changeset 0 ff3acec5bc43
child 24 26a1709b9fec
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/musichomescreen/musiccontentpublisher/src/musiccontentpublisher.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:45:05 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,998 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Manages MCP plugins, and content publishing.
+#include <mpxlog.h>                     // MPX_DEBUG
+#include <LiwServiceHandler.h>
+#include <LiwVariant.h>
+#include <LiwGenericParam.h>
+#include <mcpplugin.h>
+#include <mcppluginuids.hrh>
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include <coemain.h>
+#include <AknsUtils.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <musichomescreen.rsg>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include <e32hashtab.h>
+#include "cpglobals.h" //This will be moved to domain API (HSFW)
+#include "musiccontentpublisher.h"
+#include "pluginmanager.h"
+#include "mcpharvesterpublisherobserver.h"
+_LIT( KExecute,       "execute" );
+_LIT( KPubData,        "publisher" );
+_LIT8( KMyActive, "active" );
+_LIT8( KMyDeActive, "deactive");
+_LIT8( KMySuspend, "suspend");
+_LIT8( KMyResume, "resume");
+_LIT8( KMySelected, "selected");
+_LIT8( KMyActionMap, "action_map" );
+_LIT8( KMyItem, "item" );
+_LIT8( KMyAdd, "Add" );
+_LIT8( KMyItemId, "item_id" );
+_LIT8( KMyResultName,"mydata" );
+_LIT( KMyActionName, "data" );
+_LIT( KEmpty, "" );
+_LIT( KLoc, "LOC:");
+_LIT( KNowPlaying, "LOC:NOW PLAYING" );
+_LIT( KLastPlayed, "LOC:LAST PLAYED" );
+_LIT( KMask, "_mask");
+_LIT( KMWPublisher, "MWPublisher");
+//for application launcher AHPlugin
+const TInt KMmUid3AsTInt( 0x101f4cd2 );
+const TInt KMSGUidAsTInt( 0x10003A39 );
+_LIT8( KAdditionalData, "additional_data" );
+_LIT( KLaunchApp, "launch_application" );
+_LIT( KMessageWithTail, "message_with_tail" );
+_LIT8( KMessageForMMOpenMusicSuiteWithHide, "mm://root/musicsuite?exit=hide");
+_LIT( KResourceFile, "z:musichomescreen.rsc");
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMusicContentPublisher::CMusicContentPublisher( MLiwInterface* aCPSInterface )
+    {
+    iCPSInterface = aCPSInterface;
+    iActivePlugin=NULL;
+    iIsPublisherActive = EFalse;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::ConstructL()
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ConstructL <---");
+    //Load the destination translation table.
+    TInt dstl (sizeof(KMCPDestinationInfo)/sizeof(TMCPDestinationItem));
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < dstl; i++)
+        {
+        iDestinationMap.InsertL(KMCPDestinationInfo[i].id, 
+                KMCPDestinationInfo[i]);
+        }
+    dstl = (sizeof(KMCPImageDestinationInfo)/sizeof(
+            TMCPImageDestinationInfoItem));
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < dstl; i++)
+        {
+        iImageDestinationSizeMap.Insert(KMCPImageDestinationInfo[i].id,
+                TSize(KMCPImageDestinationInfo[i].sizex,
+                        KMCPImageDestinationInfo[i].sizey));
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ConstructL loading resources");
+    //Load Loc strings
+    RFs fs;
+    User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+    CleanupClosePushL(fs);  
+    TFileName fileName;
+    TParse* parseObj = new(ELeave) TParse();
+    TInt errInt = parseObj->Set( KResourceFile(),&KDC_APP_RESOURCE_DIR,NULL );
+    if(KErrNone != errInt)
+      {
+      delete parseObj;
+      User::Leave(errInt);
+      }
+    fileName = parseObj->FullName();
+    delete parseObj;
+    BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(fs,fileName);
+    if(!BaflUtils::FileExists(fs,fileName))
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+        }
+    RResourceFile resourceFile;
+    resourceFile.OpenL(fs,fileName);
+    CleanupClosePushL(resourceFile);
+    resourceFile.ConfirmSignatureL();
+    GetLocalizedStringL(resourceFile, iLastPlayedBuffer, R_MUSICHOMESCREEN_LAST_PLAYED);
+    GetLocalizedStringL(resourceFile, iNowPlayingBuffer, R_MUSICHOMESCREEN_NOW_PLAYING);
+    GetLocalizedStringL(resourceFile, iGoToMusicBuffer, R_MUSICHOMESCREEN_GO_TO_MUSIC);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&resourceFile);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fs);
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ConstructL resources loaded");
+    // connect to the skin server, to receive skin changed event.
