changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f979ecb2b13e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Provides methods for Meeting request mailbox utils ECom implementation.  
    15 *
    16 */
    19 // INCLUDES
    21 #include "cmrmailboxutilsimpl.h"
    22 #include "cmrutilsmsvhelper.h"
    23 #include "cmrutilssettingsmgr.h"
    24 #include "cmrmailboxinfo.h"
    25 #include <cmrmbutilsmbinfohandler.h>
    26 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    27 #include <featmgr.h>
    28 #include <calentry.h>
    29 #include <calsession.h>
    30 #include <calcommon.h>
    31 #include <caluser.h>
    32 #include <utf.h>
    33 #include <mmrmbutilssettings.h>
    35 // CONSTANTS
    37 namespace
    38 {
    40 const TInt KObserverGranularity = 1; // in most cases 0 or 1 observer
    41 _LIT( KMailtoMatchPattern, "mailto:*" ); // this is never localized
    42 const TInt KMailtoLength = 7; // "mailto:" length
    44 }
    46 // ========================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ================================
    48 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::NewL
    50 // Symbian two-phased constructor.
    51 // (other items were commented in a header).
    52 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 //
    54 CMRMailboxUtilsImpl* CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::NewL( CMsvSession* aMsvSession )
    55 	{	
    56 	CMRMailboxUtilsImpl* self = new( ELeave ) CMRMailboxUtilsImpl();
    57 	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    58 	self->ConstructL( aMsvSession );
    59 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    60 	return self;
    61 	}
    63 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::CMRMailboxUtilsImpl
    65 // Default constructor
    66 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 //
    68 CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::CMRMailboxUtilsImpl()
    69     : iObservers( KObserverGranularity )
    70     {    
    71     }
    73 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::~CMRMailboxUtilsImpl
    75 // Destructor.
    76 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 //        
    78 CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::~CMRMailboxUtilsImpl()
    79     {
    80     FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
    82     iObservers.Close();    
    83     delete iMsvHelper;
    84     delete iSettingsMgr;
    85     delete iCmailHandler;
    86     }
    88 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::ConstructL
    90 //
    91 // 2nd phase constructor.
    92 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 //        
    94 void CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::ConstructL( CMsvSession* aMsvSession )    
    95     {
    96     FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
    98     iSettingsMgr = CMRUtilsSettingsMgr::NewL();
    99     iMsvHelper = CMRUtilsMsvHelper::NewL( aMsvSession, *this );
   101 	if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfEmailFramework ) )
   102 		{
   103 		// Create this only when CMail is present
   104 		_LIT8( KCMail, "CMAIL" );
   105 		TPtrC8 cmail( KCMail );
   106 		iCmailHandler = 
   107                 CMRMBUtilsMBInfoHandler::NewL( 
   108                         cmail,
   109                         *this );
   110 		}
   111     }
   114 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::GetDefaultMRMailBoxL
   116 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   117 //    
   118 TInt CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::GetDefaultMRMailBoxL( TMailboxInfo& aBoxInfo )
   119     {
   120     aBoxInfo.iEntryId = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   121     TMsvId candidateId( KMsvNullIndexEntryId );
   122     TInt retVal = iSettingsMgr->GetDefaultMRMailBoxL( candidateId );
   124     if ( iCmailHandler )
   125         {
   126         TInt cmailId;
   127         MMRMBUtilsSettings* cmailSettings = 
   128                 iCmailHandler->SettingsMgr();
   130         if ( cmailSettings )
   131             {
   132             cmailSettings->GetDefaultMailboxSettingsL( cmailId );            
   133             if ( cmailId )
   134                 {
   135                 candidateId = cmailId;
   136                 }
   137             }
   138         }    
   140     if ( retVal == KErrNone )
   141         {
   142         // try to read mailbox info
   143         const CMRMailBoxInfo* info = iMsvHelper->MRMailBoxInfoL( candidateId );
   145         if ( !info && iCmailHandler )
   146         	{
   147         	// Tru getting mailbox information using extension
   148         	info = iCmailHandler->MRMailBoxInfoL( candidateId );
   149         	}
   151         if ( !info )
   152             { 
