author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:32:02 +0100
changeset 26 3de6c4cf6b67
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Class declarations of CMPXAddTracksDialog


#include <aknselectionlist.h>
#include <mpxcollectionobserver.h>
#include <mpxcollectionpath.h> // TMPXItemId
#include <mpxcollectionuihelper.h>
#include <mpxcollectionuihelperobserver.h>

class CEikTextListBox;
class CAknTitlePane;
class CAknContextPane;
class CEikImage;
class CMPXLbxExtendedFeatures;
class CMPXAddTracksListModel;
class MMPXCollectionUtility;
class CMPXMediaArray;
class CMPXCommonUiHelper;


 *  CMPXAddTracksDialog class
 *  Dialog class for Playlist Add Tracks Mode
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMPXAddTracksDialog ) : public CAknSelectionListDialog,
                                           public MMPXCollectionObserver,
                                           public MMPXCollectionFindObserver,
                                           public MMPXCHelperObserver

    enum TMPXAddTracksListItems
        EMPXAddTracksAddAllSongs = 0,

public: // Constructors and destructor

     * Two-phased constructor.
     * @return A pointer to a newly created object
    IMPORT_C static CMPXAddTracksDialog* NewL();

     * Two-phased constructor.
     * @return A pointer to a newly created object
    IMPORT_C static CMPXAddTracksDialog* NewLC();

     * C++ default destructor.
    IMPORT_C virtual ~CMPXAddTracksDialog();

private:    // Constructors

     * C++ default constructor.

     *  Two phased constructor
    void ConstructL( TInt aResource );

public: // From CAknSelectionListDialog

	void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );

private:     // New functions

     * Backup previous status pane to internal members.
    void BackupPreviousStatusPaneL();

     * Restore previous status pane from internal members.
    void RestorePreviousStatusPaneL();

     * Create context icon for add tracks dialog.
    void CreateContextIconL();

     * Update softkey.
    void UpdateSoftkeyL();

     * Update listbox content by category.
     * @aMedia media array containing the categories
    void UpdateListboxByCategoryL( const CMPXMedia& aMedia );

     * Update listbox content by category after find
     * @param aFind if find is activated
     * @param aSongNum found song number
    void UpdateListboxByCategoryforFindL( TBool aFind, TInt aSongNum );

     * Gets current listbox item index.
     * @return Current listbox item index
    TInt CurrentLbxItemIndex() const;

     * Return number of listbox items shown in the current listbox.
     * @return Visible items in the list box
    TInt CurrentListItemCount() const;

     * When you change the list item array you should call this method.
    void HandleItemArrayChangeL();

     * Highlight list item.
     * @param aIndex The index to be highlighted
    void HighlightListItem( TInt aIndex );

     * Expand current group.
    void ExpandCurrentGroupL();

     * Goto the closest group.
    void GotoClosestGroupL();

     * Collapse current group.
    void CollapseCurrentGroupL();

     * Add current track to playlist.
    void AddCurrentTrackToPlaylistL();

     * Find support in artist category and all songs category.
    void DoFindL( void );

     * Animation execution
    void DoAnimL( void );

     * Animation call back method
     * @param aObject call back method
    static TInt AnimExpireL( TAny* aObject );

     * Stop the Animation execution
     * @param aHighlightCurrent EFalse if no highlight is required to the selected item, by default highlighted.
    void StopAnimL( TBool aHighlightCurrent = ETrue );

     * load resources.
    void LoadResourceL();

     * Start find categories
    void LoadCategoriesL();

     * Handle collection message
     * @param aMessage collection message
    void DoHandleCollectionMessageL( const CMPXMessage& aMessage );
     * Function called by CIdle to close the dialog itself when collection view
     * can not handle the closing of dialog due to waitnote displayed by
     * CMPXCollectionViewImp::DoIncrementalOpenL
     * @param aPtr pointer to this dialog itself
    static TInt DeferredExitCallback( TAny* aPtr );

private:    // Functions from base classes

     * From MMPXCollectionObserver
     * Handle collection message.
     * @param aMessage Collection message
     * @param aErr system error code.
    void HandleCollectionMessage(
        CMPXMessage* aMessage, TInt aError );

