changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mobilemessaging/smsmtm/test/src/t_smsdeliver.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2380 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "t_smsdeliver.h"
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <smutset.h>
+#include <smuthdr.h>
+#include <txtrich.h>
+#include "smstestutils.h"
+#include <msvuids.h>
+#include <smsuaddr.h>
+#include <csmsaccount.h>
+#include <tmsvsmsentry.h>
+_LIT(KFailed,"Failed to complete tests.");
+_LIT(KRecipientOk,		"+447747065438");  // has to be valid number and switched on
+_LIT(KRecipientBad,		"+442071541467");
+_LIT(KRecipientFail,	"+34933753717");
+_LIT(KMessageData, "This is a simple text message");
+_LIT(KTestDeliverOneRecipientOk,		"Single recipient, deliver ok");
+_LIT(KTestDeliverOneRecipientFail, 		"Single recipient, deliver fail");
+_LIT(KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1,	"Multi (2) recipients, deliver ok"); 
+_LIT(KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2,	"Multi (2) recipients, deliver ok, but 1 fails to send");
+_LIT(KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3,	"Multi (3) recipients, deliver ok, but 1 fails to send");
+_LIT(KTestDeliverNoMatching,			"Single recipient, no matching");
+_LIT(KTestDeliverNoStatusReports,		"Single recipient, no status reports");
+_LIT(KTestDeliverNotSent,				"Single recipient, not sent");
+_LIT(KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1,	"Multi (2) recipients, deliver failure");
+_LIT(KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1,"Multi (2) recipients, 1 deliver ok, 1 deliver failure");
+_LIT(KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2,"Multi (2) recipients, 2 deliver failures");
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+#else	//__WINS__
+#endif	//__WINS__
+RTest test(_L("T_SmsDeliver Test Harness"));
+const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KWaitForWatchersToStart = 20000000;
+const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KWaitForWatchersToStartDisplayInterval = 5000000;
+LOCAL_C void DoTestsL()
+	{
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+	User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KPddName);
+	User::LoadLogicalDevice(KLddName);
+#else	//__WINS__
+	User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KPddSirName);
+	User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KPddUartName);
+    User::LoadLogicalDevice(KLddName);
+#endif	//__WINS__
+	TInt r = StartC32();
+	if( (r != KErrNone) && (r != KErrAlreadyExists) )
+		test.Printf(_L("Failed to start C32 %d\n"), r);
+	// Create and install the active scheduler
+ 	CActiveScheduler* scheduler= new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
+	CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+	// Create the test engine
+	CTestEngine* testEngine = CTestEngine::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(testEngine);
+	// Do tests...
+	testEngine->DoTestsL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, scheduler);	
+	}
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+	{	
+	CTrapCleanup* tc=CTrapCleanup::New();
+	TRAPD(err,DoTestsL());
+	if (err!=KErrNone)
+		User::Panic(KFailed, err);
+	delete tc;
+	test.Close();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+ *	CTestEngine
+ */
+CTestEngine* CTestEngine::NewL()
+	{
+	CTestEngine* self = new (ELeave) CTestEngine();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+	{
+	delete iTestUtils;
+	delete iWatchers;
+	iSocket.Close();
+	iSocketServ.Close();
+	}
+: CBase()
+	{
+	}
+void CTestEngine::DoTestsL()
+	{
+	CTestDeliverBase* testCase = NULL;
+	testCase = CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	testCase = CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	testCase = CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	testCase = CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	testCase = CTestDeliverNoMatching::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	testCase = CTestDeliverNoStatusReports::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	testCase = CTestDeliverNotSent::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	testCase = CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	testCase = 	CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	testCase = 	CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	testCase = 	CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+	RunTestCaseL(*testCase);
+	}
+void CTestEngine::RunTestCaseL(CTestDeliverBase& aTestCase)
+	{
+	CleanupStack::PushL(&aTestCase);
+	aTestCase.Start();
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&aTestCase);
+	}
+void CTestEngine::ConstructL()
+	{
+	// This should create the SMS service, including the service settings.
+	iTestUtils = CSmsTestUtils::NewL(test);
+	// Notify the system agent that the phone is on.
