/** Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: * Imum localisation**///// SMTP MTM UI Progress Texts//// d: Progress note text when sending one email// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_outbox_wait_sending "Sending email"// d: Progress note text when sending many email// d: %0N for current message index// d: %1N for total number or messages to be sent// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_outbox_wait_sending_many "Sending email %0N of %1N"// d: Progress note when fetching attachment// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mail_wait_fetch_atta "Fetching attachment"// d:// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_info_mailbox_closed "%U closed automatically. It's been idle for specified time."// d: Progress note when deleting many messages// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_wait_delete_many "Deleting email %0N of %1N"// d: Progress note when deleting one email// d: Note: If deleting one email is fast enough this note does not appear// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_wait_delete "Deleting email"// d: Progress note when deleting one email LOCALLY// d: Note: If deleting one email is fast enough this note does not appear// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_wait_delete_msg "Deleting message content locally"// d: Progress note when deleting many messages LOCALLY// d: Note: If deleting is fast enough this note does not appear// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_wait_delete_many_msg "Deleting content of message %0N of %1N locally"// d: Progress note text when fetching many messages// d: %0N for current message index// d: %1N for total number or messages to be fetched// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_progress_fetch_many "Fetching email %0N of %1N"// d: Progress note text when fetching one message// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_progress_fetch "Fetching email"// d: Progress note when connecting to mailbox.// d: %U replaced by access point name given by user// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_ics_conct_note_txt "Connecting via %U"// d: Progress note when connecting to mailbox.// d: %U replaced by mailbox name given by user.// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_progress_connecting "Connecting into %U"// d: Progress note when closing connection to mailbox i.e disconnecting// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_ics_wnote_disconn_from_netw "Disconnecting"// d: Query to fetch mail when trying to open not fetched mail// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_quest_message_not_fethe "Message not fetched. Fetch now?"// d: Query to fetch mail when trying to copy not fetched mail to local folder// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_quest_fetch_message "Message needs to be fetched before copying. Fetch now?"// d: Query to fetch mail when trying to copy not fetched mails to local folder// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_quest_fetch_messages "Messages needs to be fetched before copying. Fetch now?"// d: Progress note when connection to mailbox is opened and// d: inbox headers are updated.// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_wait_updating_inbox "Updating inbox"// d: Progress note when copying many messages from mailbox to phone// d: i.e. To Inbox or Documents or Folder under Documents// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_wait_copy_many "Copying email %0N of %1N"// d: Progress note when copying one message from mailbox to phone// d: i.e. To Inbox or Documents or Folder under Documents// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_wait_copy "Copying email"// d: Progress note when undeleting one message// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_wait_undelete "Undeleting message"// d: Progress note when undeleting many messages// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_wait_undeletes "Undeleting message %0N of %1N"// d: In Message info dialog, mail type// l: list_single_heading_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mail_msginfo_mail "Mail"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_rm_name "Remote mailbox name"// d: Progress note text when deleting mailbox.// d: %U replaced by mailbox name given by user.// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_wait_delete_mail "Deleting %U"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_iap "Access point in use"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_address "Own mail address"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_send "Send message"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_copy_to "Copy to own mail address"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_sig_file "Signature file"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_own_name "Own name"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_user_name "User name"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_password "Password"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_protocol "Protocol"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_security "Security"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_apop "A pop"// d: Mail settings item to send mail immediately// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_immedi "Immediately"// d: Mail settings item to send mail during next connection// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_next "During next connection"// d: Mail settings item displayed when signature is added to mail// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_signa_yes "Yes"// d: Mail settings item displayed when signature is not added to mail// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_signa_no "No"// d: Mail settings item select protocol is POP3// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_pop3 "POP3"// d: Mail settings item select protocol is IMAP4// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_imap4 "IMAP4"// d: Mail settings item copy to own added is on// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_copy_yes "Yes"// d: Mail settings item copy to own added is not on// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_copy_no "No"// d: Mail settings item apop is on// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_apop_on "On"// d: Mail settings item apop is not on// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_apop_off "Off"// d: Mail settings item security is not on// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_secur_off "Off"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_fetch_all "All"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_fetch_ud "User defined"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_alwaysconnected "Always on"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_onlyinhome "Only in home network"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_notenabled "Off"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_1////#define qtn_mce_settings_newindicator_on "On"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_1////#define qtn_mce_settings_newindicator_off "Off"// d: Mail auto-update day chedule. All days selected// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_alldays "All"// d: Mail auto-update day chedule. Less than all days selected// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_seldays "Selected days"// d: Mail sub setting dialog item// l: list_double_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_connsettings "Connection settings"// d: Mail sub setting dialog item// l: list_double_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_usersettings "User preferences"// d: Mail sub setting dialog item// l: list_double_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_conntimes "Automatic retrieval"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_between "Between hours"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_online "E-mail retrieval"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_hours "Update hours"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_days "Update days"// d: Radio button selection for all days in email settings// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_allhours "All day"// d: Radio button selection for user defined hours// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_between2 "%0U - %1U"// d: Title text for "from" time field in between times query// l: popup_query_data_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_from "From:"// d: Title text for "to" time field in between times query// l: popup_query_data_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_to "To:"// d: Mail setting item for update interval// l: list_setting_pane_t1////#define qtn_mce_settings_always_interval "Update interval"// d: Mail settings item update interval// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_5min "5 minutes"// d: Mail settings item update interval// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_15min "15 minutes"// d: Mail settings item update interval// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_30min "30 minutes"// d: Mail settings item update interval// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_60min "1 hour"// d: Mail settings item update interval// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_2hours "2 hours"// d: Mail settings item update interval// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_4hours "4 hours"// d: Mail settings item update interval// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_6hours "6 hours"//d:When user tries to enable alwaysonline and max amount of mailboxes are activated already//l:popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_maxlimit "Maximum amount of mailboxes already set as automatically updated."//d:When user tries to enable alwaysonline and mailbox has no password, this note is shown//l:popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_promptmail_srvr_pswd "Fill in the incoming server's username and password to enable Automatic retrieval settings."//d:When Automatic update is enabled and user tries to remove mailbox password, this is shown//l:popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_always_changeprompt "Password and username has to be filled in case Automatic retrieval are enabled. Set the Automatic retrieval to \"Off\"?"// d: Query note which is shown when user tries to enter email settings and it is connected// d: Yes will disconnect and enter the settings, no does nothing// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_mailset_discon "Disconnect the mailbox to be able to edit settings?"// d: Command in options list in Mce.// d: Menu item to open and change settings item.// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mce_settings_change "Change"// d: Command in options list in Mce.// d: Menu item to open and change settings item.// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mce_settings_edit "Edit"// d: Information note if user try to change protocol when editing old remote mailbox.// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_no_protocol "Unable to edit mailbox type once selected. Define new mailbox."// d: Information note if user tries to close own email address setting page when not valid email added.// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_error_missing_character "Invalid Email address"// d: Filled to mailbox settings to inform user what settings MUST be filled.// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_compulsory "compulsory"// d: Command in options list in Mce.// d: Opens Message info dialog// d: Visible when one message selected.// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mce_info "Message info"// d: Information note when user is trying to delete mailbox when connection is on.// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_no_delete "Unable to delete mailbox while connecting or already online"// d: Information note when user is trying to edit mailbox// d: when connection is being established.// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_no_edit "Unable to edit settings while connection is being established"// d: Confirmation query when user is trying to delete last mailbox.// d: %U replaced by remote mailbox name// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_quest_del "%U mailbox is the only one. Are you sure to delete?"// d: Confirmation query when user is trying to delete mailbox which is set to be default// d: %U replaced by remote mailbox name// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_quest_d "%U mailbox is in use. Are you sure to delete?"// d: Title for list query to select new default mailbox after old default is deleted.// l: heading_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_list_rm "Select mailbox in use:"// d: Title for email delete query, when deleting one email from remote mailbox// l: heading_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_pop_up_delete "Delete message from:"// d: Title for email delete query, when deleting more than one email from remote mailbox// l: heading_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_pop_up_delete_many "Delete %N messages:"// d: Item to delete messages only locally// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mce_pop_up_locally "Locally"// d: Item to delete messages from server// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mce_pop_up_server "From server"// d: Status of the message in Outbox// l: list_double_graphic_pane_t2//#define qtn_mce_outbox_status_sending "Sending"// d: Status of the message in Outbox// l: list_double_graphic_pane_t2//#define qtn_mce_outbox_status_waiting "Waiting"// d: Status of the message in Outbox// l: list_double_graphic_pane_t2//#define qtn_mce_outbox_status_suspended "Suspended"// d: Status of the message in Outbox// l: list_double_graphic_pane_t2//#define qtn_mce_outbox_status_queued "Queued"// d: Status of the message in Outbox// l: list_double_graphic_pane_t2//#define qtn_mce_outbox_status_failed "Failed"// d: Query text to confirm if user wants to define new remote mailbox.// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_conf_no_mailboxes "No Remote mailboxes defined.\nDo you want to define it now?"// d: Submenu item in mce application to write email message.// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_inbox_write_email "Email"// d: Popup query item in mce application to write email message.// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mce_pop_up_email "Email"// d: Settings dialog item in mce application to edit email settings.// l: list_double_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail "Email"// d: Title text for mailbox username query// l: popup_query_data_window_t3/opt2//#define qtn_mce_rm_prompt_username " Mailbox user name:"// d: Title text for mailbox password query// l: popup_query_data_window//#define qtn_mce_rm_prompt_password "Mailbox password:"// d: Shown when username or password are invalid. Used with locked email settings.// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.2//#define qtn_mbxs_err_locked_conn_settings "Connection refused by server. Please contact your service administrator."// d: Query text to confirm to fetch even when mail to be fetched includes large attachments.// d: This query is displayed if some mail includes attachment larger than 300kb.// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_conf_large_attachment "Some attachments are large (over 300kb). Are you sure to fetch them?"// d: Query text to confirm to undelete selected mail// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_query_common_conf_undelete "Undelete?\nmessage"// d: Query text to confirm to undelete more than 1 mails// d: %N filled with number of mails to be undeleted.// l: popup_note_window//#define qtn_query_common_conf_undeletes "Undelete?\n%N messages"// d:When user deletes email only from phone, this note is shown// l:popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_info_delete_from_phone "Message title will remain on the phone"// d:When Automatic update is enabled this note is shown// l:popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_enabling_cost "Enabling Automatic retrieval may increase your monthly phone bill."// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_folder_subscriptions "Subscribe folders"// d: Displayed when opened empty folder subscription list// l: main_list_empty_pane//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_subs_empty_text "Folder list not updated"// d: Command in options list// d: Menu item which opens a folder// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mce_settings_open "Open"// d: Command in options list// d: Menu item which subscribes a folder// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_update_subs "Subscribe"// d: Command in options list// d: Menu item which unsubscribes a folder// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_update_unsubs "Unsubscribe"// d: Command in options list// d: Menu item which updates folder list// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_updatefolders "Update folder list"//d:When user open subscription list, this note is displayed//l:popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_update_now "Connect and update folder list from server?"//d:This note is shown when user is subscribing a folder which has subfolders//l:popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_update_subf "Do you want to subscribe all subfolders also?"//d:This note is shown when user is unsubscribing a folder which has subfolders//l:popup_note_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_update_unsubf "Do you want to unsubscribe all subfolders also?"