changeset 25 14979e23cb5e
equal deleted inserted replaced
24:26a1709b9fec 25:14979e23cb5e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Playback Data provider for playback view.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <QIcon>
    19 #include <QString>
    20 #include <QPixmap>
    21 #include <QPainter>
    22 #include <hbicon.h>
    23 #include <thumbnailmanager_qt.h>
    25 #include "mpplaybackdata.h"
    26 #include "mptrace.h"
    28 const int KUndefined = -1;
    30 /*!
    31     \class MpPlaybackData
    32     \brief Music Player playback data.
    34     Playback data provides access to current playing song data, and playback
    35     properties, it is designed as an interface between the playback wrapper
    36     and the UI, it also provides album art extraction.
    37 */
    39 /*!
    40     \fn void durationChanged()
    42     This signal is emitted when duration changes.
    43  */
    45 /*!
    46     \fn void positionChanged()
    48     This signal is emitted when position changes.
    49  */
    51 /*!
    52     \fn void albumArtReady()
    54     This signal is emitted when album art is ready.
    55  */
    57 /*!
    58     \fn void playbackStateChanged()
    60     This signal is emitted when there is a *transition* on the playback state,
    61     this is based on a simple state.
    62  */
    64 /*!
    65     \fn void playbackInfoChanged()
    67     This signal is emitted when playback info changes. This includes:
    68     title, artist and album name.
    69  */
    71 /*!
    72     \fn void fileCorrupted()
    74     This signal is emitted when a file is found corrupted.  Call by 
    75     PlayBackWrapper.  
    76  */
    80 /*!
    81     Constructs a new MpPlaybackData.
    82  */
    83 MpPlaybackData::MpPlaybackData( QObject *parent )
    84     : QObject( parent ),
    85       mThumbnailManager( new ThumbnailManager( this ) ),
    86       mReqId( KUndefined ),
    87       mDuration(0),
    88       mPosition(0),
    89       mAlbumId(0),
    90       mId(0),
    91       mAlbumArt( "qtg_large_album_art" ),
    92       mPlaybackState( NotPlaying ),
    93       mRealAudio( false )
    94 {
    95     TX_ENTRY
    96     mThumbnailManager->setQualityPreference( ThumbnailManager::OptimizeForQuality );
    97     mThumbnailManager->setThumbnailSize( ThumbnailManager::ThumbnailLarge );
    98     connect( mThumbnailManager, SIGNAL( thumbnailReady(QPixmap, void *, int, int ) ),
    99              this, SLOT(thumbnailReady( QPixmap, void *, int, int ) ) );
   100     TX_EXIT
   101 }
   103 /*!
   104  Constructs a new MpPlaybackData.
   105  */
   106 MpPlaybackData::~MpPlaybackData()
   107 {
   108     TX_ENTRY
   109     delete mThumbnailManager;
   110     TX_EXIT
   111 }
   113 /*!
   114  Sets the song \a duration.
   115 */
   116 void MpPlaybackData::setDuration( int duration )
   117 {
   118     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "duration = " << duration )
   119     mDuration = duration;
   120     emit durationChanged();
   121     TX_EXIT
   122 }
   124 /*!
   125  Returns the song duration.
   126 */
   127 int MpPlaybackData::duration() const
   128 {
   129     TX_LOG_ARGS( "mDuration = " << mDuration )
   130     return mDuration;
   131 }
   133 /*!
   134  Sets the song \a position.
   135 */
   136 void MpPlaybackData::setPosition( int position )
   137 {
   138     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "position = " << position )
   139     mPosition = position;
   140     emit positionChanged();
   141     TX_EXIT
   142 }
   144 /*!
   145  Returns the song position.
   146 */
   147 int MpPlaybackData::position() const
   148 {
   149     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "mPosition = " << mPosition )
   150     return mPosition;
   151 }
   153 /*!
   154  Sets the song \a title, returns true if the value is new.
   155 */
   156 bool MpPlaybackData::setTitle( const QString& title )
   157 {
   158     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "title = " << title )
   159     bool change = false;
   160     if ( title != mTitle ) {
   161         change = true;
   162         mTitle = title;
   163     }
   164     TX_EXIT
   165     return change;
   166 }
   168 /*!
   169  Returns the song title.
   170 */
   171 const QString& MpPlaybackData::title() const
   172 {
   173     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "mTitle = " << mTitle )
   174     return mTitle;
   175 }
   177 /*!
   178  Sets the song \a artist, returns true if the value is new.
   179 */
   180 bool MpPlaybackData::setArtist( const QString& artist )
   181 {
   182     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "artist = " << artist )
   183     bool change = false;
   184     // data is different or mArtist was not set before or it was reset.
   185     if ( artist != mArtist || mArtist.isNull()) {
   186         change = true;
   187         mArtist = artist;
   188     }
   189     TX_EXIT
   190     return change;
   191 }
   193 /*!
   194  Returns the song artist.
   195 */
   196 const QString& MpPlaybackData::artist() const
   197 {
   198     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "mArtist = " << mArtist )
   199     return mArtist;
   200 }
   202 /*!
   203  Sets the song \a album, returns true if the value is new.
   204 */
   205 bool MpPlaybackData::setAlbum( const QString& album )
   206 {
   207     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "album = " << album )
   208     bool change = false;
   209     // data is different or mAlbum was not set before or it was reset.
   210     if ( album != mAlbum || mAlbum.isNull() ) {
   211         change = true;
   212         mAlbum = album;
   213     }
   214     TX_EXIT
   215     return change;
   216 }
   218 /*!
   219  Returns the song album.
   220 */
   221 const QString& MpPlaybackData::album() const
   222 {
   223     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "mAlbum = " << mAlbum )
   224     return mAlbum;
   225 }
   227 /*!
