230     iView->ExecuteL( ClientRect(), iControlId );
   232     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();// CAknInputBlock
   233     }
   236 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   237 // CMsgSmsViewerAppUi::SmsBasedMsgHandlingL
   238 // (other items were commented in a header).
   239 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   240 void CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::SmsBasedMsgHandlingL( 
   241     TInt32 aBioType, CMsvStore* aStore )
   242     {
   243     // Initialize the richtext object...
   244     CParaFormatLayer* paraFormat = iEikonEnv->SystemParaFormatLayerL(); // <- pointer only
   245     CCharFormatLayer* charFormat = iEikonEnv->SystemCharFormatLayerL(); // <- pointer only
   246     CRichText* textBody = CRichText::NewL( paraFormat, charFormat );
   247     CleanupStack::PushL( textBody );
   248     // ...and read bodytext
   249     if ( aStore != NULL )
   250         {
   251         aStore->RestoreBodyTextL( *textBody );
   252         }
   253     if ( !aBioType )
   254         {
   255         // message is ordinary sms message or Picture Message
   256         // so, let's get message body to viewer. 
   257         CMsgBaseControl* baseControl = iView->ControlById( 
   258             EMsgComponentIdBody );
   259         CMsgBodyControl* bodyControl = static_cast<CMsgBodyControl*>(baseControl);
   261         iFindItemMenu = CFindItemMenu::NewL( EFindItemMenuPlaceHolder );
   262             //the Title-pane text
   263             HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_TITLE_SMS, iCoeEnv );
   264             CAknTitlePane* title = static_cast<CAknTitlePane*> 
   265                 (StatusPane()->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle )));
   267             title->SetTextL( *text );
   268             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // text
   270             // body text
   271             bodyControl->SetTextContentL( *textBody );
   272             if ( iView->ItemFinder() )
   273                 {
   274                 iView->ItemFinder()->SetFindModeL( 
   275                     CItemFinder::EPhoneNumber |
   276                     CItemFinder::EUrlAddress |
   277                     CItemFinder::EEmailAddress );
   278                 }
   279             bodyControl->SetPlainTextMode( ETrue );
   280         }
   281     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //textBody
   283     // Deciding between To/From text in address control
   285     const CSmsPDU::TSmsPDUType pduType = iSmsHeader->Type();
   287     switch ( pduType )
   288         {
   290         case CSmsPDU::ESmsDeliver:
   292             // Setting from-control
   293             iControlId = EMsgComponentIdFrom;
   294             iView->AddControlFromResourceL( 
   295                     R_SMSV_FROM, 
   296                     EMsgAddressControl, 
   297                     EMsgAppendControl, 
   298                     EMsgHeader );
   299             ExtractCallingInfoL();
   301             break;
   303         case CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit:
   304             // Setting To-control
   305             iControlId = EMsgComponentIdTo;
   306             iView->AddControlFromResourceL( 
   307                 R_SMSV_TO, 
   308                 EMsgAddressControl, 
   309                 EMsgAppendControl, 
   310                 EMsgHeader );
   311             // take the number
   312             iNumber = iSmsHeader->FromAddress();
   314             break;
   316         default:
   317             Panic( EMsgSmsViewerUnknownSmsPduType );
   318             break;
   319         }
   320     }
   323 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   324 // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::DynInitNonBioOptionsMenuL
   325 // (other items were commented in a header).
