--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/alwaysonlineemailplugin/inc/AlwaysOnlineEmailAgentBase.h Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Email agent base class. common functions and data
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <msvapi.h>
+#include <MuiuMsvSingleOpWatcher.h>
+#include <miutset.h>
+#include <AlwaysOnlineManagerCommon.h>
+#include <MNcnInternalNotification.h>
+#include <muiuflagger.h>
+#include <cmconnectionmethod.h>
+#include <cmmanager.h>
+#include "AlwaysOnlineEmailLoggingTools.h"
+const TInt KAOMaxRetries = 3;
+const TInt KAOMaxRetriesSwitchOff = 5*KAOMaxRetries;
+const TInt KAOUsernameLength = 50;
+//reconnect intervals in seconds
+enum TAgentReconnectIntervals
+ {
+ EEMailAgentReconnectOne = 10, //10 seconds
+ EEMailAgentReconnectTwo = 20, //20
+ EEMailAgentReconnectThree = 30, //30
+ EEMailAgentReconnectFour = 40, //40 secs
+ EEMailAgentReconnectFive = 60, //one minute
+ EEMailAgentReconnectSix = 300 //five minutes
+ };
+enum TAgentScheduleWaitStates
+ {
+ EWaitForStop = 0,
+ EWaitForStart
+ };
+enum TAlwaysOnlineEmailIAPNotes
+ {
+ EEmailAgentCSDIAP,
+ EEmailAgentInvalidInterval,
+ EEmailAgentOutOfDisk,
+ EEmailAgentEMNFatalError,
+ EEmailAgentOtherInvalidity
+ };
+enum TMailSettingType
+ {
+ EMailboxSettings = 0,
+ EAlwaysonlineSettings
+ };
+// Always Online features
+enum TAlwaysOnlineLocalFeatures
+ {
+ // KEmailFeatureIdAlwaysOnlineCSD
+ EAOLFAlwaysOnlineCSD = 0,
+ // KEmailFeatureIdEmailVPNAllowed
+ EAOLFAlwaysOnlineVPN
+ };
+// Always Online flags
+enum TAlwaysOnlineBaseFlags
+ {
+ // Flag to indicate when the connection should be made
+ EAOBFConnectNow = 0,
+ // Flag to indicate the protocol of the current mailbox
+ EAOBFIsImap4,
+ // Last Base Flag
+ EAOBFLastFlag
+ };
+const TInt KInitWaitSeconds = 5;
+const TInt KErrAoServerNotFound = -5120;
+class CClientMtmRegistry;
+class CMsvSession;
+class MAlwaysOnlineStatusQueryInterface;
+class CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgent;
+class CImumInternalApi;
+class CImumInSettingsData;
+* CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgentBase
+* Base class for IMAP and POP mailbox agents.
+* Agents contain the logic to keep mailboxes up to date.
+* One agent per mailbox.
+class CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgentBase : public CBase, public MMsvSingleOpWatcher
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * ~CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgentBase
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ virtual ~CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgentBase();
+ /**
+ * StartL
+ */
+ virtual void StartL() = 0;
+ /**
+ * ConnectL
+ * Calls ConnectAndUpdateHeadersL if mailbox not connected, if already connected then calls UpdateHeadersWhenAlreadyConnectedL
+ */
+ virtual void ConnectL();
+ /**
+ * ConnectAndUpdateHeadersL
+ *
+ */
+ virtual void ConnectAndUpdateHeadersL( ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * DisconnectL
+ * @param TBool, is disconnection automatic or user initiated.
+ */
+ virtual void DisconnectL( TBool aAutomatic ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * MailboxId
+ * @return TMsvId, mailbox id
+ */
+ TMsvId MailboxId() const;
+ /**
+ * Mailbox type
+ * @since S60 v3.1
+ * @return TBool
+ */
+ inline TBool IsImap4() const;
+ /**
+ * Gets email address
+ * @param aEmailAddress will point to email address after function call
+ * @since S60 v3.1
+ */
+ void EmailAddress( TDes& aEmailAddress );
+ /**
+ * Gets username
+ * @param aUsername will point to username after function call
+ * @since S60 v3.1
+ */
+ void Username( TDes8& aUsername );
+ /**
+ * Gets incoming server
+ * @param aServer will point to incoming server after function call
+ * @since S60 v3.1
+ */
+ void ServerAddress( TDes& aServer );
+ /**
+ * Loads a value of single setting
+ *
+ * @since S60 v3.2
+ * @param
+ * @leave Any Imum Internal API leave code
+ */
+ template<class T>
+ inline T LoadSettingL(
+ const TUint aKey,
+ const TBool aConnectionSetting ) const;
+ /**
+ * Is mail agent EMN or not?
