changeset 25 14979e23cb5e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mpdata/src/mpsongdata_p.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:12:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Metadata of song for details view - private implementation.
+#include <QString>
+#include <QPixmap>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QBuffer>
+#include <QPixmap>
+#include <QTime>
+#include <QIcon>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QRegExp>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QDateTime>
+#include <QDate>
+#include <HbExtendedLocale>
+#include <hbi18ndef.h>
+#include <HbStringUtil>
+#include <hbicon.h>
+#include <mpxmedia.h>
+#include <mpxmediacontainerdefs.h>
+#include <mpxmediaarray.h>
+#include <mpxmediageneraldefs.h>
+#include <mpxmediamusicdefs.h>
+#include <mpxmediaaudiodefs.h>
+#include <mpxmediadrmdefs.h>
+#include <thumbnailmanager_qt.h>
+#include "mpsongdata_p.h"
+#include "mptrace.h"
+const int KUndefined = -1;
+    \class MpSongDataPrivate
+    \brief Music Player song metadata - private implementation.
+    Song data provide access to song metadata.
+    Constructs a new MpSongDataPrivate.
+ */
+MpSongDataPrivate::MpSongDataPrivate( MpSongData *wrapper, ThumbnailManager *thumbnailManager )
+    : q_ptr( wrapper ),
+      mThumbnailManager(thumbnailManager),
+      mReqId( KUndefined ),
+      mAlbumArt()
+    mDefaultAlbumArt = new HbIcon( "qtg_large_album_art" );
+    TX_EXIT
+ Constructs a new MpSongDataPrivate.
+ */
+    removeAlbumArtFile(); // TODO Remove when base64 is working
+    TX_EXIT
+ Returns the song title.
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::title() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mTitle;
+ Returns the song album.
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::album() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mAlbum;
+ Returns the song artist.
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::artist() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mArtist;
+ Returns the comment.
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::comment() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mComment;
+ Returns the song album art on \a icon.
+ */
+void MpSongDataPrivate::albumArt( HbIcon& icon ) const
+     if (  !mAlbumArt || mAlbumArt->isNull() ) {
+         TX_LOG_ARGS( "Album art is NULL." );
+         icon = HbIcon();
+     } else {
+         TX_LOG_ARGS( "Album art is not NULL." );
+         icon = *mAlbumArt ;
+     }
+    TX_EXIT
+ Returns the release date.
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::year() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mYear;
+ Returns the song genre.
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::genre() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mGenre;
+ Returns the song composer.
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::composer() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mComposer;
+ Returns the album track.
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::albumTrack() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mAlbumTrack;
+ Returns link
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::link() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mLink;
+ Returns the file name
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::fileName() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mFileName;
+ Returns the MIME type
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::mimeType() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mMimeType;
+ Returns the duration
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::duration() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mDuration;
+ Returns the bit rate
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::bitRate() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mBitRate;
+ Returns the sampling rate
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::sampleRate() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mSampleRate;
+ Returns the size
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::size() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mSize;
+ Returns the modified time
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::modified() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mModified;
+ Returns the copyright
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::copyright() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mCopyright;
+ Returns the music URL
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::musicURL() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mMusicURL;
+ Returns whether the song is protected
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::isDrmProtected() const
+    TX_LOG
+    return mDrmProtected;
+ Retrieve the album art in base64 encoding suitable for inline HTML display for sharing player.
+ */
+QString MpSongDataPrivate::albumArtBase64() const
+    /*
+    // Converts the current album art icon to a base64 string, and return the string.
+    TX_LOG
+    if ( mAlbumArt->isNull() ) {
+        TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "MpSongDataPrivate: album art isNull" )
+        return "nullimgcraptoberemoved";
+    }
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS("MpSongDataPrivate: album art exists");
+    QByteArray array;
+    QBuffer buffer( &array );
+ QIODevice::WriteOnly );
+    mAlbumArt->pixmap().save( &buffer, "PNG" ); // writes pixmap into bytes in PNG format
+    buffer.close();
+    QString result = array.toBase64().constData();
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS("MpSongDataPrivate: album art base64 length: " << result.length());
+    return result;
+    */
+    // TODO: this is temporary solution until base64 defect in QT is fixed.