     *  From MMPXCollectionObserver
     *  Handles the collection entries being opened. Typically called
     *  when client has Open()'d a folder
     *  @param aEntries collection entries opened
     *  @param aIndex focused entry
     *  @param aComplete ETrue no more entries. EFalse more entries
     *                   expected
     *  @param aError error code
    void HandleOpenL(
        const CMPXMedia& aEntries,
        TInt aIndex,
        TBool aComplete,
        TInt aError );

     *  From MMPXCollectionObserver
     *  Handles the collection entries being opened. Typically called
     *  when client has Open()'d an item. Client typically responds by
     *  'playing' the item
     *  @param aPlaylist collection path to item
     *  @param aError error code
    void HandleOpenL(
        const CMPXCollectionPlaylist& aPlaylist,
        TInt aError );

     *  From MMPXCollectionObserver
     *  Handle media properties
     *  @param aMedia media
     *  @param aError error code
    void HandleCollectionMediaL(
        const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
        TInt aError );

     *  From MMPXCollectionFindObserver
     *  Handle callback for "find" operation
     *  @param aEntries, CMPXMedia to be returned
     *  @param aComplete ETrue no more entries. EFalse more entries
     *                   expected
     *  @param aError error code
    void HandleFindAllL(
        const CMPXMedia& aResults, TBool aComplete, TInt aError );

     * From MMPXCHelperObserver
     * Handles the completion of any collection helper event.
     * @param aOperation, operation completed
     * @param aErr. the error code
     * @param aArgument Argument returned from the operation
    void HandleOperationCompleteL( TCHelperOperation aOperation,
                                   TInt aError,
                                   void* aArgument );

     * From CEikDialog
     * Prepare for layout.
    void PreLayoutDynInitL();

     * From CEikDialog
     * Check if it's ok to exit.
     * @param aButtonId Softkey Id
     * @return ETrue if it's ok to exit, otherwise, EFalse.
    TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );

     * From CCoeControl, handles key-events.
     * @param aKeyEvent Key event.
     * @param aType Type of key event(EEventKey, EEventKeyUp or
     *              EEventKeyDown).
     * @return If key-event is consumed, EKeyWasConsumed. Else
     *         EKeyWasNotConsumed.
    TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(
        const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
        TEventCode aType );

     * From CoeControl.
     * Handles a change to the control's resources.
     * @param aType A message UID value.
    void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );

     * From MEikListBoxObserver
     * Handles listbox events.
     * @param aListBox Listbox where the event occurred.
     * @param aEventType Event type.
     void HandleListBoxEventL(
        CEikListBox* aListBox,
        TListBoxEvent aEventType );

private:    // Data

    MMPXCollectionUtility*                  iCollectionUtility;  // not own
    MMPXCollectionUiHelper*                 iCollectionUiHelper;
    CMPXCommonUiHelper*                     iCommonUiHelper;
    CMPXMediaArray*                         iCategoryArray;
    CMPXMediaArray*                         iAllSongsArray;

    CAknContextPane*                        iContextPane;    // Not owned
    CAknTitlePane*                          iTitlePane;      // Not owned
    CEikTextListBox*                        iListBox;        // Not owned
    CAknListBoxFilterItems*                 iLbxFilterItems; // Not owned

    CEikImage*                              iOrigIcon;       // Original context icon
    CEikImage*                              iNewIcon;        // New context icon
    CPeriodic*                              iPeriodic; 	 	    // Animation timer
    CMPXLbxExtendedFeatures*                iLbxExtFeat;     // Speed scrolling
    CMPXAddTracksListModel*                 iListModel;      // Tracks list model
    HBufC*                                  iOrigTitle;      // Original title text
    HBufC*                                  iLastFindTxt;    // Last find text
    HBufC*                                  iNoSongText;
    HBufC*                                  iNoMatchText;

    RArray<TInt>                            iMatchedSongArray;
    RArray<TInt>                            iMatchedGroupArray;
    TMPXItemId                              iPlaylistId;
    TInt                                    iAnimIconIndex;
    TInt                                    iSelectIndex;
    TInt                                    iResourceOffset;  // must be freed
    TInt                                    iCurrentOp;
    TInt                                    iCurrentGroupIndex;
    TInt                                    iLastIndex;      // Not used but required by base class
    TBool                                   iSongAllGroupExist;
    TBool                                   iExpandAllSongs;
    TBool                                   iDoFind;
    CIdle*                                  iIdle;  // used to close dialog itself


// End of File