+ * @since S60 v3.1
+ * @return TBool if EMN is in automatic or in home network only states.
+ */
+ inline TBool IsEmn() const;
+ /**
+ * Suspend
+ * Called when plugin receives offline event ( network operations not allowed )
+ */
+ virtual void Suspend();
+ /**
+ * ResumeL
+ * Called when plugin receives offline event ( network operations allowed )
+ * @since Series60 2.6
+ * @param aConnectNow When true, connection is started to mailbox
+ */
+ virtual void ResumeL( const TBool aConnectNow = EFalse );
+ /**
+ * HandleHomeNetworkEventL
+ * Called when plugin receives HomeNetwork event
+ */
+ void HandleHomeNetworkEventL();
+ /**
+ * HandleRoamingEventL
+ * Called when plugin receives Roaming event
+ */
+ void HandleRoamingEventL();
+ /**
+ * HandleOutOfDiskEventL
+ * Called when plugin receives out of disk event
+ */
+ void HandleOutOfDiskEventL();
+ /**
+ * SwitchOffL
+ * Will switch off this mailagent
+ */
+ void SwitchOffL();
+ public:
+ /**
+ * OpCompleted
+ * From MMsvSingleOpWatcher
+ * @param CMsvSingleOpWatcher&, opwathcer, which just completed
+ * @param TInt, completion code
+ */
+ virtual void OpCompleted(
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcher& aOpWatcher,
+ TInt aCompletionCode );
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgentBase
+ * C++ Constructor
+ * @param CMsvSession&, session reference
+ * @param CClientMtmRegistry&, mtm registry reference
+ * @param TMsvId, mailbox id
+ * @param MAlwaysOnlineStatusQueryInterface&, status query interface reference
+ * @param CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgent&, email agent reference
+ */
+ CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgentBase( CMsvSession& aSession,
+ CClientMtmRegistry& aClientMtmRegistry,
+ MAlwaysOnlineStatusQueryInterface& aAlwaysOnlineManager,
+ CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgent& aEmailAgent );
+ /**
+ * ConstructL
+ * @param TMsvId, mailbox id
+ */
+ void ConstructL( TMsvId aMailboxId );
+ /**
+ * AppendWatcherAndSetOperationL
+ * Appends aWatcher to iOperations array and sets watcher operation to aOperation.
+ * NOTE: Takes ownership of aWatcher and aOperation so those MUST be removed from CleanupStack
+ * immediately after this function call
+ * @param CMsvSingleOpWatcher*, opwatcher to be appended
+ * @param CMsvOperation*, operation to be wathced
+ */
+ void AppendWatcherAndSetOperationL(
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcher* aWatcher, CMsvOperation* aOperation );
+ /**
+ * ChangeNextStateL
+ * Called by OpCompleted, need to decide what to do next...
+ * The core of our state machine
+ */
+ virtual void ChangeNextStateL() = 0;
+ /**
+ * HandleOpErrorL
+ * Called in ChangeNextStateL() if error is detected in OpCompleted()
+ */
+ virtual void HandleOpErrorL() = 0;
+ /**
+ * StartTimerOperationL
+ * @param TTime&, time reference
+ * @param TMsvOp& reference of operation id which will be set in this function
+ */
+ virtual void StartTimerOperationL( const TTime& aTime, TMsvOp& aOpId );
+ /**
+ * DoSyncDisconnectL()
+ * Does sync disconnect. Meant to be called from ResetAll().
+ * This is needed because this must not have imapact on state machine.
+ */
+ virtual void DoSyncDisconnectL() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Is agent temporary?
+ * @since S60 3.1
+ * @return ETrue, if temporary (default is ETrue )
+ */
+ virtual TBool IsTemporary() const;
+ /**
+ * CheckAndHandleSchedulingL
+ * Checks schedules and starts timers accordingly
+ */
+ void CheckAndHandleSchedulingL();
+ /**
+ * ResetAll
+ * Resets all operations and their saved IDs
+ */
+ void ResetAll();
+ /**
+ * StartScheduleWaiterL
+ * Does the actual starting of timers and does the wait calculating
+ * @param TBool, ETrue if we're waiting for stop ( chedule is ok )
+ */
+ void StartScheduleWaiterL( const TBool aShouldConnect );
+ /**
+ * HandleOpCompleted
+ * If completed operation requires special handling, it is taken care of in here
+ * @param TMsvOp, id of the completed operation
+ * @param TInt, completion code
+ */
+ virtual void HandleOpCompleted( TMsvOp opId, TInt aCompletionCode ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * CreateCompletedOpL
+ * Function to create a completed operation. Needed to switch state when no other operation needs to be created.
