--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/imum/Utils/Src/IMSSettingsWizard.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1703 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: IMSSettingsWizard.cpp
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <badesca.h> // CDesCArrayFlat
+#include <avkon.hrh> // Softkey enumerations
+#include <cemailaccounts.h> // CEmailAccounts
+#include <smtpset.h> // CImSmtpSettings
+#include <imapset.h> // CImImap4Settings
+#include <pop3set.h> // CImPop3Settings
+#include <iapprefs.h> // CImIAPPreferences
+#include <StringLoader.h> // StringLoader
+#include <aknmessagequerydialog.h> // CAknMessageQueryDialog
+#include <MuiuMsvUiServiceUtilities.h> // MsvUiServiceUtilities
+#include <eikrted.h> // CEikRichTextEditor
+#include <txtrich.h> // CRichText
+#include <AknInfoPopupNoteController.h>
+#include <mtudcbas.h> // CBaseMtmUiData
+#include <mtmuibas.h> // CBaseMtmUi
+#include <mtsr.h> // CMtmRegistryControl
+#include <MtmExtendedCapabilities.hrh>
+#include <MTMStore.h> // CMtmStore
+#include "MuiuDynamicSettingsItemFinderInterface.h"
+#include "MuiuDynamicSettingsDialog.h"
+#include <SendUiConsts.h>
+#include <ImumUtils.rsg>
+#include "ImumInSettingsData.h"
+#include "ImumInternalApiImpl.h"
+#include "ImumInMailboxServicesImpl.h"
+#include "IMSSettingsNoteUi.h"
+#include "IMSSettingsWizard.h"
+#include "IMSWTextEditorPage.h"
+#include "IMSWRadiobuttonPage.h"
+#include "IMSSettingsItemApprover.h"
+#include "IMASPageIds.hrh"
+#include "EmailUtils.H"
+#include "EmailFeatureUtils.h"
+#include "ComDbUtl.h" // CMsvCommDbUtilities
+#include "ImumUtilsLogging.h"
+#include "ImumPanic.h"
+#include "IMSWizardControl.h"
+const TText KIMASCharDot = '.';
+const TText KIMASCharAt = '@';
+const TInt KMaxPages = 6;
+const TInt KMsToWaitBeforePopup = 2000;
+const TInt KMsToWaitBeforeRePopup = 6000;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::CIMSSettingsWizard()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CIMSSettingsUi& aDialog,
+ CImumInternalApiImpl& aMailboxApi,
+ CEikFormattedCellListBox& aListBox,
+ CIMSWizardControl& aHelpContainer,
+ CAknTitlePane& aTitlePane,
+ CMuiuFlags& aFlags )
+ :
+ CIMSSettingsBaseUI( aDialog, aMailboxApi, aListBox,
+ aTitlePane, aFlags ),
+ iCurrentItem( KNullUid ),
+ iWizState( EWizStateQuerying ),
+ iPageEdit( NULL ),
+ iPageRadioBtn( NULL ),
+ iCurPage( 0 ),
+ iPageText( NULL ),
+ iHelpContainer( aHelpContainer )
+ {
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::~CIMSSettingsWizard()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::~CIMSSettingsWizard, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ iProtocolArray.Close();
+ delete iPageText;
+ delete iMtmStore;
+ iPageEdit = NULL;
+ iPageRadioBtn = NULL;
+ if ( iWizardLauncher )
+ {
+ iWizardLauncher->Cancel();
+ }
+ delete iWizardLauncher;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::ConstructL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::ConstructL( CEikButtonGroupContainer& aSoftkeys,
+ const TDesC& aEmailAddress )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::ConstructL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ BaseUiConstructL( aSoftkeys, R_IMAS_WIZARD );
+ iMtmStore = CMtmStore::NewL(iMailboxApi.MsvSession());
+ // Clear the flags
+ for ( TUint flag = EWizFlagLastFlag; --flag >= EWizFlagFirstFlag; )
+ {
+ ClearFlag( flag );
+ }
+ SettingsStartedL( aEmailAddress );
+ // Hide the unnecessary scrollbar from the first page of the wizard
+ CEikScrollBarFrame* scrollbar = iListBox.ScrollBarFrame();
+ if ( scrollbar )
+ {
+ scrollbar->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff );
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::NewL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CIMSSettingsWizard* CIMSSettingsWizard::NewL(
+ CIMSSettingsUi& aDialog,
+ CImumInternalApiImpl& aMailboxApi,
+ CEikFormattedCellListBox& aListBox,
+ CIMSWizardControl& aHelpContainer,
+ CAknTitlePane& aTitlePane,
+ CEikButtonGroupContainer& aSoftkeys,
+ CMuiuFlags& aFlags,
+ const TDesC& aEmailAddress )
+ {
+ CIMSSettingsWizard* self = NewLC(
+ aDialog, aMailboxApi,
+ aListBox, aHelpContainer, aTitlePane, aSoftkeys, aFlags, aEmailAddress );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::NewLC()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CIMSSettingsWizard* CIMSSettingsWizard::NewLC(
+ CIMSSettingsUi& aDialog,
+ CImumInternalApiImpl& aMailboxApi,
+ CEikFormattedCellListBox& aListBox,
+ CIMSWizardControl& aHelpContainer,
+ CAknTitlePane& aTitlePane,
+ CEikButtonGroupContainer& aSoftkeys,
+ CMuiuFlags& aFlags,
+ const TDesC& aEmailAddress )
+ {
+ IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::NewLC, 0, utils, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ CIMSSettingsWizard* self =
+ new ( ELeave ) CIMSSettingsWizard(
+ aDialog, aMailboxApi,
+ aListBox, aHelpContainer, aTitlePane, aFlags );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aSoftkeys, aEmailAddress );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::DefinePageNumberStringL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::DefinePageNumberStringL()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::DefinePageNumberStringL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ CArrayFix<TInt>* array = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( 1 );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( array );
+ // If current page is zero, increase it to 1
