* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Music Player upnpplayback dialog declaration
#include <akntoolbarobserver.h>
#include <AknDialog.h>
#include <mpxcommonframeworkdefs.h>
#include <mpxplaybackobserver.h> //MMPXPlaybackObserver, MMPXPlaybackCallback
#include <mpxcollectionobserver.h>
#include "mpxlayoutswitchobserver.h"
#include "mpxplaybackframeworkdefs.h" // TMPXPlaybackPlayerType
#include <mpxmediakeyhandlerobserver.h>
class CMPXUPnPPlaybackDialogCustomControl;
class MMPXPlaybackUtility;
class CMPXAlbumArtUtil;
class CMPXCommonUiHelper;
class MMPXViewUtility;
class CMPXCollectionPlaylist;
class CMPXUPnPPlaybackDialogLayout;
class MMPXPlayerManager;
class MMPXCollectionUtility;
class MMPXMediaKeyHandler;
class CAknTitlePane;
class CAknNavigationControlContainer; // iNaviPane
class CAknNavigationDecorator; // iOrigNaviPane
class CMPXMedia;
class CMPXMediaArray;
class CAknToolbar;
class CAknButton;
* CMPXUpnpPlaybackEditorDialog dialog class for UPnP Remote ->Local
* or Remote -> Remote playback
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMPXUPnPPlaybackDialog ) : public CAknDialog,
public MMPXPlaybackObserver,
public MMPXPlaybackCallback,
public MMPXLayoutSwitchObserver,
public MMPXCollectionMediaObserver,
public MMPXMediaKeyHandlerObserver,
public MAknToolbarObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Symbian OS two-phased constructor
* @return MP UpnpPlayback Dialog.
IMPORT_C static CMPXUPnPPlaybackDialog* NewL();
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C virtual ~CMPXUPnPPlaybackDialog();
* Parameter passed in from viewframework
* @param aParam Parameter pass in from viewframework.
IMPORT_C void SetParamL( const TDesC* aParam );
* Updates playback view.
void UpdateViewL();
* Updates track info field.
* @param aMedia Media's properties. If NULL, default info will
* be shown.
void UpdateTrackInfoL(
const CMPXMedia* aMedia );
* Update current playback state.
* @param aPlaybackState Current playback state.
void UpdatePlaybackStateL(
TMPXPlaybackState aPlaybackState );
* Updates track's playback position.
* @param aPos, New playback postions in seconds
* @param aDuration, Track duration in seconds
void UpdateTrackPlaybackPositionL(
TInt aPos,
TInt aDuration );
* Updates track's album art.
* @param aMedia Media's properties. If NULL, default album art
* will be shown.
void UpdateAlbumArtL(
const CMPXMedia* aMedia );
* Updates track position in playlist field.
void UpdateTrackPosInPlaylistL();
* Updates download state label.
void UpdateDownloadStateLabelL();
* Updates the title pane
void UpdateTitlePaneL();
* Handle playback message
* @param aMessage playback message
void DoHandlePlaybackMessageL(
const CMPXMessage& aMessage );
* Handle playback property
* @param aProperty the property
* @param aValue the value of the property
* @param aError error code
void DoHandlePropertyL(
TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
TInt aValue,
TInt aError,
TBool aInit = EFalse);
* Handle media properties.
* @param aMedia media properties
* @param aError error code
void DoHandleMediaL( const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
TInt aError );
* Handle playback state changed.
* @param aState New Playback state
* @param aData Extra data parameter, used for any extra information
* along with the state change message
void DoHandleStateChangedL(
TMPXPlaybackState aState,
TInt aData );
* Displays error notes.
* @param aError Error ID to be handled.
void HandleErrorL( TInt aError );
* Displays error note for when all tracks are invalid,
* and goes back to collection list view
void HandleAllTracksInvalidL();
* Checks whether or not to skip to next track on an error
* @param aCurrentIndex Current index
void SkipOnErrorL( TInt aCurrentIndex, TInt aCount );
* Request for the media object
* aDrm Flag whether or not to request all DRM info as well
void RequestMediaL( TBool aDrm=EFalse );
* Prepare status pane for full-screen playback view.
void PrepareStatusPaneForPlaybackViewL();
* Restore status pane to it's normal state.
void PrepareStatusPaneForExitingViewL();
// from base class MMPXMediaKeyHandlerObserver
* Handle media key commands.
* @since 5.0
* @param aCommand Command to be handled.
* @param aData data for the specific command
void HandleMediaKeyCommand(
const TMPXPlaybackCommand aCommand,
const TInt aData = KErrNotFound );
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL( TInt aResource );
private: // New functions
* Find the components custom control.
CMPXUPnPPlaybackDialogCustomControl *GetUPnPPlaybackDialogCustomControl() const;
* Handle media key commands.
* @param aCommand Media key commands. see mpxappui.hrh
void DoHandleMediaKeyCommandL( TMPXPlaybackCommand aCommand );
* Control popup behaviour.
* @param aCommand Media key commands. see mpxappui.hrh
* @param aValue Parameter for aCommand
void HandlePopupL( TMPXPlaybackCommand aCommand );
* Backs up Status Pane.
void BackupPreviousStatusPaneL();
* Restores Previous Status Pane.
void RestorePreviousStatusPaneL();
* Shows a Not supported error note
void CommandNotSupportedL();
* Exits the dialog when callback from CIdle
static TInt DelayedExit( TAny* aPtr );
private: // Functions from base classes
* Creates custom control for the dialog
* @param aControlType control type
SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL( TInt aControlType );
* Initialises the dialog's controls before the dialog is sized and layed out.
