--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/imap4mtm/imapsession/inc/cimapsession.h Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __CIMAPSESSION_H__
+#define __CIMAPSESSION_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "cimaplistfolderinfo.h"
+#include "cimapfetchresponse.h"
+#include "cimapcommand.h"
+#include "msocketconnectobserver.h"
+#include "minputstreamobserver.h"
+#include "moutputstreamobserver.h"
+#include "cimapobservabletimer.h"
+ #include "cimapauthhelpers.h"
+// Forward Declarations
+class CImSendMessage;
+class CImapServerGreetingInfo;
+class CImapCapabilityInfo;
+class CImapFolderInfo;
+class CFetchBodyInfo;
+class CImapFetchBodyResponse;
+class CImapSettings;
+class CImapMailStore;
+ class CImapAuthMechanismHelper;
+Detects and records overflows during calls to RBuf8::AppendFormat().
+This class does nothing to resolve the overflow, but gives methods such as
+CImapSession::AppendAndGrowFormatL() the opportunity to detect the success
+of calling RBuf8::AppendFormat(), so that they can retry with a larger
+buffer if an overflow occured.
+class TImapOverflowDetector : public TDes8Overflow
+ {
+ TImapOverflowDetector();
+ TBool OverflowDetected();
+ // Implements TDes8Overflow
+ void Overflow(TDes8& aDes);
+ TBool iOverflowDetected;
+ };
+Represents a connected session with the IMAP server.
+This class provides a method for each command that can be sent to the IMAP server.
+Only one command may be run at a time.
+class CImapSession : public CBase
+ , public MInputStreamObserver
+ , public MOutputStreamObserver
+ , public MImapTimerObserver
+ {
+ enum TImapServerState
+ {
+ EServerStateNone,
+ EServerStateNotAuthenticated,
+ EServerStateAuthenticated,
+ EServerStateSelected,
+ };
+ IMPORT_C static CImapSession* NewL(CImapSettings& aImapSettings, CImapMailStore& aImapMailStore, MInputStream& aInputStream, MOutputStream& aOutputStream);
+ ~CImapSession();
+ IMPORT_C TImapServerState ServerState();
+ IMPORT_C CImapFolderInfo* SelectedFolderInfo();
+ IMPORT_C const CImapServerGreetingInfo& ServerGreetingInfo();
+ IMPORT_C const CImapCapabilityInfo& CapabilityInfo();
+ // Support for IDLE mode (Authenticated or Selected state required for IDLE)
+ IMPORT_C TBool ImapIdleSupported() const;
+ IMPORT_C void EnterIdleL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void WaitForIdleEvent(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void DoneIdle(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ // Support for reading unsolicited server events.
+ // For use when IDLE mode is not available.
+ IMPORT_C void WaitForServerEventL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ // Imap Commands
+ // > Establishing a Connection
+ IMPORT_C void ReadServerGreetingL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ // > Any State Commands
+ IMPORT_C void CapabilityL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void NoopL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void LogoutL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ // > Not-Authenticated State Commands
+ IMPORT_C void LoginL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC8& aUserName, const TDesC8& aPassword);
+ IMPORT_C void StartTlsL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ // > Authenticated State Commands
+ IMPORT_C void SelectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CImapFolderInfo* aFolderInfo, TBool aSelectBox = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void ExamineL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CImapFolderInfo* aFolderInfo);
+ IMPORT_C void CreateL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aMailboxName);
+ IMPORT_C void DeleteL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aMailboxName);
+ IMPORT_C void RenameL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aExistingMailboxName, const TDesC& aNewMailboxName);
+ IMPORT_C void SubscribeL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aMailboxName);
+ IMPORT_C void UnsubscribeL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aMailboxName);
+ IMPORT_C void ListL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aReferenceName, const TDesC& aMailboxName, RArrayImapListFolderInfo& aFolderList);
+ IMPORT_C void LsubL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aReferenceName, const TDesC& aMailboxName, RArrayImapListFolderInfo& aFolderList);
+ IMPORT_C void StatusL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aMailboxName, const TDesC8& aDataItemNames, CImapFolderInfo& aFolderInfo);
+ IMPORT_C void AppendL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CImSendMessage& aSource, const TDesC& aDestinationMailboxName);
+ // > Selected State Commands
+ IMPORT_C void CloseL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void SearchL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC8& aSearchCriteria, RArray<TUint>& aMatchingMessageIds);
+ IMPORT_C void FetchFlagsL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC8& aSequenceSet, RArrayMessageFlagInfo& aOutFlagInfo);
+ IMPORT_C void FetchBodyL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TUint aMessageUid, TBool aPeek, CFetchBodyInfo& aFetchBodyInfo, CImapFetchBodyResponse& aFetchBodyResponse);
+ IMPORT_C void FetchBodyStructureAndHeadersL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TUint aMessageUid, const TDesC8& aFieldNames, CImapFetchResponse& aOutFetchResponse);
+ IMPORT_C void FetchBodyStructureAndHeadersL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC8& aSequenceSet, const TDesC8& aFieldNames, MImapFetchStructureObserver& aObserver);
+ IMPORT_C void StoreL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC8& aSequenceSet, const TDesC8& aMessageDataItem, const TDesC8& aValue, TBool aUseSilent, RArrayMessageFlagInfo& aOutMessageFlagInfo);
+ IMPORT_C void CopyL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC8& aSequenceSet, const TDesC& aDestinationMailboxName);
+ IMPORT_C void ExpungeL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C static HBufC8* CreateSequenceSetLC(RArray<TUint>& aMessageUids);
+ IMPORT_C void Cancel();
+ IMPORT_C void FlushCancelledCommand(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ // Returns logger file identifier
+ IMPORT_C TInt LogId() const;
+ IMPORT_C void AuthenticateL(TRequestStatus& aStatus,CImapAuthMechanismHelper::TImapAuthProfileFlag iCurrentAuthProfile);
+ // Non-IMPORTED methods
+ void FetchBodyOperationComplete(TInt aErrorCode);
+ void AsyncSendFailed(TInt aErr);
+ MInputStream* InputStream();
+ MOutputStream* OutputStream();
+ /**
+ Specifies which operation to perform in DoAsyncCallBackL()
+ */
+ enum TAsyncCallBackOpCode
+ {
+ EAsyncCallBackOpNone,
+ EAsyncCallBackOpProcessInputBuffer,
+ };
+ /**
+ Specifies the high-level state of the session
+ */
+ enum TSessionState
+ {
+ /**
+ Session running as normal.
