changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
child 5 42814f902fe6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f979ecb2b13e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15  *
    16 */
    18 #include "aicalendarplugin2.h"
    19 #include "aicalendarplugin2contentmodel.h"
    20 #include "AIAgendaPluginEngineIf.h"
    21 #include "aicalendarplugin2constantdata.h"
    22 #include "aicalendarplugin2data.h"
    23 #include "aicalendarplugin2constants.hrh"
    24 #include "aicalendarplugin2uids.hrh"
    26 #include <aicalendarplugin2.mbg>
    27 #include <calendar.mbg>
    28 #include <gulicon.h>
    29 #include <bautils.h>
    30 #include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
    32 #include <aistrparser.h>
    33 #include <aiutility.h>
    34 #include <aipluginsettings.h>
    36 // CONSTANTS
    38 const TInt KAI2CurrentIconLoadSizeX = 40;
    39 const TInt KAI2CurrentIconLoadSizeY = 40;
    41 const TInt KAI2InternalIdForNoEvents = -357;
    42 const TInt KAI2InternalIdForNoMoreEvents = -38;
    43 const TInt KAI2InternalIdForNextEvent = -44;
    44 const TInt KAI2InternalIdForNextEvents = -45;
    45 const TInt KAI2InternalIdForNextEventTomorrow = -762;
    47 enum TAi2CalIcons
    48     {
    49     // Lets be explicit to maintain readability
    50     KAi2IconCalendar = 0,
    51     KAi2MeetingIcon, // 1
    52     KAi2Memo, // 2
    53     KAi2Anniversary, // 3
    54     KAi2UncompeledTodo // 4
    55     };
    57 _LIT( KResourceDrive, "z:" );
    58 _LIT( KCalendarBitmapFile, "calendar.mif" );
    59 _LIT( KAIPluginIconBitmapFile, "aicalendarplugin2.mif" );
    60 _LIT( KCalendarResourceFile, "calendar.rsc" );
    61 _LIT( KAIPluginTextsResourceFileName,    "aicalendarplugin2res.rsc");
    63 _LIT16( KHexPrefix16, "0x" );
    66 TInt ParseInt
    67         ( TInt32& aValue, const TDesC16& aStringValue )
    68     {
    69     const TInt pos = aStringValue.FindF( KHexPrefix16 );
    70     if (pos != KErrNotFound)
    71         {
    72         TLex16 lex( aStringValue.Mid( pos + KHexPrefix16().Length() ) );
    73         // Hex parsing needs unsigned int
    74         TUint32 value = 0;
    75         const TInt parseResult = lex.Val( value, EHex );
    76         if ( parseResult == KErrNone )
    77             {
    78             aValue = value;
    79             }
    80         return parseResult;
    81         }
    82     else
    83         {
    84         TLex16 lex( aStringValue );
    85         return lex.Val(aValue);
    86         }
    87     }
    89 TInt GetTimedItemLineNeed(
    90                 RPointerArray<CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem>& /*aArray*/,
    91                 TInt /*aArrayOffset*/ )
    92     {
    93     // Multiline cale
    94     return 1;
    95     }
    97 TInt GetTimedArrayLineNeed(
    98                 RPointerArray<CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem>& aArray, TInt aSpaceTaken )
    99     {
   100     // Multiline cale
   101     return aArray.Count() * aSpaceTaken;
   102     }
   104 TInt CalculateStartIndexBackwards(
   105                 RPointerArray<CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem>& aArray,
   106                 TInt aLinesAvailable,
   107                 TInt spaceUse,
   108                 TBool aHasPriority )
   109     {
   110     TInt i = aArray.Count() - 1;
   111     TInt totalSpace = 0;
   112     for( ; i >= 0; --i )
   113         {
   114         if( totalSpace + spaceUse >= aLinesAvailable )
   115             {
   116             if( totalSpace + spaceUse > aLinesAvailable )
   117                 {
   118                 ++i;
   119                 }
   120             break;
   121             }
   122         totalSpace += spaceUse;
   123         }
   124     if( i >= aArray.Count() )
   125         {
   126         i = aArray.Count() - 1;
   127         }
   128     else if( ( ( i < 0 ) && aHasPriority ) ||// <- if there is little space left only priority item are
   129                                         //    fitted to the screen
   130         ( aLinesAvailable > aArray.Count() ) )// <- if theres lot of space, make sure to fit us too
   131         {
   132         i = 0;
   133         }
   134     return i;
   135     }
   137 // Provide a key pair value table for ECOM.
   138 // Used to identify the correct construction function for the requested interface.
   139 const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] = 
   140     {
   142                                 CAICalendarPlugin2::NewL )
   143     };
   145 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
   147 CAICalendarPlugin2* CAICalendarPlugin2::NewL()
   148     {
   149     CAICalendarPlugin2* self = new( ELeave )CAICalendarPlugin2;
   150     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   151     self->ConstructL();
   152     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   153     return self;
   154     }
   156 CAICalendarPlugin2::CAICalendarPlugin2()
   157   : iActualLinesInUse( KAICal2DefaultActualLines ),
   158     iNonTimedItemReservation( KAICal2DefaultItemReservation )
   159     {
   160     }
   162 void CAICalendarPlugin2::ConstructL()
   163     {
   164     if( !iCalendarResourceFileOffset )
   165         {
   166         TFileName resFile;
   167         resFile.Append( KResourceDrive );
   168         resFile.Append( KDC_APP_RESOURCE_DIR );
   169         resFile.Append( KCalendarResourceFile );
   170         BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(), resFile );
   171         iCalendarResourceFileOffset = CCoeEnv::Static()->AddResourceFileL( resFile );
   172         }
   174     if( !iTextResourceFileOffset )
   175         {
   176         TFileName resFile;
   177         resFile.Append( KResourceDrive );
   178         resFile.Append( KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR );
   179         resFile.Append( KAIPluginTextsResourceFileName );
   180         BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(), resFile );
   181         iTextResourceFileOffset = CCoeEnv::Static()->AddResourceFileL( resFile );
   182         }
   184     iCalendarIconFileName = HBufC::NewL( KResourceDrive().Length() +
   185                                          KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR().Length() +
   186                                          KCalendarBitmapFile().Length() );
   187     iCalendarIconFileName->Des().Append( KResourceDrive );
   188     iCalendarIconFileName->Des().Append( KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR );
   189     iCalendarIconFileName->Des().Append( KCalendarBitmapFile );
   191     iPluginIconFileName = HBufC::NewL( KResourceDrive().Length() +
   192                                        KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR().Length() +
   193                                        KAIPluginIconBitmapFile().Length() );
   194     iPluginIconFileName->Des().Append( KResourceDrive );
   195     iPluginIconFileName->Des().Append( KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR );
   196     iPluginIconFileName->Des().Append( KAIPluginIconBitmapFile );
   198     iConstantData = CAICalendarPlugin2ConstantData::NewL();
   199     iEventData = CAICalendarPlugin2Data::NewL();
   200     iStrParser = AiUtility::CreateStrParserL();
   201     }
   203 CAICalendarPlugin2::~CAICalendarPlugin2()
   204     {
   205     if( iCalendarResourceFileOffset )
   206         {
   207         CCoeEnv::Static()->DeleteResourceFile( iCalendarResourceFileOffset );
   208         }
   209     if( iTextResourceFileOffset )
   210         {
   211         CCoeEnv::Static()->DeleteResourceFile( iTextResourceFileOffset );
   212         }
   213     delete iEngine;
   214     delete iEventData;
   215     delete iConstantData;
   216     Release( iStrParser );
   218     iBitmaps.ResetAndDestroy();
   219     iMasks.ResetAndDestroy();
   221     delete iPluginIconFileName;
   222     delete iCalendarIconFileName;
   223     iPublishedDataStore.Reset();
   224     iNewCollectedDataStore.Reset();
   225 	delete iPrevUid;
   226     }
   228 void CAICalendarPlugin2::CreateBitmapSkinnedIconL( const TAknsItemID& aSkinIconId,
   229                                                    const TDesC& aFilename,
   230                                                    TInt aNormalIconId,
   231                                                    TInt aNormalMaskId,
   232                                                    CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
   233                                                    CFbsBitmap*& aMask )
   234     {
   235     AknsUtils::CreateIconLC( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
   236                              aSkinIconId, 
   237                              aBitmap, 
   238                              aMask, 
   239                              aFilename, 
   240                              aNormalIconId, 
   241                              aNormalMaskId );
   243     CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );  // bitmap, mask, cant use pop param here, we dont know
   244                              // the push order of the CreateIconLC
   245     }
   247 void CAICalendarPlugin2::CreateIconsL(void)
   248     {
   249     CFbsBitmap* bitmap;
   250     CFbsBitmap* mask;
   251     iBitmaps.ResetAndDestroy();
   252     iMasks.ResetAndDestroy();
   254     TSize iconSize( TSize( KAI2CurrentIconLoadSizeX,
   255                            KAI2CurrentIconLoadSizeY ) );
   256     /**
   257      * Creation order!:
   258      *   Calendar icon
   259      *   Meeting icon
   260      *   Note icon
   261      *   Anniversary icon
   262      *   Uncompleted to-do icon
   263      *   
   264      **/
   265     CreateBitmapSkinnedIconL( KAknsIIDQgnIndiAiCale, 
   266                               *iPluginIconFileName, 
   267                               EMbmAicalendarplugin2Qgn_indi_ai_cale, 
   268                               EMbmAicalendarplugin2Qgn_indi_ai_cale_mask,
   269                               bitmap, mask );
   271     // These bitmaps are permanently owned by arrays here.
