* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: MsgAttachmentUtils implementation
// ========== INCLUDE FILES ================================
#include <featmgr.h>
#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
#include <eikenv.h> // for CEikonEnv
#include <eikproc.h> // for CEikProcess
#include <gulicon.h>
#include <apparc.h> // for CApaApplication
#include <apgcli.h> // for RApaLsSession
#include <apacln.h> // for TApaDocCleanupItem
#include <txtetext.h> // for CPlainText
#include <gdi.h>
#include <bautils.h> // NearestLanguageFile
#include <avkon.rsg> // for R_QTN_SIZE_xx
#include <aknlayout.cdl.h> // LAF
#include <AknUtils.h>
#include <AknCommonDialogsDynMem.h>
#include <driveinfo.h>
#include <NpdApi.h> // Notepad API
#include <StringLoader.h> // StringLoader
#include <MGFetch.h> // for MediaGallery
#include <NewFileServiceClient.h>
#include <NewFileService.hrh>
#include <AiwCommon.h>
#include "MsgEditorCommon.h" // for KMsgEditorTempDir
#include "MsgAttachmentUtils.h"
#include "MsgEditorModelPanic.h" // Panics
#include <MsgEditorAppUi.rsg> // resouce identifiers
// ========== EXTERNAL DATA STRUCTURES =====================
// ========== EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES =================
// ========== CONSTANTS ====================================
const TInt KMsgAttaFileNameLength = 20;
_LIT( KTxtAttaFilenameExtension, ".txt" );
_LIT( KMsgEditorAppUiResourceFileName, "msgeditorappui.rsc" );
_LIT( KMsgEditorTempDir, ":\\system\\temp\\msgeditor_temp\\" );
const TInt KLocalKilo = 1024;
const TUid KUidCamcorder = { 0x101F857A };
const TUid KUidVoiceRec = { 0x100058CA };
//const TUid KUidCamera = { 0x1000593F };
// ========== MACROS =======================================
// ========== LOCAL CONSTANTS AND MACROS ===================
// ========== MODULE DATA STRUCTURES =======================
// ========== LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ====================
// ========== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ==============================
// ========== MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchFile
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchFileL (
TMsgAttachmentFetchType aType,
TFileName& aFileName,
TBool aCheckDiskSpace )
return FetchFileL( aType, aFileName, KNullUid, aCheckDiskSpace );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchFile
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchFileL (
TMsgAttachmentFetchType aType,
TFileName& aFileName,
const TUid& /*aAppUid*/,
TBool aCheckDiskSpace )
TBool result = EFalse;
CDesCArrayFlat* files = new ( ELeave ) CDesC16ArrayFlat( 1 );
CleanupStack::PushL( files );
result = FetchFileL( aType, aFileName, *files, aCheckDiskSpace, EFalse, NULL );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ); //files
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchFile
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchFileL (
TMsgAttachmentFetchType aType,
TFileName& aFileName,
CDesCArray& aSelectedFiles,
TBool aCheckDiskSpace,
TBool aMultiSelect,
MMGFetchVerifier* aVerifier )
TBool result = FetchFileL( aType, aSelectedFiles, NULL, aCheckDiskSpace, aMultiSelect, aVerifier );
if ( aSelectedFiles.MdcaCount() )
aFileName = aSelectedFiles.MdcaPoint( 0 );
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchFile
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchFileL (
TMsgAttachmentFetchType aType,
CDesCArray& aSelectedFiles,
CAiwGenericParamList* aParams,
TBool /*aCheckDiskSpace*/,
TBool aMultiSelect,
MMGFetchVerifier* aVerifier )
TBool result = EFalse;
switch ( aType )
case EImage:
result = FetchExistingL( EImageFile, aSelectedFiles, aMultiSelect, aVerifier );
case EAudio:
result = FetchExistingL( EAudioFile, aSelectedFiles, aMultiSelect, aVerifier );
case EVideo:
result = FetchExistingL( EVideoFile, aSelectedFiles, aMultiSelect, aVerifier );
case ENewAudio:
result = FetchNewL( ENewFileServiceAudio, aSelectedFiles, aParams, aMultiSelect );
case ENewImage:
result = FetchNewL( ENewFileServiceImage, aSelectedFiles, aParams, aMultiSelect );
case ENewVideo:
result = FetchNewL( ENewFileServiceVideo, aSelectedFiles, aParams, aMultiSelect );
case ENote:
result = FetchNoteL( aSelectedFiles );
case ESVG:
result = FetchExistingL( EPresentationsFile, aSelectedFiles, aMultiSelect, aVerifier );
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchExistingL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchExistingL( TMediaFileType aFileType,
CDesCArray& aSelectedFiles,
TBool aMultiSelect,
MMGFetchVerifier* aVerifier )
return MGFetch::RunL( aSelectedFiles, aFileType, aMultiSelect, aVerifier );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchNoteL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchNoteL( CDesCArray& aSelectedFiles )
TBool result = EFalse;
CEikonEnv* eikonEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
// get memo content from notepad to buffer.
