* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* CMsgErrorWatcher declaration file
#include <f32file.h>
#include <msvstd.h>
#include <msvapi.h>
#include <systemwarninglevels.hrh> // Critical level
#include <mmsconst.h> // KMmsDiskSafetyMargin
#include "MsgErrorWatcher.hrh"
const TUint KCriticalLevel = KCriticalDiskLevel + KMmsDiskSafetyMargin;
const TUint32 KDefaultTriggerLevel = 300 * 1024; // 100 kilobytes
const TUint KTriggerMargin = 20 * 1024; // 20 kilobytes
GLREF_C void Panic( TInt aPanic );
class CWatcherLog;
class CMmsClientMtm;
class CClientMtmRegistry;
class CStringResourceReader;
class CMsgSentItemsObserver;
class CMsgErrorCommDbObserver;
class CMsgErrorConnectionObserver;
class CMsgErrorDiskSpaceObserver;
class CMsgErrorSmsDiskSpaceObserver;
class CMsgErrorExtSmsDiskSpaceObserver;
class CMsgErrorRoamingObserver;
class CMsgErrorStartupObserver;
class CMsgErrorGlobalQuery;
class CMsgErrorDisconnectDlg;
class CMsgCenRepObserver;
class CMsgLogsObserver;
class CMsgGarbageCollection;
* CMsgErrorWatcher
* @lib msgerrorwatcher.dll
* @since 2.0
class CMsgErrorWatcher :
public CActive,
public MMsvSessionObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* The parameters must be exactly these. Defined by
* Symbian watcher framework
* @param aFs A reference to file session
* @param aLog A reference to watcher log
static CMsgErrorWatcher* NewL( TAny* aWatcherParams );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMsgErrorWatcher();
public: // New functions
* Callback function for roaming observer.
* @param aRoaming ETrue if roaming, EFalse otherwise
void HandleRoamingEventL( TBool aRoaming );
* Callback function for CommDB observer.
void HandleCommDbEventL();
* Callback function for connection observer.
void HandleConnectionEvent();
* Callback function for disk space observer.
void HandleDiskSpaceEventL();
void HandleDiskSpaceEvent2L();
* Callback function for global query observer.
void HandleGlobalQueryEventL( TInt aQueryId, TInt aStatus );
* Callback function for startup state observer (currently
* sent items observer).
void HandleStartupReadyL();
* HandleCenRepNotificationL
* Handles events from central repository observer
void HandleCenRepNotificationL();
* Hadles events from logs observer
void ShowDeliveredNoteL( const TDesC& aRemoteParty );
* Hadles events from logs observer
void ShowReadNoteL( const TDesC& aRemoteParty );
* Showns read or delivered note
void ShowReadOrDeliveredNoteL( const TDesC& aRemoteParty, TInt aResourceId );
public: // Functions from base classes
* From MMsvSessionObserver
void HandleSessionEventL(
TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
TAny* aArg1,
TAny* aArg2,
TAny* aArg3 );
protected: // Functions from base classes
* From CActive
void RunL();
* From CActive
void DoCancel();
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Private C++ constructor.
* @param aFs A reference to file session
CMsgErrorWatcher( RFs& aFs );
* Start watcher.
void StartWatcherL();
* Stop watcher.
void StopWatcher();
* Start restart timer. Timer is used when trying to reconnect
* to message server after watcher has been stopped due
* to certain message server events.
void StartRestartTimer();
* Initialise iErrorMessages array
void InitMessageArraysL();
* Kills all observers and resets counters.
void ResetWatcher();
* Checks whether MMS Service is already found. If not
* gets a pointer to MMS service from MsgStore and if
* found updates the context of MmsClientMtm.
* @return ETrue if MMS service was found, EFalse otherwise
TBool GetMmsServiceL();
* Initiates MMS fetch by sending a request to MMS engine.
void StartMmsFetchL();
* Initiates MMS send by sending a request to MMS engine.
void StartMmsSendL();
* Checks whether MMS receiving mode is "Enabled in home network"
* and "On". If so, activates roaming observer.
void CheckMmsReceivingModeL();
* A wrapper for CMmsClient::ValidateService().
* @return ETrue if service is valid, EFalse otherwise.
TBool ValidateMmsServiceL();
* Shows a global query when message sending, (manual)
* retrieving or forwarding has failed.
void ShowErrorMessageQueryL();
* Shows a global note
* @param aNoteId The identifier of the note
void ShowGlobalNoteL( TMsgErrorNoteIds aNoteId );
* Cancels all global notes
void CancelNotesL();
* Finds the next message entry for which to
* to show an error message.
* @param aEntry OUT The possibly found message entry
* @return Standard Symbian error code.
* KErrNone if message was found.
