changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mobilemessaging/postcard/postcardinc/PostcardAppUi.h	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  PostcardAppUi  declaration
+// ========== INCLUDE FILES ================================
+#include <MsgEditorAppUi.h>             // CMsgEditorAppUi
+#include <MsgEditor.hrh> //zoom
+#include <MsgEditorSettingCacheUpdatePlugin.h>//zoom
+#include <MMGFetchVerifier.h>           // MMGFetchVerifier
+#include <MsgAttachmentUtils.h>			// fetchtype
+#include "PostcardDocument.h"           // TPostcardMsgType
+#include "PostcardOperationObserver.h"  // MPostcardOperationObserver
+#include "PostcardQueryWaiter.h"        // PostcardQueryWaiter
+#include "PostcardPointerObserver.h"    // MPocaPointerEventObserver
+// ========== CONSTANTS ====================================
+const TInt KPostcardAmountOfFreeDiskSpaceNeeded = 2000;
+// ========== MACROS =======================================
+// ========== DATA TYPES ===================================
+// ========== FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ==========================
+// ========== FORWARD DECLARATIONS =========================
+class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
+class CAknTitlePane;
+class CAknInputBlock;
+class CAknWaitDialog;
+class CAknGlobalMsgQuery;
+class CEikMenuBar;
+class CEikMenuPane;
+class CIdle;
+class CPlainText;
+class CContactCard;
+class CFbsBitmap;
+class CGulIcon;
+class CMsgImageInfo;
+class CPostcardOperation;
+class CPostcardController;
+class CPostcardCenRep;
+// ========== CLASS DECLARATION ============================
+ * Postcard AppUi module
+ *
+ */
+class CPostcardAppUi :
+    public CMsgEditorAppUi,
+    public MMGFetchVerifier,
+    public MPostcardOperationObserver,
+    public MPocaPointerEventObserver,
+#endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
+    public MPostcardQueryWaiterCallback
+    /**
+     * Constructor.
+     */
+    CPostcardAppUi();
+    /**
+     * 2nd phase constructor.
+     */
+    void ConstructL();
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    ~CPostcardAppUi();
+    /**
+     * Route key events to view.
+     * @param aKeyEvent key event
+     * @param aType     event type
+     * @return          response
+     * from CCoeAppUi
+     */
+    TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL(
+        const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);
+    /**
+    * From CEikAppUi 
+    */
+    void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
+    /**
+    * From MEikMenuObserver 
+    */
+    void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aMenuId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
+    /**
+     * Inits the main menu options
+     * @param aMenuPane
+     */
+    void DynInitMainMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
+    /**
+     * Inits the Insert submenu options
+     * @param aMenuPane
+     */
+    void DynInitInsertSubMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
+    /**
+     * Inits the context menu options
+     * @param aMenuPane
+     */
+    void DynInitContextMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
+    /**
+     * Checks if option aMenuItem is invisible
+     * @param aMenuitem
+     * @return ETrue if invisible
+     */
+    TBool IsMainMenuOptionInvisible( TInt aMenuItem );
+    /**
+    * Creates a media info object from given file and
+    * performs a preliminary check whether it is ok to 
+    * insert the given media file.
+    *
+    * The media info object is created to "iImageInfo"
+    * member variable.
+    *
+    * @param aFileName  Media file to be checked
+    * @return ETrue if media info object was created
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */        
+    TBool CreateMediaInfoForInsertL( const TDesC& aFileName );
+    /**
+    * Handles selection key press. Either opens text/greeting dialog or open context menu
+    */
+    void DoSelectionKeyL();
+    /** 
+    * Launches help application
+    * @param aContext launches the aContext help page from Postcard manual
+    */
+    void LaunchHelpL( const TDesC& aContext );
+    /**
+    * Accessor
+    * Get reference to file session
+    * @return Reference to file session
+    */        
+    RFs& FsSession() const;
+    /**
+     * Tries to exit the application.
+     */
+    void DoExternalExit( );
+    /**
+    * Callback for CIdle
+    */        
+	static TInt DelayedExit( TAny* aThis );
+    /**
+    * From MMGFetchVerifier
+    */
+    TBool VerifySelectionL( const MDesCArray* aSelectedFiles );
+    /**
+    * From MMsgEditorLauncher
+    */
+    void LaunchViewL();
+    /**
+    * From CMsgEditorAppUi
+    */
+    void DoMsgSaveExitL();
+    /**
+    * From MPostcardOperationObserver
+    * Checks the result of the event and shows possible error note.
