--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mobilemessaging/mmsui/mtminc/MmsMtmUi.h Wed Sep 01 12:31:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* CMmsMtmUi - UI part of the MMS MTM type to Symbian OS Messaging
+#ifndef MMSMTMUI_H
+#define MMSMTMUI_H
+#include <mtmuibas.h>
+#include <MuiuMsgEditorLauncher.h> // for launch flags
+#include <mmsconst.h>
+#include "MmsSettingsHandler.h"
+#include "MmsSettingsDialog.h"
+// Expose, if needed:
+// #define KMtmUiFirstFreeMmsUiFunctionId (KMtmUiFirstFreePlatformMTMFunctionId + 0x1000)
+ // Editor types used to launch the correct application
+enum TEditorType
+ {
+ EReadOnly,
+ EEditExisting,
+ ECreateNewMessage,
+ ESpecialEditor,
+ EReadOnlyAudioMessage,
+ ECreateNewAudioMessage
+ };
+class CMmsClientMtm;
+class CMmsMtmDeliveryDialogLauncher;
+* CMmsMtmUi - UI part of the MMS MTM type to Symbian OS Messaging
+* @since 0.9
+class CMmsMtmUi : public CBaseMtmUi
+ {
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Symbian OS constructor
+ * @param aBaseMtm client MTM
+ * @param aRegisteredMtmDll registry dll
+ * @return a new MMS MTM UI object.
+ */
+ static CMmsMtmUi* NewL(
+ CBaseMtm& aBaseMtm,
+ CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll );
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~CMmsMtmUi();
+ public: // Functions from base classes
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Capability check.
+ */
+ TInt QueryCapability( TUid aCapability, TInt& aResponse );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: not supported in Series 60
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* DeleteServiceL(
+ const TMsvEntry& aService,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Create a new entry. Launches MMS editor.
+ * Asynchronous.
+ * @param aEntry entry to be created
+ * @param aParent parent entry
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* CreateL(
+ const TMsvEntry& aEntry,
+ CMsvEntry& aParent,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: not supported in Series 60
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* DeleteFromL(
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi:
+ * Suspends sending of the selected messages (if possible)
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* CancelL(
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus,
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Handles open request to the message or service
+ * entry having context. Asynchronous.
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* OpenL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: As the other OpenL() but gets the first entry
+ * in a selection and opens it.
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* OpenL(
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus,
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: not supported in Series 60
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* CloseL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: not supported in Series 60
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* CloseL(
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus,
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Opens MmsEditor for editing a message. If
+ * service entry opens MMS Settings dialog for editing MMS settings.
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* EditL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: As the other EditL(), but gets the first entry in
+ * a selection and edits it.
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* EditL(
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus,
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Views the message or service entry having context.
+ * Asynchronous.
+ * Opens MMS Viewer or Settings dialog depending of the entry.
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* ViewL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: As the other ViewL(), but gets the first entry in
+ * a selection ands views it.
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* ViewL(
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus,
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Opens MmsEditor for message Reply.
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* ReplyL(
+ TMsvId aDestination,
+ TMsvPartList aPartlist,
+ TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Opens MmsEditor for forwarding message.
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* ForwardL(
+ TMsvId aDestination,
+ TMsvPartList aPartList,
+ TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Copy a message from outbox to remote service (=send)
+ * Context should be in MTM folder/service.
+ * @param aSelection messages to be copied/sent
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return operation started
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* CopyToL(
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Move a message from outbox to remote service (=send)
+ * Context should be in MTM folder/service.
+ * @param aSelection messages to be moved/sent
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return operation started
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* MoveToL(
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Copy a message from remote service to inbox.
+ * Just leaves with "not supported".
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* CopyFromL(
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+ TMsvId aTargetId,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Move a message from remote service to inbox.
+ * Just leaves with "not supported".
