changeset 29 12af337248b1
parent 0 f979ecb2b13e
child 30 bd7edf625bdd
--- a/calendarui/views/src/calenmonthgrid.cpp	Thu Aug 19 09:53:43 2010 +0300
+++ b/calendarui/views/src/calenmonthgrid.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:13:43 2010 +0300
@@ -1,211 +1,1258 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:   Grid of the MonthView.
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors: 
+ *
+ * Description: Definition file for class CalenMonthGrid.
+ */
+// System includes
+#include <hbgridview.h>
+#include <hbabstractviewitem.h>
+#include <hbstyleloader.h>
+#include <hbcolorscheme.h>
+#include <hbpangesture.h>
+#include <hbswipegesture.h>
+#include <hbtapgesture.h>
+#include <hbdeviceprofile.h>
+#include <hbinstance.h>
+// User includes
+#include "calenmonthgrid.h"
+#include "calengriditemprototype.h"
+#include "calenmonthdata.h"
+#include "calenmonthview.h"
+#include "calendateutils.h"
+#include "calencommon.h"
+#include "calenconstants.h"
+#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
+#include "calenmonthgridTraces.h"
-#include "calendarui_debug.h"
+// Constants
+#define SCROLL_SPEEED 3000 
+#define GRIDLINE_WIDTH 0.075 //units
+ \class CalenMonthGrid
+ Implements the month grid
+ */
-#include "calenmonthgrid.h"
-#include "calenmonthcontainer.h"
-#include "calenmonthcelllistboxdata.h"
-#include "calenmonthcelllistboxitemdrawer.h"
+ Default constructor.
+ */
+CalenMonthGrid::CalenMonthGrid(QGraphicsItem *parent):
+	HbGridView(parent),
+	mModel(0),
+	mDirection(invalid),
+	mIsPanGesture(false),
+	mIsAtomicScroll(true),
+	mView(NULL),
+	mCurrentRow(-100),
+	mIsNonActiveDayFocused(false),
+	mIgnoreItemActivated(false),
+	mGridLineColor(HbColorScheme::color("qtc_cal_grid_line")),
+    mActiveDatesSet(false)
+	setScrollDirections(Qt::Vertical);
+	setRowCount(KNumOfVisibleRows);
+	setColumnCount(KCalenDaysInWeek);
+	setLongPressEnabled(false);
+	setItemRecycling(false);
+	setSelectionMode(HbGridView::NoSelection);
+	setUniformItemSizes(true);
+	setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+	setClampingStyle(HbScrollArea::StrictClamping);
+	setEnabledAnimations(HbAbstractItemView::None);
+	setFrictionEnabled(false);
+	setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents, false);
+	// Disable the rows and columns swapping on orientation change
+	setSwapDimensionsOnOrientationChange(false);
+	resetTransform();
+	// Get the content widget of the scroll area to draw the grid lines
+	mContentWidget = contentWidget();
-#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
+	// Get the localised dates well before
+	// TODO: Need to update the mLocalisedDates when user changes the
+	// phone language keeping calendar application in background
+	HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
+	for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {
+		mLocalisedDates.append(locale.toString(i));
+	}
+	// Connect to scrolling finished signal
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(scrollingEnded()), this,
+			SLOT(scrollingFinished()));
+    connect(
+                HbTheme::instance(), SIGNAL(changed()),
+                this, SLOT(handleThemeChange()));
+	// Disable the haptic feedback for the month grid during scrolling
+    setAttribute(Hb::InteractionDisabled);
-// New line color groups in enhanced skinning
-static void DrawLAFLine(CWindowGc& aGc, const TAknLayoutRect& aArea,
-                        const TAknsItemID& aSkinComponent, TInt aColorGroup)
-    {
+ Destructor
+ */
+	// Nothing Yet
+ Stores the view pointer
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::setView(CalenMonthView *view)
+    OstTraceFunctionEntry0( CALENMONTHGRID_SETVIEW_ENTRY );
+	mView = view;
-    TRgb lineColor = aArea.Color();
-    AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), lineColor,
-                              aSkinComponent, aColorGroup);
-    aGc.SetBrushColor( lineColor );
-    aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
-    aGc.Clear( aArea.Rect() );
+ Updates the model with the proper dates and sets the required user roles
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::updateMonthGridModel(QList<CalenMonthData> &monthDataArray,
+                        int indexToBeScrolled, bool isFirstTime)
+	int loopStart = 0;
+	int loopEnd = monthDataArray.count();
+	if (isFirstTime) {
+		// Create the model with only 42 items as visible to the user
+		mModel = new QStandardItemModel(KCalenDaysInWeek * KNumOfVisibleRows, 
+		                                1, this);
+		loopStart = (mView->rowsInPrevMonth()) * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+		loopEnd = loopStart + (KCalenDaysInWeek * KNumOfVisibleRows);
+	} else {
+		// Block the signals generated by model, this is being done as
+		// we want to avoid the overload of view listening to signals
+		mModel->blockSignals(true);
+		// Check the counts
+		int dataCount = monthDataArray.count();
+		int rowCount = mModel->rowCount();
+		int countDiff = dataCount - rowCount;
+		if (countDiff < 0) {
+			// Delete extra rows in the model
+			mModel->removeRows(dataCount,abs(countDiff));
+		} else if (countDiff > 0) {
+			// Add the necessary number of rows
+			mModel->insertRows(rowCount,countDiff);
+		}
+		loopEnd = dataCount;
+	}
+	QDateTime currDate = mView->getCurrentDay();
+	QDateTime currDateTime = CalenDateUtils::beginningOfDay(currDate);
+	QDateTime activeDay = mView->getActiveDay();
+	QDateTime activeDateTime = CalenDateUtils::beginningOfDay(activeDay);
+	QModelIndex currentIndex;
+	int modelIndex = 0;
+	for (int i = loopStart; i < loopEnd; i++) {
+		QDateTime dateTime = monthDataArray[i].Day();
+		currentIndex = mModel->index(modelIndex++, 0);
+		// Create the variant list to contain the date to depict a grid item
+		QVariantList itemData;
+		// !!!NOTE!!!: Add the data in the order mentioned in the 
+		// CalendarNamespace::DataRole enum. Dont change the order.