   272     // Only duplicates are provided to system, are they can
   273     // do whatever they want to them.
   274     User::LeaveIfError( iBitmaps.Append( bitmap ) );
   275     User::LeaveIfError( iMasks.Append( mask ) );
   276     User::LeaveIfError( 
   277         AknIconUtils::SetSize( bitmap, iconSize ) );
   279     CreateBitmapSkinnedIconL( KAknsIIDQgnIndiCdrMeeting, 
   280                               *iCalendarIconFileName, 
   281                               EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_meeting, 
   282                               EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_meeting_mask,
   283                               bitmap, mask );
   284     User::LeaveIfError( iBitmaps.Append( bitmap ) );
   285     User::LeaveIfError( iMasks.Append( mask ) );
   286     User::LeaveIfError( 
   287         AknIconUtils::SetSize( bitmap, iconSize ) );
   289     CreateBitmapSkinnedIconL( KAknsIIDQgnIndiCdrReminder, 
   290                               *iCalendarIconFileName, 
   291                               EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_reminder, 
   292                               EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_reminder_mask,
   293                               bitmap, mask );
   294     User::LeaveIfError( iBitmaps.Append( bitmap ) );
   295     User::LeaveIfError( iMasks.Append( mask ) );
   296     User::LeaveIfError( 
   297         AknIconUtils::SetSize( bitmap, iconSize ) );
   299     CreateBitmapSkinnedIconL( KAknsIIDQgnIndiCdrBirthday, 
   300                               *iCalendarIconFileName, 
   301                               EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_birthday, 
   302                               EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_birthday_mask,
   303                               bitmap, mask );
   304     User::LeaveIfError( iBitmaps.Append( bitmap ) );
   305     User::LeaveIfError( iMasks.Append( mask ) );
   306     User::LeaveIfError( 
   307         AknIconUtils::SetSize( bitmap, iconSize ) );
   309     CreateBitmapSkinnedIconL( KAknsIIDQgnPropTodoUndone, 
   310                               *iCalendarIconFileName, 
   311                               EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_todo, 
   312                               EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_todo_mask,
   313                               bitmap, mask );
   314     User::LeaveIfError( iBitmaps.Append( bitmap ) );
   315     User::LeaveIfError( iMasks.Append( mask ) );
   316     User::LeaveIfError( 
   317         AknIconUtils::SetSize( bitmap, iconSize ) );
   319     iBitmaps.Compress();
   320     iMasks.Compress();
   321     }    
   323 void CAICalendarPlugin2::Resume( TAiTransitionReason aReason )
   324     {
   325     TRAP_IGNORE( DoResumeL( aReason ) );
   326     }
   328 void CAICalendarPlugin2::DoResumeL( TAiTransitionReason aReason )
   329     {
   330     if( aReason == EAiIdleForeground ||
   331         aReason == EAiBacklightOn ||
   332         aReason == EAiSystemStartup ||
   333         aReason == EAiGeneralThemeChanged )
   334         {
   335         if( aReason == EAiGeneralThemeChanged )
   336             {
   337             // Reset for republishing. Especially icons!
   338             iPublishedDataStore.Reset();
   339             }
   340         if( !iEngine )
   341             {
   342             iEngine = CAIAgendaPluginEngineIf::NewL( *this, ECalendarAndTodoObserver );
   343             }
   344         else
   345             {
   346             iEngine->Refresh();
   347             }
   348         }
   349     }
   351 void CAICalendarPlugin2::Suspend( TAiTransitionReason /*aReason*/ )
   352     {
   353     delete iEngine;
   354     iEngine = NULL;
   355     }
   357 void CAICalendarPlugin2::Stop( TAiTransitionReason /*aReason*/ )
   358     {
   359     delete iEngine;
   360     iEngine = NULL;
   361     iPublishedDataStore.Reset();
   362     }
   364 void CAICalendarPlugin2::SubscribeL( MAiContentObserver& aObserver )
   365     {
   366     iEventData->AppendObserverL( aObserver );
   367     }
   369 void CAICalendarPlugin2::ConfigureL( RAiSettingsItemArray& aSettings )
   370     {
   371     // Receive the settings for this plugin from the user(theme or similar).
   372     // There are four settings we need for the current implementation to work
   373     // properly:
   374     //
   375     // 1) total item count of the UI = EPluginEventItemCount
   376     //
   377     // 2) the vertical space taken by timed item (relative to the size of non timed item)
   378     //    = EPluginTimedEventLineCount
   379     //
   380     // 3) the vertical space taken by non timed item (relative to the size of timed item)
   381     //    = EPluginNonTimedEventLineCount
   382     //
   383     // 4) the amount of lines we reserve for non timed events if many timed and non timed
   384     //    events are present = EPluginNonTimedReservedItems
   385     //
   386     // In the current 2.6.2006 specification for example (Navibar theme), we have non timed items
   387     // half the vertical size of timed items. Timed items take 2 lines visible space and
   388     // non timed take 1 line of visible space. We need to able to show at maximum 6
   389     // non timed items, so we need total 6 items (1 line items). As timed items take
   390     // 2 lines we can fit three of them in to the view (no setting need/can be calculated)
   391     // as stated in the specification. If many timed and non timed calendar events are 
   392     // present we always reserve 2 times for non timed events.
