--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendarengines/caldav/tsrc/CalDavTest.cpp Tue Sep 14 21:17:03 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributor:
+* Maximilian Odendahl
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Caldav Test Suite
+#include "CalDavTest.h"
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <calentry.h>
+#include <calentryview.h>
+#include <caleninterimutils2.h>
+#include <calcalendarinfo.h>
+#include <calsession.h>
+#include "caldavengine.h"
+#include "httpclient.h"
+#include <caldavsession.h>
+_LIT(KTextConsoleTitle, "Console");
+_LIT(KTextFailed, " failed, leave code = %d");
+_LIT(KTextPressAnyKey, " [press any key]\n");
+// Global Variables
+LOCAL_D CConsoleBase* console; // write all messages to this
+_LIT(calendar, "c:calendar12345");
+#define TWOSECONDS TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(2000000)
+void CreateCalFileL()
+ {
+ CCalSession* session = CCalSession::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(session);
+ TRAPD(err, session->CreateCalFileL(calendar));
+ if (err == KErrAlreadyExists)
+ {
+ session->DeleteCalFileL(calendar);
+ session->CreateCalFileL(calendar);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(session);
+ }
+void DeleteCalFileL()
+ {
+ CCalSession* session = CCalSession::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(session);
+ session->DeleteCalFileL(calendar);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(session);
+ }
+TBool GetBoolFromProperties2(CCalCalendarInfo* info, const TDesC8 &aKey)
+ {
+ TBool boolean;
+ TPckgC<TBool> pckgboolean(boolean);
+ pckgboolean.Set(info->PropertyValueL(aKey));
+ return pckgboolean();
+ }
+TCalTime GetTimeFromProperties2(CCalCalendarInfo* info, const TDesC8 &aKey)
+ {
+ TCalTime time;
+ TPckgC<TCalTime> pckgtime(time);
+ pckgtime.Set(info->PropertyValueL(aKey));
+ return pckgtime();
+ }
+void NewApptL(HBufC8* aUid, TBool aEvent, CCalEntryView* iCalEntryView)
+ {
+ CCalEntry* appt = CCalEntry::NewL(aEvent ? CCalEntry::EEvent
+ : CCalEntry::ETodo, aUid, CCalEntry::EMethodNone, 0);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(appt);
+ //Some data
+ TBuf16<100> summary;
+ summary.Copy(*aUid);
+ appt->SetSummaryL(summary);
+ appt->SetLocationL(_L("Location2"));
+ appt->SetDescriptionL(_L("Description3"));
+ //Start / end date
+ TTime start;
+ start.UniversalTime();
+ TTime end;
+ end.UniversalTime();
+ TCalTime startCalTime;
+ startCalTime.SetTimeUtcL(start);
+ TCalTime endCalTime;
+ endCalTime.SetTimeUtcL(end);
+ //Set it
+ appt->SetStartAndEndTimeL(startCalTime, endCalTime);
+ //Store this new Entry
+ RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entryArray;
+ CleanupClosePushL(entryArray);
+ entryArray.AppendL(appt);
+ TInt success(0);
+ iCalEntryView->StoreL(entryArray, success);
+ entryArray.Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&entryArray);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(appt);
+ }
+CalDavTest::CalDavTest(CConsoleBase* console)
+ {
+ iConsole = console;
+ TInt connect = iFileLogger.Connect();
+ TTime home;
+ home.UniversalTime();
+ _LIT(KDateFormat,"%H%T%S");
+ TBuf<20> StringTime;
+ home.FormatL(StringTime, KDateFormat);
+ StringTime.Append(_L(".txt"));
+ iFileLogger.CreateLog(_L("CalDav"),StringTime, EFileLoggingModeOverwrite);
+ }
+ {
+ iFileLogger.CloseLog();
+ iFileLogger.Close();
+ }
+void CalDavTest::Write(TBool aSuccess, const char* aMessage)
+ {
+ TBuf<500> buffer;
+ TPtrC8 ptr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*> (aMessage));
+ buffer.Copy(ptr);
+ Write(aSuccess, buffer);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::Write(TBool aSuccess, const TDesC &aMessage)
+ {
+ // convert char* into tbug
+ TBuf<500> buffer;
+ buffer.Append(aMessage);
+ if (aSuccess)
+ buffer.Append(_L("....PASSED\n"));
+ else
+ buffer.Append(_L("....FAILED\n"));
+ // write to console and file
+ Write(buffer);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::TestClientServerL(TInt aSucces, const TDesC8 &aUrl,
+ const TDesC8 &aUser, const TDesC8 &aPassword)
+ {
+ TBuf16<500> url;
+ url.Copy(aUrl);
+ Write(_L("\n\nStarting CalDav client-server test..."));
+ Write(url);
+ CreateCalFileL();
+ CCalDavSession *server = CCalDavSession::NewLC();
+ iSession = server;
+ if (ConfigureSessionL(aSucces, aUrl, aUser, aPassword) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ OptionSession();
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(server);
+ iSession = NULL;
+ DeleteCalFileL();
+ Write(_L("\nFinished CalDav client-server test..."));
+ Write(_L("\n\n"));
+ }
+void CalDavTest::TestGeneralEngineL()
+ {
+ CreateCalFileL();