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* MoveFromL(
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+ TMsvId aTargetId,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Perform an asynchronous operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* InvokeAsyncFunctionL(
+ TInt aFunctionId,
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+ TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus,
+ TDes8& aParameter );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Perform a synchronous operation
+ */
+ void InvokeSyncFunctionL(
+ TInt aFunctionId,
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+ TDes8& aParameter );
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Used for display operation summary (usually completed operations).
+ * This does nothing, because MsgErrorWatcher shows all MMS error messages.
+ * Furthermore currently MMS engine does not return any sensible progress to report.
+ */
+ TInt DisplayProgressSummary( const TDesC8& aProgress ) const;
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Get progress information. Not used in Series 60.
+ */
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Get user confirmation for sending.
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* ConfirmSendL(
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus,
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+ const TSecurityInfo& aClientInfo );
+ /**
+ * Check whether the given TMsvEntry represents an upload message
+ * @param aEntry TMsvEntry of the message to be checked
+ */
+ static inline TBool IsUpload( const TMsvEntry& aEntry );
+ /**
+ * Check whether the given TMsvEntry represents a MMS Postcard message
+ * @param aEntry TMsvEntry of the message to be checked
+ */
+ static inline TBool IsPostcard( const TMsvEntry& aEntry );
+ /**
+ * Check whether the given TMsvEntry represents a AMS message
+ * @param aEntry TMsvEntry of the message to be checked
+ */
+ static inline TBool IsAudioMessage( const TMsvEntry& aEntry );
+ static void ConvertUtcToLocalTime( TTime& aTime );
+ protected: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Handles the actual launching of editor or viewer when viewing or editing a
+ * message.
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress.
+ * @param aSession Message server session to be used.
+ * @param aEditorType Editor type used to launch the correct application.
+ * Defaults to EEditExisting.
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* LaunchEditorApplicationL(
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus,
+ CMsvSession& aSession,
+ TEditorType aEditorType = EEditExisting );
+ /**
+ * Performs CopyToL or MoveToL operation
+ * @param aSelection the entries to be sent
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @param aCopyOnly defines is it copy or move
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* CopyMoveToL(
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+ TRequestStatus& aStatus,
+ TBool aCopyOnly );
+ protected: // Functions from base classes
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: Returns resource file
+ * @param aFileName Store resource file here
+ */
+ void GetResourceFileName( TFileName& aFileName ) const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: construction.
+ * @param
+ * @return
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ * From CBaseMtmUi: constructor.
+ * @param aBaseMtm client MTM reference
+ * @param aRegisteredMtmDll Registry DLL
+ * @return
+ */
+ CMmsMtmUi( CBaseMtm& aBaseMtm, CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll );
+ /**
+ * Does nothing - done in engine by FactorySettings
+ */
+ void CreateDefaultSettingsL();
+ /**
+ * Opens settings dialog for the MMS service.
+ * @param aCompletionStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* OpenServiceSettingsDialogL(
+ TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus );
+ /**
+ * Checks whether or not MMS service settings are OK. Open settings
+ * dialog if not.
+ * @param aExitCode settings dialog exit code
+ * @return are settings ok or not
+ */
+ TBool CheckSettingsL( CMmsSettingsDialog::TMmsExitCode& aExitCode ) const;
+ /**
+ * Creates completed operation after settings dialog closing with
+ * appropriate parameters.
+ * @param aCompletionStatus the operation progress
+ * @param aExitCode settings dialog exit code
+ * @return completed operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* CompleteSettingsOperationL(
+ TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus,
+ const CMmsSettingsDialog::TMmsExitCode& aExitCode = CMmsSettingsDialog::EMmsExternalInterrupt );
+ /**
+ * Actual settings dialog launcher
+ * @param aExitCode out: the exit code causing dialog to close
+ */
+ void LaunchSettingsDialogL(
+ CMmsSettingsDialog::TMmsExitCode& aExitCode ) const;
+ /**
+ * Opens message info popup.
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* OpenMessageInfoL(
+ TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus );
+ /**
+ * Opens postcard info popup.
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* OpenPostcardInfoL(
+ TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus );
+ /**
+ * Opens delivery statys popup.