   393     // So the setting to satisfy the UI spec of the "Navibar UI" are 6, 2, 1, 2
   394     //
   395     //
   396     for( TInt i = 0; i < aSettings.Count(); ++i )
   397         {
   398         MAiPluginSettingsItem& item = (aSettings[i])->AiPluginSettingsItem();
   399         TInt32 value = 0;
   400         if( ParseInt( value, item.Value() ) != KErrNone )
   401             {
   402             continue;
   403             }
   404         if( value < 0 )
   405             {
   406             continue;
   407             }
   409         if( item.Key() == EPluginEventItemCount )
   410             {
   411             iActualLinesInUse = value;
   412             continue;
   413             }
   414         else if( item.Key() == EPluginTimedEventLineCount )
   415             {
   416             iEventData->SetSpaceTakenByTimedEvent( value );
   417             continue;
   418             }
   419         else if( item.Key() == EPluginNonTimedEventLineCount )
   420             {
   421             iEventData->SetSpaceTakenByNonTimedEvent( value );
   422             continue;
   423             }
   424         else if( item.Key() == EPluginNonTimedReservedItems )
   425             {
   426             iNonTimedItemReservation = value;
   427             continue;
   428             }
   429         else if( item.Key() == EPluginAppendEndTimeToOngoingItems )
   430             {
   431             iConstantData->iAppendEndTimeToOngoingItems = value;
   432             continue;
   433             }
   434         else if( item.Key() == EPluginUseAlternatePublishForUpcomingAndOngoingItems )
   435             {
   436             iConstantData->iUseAlternatePublish = value;
   437             continue;
   438             }
   439         else if( item.Key() == EPluginOpenInViewerOrEditor )
   440             {
   441             iConstantData->iOpenInViewer = !value;
   442             continue;
   443             }
   444         else if( item.Key() == EPluginDaysToHandleAsNotToday )
   445             {
   446             iConstantData->iDaysToHandleAsNotToday = value;
   447             continue;
   448             }
   449         else if( item.Key() == EPluginOpenFirstValidOnIndexZero )
   450             {
   451             iConstantData->iOpenFirstValid = value;
   452             continue;
   453             }
   454         else if ( item.Key() == EPluginPublishInfoWithAlternateId )
   455             {
   456             iConstantData->iUseAlternateInfoPublish = value;
   457             continue;
   458             }
   460         }
   461     // Last op, free array and items
   462     aSettings.ResetAndDestroy();
   463     }
   465 TAny* CAICalendarPlugin2::Extension( TUid aUid )
   466     {
   467     if (aUid == KExtensionUidProperty)
   468         {
   469         return static_cast<MAiPropertyExtension*>(this);
   470         }
   471     else if (aUid == KExtensionUidEventHandler)
   472         {
   473         return static_cast<MAiEventHandlerExtension*>(this);
   474         }
   475     return NULL;
   476     }
   478 TAny* CAICalendarPlugin2::GetPropertyL( TInt aProperty )
   479     {
   480     return iConstantData->GetPropertyL( aProperty );
   481     }
   483 void CAICalendarPlugin2::SetPropertyL( TInt aProperty, TAny* aValue )
   484     {
   485     if( aValue )
   486         {
   487         iConstantData->SetPropertyL( aProperty, aValue );
   488         }
   489     }
   491 void CAICalendarPlugin2::HandleEvent( TInt aEvent, const TDesC& aParam )
   492     {
   493     if( aEvent == EAICalendarPlugin2EventItemSelected )
   494         {
   495         TInt32 index = 0;
   496         if( ParseInt( index, aParam ) != KErrNone )
   497             {
   498             return;
   499             }
   501         // Other "out of bounds" checked inside launch method.
   502         if( index > iActualLinesInUse )
   503             {
   504             // invalid index
   505             return;
   506             }
   507         iEventData->LaunchCalendarApplication( index, iConstantData->iOpenFirstValid );
   508         }
   509     }
   511 void CAICalendarPlugin2::PluginDataChanged(
   512                     const RPointerArray<CCalInstance>& aEntryArray,
   513                     TBool aHadEvents )
   514     {
   515     iEventData->SetHadExpiredEvents( aHadEvents );
   517     iEventData->ClearDataArrays();
   519     TRAP_IGNORE(
   520         FillDataArraysL( aEntryArray );
   521         PublishDataArraysL();
   522         );
   523     }
   525 void CAICalendarPlugin2::FillDataArraysL(
   526                     const RPointerArray<CCalInstance>& aEntryArray )
   527     {
   528     /**
   529      * [uses icon y/n] time formatting | subject and location formatting
   530      *
   531      * [Y] 13:05-14:00 subject, location...  // normal day event
   532      * [Y] 00:00-08:00 subject, location...  // event starting yesterday
   533      * [Y] 19:00-23:59 subject, location...  // event ends tomorrow
   534      * [Y] 16:50-16:50 subject, location...  // event with no duration
   535      * [Y] 25/8/04 16:00- subject...  // normal not today event
   536      * [Y] subject...  // normal non timed event
   537      * [Y] 25/8/04 subject...  // not today non timed event
   538      * 26.10.2006 Tuomas Karjagin: - all item now will use icons
   539      *                             - end time removed from normal not today.
   540      **/
   542     // extract new data from CAgnEntry objects
   543     TInt daynoteIndex = 0; // to insert day notes in correct order...
   544 	delete iPrevUid;    
   545 	iPrevUid = NULL;
   547     for( TInt eventArrayIndex = 0, count = aEntryArray.Count();
   548          eventArrayIndex < count;
   549          eventArrayIndex++ )
   550         {
   551         CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem* eventItem = CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem::NewL(
   552                                                         *aEntryArray[eventArrayIndex],
   553                                                         *iConstantData );
   554         CleanupStack::PushL( eventItem );
   556         // Multiple-day Todos contain multiple eventItems
   557         // Showing only one and deleting the rest
   558         if ( ( iPrevUid ) && ( eventItem->Type() == EPluginItemToDo ) 
   559         		&& ( iPrevUid->Compare( *( eventItem->iUid ) ) == 0 ) )
   560         	{
   561         	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( eventItem );
   562         	}
   563         else
   564         	{
   565         	delete iPrevUid;    
   566         	iPrevUid = NULL;
   567         	iPrevUid = eventItem->iUid->AllocL();        
   569         	// Append item ot correct array, method increments daynoteIndex if required
   570         	if( iEventData->AppendItemToCorrectArray( *eventItem,
   571         			daynoteIndex ) != KErrNone )
   572         		{
   573         		// Append not allowed, destroy item and proceed
   574         		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( eventItem );
   575         		}
   576         	else
   577         		{
   578         		// Item accepted and ownership transferred
   579         		CleanupStack::Pop( eventItem );
   580         		}
   581         	}
   582         }
   583     delete iPrevUid; 
   584     iPrevUid = NULL;
   585     iEventData->SortArrayByTime( iEventData->FutureItemArray() );
   586     iEventData->SortArrayByTime( iEventData->TomorrowEventArray() );
   587     }
   590 void CAICalendarPlugin2::PublishDataArraysL()
   591     {
   593     // We publish only to the first registered observer.
   594     // If needed edit the publishing helper function to
   595     // publish to all.
   596     if( iEventData->ObserverArray().Count() <= 0 )
   597         {
   598         // If no observers registered, return immediate
   599         iEventData->ClearDataArrays();
   600         return;
   601         }
   602     iCurrentObserver = (iEventData->ObserverArray())[0];
   603     iCurrentObserver->StartTransaction( reinterpret_cast<TInt32>(this) );
   604     iNewCollectedDataStore.Reset();
   605     iNewCollectedDataStore.Append( 0 ); // always append the not used zero
   606                                         // this because publishes start from 1
   607                                         // so we dont need to -1 everywhere
   609     /**************************************************************************
   610      *  Current publish order description, based on the Active Idle UI spec
   611      *
   612      *  Last update date: 19/09/2006, UI Spec date 08/09/2006
   613      *
   614      *  --- Last change item was to swap 3 and 4. Pre calculation part is
   615      *  --- no longer required but left in the code so that they can be restored
   616      *  --- just by moving the for loop again, no other changes required.