+		itemData <<; 
+		// Check for active day
+		if (activeDateTime == CalenDateUtils::beginningOfDay(dateTime)) {
+			mCurrentRow = i;
+			// Set the focus attribute to true
+			itemData << true;
+		} else {
+			// reset the highlight
+			itemData << false;
+		}
-    }
-static void DrawSecondaryLine(CWindowGc& aGc, const TAknLayoutRect& aArea)
-    {
+		// Check for current day
+		if (currDateTime == CalenDateUtils::beginningOfDay(dateTime)) {
+			// Set the underline attribute to true
+			itemData << true;
+		} else {			
+			itemData << false;
+		}
-    DrawLAFLine(aGc, aArea, KAknsIIDQsnLineColors, EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG2);
-    }
-// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+		// Check for events
+		if (monthDataArray[i].HasEvents()) {
+			// Set the event indicator attribute
+			itemData << true;
+		} else {
+			itemData << false;
+		}
+		// Add default text color
+		if (monthDataArray[i].isActive()) {
+			itemData << true;
+		} else {
+			itemData << false;
+		}
+		mModel->itemFromIndex(currentIndex)->setData(itemData);
+	}
+	if (isFirstTime) {
+		// Create the prototype
+		CalenGridItemPrototype* gridItemPrototype = new CalenGridItemPrototype(this);
+	    connect(
+	            HbTheme::instance(), SIGNAL(changed()),
+	            gridItemPrototype, SLOT(handleThemeChange()));
+		// Set the mode and the prototype
+		setModel(mModel,gridItemPrototype);
+		// Register the widgetml and css files
+		HbStyleLoader::registerFilePath(":/");
+		// Set the layout name
+		setLayoutName("calendarCustomGridItem");
+	} else {
+		// Since, we have finished setData, Now unblock the signals
+		mModel->blockSignals(false);
+		// Since till now, we had blocked signals being generated frm the mode
+		// view will be unaware of the items that we added. Hence, inform the view
+		// explicitly in one shot
+		QModelIndex leftIndex = mModel->index(0, 0);
+		QModelIndex rightIndex = mModel->index(loopEnd-1, 0);
+		dataChanged(leftIndex, rightIndex);
+		// NOTE: To make sure that we always display proper month,
+		// two calls have been  made to scrollTo(), one with top
+		// visible item and other with bottom visible item
+		// Calculate the first visible item in the grid
+		QModelIndex firstVisibleIndex = mModel->index(indexToBeScrolled - 
+								(KNumOfVisibleRows * KCalenDaysInWeek - 1), 0);
+		scrollTo(firstVisibleIndex);
+		// Calculate the last visible item in the grid
+		QModelIndex lastVisibleIndex = mModel->index(indexToBeScrolled, 0);
+		scrollTo(lastVisibleIndex);
+	}
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-(TTime aFirstDayOfGrid, CCalenMonthContainer* aMonthCont)
-    : iFirstDayOfGrid(aFirstDayOfGrid),iMonthContainer(aMonthCont)
-    {
+	Updates the view with jprevious month dates when calendar is opened for the 
+	first time to improve the opening time
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::updateMonthGridWithInActiveMonths(
+										QList<CalenMonthData> &monthDataArray)
+	// Prepend the required rows
+	handlePrependingRows(monthDataArray);
+	// Append the required rows
+	handleAppendingRows(monthDataArray);
+	int rowsInPrevMonth = mView->rowsInPrevMonth();
+	// Calculate the proper index to be scrolled to
+	int itemToBeScrolled = rowsInPrevMonth * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	QModelIndex indexToBeScrolled = mModel->index(itemToBeScrolled, 0);
+	mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+	scrollTo(indexToBeScrolled);
+	// Scroll to proper index
+	itemToBeScrolled = ((rowsInPrevMonth + KNumOfVisibleRows) * 
+								   KCalenDaysInWeek) - 1;
+	indexToBeScrolled = mModel->index(itemToBeScrolled, 0);
+	mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+	scrollTo(indexToBeScrolled);
+	// Update the sart position of the content widget
+	mStartPos = mContentWidget->pos();
+	// Now connect to the signal which gets emitted when any item on the grid 
+	// is tapped.