+ if ( iCurPage == 0 )
+ {
+ iCurPage++;
+ }
+ array->AppendL( iCurPage );
+ array->AppendL( KMaxPages );
+ delete iPageText;
+ iPageText = NULL;
+ // Load page number to descriptor
+ iPageText = StringLoader::LoadL(
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( array );
+ array = NULL;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsStartedL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsStartedL( const TDesC& aEmailAddress )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsStartedL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // Set the titlepane text
+ HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadL( R_MBXS_SETTINGS_NEW_BOX );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( text );
+ SetTitlePaneTextL( *text );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
+ HidePermanently( ToUid( EIMAWRadioButtonIapAlwaysAsk ), ETrue );
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* email = static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>(
+ GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWEmailAddress ) ) );
+ TMuiuSettingsText emailText;
+ if ( aEmailAddress.Length() )
+ {
+ emailText = aEmailAddress;
+ email->SetText( &emailText );
+ SettingsItemDefineServers( *email->Text() );
+ SettingsItemDefineMailboxName( *email->Text() );
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagSkipEmail );
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagPluginDetected );
+ iWizardLauncher = CIMSWizardLauncher::NewL( *this, iDialog );
+ //Next prevents the original info screen and buttons from flashing
+ //on the screen
+ iSoftkeys->SetVisibility( EFalse, this );
+ if ( iHelpContainer.CountComponentControls() )
+ {
+ iHelpContainer.ComponentControl( 0 )->MakeVisible( EFalse );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Hide the listbox and the helpscreen
+ // The buttons should be hidden here too for the dialog
+ SetHideItems( ETrue, R_IMAS_WIZARD, ETrue );
+ iDialog.MakeLineVisible( EIMSWizardRichTxtEditorContainer, ETrue);
+ //TMuiuSettingsText at;
+ emailText.Append( KIMASCharAt );
+ email->SetText( &emailText );
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::OkToExitL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CIMSSettingsWizard::OkToExitL( const TInt /* aButtonId */ )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::OkToExitL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // If wizard is running (setting page is on display), let setting page
+ // and wizard loop to exit before exiting. Save exit flags to reinstate
+ // them when wizard loop exists.
+ if ( Flag( EWizFlagStateRunning ) )
+ {
+ ChangeFlag( EWizFlagShouldExit, Flag( EImumSettingShouldExit ) );
+ ChangeFlag( EWizFlagShouldClose, Flag( EImumSettingShouldClose ) );
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ // Show query for exit
+ TInt result = 1;
+ // Check if user has to be asked about the exit
+ if ( Flag( EImumSettingQueryClose ) && !Flag( EWizFlagForcedCancel ))
+ {
+ if ( !Flag( EWizFlagCompleted ) )
+ {
+ result = CIMSSettingsNoteUi::ShowQueryL(
+ if ( !result && Flag( EWizFlagPluginDetected ) )
+ {
+ iWizardLauncher->StartLauncher();
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagShouldExit );
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagShouldClose );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressSoftkey()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressSoftkey(
+ const TInt aButton )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressSoftkey, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ // Check which of the keys has been pressed
+ if ( aButton == EAknSoftkeyBack )
+ {
+ if ( iWizState == EWizStateQuerying )
+ {
+ SetFlag( EImumSettingShouldClose );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRAP( error, KeyPressBackL() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( iWizState == EWizStateQuerying )
+ {
+ WizRunStart();
+ TRAP( error,
+ while( Flag( EWizFlagStateRunning ) )
+ {
+ WizRunStepL();
+ } );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRAP( error, KeyPressNextL() );
+ }
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( error == KErrNone,
+ User::Panic( KIMSWizardPanic, error ) );
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressOKButtonL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressOKButtonL( const TInt /* aButton */ )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressOKButtonL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // In help screen, ok button opens the first page
+ if ( iWizState == EWizStateQuerying )
+ {
+ KeyPressSoftkey( EAknSoftkeyShow );
+ }
+ // Text page editing ongoing, call correct page
+ else if ( iSettingPage && Flag( EWizFlagTextEditPage ) )
+ {
+ iPageEdit->KeyPressedSelectL();
+ }
+ // Radio button page editing ongoing, call correct page
+ else if ( iSettingPage && Flag( EWizFlagRadioButtonPage ) )
+ {
+ iPageRadioBtn->KeyPressedSelectL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Nothing
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressNextL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressNextL()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressNextL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed );
+ // Text page editing ongoing, call correct page
+ if ( iSettingPage && Flag( EWizFlagTextEditPage ) )
+ {
+ iPageEdit->KeyPressedNextL();
+ }
+ // Radio button page editing ongoing, call correct page