+ * @param aStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @param aParameter contains message size from Editor, otherwise empty
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* OpenDeliveryPopupL(
+ TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus,
+ TDes8& aParameter );
+ /**
+ * Creates a copy from the current message to be sent to Upload service
+ * either directly (sent immediately) or indirectly (open to MMS Editor)
+ *
+ * @param aSelection The entry to be uploaded
+ * Notice: Only one entry supported!
+ * @param aCompletionStatus follows the operation progress
+ * @param aParameter Parameter package of type TMsgUploadParameters
+ * Defined in "MuiuMsgUploadParam.h"
+ * Includes real address, alias and direct/indirect info
+ * @return started operation
+ */
+ CMsvOperation* UploadL(
+ const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+ TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus,
+ TDes8& aParameter );
+ /**
+ * Performs DRM checks for Upload messages
+ * @return ETrue, if message is allowed to be sent,
+ * EFalse, otherwise
+ */
+ TBool UploadDRMChecksL();
+ /**
+ * Creates To:, Cc, and Bcc recipient lists for Message Info.
+ * Creation of Cc and Bcc recipients list are created, if
+ * these fields are variated On.
+ * Every created recipient buffer object increases pushed object count
+ * by one. Thus pushed object count is 1-3 depending on variation.
+ * If a field is variated Off, recipients are appended to
+ * To: or Cc: fields.
+ * @param aRecip IN Recipient array
+ * @param aTo OUT To recipients array
+ * @param aCc OUT Cc recipients array
+ * @param aBcc OUT Bcc Recipient array
+ * @param aAddHeadersVariation variation bit flags
+ * @param aMobileTerminated whether this is sent or received message
+ */
+ void TurnRecipientsArrayIntoStringsLC(
+ const CMsvRecipientList& aRecip,
+ HBufC*& aTo,
+ HBufC*& aCc,
+ HBufC*& aBcc,
+ TInt aAddHeadersVariation,
+ TBool aMobileTerminated ) const;
+ /**
+ * Message size - integer to string converter
+ * Converts message size in bytes to a kilobyte string. Rounds the bytes up to the
+ * next full kilo. I.e:
+ * 0 -> 0KB
+ * 1 -> 1KB
+ * 1024 -> 1KB
+ * 1025 -> 2KB
+ * @param aTarget returned size string
+ * @param aFileSize source size
+ */
+ void MessageSizeToStringL( TDes& aTarget, TInt aFileSize ) const;
+ /**
+ * Checks if the message is effectively empty
+ * @return boolean - empty or not empty
+ */
+ TBool IsMessageEmptyL() const;
+ /**
+ * @return TInt message size including size of attachment files and subject.
+ * Neither any kind of headers nor recipients fields are calculated ínto figure.
+ */
+ TInt MessageSizeL() const;
+ /**
+ * Factory settings initializing function
+ * @param aLevel normal or deep
+ */
+ void HandleFactorySettingsL( TDes8& aLevel );
+ /**
+ * Checks if ap exists
+ * @param aAp, access point id
+ */
+ TBool ApExistsL( TInt32 aAp );
+ private: // Data
+ CMmsSettingsHandler* iSettingsHandler;
+ CMmsMtmDeliveryDialogLauncher* iLauncher;
+ TBool iPriorityFeatureSupported;
+ };
+inline TBool CMmsMtmUi::IsUpload( const TMsvEntry& aEntry )
+ {
+ if ( aEntry.iBioType == KUidMsgSubTypeMmsUpload.iUid )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+inline TBool CMmsMtmUi::IsPostcard( const TMsvEntry& aEntry )
+ {
+ if ( aEntry.iBioType == KUidMsgSubTypeMmsPostcard.iUid )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+inline TBool CMmsMtmUi::IsAudioMessage( const TMsvEntry& aEntry )
+ {
+ if ( aEntry.iBioType == KUidMsgSubTypeMmsAudioMsg.iUid )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+#endif // MMSMTMUI_H
+ // End of File