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex &)), this,
+						SLOT(itemActivated(const QModelIndex &)));
+	Updates the view with just event indicators
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::updateMonthGridWithEventIndicators(
+										QList<CalenMonthData> &monthDataArray)
+	int count(monthDataArray.count());
+	for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+		// Check if the day has events
+		if (monthDataArray[i].HasEvents()) {
+			QModelIndex itemIndex = mModel->index(i,0);
+			QVariant itemData = + 1);
+			QVariantList list = itemData.toList();
+			list.replace(CalendarNamespace::CalendarMonthEventRole, true);
+			mModel->itemFromIndex(itemIndex)->setData(list);
+		}
+	}
+ Scrolls the content dowmwards
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::downGesture()
-    SetVerticalMargin(0);
-    SetHorizontalMargin(0);
+    // Make sure that content widget is properly placed
+    // We are doing this as tapping on inactive date of previous month is leading to
+    // position the grid at wrong place after scrolling down. Hence, set the grid
+    // at proper position before we start actual scrolling
+    if (mIsNonActiveDayFocused) {
+        mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+        int itemToBeScrolled = mView->rowsInPrevMonth() * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+        QModelIndex indexToBeScrolled  = mModel->index(itemToBeScrolled, 0);
+        scrollTo(indexToBeScrolled);
+    }
+    // Set the required flags
+    mDirection = down;
+    mIsAtomicScroll = false;
+    // Set the active and inactive dates
+    QDateTime activeMonth = mView->getActiveDay();
+    // For previous month, substract one month to the current month
+    setActiveDates(activeMonth.addMonths(-1).date());
+    mActiveDatesSet = true;
+    // Set the focus to proper date before scrolling to avoid somekind of
+    // jerkiness
+    if (!mIsNonActiveDayFocused) {
+        setFocusToProperDay();
+    // Start the scrolling
+    QPointF targetPos(0.0, 0.0);
+    scrollContentsTo(targetPos,500);
-// Destructor
-    {
+ Scrolls the content upwards
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::upGesture()
+    // Set the required flags
+    mDirection = up;
+    mIsAtomicScroll = false;
+    // Set the active and inactive dates
+    QDateTime activeMonth = mView->getActiveDay();
+    // For next month, add one month to the current month
+    setActiveDates(activeMonth.addMonths(1).date());
+    mActiveDatesSet = true;
+    // Set the focus to proper date before scrolling to avoid somekind of
+    // jerkiness
+    if (!mIsNonActiveDayFocused) {
+        setFocusToProperDay();
+    // Start the scrolling
+    QPointF targetPos(0.0, mStartPos.y() - size().height());
+    scrollContentsTo(-targetPos,500);
+ Function to listen mouse press events
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
+	// Pass it to parent
+	HbGridView::mousePressEvent(event);
+ Function to listen mouse release events
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
+	// Pass it grid view if pan gesture is not in progress else pass it to
+	// scrollarea. Problem here is, if we pass to gridview when panning, then 
+	// its emitting item activated signal simply becasue of which focus item
+	// is getting changed when you finish the pan / shake
+	if (!mIsPanGesture) {
+		HbGridView::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
+	} else {
+		HbScrollArea::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
+	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenMonthGrid::Draw
-// Drawing month gird
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenMonthGrid::Draw(const TRect& aRect)const
-    {
-    //const TBool useWeeks( UseWeeks() );
-    CAknGrid::Draw( aRect );
-    // For drawing Secondary grid lines
-    DrawGridLines();
+    Function to list for all the gesture events
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::gestureEvent(QGestureEvent *event)
+   if(HbPanGesture *gesture = qobject_cast<HbPanGesture *>(event->gesture(Qt::PanGesture))) {
+        if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureStarted) {
+            mIsAtomicScroll = false;
+            if (!mIsPanGesture) {
+                mDirection = invalid;
+                mStartPos = mContentWidget->pos();
+                // TODO: This work around till framework provides an api
+                // to know the direciton of the pan, until then we need
+                // calculate the direction explicitly
+                // Get to know the direction of the gesture
+                // Use our defined threshold temporarily till scrollarea 
+                // frm orbit side is made clever enough not to scroll in other direction
+                // apart frm the registered scroll direction
+                QPointF delta = gesture->delta();
+                // Check the current orientation of the device and
+                // swap the vertical and horizontal distances in landscape
+                qreal horizontalDiff = 0.0;
+                qreal verticalDiff = 0.0;
+                if (hbInstance->allMainWindows().at(0)->orientation() == Qt::Vertical) {
+                    horizontalDiff = delta.x();
+                    verticalDiff = delta.y();
+                } else {
+                    horizontalDiff = delta.y();
+                    verticalDiff = delta.x();
+                }
+                if (abs(horizontalDiff) > MAX_PAN_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD) {
+                    // Now see if y coord diff has crossed threshold
+                    if (verticalDiff > MAX_PAN_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD) {
+                        mIsPanGesture = true;
+                        mIgnoreItemActivated = true;
