changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/pop3andsmtpmtm/servermtmutils/src/cimmobilitymanager.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "cimmobilitymanager.h"
+#include "cimmobilitypolicyprovider.h"
+#include "mobilitytestmtmapi.h"
+#include "cimmobilitylogger.h"
+#include <imutdll.h>
+The factory constructor. Part of two phased construction.
+@param aAccountId - the ID of the email account
+@param aMtm - Bearer Mobility API for the server MTM
+EXPORT_C CImMobilityManager* CImMobilityManager::NewL(TUid aMtmUid, TMsvId aAccountId, MImMobileServer& aMtm)
+// static method
+	{
+	CImMobilityManager* self = new(ELeave) CImMobilityManager(aMtmUid, aAccountId, aMtm);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+CImMobilityManager::CImMobilityManager(TUid aMtmUid, TMsvId aAccountId, MImMobileServer& aMtm)
+	: iMtmUid(aMtmUid), iAccountId(aAccountId), iMtm(aMtm), iIsCancelled(EFalse)
+	{
+	MOBILITY_TEST_CREATE(aAccountId, *this);
+	}
+void CImMobilityManager::ConstructL()
+	{
+	// Ensure an instance of the mobility Policy Provider exists.
+	CImMobilityPolicyProvider::CreateL();
+	}
+	{
+	iIsCancelled = ETrue;
+	delete iCommsMobilityApi;
+	iCommsMobilityApi = NULL;
+	if (iState == EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy   || 
+	    iState == EMobilityWaitForDowngradePolicy || 
+	    iState == EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose)
+		{
+		CImMobilityPolicyProvider::GetRef().Cancel(iAccountId);
+		}
+	CImMobilityPolicyProvider::Delete();
+	}
+Registers with the Bearer Mobility Framework for preferred carrier notifications
+@param aConnection - the connected session.
+EXPORT_C void CImMobilityManager::SetConnection(RCommsSubSession& aConnection)
+	{
+	if (iState == EMobilityUninitialised)
+		{
+		TRAPD(err, iCommsMobilityApi = CActiveCommsMobilityApiExt::NewL(aConnection, *this));
+		if (err == KErrNone)
+			{
+			iState = EMobilityIdle;
+			__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> SetConnection() OK", iAccountId));
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> SetConnection() Error %d", iAccountId, err));
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// unexpected in this state
+		__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> SetConnection() unexpected state : %d", iAccountId, iState));
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, gPanic(EPanicInvalidMobilityState));
+		}
+	}
+Notification of preferred carrier availability. 
+This is called as a result of a new, preferred carrier becoming available (upgrade)
+or the existing carrier being lost, with an alternative available (downgrade).
+The notification is handed up to the Mobility Policy Provider for decision.
+@param aOldAp		- info about the old carrier
+@param aNewAp		- info about the new carrier
+@param aIsUpgrade   - indicates if this is an upgrade
+@param aIsSeamless  - indicates if a migration will be seamless
+void CImMobilityManager::PreferredCarrierAvailable(TAccessPointInfo aOldAp, TAccessPointInfo aNewAp, TBool aIsUpgrade, TBool aIsSeamless)
+	{
+	__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> PreferredCarrierAvailable(state:%d old:%d new:%d isUp:%d isSless:%d)", iAccountId, iState, aOldAp.AccessPoint(), aNewAp.AccessPoint(), aIsUpgrade, aIsSeamless));
+	// Handle the upgrade notice
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EMobilityIdle:
+		case EMobilityWaitForMigrate:
+		case EMobilityConnectingToNewCarrier:
+			{
+			// no special "extra" action to do in these states - just inform the
+			// MTM (in the case of a downgrade) and notify the policy provider.
+			// This is done below.
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForDowngradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose:
+			{
+			// If in these states, this function call indicates that the
+			// last received carrier availability notification is no longer
+			// applicable. This could happen for a number of reasons:
+			//   - the preferred carrier becomes unavailable
+			//   - the notice changes from an upgrade to a downgrade
+			//   - any others?
