changeset 25 14979e23cb5e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/musicwidgetplugin/src/musicwidget.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:12:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Music player home screen widget
+#include "musicwidget.h"
+#include <QtGui>
+#include <hbpushbutton.h>
+#include <hblabel.h>
+#include <hbicon.h>
+#include <hbmarqueeitem.h>
+#include <hbanchorlayout.h>
+#include <hbwidget.h>
+#include <hbframeitem.h>
+#include <hbframedrawer.h>
+#include <hbcolorscheme.h>
+#include "musicwidgetdocumentloader.h"
+#include "mptrace.h"
+#include "mpenginefactory.h"
+#include "mpalbumcoverwidget.h"
+// Constants
+/** Docml */
+const QString MUSIC_WIDGET_DOCML = ":/gfx/music_widget.docml";
+/** File name suffix lists for push buttons */
+const QStringList PREV_BUTTON_SUFFIXES = (QStringList() << "_l" << "_c" << "_cr");
+const QStringList PLAY_BUTTON_SUFFIXES = (QStringList() << "_cl" << "_c" << "_cr");
+const QStringList NEXT_BUTTON_SUFFIXES = (QStringList() << "_cl" << "_c" << "_r");
+/**  Prefixes for 3 piece button background graphics */
+const QLatin1String PUSH_BUTTON_NORMAL("qtg_fr_hsbutton_normal");
+const QLatin1String PUSH_BUTTON_PRESSED ("qtg_fr_hsbutton_pressed");
+const QLatin1String PUSH_BUTTON_DISABLED ("qtg_fr_hsbutton_disabled");
+/**  Push button icon colors for each of the states (Normal, Pressed and Disabled) */
+const QLatin1String ICON_COLOR_NORMAL ("qtc_button_normal");
+const QLatin1String ICON_COLOR_PRESSED ("qtc_button_pressed");
+const QLatin1String ICON_COLOR_DISABLED ("qtc_button_disabled");
+/**  Play and Pause icons */
+const QLatin1String ICON_PLAY ("qtg_mono_play");
+const QLatin1String ICON_PAUSE ("qtg_mono_pause");
+/**  Music Player shortcut icon */
+const QLatin1String ICON_LARGE_MUSIC_PLAYER ("qtg_large_music");
+/**  Music Player shortcut icon */
+const QLatin1String ICON_FIRST_TIME_USE ("qtg_large_music_empty");
+const QLatin1String ICON_DEFAULT_ART ("qtg_large_album_art");
+/**  HsWidget normal background */
+const QLatin1String WIDGET_BG_NORMAL ("qtg_fr_hswidget_normal");
+/**  Text background */
+const QLatin1String TEXT_BG_NORMAL ("qtg_fr_multimedia_trans");
+/**  Separator : character and space between artist and song name */
+const QLatin1String SEPARATOR_TEXT (": ");
+/**  Temporary unknown artist */
+const QLatin1String TEMPORARY_UNKWNOWN_TEXT ("Unknown");
+/**  Localized unknown artist */
+const QLatin1String UNKWNOWN_TEXT ("txt_mus_other_unknown_1");
+/**  Marquee width */
+const int MARQUEE_WIDTH = 170;
+/**  Infinite loop value for marquee */
+const int MARQUEE_LOOP_FOREVER = -1;
+/**  Now playing view with random play */
+const QLatin1String SERVICEREQ_FIRST_TIME_USE ("appto://10207C62?activityname=MusicNowPlayingView&launchtype=standalone&shuffle=yes");
+/**  Main view */
+const QLatin1String SERVICEREQ_MAIN_VIEW ("appto://10207C62?activityname=MusicMainView&launchtype=standalone");
+/**  Now playing view */
+const QLatin1String SERVICEREQ_NOW_PLAYING_VIEW ("appto://10207C62?activityname=MusicNowPlayingView&launchtype=standalone");
+/**  DOCML object name for main widget */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_CONTAINER_WIDGET ("containerWidget");
+/**  DOCML object name for widget background */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_BG_ICON ("widget_background_icon");
+/**  DOCML object name for album art image */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_ALBUM_ART ("album_art_image");
+/**  DOCML object name for shortcut icon background */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_SHORTCUT_ICON_BG ("shortcut_icon_background");
+/**  DOCML object name for shortcut icon */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_SHORTCUT_ICON ("shortcut_icon");
+/**  DOCML object name for scrolling text background */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_TEXT_BG ("text_bg");
+/**  DOCML object name for scrolling text */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_SCROLLING_TEXT ("scrolling_text");
+/**  DOCML object name for button group container */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_BUTTON_GROUP_CONTAINER ("button_group_container");
+/**  DOCML object name for prev button */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_PREV_BUTTON ("btn_previous");