   326 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   327 void CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::DynInitNonBioOptionsMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
   328     {
   329     if ( aMenuPane != NULL ) 
   330         {
   331         TPtrC senderNumber = KNullDesC();
   333         if ( iIsFromEmail ) // case of Email over SMS 
   334             {  
   335             senderNumber.Set( iEmailAddress );
   336             iFindItemMenu->SetSenderDescriptorType( CItemFinder::EEmailAddress );
   337             if ( iValidCallbackNumber )
   338                 {
   339                 iFindItemMenu->SetCallbackNumber ( iCallbackNumber);
   340                 }
   341             }
   342         else 
   343             {
   344             if ( iValidSenderNumber ) // if sender's number is valid, choose it first
   345                 {
   346                 senderNumber.Set( iNumber );
   347                 }
   348             if ( iValidCallbackNumber && ( ComparePhoneNumberL( iCallbackNumber, iNumber ) != 0 ) )
   349                 {
   350                 iFindItemMenu->SetCallbackNumber ( iCallbackNumber);
   351                 }
   352             }
   354         iFindItemMenu->AddItemFinderMenuL( 
   355                 IsBodyFocused() ? iView->ItemFinder() : 0,
   356                 aMenuPane, EFindItemMenuPlaceHolder,
   357                 senderNumber, 
   358                 ( iRecipientstring.Length() != 0 ));
   359         // Remove "Call back to sender" and "create cc" from menu
   360         // Find UI can handle it now.
   361         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ESmsViewerCallBack, ETrue );
   362         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ESmsViewerCreateCC, ETrue );
   364         // Remove "reply"  from menu, 
   365         // if this is a sent message
   366         if ( iControlId == EMsgComponentIdTo )
   367             {
   368             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ESmsViewerReply, ETrue );
   369             }
   371         // Help handling
   372         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknCmdHelp, !iHelpFeatureSupported );
   373         }
   374     }
   376 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   377 // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::HandleCommandL
   378 // (other items were commented in a header).
   379 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   380 void CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand )
   381     {
   382     // is it find item command
   383     if ( iFindItemMenu && iFindItemMenu->CommandIsValidL( aCommand ) && !iGms && !iBioMsg )
   384         {
   385         iFindItemMenu->HandleItemFinderCommandL( aCommand );
   386         return;
   387         }
   389     // Are we dealing with bio-message?
   390     if ( iBioMsg ) 
   391         {
   392         // let the biocontrol handle the command and check
   393         // whether it was handled.
   394         if ( aCommand==EAknCmdHelp )
   395             {
   396             LaunchHelpL();
   397             return;
   398             }
   400         if ( BioBody().HandleBioCommandL( aCommand ))
   401             {
   402             return;// Bio control has handled the command.
   403             }
   404         }
   406     // find item
   407     if ( iFindItemMenu && iFindItemMenu->CommandIsValidL( aCommand ) && ( iGms || iBioMsg ))
   408         {
   409         DoSearchL( aCommand );
   410         }
   412     switch ( aCommand )
   413         {
   414         case ESmsViewerReply:
   415             CheckDiskAndReplyForwardL( EFalse );
   416             Exit( EAknSoftkeyClose );
   417             break;
   418         case ESmsViewerForward:
   419             CheckDiskAndReplyForwardL( ETrue );
   420             Exit( EAknSoftkeyClose );
   421             break;
   422         case ESmsViewerDelete:
   423             DoFileDeleteL();
   424             break;
   425         case ESmsViewerMove:
   426             DoMoveEntryL();
   427             break;
   428         case ESmsViewerCallBack:
   429             DoCallBackToSenderL();
   430             break;
   431         case ESmsViewerCreateCCNew:
   432             // FALLTHROUGH
   433         case ESmsViewerCreateCCExisting:
   434             DoCreateContactCardL( aCommand );
   435             break;
   436         case ESmsViewerMessInfo:
   437             DoMessageInfoL();
   438             break;
   439         case EAknSoftkeyBack:
   440             Exit( EAknSoftkeyClose );
   441             break;
   442         case EEikCmdExit:
   443             // system exit
   444             DoMsgSaveExitL();
   445             break;
   446         case EAknCmdHelp:
   447             LaunchHelpL();
   448             break;
   449         default:
   450             break;
   451         }
   452     }
   454 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   455 // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::DynInitMenuPaneL
   456 // (other items were commented in a header).