+			// Anyway, what needs to happen is for the policy provider to have
+			// its last notification cancelled, and the new one issued.
+			CImMobilityPolicyProvider::GetRef().Cancel(iAccountId);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketClose:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketCloseCarrierRejected:
+			{
+			// If in this state, the previous notice was for an upgrade, and 
+			// the old connection is still being tidied up. If the new notice
+			// is for a downgrade, then the old connection must be torn down
+			// immediately. 
+			if (!aIsUpgrade)
+				{
+				iMtm.CarrierLost();
+				// If the new connection is the same as the new connection for
+				// the previous notice then the carrier change has already been
+				// accepted - otherwise fall through to re-notify the policy provider
+				if (aNewAp.AccessPoint()==iNewAp.AccessPoint())
+					{
+					iState = EMobilityWaitForMigrate;
+//					TBool handled = CImMobilityTestFramework::Response(*this, KMobilityTestResponseMigrateToPreferredCarrier);
+//					if (!handled)
+					iCommsMobilityApi->MigrateToPreferredCarrier();
+					// job done, return
+					return;
+					}
+				// break;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// If the new notice is for an upgrade, it can only
+				// mean that an even better carrier has become available
+				// while waiting for the old old carrier to be tidied up!
+				iState = EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose;
+				CImMobilityPolicyProvider::GetRef().PreferredCarrierAvailable(*this, iAccountId, iMtmUid, iMtm.MobilityProgress(), aOldAp, aNewAp, aIsUpgrade, aIsSeamless);
+				return;
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityUninitialised:
+		default:
+			{
+			// unexpected in this state
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, gPanic(EPanicInvalidMobilityState));
+			}
+		}
+	// pass the notification up to the policy provider.
+	if (aIsUpgrade)
+		{
+		if (iState != EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose)
+			{
+			iState = EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy;
+			}
+		CImMobilityPolicyProvider::GetRef().PreferredCarrierAvailable(*this, iAccountId, iMtmUid, iMtm.MobilityProgress(), aOldAp, aNewAp, aIsUpgrade, aIsSeamless);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iMtm.CarrierLost();
+		iState = EMobilityWaitForDowngradePolicy;
+		CImMobilityPolicyProvider::GetRef().PreferredCarrierAvailable(*this, iAccountId, iMtmUid, iMtm.MobilityProgress(), aOldAp, aNewAp, aIsUpgrade, aIsSeamless);
+		}
+	}
+Notification that the new carrier is active and available for connecting sockets.
+@param aNewAp		- info about the new carrier
+@param aIsSeamless  - indicates if a migration will be seamless
+void CImMobilityManager::NewCarrierActive(TAccessPointInfo aNewAp, TBool aIsSeamless)
+	{
+	__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> NewCarrierActive(state:%d new:%d isSless:%d)", iAccountId, iState, aNewAp.AccessPoint(), aIsSeamless));
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EMobilityWaitForMigrate:
+			{
+			iState = EMobilityConnectingToNewCarrier;
+			iMtm.NewCarrierActive(aNewAp, aIsSeamless);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityUninitialised:
+		case EMobilityIdle:
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForDowngradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketClose:
+		case EMobilityConnectingToNewCarrier:
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketCloseCarrierRejected:
+		default:
+			{
+			// unexpected in this state
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, gPanic(EPanicInvalidMobilityState));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Notification that an error has occured.
+This indicates that the RConnection in use is no longer valid, therefore
+the Server MTM will be immediately notified. Once this is done, this function
+MUST NOT perform any actions that use class data, as the Server MTM may delete
+its instance of CImMobilityManager.
+@param aError - error code
+void CImMobilityManager::Error(TInt aError)
+	{
+	// If we're closing down, we don't need to handle further notifications from Comms,
+	// and we can safely return from here.
+	if(iIsCancelled)
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> Error (state:%d error:%d)", iAccountId, iState, aError));
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForDowngradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose:
+			{
+			// cancel the policy request.