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
* This function ALWAYS returns ETrue.
* @param aButtonId button ID
TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
* Returns the number of component controls.
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* Returns the component control.
* @param aIndex index of the component
CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
// from base class MMPXPlaybackObserver
* From MMPXPlaybackObserver
* Handle playback message
* @param aMessage playback message
* @param aErr system error code.
void HandlePlaybackMessage( CMPXMessage* aMessage, TInt aError );
// from base class MMPXPlaybackCallback
* From MMPXPlaybackCallback
* Handle playback property
* @since 3.0
* @param aProperty the property
* @param aValue the value of the property
* @param aError error code
void HandlePropertyL(
TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
TInt aValue,
TInt aError );
* From MMPXPlaybackCallback
* Method is called continously until aComplete=ETrue, signifying that
* it is done and there will be no more callbacks
* Only new items are passed each time
* @since 3.0
* @param aPlayer UID of the subplayer
* @param aSubPlayers a list of sub players
* @param aComplete ETrue no more sub players. EFalse more subplayer
* expected
* @param aError error code
void HandleSubPlayerNamesL(
TUid aPlayer,
const MDesCArray* aSubPlayers,
TBool aComplete,
TInt aError );
* From MMPXPlaybackCallback
* Handle media properties
* @since 3.0
* @param aMedia media
* @param aError error code
void HandleMediaL(
const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
TInt aError );
// from base class MMPXCollectionMediaObserver
* Handle extended media properties
* @param aMedia media
* @param aError error code
void HandleCollectionMediaL(
const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
TInt aError);
// from base class CAknView
* From CAknView
* Command handling function.
* @since 3.0
* @param aCommand Command which is handled
void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
* From CAknView
* Processes user commands.
* @since 3.0
* @param aCommand ID of the command to respond to.
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId ) ;
* From CAknView
* Event handler for status pane size changes.
* @since 3.0
void HandleStatusPaneSizeChange();
// from base class MEikMenuObserver
* From MEikMenuObserver
* Dynamically initialises a menu pane.
* @param aResourceId The ID of the menu pane.
* @param aMenuPane The menu pane itself.
void DynInitMenuPaneL(
TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
// from base class CoeControl
* From CoeControl.
* Handles a change to the control's resources.
* @param aType A message UID value.
void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
// from base class MMPXLayoutSwitchObserver
* From MMPXLayoutSwitchObserver
* Callback function when layout is changed.
* @since S60 v3.0
void HandleLayoutChange();
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType );
* Sets the playback volume.
* @param aVolume volume value.
void SetVolumeL( const TInt aVolume );
* Mutes the playback volume.
void MuteVolumeL();
* Unmutes the playback volume.
void UnMuteVolumeL();
* Update toolbar.
void UpdateToolbarL();
* From MAknToolbarObserver
* Processes user commands.
* @since 5.0
* @param aCommand ID of the command to respond to.
void OfferToolbarEventL( TInt aCommandId );
* From MAknToolbarObserver
* Used to change toolbar settings before it is made visible
* @since 5.0
* @param aCommand ID of the command to respond to.
void DynInitToolbarL( TInt aResourceId, CAknToolbar* aToolBar );
private: // Data
MMPXPlaybackUtility* iPlaybackUtility; // not own
CMPXAlbumArtUtil* iMPXUtility; // own
CMPXMedia* iMedia; // own
CMPXCommonUiHelper* iCommonUiHelper; // own
// View utility.
MMPXViewUtility* iViewUtility;
// Current playback states
TInt iDuration; // in seconds
TInt iPosition; // in seconds
TMPXPlaybackState iPlaybackState;
TInt iRandomMode;
TInt iRepeatMode;
TBool iEmbedded;
TBool iSwitchingView;
// Feature flag for set as ringtone
TBool iChangeRTForAllProfiles;
// Error code to be handled at a later time
TInt iDelayedError;
CMPXUPnPPlaybackDialogLayout* iPlaybackDialogLayout; // owned
RArray<TUid> iPlayersList;
TMPXPlaybackPlayerType iCurrentPlayerType;
MMPXCollectionUtility* iCollectionUtility;
TInt iStartPlaybackIndex;
TInt iLastSkipDirection;
TBool iSkipping;
// RemCon target for receiving media key events
MMPXMediaKeyHandler* iMediaKeyHandler; // owned
TInt iResourceOffset; // must be freed
TInt iCommonPlaybackResourceOffset; // must be freed
TInt iUpnpResourceOffset; // must be freed
TRect iModRect; // MainPane rectangle
// Backup and restore previous view title and navi pane
TInt iPreviousLayoutId;
CAknTitlePane* iTitlePane; // Not owned
HBufC* iOrigTitle; // Original title text, owned
CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviPane; // Not owned
TKeyEvent iLastKeyEvent;
TEventCode iLastKeyType;
HBufC* iSubPlayerName;
CIdle* iDelayedEventExit; // Owned
TBool iKeySoundDisabled;
TInt iCurrentVolume;
TInt iFMTXResourceOffset; // must be freed
CAknToolbar* iToolbar; // not owned
CAknButton* iBtnPreviousItem; // not owned
CAknButton* iBtnNextItem; // not owned
CAknButton* iBtnPlayPause; // not owned
TBool iSeekForward;
// End of File