+ */
+ virtual void CreateCompletedOpL() = 0;
+ /**
+ * SetLastSuccessfulUpdate
+ * Function to set last successful update time.
+ */
+ void SetLastSuccessfulUpdate();
+ /**
+ * SetLastUpdateFailed
+ * Function to set last update failed.
+ */
+ void SetLastUpdateFailed();
+ /**
+ * DisplayGlobalErrorNoteL
+ * Shows global error note in case of an fatal error
+ * @param TAlwaysOnlineEmailIAPNotes, id of fail type
+ */
+ void DisplayGlobalErrorNoteL(
+ TAlwaysOnlineEmailIAPNotes aInvalidity=EEmailAgentOtherInvalidity );
+ /**
+ * IsBearerCSDL
+ * Checks if our bearer is CSD or not
+ * @return TBool, ETrue if bearer is circuit switched
+ */
+ TBool IsBearerCSDL();
+ /**
+ * Creates SingleOpWatcher operation and places it to cleanup stack
+ */
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcher* CreateSingleOpWatcherLC();
+ /**
+ * Handles default errors
+ * @since S60 v3.0
+ */
+ void HandleDefaultError();
+ /**
+ * Handles Email notification connection related errors
+ * @since S60 v3.1
+ * @return TBool, ETrue if we should reconnect
+ */
+ TBool IsReconnectAfterError();
+ /**
+ * Converts TImumDaSettings::TAutoIntervalValues into minutes.
+ * @since S60 3.2
+ * @param aIntervalIndex TAutoIntervalValues Interval
+ * @return Interval in minutes
+ */
+ TInt RetrievalIntervalInMinutes( TInt aIntervalIndex );
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * QueryAndHandleAOServerInfoL
+ * Queries offline and roaming info from AO server
+ * and takes action accordingly
+ * @param TBool&, parameter is set in this function
+ */
+ void QueryAndHandleAOServerInfoL( TBool& aSuspended );
+ /**
+ * @since S60 v3.1
+ * @return ETrue if agent has home network only selected
+ */
+ TBool CheckIfAgentHomeOnly();
+ /**
+ * SwitchAutoUpdateOffL()
+ **/
+ void SwitchAutoUpdateOffL();
+ /**
+ * IsIAPInvalidL
+ * Checks accesspoint settings. Password prompt and IAP type and other validity
+ * @param TAlwaysOnlineEmailIAPNotes&, id of invalidity. Set in this function
+ * @return TBool, ETrue if AP is invalid
+ */
+ TBool IsIAPInvalidL( TAlwaysOnlineEmailIAPNotes& aInvalidity );
+ /**
+ * GetConnectionMethodLC
+ * Leaves the Connection Method into cleanupstack if found
+ * @return RCmConnectionMethod The used connection method
+ * @leave System wide leave codes
+ */
+ RCmConnectionMethod GetConnectionMethodLC();
+ /**
+ * RemoveMe
+ * Tells email agent to remove this plugin
+ */
+ void RemoveMe();
+ /**
+ * Make an connection check and determine scheduling
+ * @since Series60 2.6
+ * @param aOperation, Operation that must exist
+ */
+ void ConnectIfAllowedL( const TMsvOp& aOperation );
+ /**
+ * Tell to Ncn that there might be new messages to show
+ * @since Series60 3.0
+ */
+ void CallNewMessagesL();
+ /**
+ *
+ * @since Series60 3.0
+ */
+ void CleanOperation( TMsvOp& aOpId );
+ /**
+ * Cancels the ongoing operations. The method should be called in the beginning
+ * of the destructors of the subclasses. No errors returned, because the method
+ * is called at the shutdown phase where no reasonable error handling is possible
+ * anymore.