+    iAknsSrvSession.Connect(this);
+    // enable skin.
+    AknsUtils::InitSkinSupportL();
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ConstructL subscribing to observer");
+ TPtrC8 dataKey;
+ TPtrC type;
+ TPtrC content;
+ MapEnumToDestinationInfoL(EMusicWidgetImage1, type, dataKey, content); 
+    TUint id = RegisterPublisherL( 
+            KMWPublisher,
+            content, 
+            type, 
+            dataKey );
+    if( id != 0 )
+        {
+    CLiwDefaultMap* filter = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+    filter->InsertL( KPublisherId, TLiwVariant( KMWPublisher ) );
+    filter->InsertL( KContentId, TLiwVariant( content ) );
+    filter->InsertL( KContentType, TLiwVariant( type ) );
+    filter->InsertL( KOperation, TLiwVariant( KExecute ));
+    iHPObserver = CMCPHarvesterPublisherObserver::NewL(this);
+    iHPObserver->RegisterL(filter);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(filter);
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ConstructL subscription to observer done");
+    ResetL();
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ConstructL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMusicContentPublisher* CMusicContentPublisher::NewL(  
+        MLiwInterface* aCPSInterface )
+    {
+    CMusicContentPublisher* self = new ( ELeave ) CMusicContentPublisher( 
+            aCPSInterface );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::~CMusicContentPublisher <---");
+    if(iHPObserver)
+        {
+        MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::~CMusicContentPublisher deleting observer");
+        delete iHPObserver; 
+        }
+    delete iNowPlayingBuffer;
+    delete iLastPlayedBuffer;
+    delete iGoToMusicBuffer;
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::~CMusicContentPublisher closing destination maps");
+    iImageDestinationSizeMap.Close();
+    iDestinationMap.Close();
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::~CMusicContentPublisher resetting bitmap cache");
+    ResetBitmapCache();
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::~CMusicContentPublisher closing skin server session");
+    iAknsSrvSession.Close();
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::~CMusicContentPublisher deleting plugin manager");
+    delete iPluginManager;
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::~CMusicContentPublisher resetting publishing buffers");
+    ResetPublishingBuffers();
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::~CMusicContentPublisher --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::InstallGoToMusicL(
+        TMCPTriggerDestination aDestination )
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::InstallGoToMusicL <---");
+    CLiwDefaultMap* mapTrigger = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+    CLiwDefaultMap* mapData = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+    mapTrigger->InsertL( KPluginUid, TLiwVariant( TUid::Uid( 0x10282E5F ) ) );
+    mapData->InsertL( KType, TLiwVariant( KLaunchApp ) );
+    mapData->InsertL( KLaunchMethod, TLiwVariant( KMessageWithTail ) );
+    mapData->InsertL(KApplicationUid,
+            TLiwVariant(TInt32(KMmUid3AsTInt) ) );
+        mapData->InsertL( KAdditionalData, 
+            TLiwVariant( KMessageForMMOpenMusicSuiteWithHide ) );
+    mapData->InsertL(KMessageUid,
+            TLiwVariant(TInt32(KMSGUidAsTInt) ) );
+    mapTrigger->InsertL( KData, TLiwVariant( mapData ) );
+    PublishActionL( NULL, aDestination, mapTrigger );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapData );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapTrigger );
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::InstallGoToMusicL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::InstallEmptyActionL(
+        TMCPTriggerDestination aDestination )
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::InstallEmptyActionL <---");
+    CLiwDefaultMap* mapTrigger = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+    PublishActionL( NULL, aDestination, mapTrigger );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mapTrigger );
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::InstallEmptyActionL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::MapEnumToDestinationInfoL(TInt aEnum,
+        TPtrC& aType, TPtrC8& aDataKey, TPtrC& aContent)
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::MapEnumToDestinationInfoL <---");
+    TMCPDestinationItem* tmpdstitemp;
+    tmpdstitemp = iDestinationMap.Find(aEnum);
+    if (tmpdstitemp)
+        {
+        TPtrC type ( reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(
+                tmpdstitemp->type) );
+        TPtrC8 dataKey ( reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(
+                tmpdstitemp->dataKey ) );
+        TPtrC content ( reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(
+                tmpdstitemp->content) );
+        aType.Set(type);
+        aDataKey.Set(dataKey);
+        aContent.Set(content);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        //API user provided an invalid destination or the destination is not
+        //defined properly.