+    * Calls right function to finalize launch, save or image insertion.
+    */
+    void PostcardOperationEvent(
+            TPostcardOperationType aOperation,
+            TPostcardOperationEvent aEvent );
+	/**
+	* From MPostcardQueryWaiterCallback
+	* If aResult is ok, starts the sending operation (save operation with right flag).
+	* Otherwise just deletes the query and returns.
+	*/
+	void QueryWaiterCallbackL( TInt aResult );
+	/**
+	* From MPostcardQueryWaiterCallback
+	* Called when QueryWaiterCallbackL() leaves. Should perform cleanup.
+	* After the callback, the leave is propagated to active scheduler.
+	*/
+	void QueryWaiterCallbackError();
+    /**
+     * Returns application menubar.
+     * @return pointer to menubar.
+     */
+    CEikMenuBar* MenuBar() const;
+    /**
+     * Asks the controller to reread the coordinates from the laf
+     */
+    void HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType );
+    /**
+     * Starts CIdle to call ExternalExit
+     */
+	void DoDelayedExit( TInt aDelayTime );
+    /**
+    * Save message and exits
+    */
+    void ExitAndSaveL();
+    /**
+    * Shows "closing message" list query. The options
+    * in the query are "Save to draft" and "Delete message".
+    * Should be called when "Close" softkey is pressed in 
+    * non-empty message.
+    *
+    * @return EMsgCloseCancel, if the query is cancelled
+    *         EMsgCloseSave, if "Save to drafts" is selected
+    *         EMsgCloseDelete, if "Delete message" is selected
+    */
+    TInt ShowCloseQueryL();
+    /**
+     * Takes the ownership of the aIcon and also passes the icon to controller
+     */
+    void SetImage( CGulIcon* aIcon );
+    /**
+     * Takes the ownership of the aItem.
+     * Takes the right fields from aItem and writes them into a bitmap
+     * Passes the bitmap to controller.
+     */
+    void SetRecipientL( CContactCard& aItem );
+    /**
+     * Takes the ownership of the aPlainText.
+     * Writes the text into a bitmap.
+     * Passes the bitmap to controller.
+     */
+    void SetTextL( CPlainText& aPlainText );
+    /**
+     * Get maximum text length allowed for edit control
+     */
+    TInt MaxTextLength( TInt aControlId );
+    /**
+     * Return reference to cenrep parameters
+     */
+    const CPostcardCenRep& CenRep();
+    /**
+    * Gets the local zoom level
+    */
+    void GetZoomLevelL( TInt& aZoomLevel );
+    /**
+    * Handles the changing of the local zoom by calling CMsgEditorAppUi::HandleLocalZoomChangeL
+    * @param aNewZoom is the new zoom level
+    */
+    void HandleLocalZoomChangeL( TMsgCommonCommands aNewZoom );
+    /**
+    *  Active scheduler start for saving.
+    */
+    void BeginActiveWait();
+    /**
+    *  Active scheduler stop for saving.
+    */
+    void EndActiveWait();
+private: // from MPocaPointerEventObserver
+    void PocaPointerEventL( TPocaPointerEvent aEvent, TPocaPointerEventType aEventType );
+#endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
+    /**
+    * Called when open operation finishes. Removes wait note.
+    * Updates navipane, checks if greeting or address fields are too long.
+    * Focuses the right object.
+    */
+    void CompleteLaunchViewL( );
+    /**
+    * Checks whether there is enough disk space to save message or image.
+    */
+    TBool CanSaveMessageL( TInt aAmount = KPostcardAmountOfFreeDiskSpaceNeeded );
+    /**
+    * Checks message content and start the sending query
+    */        
+    void DoSendL();
+    /**
+    * Starts the saving operation.
+    */
+    void DoSaveL();
+    /**
+    * Shows the save query if necessary and calls DoSave if needed
+    */        
+    void DoBackSaveL();
+    /**
+    * Deletes image if it's focused
+    */        
+    void DoBackspaceL( );
+    /**
+    * Calls MTMUI's Forward feature to forward the postcard to someone else
+    */        
+    void DoForwardMessageL( );
+    /**
+    * Opens the address dialog.