+	iTestUtils->NotifySaPhoneOnL();
+	// Tell the tests utils to log to file
+	iTestUtils->SetLogToFile();
+	// Restore the service settings.
+	iTestUtils->SetEntryL(iTestUtils->iSmsServiceId);
+	CSmsAccount* account = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
+	account->LoadSettingsL(*iTestUtils->iServiceSettings);
+	// Remove the default service centres from the service settings
+	TInt count = iTestUtils->iServiceSettings->ServiceCenterCount();
+	while( count-- )
+		{
+		iTestUtils->iServiceSettings->RemoveServiceCenter(count);
+		}
+	// Add the Vodafone service centre - store the settings.
+	iTestUtils->iServiceSettings->AddServiceCenterL(_L("Vodafone"), _L("+447785016005"));
+	// Set delivery options - do matching and make reports visible.	
+	iTestUtils->iServiceSettings->SetDeliveryReport(ETrue);
+	iTestUtils->iServiceSettings->SetStatusReportHandling(CSmsSettings::EMoveReportToInboxVisibleAndMatch);
+	account->SaveSettingsL(*iTestUtils->iServiceSettings);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account);
+	// Create a session with the SMS stack - note order of the next few things
+	// is important.
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSocketServ.Connect());
+	TProtocolDesc protoinfo;
+	TProtocolName protocolname(KSmsDatagram);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSocketServ.FindProtocol(protocolname,protoinfo));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.Open(iSocketServ,protoinfo.iAddrFamily,protoinfo.iSockType,protoinfo.iProtocol));
+	TSmsAddr smsaddr;
+	smsaddr.SetSmsAddrFamily(ESmsAddrSendOnly);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.Bind(smsaddr));
+	// Initialise phone...
+	iTestUtils->WaitForInitializeL();
+	// Start watchers...
+	StartWatcherL();
+	}
+TBool CTestEngine::WatchersAlreadyRunningL()
+	{
+	RSocketServ server;
+	RSocket socket;
+	User::LeaveIfError(server.Connect());
+	CleanupClosePushL(server);
+		// test if it's there... 
+	TProtocolDesc protoInfo;
+	TProtocolName protocolname;
+	protocolname.Copy(KSmsDatagram);
+	User::LeaveIfError(server.FindProtocol(protocolname,protoInfo));
+	User::LeaveIfError(socket.Open(server,
+										protoInfo.iAddrFamily,
+										protoInfo.iSockType, 
+										protoInfo.iProtocol));
+	CleanupClosePushL(socket);
+	TSmsAddr addr;
+	addr.SetSmsAddrFamily(ESmsAddrRecvAny);
+	TInt err = socket.Bind(addr);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(2, &server);
+	socket.CancelAll();
+	socket.Close();
+	server.Close();
+	return (err == KErrAlreadyExists);
+	}
+void CTestEngine::StartWatcherL()
+	{
+	iTestUtils->Printf(_L("Start the Watcher"));
+	if( WatchersAlreadyRunningL() )
+		{
+		iTestUtils->Printf(_L("Watchers are already running\n"));
+		return;
+		}
+	iWatchers = CTestUtilsWatcherStarter::NewL();
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 wait = KWaitForWatchersToStart;
+	TBool started = EFalse;
+	while( !started && wait.Int() > 0 )
+		{
+		iTestUtils->Printf(_L("Waiting %d secs for watchers to start...\n"), wait.Int() / 1000000);
+		wait = wait.Int() - KWaitForWatchersToStartDisplayInterval.Int();
+		User::After(KWaitForWatchersToStartDisplayInterval);
+		started = WatchersAlreadyRunningL();
+		}
+	if( !WatchersAlreadyRunningL() )
+		{
+		iTestUtils->Printf(_L("WARNING: NBS Watcher has not started yet\n"));
+		}
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverBase
+ */
+	{
+	delete iEntryForObserver;
+	delete iOperation;
+	}	
+void CTestDeliverBase::Start()
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Starting %S\n"), &TestName());
+	iState = EClearFolders;
+	CompleteSelf();
+	}
+CTestDeliverBase::CTestDeliverBase(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard), iTestUtils(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverBase::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iEntryForObserver = Session().GetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverBase::CompleteSelf()