+ else if ( iSettingPage && Flag( EWizFlagRadioButtonPage ) )
+ {
+ iPageRadioBtn->KeyPressedNextL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Nothing
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressBackL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressBackL()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::KeyPressBackL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagBackKeyPressed );
+ // Text page editing ongoing, call correct page
+ if ( iSettingPage && Flag( EWizFlagTextEditPage ) )
+ {
+ iPageEdit->KeyPressedBackL();
+ }
+ // Radio button page editing ongoing, call correct page
+ else if ( iSettingPage && Flag( EWizFlagRadioButtonPage ) )
+ {
+ iPageRadioBtn->KeyPressedBackL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Nothing
+ }
+ if ( Flag( EWizFlagPluginDetected ) && iCurrentItem.iUid == EIMAWProtocol )
+ {
+ SetFlag( EImumSettingShouldClose );
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEditStartsL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TMuiuPageEventResult CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEditStartsL(
+ CMuiuSettingBase& /* aBaseItem */ )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEditStartsL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ iNoteDialog = ShowMailSettingsPopupAfterL(
+ iCurrentItem, KMsToWaitBeforePopup );
+ return EMuiuPageEventResultApproved;
+ }
+ Wizard state machine
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizRunStart()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::WizRunStart()
+ {
+ // This function is called, when user starts the wizard by
+ // pressing Start-key or by choosing options->Start
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagStateRunning );
+ iWizState = EWizStateStarted;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizRunStepL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CIMSSettingsWizard::WizRunStepL()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::WizRunStepL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // Run wizard step and change state
+ WizStateMachineL();
+ WizStateChangeStateL();
+ return Flag( EWizFlagStateRunning );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizStateChangeStateL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::WizStateChangeStateL()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::WizStateChangeStateL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // if EWizFlagShouldExit or EWizFlagShouldClose are on, OkToExitL()
+ // inquiry was received while wizard is running. Should exit wizard
+ // loop immediately.
+ if ( Flag( EWizFlagShouldExit ) || Flag( EWizFlagShouldClose ) )
+ {
+ // Reinstate exit flags as they were reset after we declined
+ // exit request in OkToExitL().
+ ChangeFlag( EImumSettingShouldExit, Flag( EWizFlagShouldExit ) );
+ ChangeFlag( EImumSettingShouldClose, Flag( EWizFlagShouldClose ) );
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagStateRunning ); // exit wizard loop
+ return;
+ }
+ // This seperate function is meant only to chage the state of the
+ // state machine.
+ switch ( iWizState )
+ {
+ // After wizard has been initialized, go straight to page open state
+ case EWizStateStarted:
+ iWizState = EWizStateEditPage;
+ break;
+ // After new item has been chosen, Change to editing mode
+ case EWizStateDeterminePage:
+ iWizState = EWizStateEditPage;
+ break;
+ // After the item has been edited, check that the changes are ok
+ case EWizStateEditPage:
+ iWizState = EWizFinishEditing;
+ break;
+ // After validating item, the wizard can be exited by succesfully
+ // finishing the wizard, or by returning back to help screen
+ case EWizFinishEditing:
+ iWizState = ( Flag( EWizFlagExiting ) ||
+ Flag( EImumSettingShouldExit ) ) ?
+ EWizStateExit : EWizStateDeterminePage;
+ break;
+ // As default, try to leave the wizard
+ default:
+ case EWizStateExit:
+ iWizState = ( !Flag( EWizFlagCompleted ) && !Flag( EWizFlagForcedCancel )) ?
+ EWizStateQuerying : EWizStateStarted;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizStateMachineL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::WizStateMachineL()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::WizStateMachineL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ switch ( iWizState )
+ {
+ // This is executed, when wizard is started
+ case EWizStateStarted:
+ WizHandleStateInitializeL();
+ break;
+ // In this state, the wizard chooses the next item to be edited
+ case EWizStateDeterminePage:
+ WizHandleStateDeterminePage();
+ break;
+ // Start editing the actual item
+ case EWizStateEditPage:
+ WizHandleStateEditL();
+ break;
+ // Check that the item is ok, so that the editing can be continued
+ case EWizFinishEditing:
+ WizHandleStateFinishEditingL();
+ break;
+ // Handle the exiting from the wizard
+ default:
+ case EWizStateExit:
+ WizHandleStateExitL();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateInitializeL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateInitializeL()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateInitializeL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ SetHideItems( ETrue, R_IMAS_WIZARD, ETrue );
+ iDialog.MakeLineVisible( EIMSWizardRichTxtEditorContainer, EFalse);
+ iCurrentItem.iUid = EIMAWProtocol;
+ // if protocoll for mailbox has not yet been selected the iCurPage is set to 0 so that
+ // wizard page number text is only updated after the number of pages is known.