   457 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   458 void CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::DynInitMenuPaneL(
   459     TInt aMenuId, 
   460     CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
   461     {
   462     // Confirm app is running properly
   463     if ( !Document()->IsLaunched())
   464         {
   465         // If not, hide everything and return
   466         TInt amountOfItems = aMenuPane->NumberOfItemsInPane();
   467         if ( amountOfItems )
   468             {
   469             aMenuPane->DeleteBetweenMenuItems( 0, amountOfItems-1 );
   470             return;
   471             }
   472         }
   474     // ...then construct the menu itself. There is two menu-resources,
   475     // one for contextmenu and one for normal optionsmenu. 
   476     switch ( aMenuId )
   477         {
   478         case R_SMSV_OPTIONSMENUPANE_CDMA: 
   479             {
   480             if ( !iBioMsg )
   481                 { // Normal sms or picture msg
   482                 DynInitNonBioOptionsMenuL( aMenuPane );
   483                 }
   484             else
   485                 { // Smart (BIO) msg
   486                 DynInitBioOptionsMenuL( aMenuId, aMenuPane );
   487                 }
   488             }
   489             break;
   490         case R_SMSV_CONTEXTMENUPANE_CDMA:
   491             {
   492             if ( !iBioMsg )
   493                 { // Normal sms or picture msg
   494                 DynInitNonBioContextMenuL( aMenuPane );
   495                 }
   496             else
   497                 { // Smart (BIO) msg
   498                 DynInitBioContextMenuL( aMenuPane );
   499                 }
   500             }                
   501             break;
   502         case R_FINDITEMMENU_MENU:
   503             {
   504             iFindItemMenu->DisplayFindItemCascadeMenuL( *aMenuPane );
   505             }
   506             break;
   507         default:
   508             if ( iBioMsg || iGms )
   509                 {// for BIO & GMS; create contact card menu
   510                 // If it's AIW sub-menu, let AIW initialize it
   511                 InitAiwContactCardSubMenuL( aMenuPane );
   512                 }
   513             else
   514                 {// for normal SMS; update the finder menu
   515                 if( iVoIPNumber && iMsgVoIPExtension->IsVoIPSupported() )
   516                     {
   517                     iFindItemMenu->SetSenderDescriptorType( CItemFinder::EEmailAddress );
   518                     }
   519                 iFindItemMenu->UpdateItemFinderMenuL( aMenuId, aMenuPane );
   520                 }
   521             break;
   522         }
   523     }
   526 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   527 // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::DynInitNonBioContextMenuL
   528 // (other items were commented in a header).
   529 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   530 void CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::DynInitNonBioContextMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
   531     {
   532     if ( aMenuPane != NULL )
   533         {
   535         TPtrC senderNumber = KNullDesC();
   536         if ( iIsFromEmail ) // SMS originating address is email address 
   537             {  
   538             senderNumber.Set( iEmailAddress );
   539             iFindItemMenu->SetSenderDescriptorType( CItemFinder::EEmailAddress );
   540             if ( iValidCallbackNumber )
   541                 {// set callback number when it is attached on the email over SMS
   542                 iFindItemMenu->SetCallbackNumber ( iCallbackNumber);
   543                 }
   544             }            
   545         else 
   546             {// SMS originating adddress is Phone number
   547             if ( iValidSenderNumber ) // if sender's number is valid, choose it first
   548                 {
   549                 senderNumber.Set( iNumber );
   550                 }
   551             if ( iValidCallbackNumber && ( ComparePhoneNumberL( iCallbackNumber, iNumber ) != 0 ) )
   552                 {// set callback number when it is valid and different from SMS originating address.
   553                 iFindItemMenu->SetCallbackNumber ( iCallbackNumber);
   554                 }
   555             }
   557         iFindItemMenu->AddItemFinderMenuL( 
   558                 IsBodyFocused() ? iView->ItemFinder() : 0,
   559                 aMenuPane, EFindItemContextMenuPlaceHolder,
   560                 senderNumber, 
   561                 ETrue, ETrue );
   563         }
   564     }
   566 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   567 // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::HandleKeyEventL
   568 // (other items were commented in a header).