+                        mDirection = down;
+                    } else if (verticalDiff < -MAX_PAN_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD){
+                        mIsPanGesture = true;
+                        mIgnoreItemActivated = true;
+                        mDirection = up;
+                    } else {
+                        event->accept(Qt::PanGesture);
+                        OstTraceFunctionExit0( CALENMONTHGRID_GESTUREEVENT_EXIT );
+                        return;
+                    }
+                } else if (abs(horizontalDiff) < MAX_PAN_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD) {
+                   if (verticalDiff > MIN_PAN_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD) {
+                        mIsPanGesture = true;
+                        mIgnoreItemActivated = true;
+                        mDirection = down;
+                   } else if (verticalDiff < -MIN_PAN_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD){
+                        mIsPanGesture = true;
+                        mIgnoreItemActivated = true;
+                        mDirection = up;
+                   }else {
+                       event->accept(Qt::PanGesture);
+                       OstTraceFunctionExit0( DUP1_CALENMONTHGRID_GESTUREEVENT_EXIT );
+                       return;
+                   }
+                } 
+            }
+        }
+    } else if(HbSwipeGesture *gesture = qobject_cast<HbSwipeGesture *>(event->gesture(Qt::SwipeGesture))) {
+        if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureStarted) {
+            mIsAtomicScroll = false;
+            mDirection = invalid;
+            if (gesture->sceneVerticalDirection() == QSwipeGesture::Down) {
+                mDirection = down;
+            } else if (gesture->sceneVerticalDirection() == QSwipeGesture::Up) {
+                mDirection = up;
+            } else {
+                event->accept(Qt::SwipeGesture);
+                OstTraceFunctionExit0( DUP2_CALENMONTHGRID_GESTUREEVENT_EXIT );
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    } else if (HbTapGesture *gesture = qobject_cast<HbTapGesture *>(event->gesture(Qt::TapGesture))) {
+        if(gesture->state() == Qt::GestureFinished) {
+            // Check if scrolling is in progress
+            if (mDirection != invalid) {
+                // Set the pan flag to true so that grid adjusts to nearest
+                // month after tapping
+                mIsPanGesture = true;
+                handlePanGestureFinished();
+            }
+        }
+   if (mDirection!= invalid) {
+        // Call the parent class to perform the pan gesture
+        // When scrolling finished, month grid will adjust to show the proper month
+        HbScrollArea::gestureEvent(event);
+   }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenMonthGrid::DrawGridLines
-// Draws secondary lines of the grid
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenMonthGrid::DrawGridLines()const
-    {
-    CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
-    TRect parentRect = iMonthContainer->Rect();
-    TRect main_pane(iMonthContainer->ReducePreview( parentRect ) );
+ Gets called when scrolling finishes to update the model
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::scrollingFinished()
+	if (mIsPanGesture) {
+		handlePanGestureFinished();
+	} else if(!mIsAtomicScroll) {
+		QDateTime activeDate = mView->getActiveDay();
+		if(mDirection == down) { // down gesture
+			if (!mActiveDatesSet) {
+				setActiveDates(activeDate.addMonths(-1).date());
+				setFocusToProperDay();
+			}
+			prependRows();
+		} else if (mDirection == up) { //up gesture
+			if (!mActiveDatesSet) {
+				setActiveDates(activeDate.addMonths(1).date());
+				setFocusToProperDay();
+			}
+			appendRows();
+		}
+		mDirection = invalid;
+		mActiveDatesSet = false;
+	} else {
+        mIsAtomicScroll = false;
+        mDirection = invalid;
+	}
+	mIgnoreItemActivated = false;
+ Function to handle completion of pan gesture
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::handlePanGestureFinished()
+	mIsPanGesture = false;
+	// Get the first item that is visible
+	QList<HbAbstractViewItem *> list = visibleItems();
+	HbAbstractViewItem* item = list[0];
+	QModelIndex modelIndex = item->modelIndex();
+	// Get the date which is visible at the above row
+	QList<CalenMonthData>& monthDataArray = mView->monthDataList();
+	QDateTime date = monthDataArray[modelIndex.row()].Day();
+	// Check if this date belong to current active month or 
+	// previous month else future month
+	QDateTime activeMonth = mView->getActiveDay();
+	QDateTime prevMonth = activeMonth.addMonths(-1);
+	QDateTime nextMonth = activeMonth.addMonths(1);
+	int month =;
+	if (month == {
+		// Then pan is completed on current month
+		// Check if the date is more than half of the current month or it is
+		// more than or equal to half of the future month
+		if ( > ( / 2 ||
+				date.addDays(KNumOfVisibleRows*KCalenDaysInWeek).date().day() >=
+				( / 2) {
+			// up gesture to bring the next month
+			upGesture();
+		} else {
+			// we should again show the current month by scrolling downwards
+			mDirection = down;
+			mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+			scrollContentsTo(-mStartPos,500);
+		}
+	} else if (month == {
+		// first visible item belongs to previous month
+		// Check if the date is more than half of the previous month
+		if ( > ( / 2) {
+			// we should again show the current month by scrolling upwards
+			mDirection = up;
+			mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+			scrollContentsTo(-mStartPos,500);
+		} else {
+			// down gesture to show the previous month
+			downGesture();
+		}
