changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mobilemessaging/audiomsg/src/audiomessagelaunchoperation.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   This file contains the application launch oper. functions. 
+*  				 Prepare body icon. Inserts smil if aplication 
+*				 is launched from the gallery.
+#include <AknsConstants.h>
+#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh> // KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR
+#include <mmsvattachmentmanager.h>
+#include <mmsvattachmentmanagersync.h>
+#include <cmsvmimeheaders.h>
+#include <StringLoader.h>	
+#include <MsgEditorCommon.h>
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
+#include <msgimagecontrol.h> 
+#include <MsgMimeTypes.h>
+#include <MsgMediaResolver.h>
+#include <MsgMediaInfo.h>
+#include "msgtextutils.h"
+#include <audiomessage.rsg>
+#include <audiomessage.mbg> 
+#include "audiomessagelaunchoperation.h"
+#include "audiomessagerecorder.h"
+#include "audiomessage.hrh"
+_LIT( KAmsMbmFile, "audiomessage.mif" );
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+CAudioMessageLaunchOperation* CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::NewL(
+        MAmsOperationObserver& aOperationObserver,
+        CAudioMessageDocument& aDocument,
+        CMsgEditorView& aView )
+    {
+    CAudioMessageLaunchOperation* self = 
+        new ( ELeave ) CAudioMessageLaunchOperation( aOperationObserver, aDocument, aView );
+    return self;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+        MAmsOperationObserver& aOperationObserver,
+        CAudioMessageDocument& aDocument,
+        CMsgEditorView& aView ) :
+    CAudioMessageOperation( aOperationObserver, aDocument ),
+    iView( aView )
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    Cancel();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::Launch
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::Launch()
+    {
+    ResetError();
+    iLaunchState = EAmsLaunchInitialize;
+    CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoLaunchStepL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoLaunchStepL()
+    {
+    switch ( iLaunchState )
+        {
+        case EAmsLaunchInitialize:
+            DoInitializeL();
+            break;
+        case EAmsCheckAttach:
+   			CheckAttasL( );
+			CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
+			break;
+        case EAmsHandleAudio:
+        	DoHandleAudioL();
+        	break;
+        case EAmsLaunchPrepareContent:
+           	DoPrepareContentL();
+          	CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
+            break;
+        case EAmsLaunchAddNeededSmil:
+           	if ( !SmilExists() )
+           		{
+           		AddSmilL();
+           		}
+        	CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
+            break;
+        case EAmsLaunchUnInitialize:
+            UnInit();
+    		CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
+            break;
+        case EAmsLaunchPrepareBody:
+            DoPrepareBodyL();
+            break;
+        case EAmsLaunchEnd:
+            iObserver.EditorOperationEvent(
+                EAmsOperationLaunch,
+                EAmsOperationComplete ); 
+            break;
+		case EAmsLaunchErrorReport:
+			UnInit();
+			iObserver.EditorOperationEvent(
+				EAmsOperationLaunch,
+				EAmsOperationError );
+			break;
+        default:
+            iObserver.EditorOperationEvent(
+                EAmsOperationLaunch,
+                EAmsOperationError ); 
+            break;
+        }
+    iLaunchState++;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoInitializeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoInitializeL()
+    {
+    if ( iDocument.GetAppMode() == EAmsViewer )
+    	{
+    	DoReadInitL();
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+    	DoEditInitL();