+    TX_LOG
+    QByteArray array;
+    // Remove old album art in case new one cannot be written.
+    removeAlbumArtFile();
+    QString sTimeStamp = QTime::currentTime().toString( "hhmmsszzz" );
+    QString sTempFileLocation = QString( "e:\\album_art_%1.png" ).arg( sTimeStamp );
+    ( ( MpSongDataPrivate* ) this )->mTempAlbumArt = sTempFileLocation;
+    TX_LOG_ARGS( "Create album art file " << mTempAlbumArt );
+    QFile file( mTempAlbumArt );
+    if ( ! QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) {
+        return QString("");
+    }
+    if ( mAlbumArt && !mAlbumArt->isNull() && !mAlbumArt->qicon().isNull() )
+    {
+        QPixmap p = mAlbumArt->qicon().pixmap( QSize( 74, 74 ), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off );
+ &file, "PNG" );
+        //mAlbumArt->pixmap().save( &file, "PNG" ); // writes pixmap into bytes in PNG format
+    }
+    file.close();
+    return mTempAlbumArt;
+ Delete temporary album art file.
+ */
+void MpSongDataPrivate::removeAlbumArtFile() const
+    if ( !mTempAlbumArt.isEmpty() )
+    {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS( "Remove album art file " << mTempAlbumArt );
+        QFile::remove( mTempAlbumArt );
+        ( ( MpSongDataPrivate* ) this )->mTempAlbumArt = "";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS( "Album art filename is empty" );
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+ Sets the \a link
+ */
+void MpSongDataPrivate::setLink( const QString &link )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Link =" << link )
+    mLink = link;
+    TX_EXIT
+ \internal
+ New data from MPX collection.
+ */
+void MpSongDataPrivate::setMpxMedia( const CMPXMedia& aMedia )
+    TRAPD(err, DoSetMpxMediaL(aMedia));
+    if ( err != KErrNone ) {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("Error: " << err << "; should never get here.");
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+ Returns the reserved length.
+ */
+int MpSongDataPrivate::reservedLength() const
+    return mLink.length() + mTitle.length() + mArtist.length();
+ Handles the album art thumbnail.
+ */
+void MpSongDataPrivate::thumbnailReady( QPixmap pixmap, void *data, int id, int error )
+    Q_UNUSED( data );
+    if ( error == 0 && mReqId == id ) {
+        QIcon qicon;
+        QPixmap mCompositePixmap;
+        mReqId = KUndefined;
+        mCompositePixmap = QPixmap( 360, 360 );
+        mCompositePixmap.fill( Qt::transparent );
+        QPainter painter(&mCompositePixmap);
+        painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Clear);
+        painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver);
+        painter.fillRect(mCompositePixmap.rect(), Qt::transparent);
+        painter.drawPixmap(QRect(0, 0,360,360), pixmap);
+        if ( !mCompositePixmap.isNull() ) {
+            qicon = QIcon( mCompositePixmap );
+        }
+        else {
+            qicon = QIcon( pixmap );
+        }
+        if ( mAlbumArt == mDefaultAlbumArt ) {
+            TX_LOG_ARGS( "Album art is default album art." )
+            delete mAlbumArt;
+            mAlbumArt = new HbIcon(qicon);
+            mDefaultAlbumArt = new HbIcon( "qtg_large_album_art" );
+        } else {
+            TX_LOG_ARGS( "Album art is NOT default album art." )
+            delete mAlbumArt;
+            mAlbumArt = new HbIcon(qicon);
+        }
+        emit q_ptr->albumArtReady();
+    }
+    else {
+        mReqId = KUndefined;
+        mAlbumArt = mDefaultAlbumArt;
+        emit q_ptr->albumArtReady();
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+ \internal
+ */
+void MpSongDataPrivate::DoSetMpxMediaL( const CMPXMedia& aMedia )
+    bool changed = false;
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( KMPXMediaGeneralTitle ) ) {
+        changed |= setTitle(
+            QString::fromUtf16(
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralTitle ).Ptr(),
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralTitle ).Length() ) );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setTitle( QString() );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( KMPXMediaMusicArtist ) ) {
+        changed |= setArtist(
+            QString::fromUtf16(
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicArtist ).Ptr(),
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicArtist ).Length() ) );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setArtist( QString() );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( KMPXMediaMusicAlbum ) ) {
+        changed |= setAlbum(
+            QString::fromUtf16(
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicAlbum ).Ptr(),
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicAlbum ).Length() ) );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setAlbum( QString() );
+    }
+    if ( changed ) {
+        emit q_ptr->playbackInfoChanged();
+    }
+    // call back will be called when Album art is retrieved
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaMusicAlbumArtFileName ) ) ) {
+        setAlbumArtUri(
+                QString::fromUtf16(
+                        aMedia.ValueText(KMPXMediaMusicAlbumArtFileName).Ptr(),
+                        aMedia.ValueText(KMPXMediaMusicAlbumArtFileName).Length() ) );
+    } else {
