author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Mon, 15 Mar 2010 12:40:06 +0200
changeset 13 a9c7e5670d17
parent 0 72b543305e3a
child 24 696bfeff199e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201009 Kit: 201010

* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  
*     This view is created when user opens folder.


//#include "MceBaseListView.h"
#include <aknview.h>
#include <msvapi.h>
#include <AiwServiceHandler.h>
#include <coemain.h>

#include "MceMessageListContainer.h" 

#include "mcetemplate.h"
#include "MceFolderItem.h"
#include "MceListboxTypeObserver.h"

#include <bldvariant.hrh>

#include <AiwServiceHandler.h>


#define TDRVIEWID TVwsViewId( \
    TUid::Uid( KMceApplicationUidValue ), \
    TUid::Uid( KMceDeliveryReportViewIdValue ) )

enum TMessageFolderMessageStatus

enum TMessageFolderDeleteMessageStatus

enum TMceTemplatesDialogStatus
typedef CArrayFixFlat<TMceFolderItem> CMceFolderItemArray;

class CMsvSession;
class CMceBitmapResolver;
class CMceMainViewListView;
class CAknLocalScreenClearer;
class CMceSessionHolder;
class CMceUi;
class CMceMessageListContainer;
class CMceMessageListContainerBase;
class CEnvironmentChangeNotifier;

class CMceListboxTypeObserver;


*  This view is created when user opens folder.
class CMceMessageListView :
    public CAknView,
    public MEikListBoxObserver,
    public MMsvSessionObserver,    
    public MMceListboxTypeObserver
    public:  // Constructors and destructor

        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CMceMessageListView* NewL(
            CMsvSessionPtr aSession,
            TMsvId aFolderId,
            CMceSessionHolder& aSessionHolder,
            CMceBitmapResolver& aBitmapResolver,
            CMceMainViewListView& aMainView );

        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CMceMessageListView();

    public: // New functions
        * Sets folder to be watched
        * @param aFolderId: folder id
        void SetFolderL( TMsvId aFolderId );

        * Returns listbox type of the current folder.
        * @return Folder listbox type
        TInt GetFolderListBoxType();

        * Returns pointer to list container.
        * @return Pointer to list container
        CMceMessageListContainerBase* ListContainer() const;

        * Should be called by mce after message server startup.
        * This adds view to session observer list and creates needed CMsvEntries.
        virtual void HandleMsgServerStartupL();
        * Checks if there are unread messages in the given folder
        TBool HasUnreadMessagesL();

         * Cancels remote mailbox timer.
        void CancelMailboxTimer() const;

         * Checks if folder aName already exists
         * @param aName folder name to be searched.
         * @param aId id of the folder. Should be set when renaming.
         * @return ETrue if name used.
        TBool IsFolderNameUsedL(const TDesC& aName, TMsvId aId = KErrNotFound) const;

         * Changes currently opened folder and redraws the list.
         * @param aNewFolderId: id of the folder name to be opened
        void ChangeFolderAndRefreshListboxL( TMsvId aNewFolderId );

        * Finds and selects message entry
        * @param aMatchString: the matched string
        void FindAndSelectEntryL( const TDesC& aMatchString ) const;

        * Checks, if SyncMl folder
        * Returns ETrue, if SyncMl folder              
        TBool IsSyncMl() const;

        * Checks, if SyncMl Outbox or Inbox folder
        * Returns ETrue, if SyncMl Outbox or Inbox folder
        * @param aFolder: id of the folder        
        TBool SyncMlOutboxInbox( TMsvId aFolder ) const;

        * Checks, if MMS notification can be opened using selection key         
        TBool CheckMMSNotificationOpenL( ) const;

        * Opens remote mailbox settings              
        void OpenMailboxSettingsL();

        * Is IMAP folder open        
        TBool IsImapFolderOpenL( ) const;

        * From CAknView: Sets the new size of Rect
        void HandleStatusPaneSizeChange();

        inline void UpdateViewL();

    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From CAknView
        TUid Id() const;

