changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 1 d09ac5c1e252
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmsengine/mmshttptransport/inc/mmstransaction.h	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+*     Class implementing transaction within WAP session
+#include    "mmsoperationtimer.h"
+#include    "mmstransportobserver.h"
+#include    "mmsbearerstatus.h"
+#include    <e32base.h>
+#include    <mentact.h>     // CMsgActive
+#include    <thttpevent.h>
+#include    <mhttptransactioncallback.h>
+#include    <mhttpdatasupplier.h>
+class MMmsCodecDataSupplier;
+class MMmsCodecDataSink;
+*  Class implementing transaction within WAP session
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMmsTransaction ):public CMsgActive,
+    public MMmsTransportObserver,
+    public MHTTPTransactionCallback,
+    public MHTTPDataSupplier
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        static CMmsTransaction* NewL();
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CMmsTransaction();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * Start the state machine.
+        * @param aHTTPSession Reference to HTTP session running in client
+        * @param aTransferControl Object used to detect if transfer is cancelled
+        * @param aUri Address to MMSC with message id 
+        * @param aMethod The type of transaction (POST/GET)
+        * @param aMessageBuffer An IN/OUT parameter. Includes the data to be sent to
+        *        to WAP GW. If there should be data to be returned, this includes it.
+        * @param aTransactionTimer Timer for transaction
+        * @param aMaxReceiveSize upper limit for accepted message. 0 = anything goes.
+        * @param aExpectedReceiveSize tells how large buffer will be allocated for the data
+        * @param aDataSupplier The class that will serve as data supplier
+        *        for chunked transfer.
+        * @param aDataSink The class that will serve as data sink for chunked receive
+        * @param aStatus Status of calling active object
+        */
+        void ExecuteL( 
+            RHTTPSession&           aSession,    
+            CMmsBearerStatus&       aTransferControl,
+            const TDesC&            aUri,
+            const TInt              aMethod,
+            CBufFlat&               aMessageBuffer,
+            const TInt              aTransactionTimer,
+            TInt32                  aMaxReceiveSize,
+            TInt32                  aExpectedReceiveSize,
+            MMmsCodecDataSupplier&  aDataSupplier,
+            MMmsCodecDataSink&      aDataSink,
+            TRequestStatus&         aStatus );
+    public: // Functions from base classes
+        // from MHTTPTransactionCallback
+        /** Called when the filter's registration conditions are satisfied for
+        * events that occur on a transaction.
+        * Note that this function is not allowed to leave if called with
+        * certain events. @see THTTPEvent
+        * @param aTransaction The transaction that the event has occurred on.
+        * @param aEvent The event that has occurred.
+        * @exception Any Leaves must be handled by the appropriate MHFRunError.
+        */
+        void MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent);
+        /** Called when RunL leaves from a transaction event. This works in the same
+        * way as CActve::RunError; return KErrNone if you have handled the error.
+        * If you don't completely handle the error, a panic will occur.
+        * @param aError The leave code that RunL left with.
+        * @param aTransaction The transaction that was being processed.
+        * @param aEvent The Event that was being processed.
+        * @return KErrNone if the error has been cancelled or the code
+        * of the continuing error otherwise.
+        */
+        TInt MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent);
+        // from MHTTPDataSupplier
+        /** Obtain a data part from the supplier.  The data is guaranteed
+        * to survive until a call is made to ReleaseData().
+        * @param aDataPart - the data part
+        * @return ETrue if this is the last part. EFalse otherwise
+        */
+        TBool GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart);
+        /** Release the current data part being held at the data
+        * supplier.  This call indicates to the supplier that the part
+        * is no longer needed, and another one can be supplied, if
+        * appropriate.
+        */
+        void ReleaseData();
+        /** Obtain the overall size of the data being supplied, if known
+        * to the supplier.  Where a body of data is supplied in several
+        * parts this size will be the sum of all the part sizes. If
+        * the size is not known, KErrNotFound is returned; in this case
+        * the client must use the return code of GetNextDataPart to find
+        * out when the data is complete.
+        * @return A size in bytes, or KErrNotFound if the size is not known.
+        */
+        TInt OverallDataSize();
+        /** Reset the data supplier.  This indicates to the data supplier that it should
+        * return to the first part of the data.  This could be used in a situation where
+        * the data consumer has encountered an error and needs the data to be supplied
+        * afresh.  Even if the last part has been supplied (i.e. GetNextDataPart has
+        * returned ETrue), the data supplier should reset to the first part.