+        setAlbumArtUri( QString() );
+    }
+    // all following will be for song details
+    changed = false;
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaGeneralUri ) ) ) {
+        QString fullName = QString::fromUtf16(
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralUri ).Ptr(),
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralUri ).Length() );
+        TX_LOG_ARGS( "File name with path: " << fullName );
+        // get size & last modifed information from file system
+        QFileInfo info( fullName );
+        changed |= setSize( info.size() );
+        // Localization of timestamp is somewhat complex operation:
+        // 1. Localize the date and time parts separately
+        // 2. Concatenate the resulting localized strings
+        // 3. Finally, convert all of the digits in resulting single string
+        //    to their localized versions (not all scripts have same numerals
+        //    as latin/arabic)
+        QDateTime lastModified = info.lastModified();
+        QDate date( );
+        QTime time( lastModified.time() );
+        HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+        QString dateStr = locale.format( date, r_qtn_date_usual_with_zero );
+        QString timeStr = locale.format( time, r_qtn_time_long_with_zero );
+        QString timestampStr( dateStr + " " + timeStr );
+        TX_LOG_ARGS( "Timestamp before corrections: " << timestampStr );
+        QString convertedTimestampStr( HbStringUtil::convertDigits(timestampStr) );
+        changed |= setModified( convertedTimestampStr );
+        // get file name without suffix
+        QString file;
+        QRegExp rx("(.+)\\..+");
+        QString str = info.fileName();
+        TX_LOG_ARGS( "File name with suffix = " << str );
+        int pos = rx.indexIn( str );
+        if( pos > -1 ) {
+            file = rx.cap( 1 );
+            TX_LOG_ARGS( "File = " << file );
+        }
+        changed |= setFileName( file );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setFileName( QString() );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaMusicComposer ) ) ) {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS( "Composer is supported " );
+        changed |= setComposer(
+            QString::fromUtf16(
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicComposer ).Ptr(),
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicComposer ).Length() ) );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setComposer( QString() );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaMusicYear ) ) ) {
+        TInt64 yearInMicroSeconds = aMedia.ValueTObjectL<TInt64>( KMPXMediaMusicYear );
+        TX_LOG_ARGS( "year = " << yearInMicroSeconds );
+        TTime yearTime( yearInMicroSeconds );
+        changed |= setYear( yearTime.DateTime().Year() );
+    } else {
+        // to clear previous result
+        changed |= setYear( -1 );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaMusicAlbumTrack ) ) ) {
+        changed |= setAlbumTrack(
+            QString::fromUtf16(
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicAlbumTrack ).Ptr(),
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicAlbumTrack ).Length() ) );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setAlbumTrack( QString() );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaMusicGenre ) ) ) {
+        changed |= setGenre(
+            QString::fromUtf16(
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicGenre ).Ptr(),
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicGenre ).Length() ) );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setGenre( QString() );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaGeneralMimeType ) ) ) {
+        QString type = QString::fromUtf16(
+                            aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralMimeType ).Ptr(),
+                            aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralMimeType ).Length() );
+        QString regularExpression(".+/(.+)");
+        QRegExp rx(regularExpression);
+        QString mimeType;
+        int pos = rx.indexIn( type );
+        if( pos > -1 ) {
+            mimeType = rx.cap( 1 );
+            mimeType = mimeType.toUpper();
+            TX_LOG_ARGS( "MIME type =" << mimeType );
+        }
+        changed |= setMimeType( mimeType );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setMimeType( QString() );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaGeneralDuration ) ) ) {
+        TInt duration( aMedia.ValueTObjectL<TInt>( KMPXMediaGeneralDuration ) );
+        changed |= setDuration( duration / 1000 );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setDuration( -1 );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaAudioBitrate  ) ) ) {
+        TInt bitRate( aMedia.ValueTObjectL<TInt>( KMPXMediaAudioBitrate ) );
+        changed |= setBitRate( bitRate );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setBitRate( -1 );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaAudioSamplerate  ) ) ) {
+        TInt sampleRate( aMedia.ValueTObjectL<TInt>( KMPXMediaAudioSamplerate ) );
+        changed |= setSampleRate( sampleRate );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setSampleRate( -1 );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaGeneralCopyright ) ) ) {