        * From CAknView
        void DoActivateL(
            const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
            TUid aCustomMessageId,
            const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );

        * From CAknView
        void DoDeactivate();

        * From CAknView
        void DynInitMenuPaneL(
            TInt aResourceId,
            CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );

        * From MEikCommandObserver
        void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );

        * From MMsvSessionObserver
        virtual void HandleSessionEventL(
            TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
            TAny* aArg1,
            TAny* aArg2,
            TAny* aArg3 );

        * From MEikCommandObserver
        virtual void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommand);
        * From CAknView ?member_description
        void HandleClientRectChange();        

        * Sets the label for the middle soft key in the folder view
        * @since S60 3.1
        void SetMSKButtonL();
        * Checks if current folder is emailmailbox for the middle soft key.
        * @since S60 3.1
        * @return Etrue if mailbox
        TBool IsMSKMailBox();  
        * Checks if current folder is syncMLmailbox for the middle soft key.
        * @since S60 3.2
        * @return Etrue if syncMLmailbox
        TBool IsMSKSyncMlMailBox();
        * Store current item id for mailbox focus
        * @since S60 3.0
        void SetCurrentItemId();

        * Should be called by container when selection button is pressed so that
        * exit command is not showed in context sensitive menu. iHideExitCommand set
        * EFalse at the end of DynInitMenuPaneL function.
        * @param aHideExitCommand: ETrue if exit not shown next time option menu displayed
        void SetHideExitCommand( TBool aHideExitCommand );
        * Check if the item is Unread
        * @para aId: the item id
        * @return ETrue if the item is unread, return EFalse if the item is read
        * @since Taco
       TBool IsItemUnread( TMsvId aId ); 

        * Handle call by sendkey in email list 
        * @para aEntryId: current entry id
        * @Since S60 5.0
        void HandleSendkeyInMailboxL( TMsvId aEntryId );

        * Call-back function for CEnvironmentChangeNotifier class.
        * @param object of CMceMessageListView.
        static TInt EnvironmentChanged( TAny* aObj );
        * From MMceListboxTypeObserver
        virtual void ListboxTypeChangedL();
        * For setting the ContextCommandFlag when clicked to get the context menu
        void SetContextCommandFlag(TBool aContextCommandFlag);

    protected:  // Functions from base classes

        * From MEikListBoxObserver
        void HandleListBoxEventL(
            CEikListBox* aListBox,
            TListBoxEvent aEventType );


        * Constructor is private.
            CMsvSessionPtr aSession,
            TMsvId aFolderId,
            CMceSessionHolder& aSessionHolder,
            CMceBitmapResolver& aBitmapResolver,
            CMceMainViewListView& aMainView );

        * Symbian OS constructor
        void ConstructL();

        * Handles different 'open's: Open folder or open message
        void HandleOpenL();

        * Called when user pressed Back and main view should be opened
        void HandleCloseL();

        * Changes currently opened folder.
        * @param aOpenParent: ETrue if "CD .." wanted.
        void ChangeFolderL( TBool aOpenParent = EFalse );

        * User wants to open message and this call's Ui's EditMtmEntry function.
        void EditEntryL();

        * Called by DynInitMenuPaneL to delete unneccessary menu items.
        * @param aMenuPane menu pane
        void FetchMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane ) const;

        * Called by DynInitMenuPaneL to delete unneccessary menu items.
        * @param aMenuPane menu pane
        void FolderMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );

        * Called by FolderMenuL to delete unneccessary menu items.
        * @param aMenuPane menu pane
        void FolderMenuNoItemsL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane ) const;
        * Called by FolderMenuL to delete unneccessary menu items.
        * @param aMenuPane menu pane
        void FolderMenuOneItemL( 
            CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane, 
            TBool aRemoteMailboxOpened,
            TBool aThirdPartEmail  );
        * Called by FolderMenuL to delete unneccessary menu items.
        * @param aMenuPane menu pane
        void FolderMenuManyItemsL(
            CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane, 
            TBool aRemoteMailboxOpened,
            TBool aThirdPartEmail,
            TBool aSetRead = EFalse );

