changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f979ecb2b13e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Implementation for meeting request utils ui services  
    15 *
    16 */
    20 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    22 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    23 //
    24 #include "CMRUtilsUiServices.h"
    25 #include "CMRUtilsInternal.h"
    26 #include "CMREditBeforeSendingViewForm.h"
    27 #include "CMRUtilsCalDbBase.h"
    28 #include "MREntryConsultant.h"
    29 #include "meetingrequestutils.hrh"
    30 #include "MRUtilsFactory.h"
    31 #include "CMRUtilsEmailSender.h"
    32 #include <CalSession.h>
    33 #include <CalEntry.h>
    34 #include <CalInstance.h>
    35 #include <CalInstanceView.h>
    36 #include <CalCommon.h>
    37 #include <CalUser.h>
    38 #include <avkon.hrh>
    39 #include <aknlistquerydialog.h>
    40 #include <meetingrequestutilsuires.rsg>
    41 #include <stringloader.h>
    42 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    43 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    44 #include <cmrmailboxutils.h>
    45 #include <msvstd.h>
    46 #include <SendUiConsts.h>
    47 #include "ICalUILog.h"
    49 // CONSTANTS
    50 /// Unnamed namespace for local definitions
    51 namespace {
    53 const TInt KDescriptionLength = 700;
    55 _LIT( KResourceFile,"meetingrequestutilsuires.rsc" );
    57 enum TPanicCode
    58     {
    59     EPanicEmptyArray = 1,
    60     };
    62 _LIT( KPanicMsg, "CMRUtilsUiServices" );
    64 void Panic( TPanicCode aReason )
    65     {
    66     User::Panic( KPanicMsg, aReason );
    67     }
    69     const TInt KResourcePathMaxLen = 30;
    71 }  // namespace
    73 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 //
    78 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 // CMRUtilsUiServices::NewL
    80 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 //
    82 CMRUtilsUiServices* CMRUtilsUiServices::NewL(
    83     CMRUtilsInternal& aMRUtils,
    84     CCalSession& aCalSession,
    85     CMsvSession* aMsvSession,
    86     CMRMailboxUtils& aMRMailboxUtils )
    87 	{
    89 	LOG("CMRUtilsUiServices NewL");
    90 	CMRUtilsUiServices* self =
    91 	    new( ELeave ) CMRUtilsUiServices( aMRUtils,
    92 	                                      aMsvSession, 
    93 	                                      aMRMailboxUtils );
    94 	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    95 	self->ConstructL( aCalSession );
    96 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    97 	return self;
    98 	}
   100 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 // CMRUtilsUiServices::CMRUtilsUiServices
   102 //
   103 // Constructor.
   104 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 //
   106 CMRUtilsUiServices::CMRUtilsUiServices( 
   107     CMRUtilsInternal& aMRUtils,
   108     CMsvSession* aMsvSession,
   109     CMRMailboxUtils& aMRMailboxUtils )
   110     : iOwnMsvSession( aMsvSession ? EFalse : ETrue ),
   111       iMRUtils( aMRUtils ),
   112       iMRMailboxUtils( aMRMailboxUtils ),
   113       iMsvSession( aMsvSession )
   114     {    
   115     }
   117 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118 // CMRUtilsUiServices::~CMRUtilsUiServices
   119 //
   120 // Destructor.