+        __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse,User::Invariant());
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::MapEnumToDestinationInfoL --->");
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get a heap descriptor from the resource file
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::GetLocalizedStringL(RResourceFile& aResourceFile,
+        HBufC*& aRetBuf, TInt aResourceId )
+   {
+   MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::GetLocalizedStringL <---");
+   HBufC8* dataBuffer = aResourceFile.AllocReadLC(aResourceId);
+   TResourceReader theReader;
+   theReader.SetBuffer(dataBuffer);
+   aRetBuf = theReader.ReadHBufCL();
+   CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(dataBuffer);
+   MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::GetLocalizedStringL --->");
+   }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Publishes buffered data and actions.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::DoPublishL()
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::DoPublishL <---");
+    THashMapIter<TInt, TMyBufferItem> dataIter( iPublishingDataBuffers );
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::DoPublish publishing data");
+    TMyBufferItem const* itemptr;
+    itemptr = dataIter.NextValue();
+    while (itemptr)
+        {
+        RMemReadStream rs(itemptr->buf, itemptr->size);
+        CLiwGenericParamList * inParam =
+        CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC(rs);
+        CLiwGenericParamList * outParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+        iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL(KAdd, *inParam, *outParam);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(outParam);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inParam);
+        itemptr = dataIter.NextValue();
+        }
+    //The order in wich we publish is important, actions should be published after the data contents.
+    THashMapIter<TInt, TMyBufferItem> actionIter( iPublishingActionBuffers );
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::DoPublish publishing actions");
+    itemptr = NULL;
+    itemptr = actionIter.NextValue();
+    while (itemptr)
+        {
+        RMemReadStream rs(itemptr->buf, itemptr->size);
+        CLiwGenericParamList * inParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC(rs);
+        CLiwGenericParamList * outParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+        iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL(KAdd, *inParam, *outParam);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(outParam);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inParam);
+        itemptr = actionIter.NextValue();
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::CMusicContentPublisher::DoPublishL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Resets all the graphical elements.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::ResetL()
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ResetL <---");
+    //Plugin deletion is handled by the pluginmanager.