+/**  DOCML object name for play button */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_PLAY_BUTTON ("btn_play");
+/**  DOCML object name for next button */
+const QLatin1String DOCML_NEXT_BUTTON ("btn_next");
+MusicWidget::MusicWidget(QGraphicsItem* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags):
+    HbWidget(parent, flags),
+    mShortcutArea(0),
+    mSongDataBG(0),
+    mInformationSongName(0),
+    mMarqueeText(0),    
+    mPreviousPushButton(0),
+    mPlayPushButton(0),    
+    mNextPushButton(0),
+    mMusicPlayerNoSongData(1),
+    mMusicPlayerUpdating(0),
+    mMusicPlayerBlocked(0),
+    mAlbumArt(0),
+    mArtist(0),
+    mTitle(0),    
+    mMpEngine(0),
+    mMpPlaybackData(0)
+    // Setup UI
+    setupUi();
+    // Connect to MP engine and playback data
+    mMpEngine = MpEngineFactory::createSharedEngine();
+    Q_ASSERT_X(mMpEngine, "music_widget", "no music player engine");
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("got mp engine")
+    mMpPlaybackData = mMpEngine->playbackData();
+    Q_ASSERT_X(mMpPlaybackData, "music_widget", "no playback data");
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("got playback data")
+    // Connect outgoing signals and slots
+    QObject::connect(mShortcutArea, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(shortcutButton()));    
+    // use signal mapper to indicate button identifiers to button event slots 
+    QSignalMapper* signalMapperPressed = new QSignalMapper( this ); 
+    signalMapperPressed->setMapping( mPreviousPushButton, EPrevious );
+    signalMapperPressed->setMapping( mPlayPushButton, EPlayPause);
+    signalMapperPressed->setMapping( mNextPushButton, ENext);
+    // need to use different signal mapper for pressed and released events, 
+    // both have same mappings but they are mapped to different slots
+    QSignalMapper* signalMapperReleased = new QSignalMapper( this );
+    signalMapperReleased->setMapping( mPreviousPushButton, EPrevious );
+    signalMapperReleased->setMapping( mPlayPushButton, EPlayPause);
+    signalMapperReleased->setMapping( mNextPushButton, ENext);
+    // Connect button events to signal maps
+    QObject::connect(mPreviousPushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), signalMapperPressed, SLOT (map()));
+    QObject::connect(mPreviousPushButton, SIGNAL(released()), signalMapperReleased, SLOT (map()));
+    QObject::connect(mPlayPushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), signalMapperPressed, SLOT (map()));
+    QObject::connect(mPlayPushButton, SIGNAL(released()), signalMapperReleased, SLOT (map()));
+    QObject::connect(mNextPushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), signalMapperPressed, SLOT (map()));
+    QObject::connect(mNextPushButton, SIGNAL(released()), signalMapperReleased, SLOT (map()));
+    // Connect mapper signals to self implemented slots
+    QObject::connect( signalMapperPressed, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(mediaButtonPressed(int)));
+    QObject::connect( signalMapperReleased, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(mediaButtonReleased(int)));
+    // Connect clicked events
+    QObject::connect(mPreviousPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prevSong()));
+    QObject::connect(mPlayPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(playSong()));   
+    QObject::connect(mNextPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextSong()));
+    // MpEngine
+    QObject::connect(mMpEngine, SIGNAL(libraryAboutToUpdate()), this, SLOT(libraryAboutToUpdate()));
+    QObject::connect(mMpEngine, SIGNAL(libraryUpdated()), this, SLOT(libraryUpdated()));
+    QObject::connect(mMpEngine, SIGNAL(usbBlocked(bool)), this, SLOT(usbBlocked(bool)));
+    //MpPlaybackData
+    QObject::connect(mMpPlaybackData, SIGNAL(albumArtReady()), this, SLOT(albumArtReady()));
+    QObject::connect(mMpPlaybackData, SIGNAL(playbackStateChanged()), this, SLOT(playbackStateChanged()));
+    QObject::connect(mMpPlaybackData, SIGNAL(playbackInfoChanged()), this, SLOT(playbackInfoChanged()));  
+    // Initial data from Music Player get by onShow method call
+    TX_EXIT
+    Destructor
+ Creates UI.
