changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmsengine/mmssettings/test/src/T_MmsSettings.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "T_MmsSettings.h"
+#include <cmmssettings.h>
+#include <cmmsaccounts.h>
+#include <mmmssettingsobserver.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+class CTestNotification : public CBase, public MMmsSettingsObserver
+	{
+	static CTestNotification* NewL( );
+	CTestNotification();	
+	void ConstructL();
+	~CTestNotification();
+  	void HandleNotify(TMmsSettingsEvent aEvent);
+  	void StartSetTestL();
+  	void StartCreateTestL();
+	void StartDeleteTestL();
+	};
+RTest test(_L("MMS Settings"));
+CMmsAccounts* account;
+CMmsSettings* settings;
+CMmsSettings* settingsVerify;
+CTestNotification* notification;
+TMmsAccountId accountId;
+TBuf<KMmsAccountNameSize> buffer1;
+TBuf<KMmsAccountNameSize> buffer2;
+const TUid KProxy = {0x1001};
+const TUid KNapId = {0x1002};
+const TUid KMMSRepositoryUid = {0x10202D4C};
+_LIT(KAccountName, "MMS Account");
+_LIT(KAddress, "MMS Address");
+_LIT(KAccountNameBlank, "");
+_LIT(KAccount1, "AccountNo 1: %d");
+_LIT(KAccount2, "AccountNo 2: %d");
+_LIT(KAccount3, "AccountNo 3: %d");
+_LIT(KAccount4, "AccountNo 4: %d");
+CTestNotification* CTestNotification::NewL()
+	{
+	CTestNotification* self = new(ELeave) CTestNotification();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+void CTestNotification::ConstructL()
+	{
+	account->AddObserverL(*this);	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	}
+void CTestNotification::StartCreateTestL()
+	{		
+	//create a new account
+	settings = CMmsSettings::NewL();
+	account->PopulateDefaultSettingsL(*settings);
+	accountId = account->CreateMMSAccountL(KAccountName, *settings);
+	// cleanup
+	delete settings;	
+	}
+void CTestNotification::StartSetTestL()
+	{		
+	// change a setting
+	settings = CMmsSettings::NewL();
+	account->LoadSettingsL(accountId, *settings);
+	settings->SetApplicationID(4);
+	account->SaveSettingsL(accountId, *settings);
+	// cleanup
+	delete settings;	
+	}
+void CTestNotification::StartDeleteTestL()
+	{		
+	// delete a account
+	account->DeleteMMSAccountL(accountId);
+	}
+void CTestNotification::HandleNotify(TMmsSettingsEvent /*aEvent*/)
+	{
+	_LIT(KComment, "\t\tNotification received");
+	theUtils->WriteComment(KComment);
+	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+	}
+// Forward declarations and doTestL() are placed here to satisfy leavescan.
+// If leavescan is at the bottom of the file, a leavescan error is produces.
+void InitL();
+void TestCreateAccountL();
+void TestSaveSettingsL();
+void TestDefaultAccountL();
+void TestCopySettingsL();
+void TestDeleteAccountL();
+void TestDeletedDefaultAccountL();
+void TestMultipleAccountsWithBlankNameL();
+void TestMultipleAccountsL();
+void TestNotificationL();
+void CleanupL();
+void doTestsL()
+	{
+	InitL();
+	TestCreateAccountL();
+	TestSaveSettingsL();
+	TestDefaultAccountL();
+	TestCopySettingsL();
+	TestDeleteAccountL();
+	TestDeletedDefaultAccountL();
+	TestMultipleAccountsWithBlankNameL();
+	TestMultipleAccountsL();
+	TestNotificationL();
+	CleanupL();
+	}
+TBool CompareBooleans(TBool aBoolean1, TBool aBoolean2, const TDesC* aTestDescription)
+	{
+	_LIT(KErrorReason, "\t\tSettings not set correctly for %S");
+	TBuf<80> buf;
+	TBuf<80> temp;
+	temp.Copy(*aTestDescription);
+	TBool result = ((aBoolean1 && aBoolean2) || (!aBoolean1 && !aBoolean2));
+	if (!result)
+		{
+		buf.AppendFormat(KErrorReason, &temp);
+		theUtils->WriteComment(buf);
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+TBool CompareDescriptors(TDesC& aDesC1, TDesC16& aDesC2, const TDesC* aTestDescription)
+	{
+	_LIT(KErrorReason, "\t\tSettings not set correctly for %S");
+	TBuf<80> buf;
+	TBuf<80> temp;
+	temp.Copy(*aTestDescription);
+	TBool result = (aDesC1 == aDesC2);
+	if (!result)
+		{
+		buf.AppendFormat(KErrorReason, &temp);
+		theUtils->WriteComment(buf);
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+TBool CompareIntegers(TInt aInt1, TInt aInt2, const TDesC* aTestDescription)
+	{
+	_LIT(KErrorReason, "\t\tSettings not set correctly for %S");
+	TBuf<80> buf;
+	TBuf<80> temp;
+	temp.Copy(*aTestDescription);
+	TBool result = (aInt1 == aInt2);
