changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Declaration of Notepad Editor Dialog class.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef NPDEDITORDIALOG_H
    20 #define NPDEDITORDIALOG_H
    22 // INCLUDES
    23 #include <eikapp.h>
    24 #include <eikdoc.h>
    25 #include <e32std.h>
    26 #include <coeccntx.h>
    27 #include <aknappui.h>
    28 #include <eikedwob.h>
    29 #include "NpdDialogBase.h"
    30 #include "NpdModelObserver.h"
    31 #include <finditemengine.h>
    32 #include <e32property.h> 
    35 class CNotepadModel;
    36 class CNotepadEdwin;
    37 class CNotepadEditorLaf;
    38 class CSendUi;
    39 class CNotepadListDialog;
    40 class CAknAppUi;
    41 class CIdle;
    42 class CFindItemMenu;
    43 class CAiwServiceHandler;
    46 /**
    47 * Dialog of editor mode.
    48 * CNotepadEditorDialog is a dialog for both memo editor and template editor.
    49 *  
    50 * @lib NpdLib.lib
    51 * @see CNotepadDialogBase
    52 */
    53 class CNotepadEditorDialog : public CNotepadDialogBase, 
    54     public MNotepadModelObserver
    55     {
    56     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    57         /**
    58         * Constructor.
    59         *
    60         * @param aResId resource id of type STRUCT NOTEPAD_EDITOR_DIALOG.
    61         * @param aModel pointer to CNotepadModel, never NULL.
    62         * @param aSendUi aSendUi object.
    63         * @return new CNotepadDialogBase object.
    64         * @internal
    65         */
    66         IMPORT_C static CNotepadEditorDialog* NewL(
    67             TInt aResId, 
    68             CNotepadModel* aModel,
    69             CNotepadListDialog* aListDialog,
    70             CSendUi* aSendUi);
    72         /**
    73         *  Destructor.
    74         */
    75         IMPORT_C virtual ~CNotepadEditorDialog();
    77     public: // New functions
    79         #ifdef RD_INTELLIGENT_TEXT_INPUT   
    80         void FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow);
    81         #endif
    82         /**
    83         * Execute a dialog.
    84         *
    85         * @return exit status value of CEikDialog's ExecuteLD.
    86         * @internal
    87         */
    88         IMPORT_C TInt ExecuteLD();
    90         /**
    91         * Switch contents of the editor to text of specified item.
    92         *
    93         * @param aKey Unique key id of Notepad items.
    94         */
    95         void SwitchTextL(TInt aKey); 
    97         /**
    98         * Save current contents of the editor into database.
    99         *
   100         * @param aNeedListRefresh Refresh List mode if ETrue.
   101         * @return TNotepadModelRowResult ( return value of SaveL ).
   102         */
   103         TInt SaveOnExitL(TBool aNeedListRefresh);
   105         /**
   106         * Switch contents of the editor to text of specified item.
   107         * Current contents of the editor is saved before the switching.
   108         * 
   109         * This method is called when receiving a message from 
   110         * Pinboard while editor dialog is running.
   111         *
   112         * @param aKey unique memo id.
   113         * @param aAppUi base app ui.
   114         */
   115         void EditByKeyL(const TInt aKey, CAknAppUi& aAppUi);
   117         /**
   118         * Set a key event. This method is used when the editor is opened 
   119         * from list mode by pressing a number key.
   120         *
   121         * @param aKeyEvent number key event.
   122         */
   123         void SetInitialKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent);
   125     protected:  // Functions from base classes
   127         /**
   128         * From MNotepadModelObserver.
   129         */
   130         void HandleNotepadModelEventL(TEvent aEvent, TInt aParam = 0);
   132         /**
   133         * From MEikMenuObserver.
   134         * 
   135         * @param aResourceId resource id.
   136         * @param menu pane object.
   137         */
   138         void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
   141        	/**
   142         * From MEikMenuObserver.
