changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/imum/Utils/Inc/MuiuDynamicSettingsDialog.h	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  This file contains declearation of settings handler class
+#include <e32base.h>                // CArrayPtrFlat
+#include <eiklbo.h>                 // MEikListBoxObserver
+#include <coedef.h>                 // TKeyResponse
+#include <w32std.h>                 // TKeyEvent
+#include <eikcmobs.h>               // MEikCommandObserver
+#include <badesca.h>                // CDesCArrayFlat
+#include <aknsettingpage.h>         // MAknSettingPageObserver
+#include <eikbtgpc.h>               // CEikButtonGroupContainer
+#include "MuiuDynamicSettingsArray.h"
+#include "IMSSoftkeyControl.h"
+#include "IMSPageResourceControl.h"
+#include <muiuflags.h>
+enum TMuiuPageResult
+    {
+    EMuiuPageResultOk = 0,
+    EMuiuPageResultSubMenuOpen,
+    EMuiuPageResultInvalidResult,
+    EMuiuPageResultReadOnly,
+    EMuiuPageResultCancelled,
+    EMuiuPageResultEditing,
+    EMuiuPageResultEventCancel,
+    EMuiuPageResultPageLocked
+    };
+enum TMuiuPageEventResult
+    {
+    // Given value is approved
+    EMuiuPageEventResultApproved = 0,
+    // User has entered an invalid value, editor page should be reopened
+    EMuiuPageEventResultDisapproved,
+    // The editor has been cancelled and should be closed
+    EMuiuPageEventResultCancel
+    };
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<TInt> CMuiuDynSetIntArray;
+typedef CArrayPtrFlat<CAknSettingPage> CMuiuDynSetPages;
+typedef CAknSettingPage::TAknSettingPageUpdateMode TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode;
+enum TMuiuDynInitInfo
+    {
+    // Indicates the next type needs value to be initialized
+    EMuiuDynInitInfoValue = 0,
+    // Indicates the next type needs text to be initialized
+    EMuiuDynInitInfoText
+    };
+// Arrays for initializing items
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<TUid> CMuiuDynInitItemIdArray;
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<TInt> CMuiuDynInitItemValueArray;
+typedef CArrayPtrFlat<TMuiuSettingsText> CMuiuDynInitItemTextArray;
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<TMuiuDynInitInfo> CMuiuDynInitInfoArray;
+class CEikFormattedCellListBox;
+class CEikScrollBarFrame;
+class CAknSettingPage;
+class CAknTitlePane;
+class CAknQueryDialog;
+class CEikButtonGroupContainer;
+class CSelectionItemList;
+class CMuiuFlags;
+*  ?one_line_short_description.
+*  ?other_description_lines
+*  @lib ?library
+*  @since S60 3.0
+class CMuiuDynamicSettingsDialog :
+    public CMuiuDynamicSettingsArray,
+    public MEikListBoxObserver,
+    public MEikCommandObserver,
+    public MAknSettingPageObserver
+    {
+    public: // Constructors and destructor
+        virtual ~CMuiuDynamicSettingsDialog();
+    public: // New virtual functions
+        virtual TBool SettingsStartedL();
+    public: // New functions
+        TInt CurrentItemIndex() const;
+        CMuiuSettingBase* CurrentItem() const;
+    public: // Functions from base classes
+    protected:  // Constructors
+        CMuiuDynamicSettingsDialog(
+            CEikFormattedCellListBox& aListBox,
+            CAknTitlePane& aTitlePane );
+        void SettingsConstructL(            
+            CEikButtonGroupContainer& aButtons,            
+            const TInt aResource = NULL,
+            const TBool aUpdateMSK = EFalse,
+            const TBool aLockedSettings = EFalse );
+    protected:  // New virtual functions
+        // From MAknSettingPageObserver
+        virtual void HandleSettingPageEventL(
+            CAknSettingPage* aSettingPage,
+            TAknSettingPageEvent aEventType ) = 0;
+        virtual TBool OkToExitL(
+            const TInt aButtonId ) = 0;
+        virtual TInt InitItemUnidentified(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const TInt aValue,
+            const TMuiuSettingsText* aText );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        virtual TMuiuPageEventResult SettingLaunchMultilineEditorL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        virtual TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(
+            const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+            TEventCode aType );
+        /**
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        virtual void AcquireCustomSettingPageL(
+            CAknSettingPage*& aReturnPage,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aReturnUpdateMode,
+            TInt& aReturnSettingValue,
+            TMuiuSettingsText& aReturnSettingText,
+            CDesCArrayFlat& aReturnRadioButtonArray,
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aParamBaseItem );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        virtual TInt EventSubArrayChangeL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        virtual TMuiuPageEventResult EventItemEditStartsL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        virtual TInt EventItemEditEndsL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        virtual TMuiuPageEventResult EventItemEvaluateValue(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TInt& aNewValue );
+        virtual TMuiuPageEventResult EventItemEvaluateRadioButton(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TInt& aNewValue );
+        virtual TMuiuPageEventResult EventItemEvaluateText(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TDes& aNewText );
+    protected:  // New functions
+        // Setting page opening
+        TMuiuPageResult OpenSettingPageL(
+            const TInt aIndex = KErrNotFound );
+        TMuiuPageResult OpenSettingPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        void SetTitlePaneTextL(
+            const TDesC& aText,
+            const TBool aSaveCurrent = ETrue );
+        void SetPreviousTitlePaneText(
+            const TBool aSaveCurrent = ETrue );
+        /**
+        * Find the editor from the index in the array under the given item
