* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Fetch operation with checking of available memory and disk space
#include <ImumInternalApi.h> // CImumInternalApi
#include <imapset.h>
#include <imapcmds.h>
#include "IMAPPRGR.H"
#include "ImumOnlineOperation.h"
#include "Imap4MtmUi.hrh" // KImpuIMAPFolderNameLength
* Fetch operation with checking of available memory and disk space.
class CImap4SizeAndFetchOp : public CImumOnlineOperation
static CImap4SizeAndFetchOp* NewL(
CImumInternalApi& aMailboxApi,
TRequestStatus& aStatus,
MMsvProgressReporter& aReporter,
TMsvId aService,
TInt aFunctionId,
const TImImap4GetMailInfo& aGetMailInfo,
const CMsvEntrySelection& aSel);
virtual ~CImap4SizeAndFetchOp();
virtual const TDesC8& GetErrorProgressL(TInt aError);
CImumInternalApi& aMailboxApi,
TRequestStatus& aStatus,
MMsvProgressReporter& aReporter,
TMsvId aService,
TInt aFunctionId,
const TImImap4GetMailInfo& aGetMailInfo);
void ConstructL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSel);
virtual void DoRunL();
void DoSizeMessageL();
void DoSizeNextMessageL();
void DoFetchMessageL();
TBool CheckMessageSizeL();
enum TSizeAndFetchState { EStateIdle, EStateSizeMsg, EStateFetchMsg };
TSizeAndFetchState iState;
TPckgBuf<TImap4CompoundProgress> iProgressBuf;
CMsvEntrySelection* iSelection;
const TInt iFunctionId;
const TImImap4GetMailInfo iGetMailInfo;
TInt32 iTotalSizeToFetch;
TInt iCurrentMsgToSize;