+ * @since S60 3.0
+ */
+ void CloseServices();
+ /**
+ * Gets the current state of the Always Online
+ *
+ * @since S60 v3.2
+ * @param Key to be used
+ * @return
+ */
+ TInt AoState() const;
+ /**
+ * Gets the current state of the Always Online
+ *
+ * @since S60 v3.2
+ * @param Key to be used
+ * @return
+ */
+ TInt EmnState() const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Try to create completed operation
+ * @since Series60 2.6
+ * @param aOpId Id of the given operation
+ * @param aOp Actual operation
+ * @param aUid Used MTM Uid
+ */
+ void HandleCompletingOperation(
+ const TMsvOp& aOpId,
+ CMsvOperation& aOp,
+ const TUid& aUid );
+ /**
+ *
+ * @since Series60 3.0
+ */
+ void LaunchStartTimerL(
+ TTime& aClock,
+ const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aSeconds );
+ /**
+ *
+ * @since Series60 3.0
+ */
+ void LaunchStopTimerL(
+ TTime& aClock,
+ const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aSeconds );
+ /**
+ *
+ * @since Series60 3.0
+ */
+ CMuiuFlags* AlwaysOnlineFlagsL();
+ //data
+ protected:
+ CClientMtmRegistry& iClientMtmRegistry;
+ CMsvSession& iSession;
+ CMsvEntry* iEntry; // Entry of the mailbox we are polling
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcherArray iOperations;
+ enum TAlwaysOnlineEmailAgentStates
+ {
+ EEmailAgentInitialised = 0,
+ EEmailAgentIdle, //( 1 )
+ EEmailAgentConnecting, //( 2 )
+ EEmailAgentDoingFilteredPopulate, //( 3 )
+ EEmailAgentPlainConnecting, //( 4 )
+ EEmailAgentConnectingToStayOnline, //( 5 )
+ EEmailAgentSynchronising, //( 6 )
+ EEmailAgentFetching, //( 7 )
+ EEmailAgentAutoDisconnecting, //( 8 )
+ EEmailAgentUserDisconnecting, //( 9 )
+ EEmailAgentQueued, //( 10 )
+ EEmailAgentTimerWaiting, //( 11 )
+ EEmailAgentTimerWaitingForStart, //( 12 )
+ EEmailAgentTimerWaitingForStop, //( 13 )
+ EEmailAgentReconnecting, //( 14 )
+ EEmailAgentConnectFailed, //( 15 )
+ EEmailAgentFatalError,//( 16 )
+ EEmailAgentConnTerminated //( 17 )
+ };
+ TAlwaysOnlineEmailAgentStates iState;
+ TInt iRetryCounter;
+ TInt iLoggerFileCounter; // delete logger file time to time so that it does not grow too much...
+ // Owned: Pointer to email API object
+ CImumInternalApi* iMailboxApi;
+ // Owned: Pointer to email settings object
+ CImumInSettingsData* iMailboxSettings;
+ //These ids are needed by our state machine. We need to know which operation is completing
+ //to take appropriate action
+ TMsvOp iIntervalWaitId;//operation id for interval timer
+ TMsvOp iConnectSyncOpId;//operation id for connect and sync operation
+ TMsvOp iConnectOpId;//operation id for plain connection operation
+ TMsvOp iSyncOpId;//operation id for separate header sync
+ TMsvOp iWaitForStartOpId;//operation id for schedule wait timer ( waiting for start )
+ TMsvOp iWaitForStopOpId;//operation id for schedule wait timer ( waiting for stop )
+ TMsvOp iStartDelayOpId;//operation id for start delay timer. Once set, never reset.
+ TMsvOp iConnectAndStayOnlineOpId; //operation id for connection after which we stay online.
+ TMsvOp iDisconnectOpId;//operation id for disconnection
+ TMsvOp iFolderUpdateTimerOpId;//operation id for imap folder update timer.
+ TMsvOp iFolderSyncOpId;//op id for folder sync operation
+ TMsvOp iFilteredPopulateOpId;//op id for filtered email population ( partial fetch )
+ TInt iError;
+ MNcnInternalNotification* iNcnNotification;
+ MAlwaysOnlineStatusQueryInterface& iStatusQueryInterface;
+ CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgent& iEmailAgent;
+ // Object to handle and store the flags
+ CMuiuFlags* iFlags;
+ // For handling access point settings
+ RCmManager iCmManager;
+ };
+#include "AlwaysOnlineEmailAgentBase.inl"
+typedef CArrayPtrFlat<CAlwaysOnlineEmailAgentBase> CAOEmailAgentArray;