--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mobilemessaging/mmsui/notmtminc/MMBoxDialog.h Wed Sep 01 12:31:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* MMS MMBox dialog defenitions.
+#ifndef __MMBOXDLG_H__
+#define __MMBOXDLG_H__
+#include <eikdialg.h>// CEikDialog
+#include <msvstd.h> // TMsvId
+#include <AknForm.h> // CAknDialog
+#include <eiklbo.h> // MEikListBoxObserver
+#include <gulicon.h> // CGulIcon
+#include <MuiuMsvSingleOpWatcher.h> // MMsvSingleOpWatcher
+#include <MsvPrgReporter.h> // MMsvProgressDecoder
+#include <AknWaitDialog.h> // CAknWaitDialog
+#include <bldvariant.hrh>
+#include "MMBoxArray.h"
+class CEikColumnListBox;
+class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
+class CAknNavigationDecorator;
+class CNotMtmUi;
+class CNotMtmUiData;
+class CMmsNotificationClientMtm;
+class CClientMtmRegistry;
+class CMsvSession;
+class CCoeEnv;
+class CAknWaitDialog;
+class CAknProgressDialog;
+class TMsvSelectionOrdering;
+const TInt KMMBoxMarkReplacementStringLength = 2;
+enum TMMBoxDialogFlags
+ {
+ EHelpSupported = 1, // Set when help menu option should be visible
+ ESortTypeChanged = 2, // Set if sort type has been changed during dialog lifetime
+ EDoNotDeleteOpen = 4 // Set if user has pressed arrow keys in NotViewer
+ };
+* CMMBoxDialog
+* Dialog class to display MMBox View
+class CMMBoxDialog :
+ public CAknDialog,
+ public MEikListBoxObserver,
+ public MMsvSingleOpWatcher,
+ public MMsvProgressDecoder,
+ public MMsvSessionObserver
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * C++ constructor
+ */
+ CMMBoxDialog( CNotMtmUi& aUi,
+ CNotMtmUiData& aUiData,
+ CMsvSession& aSession,
+ TInt& aExitCode );
+ /**
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ ~CMMBoxDialog();
+ /**
+ * Two phase constructor
+ * @param aUi: reference to not mtm ui object
+ * @param aUiData: reference to not mtm ui data object
+ * @param aSession: reference to message server session
+ * @return object of CMMBoxDialog
+ */
+ static CMMBoxDialog* NewL( CNotMtmUi& aUi,
+ CNotMtmUiData& aUiData,
+ CMsvSession& aSession,
+ TInt& aExitCode );
+ /**
+ * from CEikDialog
+ * Creates scrollbarframe.
+ * Sets the listbox.
+ * Sets the navipane text.
+ * Calls UpdateMMBoxArrayL.
+ */
+ void PreLayoutDynInitL();
+ /**
+ * from CEikDialog
+ * Check if quota info is available.
+ * Asks user if (s)he wants the info to be updated.
+ */
+ void PostLayoutDynInitL();
+ /**
+ * from CEikDialog
+ * If CEikDialog thinks it's ok to exit, calls
+ * RestoreTitleTextAndNavipaneL to set the title and returns ETrue.
+ */
+ TBool OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId);
+ /**
+ * From CAknDialog
+ */
+ void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
+ /**
+ * From MEikMenuObserver
+ */
+ void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
+ /**
+ * from CCoeControl
+ */
+ TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType) ;
+ /**
+ * From MMsvSingleOpWatcher
+ */
+ void OpCompleted(
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcher& aOpWatcher,
+ TInt aCompletionCode );
+ /**
+ * From CCoeControl, returns help context
+ */
+ void GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext& aContext) const;
+ /**
+ * from MProgressDecoder
+ */
+ virtual TInt DecodeProgress (
+ const TDesC8& aProgress,
+ TBuf<CBaseMtmUi::EProgressStringMaxLen>& aReturnString,
+ TInt& aTotalEntryCount,
+ TInt& aEntriesDone,
+ TInt& aCurrentEntrySize,
+ TInt& aCurrentBytesTrans, TBool aInternal );
+ /**
+ * from MMsvSessionObserver
+ */
+ virtual void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
+ TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * From MEikListBoxObserver
+ */
+ virtual void HandleListBoxEventL(
+ CEikListBox* aListBox,
+ TListBoxEvent aEventType );
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Symbian OS constructor
+ * Creates a message array.
+ * Asks things from Feature Manager.
+ * Gets a pointer to navipane.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ * Returns object of list box
+ * @return pointer to list box object.
+ */
+ CEikColumnListBox* ListBox() const;
+ /**
+ * Appends icon to icon array
+ * @param aFileName: Bitmap filename with path
+ * @param aIconIndex: index of the bitmap to be read
+ * @param aIcons: icon array where bitmap is append
+ */
+ void AppendSkinnedIconL(
+ TFileName& aFileName,
+ TInt aIconIndex,
+ CArrayPtrFlat<CGulIcon>* aIcons);
+ /**
+ * Updates iMessages array
+ */
+ void UpdateMMBoxArrayL();
+ /**
+ * Updates navipane with the latest update date
+ */
+ void UpdateNavipaneL();
+ /**
+ * Stores current title pane text and replaces it with new one (qtn_mce_title_mms_notifs_view)
+ */
+ void StoreTitleTextAndNavipaneAndSetNewL();
+ /**
+ * Restores title pane text with the text stored in
+ * StoreTitleTextAndSetNewL.
+ */
+ void RestoreTitleTextAndNavipaneL();
+ /**
+ * Called by OpCompleted after operation is completed.
+ * If open op was completed and next/prev was chosen in Notviewer,
+ * this function calls HandleOpenNextPreviousL().
