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     1 // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implementation of the TGregorianCalendar class.
    15 //
    17 #include <e32std.h>
    18 #include <e32math.h>
    19 #include "gregoriancalendar.h"
    21 // Constants
    22 const TReal KFourYears			= 4.0;
    23 const TReal KFourHundredYears	= 400;
    24 const TReal KOneHundredYears	= 100;
    25 const TReal KGregStartEpoch		= 1721424.5;
    26 //
    27 const TInt KDayOffsetByZero		= 0;
    28 const TInt KGregDaysInNormYear	= 365;
    29 const TInt KDaysIn400Years		= 146097;
    30 const TInt KDaysIn100Years		= 36524;
    31 const TInt KDaysIn4Years		= 1461;
    32 const TInt KGregCycle			= 12;
    33 const TInt KGregLeaps			= 7;
    34 const TInt KGregOffset			= 11;
    35 const TInt KGregStdMonth		= 30;
    36 const TInt KLastDayInDecember	= 31;
    40 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    41 // Construction/Destruction
    42 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    44 //------------------------------------------------------
    45 // Class:       TGregorianCalendar
    46 // Function:    TGregorianCalendar
    47 // Arguments:   None
    48 //
    49 // Comments:    Constructor
    50 //
    51 // Return:      None
    52 //------------------------------------------------------
    53 TGregorianCalendar::TGregorianCalendar()
    54 	{
    55 	InitMembers();
    56 	}
    58 //------------------------------------------------------
    59 // Class:       TGregorianCalendar
    60 // Function:    TGregorianCalendar
    61 // Arguments:   TReal
    62 //
    63 // Comments:    Overloaded Constructor
    64 //
    65 // Return:      None
    66 //------------------------------------------------------
    67 TGregorianCalendar::TGregorianCalendar(TReal aJD) __SOFTFP
    68 	{
    69 	iJulianDay = aJD;
    70 	InitMembers();
    71 	}
    73 //------------------------------------------------------
    74 // Class:       TGregorianCalendar
    75 // Function:    InitMembers
    76 // Arguments:   None
    77 //
    78 // Comments:    This function initialises the member variables
    79 //				or the class.  It is called in the constructors
    80 //
    81 // Return:      
    82 //------------------------------------------------------
    83 void TGregorianCalendar::InitMembers()
    84 	{
    85 	iStartEpoch = KGregStartEpoch + KCalConvPointFive;
    86 	Floor(iDaysInNormYear,KGregDaysInNormYear);
    87 	iCycle = KGregCycle;
    88 	iLeaps = KGregLeaps;
    89 	iOffset = KGregOffset;
    90 	iStdYearMonth = KGregStdMonth;
    91 	}
    93 //------------------------------------------------------
    94 // Class:       TGregorianCalendar
    95 // Function:    IsLeapYear
    96 // Arguments:   const TInt
    97 //
    98 // Comments:    Determines whether the given year is a leap year.
    99 //
   100 // Return:      ETrue if leap year, else EFalse
   101 //------------------------------------------------------
   102 TBool TGregorianCalendar::IsLeapYear(const TInt aYear)const
   103 	{
   104 	TReal result;
   105 	TBool rtn = EFalse;
   107 	Mod(result,aYear,KFourYears);
   109 	if	(!result)
   110 		{
   111 		rtn = ETrue;
   112 		}
   114 	Mod(result,aYear,KOneHundredYears);
   116 	if	(!result)
   117 		{
   118 		Mod(result,aYear,KFourHundredYears);
   120 		if	(result)
   121 			{
   122 			rtn = EFalse;
   123 			}
   124 		}
   125 	return rtn;
   126 	}
   128 //------------------------------------------------------
   129 // Class:       TGregorianCalendar
   130 // Function:    GregToJulianDay
   131 // Arguments:   const TArithmeticalDate&
   132 //
   133 // Comments:    converts gregorian date to Julian day value
   134 //
   135 // Return:      Julian day value for the given Gregorian date
   136 //------------------------------------------------------
   137 TReal TGregorianCalendar::GregToJulianDay(const TArithmeticalDate& aDate) const __SOFTFP