+ */
+ ESessionNormal,
+ /**
+ Cancel has been called and the command needs to be flushed.
+ Session will return to a normal state after FlushCancelledCommand has completed successfully.
+ */
+ ESessionFlushing,
+ /**
+ An unrecoverable error has occurred.
+ When entering this state, the input and output streams will be closed automatically.
+ But the session object itself needs to be destroyed by its owner, and a new session started in its place.
+ */
+ ESessionUnrecoverable,
+ };
+ /**
+ Specifies any special processing that needs to be performed after a command completes
+ */
+ enum TPendingOperation
+ {
+ EOpNone,
+ EOpServerGreeting,
+ EOpSelect,
+ EOpLogin,
+ EOpLogout,
+ EOpClose,
+ EOpWaitForBodyOperationComplete,
+ EOpIdleEnter,
+ EOpIdleWait,
+ EOpAuthenticate,
+ EOpIdleDone
+ };
+ CImapSession(CImapSettings& aImapSettings, CImapMailStore& aImapMailStore, MInputStream& aInputStream, MOutputStream& aOutputStream);
+ void ConstructL();
+ void StartCommandL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CImapCommand* aCommand);
+ void RequestReadData();
+ void ProcessInputBufferAsync();
+ void ProcessInputBufferL();
+ TBool TryFindLiteralBlockL(TPtrC8& aDataToDeliver);
+ TBool TryFindLineL(TPtrC8& aDataToDeliver);
+ // Implement MInputStreamObserver
+ void ReceivedDataIndL(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ void SecureServerCnf();
+ void InputStreamCloseInd(TInt aError);
+ // Implement MOutputStreamObserver
+ void SendDataCnf();
+ void OutputStreamCloseInd(TInt aError);
+ void CommandComplete();
+ TBool CompleteIfStreamsClosed(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ void CompleteAndDestroyCommand(TInt aCompletionCode, TBool aCloseStreams);
+ void DoCancel();
+ TBool DoPendingOperationForOk();
+ void DoPendingOperationForFail();
+ void DoPendingOperationForCancel();
+ TBool DoPendingOperationForIntermediateResponse();
+ // Implement MImapTimerObserver
+ void OnTimerL(const CImapObservableTimer& aSourceTimer);
+ // Managing iReport
+ void Queue(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ void Complete(TInt aStatus);
+ void DoComplete(TInt& aStatus);
+ // Async callback
+ void RequestAsyncCallBack(TAsyncCallBackOpCode aAsyncCallBackOpCode);
+ static TInt AsyncCallBack(TAny* aSelf);
+ void AsyncCallBack();
+ void DoAsyncCallBackL();
+ // State Setters (includes logging)
+ void SetSessionState(TSessionState aSessionState);
+ void SetPendingOperation(TPendingOperation aPendingOperation);
+ void SetServerState(TImapServerState aServerState);
+ static void AppendAndGrowFormatL(RBuf8& aBuffer, TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFormat, TImapOverflowDetector* aOverflowHandler, ...);
+ CImapSettings& iImapSettings;
+ CImapMailStore& iImapMailStore;
+ MInputStream* iInputStream;
+ MOutputStream* iOutputStream;
+ TPtrC8 iInputBuffer;
+ CBufFlat* iInputCache;
+ TImapServerState iServerState;
+ TPendingOperation iPendingOperation;
+ TAsyncCallBackOpCode iAsyncCallBackOpCode;
+ CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallBack;
+ // When flushing a cancelled command,
+ // timeout if the expected data is not received from the server in time.
+ CImapObservableTimer* iFlushCommandTimeout;
+ TSessionState iSessionState;
+ /**
+ Records information about the currently selected folder.
+ This object is passed into CImapSession by SelectL() and ExamineL().
+ CImapSession takes ownership of the object, and destroying the current object.
+ CImapSession ensures that iSelectedFolderInfo is NULL whenever it is NOT in EServerStateSelected state.
+ */
+ CImapFolderInfo* iSelectedFolderInfo;
+ CImapCommand* iCurrentCommand; // Is NULL when no command is in progress. OWNED.
+ TInt iCommandLiteralRequestSize;
+ TInt iNextTagId;
+ // Capabilities
+ CImapServerGreetingInfo* iServerGreetingInfo;
+ CImapCapabilityInfo* iCapabilityInfo;
+ TRequestStatus* iReport;
+ TInt iLogId;
+ CImapAuthMechanismHelper::TImapAuthProfileFlag iCurrentAuthProfile;
+ };
+#endif // __CIMAPSESSION_H__