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* pStat = &iStatus;
+	User::RequestComplete(pStat, KErrNone);
+	SetActive();
+	}
+CMsvSession& CTestDeliverBase::Session()
+	{
+	return *iTestUtils.iMsvSession;
+	}
+CMsvEntry& CTestDeliverBase::MsvEntry()
+	{
+	return *iTestUtils.iMsvEntry;
+	}
+CSmsClientMtm& CTestDeliverBase::Client()
+	{
+	return *iTestUtils.iSmsClientMtm;
+	}
+CSmsSettings& CTestDeliverBase::ServiceSettings()
+	{
+	return *iTestUtils.iServiceSettings;
+	}
+void CTestDeliverBase::ClearFoldersL()
+	{
+	iTestUtils.DeleteSmsMessagesL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+	iTestUtils.DeleteSmsMessagesL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	iTestUtils.DeleteSmsMessagesL(KMsvSentEntryId);		
+	}
+void CTestDeliverBase::TestComplete()
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Test Complete\n"));
+	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+	}
+void CTestDeliverBase::CreateMessageL()
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Creating message...\n"));
+	TMsvEntry entry;
+	entry.SetVisible(ETrue); 
+	entry.SetInPreparation(ETrue); 
+	entry.iServiceId = iTestUtils.iSmsServiceId; 
+	entry.iType = KUidMsvMessageEntry; 
+	entry.iMtm = KUidMsgTypeSMS; 
+	entry.iDate.HomeTime(); 
+	entry.iSize = 0; 
+	entry.iDescription.Set(KNullDesC); 
+	entry.iDetails.Set(KNullDesC); 
+	// Check send options...
+	TUint sendState = KMsvSendStateWaiting; 
+	switch( ServiceSettings().Delivery() )  
+		{ 
+	case ESmsDeliveryScheduled: 
+		sendState = KMsvSendStateScheduled; 
+		break; 
+	case ESmsDeliveryUponRequest: 
+		sendState = KMsvSendStateUponRequest; 
+		break; 
+	default: 
+		sendState = KMsvSendStateWaiting; 
+		break;
+		}
+	entry.SetSendingState(sendState); 
+	// Create the SMS header object...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	// Set the body text...
+	iTestUtils.iRichText->Reset();
+	iTestUtils.iRichText->InsertL(0, KMessageData);
+	// Copy the message settings...
+	header->SetSmsSettingsL(ServiceSettings()); 
+	// Set the service centre
+	TInt defaultIndex = ServiceSettings().DefaultServiceCenter();
+	header->SetServiceCenterAddressL(ServiceSettings().GetServiceCenter(defaultIndex).Address());
+	// Set recipient - ask derived class
+	SetRecipientsL(*header);
+	// Update entry description and details...
+	CArrayPtrFlat<CSmsNumber>& recipient = header->Recipients();
+	entry.iDetails.Set(recipient[0]->Address());
+	entry.iDescription.Set(iTestUtils.iRichText->Read(0, ServiceSettings().DescriptionLength()));
+	entry.SetInPreparation(EFalse);
+	// Create the entry - set context to the global outbox.
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+	MsvEntry().CreateL(entry);
+	// Create new store and save header information 
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(entry.Id()); 
+	CMsvStore* store = MsvEntry().EditStoreL(); 
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store); 
+	header->StoreL(*store);
+	store->StoreBodyTextL(*iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	store->CommitL(); 
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, header); 
+	iMessageId = entry.Id();
+	}
+void CTestDeliverBase::SendMessageL()
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Sending message %d\n"), iMessageId);
+	delete iOperation;
+	iOperation = NULL;
+	CMsvEntrySelection* sel = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(sel);
+	sel->AppendL(iMessageId);
+	iTestUtils.DisplayMessageL(iMessageId);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+	iOperation = MsvEntry().CopyL(*sel, iTestUtils.iSmsServiceId, iStatus);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sel);
+	SetActive();
+	}
+void CTestDeliverBase::ChangeServiceSettingsL()
+	{
+	// Restore the service settings.