   617      *
   618      *  Sections are accordingly numbered in the code below:
   619      *
   620      *  0) Publish "No (more calendar) events for today" if no (more)
   621      *     events today.
   622      *
   623      *  1) If there are on going meetings/appointments and extra room for these
   624      *     after all non timer and upcoming meetings have been published,
   625      *     publish as many on going events as fits in to the view. These
   626      *     are only published if there is left over space = low priority.
   627      *
   628      *  2) Publish as many timed events for today as fits in to view, but
   629      *     reserve space for todays non timed event if any. Reserve as many
   630      *     lines as is in the spec, currently up to 2 lines are reserved.
   631      *     These are top priority items.
   632      *
   633      *  3) Publish non timed event for today. Use all space left from 1), 2)
   634      *     and 3) if necessary. These are top priority items.
   635      *
   636      *  4) These are only published if there is left over space = low priority.
   637      *
   638      *  5) Publish empty content to the rest of the items.
   639      *
   640      *  NOTES: Care must be taken when changes are made to this system.
   641      *         Extensive testing recommended when making even the smallest
   642      *         change.
   643      *
   644      **************************************************************************/
   646     TInt lineUsage = 0;
   647     TInt publishIndex = 1; // publishes start from 1, because 0 is "reserved"
   648                            // according to spec! maybe add a setting for this.
   649     const TInt cstSpaceTakenByTimed = iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent();
   650     const TInt cstSpaceTakenByNonTimed = iEventData->SpaceTakenByNonTimedEvent();
   652     // SPACE VALUES INCLUDES CONSIDERATION TO 1 line - 2 lines space reservation
   653     const TInt cstTotalNonTimedTodaySpace = iEventData->NonTimedEventArray().Count() *
   654                                          cstSpaceTakenByNonTimed;
   656     const TInt cstMinLinesForTodayNonTimed = Min( cstTotalNonTimedTodaySpace,
   657                                                      iNonTimedItemReservation *
   658                                                      cstSpaceTakenByNonTimed );
   661     // Simplify total today item count, calculate it ready here
   662     const TInt cstTotalTimedTodayItemCount = iEventData->TotalTimedTodayItemCount();
   664     RArray<TAiCalendarFocusData>& focusDataArray = iEventData->FocusDataArray();
   665     focusDataArray.Reset();
   667     // First item always occupied by title line.
   668     TAiCalendarFocusData titleFocusItem;
   669     titleFocusItem.iType = EAI2CalOpenToday;
   670     focusDataArray.Append( titleFocusItem );
   672     TBool cleanInfo = ETrue;
   673     // The "+ 1" in "lineUsage + 1"
   674     //          and "upcoming2HrsIndex + nonTimedIndex + futureTimedIndex + futureNonTimedIndex + ongoingIndex + ongoing30Index + upcomingIndex + nonCalendarEventItemIndex + 1"
   675     // derives from the fact that we do not publish to index 0
   676     // it is specified as reserved.
   678     /**
   679      * 0)
   680      */
   681     if( iEventData->TotalTodayItemCount() == 0 &&
   682         iEventData->LongOngoingArray().Count() == 0 )
   683         {
   684         // hadExpiredEvents tells us if we had any events today, when
   685         // there are no upcoming event for today. Then we can choose 
   686         // proper text to display.
   688         Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2EventSubject, lineUsage + 1 );
   689         Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2EventLocation, lineUsage + 1 );
   690         Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeStart, lineUsage + 1 );
   691         Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeEnd, lineUsage + 1 );
   692         Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextSecondLine, lineUsage + 1 );
   694         if( ( iEventData->TomorrowEventArray().Count() > 0 ) &&
   695             ( iConstantData->iDaysToHandleAsNotToday == KAIRangeTomorrowOnly ) )
   696             {
   697             if ( !iConstantData->iUseAlternateInfoPublish )
   698                 {
   699                 CleanInfo();
   700                 }
   701             TTime eventTime = (iEventData->TomorrowEventArray())[0]->Time();
   702             // display "Next event tomorrow:"
   703             if( !( CompareChecksums( publishIndex,
   704                                      KAI2InternalIdForNextEventTomorrow ) ) )
   705                 {
   706                 PublishIconL( EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday, publishIndex );
   707                 iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   708                                         EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine,
   709                                         EAICalendarPlugin2NextEventTomorrow,
   710                                         lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   711                 iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   712                                         EAICalendarPlugin2EventSubject,
   713                                         EAICalendarPlugin2NextEventTomorrow,
   714                                         lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   715                 iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   716                                         EAICalendarPlugin2TimeStartAndSubject,
   717                                         EAICalendarPlugin2NextEventTomorrow,
   718                                         lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   719                 }
   720             ++lineUsage;
   721             ++publishIndex;
   723             TAiCalendarFocusData focusItem;
   724             focusItem.iType = EAI2CalOpenOnEventDay;
   725             focusItem.iEntryTime = eventTime;
   726             focusDataArray.Append( focusItem );
   727             }
   728         else if( ( ( iEventData->NotTodayItemArray().Count() > 0 ) &&
   729                    ( iConstantData->iDaysToHandleAsNotToday > 0 ) ) ||
   730                  ( ( iEventData->TomorrowEventArray().Count() > 0 ) &&
   731                    ( iConstantData->iDaysToHandleAsNotToday > KAIRangeTomorrowOnly ) ) )
   732             {
   733             if ( !iConstantData->iUseAlternateInfoPublish )
   734                 {
   735                 CleanInfo();
   736                 }
   737             TTime eventTime;
   738             if( iEventData->TomorrowEventArray().Count() > 0 )
   739                 {
   740                 eventTime = (iEventData->TomorrowEventArray())[0]->Time();
   741                 }
   742             else
   743                 {
   744                 eventTime = (iEventData->NotTodayItemArray())[0]->Time();
   745                 }
   747             // display "Next event(s):"
   748             if( iEventData->NotTodayItemArray().Count() == 1 )
   749                 {
   750                 if( !( CompareChecksums( publishIndex,
   751                                          KAI2InternalIdForNextEvent ) ) )
   752                     {
   753                     PublishIconL( EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday, publishIndex );
   754                     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   755                                             EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine,
   756                                             EAICalendarPlugin2NextEvent,
   757                                             lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   758                     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   759                                             EAICalendarPlugin2EventSubject,
   760                                             EAICalendarPlugin2NextEvent,
   761                                             lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   762 					iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   763 											EAICalendarPlugin2TimeStartAndSubject,
   764 											EAICalendarPlugin2NextEvent,
   765 											lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   766                     }
   767                 }
   768             else
   769                 {
   770                 if( !( CompareChecksums( publishIndex,
   771                                          KAI2InternalIdForNextEvents ) ) )
   772                     {
   773                     PublishIconL( EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday, publishIndex );
   774                     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   775                                             EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine,
   776                                             EAICalendarPlugin2NextEvents,
   777                                             lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   778                     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   779                                             EAICalendarPlugin2EventSubject,
   780                                             EAICalendarPlugin2NextEvents,
   781                                             lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   782 					iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   783 											EAICalendarPlugin2TimeStartAndSubject,
   784 											EAICalendarPlugin2NextEvents,
   785 											lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   786                     }
   787                 }
   788             ++lineUsage;
   789             ++publishIndex;
   791             TAiCalendarFocusData focusItem;
   792             focusItem.iType = EAI2CalOpenOnEventDay;
   793             focusItem.iEntryTime = eventTime;
   794             focusDataArray.Append( focusItem );
   795             }
   796         else if( ( iEventData->FutureItemArray().Count() > 0 ) ||