HBufC* title = eikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_QTN_NMAKE_FETCH_MEMO_PRMPT );
HBufC* buf = CNotepadApi::FetchMemoL( title );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( title );
if ( buf )
CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
RFs& fs = eikonEnv->FsSession();
TFileName filename;
TInt max = KMsgAttaFileNameLength;
// first try to create filename from memo text.
MsgAttachmentUtils::GetFileNameFromBuffer (
filename, *buf, max, &KTxtAttaFilenameExtension );
if ( filename.Length() == 0 )
eikonEnv->ReadResourceL( filename, R_QTN_MMS_NO_NAME_FOR_FILE );
filename.Append( KTxtAttaFilenameExtension );
TFileName pathname;
GetMsgEditorTempPath( pathname, &filename );
// check the file name for validity and possible name duplicates.
TInt err = CApaApplication::GenerateFileName( fs, pathname );
if ( err == KErrNone )
// write buffer to text file (unicode).
CPlainText* text = CPlainText::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( text );
text->InsertL( 0, *buf );
text->ExportAsTextL( pathname, CPlainText::EOrganiseByParagraph, 0 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
aSelectedFiles.AppendL( pathname );
result = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchNewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchNewL( TNewServiceFileType aType,
CDesCArray& aSelectedFiles,
CAiwGenericParamList* aParams,
TBool aMultiSelect )
TBool result = EFalse;
CNewFileServiceClient* fileClient = NewFileServiceFactory::NewClientL();
CleanupStack::PushL( fileClient );
TUid appUid = KUidCamcorder;
switch ( aType )
case ENewFileServiceImage:
case ENewFileServiceVideo:
appUid = KUidCamcorder;
case ENewFileServiceAudio:
appUid = KUidVoiceRec;
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
result = fileClient->NewFileL(
aMultiSelect );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileClient ); // params
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchAnyFileL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool MsgAttachmentUtils::FetchAnyFileL( TFileName& aFileName,
CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv,
MAknFileSelectionObserver* aVerifier,
MAknFileFilter* aFilter )
TBool result( EFalse );
TInt resourceFileOffset( -1 );
if ( !aCoeEnv.IsResourceAvailableL( R_MEB_MEMORY_SELECTION_DIALOG ) )
TParse parse;
parse.Set( KMsgEditorAppUiResourceFileName, &KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR, NULL );
TFileName fileName( parse.FullName() );
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( aCoeEnv.FsSession(), fileName );
resourceFileOffset = aCoeEnv.AddResourceFileL( fileName );
TInt supportedTypes = AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypePhone |
AknCommonDialogsDynMem::EMemoryTypeInternalMassStorage |
result = AknCommonDialogsDynMem::RunSelectDlgLD( supportedTypes,
aVerifier );
if ( resourceFileOffset != -1 )
aCoeEnv.DeleteResourceFile( resourceFileOffset );
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::CombineIconsL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CFbsBitmap* MsgAttachmentUtils::CombineIconsL(
const CFbsBitmap* aFirstBmp,
const CFbsBitmap* aSecondBmp,
const CFbsBitmap* aSecondBmpMask )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aFirstBmp, Panic( ENullPointer ) );
// Resolve icon layout
TRect mainPane;
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPane );
TAknLayoutRect listPaneLayout;
AknLayout::list_gen_pane( 0 ) );
TAknLayoutRect doubleGraphicLayout;
AknLayout::list_double_large_graphic_pane_list_double2_large_graphic_pane_list_single_big_large_graphic_pane( 0 ) );
TAknLayoutRect iconLayout;
AknLayout::List_pane_elements__double_large_graphic__Line_8() );
TInt cleanupCount = 0;
TDisplayMode dispMode = aFirstBmp->DisplayMode();
if ( dispMode == EGray2 )
// Convert hard masks to soft masks:
CFbsBitmap* temp = InvertBitmapL( aFirstBmp );
CleanupStack::PushL( temp );
aFirstBmp = temp;
dispMode = EGray256;
// Create target bitmap, device and gc
CFbsBitmap* bmp = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
CleanupStack::PushL( bmp );
User::LeaveIfError( bmp->Create( iconLayout.Rect().Size(), dispMode ) );
CFbsBitmapDevice* pBmpDev = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( bmp );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // bmp
CleanupStack::PushL( pBmpDev );
CBitmapContext* pBmpCtx = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( pBmpDev->CreateBitmapContext( pBmpCtx ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( pBmpCtx );
// Clear the target bitmap.