+			CImMobilityPolicyProvider::GetRef().Cancel(iAccountId);
+			// fall through
+			}
+		case EMobilityIdle:
+			{
+			iState = EMobilityUninitialised;
+			iMtm.MobilityError(aError);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketClose:
+		case EMobilityWaitForMigrate:
+		case EMobilityConnectingToNewCarrier:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketCloseCarrierRejected:
+			{
+			iState = EMobilityUninitialised;
+			// Tell the policy provider about it. (must happen before informing MTM)
+			CImMobilityPolicyProvider::GetRef().MigrationComplete(iAccountId, KImMigrateMobilityError, iNewAp);
+			// Inform the MTM. Do this last - this may delete the mobility manager
+			iMtm.MobilityError(aError);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityUninitialised:
+		default:
+			{
+			// unexpected in this state
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, gPanic(EPanicInvalidMobilityState));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Instruction from the Messaging Plugin Provider that the new carrier is to be accepted.
+@param aAction - action that the server MTM should take when closing existing sockets.
+EXPORT_C void CImMobilityManager::AcceptNewCarrier(TImMobilityAction aAction)
+	{
+	__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> Accept New Carrier (state:%d action:%d)", iAccountId, iState, aAction));
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EMobilityWaitForDowngradePolicy:
+			{
+			// old connections already closed - just inform the mobility framework
+			iState = EMobilityWaitForMigrate;
+//			TBool handled = CImMobilityTestFramework::Response(*this, KMobilityTestResponseMigrateToPreferredCarrier);
+//			if (!handled)
+			iCommsMobilityApi->MigrateToPreferredCarrier();
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy:
+			{
+			if (aAction == KAcceptImmediately)
+				{
+				iMtm.CarrierLost();
+				iState = EMobilityWaitForMigrate;
+//				TBool handled = CImMobilityTestFramework::Response(*this, KMobilityTestResponseMigrateToPreferredCarrier);
+//				if (!handled)
+				iCommsMobilityApi->MigrateToPreferredCarrier();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iState = EMobilityWaitForOldSocketClose;
+				iMtm.PrepareForNewCarrier(aAction, iIsSeamless);
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose:
+			{
+			if (aAction == KAcceptImmediately)
+				{
+				iMtm.CarrierLost();
+				iState = EMobilityWaitForMigrate;
+//				TBool handled = CImMobilityTestFramework::Response(*this, KMobilityTestResponseMigrateToPreferredCarrier);
+//				if (!handled)
+				iCommsMobilityApi->MigrateToPreferredCarrier();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// already waiting to finish using old carrier
+				// do not update migration action, stick to first choice.
+				iState = EMobilityWaitForOldSocketClose;
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityUninitialised:
+		case EMobilityIdle:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketClose:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketCloseCarrierRejected:
+		case EMobilityWaitForMigrate:
+		case EMobilityConnectingToNewCarrier:
+		default:
+			{
+			// unexpected in this state
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, gPanic(EPanicInvalidMobilityState));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Instruction from the Messaging Plugin Provider that the new carrier is to be ignored.
+@param aAction - action that the server MTM should take when closing existing sockets.
+EXPORT_C void CImMobilityManager::IgnoreNewCarrier()
+	{
+	__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> Error (state:%d)", iAccountId, iState));
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose:
+			{
+			// defensive handling of "double upgrade" situation, in which an
+			// upgrade is accepted, then a second upgrade notification is
+			// received before the first handshake completes, and this second
+			// upgrage is rejected.
+			iState = EMobilityWaitForOldSocketCloseCarrierRejected;
+//			TBool handled = CImMobilityTestFramework::Response(*this, KMobilityTestResponseIgnorePreferredCarrier);
+//			if (!handled)
+			iCommsMobilityApi->IgnorePreferredCarrier();
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForDowngradePolicy:
+			{
+			iState = EMobilityIdle;
+//			TBool handled = CImMobilityTestFramework::Response(*this, KMobilityTestResponseIgnorePreferredCarrier);
+//			if (!handled)
+			iCommsMobilityApi->IgnorePreferredCarrier();
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityUninitialised:
+		case EMobilityIdle:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketClose:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketCloseCarrierRejected:
+		case EMobilityWaitForMigrate:
+		case EMobilityConnectingToNewCarrier:
+		default:
+			{
+			// unexpected in this state
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, gPanic(EPanicInvalidMobilityState));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Notification from the server MTM that existing sockets have been closed and that
+it is ready for migration to the new carrier to occur.