+    iActivePlugin = NULL;
+    //Reset The Widget
+    PublishImageL(NULL,EMusicWidgetImage1,KEmpty);
+    InstallGoToMusicL( EMusicWidgetTrigger1 );
+    PublishTextL( NULL,EMusicWidgetText1, KEmpty );
+    PublishImageL(NULL,EMusicWidgetToolbarB1,KEmpty);
+    PublishImageL(NULL,EMusicWidgetToolbarB2,KEmpty);
+    PublishImageL(NULL,EMusicWidgetToolbarB3,KEmpty);
+    InstallEmptyActionL(EMusicWidgetTB1Trigger);
+    InstallEmptyActionL(EMusicWidgetTB2Trigger);
+    InstallEmptyActionL(EMusicWidgetTB3Trigger);
+    PublishTextL( NULL,EMusicWidgetDefaultText, iGoToMusicBuffer->Des() );  
+    InstallGoToMusicL( EMusicWidgetTrigger2 );
+    //Reset the music menu info
+    InstallEmptyActionL(EMusicMenuMusicInfoTrigger);
+    PublishTextL( NULL, EMusicMenuMusicInfoLine1, iLastPlayedBuffer->Des() );
+    PublishTextL( NULL, EMusicMenuMusicInfoLine2, KEmpty );
+    PublishImageL( NULL, EMusicMenuMusicInfoImage1, KEmpty );
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ResetL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSize CMusicContentPublisher::GetImageDestinationSize(
+        TMCPImageDestination aDst)
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::GetImageDestinationSize <---");
+    TSize * ret;
+    ret = iImageDestinationSizeMap.Find(aDst);
+    if (ret)
+        {
+        MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::GetImageDestinationSize --->");
+        return *ret;    
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::GetImageDestinationSize --->");
+        return TSize(0,0);
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destroys the bitmaps saved on the cache.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::ResetBitmapCache()
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ResetBitmapCache <---");
+    THashMapIter<TInt, TBmpMsk> iter(iBitmapCache);
+    TBmpMsk const* ptr = iter.NextValue();
+    CFbsBitmap* bmp( NULL );
+    CFbsBitmap* msk( NULL );
+    while ( ptr )
+        {
+        bmp = ptr->bitmap;
+        msk = ptr->mask;
+        delete bmp;
+        bmp = NULL;
+        delete msk;
+        msk = NULL;
+        ptr = iter.NextValue();
+        }
+    iBitmapCache.Close();
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ResetBitmapCache --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destroys the publishing buffers.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::ResetPublishingBuffers()
+    {
+    THashMapIter<TInt, TMyBufferItem> dataIter( iPublishingDataBuffers );
+    THashMapIter<TInt, TMyBufferItem> actionIter( iPublishingActionBuffers );
+    TMyBufferItem const* itemptr;
+    itemptr = dataIter.NextValue();
+    while (itemptr)
+        {
+        User::Free(itemptr->buf);
+        dataIter.RemoveCurrent();
+        itemptr = dataIter.NextValue();
+        }
+    iPublishingDataBuffers.Close();
+    itemptr = NULL;
+    itemptr = actionIter.NextValue();
+    while (itemptr)
+        {
+        User::Free(itemptr->buf);
+        actionIter.RemoveCurrent();
+        itemptr = actionIter.NextValue();
+        }
+    iPublishingActionBuffers.Close();
+    }
+TUint CMusicContentPublisher::RegisterPublisherL( 
+    const TDesC& aPublisherId, 
+    const TDesC& aContentId,
+    const TDesC& aContentType, 
+    const TDesC8& aResultType )
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::RegisterPublisherL <---");
+    TUint id( 0 );
+    if( iCPSInterface )
+        {   
+        CLiwGenericParamList* inparam( CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC() );
+        CLiwGenericParamList* outparam( CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC() );
+        TLiwGenericParam type( KType, TLiwVariant( KPubData ));
+        inparam->AppendL( type );
+        CLiwDefaultMap* cpdatamap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+        CLiwDefaultMap* datamap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+        CLiwDefaultMap* actionmap( NULL );
+        // Create the data map for publisher registry
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KContentType, TLiwVariant( aContentType ));
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KContentId, TLiwVariant( aContentId ));
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KPublisherId, TLiwVariant( aPublisherId ));
+        datamap->InsertL( KMyResultName, TLiwVariant( aResultType ));
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KDataMap, TLiwVariant(datamap) );
+        // Create the action map for publisher registry
+        actionmap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC();
+        actionmap->InsertL(KMyActive, TLiwVariant( KMyActionName ));
+        actionmap->InsertL(KMyDeActive, TLiwVariant( KMyActionName ));
+        actionmap->InsertL(KMySuspend, TLiwVariant( KMyActionName ));
+        actionmap->InsertL(KMyResume, TLiwVariant( KMyActionName ));
+        actionmap->InsertL(KMySelected, TLiwVariant( KMyActionName ));
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KMyActionMap, TLiwVariant(actionmap));
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( actionmap );
