changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f979ecb2b13e
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "agnversit.h"
    17 #include <vtzrules.h>
    18 #include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
    19 #include <calrrule.h>
    20 #include <calentry.h>
    21 #include <caldataformat.h>
    23 /**
    24 @internalComponent
    25 */
    26 template<class T> void CalCleanup<T>::PushResetAndDestroyL(T& aRef)
    27 	{
    28 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(ResetAndDestroy, &aRef));
    29 	}
    31 /**
    32 @internalComponent
    33 */
    34 template<class T> void CalCleanup<T>::PushResetL(T& aRef)
    35 	{
    36 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Reset, &aRef));
    37 	}
    39 /**
    40 @internalComponent
    41 */	
    42 template <class T> void CalCleanup<T>::ResetAndDestroy(TAny* aPtr)
    43 	{
    44 	T* self = static_cast<T*>(aPtr);
    45 	if (self)
    46 		{
    47 		self->ResetAndDestroy();
    48 		}
    49 	}
    51 /**
    52 @internalComponent
    53 */	
    54 template <class T> void CalCleanup<T>::Reset(TAny* aPtr)
    55 	{
    56 	T self = static_cast<T>(aPtr);
    57 	if (self)
    58 		{
    59 		self->Reset();
    60 		}
    61 	}
    63 /** Global function for ease of use of CalCleanup template class
    64 @internalComponent
    65 */
    66 template<class T> void CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(T& aRef)
    67 	{
    68 	CalCleanup<T>::PushResetAndDestroyL(aRef);
    69 	}
    71 /** Global function for ease of use of CalCleanup template class
    72 @internalComponent
    73 */
    74 template<class T> void CleanupResetPushL(T& aRef)
    75 	{
    76 	CalCleanup<T>::PushResetL(aRef);
    77 	}
    80 /**
    81  * Imports a <code>vCalendar</code> consisting of one or more
    82  * <code>vCalendar</code> entities.
    83  *
    84  * The <code>vCalendar</code> is read from the read stream specified and
    85  * its entities are converted into EPOC agenda entries and returned in
    86  * the array <code>aEntryArray</code>.
    87  *
    88  * @param     "RReadStream& aReadStream"
    89  *            The read stream which contains the
    90  *            <code>vCalendar</code>.
    91  * @param     "CArrayPtr<CCalEntry>* aEntryArray"
    92  *            On return, a list of the agenda entries which were
    93  *            imported from the <code>vCalendar</code>. The list
    94  *            contains the <code>vEvents</code> followed by the
    95  *            <code>vTodos</code>.
    96  */
    97 void CAgnVCalConverter::ImportVCalL(TInt aFlags, RReadStream& aReadStream, RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntryArray)
    99 	{
   100 	// Create a new converter object
   101 	CVCalToAgendaEntryConverter* converter = new(ELeave)CVCalToAgendaEntryConverter();
   102 	CleanupStack::PushL(converter);
   104 	// Create a parser to internalize the entries
   105 	CParserVCal* vCal = CParserVCal::NewL();
   106 	CleanupStack::PushL(vCal);
   108 	// Japan uses SHIFT-JIS as the default charset contrary to 
   109 	// the vCalendar Specification which says that the default 
   110 	// charset should be US-ASCII. 
   111 	// In order to provide interoperability with this market
   112 	// segment, allow a flag to override the default charset in versit.
   113 	if(aFlags & KCalDataExchangeDefaultShiftJIS)
   114 	    {
   115 	    vCal->SetDefaultCharSet(Versit::EShiftJISCharSet);
   116 	    vCal->SetFlags(CVersitParser::EUseDefaultCharSetForAllProperties);
   117 	    }
   118 	vCal->InternalizeL(aReadStream);
   121 	// Set the time zone converter.  iTzConverter may be NULL if the optional
   122 	// time zone conversion service is not available.  In this case all imported times 
   123 	// will be exported as local time.
   124 	if (iTzConnected)
   125 		{
   126 		converter->SetTzConverter(&iTzServer);
   127 		}
   129 	if (aFlags & KCalDataExchangeImportStatusAsVCalendar)
   130 		{
   131 		converter->SetImportVCalendarValues(ETrue);
   132 		}
   133 	else
   134 		{
   135 		converter->SetImportVCalendarValues(ETrue);
   136 		}
   138 	converter->SetTzRules(ImportTzRulesL(*vCal)); // converter takes ownership of rules collection.
   140 	CArrayPtr<CVersitParser>* entities = vCal->ArrayOfEntities(EFalse); //doesn't take ownership
   141 	if (entities)
   142 		{
   143 		TInt count = entities->Count();
   144 		for (TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   145 			{
   146 			CVersitParser& parser = *((*entities)[i]);			
   147 			converter->ImportVCalL(parser, aEntryArray);
   148 			} 
   149 		}
   151 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(vCal);
   152 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(converter);
   153 	}
   156 /**
   157  * Exports a list of agenda entries as multiple vCalendar entities to the
   158  * write stream specified.