   121 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 //        
   123 CMRUtilsUiServices::~CMRUtilsUiServices()
   124     {   
   125     delete iEmailSender;
   127     if ( iOwnMsvSession )
   128         {
   129         delete iMsvSession;
   130         }    
   132     if ( iResourceFileOffset )
   133     	{
   134         CCoeEnv::Static()->DeleteResourceFile( iResourceFileOffset );
   135     	}    
   136     }
   138 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   139 // CMRUtilsUiServices::ConstructL
   140 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   141 //    
   142 void CMRUtilsUiServices::ConstructL( CCalSession& aCalSession )
   143     {
   144     LOG("CMRUtilsUiServices ConstructL: loading resopurces");
   145     iResourceFileOffset = MRHelpers::LoadResourceL( KResourceFile,
   146                                                     KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR );
   147     LOG("CMRUtilsUiServices ConstructL: creating emailsender");
   148     iEmailSender = MRUtilsFactory::CreateEmailSenderL( aCalSession );
   150     if ( iMsvSession )
   151         { // if existing session was given as construction parameter,
   152           // then add observer manually
   153         iMsvSession->AddObserverL( *this );
   154         }    
   156     LOG("CMRUtilsUiServices ConstructL finished");        
   157     }
   159 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   160 // CMRUtilsUiServices::ReplyToL
   161 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   162 //          
   163 void CMRUtilsUiServices::ReplyToL(
   164     CMRUtilsInternal::TMailRecipients aRecipients,
   165     const CCalEntry& aCalEntry,
   166     const TDesC& aSenderAddr,
   167     TMsvId aMailbox )
   168     {
   169     iEmailSender->ReplyToL( aRecipients, aCalEntry, aMailbox, aSenderAddr );
   170     }        
   172 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   173 // CMRUtilsUiServices::SendL
   174 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   175 //          
   176 void CMRUtilsUiServices::SendL(
   177     const CCalEntry& aCalEntry,
   178     TMsvId aMailbox )
   179     {  
   180     iEmailSender->SendL( aCalEntry, CorrespondingSmtpServiceL( aMailbox) );
   181     }
   183 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 // CMRUtilsUiServices::DeleteWithUiL
   185 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 //          
   187 TInt CMRUtilsUiServices::DeleteWithUiL(
   188     const CCalEntry& aEntry,
   189     TMsvId aMailbox )
   190     {
   191     TInt retVal( KErrNone );    
   192     // try to cancel/respond if necessary, don't care if fails since deletion
   193     // is the important part of this method
   194     TRAP_IGNORE( PerformDeleteSubOpL( aEntry, NULL, aMailbox ) );
   195     // if entry is originating, then also modifying entries will get deleted:    
   196     iMRUtils.DeleteL( aEntry );        
   197     return retVal;
   198     }
   200 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 // CMRUtilsUiServices::DeleteWithUiL
   202 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 //          
   204 TInt CMRUtilsUiServices::DeleteWithUiL(
   205     CCalInstance* aInstance,
   206     TMsvId aMailbox )
   207     {
   208     TInt retVal( KErrNone );    
   210     if ( !aInstance )
   211         {
   212         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   213         }    
   214     // try to cancel/respond if necessary, don't care if fails since deletion
   215     // is the important part of this method
   216     TRAP_IGNORE( PerformDeleteSubOpL( aInstance->Entry(),
   217                                       aInstance,
   218                                       aMailbox ) );
   219     // delete instance
   220     iMRUtils.InstanceView()->DeleteL( aInstance, CalCommon::EThisOnly );
   221     return retVal;        
   222     }
   224 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 // CMRUtilsUiServices::PerformDeleteSubOpL
   226 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   227 //          
   228 void CMRUtilsUiServices::PerformDeleteSubOpL(
   229     const CCalEntry& aEntry,
   230     const CCalInstance* aInstance,
   231     TMsvId aMailbox )
   232     {
   233     // create arrays since QueryAndSendL needs them
   234     RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entryInArray( 1 );
   235     CleanupClosePushL( entryInArray ); // does not own
   236     entryInArray.AppendL( &aEntry );    
   237     RArray<TInt> subOpIndexes( 1 );
   238 	CleanupClosePushL( subOpIndexes );