+	iTestUtils.SetEntryL(iTestUtils.iSmsServiceId);
+	CSmsAccount* account = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
+	account->LoadSettingsL(*iTestUtils.iServiceSettings);
+	// Set the service settings 
+	iTestUtils.iServiceSettings->SetValidityPeriod(TTimeIntervalMinutes(5));
+	iTestUtils.iServiceSettings->SetDeliveryReport(ETrue);
+	iTestUtils.iServiceSettings->SetStatusReportHandling(CSmsSettings::EMoveReportToInboxVisibleAndMatch);
+	// Store the new service settings
+	account->SaveSettingsL(*iTestUtils.iServiceSettings);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverBase::CheckCreatedMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. All recipients have correct delivery status - ENoAckRequested.
+	// 2. The index summary is correct - ENoAckSummary
+	// 3. The index message IS is invalid.
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking created message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	TInt rcptCount = header->Recipients().Count();
+	for( TInt ii = 0; ii < rcptCount; ++ii )
+		{
+		CSmsNumber* rcpt = header->Recipients()[ii];
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient %d - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckRequested)\n"), ii, rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+		}
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckSummary)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::ENoAckSummary);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::ENoAckSummary);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId == EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+TMsvId CTestDeliverBase::GetObserverEntry()
+	{
+	return iMessageId;
+	}
+// methods from CActive
+void CTestDeliverBase::RunL()
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int());
+	switch( iState )
+		{
+	case EClearFolders:
+		{
+		ClearFoldersL();
+		iState = EChangeServiceSettings;
+		CompleteSelf();
+		} break;
+	case EChangeServiceSettings:
+		{
+		ChangeServiceSettingsL();
+		iState = ECreateMessage;
+		CompleteSelf();
+		} break;			
+	case ECreateMessage:
+		{
+		CreateMessageL();
+		iState = ECheckCreatedMessage;
+		CompleteSelf();
+		} break;
+	case ECheckCreatedMessage:
+		{
+		CheckCreatedMessageL();
+		iState = ESendMessage;
+		CompleteSelf();
+		} break;
+	case ESendMessage:
+		{
+		SendMessageL();
+		iState = ECheckSentMessage;
+		} break;
+	case ECheckSentMessage:
+		{
+		CheckSentMessageL();
+		TMsvId entryId = GetObserverEntry();
+		if( entryId != KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
+			{
+			// Need to observe something - move observer entry to specified entry 
+			// and wait for it to be updated
+			iEntryForObserver->SetEntryL(entryId);
+			iEntryForObserver->AddObserverL(*this);
+			iState = EPendingDeliveryReport;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Not observing anything - end of test.
+			TestComplete();
+			}
+		} break;
+	case EPendingDeliveryReport:
+		{
+		// End the test...
+		TestComplete();
+		} break;			
+	default:
+		User::Invariant();
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+void CTestDeliverBase::DoCancel()
+	{
+	}
+TInt CTestDeliverBase::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
+	{
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+//	methods from MMsvEntryObserver	
+void CTestDeliverBase::HandleEntryEventL(TMsvEntryEvent aEvent, TAny* /*aArg1*/, TAny* /*aArg2*/, TAny* /*aArg3*/)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EPendingDeliveryReport, User::Invariant() );
+	if( aEvent == EMsvEntryChanged )
+		{
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Message entry has been updated\n"));
+		// Check that the sent message has been updated.
+		CheckDeliveredMessageL();
+		}
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk
+ */
+ CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk* CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk::CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	 methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting single recipient\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt);
+	rcpt->SetAddressL(KRecipientOk);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 1);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 1);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAcks)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should NOT be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId != EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id -> %d - should be %d\n"), logId, rcpt->LogId());
+	iTestUtils.Test()(logId == rcpt->LogId());
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking delivered message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 1);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 1);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EAllSuccessful)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EAllSuccessful);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EAllSuccessful);
+	// Test is no ended - complete self to stop.