   228  Sets the song \a uri, returns true if the value is new.
   229 */
   230 bool MpPlaybackData::setUri( const QString& uri )
   231 {
   232     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "uri = " << uri )
   233     bool change = false;
   234     if ( uri != mUri ) {
   235         change = true;
   236         mUri = uri;
   237     }
   238     TX_EXIT
   239     return change;
   240 }
   242 /*!
   243  Returns the song uri.
   244 */
   245 const QString& MpPlaybackData::uri() const
   246 {
   247     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "mUri = " << mUri )
   248     return mUri;
   249 }
   251 /*!
   252  Sets the song \a albumArtUri.
   253 */
   254 void MpPlaybackData::setAlbumArtUri( const QString& albumArtUri )
   255 {
   256     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "albumArtUri = " << albumArtUri )
   257     if ( !albumArtUri.isEmpty() ) {
   258         bool ok = true;
   259         if ( mReqId != KUndefined ) {
   260             // There is already an outstanding request. Cancel it first.
   261             bool ok = mThumbnailManager->cancelRequest(mReqId);
   262         }
   263         if ( ok ) {
   264             mReqId = mThumbnailManager->getThumbnail( albumArtUri );
   265             if ( mReqId == KUndefined ) {
   266                 // Request failed. clear the icon.
   267                 mAlbumArt.clear();
   268                 emit albumArtReady();
   269             }
   270         }
   271     }
   272     else {
   273         // No album art uri. clear the icon.
   274         mAlbumArt.clear();
   275         emit albumArtReady();
   276     }
   277     TX_EXIT
   278 }
   280 /*!
   281  Returns the song album art on \a icon.
   282 */
   283 void MpPlaybackData::albumArt( HbIcon& icon ) const
   284 {
   285     TX_ENTRY
   286     icon = mAlbumArt ;
   287     TX_EXIT
   288 }
   290 /*!
   291  Sets the song's album \a id, returns true if the value is new.
   292 */
   293 bool MpPlaybackData::setAlbumId( int id )
   294 {
   295     bool change = false;
   296     if (mAlbumId != id) {
   297         mAlbumId = id;
   298         change = true;
   299     }
   300     return change;
   301 }
   303 /*!
   304  Returns the id of the album to which the song belongs.
   305 */
   306 int MpPlaybackData::albumId()
   307 {
   308     return mAlbumId;
   309 }
   311 /*!
   312  Sets the song's \a id, returns true if the value is new.
   313 */
   314 bool MpPlaybackData::setId( int id )
   315 {
   316     bool change = false;
   317     if (mId != id) {
   318         mId = id;
   319         change = true;
   320     }
   321     return change;
   322 }
   324 /*!
   325  Returns the id the song.
   326 */
   327 int MpPlaybackData::id()
   328 {
   329     return mId;
   330 }
   331 /*!
   332 Set Real Audio \a mode.
   333 */
   334 bool MpPlaybackData::setRealAudio( bool mode )
   335 {
   336     TX_ENTRY
   337     bool change = false;
   338     if (mRealAudio != mode) {
   339         mRealAudio = mode;
   340         change = true;
   341     }
   342     TX_EXIT
   343     return change;
   344 }
   346 /*!
   347  Returns the mode of Real Audio.
   348 */
   349 bool MpPlaybackData::realAudio()
   350 {
   351     return mRealAudio;
   352 }
   354 /*!
   355  Sets the playback \a state.
   356 */
   357 void MpPlaybackData::setPlaybackState( const SimplifiedState state )
   358 {
   359     TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "state = " << state )
   360     if ( state != mPlaybackState ) {
   361         mPlaybackState = state;
   362         emit playbackStateChanged();
   363     }
   364     TX_EXIT
   365 }
   367 /*!
   368  Returns the playback state.
   369 */
   370 MpPlaybackData::SimplifiedState MpPlaybackData::playbackState() const
   371 {
   372     TX_LOG_ARGS( "mPlaybackState = " << mPlaybackState )
   373     return mPlaybackState;
   374 }
   376 /*!
   378 */
   379 void MpPlaybackData::commitPlaybackInfo()
   380 {
   381     TX_ENTRY
   382     emit playbackInfoChanged();
   383     TX_EXIT
   384 }
   386 /*!
   387  Resets the data, currently called when source is removed.
   388 */
   389 void MpPlaybackData::resetData()
   390 {
   391     mDuration = 0;
   392     mPosition = 0;
   393     mTitle = QString();
   394     mAlbum = QString();
   395     mArtist = QString();
   396     mUri = QString();
   397     mAlbumId = 0;
   398     mId = 0;
   399     mAlbumArt.clear();
   400     mRealAudio = false;
   402     emit durationChanged();
   403     emit positionChanged();
   404     emit albumArtReady();
   405     emit playbackInfoChanged();
   406 }
   408 /*!
   409  Emit fileCorrupted(id) signal when a file with id is corrupted
   410 */
   411 void MpPlaybackData::setCorrupted( int id )
   412 {
   413    emit fileCorrupted( id );
   414 }
   416 /*!
   417  Slot to handle the album art thumb.
   418 */
   419 void MpPlaybackData::thumbnailReady(
   420     const QPixmap& pixmap, void *data, int id, int error )
   421 {
   422     TX_LOG_ARGS( "error = " << error << ", id = " << id )
   423     Q_UNUSED(data);
   424     if ( error == 0 && mReqId == id ) {
   425         mAlbumArt = HbIcon(QIcon( pixmap ));      
   426     }
   427     else {
   428         mReqId = KUndefined;
   429         mAlbumArt.clear();
   430     }
   431     emit albumArtReady();
   432     TX_EXIT
   433 }