+        * If the supplier cannot reset it should return an error code; otherwise it should
+        * return KErrNone, where the reset will be assumed to have succeeded
+        */
+        TInt Reset();
+        // from MMmsTransportObserver
+        /**
+        * Callback function for CMmsOperationtimer to notify
+        * about timer expiration
+        */
+        void TimerExpired();
+        /**
+        * Callback function for CMmsBearerStatus to notify
+        * about gprs suspend
+        */
+        void GprsSuspended();
+        /**
+        * Callback function for CMmsBearerStatus to notify
+        * about gprs resume
+        */
+        void GprsResumed();
+        /**
+        * Callback function for CMmsBearerStatus to notify
+        * about gprs resume
+        */
+        void TransferCancelled();
+    protected:  // New functions
+    protected:  // Functions from base classes
+        /**
+        * From CActive 
+        */
+        void DoCancel();
+        /**
+        * From CMsgActive: Active object completion
+        * We must override this because the CMmsOperationTimer
+        * and GPRS suspend information is delivered as an error.
+        * This class DoRunL is not called if iStatus is error.
+        */
+        void RunL();
+        /**
+        * From CMsgActive 
+        */
+        void DoRunL();
+    private:
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CMmsTransaction();
+        /**
+        * By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
+        */
+        void ConstructL();
+        /**
+        * From CMsgActive: Complete current operation.
+        * Cancel all active operations (timer, bearer status)
+        * @param aError Error code received by RunL
+        */
+        void DoComplete( TInt& aError );
+        /**
+        * Select next state for state machine
+        */
+        void SelectNextState();
+        /**
+        * Switch states
+        */
+        void ChangeStateL();
+        /**
+        * Send transaction request (POST/GET) to WAP GW
+        */
+        void MakeTransactionL();
+        /**
+        * Finalizing procedures
+        */
+        void FinishL();
+        /**
+        * Sets a transaction header
+        * @param aHeaders the header collection where the new header is inserted
+        * @param aHdrField enumeration of the header field
+        * @param aHdsValue the string value of the header to be set
+        */
+        void SetHeaderL( RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, TInt aHdrField, const TDesC8& aHdrValue );
+        /**
+        * Sets the 'Host' transaction header
+        * @param aHeaders the header collection where the new header is inserted
+        */
+        void SetHostHeaderL( RHTTPHeaders aHeaders );
+    public:     // Data
+    protected:  // Data
+    private:    // Data
+        enum TMmsTransactionStates
+            {
+            EMmsIdle,
+            EMmsSendingTransactionRequest,
+            EMmsFinished
+            };
+        TInt                iState;
+        TInt                iError;        
+        HBufC*              iUri;                  // URI
+        CBufFlat*           iBuffer; 
+        TInt                iMethod;
+        RHTTPSession*       iHTTPSession;          // transport session
+        THTTPEvent          iEvent;
+        RHTTPTransaction    iTransaction;          // transaction
+        // This is owned by caller
+        CMmsOperationTimer* iTimer;
+        CMmsBearerStatus*   iTransferControl;
+        TInt                iTransactionTimeout;
+        TBool               iRetryCount;
+        TBool               iRequestOngoing;
+        TBool               iSuspendOccurred;
+        TBool               iGotBodyData;
+        TBool               iDataChunkNumber;
+        TInt                iMaxReceiveSize;       // used in case we don't allow big messages
+        TInt                iExpectedReceiveSize;  // used for reserving correct size receive buffer
+        TBool               iTransactionOpened;    // tells if transaction created successfully
+        TBool               iGotResponseHeaders;   // did we get response headers
+        // pointer to the class that will serve as data supplier for chunked transfer.
+        // pointer is owned by caller - we don't delete it
+        MMmsCodecDataSupplier*  iDataSupplier;
+        // pointer to the class that will serve as data sink for chunked receive.
+        // pointer is owned by caller - we don't delete it
+        MMmsCodecDataSink*      iDataSink;
+        TBool                iLastChunk; // keep track if we already got last chunk
+        TInt                 iCumulativeSize; // the amound of data received or sent so far
+        TInt                 iChunkSize; // remember last chunk
+        // The size the buffer can be expanded to in chunked mode.
+        // When buffer reaches this size the contents must be sent for decoding.
+        TInt                 iBufferSize;
+        // Position where the data will be written into buffer. There may be some old
+        // unhandled data left.
+        TInt                 iPosition;
+    public:     // Friend classes
+    protected:  // Friend classes
+    private:    // Friend classes
+    };
+#endif      // MMSTRANSACTION_H   
+// End of File