+	CompleteSelf();		
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverOneRecipientOk::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverOneRecipientOk();
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail
+ */
+ CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail* CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail::CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	 methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting single recipient\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt);
+	rcpt->SetAddressL(KRecipientFail);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 1);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 1);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAcks)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should NOT be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId != EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id -> %d - should be %d\n"), logId, rcpt->LogId());
+	iTestUtils.Test()(logId == rcpt->LogId());
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+ 	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking delivered message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 1);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 1);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("- Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("- Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EAllFailed)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EAllFailed);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EAllFailed);
+	// Test is no ended - complete self to stop.
+	CompleteSelf();		
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverOneRecipientFail::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverOneRecipientFail();
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1
+ */
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1* CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1::CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting multiple (2) recipients\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt0);
+	rcpt0->SetAddressL(KRecipientOk);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt0);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt0);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt1);
+	rcpt1->SetAddressL(KRecipientOk);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt1);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt1);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipients have delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 2);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 2);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);	
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAcks)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId == EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status is correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking delivered message %d has correct flags set - round %d...\n"), iMessageId, ++iCheckCount);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 2);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 2);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	if( iCheckCount == 1 )
+		{
+		// At least one of the recipients has been delivered to ok - check the 
+		// status of recipient 0 and make decisions based on that.
+		CSmsNumber* pendingRcpt = NULL;
+		if( rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck )
+			{
+			// Recipient 1 delivered to first...
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+			pendingRcpt = rcpt0;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Recipient 0 delivered to first...
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			pendingRcpt = rcpt1;
+			}
+		TLogId logId = 0;	
+		TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should NOT be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(validId != EFalse);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id -> %d - should be %d\n"), logId, pendingRcpt->LogId());
+		iTestUtils.Test()(logId == pendingRcpt->LogId());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Both recipients has been delivered to ok - check the status of both
+		// recipients
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Second check of flags -> both recipients have been delivered to\n"));
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EAllSuccessful)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EAllSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EAllSuccessful);
+		// Test is no ended - complete self to stop.
+		CompleteSelf();		
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_1();
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2
+ */
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2* CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2::CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting multiple (2) recipients\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt0);
+	rcpt0->SetAddressL(KRecipientOk);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt0);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt0);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt1);
+	rcpt1->SetAddressL(KRecipientBad);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt1);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt1);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipients have delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 2);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 2);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckRequested)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);	
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAcks)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should NOT be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId != EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id -> %d - should be %d\n"), logId, rcpt0->LogId());
+	iTestUtils.Test()(logId == rcpt0->LogId());
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status is correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking delivered message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 2);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 2);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckRequested)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EAllSuccessful)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EAllSuccessful);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EAllSuccessful);
+	// Test is no ended - complete self to stop.
+	CompleteSelf();		
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_2();
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3
+ */
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3* CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3::CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting multiple (3) recipients\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt0);
+	rcpt0->SetAddressL(KRecipientOk);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt0);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt0);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt1);
+	rcpt1->SetAddressL(KRecipientOk);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt1);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt1);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt2 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt2);
+	rcpt2->SetAddressL(KRecipientBad);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt2);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt2);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipients have delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 3);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 3);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);	
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt2 = header->Recipients()[2];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 2 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckRequested)\n"), rcpt2->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt2->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAcks)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId == EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status is correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking delivered message %d has correct flags set - round %d...\n"), iMessageId, ++iCheckCount);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 3);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 3);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt2 = header->Recipients()[2];
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	if( iCheckCount == 1 )
+		{
+		// At least one of the recipients has been delivered to ok - check the 
+		// status of recipient 0 and make decisions based on that.
+		CSmsNumber* pendingRcpt = NULL;
+		if( rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck )
+			{
+			// Recipient 2 delivered to first...
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 2 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckRequested)\n"), rcpt2->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt2->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+			pendingRcpt = rcpt0;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Recipient 0 delivered to first...
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 2 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckRequested)\n"), rcpt2->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt2->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+			pendingRcpt = rcpt1;
+			}
+		TLogId logId = 0;	
+		TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should NOT be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(validId != EFalse);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id -> %d - should be %d\n"), logId, pendingRcpt->LogId());
+		iTestUtils.Test()(logId == pendingRcpt->LogId());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Both recipients has been delivered to ok - check the status of both
+		// recipients
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 2 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckRequested)\n"), rcpt2->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt2->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EAllSuccessful)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EAllSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EAllSuccessful);
+		// Test is no ended - complete self to stop.
