* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: init implementation
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <eikappui.h>
#include <msvapi.h>
#include <msvuids.h>
#include <mtmuibas.h>
#include <mtuireg.h>
#include <mtudcbas.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <mtmuidef.hrh>
#include <eikdialg.h>
#include <featmgr.h>
#include "init.h"
const TInt KUidMsgTypeSMSValue = 0x1000102C;
const TUid KUidMsgTypeSMSUid = {KUidMsgTypeSMSValue};
const TInt KUidMsgTypeMMSValue = 0x100058E1;
const TUid KUidMsgTypeMMSUid = {KUidMsgTypeMMSValue};
const TInt KUidMsgTypePocaValue = 0x10207245;
const TUid KUidMsgTypePocaUid = {KUidMsgTypePocaValue};
const TInt KUidMsgTypeAMSValue = 0x1020745B;
const TUid KUidMsgTypeAMSUid = {KUidMsgTypeAMSValue};
const TInt KMailInitPanicStringLength = 15;
_LIT(KInitSpaceBuffer, " ");
_LIT(KInitColon, " ");
_LIT(KThread, "MTMInit");
_LIT(KPanic, "MTMInit");
#ifdef __WINS__
#ifdef __EPOC32__
_LIT(KProcess, "MTMInit");
#ifdef _DEBUG
const TInt KInitErrorMaxTextLength=80;
const TInt KMailInitRetryCounter = 10;
const TInt KMailInitRetryTimeout = 2000000; // two seconds
#ifdef __MARM__
// To stop warnings of missing .def file for a EXEDLL compilation
// under MARM (as suggested by Alistair Bradley)
EXPORT_C void Dummy() {};
* CDummyObserver
* This is just a temporary MMsvSessionObserver during the mail init
class CDummyObserver : public CBase, public MMsvSessionObserver
CDummyObserver() {};
void HandleSessionEventL(
TMsvSessionEvent /*aEvent*/, TAny* /*aArg1*/, TAny* /*aArg2*/, TAny* /*aArg3*/) {};
// ----------------------------------------------------
// DeleteStoreInitFlagFileL
// ----------------------------------------------------
void DeleteStoreInitFlagFileL()
// ----------------------------------------------------
// DoInitialiseSingleMtmL
// ----------------------------------------------------
LOCAL_C void DoInitialiseSingleMtmL(CClientMtmRegistry& aBaseReg, CMtmUiRegistry& aUiReg, const TUid& anId)
INITLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT2( "DoInitialiseSingleMtmL() - mtm uid: %d 0x%x", anId.iUid, anId.iUid);
INITLOGGER("DoInitialiseSingleMtmL() - Creating BaseMtm");
//create base mtm
CBaseMtm* baseMtm=aBaseReg.NewMtmL(anId);
INITLOGGER("DoInitialiseSingleMtmL() - Creating Mtm UI");
CBaseMtmUi* mtmUi=aUiReg.NewMtmUiL(*baseMtm);
TInt response;
TUid isInstalled={KUidMsvMtmUiQueryMessagingInitialisation};
TInt err=mtmUi->QueryCapability(isInstalled, response);
if (err==KErrNone)
INITLOGGER("DoInitialiseSingleMtmL() - Invoking initialisation method");
// Need to install this type
CMsvEntrySelection* tempobject = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
TBuf8<1> tempdes;
TInt installNow={KMtmUiMessagingInitialisation};
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempobject );
else if (err!=KErrNotSupported)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, baseMtm ); // mtmUi,baseMtm
INITLOGGER("DoInitialiseSingleMtmL() - Complete");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetMtmName()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOCAL_C void GetMtmName(
TBuf<KMaxKernelName>& aMtmName,
const TUid& aUid,
const CMtmUiRegistry& aUiRegistry )
aMtmName = aUiRegistry.RegisteredMtmDllInfo(
aUid ).HumanReadableName().Left( KMailInitPanicStringLength - 1 );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendPanicString()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOCAL_C void AppendPanicString(
TBuf<KMaxKernelName>& aPanicString,
const TUid& aUid,
const CMtmUiRegistry& aUiRegistry )
// Make sure the new length fits to total name
if ( aPanicString.Length() < KMaxKernelName - KMailInitPanicStringLength )