+ if ( iProtocol == KNullUid )
+ iCurPage = 0;
+ // Clear all flags except EWizFlagStateRunning
+ for ( TInt flag = EWizFlagExiting; flag <= EWizFlagTextEditPage; flag++ )
+ {
+ ClearFlag( flag );
+ }
+ iPageEdit = NULL;
+ iPageRadioBtn = NULL;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandlePageForward()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandlePageForward()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandlePageForward, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ iCurrentItem.iUid++;
+ iCurPage++;
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagItemApproved );
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandlePageBackward()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandlePageBackward()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandlePageBackward, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ iCurrentItem.iUid--;
+ iCurPage--;
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagBackKeyPressed );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateDeterminePage()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateDeterminePage()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateDeterminePage, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // When next key is pressed and the item is approved, change to next page
+ if ( Flag( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed ) &&
+ Flag( EWizFlagItemApproved ) )
+ {
+ WizHandlePageForward();
+ }
+ // When back key is pressed, change to previous page
+ else if ( Flag( EWizFlagBackKeyPressed ) )
+ {
+ WizHandlePageBackward();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Just open the same page again, as it has not been filled correctly
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed );
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateEditL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateEditL()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateEditL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // Get the item from the list
+ CMuiuSettingBase* setting = GetItem( iCurrentItem );
+ User::LeaveIfNull( setting );
+ // When editing other edit settings, create page with next and back
+ if ( setting->iItemType == EMuiuDynSetItemEditText )
+ {
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagTextEditPage );
+ }
+ // For radiobutton pages, show next and back
+ else if ( setting->iItemType == EMuiuDynSetRadioButtonArray )
+ {
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagRadioButtonPage );
+ }
+ // Iap is radiobutton page
+ else if ( iCurrentItem.iUid == EIMAWIap )
+ {
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagRadioButtonPage );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ DefinePageNumberStringL();
+ //Checks if email editor should be skipped
+ if ( !CheckEmailSkip() )
+ {
+ // Begin editing the page
+ OpenSettingPageL( *setting );
+ }
+ delete iNoteDialog;
+ iNoteDialog = NULL;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateFinishEditingL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateFinishEditingL()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateFinishEditingL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // Should exit when:
+ // Back key pressed and first page OR
+ if ( Flag( EWizFlagBackKeyPressed ) &&
+ iCurrentItem.iUid == EIMAWProtocol )
+ {
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagExiting );
+ }
+ // Next key pressed and item validated and last item
+ if ( Flag( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed ) )
+ {
+ TBool isInternal = iMailboxApi.MailboxUtilitiesL().IsMailMtm( iProtocol, ETrue );
+ if ( !isInternal && iCurrentItem.iUid == EIMAWProtocol )
+ {
+ TBool completed = ETrue;
+ //This should not make the utils code leave
+ TRAP_IGNORE( CallExternalMtmWizardL( iProtocol, completed ) );
+ if (!completed)
+ {
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Get the item to be edited
+ CMuiuSettingBase* base = GetItem( iCurrentItem );
+ if ( iCurrentItem.iUid == EIMAWMailboxName )
+ {
+ ChangeFlag( EWizFlagExiting, Flag( EWizFlagItemApproved ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( Flag ( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed ) || Flag ( EWizFlagBackKeyPressed ) )
+ {
+ // Clear the flags while exiting
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagRadioButtonPage );
+ }
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagTextEditPage );
+ iPageEdit = NULL;
+ iPageRadioBtn = NULL;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateExitL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateExitL()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::WizHandleStateExitL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // Stop the wizard
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagStateRunning );
+ // If the last item is approved, complete the wizard
+ if ( Flag( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed ) &&
+ iCurrentItem.iUid == EIMAWMailboxName )
+ {
+ ChangeFlag( EWizFlagCompleted, CheckCompleted() );
+ }
+ // In case wizard is not completed, but just returned back to help screen
+ if ( !Flag( EWizFlagCompleted ) && !Flag( EWizFlagForcedCancel ))
+ {
+ iDialog.MakeLineVisible( EIMSWizardRichTxtEditorContainer, ETrue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( Flag( EWizFlagCompleted ) )
+ {
+ // Show the information query to the user
+ // before leaving the wizard.
+ CIMSSettingsNoteUi::ShowQueryL(
+ }
+ SetFlag( EImumSettingShouldClose );
+ }
+ }
+ Item handling
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEditEndsL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEditEndsL(
+ CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEditEndsL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ if ( Flag( EWizFlagItemApproved ) )
+ {
+ // Set item as approved accoding to the settings
+ aBaseItem.iItemFlags.SetFlag( EMuiuDynItemValidated );
+ SettingsItemProcessItemL( aBaseItem );
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEvaluateRadioButton()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TMuiuPageEventResult CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEvaluateRadioButton(
+ const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+ TInt& aNewValue )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEvaluateRadioButton, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // Test the item with the approver
+ TIMSApproverEvent event;
+ TMuiuPageEventResult result = iItemApprover->EvaluateValue(
+ event, aBaseItem, aNewValue );
+ // The EWizFlagItemApproved has to be updated according to result of the
+ // validation. When flag is ETrue, next page can be opened
+ TBool approved = ( result == EMuiuPageEventResultApproved );
+ ChangeFlag( EWizFlagItemApproved, approved );
+ if ( !approved )
+ {
+ // Needs to clear this as CMuiuDynamicSettingsDialog opens the
+ // same page again without returning to wizard.