+        TLiwGenericParam item( KMyItem, TLiwVariant( cpdatamap ));        
+        inparam->AppendL( item );
+        iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL( KMyAdd , *inparam, *outparam);
+        id = ExtractItemId(*outparam);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( datamap );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cpdatamap );
+        item.Reset();
+        type.Reset();   
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(outparam);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inparam);
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::RegisterPublisherL --->");
+    return id;
+    }
+TUint CMusicContentPublisher::ExtractItemId( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList )
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ExtractItemId <---");
+    TUint result ( 0 );
+    TInt pos( 0 );
+    aInParamList.FindFirst( pos, KMyItemId );
+    if( pos != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        // item id present - extract and return
+        aInParamList[pos].Value().Get( result );
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::ExtractItemId --->");
+    return result;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Publishes an image from path to the required destination
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::PublishImageL( CMCPPlugin* aPlugin,  
+        TMCPImageDestination aDestination, 
+        const TDesC& aImagePath )
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::PublishImageL <---");
+    if( iCPSInterface && iActivePlugin == aPlugin )
+        {
+        CLiwGenericParamList * inParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+        CLiwGenericParamList * outParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+        TPtrC8 dataKey;
+        TPtrC type;
+        TPtrC content;
+        MapEnumToDestinationInfoL(aDestination, type, dataKey, content);
+        TLiwGenericParam cptype( KType , TLiwVariant( KCpData ) );
+        inParam->AppendL( cptype );
+        CLiwDefaultMap * cpdatamap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC( );
+        CLiwDefaultMap * map = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC( );
+        map->InsertL(dataKey, TLiwVariant( aImagePath ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KPublisherId , TLiwVariant( KMWPublisher ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KContentType , TLiwVariant( type ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KContentId  , TLiwVariant( content ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KDataMap  , TLiwVariant( map ) );
+        TLiwGenericParam item( KItem, TLiwVariant( cpdatamap ) ); 
+        inParam->AppendL( item );
+        if ( aDestination >= EMusicMenuMusicInfoImage1 )
+            {
+            iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL( KAdd , *inParam, *outParam );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            if ( iIsPublisherActive )
+                {
+                iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL( KAdd , *inParam, *outParam );
+                }
+            TMyBufferItem* ptr;
+            ptr = iPublishingDataBuffers.Find(aDestination);
+            if (ptr) //remove the old one
+                {
+                User::Free(ptr->buf);
+                iPublishingDataBuffers.Remove(aDestination);
+                }
+            TInt sz = inParam->Size();
+            TMyBufferItem bufferitem;
+            bufferitem.size = inParam->Size();
+            bufferitem.buf = User::AllocL(inParam->Size());
+            RMemWriteStream ws(bufferitem.buf, bufferitem.size);
+            inParam->ExternalizeL(ws);
+            iPublishingDataBuffers.Insert(aDestination, bufferitem);
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( map );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cpdatamap );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( outParam );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( inParam );
+        }   
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::PublishImageL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Publishes an image from bitmap handle to the required destination
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::PublishImageL( CMCPPlugin* aPlugin, 
+        TMCPImageDestination aDestination,
+        TInt aBitmapHandle,
+        TInt aMaskBitmapHandle)
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::PublishImageL <---");
+    if( iCPSInterface && iActivePlugin == aPlugin )
+        {
+        CLiwGenericParamList * inParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+        CLiwGenericParamList * outParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+        TPtrC8 dataKey;
+        TPtrC type;
+        TPtrC content;
+        MapEnumToDestinationInfoL(aDestination, type, dataKey, content);
+        TLiwGenericParam cptype( KType , TLiwVariant( KCpData ) );
+        inParam->AppendL( cptype );