+ */
+void MusicWidget::setupUi()
+    // Use document loader to load the contents
+    MusicWidgetDocumentLoader loader;
+    bool ok = false;
+    loader.load( MUSIC_WIDGET_DOCML, &ok);
+    Q_ASSERT_X(ok, "music_widget", "invalid title docml file");
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("loaded docml")
+    QGraphicsLinearLayout* mainLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical, this);
+    QGraphicsWidget* container = loader.findWidget(DOCML_CONTAINER_WIDGET);
+    mainLayout->addItem(container);
+    //Sets parent
+    setLayout( mainLayout );
+    // Load and set widget background
+    HbWidget *bgWidget = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (loader.findWidget(DOCML_BG_ICON));
+    HbFrameItem *frameItem;
+    if (bgWidget)
+        {
+        HbFrameDrawer *drawer = new HbFrameDrawer(WIDGET_BG_NORMAL,
+            HbFrameDrawer::NinePieces);
+        frameItem = new HbFrameItem(drawer, bgWidget);
+        frameItem->setPreferredSize(bgWidget->preferredSize());
+        bgWidget->setZValue(1);
+        }
+    // Setup album art area
+    QGraphicsWidget *tmpWidgetPtr;
+    tmpWidgetPtr = loader.findWidget(DOCML_ALBUM_ART);
+    mAlbumArt = qobject_cast<MpAlbumCoverWidget*>(tmpWidgetPtr);
+    mAlbumArt->setEnabled( false );
+    mAlbumArt->setDefaultIcon( HbIcon( ICON_DEFAULT_ART ) );
+    // Load shortcut background
+    HbWidget *shortcutAreaLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (loader.findWidget(DOCML_SHORTCUT_ICON_BG));
+    HbFrameItem *shortcutFrameItem;
+    if (shortcutAreaLayout) {
+        HbFrameDrawer *drawer = new HbFrameDrawer(WIDGET_BG_NORMAL,
+            HbFrameDrawer::NinePieces);
+        shortcutFrameItem = new HbFrameItem(drawer, shortcutAreaLayout);
+        shortcutFrameItem->setPreferredSize(shortcutAreaLayout->preferredSize());
+        shortcutAreaLayout->setZValue(3);
+        }
+    // Load shortcut widget and set background 
+    mShortcutArea = qobject_cast<HbPushButton*> (loader.findWidget(DOCML_SHORTCUT_ICON));
+    if ( mShortcutArea )
+        {
+        // icon needs to be put as a background so that it fills the whole button area
+        HbFrameDrawer* drawer = new HbFrameDrawer(ICON_LARGE_MUSIC_PLAYER, HbFrameDrawer::OnePiece);
+        mShortcutArea->setFrameBackground( drawer );
+        }
+    // Set song data background
+    mSongDataBG = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (loader.findWidget(DOCML_TEXT_BG));
+    HbFrameItem *scrollTextItem;
+    if (mSongDataBG) 
+        {
+        HbFrameDrawer *drawer = new HbFrameDrawer(TEXT_BG_NORMAL, 
+            HbFrameDrawer::NinePieces);
+        scrollTextItem = new HbFrameItem(drawer, mSongDataBG);
+        scrollTextItem->setPreferredSize(mSongDataBG->preferredSize());
+        mSongDataBG->setZValue(4);
+        mSongDataBG->hide(); // Hide initially...
+        }
+    // Set scrolling song data
+    mInformationSongName = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget(DOCML_SCROLLING_TEXT));
+    if ( mInformationSongName )
+        {
+        // Setting primitive marquee item values from .css doesn't work well, set in code...