+		CompleteSelf();		
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsOk_3();
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverNoMatching
+ */
+ CTestDeliverNoMatching* CTestDeliverNoMatching::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverNoMatching* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverNoMatching(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverNoMatching::CTestDeliverNoMatching(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	methods from MMsvEntryObserver	
+void CTestDeliverNoMatching::HandleEntryEventL(TMsvEntryEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* /*aArg2*/, TAny* /*aArg3*/)
+	{
+	if( aEvent == EMsvNewChildren )
+		{
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Received new message in Inbox - should be status report...\n"));
+		CMsvEntrySelection* sel = static_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*>(aArg1);
+		// Check how many mesasges there are - should be just 1
+		TInt count = sel->Count();
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of new messages -> %d - should be %d\n"), count, 1);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(count == 1);
+		// Restore the message
+		CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+		MsvEntry().SetEntryL((*sel)[0]);
+		CMsvStore* store = MsvEntry().ReadStoreL();
+		CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+		header->RestoreL(*store);
+		iTestUtils.iRichText->Reset();
+		store->RestoreBodyTextL(*iTestUtils.iRichText);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+		// Check that it's a Status Report...
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Message type -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Type(), CSmsPDU::ESmsStatusReport);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(header->Type() == CSmsPDU::ESmsStatusReport);
+		// Check the message reference
+		TLogId logId = header->Message().LogServerId();
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Log Server Id -> %d - should be %d\n"), logId, iLogId);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(logId == iLogId);
+		// Check the deliver status
+		CSmsStatusReport& report = header->StatusReport();
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Deliver status -> %d - should be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), report.Status(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(report.Status() == TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+		// Check that the sent message has been updated.
+		CheckDeliveredMessageL();
+		}
+	}
+//	 methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverNoMatching::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting single recipient\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt);
+	rcpt->SetAddressL(KRecipientOk);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverNoMatching::ChangeServiceSettingsL()
+	{
+	// Restore the service settings.
+	iTestUtils.SetEntryL(iTestUtils.iSmsServiceId);
+	CSmsAccount* account = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
+	account->LoadSettingsL(*iTestUtils.iServiceSettings);
+	// Set the service settings 
+	iTestUtils.iServiceSettings->SetValidityPeriod(TTimeIntervalMinutes(5));
+	iTestUtils.iServiceSettings->SetDeliveryReport(ETrue);
+	iTestUtils.iServiceSettings->SetStatusReportHandling(CSmsSettings::EMoveReportToInboxVisible);
+	// Store the new service settings
+	account->SaveSettingsL(*iTestUtils.iServiceSettings);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account);
+	}
+TMsvId CTestDeliverNoMatching::GetObserverEntry()
+	{
+	return KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId;
+	}
+void CTestDeliverNoMatching::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 1);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 1);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAcks)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should NOT be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId != EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id -> %d - should be %d\n"), logId, rcpt->LogId());
+	iTestUtils.Test()(logId == rcpt->LogId());
+	iLogId = rcpt->LogId();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverNoMatching::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking delivered message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 1);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 1);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAcks)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	// Test is no ended - complete self to stop.
+	CompleteSelf();		
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverNoMatching::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverNoMatching();
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverNoStatusReports
+ */
+ CTestDeliverNoStatusReports* CTestDeliverNoStatusReports::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverNoStatusReports* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverNoStatusReports(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverNoStatusReports::CTestDeliverNoStatusReports(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	 methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverNoStatusReports::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting single recipient\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt);
+	rcpt->SetAddressL(KRecipientOk);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverNoStatusReports::ChangeServiceSettingsL()
+	{
+	// Restore the service settings.