+EXPORT_C void CImMobilityManager::MigrateToNewCarrier()
+	{
+	__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> MigrateToNewCarrier(state:%d)", iAccountId, iState));
+	// otherwise... switch on state.
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketClose:
+			{
+			iState = EMobilityWaitForMigrate;
+//			TBool handled = CImMobilityTestFramework::Response(*this, KMobilityTestResponseMigrateToPreferredCarrier);
+//			if (!handled)
+			iCommsMobilityApi->MigrateToPreferredCarrier();
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose:
+			{
+			// ahha! we have since received a notice that an even better
+			// carrier has come along. Wait for what we should do.
+			iState = EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy;
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketCloseCarrierRejected:
+			{
+			// instruct the MTM to reconnect - using the original AP
+			// This is effectively the same as making an initial connection
+			// so slip to default connected state.
+			iState = EMobilityIdle;
+			iMtm.NewCarrierActive(iOldAp, iIsSeamless);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityUninitialised:
+		case EMobilityIdle:
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForDowngradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForMigrate:
+		case EMobilityConnectingToNewCarrier:
+		default:
+			{
+			// unexpected in this state
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, gPanic(EPanicInvalidMobilityState));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Notification from the server MTM that it has successfully re-established connection
+with the remote server using the new carrier.
+EXPORT_C void CImMobilityManager::NewCarrierAccepted()
+	{
+	__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> NewCarrierAccepted(state:%d)", iAccountId, iState));
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EMobilityIdle:
+			{
+			// Do nothing. This might occur if previous state
+			// was EMobilityWaitForOldSocketCloseCarrierRejected
+			// the mobility framework is not expecting a response.
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityConnectingToNewCarrier:
+			{
+			iState = EMobilityIdle;
+//			TBool handled = CImMobilityTestFramework::Response(*this, KMobilityTestResponseNewCarrierAccepted);
+//			if (!handled)
+			iCommsMobilityApi->NewCarrierAccepted();
+			// Tell the policy provider about it.
+			CImMobilityPolicyProvider::GetRef().MigrationComplete(iAccountId, KImMigrateOK, iNewAp);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityUninitialised:
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForDowngradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketCloseCarrierRejected:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketClose:
+		case EMobilityWaitForMigrate:
+		default:
+			{
+			// unexpected in this state
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, gPanic(EPanicInvalidMobilityState));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Notification from the server MTM that it has been unable to re-established connection
+with the remote server using the new carrier.
+EXPORT_C void CImMobilityManager::NewCarrierRejected()
+	{
+	__LOG_FORMAT((KDefaultLog, "<%d> NewCarrierRejected(state:%d)", iAccountId, iState));
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EMobilityIdle:   // this results from the initial carrier being rejected.
+		case EMobilityConnectingToNewCarrier:
+			{
+			iState = EMobilityIdle;
+//			TBool handled = CImMobilityTestFramework::Response(*this, KMobilityTestResponseNewCarrierRejected);
+//			if (!handled)
+			iCommsMobilityApi->NewCarrierRejected();
+			// tell the policy provider about it.
+			CImMobilityPolicyProvider::GetRef().MigrationComplete(iAccountId, KImMigrateCouldNotReconnect, iNewAp);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EMobilityUninitialised:
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForDowngradePolicy:
+		case EMobilityWaitForUpgradePolicyAndOldSocketClose:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketCloseCarrierRejected:
+		case EMobilityWaitForOldSocketClose:
+		case EMobilityWaitForMigrate:
+		default:
+			{
+			// unexpected in this state
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, gPanic(EPanicInvalidMobilityState));
+			}
+		}
+	}