   569 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   570 TKeyResponse CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::HandleKeyEventL(
   571     const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, 
   572     TEventCode aType )
   573     {
   574     TKeyResponse aResponse = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   576     // Confirm app is running properly
   577     if ( iView && ( aType == EEventKey ) && Document()->IsLaunched())
   578         { 
   579         // react with all sms classes
   580         switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
   581             {
   582             case EKeyUpArrow:
   583             case EKeyDownArrow:
   584                 {
   585                 // Base-editor handles scrolling
   586                 iView->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   587                 aResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
   588                 }
   589                 break;
   590             case EKeyDevice3:
   591                 {// Selection-key checking (Context sensitive menu)
   592                 // (with Class 0 just show the menu)
   593                 MenuBar()->SetMenuTitleResourceId( R_SMSV_CONTEXTMENUBAR_CDMA);
   594                 MenuBar()->SetMenuType(CEikMenuBar::EMenuContext);
   595                 MenuBar()->TryDisplayMenuBarL();
   596                 MenuBar()->SetMenuTitleResourceId( R_SMSV_OPTIONSMENUBAR_CDMA );
   597                 MenuBar()->SetMenuType(CEikMenuBar::EMenuOptions);
   598                 aResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
   599                 }
   600                 break;
   601             case EKeyYes:
   602                 {// Send-key checking. Either valid sender's phone number or callback number is valid. 
   603                 if ( !iIrBt && !iBioMsg )
   604                     { // normal sms
   605                     DoHandleSendKeyL();
   606                     }
   607                 else if ( iValidSenderNumber && !iIrBt )
   608                     { // smart message
   609                     TBool okToQuery( ETrue );
   610                     // Is it biocontrol?
   611                     TUint32 permBio = OptionsMenuPermissionsBioL();
   612                     okToQuery = ( permBio & EMsgBioCallBack ) ? ETrue : EFalse ;
   615                   // Launch confirmation query and start calling
   616                     if ( okToQuery )
   617                         {
   618                         if ( iMsgVoIPExtension->IsPreferredTelephonyVoIP() &&
   619                              iMsgVoIPExtension->VoIPProfilesExistL() )
   620                             {
   621                             MsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal::InternetCallToSenderQueryL( iNumber, iRecipientstring, ETrue );  
   622                             }
   623                         else
   624                             {
   625                             MsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal::CallToSenderQueryL( iNumber, iRecipientstring, ETrue );
   626                             }
   627                         }
   628                     }
   629                 else
   630                     {
   631                     //do nothing
   632                     }
   633                 aResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
   634                 }
   635                 break;
   636             default:
   637                 break;
   638             }
   640             switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
   641                 {
   642                 case EKeyRightArrow:
   643                     {// Show next message if possible
   644                     if ( IsNextMessageAvailableL( ETrue ))
   645                         {
   646                         NextMessageL( ETrue );
   647                         aResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
   648                         }
   649                     }
   650                     break;
   651                 case EKeyLeftArrow:
   652                     { // Show prev message if possible
   653                     if ( IsNextMessageAvailableL( EFalse ))
   654                         {
   655                         NextMessageL( EFalse );
   656                         aResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
   657                         }
   658                     }
   659                     break;
   660                 case EKeyBackspace:
   661                     {
   662                     DoFileDeleteL();
   663                     aResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
   664                     }
   665                     break;
   666                 default:
   667                     break;
   668                 }
   669         }