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed );
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEvaluateText()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TMuiuPageEventResult CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEvaluateText(
+ const CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem,
+ TDes& aNewText )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::EventItemEvaluateText, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ // Test the item with the approver
+ TIMSApproverEvent event;
+ TMuiuPageEventResult result = iItemApprover->EvaluateText(
+ event, aBaseItem, aNewText );
+ // The EWizFlagItemApproved has to be updated according to result of the
+ // validation. When flag is ETrue, next page can be opened
+ TBool approved = ( result == EMuiuPageEventResultApproved );
+ ChangeFlag( EWizFlagItemApproved, approved );
+ if ( !approved )
+ {
+ // Needs to clear this as CMuiuDynamicSettingsDialog opens the
+ // same page again without returning to wizard.
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed );
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessItemL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessItemL(
+ CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessItemL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ switch ( aBaseItem.iItemId.iUid )
+ {
+ case EIMAWProtocol:
+ SettingsItemProcessProtocol( aBaseItem );
+ break;
+ case EIMAWEmailAddress:
+ SettingsItemProcessEmailL( aBaseItem );
+ break;
+ case EIMAWIap:
+ SettingsItemProcessIapL( aBaseItem );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessProtocol()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessProtocol(
+ CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessProtocol, 0, KLogUi );
+ iProtocol.iUid = iProtocolArray[aBaseItem.Value()];
+ if ( iProtocol == KSenduiMtmImap4Uid )
+ {
+ SettingsItemDefineNormalWizardArray();
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemDefineNormalWizardArray()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemDefineNormalWizardArray()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemDefineNormalWizardArray, 0, KLogUi );
+ // Unhide all the items
+ HidePermanently( ToUid( EIMAWProtocol ), EFalse );
+ HidePermanently( ToUid( EIMAWEmailAddress ), EFalse );
+ HidePermanently( ToUid( EIMAWReceivingServer ), EFalse );
+ HidePermanently( ToUid( EIMAWSendingServer ), EFalse );
+ HidePermanently( ToUid( EIMAWIap ), EFalse );
+ HidePermanently( ToUid( EIMAWMailboxName ), EFalse );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessEmailL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessEmailL(
+ CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessEmailL, 0, KLogUi );
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* email =
+ static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>( &aBaseItem );
+ // Define new server address and mailbox name, if the email address changes
+ if ( email->Text() &&
+ email->Text()->CompareC( iTemporaryText ) )
+ {
+ // Fill rest of the items
+ SettingsItemDefineServers( *email->Text() );
+ SettingsItemDefineMailboxName( *email->Text() );
+ }
+ email = NULL;
+ iTemporaryText.Zero();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessIapL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessIapL(
+ CMuiuSettingBase& aBaseItem )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemProcessIapL, 0, KLogUi );
+ CIMSSettingsAccessPointItem* iapItem =
+ static_cast<CIMSSettingsAccessPointItem*>( &aBaseItem );
+ // Update the iap item, but use the radio button as reference point
+ SetItemIapItemL( *iapItem );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemDefineServerL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemDefineServers(
+ const TDesC& aEmailAddress )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemDefineServers, 0, KLogUi );
+ // Fetch the item
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* outgoing = static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>(
+ GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWSendingServer ) ) );
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* incoming = static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>(
+ GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWReceivingServer ) ) );
+ if ( outgoing && incoming )
+ {
+ TMuiuSettingsText newAddress;
+ TInt len = aEmailAddress.Length();
+ // Find index after '@' character
+ TInt index = aEmailAddress.Locate( KIMASCharAt ) + 1;
+ newAddress.Zero();
+ newAddress.Append( KIMASCharDot );
+ newAddress.Append( aEmailAddress.Right( len - index ) );
+ // Finally copy the address
+ outgoing->SetText( &newAddress );
+ incoming->SetText( &newAddress );
+ }
+ outgoing = NULL;
+ incoming = NULL;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemDefineMailboxName()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemDefineMailboxName(