   138 	{
   139 	TReal result;
   140 	TReal tempReal;
   141 	TInt tempInt;
   143 	// days to the start of the year based on normal years
   144 	result = iStartEpoch + (iDaysInNormYear * (aDate.iYear - 1));
   146 	// leap year corrections
   147 	tempReal = (aDate.iYear - 1) / KFourYears;
   148 	Floor(tempInt,tempReal);
   149 	result += tempInt;
   151 	tempReal = (aDate.iYear - 1) / KOneHundredYears;
   152 	Floor(tempInt,tempReal);
   153 	result -= tempInt;
   155 	tempReal = (aDate.iYear - 1) / KFourHundredYears;
   156 	Floor(tempInt,tempReal);
   157 	result += tempInt;
   159 	// days in whole months in the year in question - approx 
   160 	// based on Feb having 30 days
   161 	tempInt = DaysMonthsElapsed(aDate.iMonth);
   162 	result += tempInt;
   164 	// correction for assumption that Feb has 30 days
   165 	if	(aDate.iMonth <= (EFebruary + 1))
   166 		result += KDayOffsetByZero;
   167 	else if	(aDate.iMonth > (EFebruary + 1) && IsLeapYear(aDate.iYear))
   168 		result -= 1;
   169 	else
   170 		result -= 2;
   172 	// days in month in question
   173 	result += aDate.iDay;
   175 	return result;
   176 	}
   178 //------------------------------------------------------
   179 // Class:       TGregorianCalendar
   180 // Function:    GregorianToDateTime
   181 // Arguments:   TDateTime& 
   182 //
   183 // Comments:    This gets the date from the TGregorianCalendar class
   184 //				and places in the the given TDateTime class
   185 //
   186 // Return:      void
   187 //------------------------------------------------------
   188 void TGregorianCalendar::GregorianToDateTime(TDateTime& aDT)
   189 	{
   190 	TArithmeticalDate gregDate;
   191 	GregFromJulianDay(gregDate,iJulianDay);
   193 	aDT.Set(0,EJanuary,0,0,0,0,0);
   194 	aDT.SetMonth((TMonth)(gregDate.iMonth - 1));
   195 	aDT.SetDay(gregDate.iDay - 1);
   196 	aDT.SetYear(gregDate.iYear);
   197 	}
   199 //------------------------------------------------------
   200 // Class:       TGregorianCalendar
   201 // Function:    CalcGregYear
   202 // Arguments:   TArithmeticalDate&
   203 //
   204 // Comments:    Calculates the gregorian year from Julian 
   205 //				day value.
   206 //
   207 // Return:      None
   208 //------------------------------------------------------
   209 void TGregorianCalendar::CalcGregYear(TArithmeticalDate& aDate, TReal aJulianDay) const __SOFTFP
   210 	{
   211 	TReal d0;
   212 	TReal d1;
   213 	TReal d2;
   214 	TReal d3;
   215 	TReal year;
   216 	TInt n400;
   217 	TInt n100;
   218 	TInt n4;
   219 	TInt n1;
   220 	TInt32 yearInt32;
   222 	// determine year
   223 	// get to start of calendar ie year 1
   224 	d0 = aJulianDay - iStartEpoch - 1;
   226 	Mod(d1,d0,KDaysIn400Years);
   228 	Mod(d2,d1,KDaysIn100Years);
   230 	Mod(d3,d2,KDaysIn4Years);
   232 	// number of 400 year blocks
   233 	d0 /= KDaysIn400Years;
   234 	Floor(n400,d0);
   236 	// number of 100 year blocks
   237 	d1 /= KDaysIn100Years;
   238 	Floor(n100,d1);
   240 	// number of 4 year blocks
   241 	d2 /= KDaysIn4Years;
   242 	Floor(n4,d2);
   244 		// number of 1 year blocks
   245 	d3 /= KGregDaysInNormYear;
   246 	Floor(n1,d3);
   248 	// calc year
   249 	year = (KFourHundredYears * n400) + (KOneHundredYears * n100) + (KFourYears * n4) + n1;
   250 	Math::Int(yearInt32,year);
   252 	if	((n100 == (KFourHundredYears / KOneHundredYears)) || (n1 == KFourYears))
   253 		{
   254 		aDate.iYear = yearInt32;
   255 		}
   256 	else
   257 		{
   258 		aDate.iYear = yearInt32 + 1;
   259 		}
   260 	}
   262 //------------------------------------------------------
   263 // Class:       TGregorianCalendar
   264 // Function:    GregDateDiff
   265 // Arguments:   const TArithmeticalDate, const TArithmeticalDate
   266 //
   267 // Comments:    This function Determines the difference in days
   268 //				between two gregorian dates.