   240     if ( IsValidForCancelL( aEntry ) )
   241         { // cancellation can be sent           
   242         subOpIndexes.AppendL( 0 );
   243         QueryAndSendL( entryInArray,
   244                        subOpIndexes,
   245                        aInstance,
   246                        aMailbox,
   247                        ETrue );
   248         }
   249     else if ( IsValidForResponseL( aEntry ) )
   250         { // response with declined status can be sent
   251         subOpIndexes.AppendL( 0 );
   252         QueryAndSendL( entryInArray,
   253                        subOpIndexes,
   254                        aInstance,
   255                        aMailbox,
   256                        EFalse,
   257                        CCalAttendee::EDeclined );
   258         }
   259     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // subOpIndexes, entryInArray
   260     }
   262 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 // CMRUtilsUiServices::CancelWithUiL
   264 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   265 //          
   266 TInt CMRUtilsUiServices::CancelWithUiL(
   267     const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries,
   268     TMsvId aMailbox )
   269     {
   270     TInt retVal( KErrNone );
   271 	TInt count( aEntries.Count() );
   272 	RArray<TInt> cancelIndexes( count+1 );	// +1 to tolerate count == 0 case
   273 	CleanupClosePushL( cancelIndexes );
   275     // evaluate which entries can be cancelled, update status in database
   276     EvaluateAndUpdateL( aEntries, cancelIndexes, ETrue );
   278     TInt cancelCount( cancelIndexes.Count() );
   279     if ( cancelCount == 0 )
   280         { // If there are no entries to cancel to we can return
   281         retVal = KErrArgument;
   282         }
   283     else
   284         { // query user for sending options and send if user wants
   285         retVal = QueryAndSendL( aEntries,
   286                                 cancelIndexes,
   287                                 NULL,
   288                                 aMailbox,
   289                                 ETrue );
   290         }
   291     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // cancelIndexes
   292     return retVal;
   293     }
   295 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   296 // CMRUtilsUiServices::RespondWithUiL
   297 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   298 //          
   299 TInt CMRUtilsUiServices::RespondWithUiL(
   300     const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries,
   301     CCalAttendee::TCalStatus aStatus,
   302     TMsvId aMailbox )
   303     {
   304     TInt retVal( KErrNone );
   305 	TInt count( aEntries.Count() );
   306 	RArray<TInt> respondIndexes( count+1 );	// +1 to tolerate count == 0 case
   307 	CleanupClosePushL( respondIndexes );
   309     // evaluate which entries can be responded to, update status in database
   310     EvaluateAndUpdateL( aEntries, respondIndexes, EFalse, aStatus );
   312     TInt respondCount( respondIndexes.Count() );
   313     if ( respondCount == 0 )
   314         { // If there are no entries to respond to to we can return
   315         retVal = KErrArgument;
   316         }        
   317     else
   318         { // query user for sending options and send if user wants
   319         retVal = QueryAndSendL( aEntries,
   320                                 respondIndexes,
   321                                 NULL,
   322                                 aMailbox,
   323                                 EFalse,
   324                                 aStatus );
   325         }
   326     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // respondIndexes
   327     return retVal;
   328     }
   330 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   331 // CMRUtilsUiServices::EvaluateAndUpdateL
   332 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 //          
   334 void CMRUtilsUiServices::EvaluateAndUpdateL(
   335     const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries,
   336     RArray<TInt>& aValidIndexes,
   337     TBool aIsCancellation,
   338     CCalAttendee::TCalStatus aStatus )
   339     {
   340 	TInt count( aEntries.Count() );
   341 	// Go through all entries in the array, and update status of those requests
   342 	// that we should cancel/respond. Store indexes of those requests.
   343     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
   344         {
   345         CCalEntry& entry = *( aEntries[i] );
   346         TBool isValid = aIsCancellation ? IsValidForCancelL( entry ) :
