changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/imap4mtm/imapsession/src/cimaplistbase.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "cimaplistbase.h"
+#include "moutputstream.h"
+#include "cimapsessionconsts.h"
+#include "cimapatomparser.h"
+#include "cimapatomwalker.h"
+#include "cimaputils.h"
+#include "cimapcharconv.h"
+#include "cimapsettings.h"
+// Inbox mailbox name
+const TUint KNullTerminator = '\0';
+void CImapListBase::ConstructL(const TDesC& aReferenceName, const TDesC& aMailboxName)
+	{
+	iReferenceName = EncodeMailboxNameForSendL(aReferenceName);
+	iMailboxName = EncodeMailboxNameForSendL(aMailboxName);
+	iAtomWalker = CImapAtomWalker::NewL(iLogId);
+	}
+CImapListBase::CImapListBase(CImapFolderInfo* aSelectedFolderData, TInt aLogId, RArrayImapListFolderInfo& aFolderList, const CImapSettings& aImapSettings, const TDesC8& aSendMessageFormat, const TDesC8& aResponseIdentifier)
+	: CImapCommandEx(aSelectedFolderData, aLogId)
+	, iFolderList(aFolderList)
+	, iSendMessageFormat(aSendMessageFormat)
+	, iResponseIdentifier(aResponseIdentifier)
+	, iListParseState(EWaitingForResponse)
+	, iImapSettings(aImapSettings)
+	{		
+	}
+	{
+	delete iAtomWalker;
+	delete iAtomParser;
+	delete iReferenceName;
+	delete iMailboxName;
+	}
+Formats and sends the IMAP LIST command.
+@param aTagId Command sequence id which will be send along with the IMAP command.
+@param aStream A wrapper for the outbound stream of a connected socket, using which 
+the command will be send to the server
+void CImapListBase::SendMessageL(TInt aTagId, MOutputStream& aStream)
+	{
+	iTagId = aTagId;
+	TInt bufLength = iSendMessageFormat.Length();	
+	bufLength += TagLength(aTagId);
+	bufLength += iReferenceName->Length();
+	bufLength += iMailboxName->Length();
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iOutputBuffer==NULL, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::ECommandOutputBufferNotNull));
+	iOutputBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(bufLength);	
+	iOutputBuffer->Des().Format(iSendMessageFormat, aTagId, iReferenceName, iMailboxName);
+	//send the command to the server
+	aStream.SendDataReq(*iOutputBuffer);	
+	}
+If this is a LIST/LSUB response, then begin parsing it.
+Parsing of LIST/LSUB responses is a two phase process.
+First, build an atom tree using the atom parser.  
+The atom parser determines whether extra literal data is expected on the stream
+Once the atom parser has enough data (either here or in ParseLineFollowingLiteralL()) 
+then the second phase is to process the atom tree by calling ProcessMailboxListL().
+Otherwise return not recognised
+@return ENotRecognised (if not a LIST/LSUB response)
+		ECompleteUntagged (if a LIST/LSUB response with no literal data)
+		EResponseIncomplete (if a LIST/LSUB response wiht literal data expected)		
+CImapCommand::TParseBlockResult CImapListBase::ParseUntaggedResponseL()
+	{
+	TParseBlockResult result = ENotRecognised;
+	// Is this a list response?
+	TPtrC8 part = GetNextPart(); // returns KNullDesC8 if there is no part available
+	if(part.CompareF(iResponseIdentifier) == 0)
+		{
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAtomParser == NULL, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EListBaseAtomParserAlreadyExists));
+		iAtomParser = CImapAtomParser::NewL(ETrue, iLogId);
+		TBool wantMore = iAtomParser->ProcessLineL(iUnparsedData);
+		if (wantMore)
+			{
+			result = EResponseIncomplete;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// All the data was received in the fist line.  Process it now.