   797                     ( ( iEventData->TomorrowEventArray().Count() > 0 ) &&
   798                       ( iConstantData->iDaysToHandleAsNotToday == 0 ) ) )
   799             {
   800             if ( !iConstantData->iUseAlternateInfoPublish )
   801                 {
   802                 CleanInfo();
   803                 }
   804             CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem* item = NULL;
   805             if( ( iEventData->TomorrowEventArray().Count() > 0 ) &&
   806                 ( iConstantData->iDaysToHandleAsNotToday == 0 ) )
   807                 {
   808                 item = (iEventData->TomorrowEventArray())[0];
   809                 }
   810             else
   811                 {
   812                 item = (iEventData->FutureItemArray())[0];
   813                 }
   815             TTime eventTime = item->Time();
   816             const TDesC& nextOn = iConstantData->MakeEventOnL(eventTime);
   818             if( !( CompareChecksums( 0, item->CreateChecksumFromString( nextOn ) ) ) )
   819                 {
   820                 // this change publish next event information to calendar info text instead of calendar entry text
   821                 // some languages needs two rows for publishing
   822                 cleanInfo = EFalse;
   823                 // display "Next event on: [day of the week] [date]"
   824                 PublishIconL( EAICalendarPlugin2NoMoreEventsForToday, 0, EAICalendarPlugin2InfoIcon );
   825                 iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this, EAICalendarPlugin2InfoText, nextOn, 0 );
   826                 }
   827             ++lineUsage;
   828             ++publishIndex;
   830             TAiCalendarFocusData focusItem;
   831             focusItem.iType = EAI2CalOpenOnEventDay;
   832             focusItem.iEntryTime = eventTime;
   833             focusDataArray.Append( focusItem );
   834             /**
   835              * 5) Clean the rest
   836              */
   837             for( ; publishIndex <= iActualLinesInUse; ++publishIndex )
   838                 {
   839                 CleanAll( publishIndex );
   841                 TAiCalendarFocusData focusItem2;
   842                 focusItem2.iType = EAI2CalOpenToday;
   843                 focusDataArray.Append( focusItem2 );
   844                 }
   846             if( ( iPublishedDataStore.Count() == 0 ) ||
   847                 ( iPublishedDataStore.Count() != iNewCollectedDataStore.Count() ) )
   848                 {
   849                 iPublishedDataStore.Reset();
   850                 for( TInt i = 0; i < iNewCollectedDataStore.Count(); ++i )
   851                     {
   852                     iPublishedDataStore.Append( iNewCollectedDataStore[i] );
   853                     }
   854                 iCurrentObserver->Commit( reinterpret_cast<TInt32>(this) );
   855                 }
   856             else
   857                 {
   858                 iCurrentObserver->CancelTransaction( reinterpret_cast<TInt32>(this) );
   859                 }
   861             iEventData->ClearDataArrays();
   862             return;
   863             }
   864         else if( !iConstantData->iUseAlternatePublish )
   865             {
   866             if ( iConstantData->iUseAlternateInfoPublish )
   867                 {
   868                 Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine, lineUsage + 1 );
   869                 Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2TimeStartAndSubject, lineUsage + 1 );
   870                 }
   871             else
   872                 {
   873                 CleanInfo();
   874                 }
   875             // display ""No Calendar events for today or next 7 days"
   876             // or "No more Calendar events for today or next 7 days"
   877             if( !iEventData->HadExpiredEvents() )
   878                 {
   879                 if( !( CompareChecksums( publishIndex,
   880                                          KAI2InternalIdForNoMoreEvents ) ) )
   881                     {
   882                     if( !iConstantData->iUseAlternateInfoPublish )
   883                         {
   884                         PublishIconL( EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday, 
   885                                 publishIndex );
   886                         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   887                                 EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine,
   888                                 EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday,
   889                                 lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   890                         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   891                                 EAICalendarPlugin2EventSubject,
   892                                 EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday,
   893                                 lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1                    
   894                         }
   895                     // In case theme instructs us we need to publish the status
   896                     // texts and icons to a different location
   897                     else
   898                         {
   899                         cleanInfo = EFalse;
   900                         PublishIconL( EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday,
   901                                 0,
   902                                 EAICalendarPlugin2InfoIcon);
   903                         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   904                                 EAICalendarPlugin2InfoText,
   905                                 EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday,
   906                                 0); // Text line 1                    
   907                         }
   908                     }
   909                 }
   910             else
   911                 {
   912                 if( !( CompareChecksums( publishIndex,
   913                                          KAI2InternalIdForNoEvents ) ) )
   914                     {
   915                     if( !iConstantData->iUseAlternateInfoPublish )
   916                         {
   917                         PublishIconL( EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday, publishIndex );
   918                         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   919                                 EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine,
   920                                 EAICalendarPlugin2NoMoreEventsForToday,
   921                                 lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1
   922                         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   923                                 EAICalendarPlugin2EventSubject,
   924                                 EAICalendarPlugin2NoMoreEventsForToday,
   925                                 lineUsage + 1 ); // Text line 1                    
   926                         }
   927                     // In case theme instructs us we need to publish the status
   928                     // texts and icons to a different location
   929                     else
   930                         {
   931                         cleanInfo = EFalse;
   932                         PublishIconL( EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday,
   933                                 0,
   934                                 EAICalendarPlugin2InfoIcon);
   935                         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
   936                                 EAICalendarPlugin2InfoText,
   937                                 EAICalendarPlugin2NoMoreEventsForToday,
   938                                 0 ); // Text line 1         
   939                         }
   940                     }
   941                 }
   942             ++lineUsage;
   943             ++publishIndex;
   945             TAiCalendarFocusData focusItem;
   946             focusItem.iType = EAI2CalOpenToday;
   947             focusDataArray.Append( focusItem );
   948             }
   949         }
   951     const TInt cstMaxLinesForTimedEvents =
   952                             ( iActualLinesInUse - cstMinLinesForTodayNonTimed );
   954     /**
   955      * -1) Really old ongoing timed events need full set of info.
   956      */
   957     const TInt cstLinesReserved3 =
   958                                GetTimedArrayLineNeed( iEventData->Upcoming2HrsArray(), iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ) +
   959                                GetTimedArrayLineNeed( iEventData->Ongoing30MinArray(), iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ) +
   960                                GetTimedArrayLineNeed( iEventData->UpcomingArray(), iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ) +
   961                                GetTimedArrayLineNeed( iEventData->OngoingArray(), iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ) +
   962                                cstTotalNonTimedTodaySpace;
   963     const TInt startIndex3 = CalculateStartIndexBackwards(
   964                                   iEventData->LongOngoingArray(),
   965                                   iActualLinesInUse - cstLinesReserved3,
   966                                   ( iConstantData->iUseAlternatePublish ?
   967                                     1 :iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ),
   968                                   EFalse );
   969     if( startIndex3 >= 0 )
   970         {
   971         PublishTodayTimedItemsForArrayL(
   972                iEventData->LongOngoingArray(),
   973                publishIndex, // reference passed and updated inside
   974                lineUsage, // reference passed and updated inside
   975                cstMaxLinesForTimedEvents,
   976                startIndex3,
   977             cstLinesReserved3 );
   978         }
   980     /**
   981      * 1) Ongoing today timed events need full set of info.