+        mMarqueeText = new HbMarqueeItem(mInformationSongName);
+        HbFontSpec fs(HbFontSpec::Secondary);
+        mMarqueeText->setFontSpec(fs);        
+        mMarqueeText->setTextColor(mInformationSongName->textColor());
+        mMarqueeText->setMinimumWidth(MARQUEE_WIDTH);
+        mMarqueeText->setLoopCount(MARQUEE_LOOP_FOREVER);
+        }
+    HbWidget *buttonGroupContainer = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (loader.findWidget(
+    if (buttonGroupContainer)
+        {
+        // Define push buttons in  state at this point, check the player status later and update buttons if needed
+        mPreviousPushButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton*> (loader.findWidget(DOCML_PREV_BUTTON));
+        defineMediaButton( *mPreviousPushButton, PUSH_BUTTON_NORMAL, PREV_BUTTON_SUFFIXES, ICON_COLOR_NORMAL );
+        mPlayPushButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton*> (loader.findWidget(DOCML_PLAY_BUTTON));
+        defineMediaButton( *mPlayPushButton, PUSH_BUTTON_NORMAL, PLAY_BUTTON_SUFFIXES, ICON_COLOR_NORMAL );
+        mNextPushButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton*> (loader.findWidget(DOCML_NEXT_BUTTON));
+        defineMediaButton( *mNextPushButton, PUSH_BUTTON_NORMAL, NEXT_BUTTON_SUFFIXES, ICON_COLOR_NORMAL );
+        }
+    TX_EXIT
+    Makes the push button based on information aGraphicsId and aSuffix
+ */
+void MusicWidget::defineMediaButton( HbPushButton& aTarget, QString aGraphicsId, QStringList aSuffix, QString aIconColor )
+    {
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("graphics id: " << aGraphicsId)
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("icon color: " << aIconColor)
+    HbFrameDrawer* drawer;
+    // First check if the drawer is already created for this push button
+    if ( !aTarget.frameBackground()){
+        // Nope, create one now
+        drawer = new HbFrameDrawer(aGraphicsId, HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesHorizontal);
+        aTarget.setFrameBackground( drawer );
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("created drawer for button bg")
+        }
+    else {
+        // Frame drawer already created, only need to update frame graphics
+        drawer = aTarget.frameBackground();
+        drawer->setFrameGraphicsName( aGraphicsId );
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("using existing drawer for button bg")
+        }
+    // Set file name suffix list, so that drawer can load correct 3-piece graphic files 
+    drawer->setFileNameSuffixList( aSuffix );
+    // Update also the icon color
+    QColor color = HbColorScheme::color(aIconColor);
+    aTarget.icon().setColor( color );
+    // Lastly, check if the buttton is disabled
+    if ( aIconColor == ICON_COLOR_DISABLED )
+        {
+        aTarget.setEnabled(false);
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("button disabled")
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        aTarget.setEnabled(true);
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("button enabled")
+        }
+    TX_EXIT
+    }
+ */
+void MusicWidget::mediaButtonEvent( MediaKeyIdentifier aMediaKeyId, QString aGraphicsId, QString aIconColor )
+    {
+    HbPushButton* target = NULL;
+    QStringList suffix;
+    switch ( aMediaKeyId )
+        {
+        case EPrevious: {
+            TX_LOG_ARGS("previous")
+            target = mPreviousPushButton;
+            suffix = PREV_BUTTON_SUFFIXES;
+            break;
+            }
+        case EPlayPause: {
+            TX_LOG_ARGS("play/pause")
+            target = mPlayPushButton;
+            suffix = PLAY_BUTTON_SUFFIXES;
+            break;
+            }
+        case ENext: {
+            TX_LOG_ARGS("next")
+            target = mNextPushButton;
+            suffix = NEXT_BUTTON_SUFFIXES;
+            break;
+            }
+        default: {
+            // Do proper error handling.. should not be possible to get here ever tough
+            TX_LOG_ARGS("unknown button")
+            return;
+            }
+        }
+    if ( target )
+    	{
+    	MusicWidget::defineMediaButton( *target, aGraphicsId, suffix, aIconColor );
+    	}
+    TX_EXIT
+    }
+   Emited from HbPushButton:pressed() signal, changes the button layout to 'Pressed'
+ */
+void MusicWidget::mediaButtonPressed( int aMediaKeyId )
+    {
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("media key: " << aMediaKeyId )
+    mediaButtonEvent( (MediaKeyIdentifier)aMediaKeyId, PUSH_BUTTON_PRESSED, ICON_COLOR_PRESSED );
+    }
+   Emited from HbPushButton:released() signal, changes the button layout to 'Normal'
+ */
+void MusicWidget::mediaButtonReleased( int aMediaKeyId )
+    {
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("media key: " << aMediaKeyId )
+    mediaButtonEvent( (MediaKeyIdentifier)aMediaKeyId, PUSH_BUTTON_NORMAL, ICON_COLOR_NORMAL );
+    }
+   Disables specified push button
+ */
+void MusicWidget::mediaButtonDisabled( int aMediaKeyId )
+    {
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("media key: " << aMediaKeyId )
+    mediaButtonEvent( (MediaKeyIdentifier)aMediaKeyId, PUSH_BUTTON_DISABLED, ICON_COLOR_DISABLED );
+    }
+   Disables specified push button
+ */
+void MusicWidget::mediaButtonEnabled( int aMediaKeyId )
+    {
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("media key: " << aMediaKeyId )
+    mediaButtonEvent( (MediaKeyIdentifier)aMediaKeyId, PUSH_BUTTON_NORMAL, ICON_COLOR_NORMAL );
+    }
+ Manually update music widget state.