   153             // default doesn't exist anymore, try to set another one
   154             RArray<CMRMailboxUtils::TMailboxInfo> mailBoxes;
   155             CleanupClosePushL( mailBoxes );
   156             ListMailBoxesL( mailBoxes );
   158             if ( mailBoxes.Count() > 0 )
   159                 {
   160                 candidateId = mailBoxes[0].iEntryId; 
   161                 if ( SetDefaultMRMailBoxL( candidateId ) == KErrNone )
   162                     { 
   163                     // setting succeeded, read data of the new default mailbox                    
   164                     info = iMsvHelper->MRMailBoxInfoL( candidateId );
   165                     if ( !info && iCmailHandler )
   166                     	{
   167                     	// Try getting mailbox information using extension
   168                     	info = iCmailHandler->MRMailBoxInfoL( candidateId );
   169                     	}                    
   170                     }
   171                 }
   173             // mailboxes
   174             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // codescanner::cleanup
   175             }
   177         if ( info )
   178             {
   179             // After all the steps we have found a valid MR mailbox,
   180             // give it to the caller then           
   181             aBoxInfo.iName.Set( info->Name() );
   182             aBoxInfo.iEmailAddress.Set( info->Address() );
   183             aBoxInfo.iMtmUid = info->MtmUid();
   184             aBoxInfo.iEntryId = info->EntryId();
   185             }
   186         else
   187             {            
   188             // We only return KErrNone or KErrNotFound based on the first
   189             // GetDefaultMRMailBoxL() check, later errors cause a leave
   190             User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
   191             }        
   192         }        
   194     return retVal;
   195     }
   198 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   199 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::SetDefaultMRMailBoxL
   200 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 // 
   202 TInt CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::SetDefaultMRMailBoxL( TMsvId aDefaultBox )
   203     {
   204     TInt retVal = iSettingsMgr->SetDefaultMRMailBoxL( aDefaultBox );
   206     if ( iCmailHandler )
   207         {        
   208         const CMRMailBoxInfo* info = 
   209                 iCmailHandler->MRMailBoxInfoL( aDefaultBox);
   211         if ( info )
   212             {
   213             // This is CMAIL box
   214             MMRMBUtilsSettings* cmailSettings = 
   215                     iCmailHandler->SettingsMgr();
   217             if ( cmailSettings )
   218                 {
   219                 cmailSettings->SetDefaultMailboxSettingL( aDefaultBox );
   220                 }
   221             }
   222         }
   224     NotifyObserversL( MMRMailboxUtilsObserver::EMRDefaultSet );
   225     return retVal;
   226     }
   228 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   229 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::ListMailBoxesL
   230 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   231 // 
   232 void CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::ListMailBoxesL( RArray<TMailboxInfo>& aMailBoxes )
   233     {
   234     iMsvHelper->ListMRMailBoxesL( aMailBoxes );
   235     if ( iCmailHandler )
   236     	{
   237     	iCmailHandler->ListMRMailBoxesL( aMailBoxes );
   238     	}
   239     }
   241 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   242 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::GetSourceMtmUidL
   243 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   244 //  
   245 TInt CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::GetSourceMtmUidL(
   246     const CCalEntry& aCalEntry,
   247     TUid& aMtmUid )
   248     {
   249     TInt retVal( KErrNotFound );    
   251     RArray<CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::TMailboxInfo> mailboxes;
   252     CleanupClosePushL( mailboxes );
   253     ListMailBoxesL( mailboxes );
   255     TInt matchIndex( KErrNotFound );
   256     // Ownership of phone owner is not transferred:
   257     CCalUser* owner = PhoneOwnerL( aCalEntry, mailboxes, matchIndex );    
   258     if ( owner && KErrNotFound != matchIndex )
   259         {
   260         // Array contains itself out-of-bounds check
   261         aMtmUid = mailboxes[matchIndex].iMtmUid; // codescanner::accessArrayElementWithoutCheck2
   262         retVal = KErrNone;
   263         }
   265     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // mailboxes
   266     return retVal;  
   267     }
   269 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   270 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::ThisAttendeeL