   982      */
   983     const TInt cstLinesReserved =
   984                                GetTimedArrayLineNeed( iEventData->Upcoming2HrsArray(), iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ) +
   985                                GetTimedArrayLineNeed( iEventData->Ongoing30MinArray(), iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ) +
   986                                GetTimedArrayLineNeed( iEventData->UpcomingArray(), iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ) +
   987                                cstTotalNonTimedTodaySpace;
   988     const TInt startIndex = CalculateStartIndexBackwards(
   989                                   iEventData->OngoingArray(),
   990                                   iActualLinesInUse - cstLinesReserved,
   991                                   ( iConstantData->iUseAlternatePublish ?
   992                                     1 :iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ),
   993                                   ETrue );
   995     if( startIndex >= 0 )
   996         {
   997         PublishTodayTimedItemsForArrayL(
   998                iEventData->OngoingArray(),
   999                publishIndex, // reference passed and updated inside
  1000                lineUsage, // reference passed and updated inside
  1001                cstMaxLinesForTimedEvents,
  1002                startIndex,
  1003                cstLinesReserved );
  1004         }
  1006     /**
  1007      * Ongoing not older than 30min today timed events.
  1008      */
  1009     const TInt cstLinesReserved2 =
  1010                              GetTimedArrayLineNeed( iEventData->Upcoming2HrsArray(), iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ) +
  1011                              cstMinLinesForTodayNonTimed;
  1012     const TInt startIndex2 = CalculateStartIndexBackwards(
  1013                                   iEventData->Ongoing30MinArray(),
  1014                                   iActualLinesInUse - cstLinesReserved2,
  1015                                  iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent() ,
  1016                                   ETrue );
  1018     if( startIndex2 >= 0 )
  1019         {
  1020         PublishTodayTimedItemsForArrayL(
  1021                iEventData->Ongoing30MinArray(),
  1022                publishIndex, // reference passed and updated inside
  1023                lineUsage, // reference passed and updated inside
  1024                cstMaxLinesForTimedEvents,
  1025                startIndex2,
  1026                cstLinesReserved2 );
  1027         }
  1029     /**
  1030      * Upcoming today timed events.
  1031      */
  1032     PublishTodayTimedItemsForArrayL(
  1033            iEventData->Upcoming2HrsArray(),
  1034            publishIndex, // reference passed and updated inside
  1035            lineUsage, // reference passed and updated inside
  1036            cstMaxLinesForTimedEvents );
  1038     PublishTodayTimedItemsForArrayL(
  1039            iEventData->UpcomingArray(),
  1040            publishIndex, // reference passed and updated inside
  1041            lineUsage, // reference passed and updated inside
  1042            cstMaxLinesForTimedEvents );
  1044     /**
  1045      * 3) Non timed events only need combined icon and subject/location string.
  1046      *    Other fields are cleaned.
  1047      */
  1048     for( TInt nonTimedIndex = 0; ( nonTimedIndex < iEventData->NonTimedEventArray().Count() ) &&
  1049            ( lineUsage + cstSpaceTakenByNonTimed <= iActualLinesInUse )
  1050          ; ++nonTimedIndex )
  1051         {
  1052         if( !( CompareChecksums( publishIndex,
  1053                                  iEventData->NonTimedEventArray()[nonTimedIndex]->Checksum() ) ) )
  1054             {
  1055             PublishIconL( iEventData->NonTimedEventArray()[nonTimedIndex]->IconId(), publishIndex );
  1057             Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextSecondLine, publishIndex );
  1059             PublishNonTimedEventTexts( *iEventData->NonTimedEventArray()[nonTimedIndex],
  1060                                   publishIndex );
  1061             }
  1062         lineUsage += cstSpaceTakenByNonTimed;
  1063         ++publishIndex;
  1064         focusDataArray.Append( iEventData->NonTimedEventArray()[nonTimedIndex]->FocusData() );
  1065         }
  1067     if( iConstantData->iDaysToHandleAsNotToday > 0 )
  1068         {
  1069         /**
  1070          * 4) Future items
  1071          */
  1072         PublishFutureItemsForArrayL(
  1073                 iEventData->TomorrowEventArray(),
  1074                 publishIndex, // reference passed and updated inside
  1075                 lineUsage, // reference passed and updated inside
  1076                 iActualLinesInUse);
  1078         PublishFutureItemsForArrayL(
  1079                 iEventData->NotTodayItemArray(),
  1080                 publishIndex, // reference passed and updated inside
  1081                 lineUsage, // reference passed and updated inside
  1082                 iActualLinesInUse);
  1083         }
  1085     /**
  1086      * 5) Clean the rest
  1087      */
  1088     for( ; publishIndex <= iActualLinesInUse; ++publishIndex )
  1089         {
  1090         CleanAll( publishIndex );
  1092         TAiCalendarFocusData focusItem;
  1093         focusItem.iType = EAI2CalOpenToday;
  1094         focusDataArray.Append( focusItem );
  1095         }
  1097     if ( cleanInfo )
  1098         {
  1099         CleanInfo();        
  1100         }
  1102     if( ( iPublishedDataStore.Count() == 0 ) ||
  1103         ( iPublishedDataStore.Count() != iNewCollectedDataStore.Count() ) )
  1104         {
  1105         iPublishedDataStore.Reset();
  1106         for( TInt i = 0; i < iNewCollectedDataStore.Count(); ++i )
  1107             {
  1108             iPublishedDataStore.Append( iNewCollectedDataStore[i] );
  1109             }
  1110         iCurrentObserver->Commit( reinterpret_cast<TInt32>(this) );
  1111         }
  1112     else
  1113         {
  1114         iCurrentObserver->CancelTransaction( reinterpret_cast<TInt32>(this) );
  1115         }
  1117     iEventData->ClearDataArrays();
  1119     }
  1121 void CAICalendarPlugin2::PublishTodayTimedItemsForArrayL(
  1122                RPointerArray<CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem>& aArray,
  1123                TInt& aPublishIndex,
  1124                TInt& aLineUsage,
  1125                TInt aMaxLinesAvailable,
  1126                TInt aArrayOffset,
  1127                TInt aExtraLineReservation )
  1128     {
  1129     TInt spaceTakenByNext = GetTimedItemLineNeed( aArray, aArrayOffset );
  1130     if( ( ( &aArray == &iEventData->OngoingArray() ) && !iConstantData->iUseAlternatePublish ) ||
  1131           &aArray == &iEventData->Ongoing30MinArray() )
  1132         {
  1133         spaceTakenByNext =iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent();
  1134         }
  1135     TInt spaceTaken = aLineUsage;
  1136     TInt index = 0;
  1137     for( ; ( ( index + aArrayOffset ) < aArray.Count() ) &&
  1138            ( ( iActualLinesInUse - ( aExtraLineReservation + spaceTakenByNext + spaceTaken ) ) >= 0 ) &&
  1139            ( ( aLineUsage + spaceTakenByNext ) <= aMaxLinesAvailable )
  1140          ; ++index )
  1141         {
  1142         const TInt pbIndex = index + aArrayOffset;
  1144         if( !( CompareChecksums( aPublishIndex, aArray[index]->Checksum(), ETrue ) ) )
  1145             {
  1146             PublishIconL( aArray[pbIndex]->IconId(), aPublishIndex );
  1147             }
  1149         if( aArray[pbIndex]->Type() == EPluginItemOlderOnGoingEvent &&
  1150             iConstantData->iUseAlternatePublish )
  1151             {
  1152             if( !( CompareChecksums( aPublishIndex, aArray[index]->Checksum() ) ) )
  1153                 {
  1154                 iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1155                                          EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextSecondLine,
  1156                                          aPublishIndex );
  1158                 PublishTimedEventTexts( *aArray[pbIndex], aPublishIndex, aLineUsage );
  1159                 }
  1160 	        else
  1161 	            {
  1162 	            // increase line usage only
  1163 	            aLineUsage += spaceTakenByNext;
  1164 	            }
  1165             }
  1166         else
  1167             {
  1168             if( !( CompareChecksums( aPublishIndex, aArray[index]->Checksum() ) ) )
  1169                 {
  1170                 iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1171                                      EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine,
  1172                                      aPublishIndex );
  1174                 PublishTimeRelatedTexts( *aArray[pbIndex], aPublishIndex, aLineUsage );
  1175                 }
  1176 	        else
  1177 	            {
  1178 	            // increase line usage only
  1179 	            aLineUsage += spaceTakenByNext;
  1180 	            }
  1181             }