// d: Progress note when updating folder list// l: popup_note_wait_window//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_update_search "Updating folder list"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_filter "Retrieved parts"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_fetch_head "Only header"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_fetch_body "Total mail body"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_fetch_bodyatt "Body and attachment"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_fetch_less_value "Less than %N (KB)"// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------// Wizard strings// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------//// MENU// d: Shown in mail settings creation in options menu// l: control_pane_t1/opt7// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_newbox_startwiz "Start"// d: Shown in mail settings creation in options menu// l: control_pane_t1/opt7// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_newbox_exitwiz "Exit"// DIALOGS// d: Note to be shown when cancelling the wizard// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_new_box_exit_query "Incomplete mailbox details. Mailbox will be deleted. Exit anyway?"// NEW// d: Softkey to finish the mailbox settings// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_newbox_name_qry "Please insert a mailbox name."// d: Softkey to finish the mailbox settings// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_newbox_rename_qry "Please rename, this name already in use."// d: Softkey to finish the mailbox settings// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_srvr_prompt "Please, insert proper server name."// d: Softkey to finish the mailbox settings// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_all_mails_fet "When automatic retrieval is enabled, all mails are fetched to mailbox"// d: Softkey to finish the mailbox settings// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_all_mails_fet2 "When automatic retrieval is enabled, all mails are fetched to mailbox. Continue?"// d: Softkey to finish the mailbox settings// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mce_new_mail_in_mailbox "Could not update mailbox %U. Check mailbox settings."// d: When user tries to enable alwaysonline and access point prompts password, this note is shown// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_promptacc "Set the used accesspoint not to prompt password to enable the Automatic retrieval settings."// d:// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mce_settings_always_define_ap "The access point in Connection settings has to be defined to enable the Automatic retrieval settings."// RADIOBUTTONS// d: Shown in wizard as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_netw_sett_iap_pref_prompt "Always ask"// d: Shown in wizard as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_set_cmd_new_ap "Create new"// d: Shown in wizard as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_sec_ssltls "SSL/TLS"// TITLES// d: Wizard item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_sending_h "Outgoing mail server"// d: Wizard item// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_receiving "Incoming mail server"// SOFTKEYS// d: Softkey to move forward in mailbox settings// l: control_pane_t1/opt7// w:// r: 3.0//#define text_softkey_next "Next"// d: Softkey to finish the mailbox settings// l: control_pane_t1/opt7// w:// r: 3.0//#define text_softkey_finished "Finished"// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------// Settings dialog strings// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------//// MENU// DIALOGS// RADIOBUTTONS// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_mail_notification_off "Off"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_mail_notifications_auto "Receive and update"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_email_indicator_on "On"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_email_indicator_off "Off"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_dowl_ctrl_del_limit_yes "Yes"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_dowl_ctrl_del_limit_no "No"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_setting_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_port "Port"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_port_userdef "User defined"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_setting_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_def_encode "Default encoding"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_wrnls_sett_defenc_automatic "Automatic"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as a radio button// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mbxs_sett_defenc_utf8 "Unicode"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_downl_ctrl_retr_limit "Emails to retrieve"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_downl_ctrl_del_limit "Hide msgs. over limit"// TITLES// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_settings_downl_ctrl "Download control"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_notifications "E-mail notifications"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_indicators "New mail indicators"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_downl_ctrl_retr_inbox "Inbox"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_downl_ctrl_retr_subfldrs "Subfolders"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_fetch_lessmail "Less than (kB)"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_incoming "Incoming Settings"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_outgoing "Outgoing Settings"// Note!// qtn_options_send_via_email defined in avkon.loc// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_down_ctrl_fetch_amount_prompt "No. of e-mails"// d: Note to be shown to the user, when email address hasn't been typed// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_setting_mail_newbox_addr_qry "Please insert your e-mail address."// d: Note to be shown to the user, when protocol is not selected// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_setting_mail_newbox_ap_qry "Please select the protocol to be used."