+ */
+void MusicWidget::refreshData()
+    // Get current player state
+    playbackStateChanged();
+    // Get current song data, updates button states
+    playbackInfoChanged();
+    // Get current album art
+    albumArtReady();
+    TX_EXIT
+ Launch music player...
+ */
+void MusicWidget::launchMusicPlayer(int launchMode)
+    //TODO: Detect if MusicPlayer is running or not properly, handle case where player not available?!
+    //TODO: Get service status from XQSettingManager
+    //TODO: Service status from signal:
+    //TODO: void statusChanged(const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor& implementation,  ServiceStatus currentStatus);
+    QUrl url;
+    XQAiwRequest* req;
+    if ( launchMode == ELaunchFromPlay )
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("launch from play")
+        // Launch to now playing view, random play to be started!
+        url.setUrl(SERVICEREQ_FIRST_TIME_USE);        
+        }
+    else if (mMusicPlayerNoSongData)
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("to main view")
+        // Launch to main view
+        url.setUrl(SERVICEREQ_MAIN_VIEW);    
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("to now playing view")
+        // Launch to now playing view
+        }   
+    req = mApplicationManager.create(url);    
+    if (req == NULL)
+        {
+        // No handlers for the URI
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("no req created")
+        return;
+        }
+    req->setBackground(false);
+    req->setSynchronous(false);
+    // Set function parameters
+   QList<QVariant> args;
+   args << url.toString();
+   req->setArguments(args);
+   // Send the request
+   bool res = req->send();
+   if  (!res) 
+   {
+       // Request failed. 
+      int error = req->lastError();
+      // Handle error
+      TX_LOG_ARGS("req send error: " << error)
+   }
+   delete req;
+    Return bounding rect
+QRectF MusicWidget::boundingRect() const
+    return childrenBoundingRect();
+    Return shape
+QPainterPath MusicWidget::shape() const
+    QPainterPath path;
+    path.addRect(boundingRect());
+    return path;
+ Initializes the widget.
+ */
+void MusicWidget::onInitialize()
+    TX_LOG
+ Shows the widget.
+ */
+void MusicWidget::onShow()
+    TX_LOG
+    refreshData();
+ Hides the widget.
+ */
+void MusicWidget::onHide()
+    TX_LOG
+ Uninitializes the widget.
+ */
+void MusicWidget::onUninitialize()
+    TX_LOG
+ Slot for shortcut button clicked.
+ */
+void MusicWidget::shortcutButton()
+    TX_LOG
+    launchMusicPlayer(ELaunchFromShortcut);
+ Slot for previous button clicked.
+ */
+void MusicWidget::prevSong()
+    TX_LOG
+    mMpEngine->skipBackward();
+ Slot for play button clicked. Handles both Play and Pause!
+ */
+void MusicWidget::playSong()
+    if (mMusicPlayerNoSongData && mMpPlaybackData->playbackState() != MpPlaybackData::Playing )
+        {
+        //Signal music player to start playing all songs with random
+        launchMusicPlayer(ELaunchFromPlay);
+        }
+    mMpEngine->playPause();
+    TX_EXIT
+ Slot for next button clicked.
+ */
+void MusicWidget::nextSong()
+    TX_LOG
+    mMpEngine->skipForward();
+ */
+bool MusicWidget::eventFilter(QObject *target, QEvent *event)
+ {
+    // pass the event on to the parent class
+    return HbWidget::eventFilter(target, event);    
+ MpEngine related
+ */
+void MusicWidget::libraryAboutToUpdate()
+    TX_LOG
+    //Refresh Library start
+    mMusicPlayerUpdating = true;
+    // Update button enabled/disabled state
+    toggleButtons();
+ MpEngine related
+ */
+void MusicWidget::libraryUpdated()
+    TX_LOG
+    //Refresh Library done
+    mMusicPlayerUpdating = false;
+    // Update button enabled/disabled state
+    toggleButtons();
+ MpEngine related
+ */
+void MusicWidget::usbBlocked( bool blocked )
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("blocked: " << blocked)
+    //Blocked state
+    //Mass storage mode
+    //Media transfer mode
+    //Ovi Suite mode
+    //Insert memory card
+    mMusicPlayerBlocked = blocked;
+    // Update button enabled/disabled state
+    toggleButtons();
+ MpPlaybackData related
+ */
+void MusicWidget::albumArtReady()
+    HbIcon icon;
+    if ( mMpPlaybackData->playbackState() == MpPlaybackData::NotPlaying )
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("1st time album art")
+        icon = HbIcon(ICON_FIRST_TIME_USE);    
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("playback data album art")
+        mMpPlaybackData->albumArt( icon );
+        }
+    mAlbumArt->setIcon( icon );
+    mAlbumArt->setEnabled( true );
+    TX_EXIT
+void MusicWidget::playbackStateChanged()
+    // Set play/pause icon and start/stop marquee.   