+    * param aKeyEvent - if set, SimulateKeyEvent is called for it in the dialog
+    * param aFirstFocused - if set, focuses the given field when dialog started
+    */        
+    void DoEditAddressL( TKeyEvent aKeyEvent = TKeyEvent(),
+                               TInt aFirstFocused = -1 );
+    /**
+    * Opens the greeting text dialog
+    * param aKeyEvent - if set, SimulateKeyEvent is called for it in the dialog
+    */        
+    void DoEditGreetingL( TKeyEvent aKeyEvent = TKeyEvent( ) );
+    /**
+    * Updates TMsvEntry and calls DoShowMessageInfoL
+    */        
+    void DoUpdateEntryAndShowMessageInfoL( );
+    /**
+    * Calls MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchFileL to fetch file aFetchType
+    */        
+	TBool FetchFileL( MsgAttachmentUtils::TMsgAttachmentFetchType aFetchType );
+    /**
+    * Call FetchFileL with right parameter
+    * @param aFetchType: EImage or ENewImage
+    */        
+    void DoInsertImageL(
+        MsgAttachmentUtils::TMsgAttachmentFetchType aFetchType );
+    /**
+    * Calls NextMessageL if next/prev message is available
+    */        
+	TKeyResponse NavigateBetweenMessagesL( TBool aNextMessage );
+public: // These are functions that also address and greeting dialogs use
+    /**
+    * Creates and shows an information note with text string aResourceId
+    */
+    void ShowInformationNoteL( TInt aResourceID, TBool aWaiting );
+    /**
+    * Creates and shows an information note with text string aText
+    */
+    void ShowInformationNoteL( const TDesC& aText, TBool aWaiting );
+    /**
+    * Calls global error UI to show an information note with text string aResourceId.
+    */
+    void ShowGlobalInformationNoteL( TInt aResourceId, TBool aWaiting );
+    /**
+    * Creates and shows a confirmation query.
+    * First loads the string aResourceId from the resource file.
+    * Then calls the other ShowConfirmationQuery to show the query.
+    */
+    TInt ShowConfirmationQueryL( TInt aResourceId, TBool aOnlyOK=EFalse ) const;
+    /**
+    * Creates and shows a confirmation query.
+    * Creates a query dialog with text aText. If aOnlyOK is true, the softkeys
+    * are OK-Empty. Otherwise they are Yes-No.
+    * Returns the value returned by the dialog.
+    */
+    TInt ShowConfirmationQueryL( const TDesC& aText, TBool aOnlyOK=EFalse ) const;
+    /**
+    * Puts a wait note on the screen with text aResourceId
+    * Stays on the screen until RemoveWaitNote is called
+    * param aNoTimeout - if true, note is shown immediately
+    * result true if the dialog was successfully shown
+    */        
+    TBool ShowWaitNoteL( TInt aResourceId, TBool aNoTimeout );
+    /**
+    * Removes possible current wait note from the screen.
+    */
+    void RemoveWaitNote();
+    /**
+    * Reads and returns the mandatory fields' byte from the resource
+    */
+	TInt MandatoryAddressFields( );
+    /**
+    * Reads string aResourceId from the resource file and leaves in the callstack
+    * return the read string
+    */
+	HBufC* ReadFromResourceLC( TInt& aResourceId );
+    /**
+    * Calls MTMUI to show the message info in the screen.
+    */        
+    void DoShowMessageInfoL();
+    /**
+    * Called by Text editor dialog to ask if the recipient field has any data
+    * Returns ETrue if iContact has any data.
+    */        
+	TBool ContactHasData( );
+    /**
+    * Returns true if there's no image, no text nor recipient address
+    */        
+    TBool IsMessageEmpty( );
+    /**
+    * Returns a reference to the document class
+    */        
+	CPostcardDocument& Document();
+    /**
+    * Creates a set of address strings by using iContact
+    * and passes the strings into CreateTransparentIconL.
+    * Passes the returned transparent bitmap to Controller class.
+    */        
+    void RefreshRecipientBitmapL( );
+    /**
+    * Refreshes the lines how the greeting and recipients focus lines are drawn
+    */        
+    void RefreshFocusLinesL( );
+    /**
+    * Uses iGreeting as source text.