+        changed |= setCopyright(
+            QString::fromUtf16(
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralCopyright ).Ptr(),
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaGeneralCopyright ).Length() ) );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setCopyright( QString() );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaMusicURL ) ) ) {
+        changed |= setMusicURL(
+            QString::fromUtf16(
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicURL ).Ptr(),
+                aMedia.ValueText( KMPXMediaMusicURL ).Length() ) );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setMusicURL( QString() );
+    }
+    if ( aMedia.IsSupported( TMPXAttribute( KMPXMediaDrmProtected ) ) ) {
+    TX_LOG_ARGS( "DRM is supported." );
+        changed |= setDrmProtected( aMedia.ValueTObjectL<TBool>( KMPXMediaDrmProtected ) );
+    } else {
+        changed |= setDrmProtected( false );
+    }
+    if ( changed ) {
+        emit q_ptr->songDetailInfoChanged();
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+ Sets the song \a title, returns true if the value is new.
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setTitle( const QString &title )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "title =" << title )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( title != mTitle ) {
+        change = true;
+        mTitle = title;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the song \a album, returns true if the value is new.
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setAlbum( const QString &album )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "album =" << album )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( album != mAlbum ) {
+        change = true;
+        mAlbum = album;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the song \a artist, returns true if the value is new.
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setArtist( const QString &artist )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "artist =" << artist )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( artist != mArtist ) {
+        change = true;
+        mArtist = artist;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the song \a comment, returns true if the value is new.
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setComment( const QString &comment)
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "comment =" << comment )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( comment != mComment ) {
+        change = true;
+        mComment = comment;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the song \a composer, returns true if the value is new.
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setComposer( const QString &composer )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "composer =" << composer )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( composer != mComposer ) {
+        change = true;
+        mComposer = composer;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the song \a genre, returns true if the value is new.
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setGenre( const QString &genre )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "genre =" << genre )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( genre != mGenre ) {
+        change = true;
+        mGenre = genre;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the song \a date, returns true if the value is new.
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setYear( int year )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "year =" << year )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( QString::number(year) != mYear ) {
+        change = true;
+        if ( year >= 0 && year < 9999 ) {
+            mYear = QString::number(year);
+        } else {
+            mYear = QString();
+        }
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the \a album track, returns true if the value is new.
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setAlbumTrack( const QString &track )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "track =" << track )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( track != mAlbumTrack ) {
+        change = true;
+        mAlbumTrack = track;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the song \a albumArtUri.
+ */
+void MpSongDataPrivate::setAlbumArtUri( const QString &albumArtUri)
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "albumArtUri = " << albumArtUri )
+    if ( !albumArtUri.isEmpty() ) {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS( "There is album art" );
+        bool ok = true;
+        if ( mReqId != KUndefined ) {
+            // There is already an outstanding request. Cancel it first.
+            bool ok = mThumbnailManager->cancelRequest( mReqId );
+        }
+        if ( ok ) {
+            mReqId = mThumbnailManager->getThumbnail( albumArtUri );
+            if ( mReqId == KUndefined ) {
+                // Request failed. Set default album art.
+                mAlbumArt = mDefaultAlbumArt;
+                emit q_ptr->albumArtReady();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        // No album art uri. Set default album art.