+			ProcessMailboxListL();
+			result = ECompleteUntagged;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		result = ENotRecognised;
+		}			
+	return result;
+	}
+Delegates parsing of incoming literal data to the atom parser.
+void CImapListBase::ParseLiteralBlockL()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAtomParser != NULL, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EListBaseAtomParserIsNull));
+	iAtomParser->ProcessLiteralBlockL(iUnparsedData);
+	}
+Delegates parsing of the incoming line of data to the atom parser.
+If the atom parser has all the data it needs, then processing of the mailbox data
+can begin.
+@return whether further literal data is expected
+TBool CImapListBase::ParseLineFollowingLiteralL()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAtomParser != NULL, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EListBaseAtomParserIsNull));
+	TBool wantMoreData = iAtomParser->ProcessLineL(iUnparsedData);
+ 	if(!wantMoreData)
+ 		{
+ 		// All the data for this LIST/LSUB response has been recieved.  Process it now.
+		ProcessMailboxListL();
+		}
+	return wantMoreData;
+	}
+Having received all the data for a LIST/LSUB response, this method processes the atom tree
+representation of the response.
+A CImapListFolderInfo object representing the response is populated and then inserted 
+in alphabetic order (based on the mailbox name) into the output array of CImapListFolderInfo objects
+that was passed into this object on construction.
+void CImapListBase::ProcessMailboxListL()
+	{
+	// mailbox-list = "(" [mbx-list-flags] ")" SP (DQUOTE QUOTED-CHAR DQUOTE / nil) SP mailbox
+	//
+	// mailbox = "INBOX" / astring
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAtomParser != NULL, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EListBaseAtomParserIsNull));
+	iAtomWalker->SetRootL(iAtomParser->RootAtom());
+	iAtomWalker->WalkDownL();
+	CImapListFolderInfo* folderInfo = CImapListFolderInfo::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(folderInfo);
+	ProcessMailboxListFlagsL(*folderInfo);
+	ProcessHeirarchySeparatorL(*folderInfo);	
+	ProcessMailboxL(*folderInfo);
+	TLinearOrder<CImapListFolderInfo> sorter(CImapListFolderInfo::CompareByFolderName);
+	iFolderList.InsertInOrderL(folderInfo, sorter);
+	// Finished with the atom tree for this response.
+	delete iAtomParser;
+	iAtomParser = NULL;
+	CleanupStack::Pop(folderInfo);
+	}
+Process the mbx-list-flags portion of the LIST/LSUB response
+@param aFolderInfo recieves the flags data
+void CImapListBase::ProcessMailboxListFlagsL(CImapListFolderInfo& aFolderInfo)
+	{
+	// mbx-list-flags =	*(mbx-list-oflag SP) mbx-list-sflag *(SP mbx-list-oflag) /
+	//					mbx-list-oflag *(SP mbx-list-oflag)
+	//
+	// mbx-list-oflag = "\Noinferiors" / flag-extension
+	//		; Other flags; multiple possible per LIST response
+	//
+	// flag-extension = "\" atom
+	//
+	// mbx-list-sflag = "\Noselect" / "\Marked" / "\Unmarked"
+	//		; Selectability flags; only one per LIST response
+	// mbx-list-flags cannot contain brackets, so it is safe to search for its delimiting brackets
+	// There may be no flags, so check for this first
+	if (iAtomWalker->PeekDown())
+		{
+		iAtomWalker->WalkDownL();
+		do
+			{
+			// mbx-list-oflag = "\Noinferiors" / flag-extension
+			if (iAtomWalker->CurrentMatch(KImapTxtNoInferiors))
+				{
+				aFolderInfo.SetFlag(CImapListFolderInfo::ENoinferiors, ETrue);
+				}
+			// mbx-list-sflag = "\Noselect" / "\Marked" / "\Unmarked"
+			// Server should only send one of these (but must send one)
+			else if (iAtomWalker->CurrentMatch(KImapTxtNoSelect))
+				{
+				aFolderInfo.SetFlag(CImapListFolderInfo::ENoselect, ETrue);
+				}
+			else if (iAtomWalker->CurrentMatch(KImapTxtMarked))
+				{
+				aFolderInfo.SetFlag(CImapListFolderInfo::EMarked, ETrue);
+				}
+			else if (iAtomWalker->CurrentMatch(KImapTxtUnmarked))
+				{
+				aFolderInfo.SetFlag(CImapListFolderInfo::EUnmarked, ETrue);
+				}
+			} while (iAtomWalker->WalkAcrossL(EFalse));
+		iAtomWalker->WalkUpL();
+		}
+	}
+Processes the heirarchy separator portion of the LIST/LSUB response.