        * Called by FolderMenuL to delete unneccessary menu items.
        * @param aMenuPane menu pane, SyncML folder
		void FolderMenuSyncMLMain( CEikMenuPane *aMenuPane );

        * Called by FolderMenuL to delete unneccessary menu items.
        * @param aMenuPane menu pane, SyncML folder
		void FolderMenuSyncMLFolderL( CEikMenuPane *aMenuPane );

        * Called by DynInitMenuPaneL to delete unneccessary menu items.
        * @param aMenuPane menu pane
        void EditMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane ) const;

        * Called by DynInitMenuPaneL to delete unneccessary menu items.
        * @param aMenuPane menu pane
        void OrganizeMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );

        * Returns ETrue if folder is opened by this view and
        * back does not return to main view.
        * If EFalse returned then this view needs to be closed
        * and main view is activated.
        TBool FolderOpenedL();

        * Returns folder count in currently opened folder
        TInt SubfolderCount() const;

         * Checks how many unread messages folder has. If only one then asks
         * MceUi to open it. If more than one, select first unread. If none select first
         * item of the folder
         * @return ETrue if there is one message in inbox/mailbox folder and trying to open it,
         * EFalse when just opening inbox/mailbox folder
         * @param aId: message id
        TBool FindUnreadMessageAndOpenItL( const TMsvId aId );

         * Finds folder called 'Inbox' from current (IMAP4 remote mailbox) folder and opens it.
         * Do not confuse with local service inbox!
        void FindInboxAndOpenItL();

        * Sets empty text of the list box.
        * Empty text is different in Remote mailboxes than other folders.
        void SetEmptyTextL() const;

        * Function for the CIdle class to be called, calls LaunchMceViewer.
        * @param aSelf: pointer to CMceMessageListView object.
        * @return see LaunchMceViewer.
        static TInt LaunchViewer( TAny* aSelf );

        * Tries to launch viewer (by calling Mce's EditMtmEntryL)
        * for the unread message if there is only one unread
        * message in the folder. Otherwise does not do nothing
        * @return KErrNone if launch ok
        TInt LaunchMceViewer( );

        * Checks if selected entry can be opened and dims 'send via' menu if it can
        * @param aEntryId: currently selected entry
        * @param aMenuPane: menupane
        void HandleSendViaMenuItemL( TMsvId aEntryId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane ) const;

        * Called by HandleSessionEventL if entries created or changed.
        * @param aParentId: id of the parent
        * @param aSelection: pointer to selection of messages changed.
        void MessageViewHandleEntriesCreatedOrChangedL(
            TMsvId aParentId,
            CMsvEntrySelection* aSelection );

        * Handles EMceCmdSortByDate,EMceCmdSortBySubject and EMceCmdSortBySender
        * @param aCommand: id of the command
        void HandleSortCommandL( const TInt aCommand );

        * Open SyncMl Inbox folder               
        void SyncMlFindInboxAndOpenItL();   
        TInt GetSetRead( const CMsvEntrySelection& aEntries );
        * Checks are the selected messages deleted or undeleted
        * @since 3.2
        * @return Index of the selected message deletetion status
        * otherwise KErrNotFound
        TInt GetDeleteFlagStatusL( const CMsvEntrySelection* aEntries );
        * Checks if there is only one unread message in current folder
        * and starts viewer for it
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMsgMtmUid: filled with Message MTM Uid
        * @return Index of the message if only one unread, 
        * otherwise KErrNotFound
        TInt LaunchViewerWhenOneUnreadL( TInt &aMsgMtmUid );
        * registers MceMessageListContainer to Msk observer
        * @param aObserver: True if set MskObserver and False to remove it.
        * @since 3.2
        void SetMskObserver( TBool aObserver );