+        TX_LOG_ARGS( "There is No album art" );
+        mAlbumArt = mDefaultAlbumArt;
+        emit q_ptr->albumArtReady();
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+ Sets the \a file name
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setFileName( const QString &fileName )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "File name =" << fileName )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( fileName != mFileName ) {
+        change = true;
+        mFileName = fileName;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the \a MIME type
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setMimeType( const QString &mimeType )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Mime =" << mimeType )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( mimeType != mMimeType ) {
+        change = true;
+        mMimeType = mimeType;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the \a duration
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setDuration( int duration )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Duration =" << duration )
+    bool change = false;
+    QString timeFormatOne("%1:%2:%3");
+    QString timeFormatTwo("%1:%2");
+    if ( QString::number( duration ) != mDuration ) {
+        change = true;
+        if ( duration >= 3600 ) {
+            // more than one hours
+            QString hourStr, minStr, secStr;
+            int hour = duration / 3600;
+            int min = duration % 3600 / 60;
+            int sec = duration % 3600 % 60;
+            hourStr = hour >= 10 ? QString::number( hour ) : QString::number( hour ).prepend( "0" );
+            minStr = min >= 10 ? QString::number( min ) : QString::number( min ).prepend( "0" );
+            secStr = sec >= 10 ? QString::number( sec ) : QString::number( sec ).prepend( "0" );
+            mDuration = timeFormatOne.arg( hourStr ).arg( minStr ).arg( secStr );
+        } else if ( duration >= 60 && duration < 3600 ) {
+            // more than one min && less than one hour
+            QString minStr, secStr;
+            int min = duration / 60;
+            int sec = duration % 60;
+            minStr = min >= 10 ? QString::number( min ) : QString::number( min ).prepend( "0" );
+            secStr = sec >= 10 ? QString::number( sec ) : QString::number( sec ).prepend( "0" );
+            mDuration = timeFormatTwo.arg( minStr ).arg( secStr );
+        } else if ( duration > 0 && duration < 60 ) {
+            QString secStr;
+            secStr = duration >= 10 ? QString::number( duration ) : QString::number( duration ).prepend( "0" );
+            mDuration = secStr;
+        } else {
+            mDuration = QString();
+        }
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets bit rate
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setBitRate( int bitRate)
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Bit rate =" << bitRate )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( QString::number( bitRate ) != mBitRate ) {
+        change = true;
+        if ( bitRate > 0 ) {
+            mBitRate = QString::number( bitRate / 1000 );
+        } else {
+            mBitRate = QString();
+        }
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets sample rate
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setSampleRate( int sampleRate )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Sample rate =" << sampleRate )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( QString::number( sampleRate ) != mSampleRate ) {
+        change = true;
+        if ( sampleRate > 0 ) {
+            mSampleRate = QString::number( sampleRate );
+        } else {
+            mSampleRate = QString();
+        }
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the \a size
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setSize( int size )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Size =" << size )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( QString::number( size ) != mSize ) {
+        change = true;
+        mSize = QString::number( size ); // in bytes
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the \a modification information
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setModified( const QString &modified )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Modified =" << modified )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( modified != mModified ) {
+        change = true;
+        mModified = modified;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the \a copyright information
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setCopyright( const QString &copyright )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Copyright =" << copyright )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( copyright != mCopyright ) {
+        change = true;
+        mCopyright = copyright;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Sets the \a music URL
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setMusicURL( const QString &musicURL )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "Music URL =" << musicURL )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( musicURL != mMusicURL ) {
+        change = true;
+        // Make sure URL contains the correct protocol definition (HTTP).
+        if ( (musicURL.length() > 0) &&
+             (musicURL.indexOf( "://", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == -1) ) {
+            mMusicURL = "http://" + musicURL;
+            TX_LOG_ARGS("Changed music url to " << mMusicURL);
+        }
+		else {
+            mMusicURL = musicURL;
+            TX_LOG_ARGS("Music url unchanged: " << mMusicURL);
+        }
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;
+ Set whether the song is DRM protected
+ */
+bool MpSongDataPrivate::setDrmProtected( bool drmProtected )
+    TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "DRM protected =" << drmProtected )
+    bool change = false;
+    if ( drmProtected != mDrmProtected ) {
+        change = true;
+        mDrmProtected = drmProtected;
+    }
+    TX_EXIT
+    return change;