* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declarations of the CMceSelectEmailDialog
#include <e32base.h>
#include <msvapi.h>
#include <MTMStore.h>
#include <TSendingCapabilities.h>
#include <e32hashtab.h>
* CMceSelectEmailDialog
class CMceSettingsEmailSel : public CBase, public MMsvSessionObserver
public: // constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CMceSettingsEmailSel* NewL();
// Destructor
// from MMsvSessionObserver
void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3 );
public: // Methods
IMPORT_C static TBool ShowSelectEmailDlgL( TMsvId& aSelectedService, TUid& aMtmType,
TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices );
protected: // Methods
private: // Methods
// Fetch all email mtms
void FilterEmailServicesL(
CDesCArrayFlat& aListItems,
CArrayFix<TUid>& aListItemUids );
// Constructor
TBool ShowSelectDlgL( TMsvId& aSelectedService,
TUid& aMtmType,
TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities );
// Load the resource for the dll module
void LoadResourceL();
// Unload the resource for the dll module
void UnLoadResource();
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
// validate capabilities
TBool QueryCapabilitiesAndValidateAccountL( TUid aMtmUid );
//Functions introduced for CMail changes
* Function to Append the Cmail Boxes to the mail list
void AppendCmailBoxesL(CArrayFix<TInt64 >* atimeItems, CMsvEntry* entry);
* Function to Add the mail Boxes other than default to the mail list
void AddOtherEmailBoxesL( CDesCArrayFlat& aListItems,
CArrayFix<TUid>& aListItemUids,
CMsvEntry* aEntry);
* Function to check if the email entry is healthy or not
* returns ETrue if healthy
TBool IsMailBoxHealthyL(TMsvEntry entry);
* Function to check if the entry is email entry or not
* returns ETrue if email
TBool IsEmailEntryL(TMsvEntry entry);
* Function to get and show all mailboxes with cmail also
TBool ShowCmailSelectDlgL( TMsvId& aSelectedService,
TUid& aMtmType,
CDesCArrayFlat* aListItems,
CArrayFix<TUid>* aListItemUids
* Function to check if the mail box entry is valid to be
* appended or not
* returns ETrue if appendable
TBool IsMailBoxAppendable(TMsvEntry aEntry , TUid* aUid);
* Function to check if the mail box entry is already added or not
* returns EFalse if already added
TBool IfMailBoxAlreadyAdded(CDesCArrayFlat& aListItems,
CDesCArrayFlat* aCmaillist,
TMsvEntry aTentry);
* Function to check if the mail box uid is already added or not
* returns EFalse if already added
TBool IfMailBoxUidAlreadyAdded(CArrayFix<TUid>* aListItemsUids,
TMsvEntry aTentry);
private: // Data
CMsvSession* iMsvSessionPtr;
CMtmStore* iMtmStore;
TInt iResourceOffset;
TSendingCapabilities iRequiredCapabilities;
//Variables introduced for CMail changes
* variable to know if CMail Feature is on or not
TBool iEmailFramework;
* Array to hold details of Cmail Mailboxes
CDesCArrayFlat* iCmaillistItems;
* Hash table to hold the mapping of cmail boxes with its position in TMsvEntry
RHashMap<TInt64, TInt >* iCmailBoxes;
* Array is used to map user selection to correct service in case of CMail
CArrayFix<TUid>* iCmaillistItemUids ;
* Variable to hold the default email box index
TInt iDefaultIndex ;
* Variable to hold the default email entry
TMsvEntry iTentryDef;
* Variable to hold the mtm pluginid in case of platform email application registered
TInt iMtmPluginID;