   159  *
   160  * The entries are exported either as vTodos, if they are to-dos,
   161  * otherwise as vEvents
   162  *
   163  * @param     "RWriteStream& aWriteStream"
   164  *            The stream to which the agenda entries should be
   165  *            externalised as vCalendar entities.
   166  * @param     "CArrayPtr<CCalEntry>* aEntryArray"
   167  *            Pointer to the array of agenda entries.
   168  * @param     "const Versit::TVersitCharSet aCharSet"
   169  *             The character encoding type
   170  */
   171 void CAgnVCalConverter::ExportVCalL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream, const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntryArray, const Versit::TVersitCharSet aCharSet)
   173 	{
   174 	if(aEntryArray.Count()>0)
   175 		{
   176 		iCharSet = aCharSet;
   177 		// Create a new converter object
   178 		if(!iExportConverter)
   179 			{
   180 			iExportConverter = new(ELeave)CAgendaEntryToVCalConverter;
   181 			}
   182 		iEntryArray = const_cast<RPointerArray<CCalEntry>*>(&aEntryArray);
   183 		// Set the time zone converter.  iTzConverter may be NULL if the optional
   184 		// time zone conversion service is not available.  In this case all times will 
   185 		// be exported as local time.
   186 		if (iTzConnected)
   187 			{
   188 			iExportConverter->SetTzConverter(&iTzServer);
   189 			}
   191 		ExportEntryBySameTzL(aWriteStream);
   192 		}
   193 	}
   195 void CAgnVCalConverter::ExportEntryBySameTzL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream)
   196 	{//To export entries into a serveral vCal according to their tz rules
   197 	if(!iSametzEntries)
   198 		{
   199 		iSametzEntries = new (ELeave) RPointerArray<CCalEntry>(4);
   200 		}
   202 	iSametzEntries->Reset();
   203 	InitialiseSameTzEntryArrayL();
   204 	//Find entries which belong to the first tz
   205 	FindSameTzEntryL(*iSametzEntries);
   206 	CParserVCal* vCal = NULL;
   207 	//Expoet entries by grouping them into different tz rules 
   208 	while(iSametzEntries->Count()>0)
   209 		{//Pull entries with the same time zone in the same array and export them
   210 		vCal = CParserVCal::NewL(); // takes ownership of entrylist
   211 		CleanupStack::PushL(vCal);
   212 		vCal->SetDefaultCharSet(iCharSet);
   213 		ConvertEntryToVCalAndExportL(vCal, *iSametzEntries, aWriteStream);
   214 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(vCal);
   215 		iSametzEntries->Reset();
   216 		FindSameTzEntryL(*iSametzEntries);//this result in fill in iSametzEntries with same tz rule and remove the their indexes from iEntryIndexToExport
   217 		}
   219 	if(iEntryIndexToExport.Count()>0)
   220 		{
   221 		//Export the rest of entryies(those are entries without tz informations)
   222 		ExportEntryWithoutTzRuleL(aWriteStream);
   223 		}
   224 	}
   226 void CAgnVCalConverter::ExportEntryWithoutTzRuleL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream)
   227 	{//This function only should be called when all entries in iEntryIndexToExport are either no-repeating or floating entry
   228 	CParserVCal* vCal = CParserVCal::NewL(); // takes ownership of entrylist
   229 	CleanupStack::PushL(vCal);
   230 	vCal->SetDefaultCharSet(iCharSet);
   231 	const TInt KCount = iEntryIndexToExport.Count();
   232 	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < KCount; ++ii)
   233 		{
   234 		CCalEntry* entry = (*iEntryArray)[iEntryIndexToExport[ii]];
   235 		if (entry)
   236 			{
   237 			TCalRRule rule;
   238 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(!(entry->GetRRuleL(rule)) || entry->StartTimeL().TimeMode() == TCalTime::EFloating, User::Invariant());
   239 			iExportConverter->ExportEntryL(entry, *vCal);
   240 			}
   241 		}
   242 	vCal->ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
   243 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(vCal);
   244 	}
   246 void CAgnVCalConverter::ConvertEntryToVCalAndExportL(CParserVCal* aVcal, const RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntryArray, RWriteStream& aWriteStream)
   247 	{
   248 	iExportConverter->NextVCalendarL();
   249 	TInt count = aEntryArray.Count();
   251 	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
   252 		{
   253 		CCalEntry* entry = aEntryArray[ii];
   254 		if (entry)
   255 			{
   256 			iExportConverter->AddTimeZonePropertiesL(*aVcal, entry);
   257 			iExportConverter->ExportEntryL(entry, *aVcal);
   258 			}
   259 		}
   261 	aVcal->ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
   262 	}
   264 void CAgnVCalConverter::ImportVCalAsyncL(TInt aFlags, RReadStream& aReadStream, 
   265 		RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntryArray, MCalDataExchangeCallBack& aObserver)
   266 	{
   267 	// Create a new converter object
   268 	if(iAsyncState!=EIdle)
   269 		{
   270 		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
   271 		}
   273 	iImportConverter = new (ELeave) CVCalToAgendaEntryConverter();
   274 	iVCalArray = new (ELeave) RPointerArray<CParserVCal>();
   276 	// Read all the entries in the file. The parser will only read one.