+ * If update or Delete operations were completed, calls
+ * UpdateMMBoxArrayL.
+ * Returns ETrue if we should try to exit from MMBoxDialog after this function.
+ * @param aOperation: pointer to operation which is completed.
+ * @param aCompletionCode: Same as in OpCompleted.
+ * @return ETrue if TryToExitL is called. That can happen
+ * if exit is called during Open operation and dialog is dismissed.
+ */
+ TBool DoOperationCompletedL(
+ CMsvOperation* aOperation,
+ TInt aCompletionCode );
+ /**
+ * Launches help application
+ */
+ void LaunchHelpL();
+ /**
+ * Sorts the messages again. If aType is the same as the current
+ * sorting, the sorting is reserved.
+ * @param aType the type of the sorting
+ */
+ void SortMessagesByL( TMMBoxSortType aType );
+ /**
+ * Opens the currently focused item in Notification Viewer
+ *
+ */
+ void OpenNotificationL( );
+ /**
+ * Starts fetching messages.
+ * @param aAll - If ETrue, fetches all, if EFalse, fetches selection
+ */
+ void FetchL( TBool aAll=EFalse );
+ /**
+ * Deletes messages.
+ * @param aAll - If ETrue, deletes all, if EFalse, deletes selection
+ */
+ void DeleteL( TBool aAll=EFalse );
+ /**
+ * Returns selection of entries
+ * @param aAll - If ETrue, returns all, if EFalse, returns selected
+ * if none are selected -> returns just the current one
+ */
+ CMsvEntrySelection* SelectionL( TBool aAll=EFalse );
+ /**
+ * Creates and shows the status info dialog.
+ */
+ void ShowStatusL( );
+ /**
+ * Creates an instance of Progress Reporter and calls Notification
+ * Client MTM's UpdateMmBoxListL function to start the update process
+ */
+ void UpdateListL( );
+ /**
+ * Creates and shows an information note with text string aResourceId
+ */
+ void ShowInformationNoteL( TInt aResourceID, TBool aWaiting );
+ /**
+ * Creates and shows a confirmation query.
+ * First loads the string aResourceId from the resource file.
+ * Then calls the other ShowConfirmationQuery to show the query.
+ */
+ TInt ShowConfirmationQueryL( TInt aResourceId, TBool aOnlyOK=EFalse ) const;
+ /**
+ * Creates and shows a confirmation query.
+ * First loads the string aResourceId adding numbers into place holders.
+ * Then calls the other ShowConfirmationQuery to show the query.
+ * @param aCount - count of objects for which something happend
+ * @param aTotalOnes - count of total objects
+ * @param aResource - string resource to be shown
+ * @return Returns the value returned by the dialog.
+ */
+ TInt ShowConfirmationQueryL( TInt aCount,
+ TInt aTotalOnes,
+ TInt aResource );
+ /**
+ * Creates and shows a confirmation query.
+ * Creates a query dialog with text aText. If aOnlyOK is true, the softkeys
+ * are OK-Empty. Otherwise they are Yes-No.
+ * Returns the value returned by the dialog.
+ */
+ TInt ShowConfirmationQueryL( const TDesC& aText, TBool aOnlyOK=EFalse ) const;
+ /**
+ * Opens next or previous message ie. sets the current context to next/prev
+ * notification and calls OpenNotificationL function.
+ */
+ void HandleOpenNextPreviousL( TBool aOpenNext = ETrue );
+ /**
+ * Shows wait note using CAknWaitDialog.
+ * @param aNoteTxtResourceId
+ * @param aVisibilityDelayOff, ETrue show note immediately,
+ * EFalse after 1.5 sec
+ */
+ void ShowWaitNoteLC(
+ TInt aNoteTxtResourceId,
+ TBool aVisibilityDelayOff);
+ /**
+ * Construct and prepares wait note using CAknWaitDialog.
+ * This is called from ShowWaitNoteLC variants.
+ * @param aVisibilityDelayOff, ETrue show note immediately,
+ * EFalse after 1.5 sec
+ */
+ void ConstructWaitNoteLC( TBool aVisibilityDelayOff );
+ /**
+ * TCleanupItem to clean wait or progress dialogs if leave happens after
+ * dialog creation.
+ * @param aAny: pointer to dialog pointer.
+ */
+ static void CleanupWaitDialog(TAny* aAny);
+ void ShowWaitNoteL(
+ TInt aNoteTxtResourceId,
+ TBool aVisibilityDelayOff);
+ /**
+ * Sets MSK if necessary.
+ */
+ void SetMSKL();
+ private:
+ CMMBoxArray* iMessages;
+ CNotMtmUi& iUi;
+ CNotMtmUiData& iUiData;
+ CMmsNotificationClientMtm* iClientMtm;
+ CClientMtmRegistry* iMtmReg;
+ CMsvSession& iSession;
+ CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviPane; //not owned
+ CAknNavigationDecorator* iNaviDecorator; //
+ CAknNavigationDecorator* iNaviOld;
+ HBufC* iOldTitleText;
+ TMsvId iMMBoxFolderId;
+ TBuf<KMMBoxMarkReplacementStringLength> iMarkReplacementText;
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcher* iDeleteOperation;
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcher* iOpenOperation;
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcherArray iFetchOperations;
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcher* iUpdateOperation;
+ CMsvEntrySelection* iDeleteSelection;
+ CAknWaitDialog* iWaitDialog;
+ TInt& iExitCode;
+ TInt iFlags;
+ TMsvSelectionOrdering iOriginalOrder;
+ };
+#endif // __MMBOXDLG_H__
+// End of File