+	} else if (month == prevMonth.addMonths(-1).date().month()) {
+		// first visible date belong to previous to previous month
+		// hence, scroll down to bring the previous month
+		downGesture();
+	} else if (month == {
+		// first visible item belongs to next month
+		// Check if the date is more than half of the next month
+		if ( > ( / 2) {
+			// up gesture to bring the next month
+			upGesture();
+		} else {
+			// we should again show the current month by scrolling upwards
+			mDirection = up;
+			scrollContentsTo(-mStartPos,500);
+		}
+	} else if (month == nextMonth.addMonths(1).date().month()) {
+		// first visible date belongs to next to next month
+		// hence, scroll up to show the next month
+		upGesture();
+	}
-    TAknLayoutRect main_cale_month_pane;
-    TInt layoutVariant = iMonthContainer->LayoutVariantIndex(CCalenMonthContainer::EMainCaleMonthPane);
-    main_cale_month_pane.LayoutRect( main_pane, AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_cale_month_pane(layoutVariant).LayoutLine() );
+ Called when down gesture is performed. Adds the new previous month details
+ to the model
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::prependRows()
+	// Block the signals generated by model, this is being done as
+	// we want to avoid the overload of view listening to signals
+	mModel->blockSignals(true);
+	mIsNonActiveDayFocused = false;
+	int rowsInFutMonthEarlier = mView->rowsInFutMonth();
+	int rowsInPrevMonthEarlier = mView->rowsInPrevMonth();
+	// remove the cells in the future month
+	int deleteFromIndex = (rowsInPrevMonthEarlier + KNumOfVisibleRows) * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	int numOfIndices = rowsInFutMonthEarlier * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	// Get the updated dates from the view
+	mView->updateModelWithPrevMonth();
+	QList<CalenMonthData >& monthDataList = mView->monthDataList();
+	// Prepend the required rows
+	handlePrependingRows(monthDataList);
+	// Since, we have finished setData, Now unblock the signals
+	mModel->blockSignals(false);
+	int rowsInPrevMonth = mView->rowsInPrevMonth();
+	int countToBeAdded = rowsInPrevMonth * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	// Since till now, we had blocked signals being generated frm the model
+	// view will be unaware of the items that we added. Hence, inform the view
+	// explicitly in one shot
+	QModelIndex leftIndex = mModel->index(0, 0);
+	QModelIndex rightIndex = mModel->index(countToBeAdded-1, 0);
+	dataChanged(leftIndex, rightIndex);
+	// Now remove the necessary items frm the model
+	mModel->removeRows(deleteFromIndex+countToBeAdded, numOfIndices);
+	mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+	int itemToBeScrolled = rowsInPrevMonth * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	QModelIndex indexToBeScrolled  = mModel->index(itemToBeScrolled, 0);
+	scrollTo(indexToBeScrolled);
+	// Scroll to proper index
+	itemToBeScrolled = ((rowsInPrevMonth + KNumOfVisibleRows) * 
+								   KCalenDaysInWeek) - 1;
+	indexToBeScrolled = mModel->index(itemToBeScrolled, 0);
+	mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+	scrollTo(indexToBeScrolled);
+	// Update the mCurrentRow
+	mCurrentRow += countToBeAdded;
+	// Update the sart position of the content widget
+	mStartPos = mContentWidget->pos();
+	Helper function that prepends the required rows to the model
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::handlePrependingRows(QList<CalenMonthData > &monthDataList)
-    TAknLayoutRect cale_month_pane_g;
+	QDateTime currDate = mView->getCurrentDay();
+	QDateTime currDateTime = CalenDateUtils::beginningOfDay( currDate );
+	int rowsInPrevMonth = mView->rowsInPrevMonth();
+	// Add the new days
+	int countToBeAdded = rowsInPrevMonth * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	mModel->insertRows(0, countToBeAdded);
+	for (int i = 0; i < countToBeAdded; i++) {
+		QDateTime dateTime = monthDataList[i].Day();
+		// Get the localised string for the day
+		QModelIndex currentIndex = mModel->index(i, 0);
+		// Create the variant list to contain the date to depict a grid item
+		QVariantList itemData;
+		// NOTE: Add the data in the order mentioned in the 
+		// CalendarNamespace::DataRole enum. Dont change the order.
+		itemData <<;;
+		// Disable the focus role
+		itemData << false;
+		// Check for current day
+		if  (currDateTime == CalenDateUtils::beginningOfDay( dateTime )) {
+			// Set the underline icon attribute
+			itemData << true;
+		} else {
+			itemData << false;
+		}
+		// Update the event indicators
+		if (monthDataList[i].HasEvents()) {
+			// Set the event indicator attribute
+			itemData << true;
+		} else {
+			itemData << false;
+		}
+		// Add default text color
+		itemData << false;
+		// Set the data to model
+		mModel->itemFromIndex(currentIndex)->setData(itemData);
+	}
-    // Get indexes for grid lines (cale_month_pane_g)
-    TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cale_month_pane_g_Limits = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cale_month_pane_g_Limits();
-    TInt index( cale_month_pane_g_Limits.FirstIndex() );
-    TInt end(   cale_month_pane_g_Limits.LastIndex() );
-    // First two are primary lines to separate heading and week number panes from grid
-    // We draw them elsewhere
-    const TInt firstGridLineIndex = 2;
-    layoutVariant = iMonthContainer->LayoutVariantIndex(CCalenMonthContainer::ECaleMonthPaneG );
-    for ( index+=firstGridLineIndex; index<=end; ++index )
-        {
-        cale_month_pane_g.LayoutRect( main_cale_month_pane.Rect(),
-                AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cale_month_pane_g( index, layoutVariant ).LayoutLine() );
-        DrawSecondaryLine( gc, cale_month_pane_g );
-        }
+ Called when Up gwsture is performed. Adds the new future month details