   143         * 
   144         * @param aResourceId resource id.
   145         * @param menu Bar object.
   146         */
   147         void DynInitMenuBarL(TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuBar* aMenuBar);
   150         /**
   151         * From MEikCommandObserver
   152         * 
   153         * @param aCommandId command.
   154         */
   155         void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId);
   157         /**
   158         * From CEikDialog.
   159         * Override to implement dynamically changing decoration.
   160         *
   161         * @param aControlId id of editor dialog line.
   162         */
   163         void HandleControlStateChangeL(TInt aControlId);
   165         /**
   166         * From CEikDialog.
   167         */
   168         void PreLayoutDynInitL();
   170         /**
   171         * From CEikDialog.
   172         */
   173         TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId ) ;
   175         /**
   176         * From CCoeControl.
   177         */
   178         void ActivateL();
   180         /**
   181         * From CCoeControl
   182         *
   183         * @param aKeyEvent key event which includes ScanCode etc.
   184         * @param aType event type ( up, in, down...).
   185         */
   186         TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(
   187             const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, 
   188             TEventCode aType);
   190         /**
   191         * From CCoeControl.
   192         *
   193         * @param aContext TCoeHelpContext.
   194         */
   195         void GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext& aContext) const;
   197         /**
   198         * From CCoeControl
   199         *
   200         * @param aType event type.
   201         */
   202 		void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
   204         /**
   205         * From CCoeControl.
   206         * Called when SizeChanged.
   207         */
   208         void SizeChanged();
   210     private: // Constructors
   212         /**
   213         * C++ constructor.
   214         */
   215         CNotepadEditorDialog(
   216             CNotepadModel& aModel, 
   217             CNotepadListDialog* aListDialog );
   219         /**
   220         * Internal base constructor.
   221         *
   222         * @param aReader resource reader already opened for 
   223         *                "STRUCT NOTEPAD_EDITOR_DIALOG".
   224         */
   225         void ConstructL(TResourceReader& aReader);
   227     private: // New functions.
   229         /**
   230         * Save current content of editor into database.
   231         *
   232         * @return TNotepadModelRowResult
   233         */
   234         TInt SaveL();
   237         /**
   238         * Called on ENotepadCmdAdd.
   239         */
   240         void OnCmdAddL();
   242         /**
   243         * Called on ENotepadCmdNextMemo
   244         */
   245         void OnCmdNextMemoL();
   247         /**
   248         * Called on ENotepadCmdPreviousMemo
   249         */
   250         void OnCmdPreviousMemoL();
   252         /**
   253         * Called on ENotepadCmdDelete
   254         */
   255         void OnCmdDeleteL();
   258         /** 
   259         * Number key callback function for deferred key event (for FEP).
   260         *
   261         * @param a pointer of CNotepadEditorDialog.
   262         * @return always EFalse.
   263         */
   264         static TInt NumberKeyCallBack(TAny *aSelf);
   267         /**
   268         * Check the condition if the Notepad editor is empty or not.
   269         */
   270   	     inline TBool IsEmpty() const;
   273         /**
   274         * Resource id of prompt text when deleting a single item.
   275         *
   276         * @return TBUF resource id.
   277         */
   278         inline TInt QueryDeleteSingleResId() const;
   280         /**
   281         * Create iSequence.
   282         */
   283         void CreateSequenceL();
   285         /**
   286         * Sync between iSequence and iModel->iKeyArray.
   287         *
   288         * @param aForceSync if EFalse syncing is done only when the last 
   289         *   SyncSequenceL failed on LEAVE, otherwise syncing is done always.
   290         */
   291         void SyncSequenceL(const TBool aForceSync);
   293         /**
   294         * Check wether we are at the end of Sequence.
   295         *
   296         * @return ETrue if sequence exists and current is last.
   297         */
   298         TBool IsSequenceAtLast() const;
   300         /**
   301         * Check wether we are at the top of Sequence.