		* Input parameter list for AIW plugin
		CAiwGenericParamList* AiwSyncParamListLC(TInt aId, const TDesC& aText);

        void HandleEntriesCreatedChangedL( const CMsvEntrySelection* aSelection );

        void HandleEntriesDeletedL( );

        void HandleEntriesMovedL( TMsvId aSourceFolderId, TMsvId aTargetFolderId );
        * Creates either one row or two row listbox and sets it to iMsgListContainer
        void CreateListboxL();

        * Find all read messages and mark 
        * @since Taco
        void FindAllReadMsgAndMarkL();
        * Check if there is any selected item visible in current view 
        * @ msgIndexArray: the array of the index of selected item
        * @since S60 5.0
        TBool AnySelectedItemsVisible( CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* msgIndexArray );

        * Check if it is in Inbox, Documents and user's own foldermark, 
        * if it is, enable mark read msg option from menu
        * @currentEntry: current entry
        * @currentfolderId: current Folder Id
        * @aMenuPane: Menu pane to show the mark all read command
        * @since S60 5.0
        void EnableMarkAllReadMsgInInboxAndDocument( 
            TMsvEntry currentEntry, 
            TMsvId currentFolderId, 
            CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
        * Set correct menu items for expand/collapse options
        * @param aMenuPane: 
        * @since S60 5.0
        void HandleContainerOptionsMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );  
        void HandleContainerOptionsCommandL( TInt aCommand );
        * called from EnvironmentChanged.
        TInt HandleEnvironmentChanged();
        * Check and Set Forward command for the selected item
        * Forward is currently only available in Sent Item folder
        * Since 5.0
        void SetForwardMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane, TMsvEntry& aEntry );            
        * Dim Read/Unread command from options menu, prepare for further settings
        * Since 5.0 
        void DimReadUnreadOptionsMenu( CEikMenuPane *aMenuPane );
        * Set Read/Unread command for options menu, when multiple msg/emails are selected
        * Since 5.0
        void SetReadUnreadOptionsMenu( CEikMenuPane *aMenuPane, TBool aIsEmail, TBool aSetRead );
        * Set the iReadUnread variable if Mark as read/unread appears twice
        * if it is, enable mark read msg option from menu
        * @aValue: The value to be set to iReadUnread variable
        * Since 3.2
        void SetMarkReadUnread( TBool aValue );
    private:    // Data

        CMceUi*                 iMceUi;
        CMceMessageListContainerBase*  iMsgListContainer;
        TInt                    iCurrentListboxId;
        CMsvSessionPtr          iSession;
        TMsvId                  iFolderId;
        CMceSessionHolder&      iSessionHolder;
        CMceBitmapResolver&     iBitmapResolver;
        TBool                   iMceViewActivated;
        TBool                   iMsvSessionReady;
        CAiwServiceHandler*		iAiwServiceHandler;
        TMceFlags               iListViewFlags;
        TMsvId 					iCurrentItemId;

        TInt    iSelectedIndex; // index of the cursor when deactivated
        HBufC*  iInboxName;
        HBufC*  iRemoteMailboxEmptyText;
        HBufC*  iEmptyText;
        CMceMainViewListView& iMainViewListView;
        TBool   iHideExitCommand;
        TBool   iFetchMenuSelectionKeyPressed;
        CPeriodic*  iMessageViewerLauncher;        
        CAknLocalScreenClearer* iLocalScreenClearer;
        TInt    iLaunchViewerCounter;
        CMceFolderItemArray* iFolderItemArray;
        TBool   iConnectionNote;

        TInt    iSortOrder;
        TBool   iOrdering;        
        TBool   iRunningEditFunction;
        TBool   iIsUnread;
        TInt                     iCurrentListType;
        CMceListboxTypeObserver* iListboxMailTypeObserver;
        CMceListboxTypeObserver* iListboxInboxTypeObserver;
        CEnvironmentChangeNotifier* iDateTimeNotifier;
        //Variable that get set when Mark as read/unread appears twice
		TBool 						iReadUnread; 
		//Variable for context command
		TBool                       iContextCommand;

inline void CMceMessageListView::UpdateViewL()
	if ( iMsgListContainer )
            CMceMessageListContainerBase::EMessageListOperationCompleted );


// End of file