+	iTestUtils.SetEntryL(iTestUtils.iSmsServiceId);
+	CSmsAccount* account = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
+	account->LoadSettingsL(*iTestUtils.iServiceSettings);
+	// Set the service settings 
+	iTestUtils.iServiceSettings->SetValidityPeriod(TTimeIntervalMinutes(5));
+	iTestUtils.iServiceSettings->SetDeliveryReport(EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.iServiceSettings->SetStatusReportHandling(CSmsSettings::EMoveReportToInboxVisibleAndMatch);
+	// Store the new service settings
+	account->SaveSettingsL(*iTestUtils.iServiceSettings);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account);
+	}
+TMsvId CTestDeliverNoStatusReports::GetObserverEntry()
+	{
+	return KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
+	}
+void CTestDeliverNoStatusReports::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 1);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 1);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckRequested)\n"), rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckSummary)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::ENoAckSummary);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::ENoAckSummary);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId == EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverNoStatusReports::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	User::Invariant();
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverNoStatusReports::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverNoStatusReports();
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverNotSent
+ */
+ CTestDeliverNotSent* CTestDeliverNotSent::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverNotSent* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverNotSent(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverNotSent::CTestDeliverNotSent(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	 methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverNotSent::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting single recipient\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt);
+	rcpt->SetAddressL(KRecipientBad);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt);
+	}
+TMsvId CTestDeliverNotSent::GetObserverEntry()
+	{
+	return KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
+	}
+void CTestDeliverNotSent::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 1);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 1);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckRequested)\n"), rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::ENoAckRequested);
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (ENoAckSummary)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::ENoAckSummary);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::ENoAckSummary);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId == EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverNotSent::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	User::Invariant();
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverNotSent::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverNotSent();
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1
+ */
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1* CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1::CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting multiple (3) recipients\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt0);
+	rcpt0->SetAddressL(KRecipientFail);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt0);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt0);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt1);
+	rcpt1->SetAddressL(KRecipientFail);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt1);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt1);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipients have delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 2);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 2);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);	
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAcks)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId == EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status is correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking delivered message %d has correct flags set - round %d...\n"), iMessageId, ++iCheckCount);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 2);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 2);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	if( iCheckCount == 1 )
+		{
+		// At least one of the recipients has been delivered to ok - check the 
+		// status of recipient 0 and make decisions based on that.
+		CSmsNumber* pendingRcpt = NULL;
+		if( rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck )
+			{
+			// Recipient 2 delivered to first...
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt1->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt1->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+			pendingRcpt = rcpt0;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Recipient 0 delivered to first...
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt0->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt0->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);				
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			pendingRcpt = rcpt1;
+			}
+		TLogId logId = 0;	
+		TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should NOT be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(validId != EFalse);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id -> %d - should be %d\n"), logId, pendingRcpt->LogId());
+		iTestUtils.Test()(logId == pendingRcpt->LogId());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Both recipients has been delivered to ok - check the status of both
+		// recipients
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt0->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt0->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt1->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt1->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EAllFailed)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EAllFailed);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EAllFailed);
+		// Test is no ended - complete self to stop.
+		CompleteSelf();		
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsFail_1();
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1
+ */
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1* CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;	
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1::CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting multiple (3) recipients\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt0);
+	rcpt0->SetAddressL(KRecipientFail);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt0);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt0);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt1);
+	rcpt1->SetAddressL(KRecipientOk);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt1);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt1);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipients have delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 2);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 2);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);	
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAcks)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	TLogId logId = 0;	
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId == EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following - 
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status is correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking delivered message %d has correct flags set - round %d...\n"), iMessageId, ++iCheckCount);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 2);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 2);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	if( iCheckCount == 1 )
+		{
+		// At least one of the recipients has been delivered to ok - check the 
+		// status of recipient 0 and make decisions based on that.
+		CSmsNumber* pendingRcpt = NULL;
+		if( rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck )
+			{
+			// Recipient 2 delivered to first...
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+			pendingRcpt = rcpt0;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Recipient 0 delivered to first...
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt0->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt0->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			pendingRcpt = rcpt1;
+			}
+		TLogId logId = 0;	
+		TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should NOT be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(validId != EFalse);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id -> %d - should be %d\n"), logId, pendingRcpt->LogId());
+		iTestUtils.Test()(logId == pendingRcpt->LogId());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Status-reports for both recipients have been received - check the 
+		// status of both recipients.
