--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/pop3andsmtpmtm/smtpservermtm/src/IMSMSEND.H Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __IMSMSEND_H__
+#define __IMSMSEND_H__
+#ifndef __IMSK_H__
+#include <imsk.h> // for KImMailMaxBufferSize
+#include <cdbcols.h>
+#include "smtpauthhelpers.h"
+// forward declarations for CImSmtpFile
+class CImHeader;
+class CImSendMessage;
+class TImImailFileProgress;
+class CMsgImOutboxSend;
+class CImIAPPreferences;
+class CImConnect;
+class CImLogMessage;
+class CImSmtpFile : public CMsgActive
+ {
+ static CImSmtpFile* NewL(CImTextServerSession& aSession,
+ CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry,
+ TTime& aTime,
+ TBuf8<KImMailMaxBufferSize>& aSmtpBuffer,
+ CSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings,
+ TBool aIsBccRcpt);
+ ~CImSmtpFile();
+ void StartL(TRequestStatus& aClientStatus);
+ void GetProgress(TImImailFileProgress& aFileProgress); // return progress of sending current file
+ void DoCancel();
+ TInt TotalMsgSizeL();
+ void SetBytesToSend(TInt aNumBytes);
+ TInt BytesToSend() const;
+ void DoRunL();
+ CImSmtpFile(CImTextServerSession& aSocket,TBuf8<KImMailMaxBufferSize>& aSmtpBuffer,CMsvServerEntry &aServerEntry); // constructor
+ void ConstructL(TTime& aTimeNow,CSmtpSettings& aSettings,TBool aIsBccRcpt);
+ void GetHeaderFromStoreL(CMsvStore& aStore, CMsvServerEntry&, TTime&);
+ TBool NextRecipientL(); // returns pointer to next recipient address in header field
+ TInt SelectNextStateL(); // chooses next state to go to
+ void SendOneLineOfData(); // send 1 line of RFC822 message to remote server
+ TInt SmtpFilePositiveResponse(TInt);
+ void ChangeStateL(); // initiates the next state operation
+ TInt SmtpFileError(TInt); // Decode SMTP 3 digit response code into return code
+ TInt State(); // return current state of state machine
+ void DoComplete(TInt&);
+ void SelectBodyEncodingTypeL(TMsgOutboxBodyEncoding anSettingsEncodingType,
+ TMsgOutboxBodyEncoding anHeaderEncodingType);
+ void SendAndQueueRead(const TDesC8&);
+ TBool GetCurrentTextLine();
+ CImTextServerSession& iSocket;
+ CMsvServerEntry& iServerEntry;
+ TMsvId iEntryId;
+ TInt iSuspendCheck;
+ TBuf8<KImMailMaxBufferSize>& iSmtpBuffer; // SMTP data will not exceed 1000 characters
+ TInt iBytesToSend;
+ TInt iBytesSent;
+ enum TRcptType
+ {
+ ERcptTo,
+ ERcptCc,
+ ERcptBcc
+ };
+ enum TSmtpFileStates // legal states that the CImSmtpFile object's state machine may be set to...
