changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/imap4mtm/imapsession/inc/cimapbodystructurebuilder.h	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "cimapenvelope.h"
+class CImapBodyStructure;
+class CImapAtomParser;
+class CImapAtomWalker;
+class CImapFetchResponse;
+Builds a tree of CImapBodyStructure objects in order to represent the incoming 
+bodystructure data from the IMAP server.
+Incoming data is passed into ProcessBlockL() which parses the data into an atom tree.
+Once ProcessBlockL() has completed the atom tree, it uses ParseLoopL() to parse the 
+atom tree into the bodystructure tree.
+Finally, ownership of the completed bodystructure tree is passed to the CImapFetchResponse
+object that was provided on construction.
+class CImapBodyStructureBuilder : public CBase
+	{	
+	static CImapBodyStructureBuilder* NewL(CImapFetchResponse& aFetchResponse, TInt aLogId);
+	~CImapBodyStructureBuilder();
+	TBool ProcessBlockL(const TDesC8& aData);
+	TPtrC8 UnparsedData();
+	/**
+	States used by ParseLoopL();
+	*/
+	enum TParseStep
+		{
+		/**
+		Indicates the start of the root body structure,	or that an embedded body structure has been identified.
+		iAtomWalker is either positioned at the opening bracket of the body structure in question.
+		A new bodystructure object will be constructed and pushed onto the bodystructure stack.
+		*/
+		EParseNewBodyStructure,
+		/**
+		Indicates that a "basic" bodystructure has been identified - i.e. not text, rfc822 or multipart.
+		iAtomWalker is positioned at the subtype field of the structure.
+		*/		 
+		EParseBasic,
+		/**
+		Indicates that a "TEXT" bodystructure has been identified - i.e. not text, rfc822 or multipart.
+		iAtomWalker is positioned at the subtype field of the structure.
+		*/
+		EParseText,
+		/**
+		Indicates that a "MESSAGE/RFC822" bodystructure has been identified - i.e. not text, rfc822 or multipart.
+		iAtomWalker is positioned at the subtype field of the structure.
+		*/
+		EParseBodyTypeMessageRfc822,
+		/**
+		Indicates that the embedded bodystructure of a "MESSAGE/RFC822" has just completed parsing.
+		iAtomWalker is positioned ready to walk accross to the next field of body-type-msg.
+		*/
+		EParseRemainderMessageRfc822,
+		/**
+		Indicates that the final embedded bodystructure of a MULTIPART structure has just completed parsing.
+		iAtomWalker is positioned ready to walk accross to the next field of body-type-mpart.
+		*/
+		EParseRemainderMultipart,
+		/**
+		Indicates that a bodystructure has completed parsing.
+		The current CImapBodyStructure will be popped off the bodystructure stack
+		and ParseSubStructureCompleteL() will be called to tidy up and decide the next state.
+		*/
+		EParseSubStructureComplete,
+		/**
+		Finished parsing the atom tree.
+		This state is used to exit the parse loop.
+		*/
+		EParseComplete
+		};
+	CImapBodyStructureBuilder(CImapFetchResponse& aFetchResponse, TInt aLogId);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void TransferBufferOwnershipToFetchResponseL();
+	void ParseLoopL();
+	void PushNewBodyStructureL();
+	TBool PopBodyStructureL();
+	TParseStep ParseSubStructureCompleteL();
+	TParseStep ParseBodyStructureTypeL();
+	// Each of the following ParseBodyXxxL() methods is named after the corresponding 
+	// formal syntax item in RFC3501 section 9 that it is responsible for parsing.
+	void ParseBodyTypeBasicL();
+	void ParseBodyTypeTextL();
+	void ParseBodyTypeMessageRfc822L();
+	void ParseBodyFieldsL();
+	void ParseBodyFieldParamsL(TBool aStoreAsDisposition);
+	void ParseBodyFieldDispL();
+	void ParseBodyFieldLangL();
+	void ParseBodyExt1PartL();
+	void ParseRemainderMultipartL();
+	void ParseRemainderMessageRfc822L();
+	void ParseCommonOptionalExtensionsL();
+	void ParseBodyExtensionL();
+	void ParseEnvelopeL();
+	void ParseAddressL(CImapEnvelope::TAddress& aAddress);
+	/**
+	Receives ownership of the root body structure and data, upon successful completion of parsing.
+	*/
+	CImapFetchResponse& iFetchResponse;
+	/**
+	Whether root body structure is owned by this object.  If EFalse, then it is owned by iFetchResponse.
+	*/
+	TBool iBodyStructureOwned;
+	/**
+	A stack of the bodystructures that have not yet completed parsing.
+	Together with the parse loop, this enables embedded bodystructures to be parsed without using recursion.
+	iBodyStructureStack[0] is the root body structure, and owns the bodystructure while
+	iBodyStructureOwned is ETrue.
+	Indexes greater than 0 do not own the bodystructure they point to.  
+	This is because	each CImapBodyStructure owns it's children, so ultimately
+	the root bodystructure owns all the bodystructure in its tree.
+	*/
+	RPointerArray<CImapBodyStructure> iBodyStructureStack;
+	/**
+	Points at the top bodystructure in the stack.
+	This is the CImapBodyStructure that is currently being parsed.
+	*/
+	CImapBodyStructure* iBodyStructure; 
+	/**
+	Parses incoming blocks of data into a tree of CImapAtom's
+	*/
+	CImapAtomParser* iAtomParser;
+	/**
+	Walks the CImapAtom tree, tracking the current position in the tree, 
+	and making it possible to WalkAcross to the next sibling atom, WalkDown to the child atom
+	and WalkUp to the parent.
+	*/
+	CImapAtomWalker* iAtomWalker;
+	/**
+	States used by ProcessBlockL()
+	*/
+	enum TProcessBlockState 
+		{
+		/**
+		Expecting ProcessBlockL() to be called with a line of data
+		*/
+		EWaitLine,
+		/**
+		Expecting ProcessBlockL() to be called with a block of literal data
+		*/
+		EWaitLiteral,
+		/**
+		All data has been recieved. The Atom tree is now being parsed.
+		Not Expecting ProcessBlockL() to be called again on this object.
+		*/
+		EParsing
+		} iProcessBlockState;
+	/**
+	Log id of the owning session
+	*/
+	TInt iLogId;
+	};
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