+	if (!result)
+		{
+		buf.AppendFormat(KErrorReason, &temp);
+		theUtils->WriteComment(buf);
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+LOCAL_C void ResetSettings()
+	{
+	// Reset the repository by clearing any existing settings and restoring the 
+   	// default settings
+	CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL(KMMSRepositoryUid);
+	repository->Reset();
+	delete repository;
+	}
+void InitL()
+	{	
+	ResetSettings();	
+	account = CMmsAccounts::NewLC();
+	notification = CTestNotification::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(notification);	
+	}
+void CleanupL()
+	{
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, account);	// notification, account
+	}
+void FillSettings()
+	{
+	settings->SetApplicationID(6);
+   	settings->SetAddressL(KAddress);	
+   	settings->SetCreationModeL(ECreationModeWarning);
+    settings->AddProxyL(KProxy);
+    settings->AddProxyL(KProxy);
+    settings->AddProxyL(KProxy);
+    settings->AddNapIdL(KNapId);
+    settings->AddNapIdL(KNapId);
+    settings->AddNapIdL(KNapId);
+    settings->SetDisplayNotification(ETrue);
+    settings->SetAutomaticDownload(EAutomaticDownloadOnlyWhenRoaming);
+    settings->SetCreationModeReadOnly(ETrue);
+    settings->SetValidityPeriod(16);
+    settings->SetMaxDownloadSize (20);
+    settings->SetPriority (ETrue);
+    settings->SetHideNumber(ETrue);
+    settings->SetReadReport(ETrue);
+    settings->SetDeliveryReport(ETrue);
+    settings->SetReplyWithHistory (EFalse);
+    settings->SetAllowDeliveryNotification(EFalse);
+    settings->SetFilterAdvertisements(EFalse);
+    settings->SetMaxDownloadRetries(ETrue);
+    settings->SetDownloadRetryInterval(7);
+    settings->SetMaxSendMsgSize (8);
+    settings->SetFullScreenPreview(EFalse);
+	settings->SetDeviceContentClass(4);
+	settings->SetMaxImageHeight(3);
+    settings->SetMaxImageWidth(6);   
+	_LIT(KComment, "\t\tCreated Filled POP3 Settings");
+	theUtils->WriteComment(KComment);
+	}
+TBool CompareSettings()
+	{
+	_LIT(KComment, "\t\tComparing Filled POP3 Settings");
+	theUtils->WriteComment(KComment);
+	TBool result = ETrue;
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->ApplicationID()), (settingsVerify->ApplicationID()), &KNullDesC);
+	buffer1 = settings->Address();
+	buffer2 = settingsVerify->Address();
+	result &= CompareDescriptors(buffer1, buffer2, &KNullDesC); 
+	TBool result1=((settings->CreationMode())==(settingsVerify->CreationMode()));
+	if (!result1)
+		{
+		_LIT(KComment, "\t\tCreationMode not Identical");
+		theUtils->WriteComment(KComment);
+		}
+	result &= result1;
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->ProxyCount()), (settingsVerify->ProxyCount()), &KNullDesC);
+	TBool result2 = EFalse;
+	for (TInt index = 0; index < settings->ProxyCount(); ++index)
+		{		
+		result2=((settings->GetProxy(index))==(settingsVerify->GetProxy(index)));
+		if (!result2)
+			{
+			_LIT(KComment, "\t\tProxy not Identical");
+			theUtils->WriteComment(KComment);
+			}
+		result &= result2;
+		}
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->NapIdCount()), (settingsVerify->NapIdCount()), &KNullDesC);
+	TBool result3 = EFalse;
+	for (TInt index = 0; index < settings->NapIdCount(); ++index)
+		{		
+		result3=((settings->GetNapId(index))==(settingsVerify->GetNapId(index)));
+		if (!result3)
+			{
+			_LIT(KComment, "\t\tNap Id not Identical");
+			theUtils->WriteComment(KComment);
+			}
+		result &= result3;
+		}
+	result &= CompareBooleans(settings->DisplayNotification(), settingsVerify->DisplayNotification(), &KNullDesC);
+	TBool result4=((settings->AutomaticDownload())==(settingsVerify->AutomaticDownload()));
+	if (!result4)
+		{
+		_LIT(KComment, "\t\tDisplayNotification not Identical");
+		theUtils->WriteComment(KComment);
+		}
+	result &= result4;