// d: Note shown, when AO is on and Mail Notifications are attempted to show// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_aol_off_qry "Please turn E-mail retrieval \"Off\" to enable E-mail notifications."// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_setting_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_folderpath "IMAP4 folder path"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// l: list_setting_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_newbox_def_iap "Define Access Point:"// d: Shown in mailbox settings as menu title// d: %0N is replaced by the current page number// d: %1N is replaced by the total number of pages// l: navi_text_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_newbox_pages "Pages %0N / %1N"// d: Shown in mailbox settings// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_newbox_srvr_qry "Please insert the entire hostname."// d: Shown in mailbox settings// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_port_def "Default"// d: Shown in mailbox settings// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_save_pswrd_qry "Save password to mailbox settings?"// POPUPS// d: Shown in wizard as popup// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_newbox_txt1 "This creating mailbox guide will help you define the necessary settings for a new mailbox. After completing each setting, press Next to continue."// d: Shown in wizard as popup// l: popup_preview_text_window/opt5// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_newbox_txt2 "To select the Internet Protocol used to transfer your e-mail, scroll to IMAP4 or POP3 and press the scroll key. Press Next to continue."// d: Shown in wizard as popup// l: popup_preview_text_window/opt5// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_newbox_txt3 "Key in the e-mail address of your remote mailbox. Press Next to continue."// d: Shown in wizard as popup// l: popup_preview_text_window/opt5// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_newbox_txt4 "Key in the IP address or Host name of the server that receives your e-mail. Press Next to continue."// d: Shown in wizard as popup// l: popup_preview_text_window/opt5// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_newbox_txt5 "Key in the IP address or Host name of the operator server that sends your e-mail."// d: Shown in wizard as popup// l: popup_preview_text_window/opt5// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_newbox_txt7 "Key in the mailbox name that appears as a folder in the Messaging main view."// d: Shown as popup// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_oma_off_qry "Please turn E-mail notifications \"Off\" to enable E-mail retrieval."// d: Shown as popup// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_oma_promptmail "Fill in the incoming mailserver's username and password to enable Mail Message Notifications."// d: Shown in Unix path def// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_unixpath "Unix path"// d: Shown in Mail size def// l: list_setting_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_fetch_lessmail_prompt "Less than (kB)"// d: Default text for new mailbox// l: title_pane_t2/opt12// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_new "New mailbox"// d: Shown in mailbox completed// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_newbox_final "Mailbox completed. For more, see E-mail settings."// d: Shown in HTML mails presentation def// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_settings_shown_html_yes "Show as HTML"// d: Shown in HTML mails presentation def// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_settings_shown_html_no "Show as text"// d: Shown in HTML mails presentation def// l: list_setting_pane_t1//#define qtn_mail_settings_shown_html "Show HTML mails"// d: Shown when receiving server is not found// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.1//#define qtn_mail_err_no_in_srvr "Receiving server not found. See Mailbox's settings."// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.1//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_def_replyto "Reply-to address"// d: 'Reply-to' setting field value when there is no data.// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1// r: 5.0//#define qtn_mail_settings_replyto_none "None"// d: Mail settings item// l: list_setting_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.2#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_delete "Delete Mail"// d: Mail deletion always ask// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.2#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_del_ask "Always ask"// d: Mail deletion from phone only// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.2#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_del_phone "From phone only"// d: Mail deletion from phone and server// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1// w:// r: 3.2#define qtn_mce_settings_mail_del_server "From server and phone"// d: deleting many mails from phone query// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.2#define qtn_mbxs_conf_mail_del_phone "Delete %N mails from phone?"// d: Deleting many mails from server query// l: popup_note_window// w:// r: 3.2#define qtn_mbxs_conf_mail_del_server "Delete %N mails from server?"//d: radio button popup menu text//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//w: //r: 3.2//#define qtn_netw_conset_sett_default_connection "Default Connection"//d: Security setting is set to 'on' with Start TLS//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1//w://r: 3.2//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_mail_sec_starttls "STARTTLS"// d: Shown in wizard as popup// l: popup_preview_text_window/opt6// w:// r: 5.0//#define qtn_mbxs_settings_newbox_txt6v3 "Select \"Default connection\" to use always default connection to send or retrieve e-mail, or select network connection from the list."// End of File