* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: IMSSoftkeyControl.h
#include <e32base.h>
#include <eikbtgpc.h> // CEikButtonGroupContainer
#include <eikcmobs.h> // MEikCommandObserver
#include <muiuflags.h> // TMuiuFlags
enum TISCFlags
// Keep these flags and TISCObservedKeys in same order!
EISCObservingLeftSoftkey = 0,
// Allow changing the middle soft key label
enum TISCObservedKeys
// Keep these keys and related flags in same order!
EISCLeftSoftkey = 0,
* @lib
* @since S60 3.1
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CIMSSoftkeyControl ) : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Creates object from CIMSSoftkeyControl and leaves it to cleanup stack
* @since S60 3.1
* @return, Constructed object
static CIMSSoftkeyControl* NewLC(
CEikButtonGroupContainer& aSoftkeys );
* Create object from CIMSSoftkeyControl
* @since S60 3.1
* @return, Constructed object
static CIMSSoftkeyControl* NewL(
CEikButtonGroupContainer& aSoftkeys );
* Destructor
* @since S60 3.1
virtual ~CIMSSoftkeyControl();
public: // New operators
* Get a direct access to softkeys
* @since S60 3.1
* @return Reference to softkey container
CEikButtonGroupContainer& operator()();
public: // New functions
* Sets the observer to the specific key
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aSoftkey Key to be observed
* @param aCommandObserver The observer for the key events
* @return KErrNone, when setting the observer is succesful
TInt SetObserver(
const TISCObservedKeys aSoftkey,
MEikCommandObserver& aCommandObserver );
* Sets/Removes the observers for the softkeys
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aLeftSoftkey Set/Remove left softkey observer
* @param aRightSoftkey Set/Remove right softkey observer
* @param aMiddleSoftkey Set/Remove middle softkey observer
* @param aCommandObserver The observer for the key events
* @return KErrNone, when setting the observer is succesful
TInt SetObserver(
const TBool aLeftSoftkey,
const TBool aRightSoftkey,
const TBool aMiddleSoftkey,
MEikCommandObserver& aCommandObserver );
* Removes the observer
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aSoftkey
void RemoveObserver(
const TISCObservedKeys aSoftkey );
* Defines a new softkey
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aLabelResource Resource of the text for the softkey label
* @param aSoftkeyPos Position of the softkey
* @param aSoftkeyCmd Command executed by pressing the softkey
* @param aCommandObserver Observer to receive the events
void DefineCustomSoftkeyL(
const TInt aLabelResource,
const TISCObservedKeys aSoftkeyPos,
const TInt aSoftkeyCmd,
MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver );
* Defines a new softkey
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aSoftkeyLabel Text for the softkey label
* @param aSoftkeyPos Position of the softkey
* @param aSoftkeyCmd Command executed by pressing the softkey
* @param aCommandObserver Observer to receive the events
void DefineCustomSoftkeyL(
const TDesC& aSoftkeyLabel,
const TISCObservedKeys aSoftkeyPos,
const TInt aSoftkeyCmd,
MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver );
* Checks the current status of MSK label updating availability
* @since S60 3.1
* @return ETrue, when MSK label change is allowed
* @return EFalse, when MSK label change is not allowed
TBool MSKLabelling();
* Sets the status of MSK label updating
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aNewState Allow/Disallow MSK label change
void SetMSKLabelling( const TBool aNewState );
* Changes the label of the middle softkey
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aLabelResource Resource of the text for the softkey label
* @param aCommandId Command executed by pressing the softkey
* @param aCommandObserver Observer to receive the events
void UpdateMiddleSoftkeyLabelL(
const TInt aLabelResource,
const TInt aCommandId,
MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver );
* Hides softkeys. Preserves the possibility to show softkeys again,
* functionality is to be coded
* @since S60 3.2
* @param aVisible tells if buttons should be showed
* @param aCommandObserver Observer to receive the events
void SetVisibility(
const TBool aVisible,
MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver );
public: // Functions from base classes
protected: // Constructors
* Default constructor for classCIMSSoftkeyControl
* @since S60 3.1
* @return, Constructed object
CEikButtonGroupContainer& aSoftkeys );
* Symbian 2-phase constructor
* @since S60 3.1
void ConstructL();
protected: // New virtual functions
protected: // New functions
protected: // Functions from base classes
private: // New virtual functions
private: // New functions
* @since S60 3.1
TInt ChangeObserver(
const TBool aOn,
const TISCObservedKeys aSoftkey,
MEikCommandObserver& aCommandObserver );
private: // Functions from base classes
public: // Data
protected: // Data
private: // Data
// Softkey container
CEikButtonGroupContainer& iSoftkeys;
// Container for the flags
TMuiuFlags iFlags;
// Container for the last used resource for MSK
TInt iPreviousMskLabelResource;
// End of File