   277 	iTotalNumEntry = 0;
   278 	TInt errcode = KErrNone;
   279 	while (errcode != KErrEof)
   280    	 	{
   281  		// Create a parser to internalize the entries
   282 		CParserVCal* vCal = CParserVCal::NewL();
   283 		CleanupStack::PushL(vCal);
   284 		// Japan uses SHIFT-JIS as the default charset contrary to 
   285 		// the vCalendar Specification which says that the default 
   286 		// charset should be US-ASCII. 
   287 		// In order to provide interoperability with this market
   288 		// segment, allow a flag to override the default charset in versit.
   289 		if(aFlags & KCalDataExchangeDefaultShiftJIS)
   290 		    {
   291 		    vCal->SetDefaultCharSet(Versit::EShiftJISCharSet);
   292 		    vCal->SetFlags(CVersitParser::EUseDefaultCharSetForAllProperties);
   293 		    }
   294   	 	TRAP( errcode, vCal->InternalizeL(aReadStream) );
   295   	 	if (errcode ==KErrNone)
   296   	 		{
   297   	 		CArrayPtr<CVersitParser>* entities = vCal->ArrayOfEntities(EFalse); 
   298   	 		TInt numEntry = entities->Count();
   299 	 		if(numEntry>0)
   300 	 			{
   301 	 			iVCalArray->AppendL(vCal);
   302 	 			CleanupStack::Pop(vCal);
   303 	 			iTotalNumEntry += numEntry;
   304 	 			}
   305   	 		}
   306   	 	else if (errcode ==KErrEof)
   307   	 		{
   308   	 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(vCal);
   309   	 		}
   310 	  	else
   311 	  	 	{
   312 	  	 	User::LeaveIfError( errcode );
   313 	  	 	}
   314      	}
   317 	// Set the time zone converter.  iTzConverter may be NULL if the optional
   318 	// time zone conversion service is not available.  In this case all imported times 
   319 	// will be exported as local time.
   320 	if (iTzConnected)
   321 		{
   322 		iImportConverter->SetTzConverter(&iTzServer);
   323 		}
   325 	iEntryArray = &aEntryArray;
   326 	iTotalCounter = 0;
   327 	iSameTzCounter = 0;
   328 	iObserver = &aObserver;
   329 	iAsyncState = EImporting;
   330 	iMaxNumEntryInStep = iObserver->NumberOfEntriesToHandleAtOnce();
   331 	if(iTotalNumEntry > 0)
   332 		{
   333 		CTzRules* tzRule = ImportTzRulesL(*((*iVCalArray)[0]));
   334 		iImportConverter->SetTzRules(tzRule); // converter takes ownership of rules collection.
   335 		}
   336 	iImportExportActive->Start();
   337 	}
   339 void CAgnVCalConverter::FindSameTzEntryL(RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aSameTzEntry)
   340 	{
   341 	//Fill in aSameTzEntry with those entries with the same tz rule in iEntryArray
   342 	//Remove the index of the entry from iEntryIndexToExport
   343 	//Note that the order of the entries being exported has to be maintained 
   344 	CCalEntry* firstEntrywithTz = NULL;
   345 	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < iEntryIndexToExport.Count();  ++ii)
   346 		{
   347 		TCalRRule repeatrule;//temp veraible
   348 		CCalEntry* entry = (*iEntryArray)[iEntryIndexToExport[ii]];
   349 		if(entry->GetRRuleL(repeatrule) && entry->StartTimeL().TimeMode() != TCalTime::EFloating)
   350 			{//Otherwise time zone info is not needed to export
   351 			if(firstEntrywithTz)
   352 				{
   353 				CTzRules* rules1 = entry->TzRulesL();
   354 				CleanupStack::PushL(rules1);
   356 				CTzRules* rules2 = firstEntrywithTz->TzRulesL();
   357 				CleanupStack::PushL(rules2);
   359 				if (rules1 && rules2 && rules1->IsEqualTo(*rules2))
   360 					{
   361 					//compare the time zone to see if it is the same as the "firstEntrywithTz"
   362 					aSameTzEntry.AppendL(entry);
   363 					iEntryIndexToExport.Remove(ii);
   364 					--ii;
   365 					}
   366 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rules2);
   367 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rules1);
   368 				}
   369 			else
   370 				{
   371 				firstEntrywithTz = entry;
   372 				aSameTzEntry.AppendL(entry);
   373 				iEntryIndexToExport.Remove(ii);
   374 				--ii;
   375 				}
   376 			}
   377 		}
   378 	}
   380 void CAgnVCalConverter::FindEntryWithoutTzRuleL(RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aSameTzEntry)
   381 	{
   382 	// This functions should be only used for asynchronous exporting (use ExportEntryWithoutTzRuleL if it is for synchronous exporting)
   383 	for (TInt ii = 0; ii< iEntryIndexToExport.Count();  ++ii)
   384 		{//Pull those entries which do not need to export tz together (either non-repeating or floating entry)
   385 		TCalRRule rule;
   386 		CCalEntry* entry = (*iEntryArray)[iEntryIndexToExport[ii]];
   387 		if(!entry->GetRRuleL(rule) || entry->StartTimeL().TimeMode() == TCalTime::EFloating)
   388 			{
   389 			aSameTzEntry.AppendL((*iEntryArray)[iEntryIndexToExport[ii]]);
   390 			iEntryIndexToExport.Remove(ii);
   391 			--ii;
   392 			}
   393 		}
   394 	}
   396 void CAgnVCalConverter::ExportVCalAsyncL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream, RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntryArray, MCalDataExchangeCallBack& aObserver, const Versit::TVersitCharSet aCharSet)
   397 	{
   398 	if(iAsyncState!=EIdle)
   399 		{
   400 		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
   401 		}
   403 	iEntryArray = &aEntryArray;
   405 	// Create a new converter object
   406 	if(!iExportConverter)
   407 		{
   408 		iExportConverter = new(ELeave)CAgendaEntryToVCalConverter;
   409 		}
   411 	// Set the time zone converter.  iTzConverter may be NULL if the optional
   412 	// time zone conversion service is not available.  In this case all times will 
   413 	// be exported as local time.