+        CLiwDefaultMap * cpdatamap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC( );
+        CLiwDefaultMap * map = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC( );
+        if (aDestination == EMusicMenuMusicInfoImage1)
+            {
+            //Matrix Menu expects a Tint32 (TVariantTypeId::EVariantTypeTInt32)   
+            map->InsertL(dataKey, TLiwVariant( (TInt32)aBitmapHandle ) );
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            //Homescreen expects a TBool/TInt 
+            //(TVariantTypeId::EVariantTypeTBool)
+            map->InsertL(dataKey, TLiwVariant( aBitmapHandle ) );
+            }
+        if (aMaskBitmapHandle)
+            {
+            HBufC8* maskResult = HBufC8::NewLC( 
+                    dataKey.Length() + KMask().Length() );
+            TPtr8 maskResultPtr = maskResult ->Des();
+            maskResultPtr.Append( dataKey );
+            maskResultPtr.Append( KMask );
+            if (aDestination == EMusicMenuMusicInfoImage1)
+                {
+                //Matrix Menu expects a Tint32 (TVariantTypeId::EVariantTypeTInt32)   
+                map->InsertL(maskResultPtr, TLiwVariant( (TInt32)aMaskBitmapHandle ) );
+                }
+            else 
+                {
+                //Homescreen expects a TBool/TInt 
+                //(TVariantTypeId::EVariantTypeTBool)
+                map->InsertL(maskResultPtr, TLiwVariant( aMaskBitmapHandle ) );
+                }
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( maskResult );
+            }
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KPublisherId , TLiwVariant( KMWPublisher ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KContentType , TLiwVariant( type ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KContentId  , TLiwVariant( content ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KDataMap  , TLiwVariant( map ) );
+        TLiwGenericParam item( KItem, TLiwVariant( cpdatamap ) ); 
+        inParam->AppendL( item );
+        if ( aDestination >= EMusicMenuMusicInfoImage1 )
+            {
+            iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL( KAdd , *inParam, *outParam );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            if ( iIsPublisherActive )
+                {
+                iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL( KAdd , *inParam, *outParam );  	
+                }
+            TMyBufferItem* ptr;
+            ptr = iPublishingDataBuffers.Find(aDestination);
+            if (ptr) //remove the old one
+                {
+                User::Free(ptr->buf);
+                iPublishingDataBuffers.Remove(aDestination);
+                }
+            TInt sz = inParam->Size();
+            TMyBufferItem bufferitem;
+            bufferitem.size = inParam->Size();
+            bufferitem.buf = User::AllocL(inParam->Size());
+            RMemWriteStream ws(bufferitem.buf, bufferitem.size);
+            inParam->ExternalizeL(ws);
+            iPublishingDataBuffers.Insert(aDestination, bufferitem);
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( map );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cpdatamap );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( outParam );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( inParam );
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::PublishImageL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Publishes an image from skin id and mif to the required destination
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::PublishImageL(CMCPPlugin* aPlugin, 
+        TMCPImageDestination aDestination,
+        const TAknsItemID& aID,
+        const TDesC& aFilename,
+        const TInt aFileBitmapId,
+        const TInt aFileMaskId )
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::PublishImageL <---");
+    TBmpMsk* bitmapandmask;
+    bitmapandmask = iBitmapCache.Find(aID.iMajor+aID.iMinor);
+    CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
+    CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
+    if (!bitmapandmask)
+        {
+        // Load from skin
+        MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
+        AknsUtils::CreateIconL(
+                    skin,
+                    aID,
+                    bitmap,
+                    mask,
+                    aFilename,
+                    aFileBitmapId,
+                    aFileMaskId);
+        AknIconUtils::SetSize(
+                bitmap,
+                GetImageDestinationSize(aDestination),
+                EAspectRatioPreserved );
+        AknIconUtils::SetSize(mask,
+                GetImageDestinationSize(aDestination),
+                EAspectRatioPreserved );
+        TBmpMsk bmpAndMsk;
+        bmpAndMsk.bitmap=bitmap;
+        bmpAndMsk.mask=mask;
+        iBitmapCache.Insert(aID.iMajor+aID.iMinor,bmpAndMsk);
+        bitmapandmask = iBitmapCache.Find(aID.iMajor+aID.iMinor);
+        __ASSERT_DEBUG(bitmapandmask,User::Invariant());
+        }
+    bitmap = bitmapandmask->bitmap;
+    mask = bitmapandmask->mask;