  1183         ++aPublishIndex;
  1184         iEventData->FocusDataArray().Append( aArray[pbIndex]->FocusData() );
  1185         spaceTaken += spaceTakenByNext;
  1186         if( ( ( &aArray == &iEventData->OngoingArray() ) && !iConstantData->iUseAlternatePublish ) ||
  1187             &aArray == &iEventData->Ongoing30MinArray() )
  1188             {
  1189             spaceTakenByNext =iEventData->SpaceTakenByTimedEvent();
  1190             }
  1191         else
  1192             {
  1193             spaceTakenByNext = GetTimedItemLineNeed( aArray, pbIndex + 1 );
  1194             }
  1195         }
  1196     }
  1198 void CAICalendarPlugin2::PublishFutureItemsForArrayL(
  1199                RPointerArray<CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem>& aArray,
  1200                TInt& aPublishIndex,
  1201                TInt& aLineUsage,
  1202                TInt aMaxLinesAvailable )
  1203     {
  1204     TInt index = 0;
  1206     TInt spaceTakenByNext = GetTimedItemLineNeed( aArray, index );
  1208     for( ; ( index < aArray.Count() )
  1209          ; ++index )
  1210         {
  1211         if( !( ( aLineUsage + spaceTakenByNext ) <= aMaxLinesAvailable ) )
  1212             {
  1213             spaceTakenByNext = GetTimedItemLineNeed( aArray, index + 1 );
  1214             continue;
  1215             }
  1216         if( !( CompareChecksums( aPublishIndex, aArray[index]->Checksum(), ETrue ) ) )
  1217             {
  1218             PublishIconL( aArray[index]->IconId(), aPublishIndex );
  1219             }
  1221         if( aArray[index]->Type() == EPluginItemMeeting && iConstantData->iUseAlternatePublish )
  1222             {
  1223             if( !( CompareChecksums( aPublishIndex, aArray[index]->Checksum() ) ) )
  1224                 {
  1225                 iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1226                                          EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextSecondLine,
  1227                                          aPublishIndex );
  1229                 PublishTimedEventTexts( *aArray[index], aPublishIndex, aLineUsage );
  1230                 }
  1231             else
  1232                 {
  1233                 // increase line usage only
  1234                 aLineUsage += spaceTakenByNext;
  1235                 }
  1236             }
  1237         else if( aArray[index]->Type() == EPluginItemMeeting )
  1238             {
  1239             if( !( CompareChecksums( aPublishIndex, aArray[index]->Checksum() ) ) )
  1240                 {
  1241                 PublishTimeRelatedTexts( *aArray[index], aPublishIndex, aLineUsage );
  1242                 }
  1243             else
  1244                 {
  1245                 // increase line usage only
  1246                 aLineUsage += spaceTakenByNext;
  1247                 }
  1248             }
  1249         else
  1250             {
  1251             if( !( CompareChecksums( aPublishIndex, aArray[index]->Checksum() ) ) )
  1252                 {
  1253                 Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextSecondLine, aPublishIndex );
  1255                 PublishNonTimedEventTexts( *aArray[index],
  1256                                            aPublishIndex );
  1257                 }
  1258             // increase line usage
  1259                 aLineUsage += iEventData->SpaceTakenByNonTimedEvent();
  1260             }
  1262         ++aPublishIndex;
  1264         iEventData->FocusDataArray().Append( aArray[index]->FocusData() );
  1265         spaceTakenByNext = GetTimedItemLineNeed( aArray, index + 1 );
  1266         }
  1268     }
  1271 void CAICalendarPlugin2::CleanAll( TInt aIndex )
  1272     {
  1273     CleanTimeRelated( aIndex );
  1274     CleanTexts( aIndex );
  1275     CleanIcon( aIndex );
  1276     }
  1278 void CAICalendarPlugin2::CleanTimeRelated( TInt aIndex )
  1279     {
  1280     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1281                           EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine,
  1282                           aIndex );
  1283     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1284                           EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeStart,
  1285                           aIndex );
  1286     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1287                           EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeEnd,
  1288                           aIndex );
  1289     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1290                            EAICalendarPlugin2TimeStartAndSubject,
  1291                            aIndex);
  1292     }
  1294 void CAICalendarPlugin2::CleanTexts( TInt aIndex )
  1295     {
  1296     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1297                           EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextSecondLine,
  1298                           aIndex );
  1299     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1300                           EAICalendarPlugin2EventSubject,
  1301                           aIndex );
  1302     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1303                           EAICalendarPlugin2EventLocation,
  1304                           aIndex );
  1305     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1306                            EAICalendarPlugin2TimeStartAndSubject,
  1307                            aIndex);   
  1308     }
  1310 void CAICalendarPlugin2::CleanIcon( TInt aIndex )
  1311     {
  1312     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1313                           EAICalendarPlugin2EventIcon,
  1314                           aIndex );
  1315     }
  1317 void CAICalendarPlugin2::Clean( TInt aItem, TInt aIndex )
  1318     {
  1319     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1320                              aItem,
  1321                              aIndex );
  1322     }
  1324 void CAICalendarPlugin2::CleanInfo()
  1325     {
  1326     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1327             EAICalendarPlugin2InfoText,
  1328             0);
  1330     iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1331             EAICalendarPlugin2InfoIcon,
  1332             0);    
  1333     }
  1335 void CAICalendarPlugin2::PublishTimedEventTexts( CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem& aData,
  1336                                             TInt aIndex,
  1337                                             TInt& aLineUsage )
  1338     {
  1339     // here the first line - second line mix is intentional. see below comment
  1340     if( aData.FirstLineText() != KNullDesC )
  1341         {
  1342         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1343                                    EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine,
  1344                                    aData.FirstLineText(),
  1345                                    aIndex );
  1346         ++aLineUsage;
  1347         }
  1348     else
  1349         {
  1350         iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1351                                  EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine,
  1352                                  aIndex );
  1353         }
  1355     // Separate field publishes
  1356     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1357                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeStart,
  1358                                aData.StartTimeText(),
  1359                                aIndex );
  1360     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1361                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeEnd,
  1362                                aData.EndTimeText(),
  1363                                aIndex );
  1364     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1365                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventSubject,
  1366                                aData.SubjectText(),
  1367                                aIndex );
  1368     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1369                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventLocation,
  1370                                aData.LocationText(),
  1371                                aIndex );
  1372     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1373                 EAICalendarPlugin2TimeStartAndSubject,
  1374                 aData.SubjectTimeString( ETrue ),
  1375                 aIndex);
  1376     }
  1378 void CAICalendarPlugin2::PublishNonTimedEventTexts( CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem& aData,
  1379                                                TInt aIndex )
  1380     {
  1381     // here the first line - second line mix is intentional. see above comment
  1382     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1383                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextFirstLine,
  1384                                aData.SecondLineText(),
  1385                                aIndex );