   414 	if (iTzConnected)
   415 		{
   416 		iExportConverter->SetTzConverter(&iTzServer);
   417 		}
   419 	if(!iSametzEntries)
   420 		{
   421 		iSametzEntries = new(ELeave) RPointerArray<CCalEntry>;
   422 		}
   423 	iCharSet = aCharSet;
   424 	iSametzEntries->Reset();
   425 	InitialiseSameTzEntryArrayL();
   427 	iVCal = CParserVCal::NewL();
   428 	iVCal->SetDefaultCharSet(iCharSet);
   430 	iTotalNumEntry = iEntryArray->Count();
   431 	iTotalCounter = 0;
   432 	iSameTzCounter = 0;
   433 	iObserver = &aObserver;
   434 	iAsyncState = EExporting;
   435 	iWriteStream = &aWriteStream;
   436 	iMaxNumEntryInStep = iObserver->NumberOfEntriesToHandleAtOnce();
   438 	FindSameTzEntryL(*iSametzEntries);
   439 	if(iSametzEntries->Count()==0)
   440 		{
   441 		FindEntryWithoutTzRuleL(*iSametzEntries);
   442 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iEntryIndexToExport.Count()==0, User::Invariant());
   443 		}
   444 	iExportConverter->NextVCalendarL();
   445 	iImportExportActive->Start();
   446 	}
   448 void CAgnVCalConverter::InitialiseSameTzEntryArrayL()
   449 	{// Initialise the the array with the indexes of each element in iEntryArray
   450 	iEntryIndexToExport.Reset();
   451 	const TInt KCount = iEntryArray->Count();
   452 	for (TInt ii = 0; ii<KCount; ++ii)
   453 		{
   454 		iEntryIndexToExport.AppendL(ii);
   455 		}
   456 	}
   458 void CCalImportExportActive::RunL()
   459 	{
   460 	switch (iConverter.AsyncState())
   461 		{
   462 		case CAgnVCalConverter::EImporting:
   463 			iConverter.NextImportStepL();
   464 			break;
   465 		case CAgnVCalConverter::EExporting:
   466 			iConverter.NextExportStepL();
   467 			break;
   468 		default:
   469 			case CAgnVCalConverter::EIdle:
   470 			Panic(EAgnVersitPanicImportExportFailure);
   471 			break;
   472 		}
   473 	}
   475 CAgnVCalConverter::TState CAgnVCalConverter::AsyncState() const 
   476 	{
   477 	return iAsyncState;
   478 	}
   480 void CAgnVCalConverter::CheckCompletion()
   481 	{
   482 	if (iTotalCounter == iTotalNumEntry)
   483 		{
   484 		iObserver->Completed();
   485 		CancelImportExport();
   486 		}
   487 	else
   488 		{
   489 		iObserver->Progress((iTotalCounter * 100) / iTotalNumEntry);
   490 		iImportExportActive->Start();
   491 		}
   492 	}
   494 void CAgnVCalConverter::NextImportStepL()
   495 	{
   496 	if(iTotalNumEntry>0)
   497 		{
   498 		CArrayPtr<CVersitParser>* entities = (*iVCalArray)[0]->ArrayOfEntities(EFalse); //doesn't take ownership
   499 		TInt numSameTzEntry = entities->Count();
   500 		TInt count = ((numSameTzEntry - iSameTzCounter) > iMaxNumEntryInStep)?iMaxNumEntryInStep:(numSameTzEntry - iSameTzCounter); 
   501 		RPointerArray<CCalEntry> importedEntries;
   502 		CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(importedEntries);
   504 		for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   505 			{
   506 			CVersitParser& parser = *((*entities)[i + iSameTzCounter ]);
   507 			iImportConverter->ImportVCalL(parser, importedEntries);
   508 			for (TInt j = 0; j < importedEntries.Count(); j++)
   509 				{
   510 				iEntryArray->AppendL((importedEntries)[j]);
   511 				}
   512 			importedEntries.Reset();
   513 			}
   515 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//importedEntries
   516 		iTotalCounter  += count;
   517 		iSameTzCounter += count;
   519 		if(iSameTzCounter == numSameTzEntry)
   520 			{//Convert the next vCal into entries
   521 			delete (*iVCalArray)[0];
   522 			iVCalArray->Remove(0);
   524 			if(iVCalArray->Count()>0)
   525 				{
   526 				CTzRules* tzRule = ImportTzRulesL(*((*iVCalArray)[0]));
   527 				iImportConverter->SetTzRules(tzRule); // converter takes ownership of rules collection.