+	result &= CompareBooleans(settings->CreationModeReadOnly(), settingsVerify->CreationModeReadOnly(), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->ValidityPeriod()), (settingsVerify->ValidityPeriod()), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->MaxDownloadSize()), (settingsVerify->MaxDownloadSize()), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareBooleans(settings->Priority(), settingsVerify->Priority(), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareBooleans(settings->HideNumber(), settingsVerify->HideNumber(), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareBooleans(settings->ReadReport(), settingsVerify->ReadReport(), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareBooleans(settings->DeliveryReport(), settingsVerify->DeliveryReport(), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareBooleans(settings->ReplyWithHistory(), settingsVerify->ReplyWithHistory(), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareBooleans(settings->AllowDeliveryNotification(), settingsVerify->AllowDeliveryNotification(), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareBooleans(settings->FilterAdvertisements(), settingsVerify->FilterAdvertisements(), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->MaxDownloadRetries()), (settingsVerify->MaxDownloadRetries()), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->DownloadRetryInterval()), (settingsVerify->DownloadRetryInterval()), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->MaxSendMsgSize()), (settingsVerify->MaxSendMsgSize()), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareBooleans(settings->FullScreenPreview(), settingsVerify->FullScreenPreview(), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->DeviceContentClass()), (settingsVerify->DeviceContentClass()), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->MaxImageHeight()), (settingsVerify->MaxImageHeight()), &KNullDesC);
+	result &= CompareIntegers((settings->MaxImageWidth()), (settingsVerify->MaxImageWidth()), &KNullDesC);
+	return result;
+	}
+void TestMultipleAccountsWithBlankNameL()
+	{
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Multiple Account With BlankName  Test"));
+	// check there are no accounts
+	RArray<TMmsAccountId> mmsAccounts;
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 0);
+	// create 4 accounts
+	settings = CMmsSettings::NewL();
+	account->PopulateDefaultSettingsL(*settings);
+	accountId = account->CreateMMSAccountL(KAccountNameBlank, *settings);
+	theUtils->Printf(KAccount1, accountId.iMmsAccountId);
+	test(accountId.iMmsAccountId == 1);
+	TMmsAccountId accountId1 = account->CreateMMSAccountL(KAccountNameBlank, *settings);
+	theUtils->Printf(KAccount2, accountId1.iMmsAccountId);
+    test(accountId1.iMmsAccountId == 2);
+	TMmsAccountId accountId2 = account->CreateMMSAccountL(KAccountNameBlank, *settings);
+	theUtils->Printf(KAccount3, accountId2.iMmsAccountId);
+	test(accountId2.iMmsAccountId == 3);
+	TMmsAccountId accountId3 = account->CreateMMSAccountL(KAccountNameBlank, *settings);
+	theUtils->Printf(KAccount4, accountId3.iMmsAccountId);
+    test(accountId3.iMmsAccountId == 4 );
+	// check accounts
+	mmsAccounts.Reset();
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 4);
+    // delete the  accounts
+	account->DeleteMMSAccountL(accountId3);
+	account->DeleteMMSAccountL(accountId1);
+   	account->DeleteMMSAccountL(accountId2);
+	account->DeleteMMSAccountL(accountId);
+	mmsAccounts.Reset();
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 0);
+	delete settings;
+	mmsAccounts.Close();
+    theUtils->Complete( ); 	
+	}
+void TestMultipleAccountsL()
+	{
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Multiple Account Test"));
+	// check there are no accounts
+	RArray<TMmsAccountId> mmsAccounts;
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 0);
+	// create 4 accounts
+	settings = CMmsSettings::NewL();
+	account->PopulateDefaultSettingsL(*settings);
+	accountId = account->CreateMMSAccountL(KAccountName, *settings);
+	TMmsAccountId accountId1 = account->CreateMMSAccountL(KAccountName, *settings);
+	TMmsAccountId accountId2 = account->CreateMMSAccountL(KAccountName, *settings);
+	TMmsAccountId accountId3 = account->CreateMMSAccountL(KAccountName, *settings);
+	// check accounts
+	mmsAccounts.Reset();
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 4);
+	// delete 2 accounts
+	account->DeleteMMSAccountL(accountId3);
+	account->DeleteMMSAccountL(accountId1);
+	// check accounts
+	mmsAccounts.Reset();
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 2);
+	// cleanup