   670     else // App is not running properly yet
   671         {
   672         aResponse = EKeyWasConsumed;
   674         }
   676     return aResponse; 
   677     }
   680 // ----------------------------------------------------
   681 // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::DoHandleSendKeyL
   682 // 
   683 // ----------------------------------------------------
   685 void CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::DoHandleSendKeyL()
   686     {
   687     if ( !iMsgVoIPExtension )
   688         {
   689         return;
   690         }
   692     TPtrC senderNumber = KNullDesC();
   693     TPtrC alias = KNullDesC();
   694     TPtrC focusedNumber = KNullDesC();
   696     if ( iIsFromEmail ) // case of Email over SMS 
   697         {  
   698         senderNumber.Set( iEmailAddress );
   699         }
   700     else // SMS originating address is phone number
   701         {
   702         if ( iValidSenderNumber ) // if sender's number is valid, choose it first
   703             {
   704             senderNumber.Set( iNumber );
   705             }
   706         if ( iRecipientstring.Length() )
   707             {
   708             alias.Set( *&iRecipientstring );
   709             }
   710         }
   712     if ( IsBodyFocused() && iView->ItemFinder( ) )
   713         {
   714         const CItemFinder::CFindItemExt& item =
   715             iView->ItemFinder( )->CurrentItemExt( );
   716         if (    item.iItemDescriptor
   717             &&  (   item.iItemType == CItemFinder::EPhoneNumber
   718                 ||  item.iItemType == CItemFinder::EEmailAddress ) )
   719             {
   720             focusedNumber.Set( *(item.iItemDescriptor) );
   721             }
   722         }
   724     MsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal::InternetOrVoiceCallServiceL( 
   725             *iMsgVoIPExtension,
   726             senderNumber,
   727             alias,
   728             focusedNumber,
   729             ETrue,
   730             iEikonEnv );    
   731     }
   734 // ----------------------------------------------------
   735 // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::SetAutomaticHighlightL
   736 // 
   737 // ----------------------------------------------------
   738 void CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::SetAutomaticHighlightL( const TBool aSwitchON )
   739     {
   740     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iGms, Panic( EMsgSmsNotForGms ) );
   741     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iBioMsg, Panic( EMsgSmsNotAllowedForBio ) );
   742     if ( iView->ItemFinder() )
   743         {
   744         // content highlight
   745         if ( aSwitchON )
   746             { // switch ON
   747             iView->ItemFinder()->SetFindModeL( 
   748                 CItemFinder::EPhoneNumber |
   749                 CItemFinder::EUrlAddress |
   750                 CItemFinder::EEmailAddress );
   751             }
   752         else
   753             { // switch OFF
   754             iView->ItemFinder()->SetFindModeL( 
   755                 CItemFinder::ENoneSelected );
   756             }
   757         // header highlight     
   758         if ( iControlId != EMsgComponentIdTo && ( iValidSenderNumber || iValidEmailAddress) )
   759             {
   760              static_cast<CMsgAddressControl*>
   761                  (iView->ControlById( iControlId ))->SetAddressFieldAutoHighlight( aSwitchON );
   763             }
   764         }
   765     }
   767 // ----------------------------------------------------
   768 // CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::ExtractCallingInfoL
   769 // 
   770 // ----------------------------------------------------
   771 void CMsgSmsViewerCDMAAppUi::ExtractCallingInfoL()
   772 {
   775 	HBufC* callback = NULL;	
   777 	callback = iSmsHeader->CdmaMessage().GetCallbackNumberL();
   778 	if (callback != NULL)
   779 	  {
   780 		CleanupStack::PushL(callback);
   781 		iCallbackNumber = callback->Des();
   782 	    iValidCallbackNumber = CommonPhoneParser::IsValidPhoneNumber( 
   783             iCallbackNumber, CommonPhoneParser::EPhoneClientNumber );
   784 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(callback);
   786 	  }
   787 	// Currently only consider general SMS situation.
   789     if ( MsvUiServiceUtilities::IsValidEmailAddressL(iSmsHeader->FromAddress()) 
   790     				&& iEmailFeatureSupported )
   791       { 
   792 	  iIsFromEmail = ETrue;
   793 	  iValidEmailAddress = ETrue;
   794 	  iVoIPNumber = ETrue;
   795 	  iEmailAddress = iSmsHeader->FromAddress();
   796       }
   797     else
   798       {
   799       iNumber = iSmsHeader->FromAddress();
   800       iValidSenderNumber = CommonPhoneParser::IsValidPhoneNumber( iNumber, 
   801             CommonPhoneParser::ESMSNumber );		
   802       }
   804 }