   528 				iSameTzCounter = 0;
   529 				}
   530 			}
   531 		}
   533 	CheckCompletion();
   534 	}
   536 void CAgnVCalConverter::NextExportStepL()
   537 	{
   538 	if(iTotalNumEntry>0)
   539 		{
   540 		TInt numSameTzEntry = iSametzEntries->Count();
   541 		//decide how many entries to export in this step
   542 		TInt count = ((numSameTzEntry - iSameTzCounter) > iMaxNumEntryInStep)?iMaxNumEntryInStep:(numSameTzEntry - iSameTzCounter); 
   543 		for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   544 			{
   545 			CCalEntry* entry = (*iSametzEntries)[i + iSameTzCounter];
   546 			if (entry)
   547 				{
   548 				iExportConverter->AddTimeZonePropertiesL(*iVCal, entry);
   549 				iExportConverter->ExportEntryL(entry, *iVCal);
   550 				}
   551 			}
   553 		iTotalCounter += count;
   554 		iSameTzCounter += count;
   556 		if (iSameTzCounter == numSameTzEntry)
   557 			{//Add time zone property 
   558 			iExportConverter->NextVCalendarL();
   559 			//calling AddTimeZone Properties for all entries
   560 			//iExportConverter->AddTimeZonePropertiesL(*iVCal, (*iSametzEntries)[0]);
   561 			iVCal->ExternalizeL(*iWriteStream);
   562 			delete iVCal;
   563 			iVCal = NULL;
   564 			//Find out next group entries which are in the same time zone
   565 			if(iEntryIndexToExport.Count()>0)
   566 				{
   567 				iVCal = CParserVCal::NewL();
   568 				iVCal->SetDefaultCharSet(iCharSet);
   569 				iSametzEntries->Reset();
   570 				FindSameTzEntryL(*iSametzEntries);
   571 				if(iSametzEntries->Count()==0)
   572 					{
   573 					FindEntryWithoutTzRuleL(*iSametzEntries);
   574 					}
   575 				iSameTzCounter = 0;
   576 				}
   577 			}
   578 		}
   579 	CheckCompletion();
   580 	}
   582 void CAgnVCalConverter::CancelImportExport(TInt aError)
   583 /**
   584  * This function destroys import/export convertor objects and resets async state.
   585  * @param "TInt aError"
   586  *        Error during operation passed to the observer.
   587  */
   588 	{
   589 	// Propagate in case of error
   590 	if(aError != KErrNone)
   591 		{
   592 		iObserver->Progress(aError);
   593 		iObserver->Completed();
   594 		}
   596 	delete iImportConverter;
   597 	iImportConverter = NULL;
   598 	delete iExportConverter;
   599 	iExportConverter = NULL;
   600 	delete iVCal;
   601 	iVCal = NULL;
   602 	if(iVCalArray)
   603 		{
   604 		iVCalArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   605 		}
   606 	delete iVCalArray;
   607 	iVCalArray = NULL;
   608 	iAsyncState = EIdle;
   609 	}
   610 /**
   611  * Provides indication of validity of Daylight property during import
   612  *
   613  * At the moment, this means the following are all true:
   614  *    1) start year is not earlier than 1900
   615  *    2) end year is not later than 2100
   616  *    3) end year is not earlier than start year
   617  *
   618  * @param aDaylightProperty The property to be validated.
   619  *
   620  * @return ETrue if aDaylightProperty satisfies above conditions. EFalse otherwise.
   621  */
   622 TBool CAgnVCalConverter::ValidDaylightProperty(CParserProperty& aDaylightProperty) const
   623     {		
   624     CParserPropertyValue* propertyValue = aDaylightProperty.Value();
   626     if (propertyValue)
   627        {
   628        CVersitDaylight* checkProperty = static_cast<CParserPropertyValueDaylight*>(propertyValue)->Value();
   630        if (checkProperty && checkProperty->iSavings) 
   631           {
   632           TInt startYear = checkProperty->iStartTime->iDateTime.Year();
   633           TInt endYear = checkProperty->iEndTime->iDateTime.Year();
   634           TTime minDateTime = TCalTime::MinTime();
   635           TTime maxDateTime = TCalTime::MaxTime();
   637           return ( (startYear	>= minDateTime.DateTime().Year()) &&
   638                    (endYear 	<= maxDateTime.DateTime().Year()) &&
   639                    (endYear 	>= startYear) );
   640           }
   641        }
   643     return EFalse;
   644     }
   646 /**
   647  * Creates a collection of rules that describes a set UTC offsets and when they 
   648  * should be applied to local times within entities observed by the "home" 
   649  * system that created the vCalendar object.
