author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:31:54 +0100
changeset 27 7fdbb852d323
parent 0 72b543305e3a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  
*       CPostcardDocument, document class for Postcard application.


#include <msvapi.h>                     // CMsvEntry
#include <MsgEditorDocument.h>          // CMsgEditorDocument


// This tell how much of the max MMS size is reserved for greeting and recipient
const TInt KPostcardAddressGreetingOverhead = 2000;
// What's the max. size the greeting text can store itself internally
// (the max. size of sent text is read from central repository)
const TInt KPostcardDefaultGreetingSegment = 512; 



enum TPostcardMsgType // Type of the postcard 
    EPostcardNew = 0,

enum TPostcardPart // Enumerations for different parts of the postcard
    EPostcardImage = 1,
    EPostcardText = 2,
    EPostcardRecipient = 4,
    EPostcardNone = 8   // Prevents unnecessary icons to be drawn at startup.



class CMmsClientMtm;
class CBaseMtmUi;
class CMsgMediaResolver;
class CMsgTextUtils;


class CPostcardDocument :public CMsgEditorDocument
    public:  // Constructors and destructor

    * Destructor.

    * C++ constructor
    * @param aApp   Reference to application instance
    CPostcardDocument( CEikApplication& aApp );

    * Factory function to create this object
    * @param aApp   Reference to application instance
    static CPostcardDocument* NewL( CEikApplication& aApp );

    public: // New functions

    * InitializeL
    * Creates MediaResolver and MmsData
    void InitializeL( RFs& aFs );

    public: // Virtuals from CMsgEditorDocument

    * DefaultMsgFolder
    * Returns default folder for new messages.
    * @return ID of the Drafts folder.
    TMsvId DefaultMsgFolder() const;

    * DefaultMsgService
    * From CMsgEditorDocument
    * Returns default message service used by application
    * @return TMsvId KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId.
    TMsvId DefaultMsgService() const;

    * CreateNewL
    * From CMsgEditorDocument
    * Creates new message.
    * A new message of type Postcard is created
    * in a destination folder.
    * Calls CreateNewL(TMsvId aServiceType, TMsvId aDestination,
    *                  TInt aTypeList).
    * @param aService service used for message
    * @param aDestFolder folder in which message will be saved eg.
    *                    KMsvDraftEntryIdValue
    * @return ID of mail operation.
    TMsvId CreateNewL(TMsvId aService, TMsvId aDestFolder);

    * EntryChangedL
    * From CMsgEditorDocument
    * Called after entry is changed by BaseEditor SetEntry Function.
    * From MsgEditorDocument
    void EntryChangedL();

    public: // From CMsgEditorDocument

    * Mtm
    * Accessor (Overrides baseeditor)
    * Returns CMmsClientMtm reference correctly casted from CBaseMtm
    * @param  None
    * @return Reference to documents CMmsClientMtm
    CMmsClientMtm& Mtm();

    * MtmUi
    * Accessor (Overrides baseeditor)
    * Returns CMmsMtmUi reference correctly casted from CBaseMtmUi
    * @param  None
    * @return Reference to documents CMmsMtmUi
    CBaseMtmUi& MtmUi();


    * Get pointer to MediaResolver
    * @return Pointer to MediaResolver
    inline CMsgMediaResolver* MediaResolver( ) { return iMediaResolver; };

    * Get pointer to MmsData
    * @return Pointer to MmsData
	inline CMsgTextUtils* TextUtils( ) { return iTextUtils; };
    * Messagetype accessor
    * @return Message type
    inline TPostcardMsgType MessageType() const { return iMsgType; };

    public: // new ones:

    * Sets aPart as changed
    void SetChanged( TPostcardPart aPart );

    * Checks if aPart is changed
    TBool Changed( TPostcardPart aPart ) const;

    * ETrue if any part of the postcard has been changed
    TBool Modified( ) const;

    * Set whether message is SendAs, Forward, Reply or Open from Draft.
    * Function determines it from launch flags & entry flags.
    void SetMessageType();

    * Returns the max size of the message
	TInt MaxMessageSize( ) const;

    * Returns the max size of the image (max message - textrecipientoverhead)
	TInt MaxImageSize( ) const;

    * Called by Controller so it knows if the app is started from ROM or not
    * Returns full filepath to this application
    TFileName AppFullName( );

    * Check if the mimetype is an image
    TBool IsImage( const TDataType& aMimeType );

    * Tells the maximum width and height of the image.
    * If image is bigger than that -> scaling is needed
	TSize MaxImageDimensions( );
    protected:  // New functions

    * ConstructL
    * 2nd phase constructor.
    void ConstructL();

    private: // New Functions

    * Creates a new CPostcardAppUi
    CEikAppUi* CreateAppUiL();

    private:  // data

    RFs                 iFs;
    TInt                iMsgChanged;
    TPostcardMsgType    iMsgType;
    CMsgMediaResolver*  iMediaResolver;
    CMsgTextUtils*      iTextUtils;
    TInt 				iMaxMessageSize;


// End of file