+ to the model
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::appendRows()
+	// Block the signals generated by model, this is being done as
+	// we want to avoid the overload of view listening to signals
+	mModel->blockSignals(true);
+	mIsNonActiveDayFocused = false;
+	int rowsInFutMonth = mView->rowsInFutMonth();
+	int rowsInPrevMonth = mView->rowsInPrevMonth();
+	// remove the cells in the previous month
+	int countToBeDeleted = rowsInPrevMonth * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	// Get the updated dates from the view
+	mView->updateModelWithFutureMonth();
+	QList<CalenMonthData >& monthDataList = mView->monthDataList();
+	// Get the model count before we add any rows into the mode
+	int rowCount = mModel->rowCount();
+	// Append the required rows
+	handleAppendingRows(monthDataList);
+	// Since, we have finished setData, Now unblock the signals
+	mModel->blockSignals(false);
+	// Since till now, we had blocked signals being generated frm the mode
+	// view will be unaware of the items that we added. Hence, inform the view
+	// explicitly in one shot
+	QModelIndex leftIndex = mModel->index(rowCount-1, 0);
+	QModelIndex rightIndex = mModel->index(mModel->rowCount()-1, 0);
+	dataChanged(leftIndex, rightIndex);
+	// Update the mCurrentRow
+	mCurrentRow -= (countToBeDeleted);
+	for (int i = 0; i < countToBeDeleted; i++) {
+		mModel->removeRow(0);
+	}
+	mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+	rowsInFutMonth = mView->rowsInFutMonth();
+	rowsInPrevMonth = mView->rowsInPrevMonth();
+	// Calculate the proper index to be scrolled to
+	int itemToBeScrolled = rowsInPrevMonth * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	QModelIndex indexToBeScrolled = mModel->index(itemToBeScrolled, 0);
+	scrollTo(indexToBeScrolled);
+	itemToBeScrolled = ((rowsInPrevMonth + KNumOfVisibleRows) * 
+									   KCalenDaysInWeek) - 1;
+	indexToBeScrolled = mModel->index(itemToBeScrolled, 0);
+	mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+	scrollTo(indexToBeScrolled);
+	// Update the sart position of the content widget
+    mStartPos = mContentWidget->pos();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenMonthGrid::FirstDayOfGrid
-// Return first day of grid
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TTime CCalenMonthGrid::FirstDayOfGrid()
-    {
+	Helper function that appends the required rows to the model
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::handleAppendingRows(QList<CalenMonthData > &monthDataList)
-    return iFirstDayOfGrid;
-    }
+	QDateTime currDate = mView->getCurrentDay();
+	QDateTime currDateTime = CalenDateUtils::beginningOfDay( currDate );
+	int rowsInFutMonth = mView->rowsInFutMonth();
+	int countToBeAdded = rowsInFutMonth * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	int lastVisibleIndex = monthDataList.count() - countToBeAdded;
+	int rowCount = mModel->rowCount();
+	mModel->insertRows(rowCount, countToBeAdded);
+	for (int i = 0; i < countToBeAdded; i++) {
+		QModelIndex currentIndex = mModel->index(rowCount + i, 0);
+		QDateTime dateTime = monthDataList[lastVisibleIndex + i].Day();
+		// Create the variant list to contain the date to depict a grid item
+		QVariantList itemData;
+		// NOTE: Add the data in the order mentioned in the 
+		// CalendarNamespace::DataRole enum. Dont change the order.
+		itemData <<;;
+		// Disable the focus role
+		itemData << false;
+		// Check for current day
+		if (currDateTime == CalenDateUtils::beginningOfDay( dateTime )) {
+			// Set the underline icon attribute
+			itemData << true;
+		} else {
+			itemData << false;
+		}
+		// Update the event indicators
+		if (monthDataList[lastVisibleIndex + i].HasEvents()) {
+			// Set the event indicator attribute
+			itemData << true;
+		} else {
+			itemData << false;
+		}
+		// Add default text color
+		itemData << false;
+		// Set the data to model
+		mModel->itemFromIndex(currentIndex)->setData(itemData);
+	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenMonthGrid::SetFirstDayOfGrid
-// Set argument aDay to first day of Grid
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenMonthGrid::SetFirstDayOfGrid(TTime aDay)
-    {
-    iFirstDayOfGrid = aDay;
+ Slot to handle when a particular grid item is tapped
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::itemActivated(const QModelIndex &index)
-    }
+	if (mIgnoreItemActivated) {
+		mIgnoreItemActivated = false;
+		return;
+	}
+	mIsNonActiveDayFocused = false;
+	// Check if the same item has been tapped twice
+	if (mCurrentRow == index.row()) {
+		// Launch the Day view
+		mView->launchDayView();
+	} else {
+		// Reset the focus attribute to this item		
+		QModelIndex itemIndex = mModel->index(mCurrentRow,0);
+		if(itemIndex.row() < 0 || itemIndex.row() >= mModel->rowCount() ||
+				itemIndex.column() < 0 || itemIndex.column() > mModel->columnCount()) {
+			return;
+		}
+		QVariant itemData = + 1);
+		QVariantList list = itemData.toList();
+		list.replace(CalendarNamespace::CalendarMonthFocusRole, false);
+		mModel->itemFromIndex(itemIndex)->setData(list);
+		// Inform view to update the context and preview panes
+		mCurrentRow = index.row();
+		itemIndex = mModel->index(mCurrentRow,0);
+		itemData = + 1);
+		list = itemData.toList();
+		list.replace(CalendarNamespace::CalendarMonthFocusRole, 
+								 true);
+		mModel->itemFromIndex(itemIndex)->setData(list);
+		// Check if inactive date is tapped
+		QDateTime activeMonth = mView->getActiveDay();
+		int month =;
+		QList<CalenMonthData >& monthDataList = mView->monthDataList();
+		if(month != monthDataList[mCurrentRow].Day().date().month()){
+			// Set the flag
+			mIsNonActiveDayFocused = true;
+			QDateTime nonActiveFocusedDay = monthDataList[mCurrentRow].Day();