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        CMuiuSettingBase* SettingFindEditor(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const TInt aIndex,
+            const TBool aExcludeHidden = ETrue );
+        /**
+        * Find the editor based on the id under the given item
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        CMuiuSettingBase* SettingFindEditor(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const TUid& aId,
+            const TBool aExcludeHidden = ETrue );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        TInt InitAnyItem(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const TInt aValue,
+            const TMuiuSettingsText* aText );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        TInt InitAnyMultiItem(
+            const CMuiuDynInitItemIdArray* aStartTree,
+            const CMuiuDynInitItemIdArray& aIdArray,
+            const CMuiuDynInitItemValueArray* aValueArray = NULL,
+            const CMuiuDynInitItemTextArray* aDescArray = NULL,
+            const CMuiuDynInitInfoArray* aInitInfoArray = NULL );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60
+        * @return
+        */
+        TInt ShowCustomQueryL(
+            const TInt aResourceStringId );
+        TInt GetTextEditorFlags( const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        TInt GetValueEditorFlags( const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void SetListboxEmptyTextL( const TDesC& aText );
+        /**
+        * Gets the setting page resource of specific item
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        * @return resource id of the page
+        */
+        TInt SettingPageResource(
+            const TIMSPageResource aSettingPage ) const;
+        /**
+        * Sets the new setting page resource for specific item
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        * @param aSettingPage, Inserts the resource for the page
+        */
+        void SetSettingPageResource(
+            const TIMSPageResource aSettingPage,
+            const TInt aResourceId );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void CheckRadioButton(
+            CMuiuSettingsLink& aRadioButtonArray,
+            const TInt aRadioButtonIndex );
+        void CheckRadioButton(
+            CMuiuSettingsLink& aRadioButtonArray,
+            const TUid& aId );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+         TInt FindCheckedRadiobutton(
+            const CMuiuSettingsLinkExtended& aArray,
+            TUid& aId,
+            TInt& aIndex );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void AddBackupItemL(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void RemoveLastBackupItem();
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        CMuiuSettingBase* GetLastBackupItem();
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void RestoreFromBackup();
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void CleanBackupArray();      
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.2
+        */
+        void UpdateMskL();
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.2
+        */
+        void SetMskL();
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.2
+        */
+        TInt MskCommand();
+    protected:  // Functions from base classes
+        // MEikCommandObserver
+        virtual void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId ) = 0;
+        // MEikListBoxObserver
+        virtual void HandleListBoxEventL(
+            CEikListBox* aListBox,
+            TListBoxEvent aEventType );
+    private:  // New virtual functions
+    private:  // New functions
+        // Setting page opening
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        TMuiuPageResult SettingsPageOpenCheckL();
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        TMuiuPageResult SettingPageOpenEditorL();
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void SettingPageOpenFinishL();
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        TMuiuPageResult SettingPageOpenL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        TMuiuPageResult SettingLaunchPageLD(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        TMuiuPageResult SettingLaunchRadioButtonPageLD(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        TMuiuPageResult SettingLaunchCheckboxPageLD(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        TMuiuPageResult SettingLaunchTextEditorPageLD(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        TMuiuPageResult SettingLaunchNumberEditorPageLD(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        TMuiuPageResult SettingLaunchScNumberEditorPageLD(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        TMuiuPageResult SettingLaunchMultilinePageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void SettingsCheckNextEditorOpen(
+            TMuiuPageResult& aResult );
+        // Setting page creation
+        /**
+        * Creates editor of spesific type
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void SettingCreateEditorL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        void SettingCreateRadioButtonPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        void SettingCreateCheckboxPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        void SettingCreatePlainTextEditorPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        void SettingCreatePasswordTextEditorPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        void SettingCreatePlainNumberEditorPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        void SettingCreateScNumberEditorPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode );
+        TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode DefineDefaultSettingPageL(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBase );
+        void SettingCreateButtonArrayL(
+            CMuiuDynSetItemArray& aButtonArray );
+        void SettingCreateCheckboxArrayL(
+            CMuiuDynSetItemArray& aButtonArray );
+        // Setting page acquiring