+ const TDesC& aEmailAddress )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::SettingsItemDefineMailboxName, 0, KLogUi );
+ // Fetch the item
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* name = static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>(
+ GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWMailboxName ) ) );
+ TInt len = aEmailAddress.Length();
+ if ( name && len > 0 )
+ {
+ // Clear the old name and prepare the new
+ TMuiuSettingsText newAddress;
+ // Find the first letter after '@' character and set the string
+ // to name field
+ TInt firstLetterIndex = aEmailAddress.Locate( KIMASCharAt ) + 1;
+ newAddress.Append( aEmailAddress.Right( len - firstLetterIndex ) );
+ // Find the first '.' character and remove it and
+ // all the text after it
+ TInt pointCharIndex = newAddress.Locate( KIMASCharDot );
+ if ( pointCharIndex > 0 )
+ {
+ newAddress.Delete( pointCharIndex, newAddress.Length() - 1 );
+ }
+ // Validate the generated account name
+ TIMSApproverEvent event;
+ name->iItemFlags.SetFlag( EIMSApproverGenerate );
+ iItemApprover->EvaluateText( event, *name, newAddress );
+ name->iItemFlags.ClearFlag( EIMSApproverGenerate );
+ // Finally copy the address
+ name->SetText( &newAddress );
+ }
+ // Clean up
+ name = NULL;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::CheckEmailSkip()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CIMSSettingsWizard::CheckEmailSkip()
+ {
+ TBool ok = EFalse;
+ if ( Flag( EWizFlagSkipEmail ) && iCurrentItem.iUid == EIMAWEmailAddress )
+ {
+ ClearFlag( EWizFlagSkipEmail );
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* email = static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>(
+ GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWEmailAddress ) ) );
+ TRAPD( error, ok =
+ MsvUiServiceUtilities::IsValidEmailAddressL( *email->Text() ) );
+ if ( !error && ok )
+ {
+ CMuiuSettingBase* emailItem = GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWEmailAddress ) );
+ emailItem->iItemFlags.SetFlag( EMuiuDynItemValidated );
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagItemApproved );
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagNextKeyPressed );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Should not leave just show the email address
+ TRAP_IGNORE( CIMSSettingsNoteUi::ShowNoteL(
+ EIMSInformationNote, ETrue ) );
+ }
+ }
+ return ok;
+ }
+ Custom settings
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomSettingPageL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomSettingPageL(
+ CAknSettingPage*& aReturnPage,
+ TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aReturnUpdateMode,
+ TInt& aReturnSettingValue,
+ TMuiuSettingsText& aReturnSettingText,
+ CDesCArrayFlat& aReturnRadioButtonArray,
+ CMuiuSettingBase& aParamBaseItem )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomSettingPageL, 0, KLogUi );
+ switch ( aParamBaseItem.iItemId.iUid )
+ {
+ // Radiobutton pages
+ case EIMAWProtocol:
+ aReturnPage = AcquireProtocolPageL(
+ aReturnSettingValue, aReturnUpdateMode,
+ aReturnRadioButtonArray, aParamBaseItem );
+ break;
+ // Text editors
+ case EIMAWEmailAddress:
+ case EIMAWSendingServer:
+ case EIMAWReceivingServer:
+ case EIMAWMailboxName:
+ aReturnPage = AcquireCustomTextEditorL(
+ aReturnSettingText, aReturnUpdateMode,
+ aParamBaseItem );
+ break;
+ case EIMAWIap:
+ aReturnPage = AcquireCustomIapPageL(
+ aReturnSettingValue, aReturnUpdateMode,
+ aReturnRadioButtonArray, aParamBaseItem );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomRadioButtonPageL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknSettingPage* CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomRadioButtonPageL(
+ TInt& aReturnSettingValue,
+ TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aReturnUpdateMode,
+ MDesCArray& aReturnRadioButtonArray,
+ CMuiuSettingBase& aParamBaseItem )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomRadioButtonPageL, 0, KLogUi );
+ iPageRadioBtn =
+ ( CIMSSettingsWizardRadioButtonPage::NewL(
+ aReturnSettingValue, &aReturnRadioButtonArray, *iPageText ) );
+ // Define the page properties
+ iPageRadioBtn->SetSettingTextL( *aParamBaseItem.iItemLabel );
+ // Set updatemode to accept setting only when the setting is
+ // accepted
+ aReturnUpdateMode = CAknSettingPage::EUpdateWhenAccepted;
+ return iPageRadioBtn;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomTextEditorL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknSettingPage* CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomTextEditorL(
+ TMuiuSettingsText& aReturnSettingText,
+ TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aReturnUpdateMode,
+ CMuiuSettingBase& aParamBaseItem )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomTextEditorL, 0, KLogUi );
+ // Allow zero length with wizard, the setting won't be accepted
+ // anyway, when empty
+ TInt settingPageFlags = GetTextEditorFlags( aParamBaseItem );
+ // Determine buttons
+ TInt page = ( aParamBaseItem.iItemId.iUid == EIMAWMailboxName ) ?