+			// Add one month to active month
+			activeMonth = activeMonth.addMonths(1);
+			if ( == 
+	 {
+				mDirection = up;
+				// up gesture
+				upGesture();
+			} else {
+				mDirection = down;
+				// down gesture
+				downGesture();
+			}
+		} 
+		mView->setContextForActiveDay(index.row());
+	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CCalenMonthGrid::CreateItemDrawerL
-// Creates CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer,
-// actually CCalenMonthCellListBoxItemDrawer.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenMonthGrid::CreateItemDrawerL()
-    {
+ Sets the focus to proper day after the flick scrollng
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::setFocusToProperDay()
-    CCalenMonthCellListBoxData* columnData = CCalenMonthCellListBoxData::NewL();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( columnData );
+	// Calculate the new item to be focussed
+	QDateTime oldFocussedDate = mView->getActiveDay();
+	QList<CalenMonthData> monthDataList = mView->monthDataList();
+	int listCount = monthDataList.count();
+	int rowsInPrevMonth = mView->rowsInPrevMonth();
+	QDateTime dateToBeFocussed;
+	int indexStart = 0;
+	int indexEnd = listCount - 1;
+	if (mDirection == up) {
+		dateToBeFocussed = oldFocussedDate.addMonths(1); // add the month 
+		indexStart = (rowsInPrevMonth + 4) * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	} else if (mDirection == down) {
+		dateToBeFocussed = oldFocussedDate.addMonths(-1); // substract the month
+		indexEnd = (rowsInPrevMonth + 1) * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	}
+	// Reset the focus attribute to earlier current item
+	QModelIndex index = mModel->index(mCurrentRow,0);
+	QVariant itemData = + 1);
+	QVariantList list = itemData.toList();
+	list.replace(CalendarNamespace::CalendarMonthFocusRole, false);
+	mModel->itemFromIndex(index)->setData(list);
+	// Search for this date in the model
+	for (int i = indexStart; i <= indexEnd; i++) {
+		if (monthDataList[i].Day().date() == {
+			index = mModel->index(i,0);
+			itemData = + 1);
+			list = itemData.toList();
+			list.replace(CalendarNamespace::CalendarMonthFocusRole,
+										 true);
+			mModel->itemFromIndex(index)->setData(list);
+			mCurrentRow = i;
+			mView->setContextForActiveDay(i);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
-    iItemDrawer = new(ELeave)
-        CCalenMonthCellListBoxItemDrawer(Model(), this, iEikonEnv->NormalFont(), columnData);
+ Sets the appropriate text color depending upon the active dates
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::setActiveDates(QDate activeDate)
+	// By default, text color will be set as inactive date color
+	// set active date color only for the dates that fall in current month
+	// So, in the whole data array, start from where the current month starts
+	// and stop the loop where it the current month ends
+	int start = 0;
+	QList<CalenMonthData >& monthDataList = mView->monthDataList();
+	int end = monthDataList.count();
+	// Calculate the start and end values
+	QDate firstDateInGrid = mView->firstDayOfGrid().date();
+	// Get the date where active month starts
+	QDate startOfActiveMonth(activeDate.year(), activeDate.month(),1);
+	// Number of days frm start of the grid to start of the month
+	start = firstDateInGrid.daysTo(startOfActiveMonth);
+	// Get the date where active month ends
+	QDate endOfActiveMonth = startOfActiveMonth.addDays(
+													activeDate.daysInMonth());
+	// Number of days frm start of the grid to end of the month
+	end = firstDateInGrid.daysTo(endOfActiveMonth);
+	// Set the active text color
+	if (start >= 0 && end < monthDataList.count()) {
+        for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {	
+            QModelIndex index = mModel->index(i,0);
+            QVariant itemData = + 1);
+            QVariantList list = itemData.toList();
+            list.replace(CalendarNamespace::CalendarMonthTextColorRole, true);
+            mModel->itemFromIndex(index)->setData(list);
+        }
+	}
+	// Now set the inactive text color to those which were active before the swipe
+	if (mDirection == invalid) {
+		// no need to do anything as other dates will be in inactive dates color
+		return;
+	}
+	if (mDirection == up) {
+		// Came here as user did up gesture
+		// Get the activeDate that was set before the swipe
+		activeDate = activeDate.addMonths(-1);
+		// Get the date where active month starts
+		startOfActiveMonth = QDate(activeDate.year(), activeDate.month(),1);
+		// Number of days frm start of the grid to start of the month
+		start = firstDateInGrid.daysTo(startOfActiveMonth);
+		// Get the date where active month ends
+		QDate endOfActiveMonth = startOfActiveMonth.addDays(activeDate.daysInMonth());
+		// Number of days frm start of the grid to end of the month
+		end = firstDateInGrid.daysTo(endOfActiveMonth);
+	} else if (mDirection == down) {
+		// Came here as user did down gesture
+		// Get the activeDate that was set before the swipe
+		activeDate = activeDate.addMonths(1);
+		// Get the activeDate that was set before the swipe
+		startOfActiveMonth = QDate(activeDate.year(), activeDate.month(),1); 
+		// Number of days frm start of the grid to start of the month
+		start = firstDateInGrid.daysTo(startOfActiveMonth);
+		// Get the date where active month ends
+		QDate endOfActiveMonth = startOfActiveMonth.addDays(activeDate.daysInMonth());
+		// Number of days frm start of the grid to end of the month
+		end = firstDateInGrid.daysTo(endOfActiveMonth);
+	}
+	// Set the inactive text color
+	if (start >= 0 && end < monthDataList.count()) {
+        for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {		
+            QModelIndex index = mModel->index(i,0);
+            QVariant itemData = + 1);
+            QVariantList list = itemData.toList();