   347                                           IsValidForResponseL( entry );
   348         if ( isValid )
   349             {
   350             UpdateDbStatusL( entry, aIsCancellation, aStatus );
   351             aValidIndexes.AppendL( i );
   352             }
   353         }
   354     }
   356 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   357 // CMRUtilsUiServices::IsValidForCancelL
   358 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   359 // 
   360 TBool CMRUtilsUiServices::IsValidForCancelL( const CCalEntry& aEntry )
   361     {
   362         // entry must have been sent, otherwise cancellation won't be sent
   363     return ( IsValidRequestL( aEntry ) &&
   364              iMRMailboxUtils.IsOrganizerL( aEntry ) &&
   365              MREntryConsultant::IsSentL( aEntry ) );
   367     }
   369 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   370 // CMRUtilsUiServices::IsValidForResponseL
   371 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   372 //   
   373 TBool CMRUtilsUiServices::IsValidForResponseL( const CCalEntry& aEntry )
   374     {
   375     CCalAttendee* thisAttendee = iMRMailboxUtils.ThisAttendeeL( aEntry );
   376     return ( IsValidRequestL( aEntry ) && thisAttendee );
   377     }
   379 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   380 // CMRUtilsUiServices::IsValidRequestL
   381 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   382 //  
   383 TBool CMRUtilsUiServices::IsValidRequestL(
   384     const CCalEntry& aEntry ) const
   385     {
   386     TBool retVal( EFalse );
   387     if ( !MREntryConsultant::IsCancelledL( aEntry, iMRMailboxUtils ) &&
   388          !MREntryConsultant::IsEntryOutOfDateL( aEntry ) )
   389         {
   390         retVal= ETrue;
   391         }
   392     return retVal;
   393     }
   395 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 // CMRUtilsUiServices::UpdateDbStatusL
   397 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   398 //   
   399 void CMRUtilsUiServices::UpdateDbStatusL(
   400     const CCalEntry& aEntry,
   401     TBool aIsCancellation,
   402     CCalAttendee::TCalStatus aStatus ) const
   403     {
   404 	CCalEntry* dbEntry = iMRUtils.FetchEntryL( aEntry.UidL(),
   405 	                                           aEntry.RecurrenceIdL() );
   406 	if ( dbEntry )
   407 		{
   408 	    CleanupStack::PushL( dbEntry );	    
   409 	    if ( aIsCancellation )
   410 	        { // we have already in evaluation phase ensured that phone
   411 	          // owner is organizer
   412 	        dbEntry->SetStatusL( CCalEntry::ECancelled );
   413 	        iMRUtils.UpdateEntryL( *dbEntry );
   414 	        }	    
   415 	    else
   416 	        {	        
   417     		CCalAttendee* thisAttendee =
   418     		    iMRMailboxUtils.ThisAttendeeL( *dbEntry );
   419     		if ( thisAttendee )
   420     		    { // this should be found since we found it in evaluation phase
   421         		thisAttendee->SetStatusL( aStatus );
   422         		iMRUtils.UpdateEntryL( *dbEntry );
   423         		}
   424             else
   425                 { // bad entry given
   426                 User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   427                 }
   428 	        }
   429         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dbEntry );
   430 		}
   431 	else
   432 		{ // database entry not found
   433 		User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   434 		}
   435     }
   437 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   438 // CMRUtilsUiServices::QueryAndSendL
   439 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   440 //          
   441 TInt CMRUtilsUiServices::QueryAndSendL(
   442     const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries,
   443     const RArray<TInt>& aValidIndexes,
   444     const CCalInstance* aInstance,
   445     TMsvId aMailbox,
   446     TBool aIsCancellation,
   447     CCalAttendee::TCalStatus aStatus )
   448     {
   449     // caller should ensure that there is at least one entry in array
   450     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aValidIndexes.Count() > 0, Panic( EPanicEmptyArray ) );
   452     TInt retVal( KErrNone );
   454     // we will use the first entry in the array of entries to be cancelled
   455     // or responded  as a base entry (it doesn't really matter which one).
   456     const CCalEntry& base = *( aEntries[aValidIndexes[0]] );
   458     TInt sendChoice( QuerySendChoiceL( base, aIsCancellation, aStatus ) );
   459     HBufC* description = HBufC::NewLC( KDescriptionLength );   
   461 	if ( sendChoice == EEditAndSendChoice )
