// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// $Workfile: btsendop.cpp $
// $Author: Stevep $
// $Revision: 10 $
// $Date: 25/03/02 9:32 $
//class include
#include "btsendop.h"
//system includes
#include <btmsgtypeuid.h> //KUidMsgTypeBt
#include "btmtmcmds.h" //EBtMtmCmdSend
//#include <bttypes.h>
//user includes
//#include "btcmtm.h" //EBtcCmdSend
//#include "btmsgtypeuid.h" //KUidMsgTypeBt
const TInt KPacketBufferSize=20000; // Packet buffer size
CBtServerSendOperation* CBtServerSendOperation::NewL(CMsvServerEntry& aSendObj, const TObexBluetoothProtocolInfo& aBtProtocolInfo, TInt aConnectTimeoutMicroSeconds, TInt aPutTimeoutMicroseconds, const TDesC* aConnectPassword, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus)
* Second phase constructor.
* @param aSendObj Reference to the object to send.
* @param aBtProtocolInfo Protocol info to initialise the CObexCleint
* @param aConnectTimeoutMicroSeconds Timeout period for Connect operation in microseconds.
* @param aPutTimeoutMicroseconds Timeout period for Put operation in microseconds.
* @param aConnectPassword Pointer to the password for Bluetooth validation.
* @param aObserverRequestStatus Canonical TRequestStatus for control of active object.
* @leave KErrXXX System-wide error codes
CBtServerSendOperation* self=new(ELeave) CBtServerSendOperation(aSendObj, aBtProtocolInfo, aConnectTimeoutMicroSeconds, aPutTimeoutMicroseconds, aObserverRequestStatus);
CleanupStack::Pop(); //self
return self;
CBtServerSendOperation::CBtServerSendOperation(CMsvServerEntry& aSendObj, const TObexBluetoothProtocolInfo& aBtProtocolInfo, TInt aConnectTimeoutMicroSeconds, TInt aPutTimeoutMicroSeconds, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus)
:CObexServerSendOperation(KUidMsgTypeBt, aSendObj, aConnectTimeoutMicroSeconds, aPutTimeoutMicroSeconds, aObserverRequestStatus),
iBtProtocolInfo(aBtProtocolInfo),iBTObexPortNumber(0) //default bitwise copy constructor should suffice
* Constructor.
* @param aSendObj Reference to the object to send.
* @param aBtProtocolInfo Protocol info to initialise the CObexCleint
* @param aConnectTimeoutMicroSeconds Timeout period for Connect operation in microseconds.
* @param aPutTimeoutMicroseconds Timeout period for Put operation in microseconds.
* @param aConnectPassword Pointer to the password for Bluetooth validation.
* @param aTargetID Unsigned Int32 containing target ID if present.
* @param aSendTargetID TBool for flag to send target ID or not.
* @param aObserverRequestStatus Canonical TRequestStatus for control of active object.
delete iSdpUtils;
void CBtServerSendOperation::InitialiseObexClientL()
* Initialises the Obex client to use Bluetooth as the transport mechanism with the parameters as specified in the
* constructor.
* @leave KErrXXX System-wide error codes
//Prevent the link from going into low power modes before the SDP query takes place.
// trigger SDP Lookup
iSdpUtils = CObexSdpUtils::NewL(*this);
User::LeaveIfError(iSdpUtils != NULL);
TBTDevAddr devAddr = iBtProtocolInfo.iAddr.BTAddr();
// tell the obex server module we're async
iAsyncInit = ETrue;
void CBtServerSendOperation::RemoteBtObexQueryResult(TInt aError, TInt aPortNumber, TBool /*aObexObjectPushProfileSupported*/,
TInt /*aObexObjectPushProfileVersion*/, TObexSupportedFormatsList /*aSupportedFormats*/)
* SDP Query result, parameters have the following meaning:
* @param aError If this is anything but KErrNone then the query has not completed correctly and all other parameters are meaningless.
* @param aPortNumber - The RFCOMM port number that the remote device supports OBEX on
* @param aObexObjectPushProfileSupported - ETrue if the remote device supports the Bluetooth OBEX Push Profile
* @param aObexObjectPushProfileVersion - Version of Bluetooth OBEX Push Profile supported (only valid if aObexObjectPushProfileSupported == ETrue)
* @param aSupportedFormats - Structure containing a list of the OBEX Object formats supported by the remote device
// finish the async init at this point
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete(status, aError);
// remember the port number
iBTObexPortNumber = aPortNumber;
// finish the async init at this point
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
void CBtServerSendOperation::SecondPhaseObexClientInitL()
* Fills in the iBtProtocolInfo structure with the results of the SDP Lookup.
delete iSdpUtils;
iSdpUtils = NULL;
// use the port number to complete initialisation
TRfcommSockAddr& sockAddr = iBtProtocolInfo.iAddr;
// setting of receive & transmit packet buffer size.
TObexProtocolPolicy obexProtocolPolicy;
// Initialise Obex client object.
iObexClient = CObexClient::NewL(iBtProtocolInfo,obexProtocolPolicy);
void CBtServerSendOperation::PreConnectOperations()
void CBtServerSendOperation::PostConnectOperations()
// If the connection attempt has failed and we are not going to retry the connection,
// make sure that the link is allowed to go into low power modes.
const TDesC8* progressDes;
TRAPD(error, progressDes = &ProgressL());
if (error == KErrNone)
TPckgBuf<TObexMtmProgress> package;
if (package().iSendState == TObexMtmProgress::ESendError)
void CBtServerSendOperation::PreSendOperations()
// Try to ensure the link does not go into a low power mode.
// Note that we may already be preventing low power modes as a result of attempting
// to do this prior to the connection setup. In this case, calling it again does
// nothing.
// Note that as the obex connection is setup, this should not fail. If for some reason
// it does, this would result in a slower file transfer.
void CBtServerSendOperation::PostSendOperations()
// Allow the link to go into low power modes
void CBtServerSendOperation::DoCancel()
// As the transfer is being cancelled, allow the link to go into low power modes
delete iSdpUtils;
iSdpUtils = NULL;
void CBtServerSendOperation::AllowLowPowerModes()
// Allow the link to go into low power modes
if (iPreventingLowPowerModes)
iPreventingLowPowerModes = EFalse;
void CBtServerSendOperation::PreventLowPowerModes()
// Prevent the link from going into low power modes. This means the connect and send
// operations will be much quicker.
if (iPreventingLowPowerModes)
// Connect to the socket server
if (!iSocketServ.Handle())
if (iSocketServ.Connect() != KErrNone)
// Open the bluetooth link adapter
if (!iLinkAdapter.IsOpen())
TBTDevAddr devAddr = iBtProtocolInfo.iAddr.BTAddr();
if (iLinkAdapter.Open(iSocketServ, devAddr) != KErrNone)
if (iLinkAdapter.PreventLowPowerModes(EAnyLowPowerMode) == KErrNone)
iPreventingLowPowerModes = ETrue;