+ // Create the text editir page
+ iPageEdit =
+ ( CIMSSettingsWizardEditTextPage::NewL(
+ *this, page, *&aReturnSettingText, *iPageText,
+ settingPageFlags ) );
+ // Define the page properties
+ iPageEdit->SetSettingTextL( *aParamBaseItem.iItemLabel );
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* textEditor =
+ static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>( &aParamBaseItem );
+ iPageEdit->TextControl()->SetTextLimit(
+ textEditor->iItemMaxLength );
+ aReturnSettingText.Copy( *textEditor->Text() );
+ iTemporaryText.Zero();
+ iTemporaryText.Copy( *textEditor->Text() );
+ // Set updatemode to accept setting only when the setting is
+ // accepted
+ aReturnUpdateMode = CAknSettingPage::EUpdateWhenAccepted;
+ return iPageEdit;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomIapPageL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknSettingPage* CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomIapPageL(
+ TInt& aReturnSettingValue,
+ TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aReturnUpdateMode,
+ CDesCArrayFlat& aReturnRadioButtonArray,
+ CMuiuSettingBase& aParamBaseItem )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireCustomIapPageL, 0, KLogUi );
+ CIMSSettingsAccessPointItem* iapItem =
+ static_cast<CIMSSettingsAccessPointItem*>( &aParamBaseItem );
+ // Initialize item in the first round
+ if ( !aParamBaseItem.iItemFlags.Flag( EMuiuDynItemChecked ) )
+ {
+ aParamBaseItem.iItemFlags.SetFlag( EMuiuDynItemChecked );
+ iMailboxApi.CommDbUtilsL().InitItemAccessPointL( *iapItem, ETrue );
+ }
+ // Create the button array
+ CDesCArrayFlat* buttons = &aReturnRadioButtonArray;
+ TRAPD( error, iMailboxApi.CommDbUtilsL().FillCustomIapArrayL( *buttons ) );
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ User::Panic( KIMSWizardPanic, error ) );
+ }
+ // The correct radiobutton index is fetched from the item
+ aReturnSettingValue = iMailboxApi.CommDbUtilsL().GetWizardRadioButton( *iapItem );
+ AcquireCustomRadioButtonPageL(
+ aReturnSettingValue, aReturnUpdateMode, *buttons, aParamBaseItem );
+ // Focus the first access point, when no items selected
+ if ( aParamBaseItem.Value() == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ TInt staticCount = iMailboxApi.CommDbUtilsL().StaticIAPCount();
+ TInt highlight = buttons->Count() > staticCount ? staticCount : 0;
+ iPageRadioBtn->ListBoxControl()->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw( highlight );
+ }
+ return iPageRadioBtn;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireProtocolPageL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknSettingPage* CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireProtocolPageL(
+ TInt& aReturnSettingValue,
+ TMuiuDynSetUpdateMode& aReturnUpdateMode,
+ CDesCArrayFlat& aReturnRadioButtonArray,
+ CMuiuSettingBase& aParamBaseItem )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::AcquireProtocolPageL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ CDesCArrayFlat* buttons = &aReturnRadioButtonArray;
+ CMtmUiDataRegistry* uiDataMtmRegistry = CMtmUiDataRegistry::NewL( iMailboxApi.MsvSession() );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( uiDataMtmRegistry );
+ CBaseMtmUiData* uiData = NULL;
+ // Initialize the button/protocol ID mapping table
+ iProtocolArray.Reset();
+ iProtocolArray.AppendL( KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue );
+ iProtocolArray.AppendL( KSenduiMtmPop3UidValue );
+ for ( TInt i = uiDataMtmRegistry->NumRegisteredMtmDlls(); --i >= 0; )
+ {
+ TUid mtmType = uiDataMtmRegistry->MtmTypeUid(i);
+ if ( uiDataMtmRegistry->TechnologyTypeUid( mtmType ) == KSenduiTechnologyMailUid )
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, uiData = &( iMtmStore->MtmUiDataL( mtmType ) ) );
+ if ( err == KErrNone )
+ {
+ CheckMtmWizardSupportL( *uiData, *buttons );
+ iMtmStore->ReleaseMtmUiData( mtmType );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( uiDataMtmRegistry );
+ uiDataMtmRegistry = NULL;
+ AcquireCustomRadioButtonPageL(
+ aReturnSettingValue, aReturnUpdateMode, *buttons, aParamBaseItem );
+ return iPageRadioBtn;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::CheckMtmWizardSupportL()
+// Checks if spesified MTM has ability to launch added-on wizard from email
+// creation wizard
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::CheckMtmWizardSupportL(
+ CBaseMtmUiData& aMtmUiData,
+ CDesCArrayFlat& aRadioButtons
+ )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::CheckMtmWizardSupportL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ const CArrayFix<CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction>& funcs =
+ aMtmUiData.MtmSpecificFunctions();
+ TInt funcIndex = -1;
+ TBool found = EFalse;
+ while ( ( ++funcIndex < funcs.Count() ) && found == EFalse )
+ {
+ CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction func = funcs.At( funcIndex );
+ if ( func.iFunctionId == KMtmUiFunctionSettingsWizard )
+ {
+ aRadioButtons.AppendL( func.iCaption );
+ iProtocolArray.AppendL( aMtmUiData.Type().iUid );
+ found = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Account creating
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::StoreSettingsToAccountL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::StoreSettingsToAccountL(
+ CImumInSettingsData& aSettings )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::StoreSettingsToAccountL, 0, KLogUi );
+ SetPreviousTitlePaneText();
+ // Make sure that all settings really are ok
+ if ( !Flag( EWizFlagCompleted ) )
+ {
+ // Settings not ok, don't try to create them
+ aSettings.ResetAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ TUid protocol;
+ if ( iProtocol == KSenduiMtmImap4Uid )
+ {
+ protocol = KSenduiMtmImap4Uid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ protocol = KSenduiMtmPop3Uid;
+ }