   302         *
   303         * @return ETrue if sequence exists and current is first.
   304         */
   305         TBool IsSequenceAtFirst() const;
   307         /**
   308         * The current index in Sequence of the item now editing.
   309         *
   310         * @return the current index if IsModeEditing, 
   311         *   KNotepadInvalidSequenceIndex if IsModeAdding.
   312         */
   313         TInt CurrentSequence() const;
   315         /**
   316         * Check if current mode is Adding.
   317         *
   318         * @return ETrue iff the current mode is Adding.
   319         */
   320         inline TBool IsModeAdding() const;
   322         /**
   323         * Check if current mode is Editing.
   324         *
   325         * @return ETrue iff the current mode is Editing.
   326         */
   327         inline TBool IsModeEditing() const;
   329         /**
   330         * Key id of the item next to the item now editing.
   331         *
   332         * If the mode is Adding and iSequence is empty, 
   333         * return KNotepadPseudoKeyIdForNewNote.
   334         *
   335         * If the mode is Adding and iSequence is not empty, 
   336         * return a key of the first item in iSequence.
   337         *
   338         * If the mode is Editing and the item now editing is the last item
   339         * in iSequence, return the key now editing.
   340         *
   341         * If the mode is Editing and the item now editing is not the last 
   342         * item in iSequence, return the key of the next item.
   343         *
   344         * @return Key id of the item next to the item now editing.
   345         */
   346         TInt NextKeyInSequence() const;
   348         /**
   349         * Key id of the item previous to the item now editing.
   350         *
   351         * If the mode is Adding, return KNotepadPseudoKeyIdForNewNote.
   352         *
   353         * If the mode is Editing and the item now editing is the first item
   354         * in iSequence, return the key now editing.
   355         *
   356         * If the mode is Editing and the item now editing is not the first 
   357         * item in iSequence, return the key of the previous item.
   358         *
   359         * @return Key id of the item previous to the item now editing.
   360         */
   361         TInt PreviousKeyInSequence() const;
   363 		/**
   364 		* Changes for Find Item.
   365 		* To search a given buffer for phone numbers, email ids, URLs.
   366 		**/
   367 		TInt DoSearchL(CFindItemEngine::TFindItemSearchCase aCase);
   368 		/**
   369 		* test whether the text contains the linefeed character.
   370 		* @return ETrue if the test contains linefeed character, EFalse if not.
   371 		*/
   372 		TBool IsContainLinefeedSymbol(const TDesC& aDes);
   374     private: // reserved
   376         /**
   377         * Reserved.
   378         */
   379         IMPORT_C void CNotepadEditorDialog_Reserved();
   381     private:
   382         enum TNotepadEditorFlags
   383             {
   384             ENotepadFindItemRuning = 0x01,
   385             ENotepadMenuByOkKey = 0x02,
   386             ENotepadRequireSequenceUpdate = 0x04,
   387             ENotepadCatchSaveOnExitCallback = 0x08
   388             };
   389         CNotepadEdwin* iEditor; // not own (CEikDialog own)
   390         CNotepadModel& iModel; // never own
   391         CSendUi* iSendUi; // not own
   392         CNotepadListDialog* iListDialog;
   393         TInt iKey;
   394         CIdle* iIdle;
   395         TKeyEvent iEvent; // moved to here from ListDialog
   396         TUint iFlags;
   397         CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* iSequence; // own, map SequenceIndex -> Key.
   398         CFindItemMenu*  iFindItemMenu; //Manual Find Item
   399         TBool iRedrawBackground;
   400         RProperty iQwertyModeStatusProperty;
   401         CAiwServiceHandler* iServiceHandler; // Own: AIW
   402         CActiveSchedulerWait iStoreWait;
   403         TBool iTaskSwapperFlag;
   404         TBool iExitByTerminateKey;
   405     };
   407 #include "NpdEditorDialog.inl"
   408 #endif // NPDEDITORDIALOG_H
   410 // End of File