GetMtmName( aPanicString, aUid, aUiRegistry );
aPanicString.Append( aPanicString );
aPanicString.Append( KInitSpaceBuffer );
// ----------------------------------------------------
// DoInitialiseMtmsL
// ----------------------------------------------------
#ifdef _DEBUG
LOCAL_C void DoInitialiseMtmsL( TDes& aMtmBuffer )
LOCAL_C void DoInitialiseMtmsL( )
TBuf<KMaxKernelName> panicString;
panicString.Copy( KThread );
panicString.Append( KInitColon );
// connect to the server
CDummyObserver* ob = new(ELeave)CDummyObserver;
INITLOGGER("DoInitialiseMtmsL() : Creating CMsvSession");
TInt error = KErrNone;
TInt counter = KMailInitRetryCounter;
CMsvSession* session = NULL;
TRAP( error, session = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL(*ob) );
while ( counter > 0 && error != KErrNone )
INITLOGGER("DoInitialiseMtmsL() : Creating CMsvSession failed, wait and try again");
User::After( KMailInitRetryTimeout );
TRAP( error, session = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL(*ob) );
if ( error != KErrNone || session == NULL )
INITLOGGER("DoInitialiseMtmsL() : Creating CMsvSession failed, leave now");
User::Leave( error != KErrNone ? error : KErrNotFound );
//create ui registry
INITLOGGER("DoInitialiseMtmsL() : Creating Registries");
CClientMtmRegistry* basemtmregistry=CClientMtmRegistry::NewL(*session);
CMtmUiRegistry* uiRegistry=CMtmUiRegistry::NewL(*session);
//check through mtms
TInt ret = 0;
// try to initialise SMS first
INITLOGGER( "-----------------------< Start INIT: SMS >-----------------------" );
if ( uiRegistry->IsPresent( KUidMsgTypeSMSUid ) )
TRAP(ret, DoInitialiseSingleMtmL(*basemtmregistry, *uiRegistry, KUidMsgTypeSMSUid));
#ifdef _DEBUG
INITLOGGER("DoInitialiseMtmsL() - SMS Not present, this might be ok?");
if (ret)
error = ret;
ret = 0;
// Track SMS, which can't fail of course
AppendPanicString( panicString, KUidMsgTypeSMSUid, *uiRegistry );
#ifdef _DEBUG
INITLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT( "***** !!! SMS INIT FAILED (%d) !!! *****", error );
aMtmBuffer.Append( KInitSpaceBuffer );
aMtmBuffer.AppendNum( KUidMsgTypeSMSValue );
INITLOGGER( "------------------------< End INIT: SMS >------------------------" );
INITLOGGER( "-----------------------< Start INIT: MMS >-----------------------" );
// then try to initialise MMS
if ( uiRegistry->IsPresent( KUidMsgTypeMMSUid ) )
TRAP(ret, DoInitialiseSingleMtmL(*basemtmregistry, *uiRegistry, KUidMsgTypeMMSUid ));
#ifdef _DEBUG
INITLOGGER("DoInitialiseMtmsL() - MMS Not present, this might be ok?");
if (ret)
// Track MMS
AppendPanicString( panicString, KUidMsgTypeMMSUid, *uiRegistry );
error = ret;
ret = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
INITLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT( "***** !!! MMS INIT FAILED (%d) !!! *****", error );
aMtmBuffer.Append( KInitSpaceBuffer );
aMtmBuffer.AppendNum( KUidMsgTypeMMSValue );
INITLOGGER( "------------------------< End INIT: MMS >------------------------" );
//now check through the other mtms
#ifdef _DEBUG
TBuf<KMaxKernelName> debugString;
#endif // _DEBUG
TInt count=uiRegistry->NumRegisteredMtmDlls();
for (TInt cc=0; cc<count; ++cc)
TUid uid=uiRegistry->MtmTypeUid(cc);
INITLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT( "-------------------< Start INIT: 0x%x >------------------", uid.iUid );
#ifdef _DEBUG
GetMtmName( debugString, uid, *uiRegistry );
debugString.Append( '\0' );
INITLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT2( "0x%x: %s", uid.iUid, debugString.Ptr() );
#endif // _DEBUG
TBool initialise = ETrue;
// Postcard or Audio messaging MTMs can be variated by runtime, so depending
// on the flags they might not be initialized at all.
