changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingappbase/ncnlist/inc/NcnMsvSessionObserver.h	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Defines class CNcnMsvSessionObserver.
+#include "NcnMsvSessionObserverBase.h"
+#include    <gsmupdu.h>
+class CMsvSession;
+class CSmsMessage;
+class CNcnNotifApiObserver;
+class CVoiceMailManager;
+*  Receives and handles In-box events.
+class CNcnMsvSessionObserver : public CNcnMsvSessionObserverBase
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        static CNcnMsvSessionObserverBase* NewL( 
+			CNcnModelBase* aModel, CVoiceMailManager& aVMManager  );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CNcnMsvSessionObserver();
+    public: // From MNcnMsvSessionHandlerObserver
+        virtual void HandleMsvSessionReadyL( CMsvSession& aMsvSession );
+        virtual void HandleMsvSessionClosedL();
+        virtual void HandleMsvMediaChangedL( const TDriveNumber& aDriveNumber );
+    public: // Functions from base classes
+        /**
+        * From MMsvEntryObserver. Callback function. Handles global In-box events.
+        * This is a non-CDMA implementation of a pure virtual function declared
+        * in base class CNcnMsvSessionObserverBase.
+        * @param aEvent An entry event.
+        */
+        void HandleEntryEventL(
+			TMsvEntryEvent	aEvent, 
+			TAny*			aArg1, 
+			TAny*			aArg2, 
+			TAny*			aArg3);			
+	protected:
+		/**
+        * By default Symbian OS constructor is private. This is protected because we derive it
+        */
+        virtual void ConstructL();
+    private:
+        enum TNcnInboxEntryType
+            {
+            EUnknown,
+            ESmsMessage,
+            EMMSMessage,
+            EClass0SmsMessage,
+            EDeliveryReport,
+            EDeliveryErrReport,
+            ESpecialMessage,
+            EMessageWaitingStoreMessage,
+            EMessageWaitingDiscardSetMessage,
+            EMessageWaitingDiscardClearMessage,
+            EDeletedMessage
+            };
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CNcnMsvSessionObserver( 
+            CNcnModelBase* aModel, CVoiceMailManager& aVMManager );
+        /**
+        * Checks the amount of unread messages in the global In-box.
+        * This is a non-CDMA implementation of a pure virtual function
+        * in base class CNcnMsvSessionObserverBase.
+        */
+        void CheckAmountOfUnreadMessagesInInboxL( TInt& aMsgCount, TInt& aAudioMsgCount );
+        /**
+         * Checks amount of unread (audio and other) messages in inbox and sets notifiers.
+         */
+        void UpdateInboxDataNotifiersL();
+        /**
+        * Checks an entry if it is a Class0SMS and shows it to the user.
+        * Method takes ownership for the aEntryToHandlePtr
+        * @param aEntryToHandlePtr A pointer to the entry to check
+        * @return The type of the message.
+        */
+        TNcnInboxEntryType CheckAndHandleSmsEntryL( 
+            CMsvEntry* aEntryToHandlePtr );
+        /**
+        * Checks if the sms is a message waiting type and triggers a notifier if it is
+        * @param aEntry     The SMS entry to check to.
+        * @param aHeader    Received SMS header
+        * @return           The (NCN defined) type of the message
+        */
+        TNcnInboxEntryType CheckForMessageWaitingL( 
+            CMsvEntry&      aEntry, 
+            CSmsHeader&     aHeader );
+        /**
+        * Checks if the sms contains cphs message waiting indication information.
+        * @param aEntry     The SMS entry to check to.
+        * @param aHeader    Received SMS header
+        * @return           The (NCN defined) type of the message
+        */
+        TNcnInboxEntryType CheckForCPHSIndicationBitsL( 
+            CMsvEntry&      aEntry, 
+            CSmsHeader&     aHeader );
+		/**
+        * Empties the sender address from a Cphs message.
+        * @param aEntry     The SMS entry to check to.
+        * @param aHeader    Received SMS header
+        */
+        void EmptyCphsMessageAddressL( 
+            CMsvEntry&      aEntry, 
+            CSmsHeader&     aHeader );
+        /**
+        * Check if message qualifies as CPHS message
+        * @param    aOrigAddress    Originator address field (TP-OA)
+        * @return   ETrue, if message contains CPHS indicator
+        */
+        TBool IsCphsMessage( 
+            const TGsmSmsTelNumber& aOrigAddress ) const;
+        /**
+        * Checks the states from CPHS message
+        * @param    aFirstOctet    First octet of CPHS message
+        * @return   ETrue, if message is set message
+        */
+        TBool HandleCphsMessageL( const TUint aFirstOctet );
+        /**
+        * Gets the phone number from the message
+        * @param aMessage Message from the number shall be taken
+        * @return Phonenumber
+        */
+        TGsmSmsTelNumber GetTelNumber( const CSmsMessage& aMessage ) const;
+        /**
+        * Function to be used for launching the Message Centre with
+        * given message, so that it's opened for the user.