   271 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   272 // 
   273 CCalAttendee* CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::ThisAttendeeL( const CCalEntry& aCalEntry )
   274     {    
   275     CCalAttendee* thisAtt = NULL;    
   276     CCalUser* phoneOwner = aCalEntry.PhoneOwnerL(); // ownership not transf.       
   278     if ( phoneOwner )
   279         {
   280         RPointerArray<CCalAttendee>& attendees = aCalEntry.AttendeesL();    
   281         TInt attCount( attendees.Count() );
   282         for ( TInt i( 0 );i < attCount; ++i )
   283             {            
   284             CCalAttendee* att = attendees[i];
   285             if ( att && phoneOwner == att )
   286                 {
   287                 // first match is enough:
   288                 thisAtt = att;
   289                 break;
   290                 }
   291             }            
   292         }
   293     return thisAtt; // ownership not transferred, may be also NULL
   294     }
   296 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::IsOrganizerL
   298 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   299 // 
   300 TBool CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::IsOrganizerL( const CCalEntry& aCalEntry )
   301     {
   302     TBool retVal( EFalse );
   303     CCalUser* organizer = aCalEntry.OrganizerL(); // ownership not transf.
   304     CCalUser* phoneOwner = aCalEntry.PhoneOwnerL(); // ownership not transf.
   306     if ( organizer && phoneOwner && organizer == phoneOwner )
   307         {
   308         retVal = ETrue;
   309         }
   310     return retVal;
   311     }
   313 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   314 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::SetPhoneOwnerL
   315 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 //    
   317 TInt CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::SetPhoneOwnerL(
   318     CCalEntry& aCalEntry,
   319     TMsvId /*aPrimaryBox*/ )
   320     {
   321     TInt retVal( KErrNone );
   322     CCalUser* phoneOwner = aCalEntry.PhoneOwnerL(); // ownership not transf.
   324     // TODO: we should optimize the lookup, by:
   325     // prioritising the mailbox where entry received + calendar mr mailbox
   326     // prioritising mailbox which causes last match (cache last match)    
   328     if ( !phoneOwner )
   329         {
   330         RArray<CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::TMailboxInfo> mailboxes;
   331         CleanupClosePushL( mailboxes );
   332         // TODO: handle aPrimaryBox!
   333         ListMailBoxesL( mailboxes );        
   335         // Match email addresses to organizer + attendee list addresses:
   336         TInt dummyIndex( -1 ); // don't care
   337         phoneOwner = PhoneOwnerL( aCalEntry, mailboxes, dummyIndex );
   339         if ( phoneOwner )
   340             {
   341             aCalEntry.SetPhoneOwnerL( phoneOwner );
   342             }
   343         else
   344             {
   345             retVal = KErrNotFound;
   346             }
   348         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // mailboxes
   349         }
   350     return retVal;        
   351     }
   353 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   354 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::AddressWithoutMailtoPrefix
   355 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   356 //
   357 TPtrC CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::AddressWithoutMailtoPrefix( const TDesC& aAddress )
   358 	{
   359 	TPtrC addrWithoutPrefix;
   360     if ( aAddress.MatchF( KMailtoMatchPattern ) != KErrNotFound )
   361     	{
   362         addrWithoutPrefix.Set( aAddress.Mid( KMailtoLength ) );
   363         }
   364     else
   365     	{
   366         addrWithoutPrefix.Set( aAddress );
   367         }
   368     return addrWithoutPrefix;
   369 	}
   371 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   372 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::PhoneOwnerL
   373 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   374 //   
   375 CCalUser* CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::PhoneOwnerL(
   376     const CCalEntry& aCalEntry,
   377     const RArray<CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::TMailboxInfo>& aMailBoxes,
   378     TInt& aMatchIndex )
   379     {
   380     aMatchIndex = -1; // no match yet
   382     // 1. test if phone owner is organizer:
   384     CCalUser* organizer = aCalEntry.OrganizerL(); // ownership not transf.
   385     if ( organizer )
   386         {
   387         if ( IsPhoneOwnerL( *organizer, aMailBoxes, aMatchIndex ) )
   388             {
   389             return organizer;
   390             }
   391         }
   393     // 2. test if phone owner is attendee:
   395     RPointerArray<CCalAttendee>& attendees = aCalEntry.AttendeesL();
   396     TInt attCount( attendees.Count() );
   397     for ( TInt i( 0 );i < attCount; ++i )
   398         {            
   399         CCalUser* att = attendees[i];
   400         if ( IsPhoneOwnerL( *att, aMailBoxes, aMatchIndex ) )
   401             {
   402             return att;
   403             }        
   404         }
   406     // Matching attendee was not found:
   407     return NULL;
   408     }
   410 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   411 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::IsPhoneOwnerL
   412 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   413 //   
   414 TBool CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::IsPhoneOwnerL(
   415     const CCalUser& aUser,
   416     const RArray<CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::TMailboxInfo>& aMailBoxes,
   417     TInt& aMatchIndex )
   418     {
   419     TPtrC addr = AddressWithoutMailtoPrefix( aUser.Address() );
   420     aMatchIndex = -1; // no match yet
   421     TInt boxCount( aMailBoxes.Count() );    
   422     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < boxCount; ++i )
   423         {
   424         TPtrC boxAddr = aMailBoxes[i].iEmailAddress; 
   425         if ( addr.CompareF( boxAddr ) == 0 )
   426             {
   427             // first match is enough:
   428             aMatchIndex = i;
   429             return ETrue;
   430             }
   431         }
   432     return EFalse; // no match
   433     }
   435 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::AddObserverL
   437 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   438 //  
   439 void CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::AddObserverL( MMRMailboxUtilsObserver& aObserver )
   440     {
   441     iObservers.InsertInAddressOrderL( &aObserver );
   442     }
   444 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   445 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::RemoveObserver
   446 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   447 //  
   448 void CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::RemoveObserver( MMRMailboxUtilsObserver& aObserver )
   449     {
   450     TInt index = iObservers.FindInAddressOrder( &aObserver );
   451     if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   452         {        
   453         iObservers.Remove( index );
   454         }
   455     }
   457 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   458 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::MsvSessionL
   459 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   460 //  
   461 CMsvSession& CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::MsvSessionL()
   462     {
   463     return iMsvHelper->MsvSessionL();
   464     }
   466 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::HandleSessionEventL
   468 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   469 //
   470 void CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::HandleSessionEventL(
   471     TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
   472     TAny* aArg1,
   473     TAny* /*aArg2*/,
   474     TAny* /*aArg3*/ )
   475     {
   476     CMsvEntrySelection* entries = static_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*>( aArg1 );
   477     switch ( aEvent )
   478         {        
   479         case EMsvEntriesCreated:
   480             {
   481             NotifyObserversL( MMRMailboxUtilsObserver::EMRMailboxCreated );
   482             break;
   483             }
   484         case EMsvEntriesChanged:
   485             {
   486             TMsvId defaultId;
   487             TInt err = iSettingsMgr->GetDefaultMRMailBoxL( defaultId );
   488             if ( err == KErrNone &&
   489                  entries->Find( defaultId ) != KErrNotFound )
   490                 { // default changed
   491                 NotifyObserversL( MMRMailboxUtilsObserver::EMRDefaultChanged );
   492                 }
   493             else
   494                 {                    
   495                 NotifyObserversL( MMRMailboxUtilsObserver::EMRMailboxChanged );
   496                 }
   497             break;
   498             }        
   499         case EMsvEntriesDeleted:
   500             {
   501             TMsvId defaultId;
   502             TInt err = iSettingsMgr->GetDefaultMRMailBoxL( defaultId );
   503             if ( err == KErrNone &&
   504                  entries->Find( defaultId ) != KErrNotFound )
   505                 { // default deleted
   506                 NotifyObserversL( MMRMailboxUtilsObserver::EMRDefaultDeleted );
   507                 }
   508             else
   509                 {
   510                 NotifyObserversL( MMRMailboxUtilsObserver::EMRMailboxDeleted );
   511                 }
   512             break;
   513             }
   514         default:
   515             { // not interested in other even types
   516             break;
   517             }
   518         }    
   519     }
   521 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   522 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::HandleMRMailboxEventL
   523 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   524 //
   525 void CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::HandleMRMailboxEventL( 
   526         MMRMailboxUtilsObserver::TEventType aType )
   527     {
   528     NotifyObserversL( aType );
   529     }
   531 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   532 // CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::NotifyObserversL
   533 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   534 //
   535 void CMRMailboxUtilsImpl::NotifyObserversL(
   536     MMRMailboxUtilsObserver::TEventType aEvent )
   537     {
   538     TInt count( iObservers.Count() );   
   539     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
   540         {
   541         TRAP_IGNORE( iObservers[i]->HandleMRMailboxEventL( aEvent ) );
   542         }
   543     }    
   545 // End of file