+    QString iconName;
+    int state = mMpPlaybackData->playbackState();
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("state: " << state)
+    switch (state)
+        {
+        case MpPlaybackData::Playing:
+            {
+            TX_LOG_ARGS("pause icon, start marquee")
+            iconName.append(ICON_PAUSE);
+            mMarqueeText->startAnimation();
+            break;
+            }
+        case MpPlaybackData::Paused:
+        case MpPlaybackData::Stopped:
+        case MpPlaybackData::NotPlaying:       
+            {
+            TX_LOG_ARGS("play icon, stop marquee")
+            iconName.append(ICON_PLAY);
+            mMarqueeText->stopAnimation();
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    HbIcon iconPlayPause(iconName);
+    mPlayPushButton->setIcon(iconPlayPause);
+    TX_EXIT
+ MpPlaybackData related
+ */
+void MusicWidget::playbackInfoChanged()
+    // Initialize maqruee with something (space), to ensure
+    // text updates to display as well.
+    QString songData;
+    mArtist = mMpPlaybackData->artist();
+    mTitle = mMpPlaybackData->title();
+    if ( !mTitle.length() )
+        {
+        mArtist.clear();
+        mTitle.clear();
+        songData = " ";
+        //1st time launch
+        mMusicPlayerNoSongData = true;
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("no song data")
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if ( !mArtist.length() )
+            {
+            //Show localized "Unknown" if there is no artist name
+            //TODO: Widget needs own localization?!?!
+            //mArtist.append( hbTrId(UNKWNOWN_TEXT) );
+            //TODO: Remove temporary unknown string when localization resolved.
+            mArtist.append( TEMPORARY_UNKWNOWN_TEXT );
+            }
+        songData.append(mArtist);
+        songData.append(SEPARATOR_TEXT);
+        songData.append(mTitle);
+        mMusicPlayerNoSongData = false;
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("song data received")
+        }    
+    mMarqueeText->setText(songData);
+    TX_LOG_ARGS("marquee text: " << songData)
+    // Show dark BG to songdata only if there is songdata...
+    if ( mMusicPlayerNoSongData && mSongDataBG->isVisible() )
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("hide marquee bg")
+        mSongDataBG->hide();
+        }
+    else if ( !mMusicPlayerNoSongData && !mSongDataBG->isVisible() )
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("show marquee bg")
+        mSongDataBG->show();  
+        }
+    // Update button enabled/disabled state
+    toggleButtons();
+    TX_EXIT
+ Toggle buttons to disabled/enabled as required.
+ */
+void MusicWidget::toggleButtons()
+    // All buttons disabled if updating
+    if ( mMusicPlayerUpdating )
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("updating")
+        mediaButtonDisabled( EPlayPause );
+        mediaButtonDisabled( EPrevious );
+        mediaButtonDisabled( ENext );
+        }
+    // All buttons disabled if blocked
+    else if ( mMusicPlayerBlocked )
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("blocked")
+        mediaButtonDisabled( EPlayPause );
+        mediaButtonDisabled( EPrevious );
+        mediaButtonDisabled( ENext );
+        }    
+    // Only play button enabled if there is no song data, 1st time use
+    else if ( mMusicPlayerNoSongData )
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("no song data")
+        mediaButtonEnabled( EPlayPause );
+        mediaButtonDisabled( EPrevious );
+        mediaButtonDisabled( ENext );
+        }
+    // Enable all buttons if there is song data
+    else
+        {
+        TX_LOG_ARGS("enable all buttons")
+        mediaButtonEnabled( EPlayPause );      
+        mediaButtonEnabled( EPrevious );
+        mediaButtonEnabled( ENext );      
+        }
+    TX_EXIT