   462 		{
   463 		CEditBeforeSendingViewForm::TMode mode = aIsCancellation ?
   464 		    CEditBeforeSendingViewForm::EEditCancellation :
   465 		    CEditBeforeSendingViewForm::EEditResponse;
   466 		TPtr descriptionPtr( description->Des() );
   467     	CEditBeforeSendingViewForm* editorForm =
   468     	    CEditBeforeSendingViewForm::NewL( mode, base, descriptionPtr );
   469     	TInt buttonID = editorForm->ExecuteLD(
   471     	if ( buttonID == EEikCmdCanceled )
   472     		{
   473     		retVal = KErrCancel;
   474     		}
   475 		}
   477     if ( retVal == KErrNone && sendChoice != EDoNotSendChoice )
   478         {
   479         TInt count( aValidIndexes.Count() );
   480         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
   481             {
   482             const CCalEntry& entry = *( aEntries[aValidIndexes[i]] );            
   483             CCalEntry* respOrCancel = CreateToBeSentLC( entry,
   484                                                         aInstance,
   485                                                         *description,
   486                                                         aIsCancellation );
   487     		SendL( *respOrCancel, aMailbox );
   488             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( respOrCancel );
   489     	    }	
   490         }
   491     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( description );
   492     return retVal;
   493     }
   495 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   496 // CMRUtilsUiServices::QuerySendChoiceL
   497 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 //   
   499 TInt CMRUtilsUiServices::QuerySendChoiceL(
   500     const CCalEntry& aBase,
   501     TBool aIsCancellation,
   502     CCalAttendee::TCalStatus aStatus ) const
   503     {
   504     TInt retVal( KErrNone );
   505 	HBufC* headerText;
   506 	TInt resource( 0 );
   507 	if ( aIsCancellation )
   508 	    {
   510 	    }
   511     else
   512         {        
   513     	switch( aStatus )
   514     		{
   515     		case CCalAttendee::EAccepted:
   516     			{
   517                 resource = R_QTN_MAIL_MTG_SUB_ACCEPTED;
   518     			break;
   519     			}
   520     		case CCalAttendee::ETentative:
   521     			{
   522                 resource = R_QTN_MAIL_MTG_SUB_TENTATIVE;
   523                 break;
   524     			}
   525     		case CCalAttendee::EDeclined:
   526     			{
   527                 resource = R_QTN_MAIL_MTG_SUB_DECLINED;
   528     			break;
   529     			}
   530             default:
   531                 {
   532                 User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   533                 }
   534     		}
   535         }
   536 	headerText = StringLoader::LoadLC( resource,
   537                                        aBase.SummaryL(),
   538                                        CEikonEnv::Static() );
   540 	// show choice list for different alternatives
   541 	CAknListQueryDialog* dlg = new( ELeave ) CAknListQueryDialog( &retVal );
   543 	if ( aIsCancellation )
   544 	    {
   545 	    dlg->PrepareLC( R_CANCEL_LIST_QUERY );
   546 	    }
   547     else
   548         {        
   549 	    dlg->PrepareLC( R_SEND_RESPONSE_LIST_QUERY );
   550         }
   552 	CAknPopupHeadingPane* headingPane = dlg->QueryHeading();
   553 	headingPane->SetTextL( headerText->Des() );
   555 	if ( dlg->RunLD() == EEikCmdCanceled )
   556 		{
   557 		retVal = KErrCancel;
   558 		}
   559 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( headerText );
   560 	return retVal;
   561     }
   563 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   564 // CMRUtilsUiServices::CreateToBeSentLC
   565 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   566 //          
   567 CCalEntry* CMRUtilsUiServices::CreateToBeSentLC(
   568     const CCalEntry& aBase,
   569     const CCalInstance* aInstance,
   570     const TDesC& aDescription,
   571     TBool aIsCancellation ) const
   572     {
   573     if ( aIsCancellation )
   574         {
   575         return CreateCancelLC( aBase, aInstance, aDescription );
   576         }
   577     else
   578         {
   579         return CreateResponseLC( aBase, aInstance, aDescription );
   580         }
   581     }
   583 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   584 // CMRUtilsUiServices::CreateResponseL
   585 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   586 //          
   587 CCalEntry* CMRUtilsUiServices::CreateResponseLC(
   588     const CCalEntry& aBase,
   589     const CCalInstance* aInstance,
   590     const TDesC& aDescription ) const
   591     {
   592     // use MRHelpers::ECopyOrganizer (attendee list is different than in base)
   593     CCalEntry* response = CreateFromLC( aBase,
   594                                        aInstance,
   595                                        CCalEntry::EMethodReply,
   596                                        aBase.SequenceNumberL(),
   597                                        MRHelpers::ECopyOrganizer );
   599     response->SetDescriptionL( aDescription );
   601 	CCalAttendee* thisAttendee = iMRMailboxUtils.ThisAttendeeL( aBase );
   602     if ( !thisAttendee )
   603         {
   604         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   605         }
   607 	CCalAttendee* thisCopy = MRHelpers::CopyAttendeeLC( *thisAttendee );
   608 	response->AddAttendeeL( thisCopy );
   609 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // thisCopy, ownership was transferred