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void SettingPrepareAcquireL(
+            TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aUpdateMode,
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void SettingPrepareAcquireRadioButtonPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void SettingPrepareAcquireCheckboxPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void SettingPrepareAcquireTextEditorPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void SettingPrepareAcquireValueEditorPageL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        // Setting initialization
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        TInt InitArrayLink(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const TMuiuSettingsText* aText );
+        TInt InitArrayRadioButton(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const TInt aValue,
+            const TMuiuSettingsText* aText );
+        TInt InitArrayCheckBox(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const TInt aValue,
+            const TMuiuSettingsText* aText );
+        TInt InitItemTextEdit(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const TMuiuSettingsText* aText );
+        TInt InitItemNumberEdit(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const TInt aValue,
+            const TMuiuSettingsText* aText );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void PrepareInit(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const CMuiuDynInitItemValueArray* aValueArray,
+            const CMuiuDynInitItemTextArray* aDescArray,
+            const CMuiuDynInitInfoArray* aInitInfoArray,
+            TInt& aValueIndex,
+            TInt& aTextIndex,
+            TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        TInt EventPrepareSubArrayL(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+            const TBool aForward = ETrue );
+        /**
+        * Gets the previous stored value and removes it
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        * @return Last index
+        */
+        TInt SettingsLastItemIndex( const TBool aRemove = ETrue ) const;
+        /**
+        * Adds current itemindex to stack
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        * @param aSettingsLastItemIndex, new index
+        */
+        void SetSettingsLastItemIndexL( const TInt aLastItemIndex );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        CMuiuSettingBase* CurrentSettingsPage(
+            const TBool aRemove = EFalse );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void SetCurrentSettingsPage(
+            CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        // Backing up
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        void BackupItemCreateLinkL(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        void BackupItemCreateRadioL(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        void BackupItemCreateValueL(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        void BackupItemCreateTextL(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        void BackupItemCreateUndefinedL(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        virtual CMuiuSettingBase* CreateItemForBackupL(
+            const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem );
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        TMuiuPageResult HandleEditorCancel();
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        TMuiuPageResult HandleEditorOk();
+        /**
+        *
+        * @since S60 3.0
+        */
+        TMuiuPageResult HandleEditorDisapproved();
+    private:  // Functions from base classes
+        // CMuiuDynamicSettingsArray
+        TInt EventArrayChangedL(
+            const TMuiuArrayEvents aEvent );
+        TBool EventCustomMdcaPoint(
+            const TUid& aId,
+            TPtr& aString ) const;
+    public:     // Data
+    protected:  // Data
+        // The listbox that is shown in view for user
+        CEikFormattedCellListBox& iListBox;
+        // Used titlepane in settings dialog
+        CAknTitlePane&      iTitlePane;
+        // Buttons used to show in the dialog
+        CIMSSoftkeyControl* iSoftkeys;
+        // Temporary storage for settings page
+        CAknSettingPage*        iSettingPage;        
+    private:    // Data
+        enum TDynSettingsFlags
+            {
+            EMuiuDynSetStartIssued = 0,
+            EMuiuDynSetRunningCustomPage,
+            };
+        // RESOURCES
+        // Status flags
+        TMuiuFlags          iDynSettingsFlags;
+        // Container for resource page ids
+        CIMSPageResourceControl* iSettingPageResources;
+        // Container array for items to be edited
+        CMuiuDynSetItemArray* iSettingsPageArray;
+        // DIALOG
+        // Pointer to scrollbar used in settings page
+        CEikScrollBarFrame* iScrollBar;
+        // Temporary place to store the previous titlepane text
+        HBufC*              iOldTitleText;
+        // Object for query dialog
+        CAknQueryDialog*    iQueryDialog;
+        // SETTING PAGE
+        // Previous location of cursor
+        CMuiuDynSetIntArray*    iSettingsLastItemIndex;
+        // Temporary value for setting page
+        TInt                    iSettingValue;
+        // Temporary text for setting page
+        TMuiuSettingsText*      iSettingText;
+        // Temporary text for password setting page
+        TMuiuPasswordText*      iNewPassword;
+        // Temporary text for password setting page
+        TMuiuPasswordText*      iOldPassword;
+        // Temporary array for buttons
+        CDesCArrayFlat*         iButtonArray;
+        // Temporary array for checkboxes
+        CSelectionItemList*     iCheckboxArray;
+        // Array to temporary store the items to be edited
+        CMuiuDynSetItemArray*   iBackupArray;
+        // Index to focused list box item
+        TInt                    iCurrentItemIndex; 
+        CMuiuFlags*             iFeatureFlags; 
+    };
+// End of File