   650  *
   651  * @param aCalParser A handle to the vCalendar parser.
   652  *
   653  * @return The time zone rules collection, NULL if no rules can be created.
   654  */
   655 CTzRules* CAgnVCalConverter::ImportTzRulesL(CParserVCal& aCalParser) const
   656 	{
   657     TBool acceptable = EFalse;
   658 	TTimeIntervalMinutes stdOffset = StandardTimeOffsetL(aCalParser);
   660 	// access properties but don't take ownership
   661 	CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* daylightProperties = 
   662     aCalParser.PropertyL(KVersitTokenDAYLIGHT, TUid::Uid(KVersitPropertyDaylightUid), EFalse);
   664     if (daylightProperties)
   665        {
   666        // check for an acceptable daylight property 
   667        // if there are none, treat this vCal as if it has no daylight properties at all
   668        const TInt KCount = daylightProperties->Count();
   669        for (TInt i = 0; i < KCount && ! acceptable; i++) 
   670            {	
   671            if (ValidDaylightProperty(*daylightProperties->At(i)))	
   672        		  {
   673               acceptable = ETrue;
   674               }
   675            }
   677        delete daylightProperties; 
   678        daylightProperties = NULL;
   679        }
   681     // Need either a TZ property or at least one acceptable DAYLIGHT property         
   682     // before TZ rules can be generated
   684 	if ((stdOffset.Int() == KMaxTInt) && acceptable) 
   685 	   {
   686        // no TZ property supplied, but a DAYLIGHT property is useable   
   687        // set initial TZ offset to 0
   688        stdOffset = 0;
   689        }
   691 	CTzRules* rules = NULL;
   692 	// if TZ offset is set, we have something to process
   693 	if (stdOffset.Int() != KMaxTInt)
   694 		{
   695 		rules = DaylightRulesL(aCalParser, stdOffset);
   696 		rules->SetInitialStdTimeOffset(stdOffset.Int());
   697 		}
   698 	return rules;
   699 	}
   701 static TInt CompareDaylightProperties(const CParserProperty& aLeftProperty, const CParserProperty& aRightProperty)
   702 	{
   703 	CParserPropertyValueDaylight* leftValue = static_cast<CParserPropertyValueDaylight*>(aLeftProperty.Value());
   704 	CParserPropertyValueDaylight* rightValue = static_cast<CParserPropertyValueDaylight*>(aRightProperty.Value());
   706 	if (leftValue->Value()->iStartTimeSortKey >= rightValue->Value()->iStartTimeSortKey)
   707 		return 1;
   708 	return -1;
   709 	}
   711 /**
   712  * Creates a collection of rules that describes a set of UTC offsets and when they 
   713  * should be applied to local times within entities observed by the "home" 
   714  * system that created the vCalendar object.
   715  *
   716  * @param aCalParser A handle to the vCalendar parser.
   717  * @param aStdOffset The standard time UTC offset.  Specify TTimeIntervalMinutes(KMaxTInt) if not known.
   718  * @return The time zone rules collection, NULL if no rules can be created.
   719  */
   720 CTzRules* CAgnVCalConverter::DaylightRulesL(CParserVCal& aCalParser, TTimeIntervalMinutes aStdOffset) const
   721 	{
   722 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aStdOffset.Int() != KMaxTInt, User::Invariant());
   724 	CTzRules* rules = CTzRules::NewL(0, KMaxTUint);
   725 	CleanupStack::PushL(rules);
   727 	// get properties but don't take ownership of the elements of the array
   728 	CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* daylightProperties = aCalParser.PropertyL(KVersitTokenDAYLIGHT, TUid::Uid(KVersitPropertyDaylightUid), EFalse);
   730 	TTime nextRuleStart = Time::MinTTime();	// start of the next std rule
   731 	TTzTimeReference nextRuleTimeRef = ETzUtcTimeReference;
   733 	TInt  prevRuleOffset = aStdOffset.Int();
   735 	if (daylightProperties != NULL)
   736 		{
   737 		CleanupStack::PushL(daylightProperties);
   738 		// re-order the daylight properties
   739 		TLinearOrder<CParserProperty> daylightPropertySort(CompareDaylightProperties);
   740 		RPointerArray<CParserProperty> newDaylightPropArray;
   741 		TInt i;
   742 		for (i = 0; i < daylightProperties->Count(); i++)
   743 			{
   744             // insert only valid imported properties 
   745             if (ValidDaylightProperty(*daylightProperties->At(i)))
   746                 {
   747   			    TInt err = newDaylightPropArray.InsertInOrder(daylightProperties->At(i), daylightPropertySort);
   748   			    if (err != KErrAlreadyExists)
   749   			    	{
   750   			    	User::LeaveIfError(err);
   751   			    	}
   752                 }
   753 			}
   754 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(daylightProperties);
   756 		CVersitDaylight* daylightProperty = NULL;
   757 		TInt n = newDaylightPropArray.Count();
   759 		// For each DAYLIGHT property, create a standard time rule prior to the
   760 		// daylight saving time period, and then create the daylight savings rule
   761 		// following on from the standard time period.