+    	}
+   	iDocument.InitializeL( );
+    CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoPrepareBodyL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoPrepareBodyL()
+    {
+   	if ( iDocument.GetClipStatus() == EAmsClipAttachment )
+   		{
+       	DoPrepareBodyL( EAudioInserted );
+   		}
+   	else if ( iDocument.GetClipStatus() == EAmsClipCorrupted )
+   		{
+   		DoPrepareBodyL( EAudioCorrupted );
+   		}
+   	else
+   		{
+   		DoPrepareBodyL( EAudioInsert );
+   		}
+    CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoPrepareBodyL
+// Prepares voice clip icon (insert/inserted) according to status of the clip
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoPrepareBodyL( TAmsRecordIconStatus aType )
+    {
+  	TParse fileParse;
+    fileParse.Set( KAmsMbmFile, &KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR, NULL );
+    TAknsItemID id;
+    TInt icon;
+    TInt mask;
+    iDocument.SetRecordIconStatus( aType );
+    if ( aType == EAudioInserted && iDocument.Entry().iError != KErrCorrupt )
+    	{
+    	id = KAknsIIDQgnGrafMmsAudioInserted;
+        icon = EMbmAudiomessageQgn_graf_mms_audio_inserted;
+        mask = EMbmAudiomessageQgn_graf_mms_audio_inserted_mask;
+    	}
+    else if ( aType == EAudioInsert && iDocument.Entry().iError != KErrCorrupt )
+    	{
+    	id = KAknsIIDQgnGrafMmsAudioInsert;
+        icon = EMbmAudiomessageQgn_graf_mms_audio_insert;
+        mask = EMbmAudiomessageQgn_graf_mms_audio_insert_mask;
+    	}
+    else if ( aType == EAudioCorrupted && iDocument.Entry().iError != KErrCorrupt  )
+    	{
+    	//Create a copy TmsvEntry based on returned const ref
+    	TMsvEntry modifiableEntry = iDocument.Entry();
+    	modifiableEntry.iError = KErrCorrupt; 
+    	iDocument.CurrentEntry().ChangeL( modifiableEntry );
+    	id = KAknsIIDQgnGrafMmsAudioCorrupted;
+    	icon = EMbmAudiomessageQgn_graf_mms_audio_corrupted;
+        mask = EMbmAudiomessageQgn_graf_mms_audio_corrupted_mask; 
+    	}
+    else  
+    	{
+    	id = KAknsIIDQgnGrafMmsAudioCorrupted;
+    	icon = EMbmAudiomessageQgn_graf_mms_audio_corrupted;
+        mask = EMbmAudiomessageQgn_graf_mms_audio_corrupted_mask; 
+    	}
+    TAknLayoutRect iconLayout;
+    iconLayout.LayoutRect(
+        MsgEditorCommons::MsgDataPane(),
+        AknLayoutScalable_Apps::msg_data_pane_g7().LayoutLine() );
+    if ( !iImageControl )
+    	{
+    	iImageControl = CMsgImageControl::NewL( iView, NULL );
+    	iImageControl->LoadIconL( fileParse.FullName(), id, icon, mask );
+    	iImageControl->SetControlId( EMsgComponentIdImage );
+        iImageControl->SetIconSizeL( iconLayout.Rect().Size() );
+        iImageControl->SetIconVisible( ETrue );
+    	iView.AddControlL( iImageControl, EMsgComponentIdImage, EMsgFirstControl, EMsgBody );
+  		}
+  	else
+    	{
+    	iImageControl->LoadIconL( fileParse.FullName(), id, icon, mask );
+        iImageControl->SetIconSizeL( iconLayout.Rect().Size() );
+        iImageControl->SetIconVisible( ETrue );
+        iImageControl->DrawDeferred();
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoCancel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoCancel()
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::RunL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::RunL()
+    {
+    if ( iStatus.Int() != KErrNone )
+        {
+        // if EAmsExit, next error code is reason to exit
+        SetError( iStatus.Int() );
+        iObserver.EditorOperationEvent(
+            EAmsOperationLaunch,
+            EAmsOperationError );
+        }
+    else
+	    {
+	    DoLaunchStepL();
+	    }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoPrepareContentL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoPrepareContentL()
+	{
+ 	SetSmilExists(ETrue);
+    TInt attaCount = iManager->AttachmentCount();
+    if ( attaCount == 1 )