TInt GetNextErrorMsg( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
* Resolves the first text for
* send/(manual)retrieve/forward failure
* @param aEntry IN Valid message entry
void ResolveErrorTextL( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
* Resolves the possible details text
* for send/(manual)retrieve/forward failure
* @param aEntry IN Valid message entry
void ResolveErrorDetailsL( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
* Called when MMS reception fails due to insufficient
* disk space.
* @param aEntry The failed entry
void HandleDiskSpaceErrorL( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
* Called when MMS reception fails due to insufficient
* memory.
* @param aEntry The failed entry
void HandleMemoryErrorL( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
* Called when MMS reception fails because there is
* another data connection open.
* @param aEntry The failed entry
* @param aReceive, ETrue for incoming messages, EFalse for outgoing
void HandleConnectionErrorL( TMsvEntry& aEntry, TBool aReceive );
* Called when MMS reception fails because there is no
* access point defined.
* @param aEntry The failed entry
void HandleNoAPErrorL( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
* Called when MMS reception fails because the current
* access point is invalid.
* @param aEntry The failed entry
void HandleInvalidAPErrorL( TMsvEntry& aEntry, TBool aStartObserver );
* Subfunction of HandleSessionEventL
* Handles root events from MsgServer observer
* @param aEvent Message server event
* @param aEntries Affected entries
void HandleRootEventL(
TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
CMsvEntrySelection* aEntries );
* Subfunction of HandleSessionEventL
* Handles local service events from MsgServer observer
* @param aEvent Message server event
* @param aEntries Affected entries
void HandleLocalServiceEventL(
TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
CMsvEntrySelection* aEntries );
* Subfunction of HandleSessionEventL
* Handles inbox events from MsgServer observer
* @param aEvent Message server event
* @param aEntries Affected entries
void HandleInboxEventL(
TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
CMsvEntrySelection* aEntries );
* Subfunction of HandleSessionEventL
* Handles outbox events from MsgServer observer
* @param aEvent Message server event
* @param aEntries Affected entries
void HandleOutboxEventL(
TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
CMsvEntrySelection* aEntries );
* Subfunction of HandleSessionEventL
* Handles MMS service events from MsgServer observer
* @param aEvent Message server event
* @param aEntries Affected entries
void HandleMmsServiceEventL(
TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
CMsvEntrySelection* aEntries );
* Resets TMsvEntry::iError of an entry saved in iCurrentEntry
void ResetErrorFieldL( );
* Resets TMsvEntry::iError of an entry given as parameter
void ResetErrorFieldL( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
private: // Data
enum TMsgErrorWatcherFlags
EStartupReady = 0x0001,
EWatcherRunning = 0x0002,
ENoAPErrorPending = 0x0004,
EShowRoamingNote = 0x0008,
ERoamingNoteShown = 0x0010,
EReceivingDisconnectDelay = 0x0020
enum TMsgRequestTypes
EMsgRequestNone = 0,
TMsvId iMmsServiceId;
TMsvId iNotificationFolderId;
CMsvSession* iSession;
CMsvOperation* iOperation;
CClientMtmRegistry* iClientMtmRegistry;
CMmsClientMtm* iMmsClient;
CMsvEntrySelection* iMmsReceiveErrorMessages;
CMsvEntrySelection* iMmsSendErrorMessages;
CMsvEntrySelection* iErrorMessages;
CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* iNoteIds;
CStringResourceReader* iResourceReader;
TMsvId iCurrentEntryId;
CMsgSentItemsObserver* iSentItemsObserver;
CMsgErrorCommDbObserver* iCommDbObserver;
CMsgErrorConnectionObserver* iConnectionObserver;
CMsgErrorDiskSpaceObserver* iDiskSpaceObserver;
CMsgErrorSmsDiskSpaceObserver* iSmsDiskSpaceObserver;
CMsgErrorExtSmsDiskSpaceObserver* iSmsExtDiskSpaceObserver;
CMsgErrorRoamingObserver* iRoamingObserver;
CMsgErrorStartupObserver* iStartupObserver;
CMsgErrorDisconnectDlg* iDisconnectDlg;
CMsgCenRepObserver* iCenRepObserver;
CMsgLogsObserver* iLogsObserver;
CMsgGarbageCollection* iGarbageCollection;
HBufC* iErrorMsgText;
HBufC* iErrorMsgDetails;
CMsgErrorGlobalQuery* iErrorQuery;
CMsgErrorGlobalQuery* iDisconnectQuery;
CMsvEntrySelection* iErrorMsgNotes;
RFs& iFs;
RTimer iTimer;
TMsgRequestTypes iRequestType;
TUint iWatcherFlags;
TUint32 iMaxReceiveSize;
TUint iDiskSpaceErrors;
TUint iTimerRetries;
// End of File