+    * Writes the text into a transparent bitmap and passes it into controller
+    */        
+	void CreateGreetingBitmapL( );
+    /**
+    * Creates a transparent icon with text aText written into it.
+    */        
+	CGulIcon* CreateTransparentIconL( const TDesC& aText );
+    /**
+    * Creates a transparent icon with text aStrings line by line written into it.
+    */        
+	CGulIcon* CreateTransparentIconL( const MDesCArray& aStrings );
+    /**
+    * Creates an empty bitmap of size aSize.
+    * Used by the functions above.
+    */        
+	CFbsBitmap* CreateEmptyBitmapLC( const TSize& aSize );
+    /**
+    * Returns ETrue if aContact's any field has any data
+    */        
+	TBool ContactHasData( const CContactCard& aContact );
+    /**
+    * Reads the max lenghts of each field from resources.
+    * Returns EFalse if either greeting text or any of the address fields
+    * are too long.
+    */        
+	TBool CheckLengthsL( );
+    /**
+    * Creates and returns the string that is shown in the send confirmation query
+    * after user has chosen to send the postcard.
+    */        
+	HBufC* CreateAddressStringForSendConfirmLC( );
+    /**
+    * Set main view middle softkey label according to the postcard side
+    * viewed and mode (viewer / edit).
+    */        
+	void SetMiddleSoftkeyL();
+    /**
+    * Creates and sets application icon to title pane.
+    */
+    void CreateAndSetTitleIconL();
+    /**
+    * Sets application icon to title pane.
+    */
+    void SetTitleIconL();
+    /**
+     * Checks if phone is in offline mode or not
+     *
+     * @return ETrue if phone is in offline mode
+     *         Otherwise EFalse.
+     */
+    TBool IsPhoneOfflineL() const;
+	enum TPostcardFlags
+		{
+		EPostcardGreetingActive = 1,        // Is Greeting dialog open
+		EPostcardRecipientActive = 2,      // Is Address dialog open
+		EPostcardCamcorder = 4,		    // Is Camcorder supported
+		EPostcardEditMessageActive = 8,    // Is Edit message active
+		EPostcardHelp = 16,		        // Is Help supported
+		EPostcardExitCalledFromDialog = 32,// Is exit called from text or address dialogs
+		EPostcardRunAppShutterAtExit = 64,
+		EPostcardLaunchSuccessful = 128,
+		EPostcardClosing = 256,
+        EPostcardFeatureOffline = 512   // Is offline supported
+		};
+    enum TPostcardFocusArea
+        {
+        EPostcardFocusAreaGreeting = 0,
+        EPostcardFocusAreaAddress,
+        EPostcardFocusAreaLast
+        };
+    enum TPostcardCloseQueryOptions
+        {
+        EPostcardCloseCancel,
+        EPostcardCloseSave,
+        EPostcardCloseDelete
+        };
+	TInt						iPocaFlags;         // postcard flags
+    TInt                        iResourceFile;      // Offset of resource file
+    TInt                        iBaseResourceFile;  // Offset of editor base res file
+    CAknNavigationControlContainer*    	iNaviPane;
+    CAknTitlePane*              iTitlePane;
+    CGulIcon*                   iAppIcon;
+    CMsgImageInfo*              iImageInfo;     // media info created by verify selection
+    CPostcardOperation*     	iOperation;     // current postcard operation
+    CAknInputBlock*             iAbsorber;      // For absorbing keypresses
+    CPeriodic*                  iIdle;          // For making external exit
+    CPostcardController*        iController;    // Postcard controller class
+    // Global message query
+    CAknGlobalMsgQuery*         iMessageQuery;  // Message query for confirming send operation
+	HBufC*						iSendText;      // query text used by MsgQuery
+	CAknWaitDialog*				iWaitDialog;    // wait dialog to be shown on screen
+    TPostcardMsgType            iMsgType;       // type of postcard that is open
+    CGulIcon*                   iImage;         // image that user has inserted
+    CPlainText*               	iGreeting;      // greeting text that user has entered
+    TInt                        iGreetingLength;// length of greeting text (excluding end separator)
+	CContactCard*				iContact;       // recipient address that user has entered
+    TInt                        iMskResource;   // current middle softkey resource ID
+    CPostcardCenRep*            iCenRep;    // central repository interface
+    CActiveSchedulerWait        iWait;
+// End of File