   610 	return response;    
   611     }
   613 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   614 // CMRUtilsUiServices::CreateCancelL
   615 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   616 //          
   617 CCalEntry* CMRUtilsUiServices::CreateCancelLC(
   618     const CCalEntry& aBase,
   619     const CCalInstance* aInstance,
   620     const TDesC& aDescription ) const
   621     {
   622     // create a full copy of a base entry
   623     CCalEntry* cancellation = CreateFromLC( aBase,
   624                                            aInstance,
   625                                            CCalEntry::EMethodCancel,
   626                                            aBase.SequenceNumberL() + 1,
   627                                            MRHelpers::ECopyFull );
   629     cancellation->SetDescriptionL( aDescription );
   631 	return cancellation;    
   632     }    
   634 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   635 // CMRUtilsUiServices::CreateFromLC
   636 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   637 //       
   638 CCalEntry* CMRUtilsUiServices::CreateFromLC(
   639     const CCalEntry& aBase,
   640     const CCalInstance* aInstance,
   641     CCalEntry::TMethod aMethod,
   642     TInt aSequenceNumber,
   643     MRHelpers::TCopyFields aCopyType ) const
   644     {	
   645     CCalEntry* entry = NULL;	
   647     if ( aInstance )
   648         { // create entry representing instance, instance also has a base
   649           // entry, but it may be common for entire series or a range
   650         HBufC8* calUid = aBase.UidL().AllocLC();
   651 	    entry = CCalEntry::NewL( CCalEntry::EAppt,
   652                                  calUid,
   653                                  aMethod,
   654                                  aSequenceNumber,
   655                                  aInstance->StartTimeL(),
   656                                  CalCommon::EThisOnly );
   657         CleanupStack::Pop( calUid ); // ownership transferred
   658         CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
   660         MRHelpers::CopyFieldsL( aBase, *entry, aCopyType );
   661         }    
   662 	else
   663 	    { // usual case - create a copy of base entry
   664 	    entry = MRHelpers::CopyEntryLC( aBase, aMethod, aCopyType );
   665         }
   667     entry->SetSequenceNumberL( aSequenceNumber );
   668 	return entry;
   669     }
   671 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   672 // CMRUtilsUiServices::CorrespondingSmtpServiceL
   673 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   674 //
   675 TMsvId CMRUtilsUiServices::CorrespondingSmtpServiceL( TMsvId aRelatedService )
   676     {
   677     TMsvEntry entry;
   678     TMsvId dummyService;
   679     EnsureMsvSessionExistsL();
   680     User::LeaveIfError( iMsvSession->GetEntry( aRelatedService,
   681                                                dummyService,
   682                                                entry ) );
   683     TMsvId smtpId( KMsvNullIndexEntryId );
   685     switch ( entry.iMtm.iUid )
   686         {
   687         case KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue: // flow through
   688         case KSenduiMtmPop3UidValue:
   689             {
   690             // In these cases smtp entry is available in iRelatedId:
   691             smtpId = entry.iRelatedId;
   692             break;
   693             }
   694         case KSenduiMtmSmtpUidValue:
   695         case KSenduiMtmSyncMLEmailUidValue:
   696             {
   697             // In these cases we already know the msvid for the smtp settings
   698             // (for syncml there is also smtp settings!):
   699             smtpId = aRelatedService;
   700             break;
   701             }
   702         default:
   703             {
   704             User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   705             break;
   706             }
   707         }
   709     return smtpId;
   710     }
   714 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   715 // CMRUtilsUiServices::EnsureMsvSessionExistsL
   716 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   717 //
   718 void CMRUtilsUiServices::EnsureMsvSessionExistsL()
   719     {
   720     if ( !iMsvSession )
   721         { // Lazy instantiation of iMsvSession
   722         iMsvSession = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL( *this );
   723         iOwnMsvSession = ETrue;
   724         }
   725     }
   727 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   728 // CMRUtilsUiServices::HandleSessionEventL
   729 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   730 //
   731 void CMRUtilsUiServices::HandleSessionEventL(
   732     TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
   733     TAny* /*aArg1*/,
   734     TAny* /*aArg2*/,
   735     TAny* /*aArg3*/ )
   736     {
   737     switch ( aEvent )
   738         {
   739         case EMsvCloseSession:
   740         case EMsvServerTerminated:
   741             {
   742             if ( iOwnMsvSession )
   743                 {
   744                 delete iMsvSession;
   745                 }
   746             iMsvSession = NULL; // New session constructed lazily only if needed
   747             break;
   748             }
   749         default:
   750             {
   751             // ignore other events
   752             break;
   753             }
   754         }
   755     }  
   757 // End of file