+	account->DeleteMMSAccountL(accountId2);
+	account->DeleteMMSAccountL(accountId);
+	mmsAccounts.Reset();
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 0);
+	delete settings;
+	mmsAccounts.Close();
+	theUtils->Complete( );
+	}
+void TestDeleteAccountL()
+	{
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Delete Account Test"));
+	// should be one account created previously
+	RArray<TMmsAccountId> mmsAccounts;
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 1);
+	// delete account and check
+	account->DeleteMMSAccountL(accountId);
+	mmsAccounts.Reset();
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 0);
+	// cleanup
+	mmsAccounts.Close();
+	theUtils->Complete();
+	}
+void TestDeletedDefaultAccountL()
+Checks if the default account has been deleted from the repository
+For Defect Number: ZEBRA00018625
+	{
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Delete Default Account Test"));
+	RArray<TMmsAccountId> mmsAccounts;
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 0);
+	TMmsAccountId deletedDefaultaccountId;
+	// if the default account exists in the repository, along with valid settings 
+	// then the account Id and name will be returned, else KErrNotFound will 
+	// be returned.
+	TRAPD( leaveCode,deletedDefaultaccountId = account->DefaultMMSAccountL() );
+	test(leaveCode == KErrNotFound);
+	// cleanup
+	mmsAccounts.Reset();
+	mmsAccounts.Close();
+	theUtils->Complete();
+	}
+void TestCopySettingsL()
+	{
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Copy Settings Test"));
+	settings = CMmsSettings::NewL();
+	account->PopulateDefaultSettingsL(*settings);
+	// load settings to copy
+	settingsVerify = CMmsSettings::NewL();	
+	account->LoadSettingsL(accountId, *settingsVerify);	
+	// copy setting and check
+	settings->CopyL(*settingsVerify);
+	test(CompareSettings() == 1);
+	// cleanup
+	delete settingsVerify;
+	delete settings;
+	theUtils->Complete();
+	}
+void TestDefaultAccountL()
+	{
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Default Account Test"));
+	account->SetDefaultMMSAccountL(accountId);
+	TMmsAccountId accountId2 = account->DefaultMMSAccountL();
+	test(accountId.iMmsAccountId == accountId2.iMmsAccountId);	
+	test(accountId.iMmsAccountName == accountId2.iMmsAccountName);	
+	theUtils->Complete();
+	}
+void TestSaveSettingsL()
+	{
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Save Settings Test"));
+	// save settings
+	settings = CMmsSettings::NewL();
+	settingsVerify = CMmsSettings::NewL();	
+	account->PopulateDefaultSettingsL(*settings);
+	FillSettings();
+	account->SaveSettingsL(accountId, *settings);
+	// check settings and accounts
+	account->LoadSettingsL(accountId, *settingsVerify);
+	test(CompareSettings() == 1);
+	// cleanup
+	delete settingsVerify;
+	delete settings;
+	theUtils->Complete();
+	}
+void TestCreateAccountL()
+	{
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Create Account Test"));
+	// check there are no accounts
+	RArray<TMmsAccountId> mmsAccounts;
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 0);
+	// create accounts
+	settings = CMmsSettings::NewL();
+	settingsVerify = CMmsSettings::NewL();	
+	account->PopulateDefaultSettingsL(*settings);
+	FillSettings();
+	accountId = account->CreateMMSAccountL(KAccountName, *settings);
+	// check settings and accounts
+	account->LoadSettingsL(accountId, *settingsVerify);
+	test(CompareSettings() == 1);
+	mmsAccounts.Reset();
+	account->GetMMSAccountsL(mmsAccounts);	
+	test(mmsAccounts.Count() == 1);
+	// cleanup
+	delete settingsVerify;
+	delete settings;
+	mmsAccounts.Close();
+	theUtils->Complete();
+	}
+void TestNotificationL()
+	{
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Notification Test1: Create"));		
+	notification->StartCreateTestL();
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();	
+	theUtils->Complete();	
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Notification Test2: Set"));		
+	notification->StartSetTestL();
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();	
+	theUtils->Complete();	
+	theUtils->Start(_L("Notification Test3: Delete"));		
+	notification->StartDeleteTestL();
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();	
+	theUtils->Complete();	
+	}