if( uid == KUidMsgTypePocaUid || uid == KUidMsgTypeAMSUid)
TInt flag = -1;
if ( uid == KUidMsgTypePocaUid )
flag = KFeatureIdMmsPostcard;
else if ( uid == KUidMsgTypeAMSUid )
flag = KFeatureIdAudioMessaging;
if ( flag != -1 )
if ( !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( flag ) )
INITLOGGER( "* Feature NOT supported *" );
initialise = EFalse;
if (uid.iUid == KUidMsgTypeSMSValue || uid.iUid == KUidMsgTypeMMSValue )
INITLOGGER( "* Already Initialized *" );
initialise = EFalse;
if ( initialise )
// return value is ignored, so as not to prevent other MTMs being initialised
TRAP(ret, DoInitialiseSingleMtmL(*basemtmregistry, *uiRegistry, uid));
if (ret)
// Track Other Uids
AppendPanicString( panicString, uid, *uiRegistry );
#ifdef _DEBUG
INITLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT( "***** !!! INIT FAILED (%d) !!! *****", error );
aMtmBuffer.Append( KInitSpaceBuffer );
aMtmBuffer.AppendNum( (TInt)uid.iUid );
INITLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT( "--------------------< End INIT: 0x%x >-------------------", uid.iUid );
#ifdef _DEBUG
INITLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT( "--------------------< End INIT: NOT done for 0x%x, see reason above >-------------------", uid.iUid );
if (error)
INITLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT( "DoInitialiseMtmsL() - %S", &panicString );
INITLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT( "DoInitialiseMtmsL() - Leave error %d", error);
User::RenameThread( panicString );
Panic( EMailInitisationFailed );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // uiRegistry,basemtmregistry,session,ob
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CMailInitAppUi::~CMailInitAppUi
// ----------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CMailInitAppUi::ConstructL
// ----------------------------------------------------
void CMailInitAppUi::ConstructL()
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CMailInitServerEnv::DestroyEnvironment
// ----------------------------------------------------
void CMailInitServerEnv::DestroyEnvironment()
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CMailInitServerEnv::ConstructL
// ----------------------------------------------------
void CMailInitServerEnv::ConstructL()
CEikonEnv::ConstructL( EFalse );
SetAutoForwarding( ETrue );
// ----------------------------------------------------
// DoWork
// ----------------------------------------------------
LOCAL_C void DoWork()
#ifndef _DEBUG
TRAPD(leave, DoInitialiseMtmsL());
if(leave == KErrNone)
// Delete flag file if present.
TBuf<2*KInitErrorMaxTextLength> errorBuffer;
TRAPD(leave, DoInitialiseMtmsL( errorBuffer ));
if(leave == KErrNone)
// Delete flag file if present.
#endif // _DEBUG
// ----------------------------------------------------
// StartFunction
// ----------------------------------------------------
GLDEF_C TInt StartFunction()
#ifdef __EPOC32__
// Rename our process (on h/w only).
User::RenameProcess( KProcess );
// Rename our thread.
User::RenameThread( KThread );
INITLOGGER("StartFunction(): Constructing Env and AppUi");
CMailInitServerEnv* dialogEnv = new CMailInitServerEnv;
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(dialogEnv!=NULL, Panic(EMailInitPanicStartAllocEnv));
CMailInitAppUi* dialogAppUi = new CMailInitAppUi;
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(dialogAppUi!=NULL, Panic(EMailInitPanicStartAllocAppUi));
TRAPD(leave,{dialogEnv->ConstructL(); dialogAppUi->ConstructL();});
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(leave==KErrNone, Panic(EMailInitPanicStartConstructL));
CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New(); // get clean-up stack
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(cleanup!=NULL, Panic(EMailInitPanicStartAllocCleanupStack));
delete cleanup; // destroy clean-up stack
// finished
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// WinsMain
// ----------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __WINS__
EXPORT_C TInt WinsMain(TAny* /*aParam*/)
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// E32Main
// ----------------------------------------------------
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
return StartFunction();
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Panic
// ----------------------------------------------------
GLDEF_C void Panic(TMailInitPanic aPanic) // called if the server fails to be created
User::Panic(KPanic, aPanic);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// E32Dll
// ----------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __WINS__
GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll(TInt /*aReason*/)
return KErrNone;
// End of file