   762 		for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)	
   763 			{
   764 			daylightProperty = static_cast<CParserPropertyValueDaylight*>(newDaylightPropArray[i]->Value())->Value();
   766 			if (daylightProperty && daylightProperty->iSavings)
   767 				{
   768 				TTime dstStartTime(daylightProperty->iStartTime->iDateTime);
   769 				TTime dstEndTime(daylightProperty->iEndTime->iDateTime);
   770 				TInt  dstOffset = daylightProperty->iOffset.Int() / 60; // Convert seconds to minutes.
   772 				// standard time rule (STD)
   773 				TTzRule stdRule = TzRuleL(prevRuleOffset, 	// old offset, minutes
   774 							    		  aStdOffset, 		// new offset (=STD offset), minutes
   775 										  nextRuleStart,	// from the end of prev rule
   776 								dstStartTime-TTimeIntervalSeconds(1));	// to DST start time less 1sec
   777 																		// (e.g. 01:59:59)
   778 				// daylight saving time rule (DST)
   779 				TTzRule dstRule = TzRuleL(aStdOffset,		// old offset (=STD offset), minutes
   780 							    		  dstOffset,		// new offset (=DST offset), minutes
   781 							    		  dstStartTime, 	// start
   782 										  dstEndTime); 		// end time
   784 				prevRuleOffset = dstOffset;				
   786 				// 01:59:00->02:00:00; 01:59:59->02:00:00; 02:00:00->02:00:00; 01:29:59->01:30:00
   787 				nextRuleStart = dstEndTime;
   788 				nextRuleStart.RoundUpToNextMinute();
   789 				if (nextRuleStart.DateTime().Minute()%10==9) nextRuleStart+=TTimeIntervalMinutes(1);
   791 				// time references
   792 				stdRule.iFrom.iTimeReference = nextRuleTimeRef;
   793 				stdRule.iTimeReference = nextRuleTimeRef;
   794 				if (daylightProperty->iStartTime->iRelativeTime!=TVersitDateTime::EIsUTC)
   795 					{
   796 					stdRule.iTo.iTimeReference = ETzWallTimeReference;
   797 					dstRule.iFrom.iTimeReference = ETzWallTimeReference;
   798 					dstRule.iTimeReference = ETzWallTimeReference;
   799 					}
   800 				if (daylightProperty->iEndTime->iRelativeTime!=TVersitDateTime::EIsUTC)
   801 					{
   802 					nextRuleTimeRef = ETzWallTimeReference;
   803 					dstRule.iTo.iTimeReference = ETzWallTimeReference;
   804 					}
   805 				else
   806 					{
   807 					nextRuleTimeRef = ETzUtcTimeReference;
   808 					}
   810 				rules->AddRuleL(stdRule);	// add STD rule
   811 				rules->AddRuleL(dstRule);	// add DST rule
   812 				}
   813 			}
   814 		newDaylightPropArray.Reset();
   815 		}
   817 	// Create a standard time rule after the last daylight saving period.
   818 	TTzRule lastStdRule = TzRuleL(prevRuleOffset, aStdOffset, nextRuleStart, Time::MaxTTime());
   819 	lastStdRule.iFrom.iTimeReference = nextRuleTimeRef;
   820 	lastStdRule.iTimeReference = nextRuleTimeRef;	
   821 	rules->AddRuleL(lastStdRule);
   822 	CleanupStack::Pop(rules);
   824 	return rules;
   825 	}
   828 /**
   829  * Creates a rule that stores the UTC offset and when it should be
   830  * applied to local times within entities specified by the "home" 
   831  * system that created the vCalendar object.
   832  *
   833  * @param aOldTzOffset The UTC offset (minutes since midnight) before the rule applies.
   834  * @param aNewTzOffset The UTC offset (minutes since midnight) when the rule applies.
   835  * @param aStartTime   The time from when the rule applies.
   836  * @param aEndTime     The time to when the rule applies.
   837  */
   838 TTzRule CAgnVCalConverter::TzRuleL(TTimeIntervalMinutes aOldTzOffset, TTimeIntervalMinutes aNewTzOffset, TTime aStartTime, TTime aEndTime) const
   839 	{
   840 	TTzRule rule;
   842 	// There needs to be better boundary checking when converting from TTime to TUInt...
   843 	// Ideally, the rule should accept TTimes.
   845 	if (aStartTime != Time::MinTTime())
   846 		{
   847 		rule.iFrom.iTime = aStartTime;
   848 		// rule.iFrom.iTimeReference defaults to ETzUtcTimeReference	
   849 		rule.iMonth = aStartTime.DateTime().Month();
   850 		rule.iDayOfMonth = aStartTime.DateTime().Day();
   851 		rule.iTimeOfChange = aStartTime.DateTime().Hour() * 60 + aStartTime.DateTime().Minute();
   852 		}
   854 	if (aEndTime == Time::MaxTTime())
   855 		{
   856 		rule.iTo = TTimeWithReference::Max();
   857 		// rule.iTo.iTimeReference defaults to ETzUtcTimeReference
   858 		}
   859 	else
   860 		{
   861 		rule.iTo = aEndTime;
   862 		// rule.iTo.iTimeReference defaults to ETzUtcTimeReference
   863 		}
   865 	rule.iOldLocalTimeOffset = aOldTzOffset.Int();
   866 	rule.iNewLocalTimeOffset = aNewTzOffset.Int();
   867 	rule.iDayRule = ETzFixedDate;
   868 	rule.iTimeReference = ETzUtcTimeReference;
   870 	return rule;
   871 	}
   874 /**
   875  * The TZ property represents the standard time zone of the 
   876  * "home" system that created the vCalendar object.  If there are
   877  * more than one TZ properties, then only the first TZ property value
   878  * is returned.