+    	if ( iDocument.GetAppMode() != EAmsViewer )
+    	{
+ 			SetSmilExists(EFalse);
+    		iDocument.SetInsertedStatus( EAmsSmilAdded );
+    	}
+	if( attaCount > 0 )
+    	{
+		RFile attaFile = iManager->GetAttachmentFileL( iDocument.iAudio );
+   		CleanupClosePushL( attaFile ); // RFile must be closed
+   		//We must get the duration for the SMIL
+   		CAudioMessageRecorder *recorder = CAudioMessageRecorder::NewL( attaFile, EFalse );
+        iDocument.SetDuration( recorder->GetDuration() );
+        delete recorder;
+  	    recorder = NULL;
+       	if ( !SmilExists() ) 
+       		{
+  		    attaFile.Name( iContentLocationFileName );
+  			TParsePtrC newName( iContentLocationFileName );
+  			CMsvAttachment* atta = iManager->GetAttachmentInfoL( iDocument.iAudio );
+    		CleanupStack::PushL( atta );	
+    		CMsvMimeHeaders* msvMime = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewLC();
+    		msvMime->RestoreL( *atta );
+	        //Now the filename still may contains дце etc
+	        msvMime->SetSuggestedFilenameL( newName.NameAndExt()  );
+            //Replace дце to _ , real name not needed anymore
+	        CMsgTextUtils::TrimAndRemoveNonAlphaDigit( iContentLocationFileName );
+	        msvMime->SetContentLocationL( iContentLocationFileName );
+	        msvMime->StoreL( *atta );
+            CleanupStack::Pop( msvMime );
+            CleanupStack::Pop( atta );
+            CleanupStack::PushL( msvMime );
+            iManagerSync->ModifyAttachmentInfoL( atta );
+	        MakeCommitL( );
+	        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msvMime ); 
+       		} 
+		iDocument.SetClipStatus( EAmsClipAttachment );
+    	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &attaFile );
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::SmilExists
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::SmilExists()
+	{
+    return iSmilExist;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::SetSmilExists
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::SetSmilExists( TBool aSel )
+    {
+    iSmilExist = aSel;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoHandleAudioL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::DoHandleAudioL( )
+    {
+    if ( iDocument.iAudio != 0 )
+        {
+        if( iDocument.MessageType( ) == EAmsSendAs )
+        	{ // SendAs -> Lets see what's inside
+			RFile audioFile = iManager->GetAttachmentFileL( iDocument.iAudio );
+            CleanupClosePushL( audioFile );
+		 	CMsgMediaInfo* attaInfo = iDocument.MediaResolver()->CreateMediaInfoL( audioFile );
+            iDocument.MediaResolver()->ParseInfoDetailsL( attaInfo, audioFile );
+            if ( attaInfo->Protection() )
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &audioFile );
+		        SetError( EAmsProtectedObject );
+		        iLaunchState = EAmsLaunchErrorReport;
+				CompleteSelf( -1 );
+				return;
+                }
+            else if ( ( attaInfo->FileSize( ) > iDocument.MaxMessageSize() ) ||
+                 ( attaInfo->MimeType( ).CompareF( KMsgMimeAudioAmr ) != 0  ) )
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &audioFile );
+		        SetError( EAmsSendUiUnsupported );
+		        iLaunchState = EAmsLaunchErrorReport;
+				CompleteSelf( -1 );
+				return;		    	    
+                }
+            else if ( attaInfo->Corrupt() )
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &audioFile );
+		        SetError( EAmsSendUiCorrupted );
+		        iLaunchState = EAmsLaunchErrorReport;
+				CompleteSelf( -1 );
+				return;
+                }
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &audioFile );
+		    delete attaInfo;
+        	}
+    	}
+        CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
+	}
+* gets the framsize
+TSize CAudioMessageLaunchOperation::FrameSize()
+    {
+    return iImageControl->FrameSize();
+    }