+ {
+ EResettingSmtp,
+ EMailFromSmtp,
+ ERcptToSmtp,
+ EBeginData,
+ ESendData,
+ EEndData
+ };
+ CImHeader* iHeader;
+ CImSendMessage* iSendMessage;
+ TInt iState;
+ TInt iCompleted; // termination status of server class,
+ // e.g. KErrNone
+ CDesCArray* iRecipientArray; // points to member array owned by iHeader
+ TInt iRecipientIndex;
+ TInt iRecipientType;
+ TPtrC iRecipient; // local copy of 1 recipient Email address
+ TBool iSmtpMultiLineResponse;
+ TBool iSmtpLastMultiLineResponse;
+ TBool iMoreRfc822Data;
+ TImSendMethod iBodyType;
+ TImSMTPSendCopyToSelf iSendCopyToSelf;
+ };
+class CImSmtpSession : public CMsgActive
+ {
+ public:
+ static CImSmtpSession* NewL(CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry, CSmtpSettings& aSettings, RSocketServ& aServ, CImConnect& aConnect, TMsvId aServiceId);
+ ~CImSmtpSession();
+ public:
+ void ConnectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ void SendFilesL(CMsgImOutboxSend& aSendFiles, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ void QuitL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ TImImailFileProgress FileProgress(); // Return snapshot of session progress to client
+ inline TBool IsConnected();
+ TInt GetConnectionIAP(); // The value of the connecting IAP
+ inline TInt GetConnectionStage(); // The value of the connecting stage
+ private: // CActive
+ void DoCancel(); // Allows client to stop the SMTP session prematurely
+ private: // CMsgActive
+ virtual void DoRunL();
+ virtual void DoComplete(TInt& aStatus);
+ private:
+ CImSmtpSession(CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry, CSmtpSettings& aSettings, TMsvId aServiceId);
+ void ConstructL(RSocketServ& aServ, CImConnect& aConnect);
+ private:
+ void SendFileL();
+ void DoStateL(); // the state machine engine
+ TInt NextStateL(); // logic which calculates next state from result of current operation
+ TInt NextStateFromWaitingForReply();
+ TInt NextStateFromAuthorisingSmtpL();
+ TInt NextStateFromSendStarttls();
+ TInt NextStateFromSettingSecurityL();
+ TInt NextStateFromAuthInProgressL();
+ TInt NextStateFromResetSmtp();
+ TInt SmtpSessionError(const TInt aSmtpErrorCode); // Decode SMTP 3 digit response code into return code
+ TBool GetCurrentTextLine();
+ HBufC* CreateFormattedAddressLC(const TDesC& aString, const TDesC& aAlias);
+ TBool SelectNextSMTPAuthProfileL();
+ void GetIpAddress(TDes8& aAddress);
+ CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::TSmtpAuthProfileFlag NextSMTPAuthProfile(CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::TSmtpAuthProfileFlag aPreviousProfile);
+ TInt NextStateFromNextFile();
+ TBool CommandAccepted();
+ void UpdateAuthorisingInfo();
+ private:
+ enum TSessionType
+ {
+ ESmtpSession, // SMTP session
+ EEnhancedSmtpSession, // ESMTP session
+ ESecureSession // ESMTP + TLS session
+ };
+ private:
+ // input references to input arguments...
+ CMsvServerEntry& iServerEntry; // handle to the current server entry object
+ CMsgImOutboxSend* iSendFiles; // handle to owner object. Not owned by this class
+ CSmtpSettings& iSettings;
+ // SMTP service ID
+ TMsvId iServiceId;
+ TInt iState;
+ TInt iCompleted; // stores completion code from previous session state
+ CImTextServerSession* iSocket; // handle to the socket session (IMSK.DLL)
+ CImSmtpFile* iSmtpFile; // handle to the Smtp File object
+ TBuf8<KImMailMaxBufferSize> iSmtpBuffer; // stores SMTP command string & response
+ // from server
+ TInt iLastSmtpCode; // Stores the last STMP response code
+ TBool iRetryAuthWithHostname; // Flag to indicate whether to retry Smtp Auth with name instead of IP Address
+ TInt iBccRcptIndex;
+ TBool iToRcptHeaderUpdated;
+ TBool iBccRcptFound;
+ TBool iFinishedWithBccRcpts;
+ TTime iTimeNow; // stores time/date when each message file is sent
+ TBool iSmtpMultiLineResponse;
+ TBool iSmtpLastMultiLineResponse;
+ TBool iSocketIsConnected;
+ // ESMTP variables
+ TSessionType iThisSession;
+ TBool iEsmtpSpokenHere;
+ TBool i8BitMimeAcceptedHere;
+ TBool iSizeAcceptedHere;
+ TBool iStartTlsAcceptedHere;
+ TUint32 iInterAddress;
+ CImLogMessage* iLogMessage;
+ // Used to track the progress of sent messages
+ TInt iTotalBytesToSend;
+ TInt iNumMsgsToSend;
+ TInt iNumMsgsSent;
+ TInt iSupportedAuthProfiles; // for TSmtpAuthProfileFlags
+ CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::TSmtpAuthProfileFlag iCurrentAuthProfile;
+ CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper* iSmtpAuthHelper;
+ TBool iOperationComplete;
+ };
+// inline functions
+TBool CImSmtpSession::IsConnected() { return iSocketIsConnected; }
+TInt CImSmtpSession::GetConnectionStage() { return iSocket->GetConnectionStage(); }