+    PublishImageL( aPlugin, aDestination, bitmap->Handle() , mask->Handle()); 
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::PublishImageL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Publishes a text from path to the required destination
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::PublishTextL( CMCPPlugin* aPlugin, 
+        TMCPTextDestination aDestination, 
+        const TDesC& aText )
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::PublishTextL <---");
+    if( iCPSInterface && iActivePlugin == aPlugin)
+        {
+        CLiwGenericParamList * inParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+        CLiwGenericParamList * outParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+        TPtrC8 dataKey;
+        TPtrC type;
+        TPtrC content;
+        MapEnumToDestinationInfoL(aDestination, type, dataKey, content);
+        TLiwGenericParam cptype( KType , TLiwVariant( KCpData ) );
+        inParam->AppendL( cptype );
+        CLiwDefaultMap * cpdatamap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC( );
+        CLiwDefaultMap * map = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC( );
+        if (KErrNotFound == aText.Find(KLoc))
+            {
+            map->InsertL( dataKey , TLiwVariant( aText ) );    
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            if ( ! aText.Compare( KNowPlaying ) )
+                {
+                map->InsertL( dataKey , TLiwVariant( iNowPlayingBuffer ) );
+                }
+            else if ( ! aText.Compare( KLastPlayed ) )
+                {
+                map->InsertL( dataKey , TLiwVariant( iLastPlayedBuffer ) );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                map->InsertL( dataKey , TLiwVariant( aText ) );
+                }
+            }
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KPublisherId , TLiwVariant( KMWPublisher ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KContentType , TLiwVariant( type ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KContentId  , TLiwVariant( content ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KDataMap  , TLiwVariant( map ) );
+        TLiwGenericParam item( KItem, TLiwVariant( cpdatamap ) ); 
+        inParam->AppendL( item );
+        if ( aDestination >= EMusicMenuMusicInfoLine1 )
+            {
+            if (aText  != KEmpty)
+			    {
+                iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL( KAdd , *inParam, *outParam );
+				}
+            else
+			    {
+                iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL( KDelete , *inParam, *outParam);
+				}
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            if ( iIsPublisherActive )
+                {
+                iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL( KAdd , *inParam, *outParam );        	
+                }
+            TMyBufferItem* ptr;
+            ptr = iPublishingDataBuffers.Find(aDestination);
+            if (ptr) //remove the old one
+                {
+                User::Free(ptr->buf);
+                iPublishingDataBuffers.Remove(aDestination);
+                }
+            TInt sz = inParam->Size();
+            TMyBufferItem bufferitem;
+            bufferitem.size = inParam->Size();
+            bufferitem.buf = User::AllocL(inParam->Size());
+            RMemWriteStream ws(bufferitem.buf, bufferitem.size);
+            inParam->ExternalizeL(ws);
+            iPublishingDataBuffers.Insert(aDestination, bufferitem);
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( map );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cpdatamap );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( outParam );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( inParam );
+        }  
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::PublishTextL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Publishes an action from a trigger map to the required destination
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::PublishActionL( CMCPPlugin* aPlugin, 
+        TMCPTriggerDestination aDestination,
+        CLiwDefaultMap* aTriggerMap )
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::PublishActionL <---");
+     if( iCPSInterface && iActivePlugin == aPlugin)
+        {
+        CLiwGenericParamList * inParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+        CLiwGenericParamList * outParam = CLiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
+        TPtrC8 triggerKey;
+        TPtrC hostType;
+        TPtrC hostContent;
+        MapEnumToDestinationInfoL(aDestination, hostType, triggerKey, 
+                hostContent);
+        TLiwGenericParam cptype( KType , TLiwVariant( KCpData ) );
+        inParam->AppendL( cptype );
+        CLiwDefaultMap * cpdatamap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC( );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KPublisherId , TLiwVariant( KMWPublisher ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KContentType , TLiwVariant( hostType ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KContentId  , TLiwVariant( hostContent ) );