  1387     // Separate field publishes
  1388     if( aData.StartTimeText().Length() > 0 )
  1389         {
  1390         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1391                                    EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeStart,
  1392                                    aData.StartTimeText(),
  1393                                    aIndex );
  1394         }
  1395     else
  1396         {
  1397         Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeStart, aIndex );
  1398         }
  1399     if( aData.EndTimeText().Length() > 0 )
  1400         {
  1401         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1402                                    EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeEnd,
  1403                                    aData.EndTimeText(),
  1404                                    aIndex );
  1405         }
  1406     else
  1407         {
  1408         Clean( EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeEnd, aIndex );
  1409         }
  1410     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1411                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventSubject,
  1412                                aData.SubjectText(),
  1413                                aIndex );
  1414     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1415                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventLocation,
  1416                                aData.LocationText(),
  1417                                aIndex );   
  1419     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1420                 EAICalendarPlugin2TimeStartAndSubject,
  1421                 aData.SubjectTimeString( ETrue ),
  1422                                aIndex );
  1423     }
  1425 void CAICalendarPlugin2::PublishTimeRelatedTexts( CAiCalendarPlugin2EventItem& aData,
  1426                                              TInt aIndex,
  1427                                              TInt& aLineUsage )
  1428     {
  1429     // here the first line - second line mix is intentional. see above comments
  1430     if( aData.SecondLineText() != KNullDesC )
  1431         {
  1432         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1433                                    EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextSecondLine,
  1434                                    aData.SecondLineText(),
  1435                                    aIndex );
  1436         ++aLineUsage;
  1437         }
  1438     else if( aData.FirstLineText() != KNullDesC )
  1439         {
  1440         iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1441                                    EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextSecondLine,
  1442                                    aData.FirstLineText(),
  1443                                    aIndex );
  1444         ++aLineUsage;
  1445         }
  1446     else
  1447         {
  1448         iCurrentObserver->Clean( *this,
  1449                                  EAICalendarPlugin2EventTextSecondLine,
  1450                                  aIndex );
  1451         }
  1453     // Separate field publishes
  1454     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1455                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeStart,
  1456                                aData.StartTimeText(),
  1457                                aIndex );
  1458     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1459                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventTimeEnd,
  1460                                aData.EndTimeText(),
  1461                                aIndex );
  1462     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1463                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventSubject,
  1464                                aData.SubjectText(),
  1465                                aIndex );
  1466     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1467                                EAICalendarPlugin2EventLocation,
  1468                                aData.LocationText(),
  1469                                aIndex );
  1471     iCurrentObserver->Publish( *this,
  1472                 EAICalendarPlugin2TimeStartAndSubject,
  1473                 aData.SubjectTimeString( ETrue ),
  1474                                aIndex );
  1475     }
  1477 void CAICalendarPlugin2::PublishIconL( const TInt aIconId, TInt aIndex, TInt aContent )
  1478     {
  1479     CGulIcon* icon = NULL;
  1480      CFbsBitmap* bitmap3 = NULL;
  1481      CFbsBitmap* mask3 = NULL;
  1482      TAknsItemID skinIconId;
  1484      HBufC* bitmapFile = iCalendarIconFileName;
  1486      TInt bitmapId = 0;
  1487      TInt maskId = 0;
  1489      // Map events to MBM id's and load from correct file
  1490      switch( aIconId )
  1491          {
  1492          case EAICalendarPlugin2IconAppt:
  1493          case EAICalendarPlugin2IconMeetingAccepted:
  1494          case EAICalendarPlugin2IconMeetingNotAnswered:
  1495          case EAICalendarPlugin2IconMeetingTentative:
  1496              {
  1497              skinIconId.Set( KAknsIIDQgnIndiCdrMeeting ); 
  1498              bitmapId = EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_meeting;
  1499              maskId = EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_meeting_mask;
  1500              break;
  1501              }
  1502          case EAICalendarPlugin2IconTodo: // Uncompleted To-Do icon
  1503              {
  1504              skinIconId.Set( KAknsIIDQgnIndiCdrTodo );
  1505              bitmapId = EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_todo;
  1506              maskId = EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_todo_mask;
  1507              break;
  1508              }
  1509          case EAICalendarPlugin2IconMemo: // Memo icon
  1510              {
  1511              skinIconId.Set( KAknsIIDQgnIndiCdrReminder );
  1512              bitmapId = EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_reminder;
  1513              maskId = EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_reminder_mask;
  1514              break;
  1515              }
  1516          case EAICalendarPlugin2IconAnniv: // Anniversary icon
  1517              {
  1518              skinIconId.Set( KAknsIIDQgnIndiCdrBirthday );
  1519              bitmapId = EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_birthday;
  1520              maskId = EMbmCalendarQgn_indi_cdr_birthday_mask;
  1521              break;
  1522              }
  1523          case EAICalendarPlugin2NoMoreEventsForToday:
  1524          case EAICalendarPlugin2NoEventsForToday:
  1525              {
  1526              skinIconId.Set( KAknsIIDQgnIndiAiCale );
  1527              bitmapId = EMbmAicalendarplugin2Qgn_indi_ai_cale;
  1528              maskId = EMbmAicalendarplugin2Qgn_indi_ai_cale_mask;
  1529              bitmapFile = iPluginIconFileName;
  1530              break;
  1531              }
  1532          default:
  1533              {
  1534              return;
  1535              }
  1536          }
  1538      CreateBitmapSkinnedIconL( skinIconId, 
  1539                                *bitmapFile, 
  1540                                bitmapId, 
  1541                                maskId,
  1542                                bitmap3, mask3 );
  1544      // icon will own the bitmaps
  1545      CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap3 );
  1546      CleanupStack::PushL( mask3 );
  1547      icon = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap3, mask3 );
  1548      CleanupStack::Pop( 2, bitmap3 );
  1550      TInt err = iCurrentObserver->PublishPtr( *this,
  1551                                 aContent,
  1552                                 icon,
  1553                                 aIndex );
  1554      if( err != KErrNone )
  1555          {
  1556          delete icon;
  1557          }
  1558     }
  1560 void CAICalendarPlugin2::PublishIconL( const TInt aIconId, TInt aIndex )
  1561     {
  1562     PublishIconL( aIconId, aIndex, EAICalendarPlugin2EventIcon );
  1563     }
  1565 TBool CAICalendarPlugin2::CompareChecksums( 
  1566                 TInt aChecksumIndex,
  1567                 TInt aItemChecksum,
  1568                 TBool aIsIcon )
  1569     {
  1570     if( !aIsIcon )
  1571         {
  1572         iNewCollectedDataStore.Append( aItemChecksum );
  1573         }
  1574     if( ( iPublishedDataStore.Count() > aChecksumIndex ) &&
  1575         ( iPublishedDataStore[aChecksumIndex] == aItemChecksum ) )
  1576         {
  1577         // checksum match
  1578         return ETrue;
  1579         }
  1580     iPublishedDataStore.Reset();
  1581     return EFalse;
  1582     }
  1584 // ======== GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ========
  1586 // Return an instance of the proxy table.
  1588 EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
  1589     {
  1590     aTableCount = sizeof( ImplementationTable ) / sizeof( TImplementationProxy );
  1591     return ImplementationTable;
  1592     }
  1594 // End of File