   879  * 
   880  * @param  aCalParser A handle to the vCalendar parser.
   881  * @return TTimeIntervalMinutes(KMaxTInt) if there is no TZ property, TZ property value otherwise.
   882  */
   883 TTimeIntervalMinutes CAgnVCalConverter::StandardTimeOffsetL(CParserVCal& aCalParser) const
   884 	{
   885 	// get properties but don't take ownership of the elements of the array
   886 	CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* tzCollection = aCalParser.PropertyL(KVersitTokenTZ, TUid::Uid(KVersitPropertyTimeZoneUid), EFalse);
   888 	if (tzCollection == NULL)
   889 		return TTimeIntervalMinutes(KMaxTInt);
   891 	CleanupStack::PushL(tzCollection);
   892 	TTimeIntervalSeconds stdTime = static_cast<CParserPropertyValueTimeZone*>((*tzCollection)[0]->Value())->Value();
   893 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tzCollection);
   895 	return TTimeIntervalMinutes(stdTime.Int() / 60);
   896 	}
   898 /**  
   899  * This function destroys the TAgnVCalConverter object created by the gate function,
   900  * and the CTzConverter object if it exists
   901  */
   902 CAgnVCalConverter::~CAgnVCalConverter()
   903 	{	
   904 	delete iImportConverter;
   906 	if (iVCalArray)
   907 		{
   908 		iVCalArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   909 		}
   910 	delete iVCalArray;
   912 	delete iImportExportActive;
   913 	delete iExportConverter;
   915 	iTzServer.Close();
   916 	if(iSametzEntries)
   917 		{
   918 		iSametzEntries->Close();
   919 		delete iSametzEntries;
   920 		}
   922 	iEntryIndexToExport.Close();
   923 	}
   925 /**
   926  * Standard 2-phase construction
   927  */
   928 CAgnVCalConverter* CAgnVCalConverter::NewL()
   929    	{
   930    	CAgnVCalConverter* self = new (ELeave) CAgnVCalConverter;
   931    	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   932    	self->ConstructL();
   933    	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   934    	return self;
   935    	}
   939 // Export the implementation collection function
   940 const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] = 
   941     {
   942     IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(0x102035F6, CAgnVCalConverter::NewL)
   943     };
   945 EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
   946     {
   947     aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
   948     return ImplementationTable;
   949     }
   953 void CAgnVCalConverter::ConstructL()
   954 	{
   955 	iTzConnected = EFalse;
   956 	// Timezone conversion library is not guaranteed to be available.
   957 	// If it is not available, then AgnVersit will ignore DST rules
   958 	// and default to its previous behaviour
   959 	const TInt result = iTzServer.Connect();
   960 	if (result == KErrNone)
   961 		{
   962 		iTzConnected = ETrue;
   963 		}
   964 	else if (result != KErrNotFound)
   965 		{
   966 		User::Leave(result);
   967 		}
   968 	iImportExportActive = new (ELeave) CCalImportExportActive(*this);
   969 	iAsyncState = EIdle;
   970 	}
   972 /**
   973  * Panic the thread with AGNVERSIT as the category
   974  * 
   975  * @param aPanic Panic number
   976  */
   977 void Panic(TAgnVersitPanic aPanic)
   978 	{
   979 	_LIT(KAgnVersitPanicCategory,"AGNVERSIT");
   980 	User::Panic(KAgnVersitPanicCategory,aPanic);
   981 	}
   983 /**
   984  * Standard Epoc32 Dll Entry point
   985  */
   988 // Active object to control asynchronous import / export
   989 CCalImportExportActive::CCalImportExportActive(CAgnVCalConverter& aConverter) :
   990 	CActive(EPriorityLow), iConverter(aConverter)
   991 	{
   992 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   993 	}
   995 CCalImportExportActive::~CCalImportExportActive()
   996 	{
   997 	Cancel();
   998 	}
  1000 void CCalImportExportActive::Start()
  1001 	{
  1002 	if (!IsActive())
  1003 		{
  1004 		TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
  1005 		User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
  1006 		SetActive();
  1007 		}
  1008 	}
  1011 void CCalImportExportActive::DoCancel()
  1012 	{
  1013 	iConverter.CancelImportExport();
  1014 	}
  1016 TInt CCalImportExportActive::RunError(TInt aError)
  1017 	{
  1018 	// Propogate error		
  1019 	iConverter.CancelImportExport(aError);
  1020 	return KErrNone;
  1021 	}