// Black background for soft masks
pBmpCtx->SetBrushColor( ( dispMode == EGray256 )
? KRgbBlack
: KRgbWhite );
// First draw the source bitmap...
const TSize bmpSize1( aFirstBmp->SizeInPixels() );
const TPoint origin1(
( iconLayout.Rect().Width() - bmpSize1.iWidth ) / 2,
( iconLayout.Rect().Height() - bmpSize1.iHeight ) / 2 );
pBmpCtx->BitBlt( origin1, aFirstBmp );
if ( aSecondBmp )
if ( aSecondBmp->DisplayMode() == EGray2 )
// Convert hard masks to soft masks:
CFbsBitmap* temp = InvertBitmapL( aSecondBmp );
CleanupStack::PushL( temp );
aSecondBmp = temp;
// ...then draw the other bitmap on top.
const TSize bmpSize2( aSecondBmp->SizeInPixels() );
const TPoint origin2( 0, iconLayout.Rect().Height() - bmpSize2.iHeight );
if ( !aSecondBmpMask )
pBmpCtx->BitBlt( origin2, aSecondBmp );
TRect( bmpSize2 ),
ETrue );
// Cleanup.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // pBmpDev, pBmpCtx
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cleanupCount );
// Return the new bitmap.
return bmp;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::InvertBitmapL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CFbsBitmap* MsgAttachmentUtils::InvertBitmapL( const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap )
// Create target bitmap, device and gc
CFbsBitmap* bmp = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
CleanupStack::PushL( bmp );
User::LeaveIfError( bmp->Create( aBitmap->SizeInPixels(), aBitmap->DisplayMode() ) );
CFbsBitmapDevice* pBmpDev = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( bmp );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // bmp
CleanupStack::PushL( pBmpDev );
CBitmapContext* pBmpCtx = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( pBmpDev->CreateBitmapContext( pBmpCtx ) );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // pBmpDev
// Set drawing mode to "NOTPEN" -> bitmap will be inverted
pBmpCtx->SetDrawMode( CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeNOTPEN );
pBmpCtx->BitBlt( TPoint( 0, 0 ), aBitmap );
// Cleanup.
delete pBmpCtx;
delete pBmpDev;
// Return the new bitmap.
return bmp;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::FileSizeToStringL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void MsgAttachmentUtils::FileSizeToStringL(
TDes& aTarget, TInt aFileSize, TBool aKilobytesMinimum /*= EFalse*/ )
TInt fileSize = aFileSize;
TInt resId = R_QTN_SIZE_B;
if ( aKilobytesMinimum || aFileSize >= KLocalKilo )
resId = R_QTN_SIZE_KB;
fileSize /= KLocalKilo;
if ( aFileSize % KLocalKilo )
HBufC *buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( resId, fileSize );
aTarget.Append( *buf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
// from: TBool CImRecvConvert::IsIllegalChar(const TUint aChar)
LOCAL_C TBool IsIllegalChar(const TUint aChar)
return (
aChar == '*' ||
aChar == '\\' ||
aChar == '<' ||
aChar == '>' ||
aChar == ':' ||
aChar == '.' ||
aChar == '"' ||
aChar == '/' ||
aChar == '|' ||
aChar == '?' ||
aChar == CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter ||
aChar == CEditableText::ELineBreak ||
aChar < ' ' );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::GetFileNameFromBuffer
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void MsgAttachmentUtils::GetFileNameFromBuffer(
TFileName& aFileName,
const TDesC& aBuffer,
TInt aMaxLength,
const TDesC* aExt /*= NULL*/ )
if ( aExt != NULL )
aMaxLength -= aExt->Length();
TInt len = aBuffer.Length();
TInt max = Min( len, aMaxLength );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( max > 0, Panic( EMsgZeroLength ) );
TInt cc = 0;
TUint ch;
TUint ch1 = 0;
TBool spaces = EFalse;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < len && cc < max; i++ )
ch = aBuffer[i];
// ignore spaces from beginning of the buffer until first
// non-space is encountered.
if ( !spaces && ch != ' ' )
spaces = ETrue;
if ( i > 0 )
ch1 = aBuffer[i - 1];
// strip illegal chars away.
// checks also if previous and current chars are '.'
if ( spaces && ! IsIllegalChar( ch ) )
if ( !( i > 0 && ch == '.' && ch1 == '.' ) )
aFileName.Append( ch );
// If filename is empty at this point, do not append extension either.
// Instead, empty filename is returned so that caller can use whatever
// default s/he has for it.
if ( aFileName.Length() > 0 && aExt != NULL )
aFileName.Append( *aExt );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MsgAttachmentUtils::GetMsgEditorTempPath
// Returns temp path used by msg editors and optionally
// appends file name to it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void MsgAttachmentUtils::GetMsgEditorTempPath(
TFileName& aTempPath,
const TDesC* aFileName /*= NULL*/ )
TInt driveNumber( EDriveD );
if ( DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( DriveInfo::EDefaultRam, driveNumber ) != KErrNone )
DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( DriveInfo::EDefaultPhoneMemory, driveNumber );
TChar driveCharacter;
CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession().DriveToChar( driveNumber, driveCharacter );
aTempPath.Append( driveCharacter );
aTempPath.Append( KMsgEditorTempDir );
if ( aFileName )
aTempPath.Append( *aFileName );
// End of File