+        * @param aEntry     The SMS entry to check to.
+        */
+        void CheckAndLaunchMCEL( const TMsvEntry& aEntry );        
+        /**
+         * Handles new children.
+         * @param aMsvEntrySelection Entry selection.
+         */
+        void HandleNewChildrenL( const CMsvEntrySelection& aMsvEntrySelection );
+        /**
+         * Handles changed children.
+         * @param aMsvEntrySelection Entry selection.
+         */
+        void HandleChangedChildrenL( const CMsvEntrySelection& aMsvEntrySelection );
+        /**
+         * Handles deleted children.
+         * @param aMsvEntrySelection Entry selection.
+         */
+        void HandleDeletedChildrenL( const CMsvEntrySelection& aMsvEntrySelection );
+        /**
+         * Displays the correct notification about new child entry.
+         * @param aEntry The entry.
+         * @param aEntryType The entry type.
+         */
+        void NotifyAboutNewChildEntryL( const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TNcnInboxEntryType aEntryType );
+        /**
+         * Handles the sms message user data.
+         * @param aUserData Message user data.
+         * @return Message entry type or EUnknown if type could not be determined.
+         */
+        TNcnInboxEntryType HandleSmsUserDataL( const CSmsUserData& aUserData );
+        /**
+         * Handles the special SMS message indication.
+         * @param aMessageType The message type.
+         * @param aMessagesWaiting The number of messages waiting.
+         */
+        void HandleSpecialSMSMessageIndicationL(
+            TUint8 aMessageType,
+            TUint8 aMessagesWaiting );
+        /**
+         * Handles the indication found in Data Coding Scheme.
+         * @param aIndicationType The indication type.
+         * @param aIndicationState The indication state.
+         * @return ETrue if indication was set, EFalse otherwise.
+         */    
+        TBool HandleDCSIndicationL(
+            TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsIndicationType aIndicationType,
+            TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsIndicationState aIndicationState
+            );           
+         /**
+          * Sets the amount of voice mails waiting.
+          * @param aAmount The amount.
+          */
+         //void SetVoiceMailsWaiting( TUint aAmount );
+         /**
+          * Sets the amount of fax messages waiting.
+          * @param aAmount The amount.
+          */
+         void SetFaxMessagesWaiting( TUint aAmount );
+         /**
+          * Sets the amount of email messages waiting.
+          * @param aAmount The amount.
+          */
+         void SetEMailMessagesWaiting( TUint aAmount );
+         /**
+          * Sets the amount of other messages waiting.
+          * @param aAmount The amount.
+          */
+         void SetOtherMessagesWaiting( TUint aAmount );
+         /**
+          * Check lock status. Do not open SMS messages automatically
+          * if the phone is locked.
+          * @return KErrNotFound or KSettingsAutolockStatus key code
+          */
+         TInt CheckAutoLockStatus();
+         /**
+          * Check if entry is read or unread. Uses iUnreadMessages array.
+          * @return ETrue if entry is unread, else EFalse
+          */         
+         TBool IsUnread(const TMsvEntry& aEntry);
+         /**
+		  * This method is called only once during phone boot.
+		  * Its purpose is to add all unread and visible messages
+		  * in Inbox to iUnreadMessages array. Entries in iUnreadMessages
+		  * are treated as new and unread eventhough
+	 	  * message might have been read and marked again as unread
+		  * before the boot.iUnreadMessages is used to determine
+		  * which messages in Inbox are actually new unread messages
+		  * and which are old unread messages. Soft note and indicator
+		  * is not displayed to old unread messages except after the boot.  
+		  */ 
+         void InitUnreadMessagesArrayL();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+         /**
+          * Prints the content of the TMsvEntry to logs
+          * @param aEntryToHandle The object which info is outputted
+          */
+         void PrintEntryDebugInformation(const TMsvEntry& aEntryToHandle );
+    private:    // Data
+        // Senders phonenumber of latest received message
+        TGsmSmsTelNumber iTelNumber; 
+        //Message is notified when it's complete and visible
+        //We keep track of unhandled messages here (SMS/MMS perhaps others :)
+        RArray<TInt>*	iUnhandledMessages;
+        //Session observer notifies Voice mail manager
+        //when new voice mail messages are received
+        CVoiceMailManager& iVMManager;       
+        // iUnreadMessages contain ids of truly new and unread messages.
+        // This array is needed to determine which entries in Inbox
+        // are actually new unread messages and which entries are old
+        // unread messages. Old unread messages are those that are read
+        // at least once but are marked later on as unread in MCE. 
+        // Softnote and indicator is not displayed for old unread messages
+        // except after the boot. 
+        //
+        RArray<TInt>*	iUnreadMessages;        
+        // After the first initialization only iUnhandledMessages array is cleared
+        // when MsvSessionReady is received.
+        TBool	iInitialized;
+        // If voicemail entry is not deleted then bypass the Notification update so that removeentryl can delete it
+        //Set to Invisible mode
+        TBool iUpdateNotifier;
+    };
+// End of File