   269 //
   270 // Return:      Days difference
   271 //------------------------------------------------------
   272 TInt TGregorianCalendar::GregDateDiff(const TArithmeticalDate aDate1, const TArithmeticalDate aDate2)const
   273 	{
   274 	TInt diff;
   275 	TReal diffReal;
   276 	diffReal = GregToJulianDay(aDate2) - GregToJulianDay(aDate1);
   277 	Floor(diff,diffReal);
   278 	return diff;
   279 	}
   281 //------------------------------------------------------
   282 // Class:       TGregorianCalendar
   283 // Function:    DayNumber
   284 // Arguments:   const TArithmeticalDate& 
   285 //
   286 // Comments:    this function returns the number of days that
   287 //				have elapsed in the given year
   288 //
   289 // Return:      see comment
   290 //------------------------------------------------------
   291 TInt TGregorianCalendar::DayNumber(const TArithmeticalDate& aDate)const
   292 	{
   293 	TArithmeticalDate tempDate;
   294 	TInt dayNum;
   296 	tempDate.iDay = KLastDayInDecember;
   297 	tempDate.iMonth = EDecember + 1;
   298 	tempDate.iYear = aDate.iYear - 1;
   300 	dayNum = GregDateDiff(tempDate,aDate);
   302 	return dayNum;
   303 	}
   305 //------------------------------------------------------
   306 // Class:       TGregorianCalendar
   307 // Function:    GregFromJulianDay
   308 // Arguments:   TArithmeticalDate& , TReal
   309 //
   310 // Comments:    This function converts a gregorian date to
   311 //				a julian day
   312 //
   313 // Return:      void
   314 //------------------------------------------------------
   315 void TGregorianCalendar::GregFromJulianDay(TArithmeticalDate& aDate, TReal aJulianDay) const __SOFTFP
   316 	{
   317 	TReal priorDays;
   318 	TReal correction;
   319 	TReal day;
   320 	TReal month;
   321 	TInt32 dayInt32;
   322 	TInt32 monthInt32;
   324 	CalcGregYear(aDate,aJulianDay);
   326 	aDate.iDay = 1;
   327 	aDate.iMonth = EJanuary + 1;
   329 	priorDays = aJulianDay - GregToJulianDay(aDate);
   331 	aDate.iMonth = EMarch + 1;
   333 	if	(aJulianDay < GregToJulianDay(aDate))
   334 		{
   335 		correction = KDayOffsetByZero;
   336 		}
   337 	else if	((aJulianDay >= GregToJulianDay(aDate)) && IsLeapYear(aDate.iYear))
   338 		{
   339 		correction = 1;
   340 		}
   341 	else
   342 		{
   343 		correction = 2;
   344 		}
   346 	month = priorDays + correction;
   347 	Math::Int(monthInt32,month);
   348 	monthInt32 = DayMonthInYear(monthInt32);
   349 	aDate.iMonth = monthInt32;
   351 	day = aJulianDay - GregToJulianDay(aDate) + 1;
   352 	Math::Int(dayInt32,day);
   353 	aDate.iDay = dayInt32;
   354 	}
   357 //------------------------------------------------------
   358 // Class:       TArithmeticalCalendar
   359 // Function:    DaysMonthsElapsed
   360 // Arguments:   const TInt ,const TInt ,const TInt , const TInt ,const TInt
   361 //
   362 // Comments:    The use of this function varies between calendars 
   363 //				however since the form of the equation is the same it 
   364 //				is represented in this class.  The equation is use to 
   365 //				calculate the number of days in whole months of a particular
   366 //				year up to a particular date in the Gregorian and 
   367 //				Islamic calendars.  The Hebrew calendar uses this
   368 //				equation to calculate the number of whole months 
   369 //				since the start of the calendar.
   370 //				
   371 //
   372 // Return:      See comments
   373 //------------------------------------------------------
   374 TInt TGregorianCalendar::DaysMonthsElapsed(const TInt aYear) const
   375 	{
   376 	TReal tempReal;
   377 	TInt result;
   379 	tempReal = iOffset * iLeaps;
   380 	Mod(tempReal,tempReal,iCycle);
   381 	tempReal = ((iLeaps * aYear) - iLeaps + tempReal) / iCycle;
   382 	Floor(result,tempReal);
   383 	result = result + (iStdYearMonth * (aYear - KCalConvYearOffsetByOne));
   385 	return result;
   386 	}
   388 //------------------------------------------------------
   389 // Class:       TArithmeticalCalendar
   390 // Function:    DayMonthInYear
   391 // Arguments:   None
   392 //
   393 // Comments:    This function Determines the month based on
   394 //				the number of days into the year it is
   395 //
   396 // Return:      TInt - Month
   397 //------------------------------------------------------
   398 TInt TGregorianCalendar::DayMonthInYear(const TInt aDays) const
   399 	{
   400 	TReal tempReal;
   401 	TInt result;
   403 	tempReal = iLeaps * iOffset;
   404 	Mod(tempReal,tempReal,iCycle);
   405 	tempReal = (iCycle * aDays) + (iCycle * iStdYearMonth) + iLeaps - KCalConvYearOffsetByOne + iCycle - tempReal;
   406 	tempReal = tempReal / ((iCycle * iStdYearMonth) + iLeaps);
   407 	Floor(result,tempReal);
   409 	return result;
   410 	}