+ // First get the items and check they can be used
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* emailAddress =
+ static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>(
+ GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWEmailAddress ) ) );
+ User::LeaveIfNull( emailAddress );
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* outgoingAddress =
+ static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>(
+ GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWSendingServer ) ) );
+ User::LeaveIfNull( outgoingAddress );
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* incomingAddress =
+ static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>(
+ GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWReceivingServer ) ) );
+ User::LeaveIfNull( incomingAddress );
+ CIMSSettingsAccessPointItem* iapPreference =
+ static_cast<CIMSSettingsAccessPointItem*>(
+ GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWIap ) ) );
+ User::LeaveIfNull( iapPreference );
+ // Resolve Access Point type, and actual ID; it is assumed
+ // that Default Connection is always first in the list
+ if( iapPreference->iIapRadioButton <= 0 )
+ {
+ iapPreference->iIap.iResult = CMManager::EDefaultConnection;
+ iapPreference->iIap.iId = 0; // default conn id
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iapPreference->iIap.iResult = CMManager::EConnectionMethod;
+ iapPreference->iIap.iId = iMailboxApi.CommDbUtilsL().GetIapIdL(
+ iapPreference->iIapRadioButton );
+ }
+ CMuiuSettingsEditText* mailboxName =
+ static_cast<CMuiuSettingsEditText*>(
+ GetItem( TUid::Uid( EIMAWMailboxName ) ) );
+ User::LeaveIfNull( mailboxName );
+ // Create settings data object through the interface
+ iMailboxApi.MailboxServicesImplL().FillCompulsorySettingsL(
+ aSettings,
+ protocol,
+ *emailAddress->Text(),
+ *incomingAddress->Text(),
+ *outgoingAddress->Text(),
+ iapPreference->iIap.iId,
+ *mailboxName->Text() );
+ // Store the exit code, so the settings will be saved
+ iBaseUiFlags.SetFlag( EImumSettingSave );
+ // Cleanup
+ emailAddress = NULL;
+ incomingAddress = NULL;
+ outgoingAddress = NULL;
+ iapPreference = NULL;
+ mailboxName = NULL;
+ }
+ Utilitites
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::CheckCompleted()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CIMSSettingsWizard::CheckCompleted()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::CheckCompleted, 0, KLogUi );
+ // Get the array of main resource
+ CMuiuDynFinderItemArray* array = GetResource( R_IMAS_WIZARD, EFalse );
+ // Search through the array, and if all items are ready, return true
+ TInt item = array->Count();
+ TBool ok = item > 0;
+ while ( --item >= 0 )
+ {
+ TMuiuFlags flags = ( *array )[item].iItem->iItemFlags;
+ // All visible items are checked and one failure is enough to
+ // make the array unfinished
+ ok = flags.Flag( EMuiuDynItemPermanentlyHidden ) ||
+ flags.Flag( EMuiuDynItemValidated ) && ok;
+ }
+ return ok;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::PostponePopup()
+// PostponePopup is used to move time forward
+// when popup will be displayed. This is needed
+// to prevent situation when user is typing
+// e.g. email address and popup will be displayed
+// after user is typed a half of address but
+// original time has experied.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::PostponePopup()
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::PostponePopup, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ if( iNoteDialog )
+ {
+ iNoteDialog->SetTimeDelayBeforeShow( KMsToWaitBeforeRePopup );
+ iNoteDialog->ShowInfoPopupNote();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::ShowMailSettingsPopupAfter()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknInfoPopupNoteController* CIMSSettingsWizard::ShowMailSettingsPopupAfterL(
+ const TUid& aId,
+ TInt aAfterMs )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::ShowMailSettingsPopupAfterL, 0, KLogUi );
+ CAknInfoPopupNoteController* noteDialog = NULL;
+ switch ( aId.iUid )
+ {
+ case EIMAWProtocol:
+ noteDialog = CIMSSettingsNoteUi::ShowPopupL(
+ break;
+ case EIMAWEmailAddress:
+ noteDialog = CIMSSettingsNoteUi::ShowPopupL(
+ break;
+ case EIMAWSendingServer:
+ noteDialog = CIMSSettingsNoteUi::ShowPopupL(
+ break;
+ case EIMAWReceivingServer:
+ noteDialog = CIMSSettingsNoteUi::ShowPopupL(
+ break;
+ case EIMAWIap:
+ noteDialog = CIMSSettingsNoteUi::ShowPopupL(
+ break;
+ case EIMAWMailboxName:
+ noteDialog = CIMSSettingsNoteUi::ShowPopupL(
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Panic( KIMSWizardPanic, KErrUnknown ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ return noteDialog;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMSSettingsWizard::CallExternalMtmWizardL()
+// Calls added-on MTM-wizard
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMSSettingsWizard::CallExternalMtmWizardL( const TUid& aMtmUid, TBool& aCompleted )
+ {
+ IMUM_CONTEXT( CIMSSettingsWizard::CallExternalMtmWizardL, 0, KLogUi );
+ IMUM_IN();
+ TInt completed( 0 );
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> buf( completed );
+ CBaseMtmUi& mtmUi = iMtmStore->ClaimMtmUiL( aMtmUid );
+ CMsvEntrySelection* emptySelection = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( emptySelection );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( mtmUi.InvokeSyncFunctionL(
+ KMtmUiFunctionSettingsWizard, *emptySelection, buf) );
+ iMtmStore->ReleaseMtmUi( aMtmUid );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( emptySelection );
+ emptySelection = NULL;
+ aCompleted = (buf() != 1);
+ // Makes the wizard exit
+ if ( aCompleted )
+ {
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagExiting );
+ SetFlag( EWizFlagForcedCancel );
+ IMUM0(0, "MTM wizard has returned an exit code!");
+ }
+ }
+// End of File