+@param aFolderInfo receives the heirarchy character
+void CImapListBase::ProcessHeirarchySeparatorL(CImapListFolderInfo& aFolderInfo)
+	{
+	// now look for heirarchy separator
+	iAtomWalker->WalkAcrossL(ETrue);
+	TPtrC8 heirarchySeparator = iAtomWalker->CurrentDes(ETrue); // this is effectively an nstring
+	if (heirarchySeparator.Length() == 1)
+		{
+		// this is the most likely scenario so start here.
+		aFolderInfo.iHierarchySeperator = heirarchySeparator[0];
+		}
+	else if (heirarchySeparator.Length() == 0)
+		{
+		// The separator was NIL
+		aFolderInfo.iHierarchySeperator = KNullTerminator;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		CorruptDataL(); // we were returned a string that was too long for a heirarchySeparator.
+		}
+	}
+Extracts the mailbox name from the LIST/LSUB response.
+@param aFolderInfo receives the mailbox name
+void CImapListBase::ProcessMailboxL(CImapListFolderInfo& aFolderInfo)
+	{
+	iAtomWalker->WalkAcrossL(ETrue);
+	TPtrC8 mailboxNameUtf7 = iAtomWalker->CurrentDes(EFalse); // mailbox not an nstring.
+	// Convert into ImapUtf7.
+	HBufC16* mailboxNameUnicode = CImapUtils::GetRef().Charconv().ConvertToUnicodeFromImapUtf7L(mailboxNameUtf7);
+	TPtr16 namePtr = mailboxNameUnicode->Des();
+	// Strip leading hierarchy separators
+	TPtrC16 stripName(namePtr);
+	while ((stripName.Length() > 0) && (stripName.Locate(aFolderInfo.iHierarchySeperator) == 0))
+		{
+		stripName.Set(stripName.Mid(1));
+		}
+	TInt numFound = namePtr.Length() - stripName.Length();
+	if (numFound > 0)
+		{
+		namePtr.Delete(0, numFound);
+		}
+	// Strip trailing hierarchy separators
+	while ((namePtr.Length() > 0) && (namePtr.LocateReverse(aFolderInfo.iHierarchySeperator) == namePtr.Length() - 1))
+		{
+		namePtr.Delete(namePtr.Length() - 1, 1);
+		}
+	// If the first part of the path name is the inbox, make sure we use
+	// the uppercase version INBOX. This allows for case sensitive searches
+	// to be performed later.
+	TInt inboxLength = KIMAP_INBOX().Length();
+	// Check that the input folder name is long enough to contain INBOX and
+	// the hierarchy separator.
+	if (namePtr.Length() >= inboxLength + 1)
+		{
+		TPtrC16 inboxPart = namePtr.Left(inboxLength);
+		if (inboxPart.CompareF(KIMAP_INBOX) == 0 && inboxPart.Compare(KIMAP_INBOX) != 0)
+			{
+			TPtrC16 separatorPart = namePtr.Mid(inboxLength, 1);
+			if (separatorPart.Compare(iImapSettings.PathSeparator()) == 0)
+				{
+				namePtr.Replace(0, inboxLength, KIMAP_INBOX);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	aFolderInfo.SetFolderNameL(mailboxNameUnicode);
+	}