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt0->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt0->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckSuccessful)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckSuccessful);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EMixed)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EMixed);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EMixed);
+		// Test is no ended - complete self to stop.
+		CompleteSelf();		
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_1();
+	}
+ * CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2
+ */
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2* CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2::NewL(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2* self = new (ELeave) CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+	{
+	}
+CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2::CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2(CSmsTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestDeliverBase(aTestUtils)
+	{
+	}
+//	methods from CTestDeliverBase
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2::SetRecipientsL(CSmsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Setting multiple (2) recipients\n"));
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt0);
+	rcpt0->SetAddressL(KRecipientFail);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt0);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt0);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = CSmsNumber::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rcpt1);
+	rcpt1->SetAddressL(KRecipientFail);
+	aHeader.Recipients().AppendL(rcpt1);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(rcpt1);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2::CheckSentMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following -
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipients have delivery status correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	// 4. The index message ID is valid.
+	// 5. The index message ID matches that of the recipient
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking sent message %d has correct flags set...\n"), iMessageId);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 2);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 2);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAcks)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EPendingAcks);
+	TLogId logId = 0;
+	TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(validId == EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+void CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2::CheckDeliveredMessageL()
+	{
+	// Need to check the following -
+	// 1. Correct number of recipients
+	// 2. The recipient has delivery status is correctly set
+	// 3. The index summary is correctly set
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking delivered message %d has correct flags set - round %d...\n"), iMessageId, ++iCheckCount);
+	// Restore the recipient...
+	CSmsHeader* header = CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, *iTestUtils.iRichText);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+	MsvEntry().SetEntryL(iMessageId);
+	CMsvStore* store = iTestUtils.ReadStoreL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+	header->RestoreL(*store);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+	iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Number of recipients -> %d - should be %d\n"), header->Recipients().Count(), 2);
+	iTestUtils.Test()(header->Recipients().Count() == 2);
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt0 = header->Recipients()[0];
+	CSmsNumber* rcpt1 = header->Recipients()[1];
+	TMsvSmsEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+	if( iCheckCount == 1 )
+		{
+		// At least one of the recipients has been delivered to ok - check the
+		// status of recipient 0 and make decisions based on that.
+		CSmsNumber* pendingRcpt = NULL;
+		if( rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck )
+			{
+			// Recipient 2 delivered to first...
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt1->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt1->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+			pendingRcpt = rcpt0;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Recipient 0 delivered to first...
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt0->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt0->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+			iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EPendingAck)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EPendingAck);
+			pendingRcpt = rcpt1;
+			}
+		TLogId logId = 0;
+		TBool validId = entry.MessageId(logId);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id validity -> %d - should NOT be %d\n"), validId, EFalse);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(validId != EFalse);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index message Id -> %d - should be %d\n"), logId, pendingRcpt->LogId());
+		iTestUtils.Test()(logId == pendingRcpt->LogId());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Status-reports for both recipients have been received - check the
+		// status of both recipients.
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt0->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 0 - Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt0->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt0->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Delivery status -> %d - should be %d (EAckError)\n"), rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->AckStatus(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == CSmsNumber::EAckError);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Recipient status -> %d - should be %d (EFailedToSend)\n"), rcpt1->Status(), CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->Status()==CMsvRecipient::EFailedToSend);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Recipient 1 - Error status -> %d - should not be %d (ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME)\n"), rcpt1->Error(), TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(rcpt1->Error()!= TSmsStatus::ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME);
+		iTestUtils.Printf(_L("--Index summary -> %d - should be %d (EAllFailed)\n"), entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery), TMsvSmsEntry::EAllFailed);
+		iTestUtils.Test()(entry.AckSummary(ESmsAckTypeDelivery) == TMsvSmsEntry::EAllFailed);
+		// Test is no ended - complete self to stop.
+		CompleteSelf();
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
+	}
+const TDesC& CTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2::TestName()
+	{
+	return KTestDeliverMultiRecipientsMixed_2();
+	}