+            list.replace(CalendarNamespace::CalendarMonthTextColorRole, false);
+            mModel->itemFromIndex(index)->setData(list);
+        }
+	}
-    CleanupStack::Pop(); // columnData
+ To get current foucsed index of monthGrid
+ */
+int CalenMonthGrid::getCurrentIndex()
-    }
+	return mCurrentRow;
+ To set the focus to Index 
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::setCurrentIdex(int index)
+	itemActivated(mModel->index(index, 0));
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CCalenMonthGrid::UpdateScrollBarsL()
-    {
+ Function to override the default behavior of hbgridview on orientation change
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation newOrientation)
+    Q_UNUSED(newOrientation)
+	// We are overriding this function to avoid the default behavior of
+	// hbgridview on orientation change as it swaps the row and column counts
+	// Calculate the proper index to be scrolled to
+	int rowsInPrevMonth;
+    int itemToBeScrolled;
+    QModelIndex indexToBeScrolled;
+	if (newOrientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
+		rowsInPrevMonth = mView->rowsInPrevMonth();
+		itemToBeScrolled = rowsInPrevMonth * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+		indexToBeScrolled = mModel->index(itemToBeScrolled, 0);
+		mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+		scrollTo(indexToBeScrolled);
+	} else {
+		rowsInPrevMonth = mView->rowsInPrevMonth();
+		itemToBeScrolled = rowsInPrevMonth * KCalenDaysInWeek;
+		indexToBeScrolled = mModel->index(itemToBeScrolled, 0);
+		mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+		scrollTo(indexToBeScrolled);
+		itemToBeScrolled = ((rowsInPrevMonth + KNumOfVisibleRows) * 
+				KCalenDaysInWeek) - 1;
+		indexToBeScrolled = mModel->index(itemToBeScrolled, 0);
+		mIsAtomicScroll = true;
+		scrollTo(indexToBeScrolled);
+	}
+ Paint function to draw grid lines
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::paint(QPainter* painter,
+                          const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option,
+                          QWidget* widget)
+    OstTraceFunctionEntry0( CALENMONTHGRID_PAINT_ENTRY );
-    // Override default implementation and just turn scrollbars off
-    // This is needed, because CAknGrid doesn't respect scrollbar
-    // visibility settings, but turns them on e.g. in HandleResourceChange
-    CEikScrollBarFrame* sbf = ScrollBarFrame();
-    if ( sbf )
-        {
-        sbf->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, 
-                                     CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff);
-        }
+	Q_UNUSED(option);
+	Q_UNUSED(widget);
+	painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::NonCosmeticDefaultPen);
+	// Set the required attributes to the pen
+	QPen pen;
+	HbDeviceProfile deviceProf;
+	qreal unitValue = deviceProf.unitValue();
+	qreal widthInPixels = GRIDLINE_WIDTH * unitValue;
+	pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
+	pen.setWidth(widthInPixels);
+	pen.setBrush(mGridLineColor);
+	// Store the old pen
+	QPen oldPen = painter->pen();
+	// Set the new pen to the painter
+	painter->setPen(pen);
+	// Get the sizes of content widget
+	qreal contentHeight = mContentWidget->size().height();
+	qreal contentWidth = mContentWidget->size().width();
+	qreal rowWidth = 0.0;
+	int numOfRows = 0;
+	QPointF startPoint = mContentWidget->pos();
+	// NOTE!!!: There is a filcker when we blindly draw equally spaced lines
+	// on complete content widget when scrolling is finished. This happens only
+	// when content widget size is changed due to the change in total number
+	// of rows when we append or prepend rows. Hence, to avoid this, we draw
+	// lines on complete content widget only when it is scrolling.
+	// That means, as soon as scrolling is finished, we will end up drawing 
+	// only 6 lines that are visible to the user.
+	if (mDirection == invalid) {
+		// Start point is left most point on the screen
+		startPoint = QPointF(0,0);
+		rowWidth = size().height() / KNumOfVisibleRows;
+		numOfRows = KNumOfVisibleRows;
+	} else {
+		// Get the num of rows
+		numOfRows = mModel->rowCount() / KCalenDaysInWeek;
+		// Draw horizontal lines
+		rowWidth = contentHeight / numOfRows;
+	}
+	QPointF endPoint(startPoint.x() + contentWidth, 
+	                 startPoint.y());
+	// Create the list of points for which lines have to be drawn
+	// List should have even number of points so that it draws all the lines
+	// Painter draws the line for first two points in the list and then second 
+	// line for next two points in the list like that. Hence, list should 
+	// contain even number of points
+	// Dont draw the first horizontal line as we have thick line seperator
+	// coming between day names and the month grid
+	QVector<QPointF> pointList;
+	for (int i = 1; i < numOfRows; i++) {
+		pointList.append(QPointF(startPoint.x(), 
+		                         startPoint.y() + (i * rowWidth)));
+		pointList.append(QPointF(endPoint.x(), endPoint.y() + (i * rowWidth)));
+	}
+	// Draw vertical lines
+	qreal colWidth = contentWidth / KCalenDaysInWeek;
+	endPoint = QPointF(startPoint.x(), 
+	                   startPoint.y() + contentHeight);
+	for (int i = 1; i < KCalenDaysInWeek; i++) {
+		pointList.append(QPointF(startPoint.x() + (i * colWidth), 
+		                         startPoint.y()));
+		pointList.append(QPointF(endPoint.x() + (i * colWidth), endPoint.y()));
+	}
+	// Draw the lines for the points in the vector list
+	painter->drawLines(pointList);
+	// Set the old pen back
+	painter->setPen(oldPen);
+ Slot to handle the change in theme
+ */
+void CalenMonthGrid::handleThemeChange()
-    }
+    mGridLineColor = HbColorScheme::color("qtc_cal_grid_line");
 // End of File