+        CLiwDefaultMap * actionmap = CLiwDefaultMap::NewLC( );
+        actionmap->InsertL( triggerKey , TLiwVariant( aTriggerMap ) );
+        cpdatamap->InsertL( KActionMap  , TLiwVariant( actionmap ) );
+        TLiwGenericParam item( KItem, TLiwVariant( cpdatamap ) ); 
+        inParam->AppendL( item );
+        if ( aDestination >= EMusicMenuMusicInfoTrigger )
+            {
+            iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL( KAdd , *inParam, *outParam );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            if ( iIsPublisherActive )
+                {
+            	  iCPSInterface->ExecuteCmdL( KAdd , *inParam, *outParam );
+                }
+            TMyBufferItem* ptr;
+            ptr = iPublishingActionBuffers.Find(aDestination);
+            if (ptr) //remove the old one
+                {
+                User::Free(ptr->buf);
+                iPublishingActionBuffers.Remove(aDestination);
+                }
+            TInt sz = inParam->Size();
+            TMyBufferItem bufferitem;
+            bufferitem.size = inParam->Size();
+            bufferitem.buf = User::AllocL(inParam->Size());
+            RMemWriteStream ws(bufferitem.buf, bufferitem.size);
+            inParam->ExternalizeL(ws);
+            iPublishingActionBuffers.Insert(aDestination, bufferitem);
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( actionmap );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cpdatamap );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( outParam );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( inParam );
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::PublishActionL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Called when a plugin becomes active, it deactivates the previous plugin.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::BecameActiveL( CMCPPlugin* aPlugin )
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::BecameActiveL <---");
+    if ( iActivePlugin != aPlugin )
+        {
+        if ( iActivePlugin )
+            {
+            MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::BecameActiveL deactivating old plugin");
+            iActivePlugin->Deactivate();
+            MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::BecameActiveL plugin deactivated");
+            PublishImageL( iActivePlugin, EMusicMenuMusicInfoImage1, KEmpty );
+            }
+        iActivePlugin = aPlugin;
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::BecameActiveL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From CContentHarvesterPlugin
+// This function updates information in CPS storage
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::UpdateL() 
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::UpdateL <---");
+    if ( !iPluginManager )
+        {
+        MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::UpdateL creating the plugin manager");
+        iPluginManager = CPluginManager::NewL(
+                TUid::Uid( KMCPPluginUid ), 
+                static_cast<MMCPPluginObserver*>( this ),
+                this );
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::UpdateL --->");
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MAknsSkinChangeObserver.
+// Called by the skin server when skin content is changed and the
+// connected client wants to be informed.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMusicContentPublisher::SkinContentChanged()
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::SkinContentChanged <---");
+    ResetBitmapCache();
+    if(iActivePlugin)
+        {
+        iActivePlugin->SkinChanged();
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::SkinContentChanged --->");
+    }
+void CMusicContentPublisher::HandlePublisherNotificationL( const TDesC& /*aContentId*/, const TDesC8& aTrigger )
+    {
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::HandlePublisherNotificationL <---");
+    if ( aTrigger == KMyActive )
+        {
+        MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::HandlePublisherNotificationL activate");
+        }
+    else if ( aTrigger ==  KMyDeActive)
+        {
+        MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::HandlePublisherNotificationL deactivate");
+        iIsPublisherActive = EFalse;
+        }
+    else if ( aTrigger ==  KMySuspend)
+        {
+        MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::HandlePublisherNotificationL suspend");
+        iIsPublisherActive = EFalse;
+        }
+    else if ( aTrigger ==  KMyResume)
+        {
+        MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::HandlePublisherNotificationL resume");
+        iIsPublisherActive = ETrue;
+        DoPublishL();
+        }
+    else if ( aTrigger ==  KMySelected)
+        {
+        MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::HandlePublisherNotificationL select");
+        }
+    MPX_DEBUG1("CMusicContentPublisher::HandlePublisherNotificationL --->");
+    }
+//  End of File