+ CCalDavEngine* store = CCalDavEngine::NewLC(calendar);
+ iEngine = store;
+ CalendarInfoL();
+ GetUIDByUrl();
+ GetBaseUrl();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+ iEngine = NULL;
+ DeleteCalFileL();
+ }
+void CalDavTest::TestEngineL(TInt aSucces, const TDesC8 &aUrl,
+ const TDesC8 &aUser, const TDesC8 &aPassword, TBool aWebdavsync,
+ TBool aCtag, TBool aEvent, TBool aTodo, TBool aFreeBusy, TBool aJournal)
+ {
+ Write(_L("\n\nStarting CalDav Engine test..."));
+ TBuf16<500> url;
+ url.Copy(aUrl);
+ Write(url);
+ Write(_L("\n"));
+ CreateCalFileL();
+ CCalDavEngine* store = CCalDavEngine::NewLC(calendar);
+ iEngine = store;
+ iWebdavSync = aWebdavsync;
+ iCtag = aCtag;
+ iVEVENT = aEvent;
+ iVTODO = aTodo;
+ iVFREEBUSY = aFreeBusy;
+ iVJOURNAL = aJournal;
+ Write(_L("\n\nStarting init and option tests...\n"));
+ Enabled(EFalse);
+ if (EnableL(aSucces, aUrl, aUser, aPassword) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ Enabled(ETrue);
+ OptionsL();
+ CTagL(ETrue);
+ SynctokenL(ETrue);
+ /******* Test events ******/
+ Write(_L("\nStarting VEvent engine tests...\n\n"));
+ HBufC8* newuid = iEngine->iCalIntermimUtils2->GlobalUidL();
+ // need to save it, as it will be destroyed by CCalEntry::NewL
+ TBuf8<100> uid;
+ uid.Append(*newuid);
+ // does entry exists locally
+ DoesExistL(EFalse, uid);
+ // add new local event with UID
+ NewApptL(newuid, ETrue, iEngine->iCalEntryView);
+ // does entry exists locally
+ DoesExistL(ETrue, uid);
+ // send to server using handle
+ unsigned long local = iEngine->DoesEntryExistL(uid);
+ // send existing event to server
+ SendL(local);
+ // available on server
+ if (iEngine->iOptions.VEVENT)
+ {
+ HeadL(ETrue, uid);
+ //download from server
+ DownloadLGetL(local);
+ DownloadLMultiGetL(local);
+ // delete on server
+ DeleteServerL(local);
+ // available on server
+ HeadL(EFalse, uid);
+ }
+ else
+ HeadL(EFalse, uid);
+ // delete locally
+ DeleteClientL(uid);
+ // should be gone now
+ DoesExistL(EFalse, uid);
+ /**************************/
+ CTagL(!iEngine->iOptions.VEVENT);
+ SynctokenL(!iEngine->iOptions.VEVENT);
+ User::After(TWOSECONDS);
+ SyncL();
+ CTagL(ETrue);
+ SynctokenL(ETrue);
+ // test synchronization method, put/delete on server using http calls
+ if (iEngine->iOptions.VEVENT)
+ {
+ Write(_L("\nStarting VEvent http and sync tests...\n\n"));
+ // create directly on server using only http calls
+ SendL(ETrue);
+ // we should not have this yet
+ DoesExistL(EFalse, KFixedUIDics);
+ User::After(TWOSECONDS);
+ SyncL();
+ // now we should
+ DoesExistL(ETrue, KFixedUIDics);
+ // delete directly on server
+ DeleteServerL();
+ // we should still have it
+ DoesExistL(ETrue, KFixedUIDics);
+ User::After(TWOSECONDS);
+ SyncL();
+ // now it should be gone locally
+ DoesExistL(EFalse, KFixedUIDics);
+ }
+ /******* Test VTodo ******/
+ Write(_L("\n\nStarting VTodo tests...\n\n"));
+ HBufC8* newuid2 = iEngine->iCalIntermimUtils2->GlobalUidL();
+ // need to save it, as it will be destroyed by CCalEntry::NewL
+ TBuf8<100> uid2;
+ uid2.Append(*newuid2);
+ // does entry exists locally
+ DoesExistL(EFalse, uid2);
+ // add new local event with UID
+ NewApptL(newuid2, EFalse, iEngine->iCalEntryView);
+ // does entry exists locally
+ DoesExistL(ETrue, uid2);
+ // send to server using handle
+ unsigned long local2 = iEngine->DoesEntryExistL(uid2);
+ // send existing event to server
+ SendL(local2);
+ if (iEngine->iOptions.VTODO)
+ {
+ // available on server
+ HeadL(ETrue, uid2);
+ //download from server
+ DownloadLGetL(local2);
+ DownloadLMultiGetL(local2);
+ // delete on server
+ DeleteServerL(local2);
+ // available on server
+ HeadL(EFalse, uid2);
+ }
+ else
+ HeadL(EFalse, uid2);
+ // delete locally
+ DeleteClientL(uid2);
+ // should be gone now
+ DoesExistL(EFalse, uid2);
+ /**************************/
+ CTagL(!iEngine->iOptions.VTODO);
+ SynctokenL(!iEngine->iOptions.VTODO);
+ // test synchronization method, put/delete on server using http calls
+ if (iEngine->iOptions.VTODO)
+ {
+ Write(_L("\nStarting VTodo http and sync tests...\n\n"));
+ // create directly on server using only http calls
+ SendL(EFalse);
+ // we should not have this yet
+ DoesExistL(EFalse, KFixedUIDics);
+ User::After(TWOSECONDS);
+ SyncL();
+ // now we should
+ DoesExistL(ETrue, KFixedUIDics);
+ // delete directly on server
+ DeleteServerL();
+ // we should still have it
+ DoesExistL(ETrue, KFixedUIDics);
+ User::After(TWOSECONDS);
+ SyncL();
+ // now it should be gone locally as well
+ DoesExistL(EFalse, KFixedUIDics);
+ }
+ /**** Test Calendar ******/
+ /*
+ // creating calendars under home calendar should not be allowed
+ if (iEngine->iOptions.MKCALENDAR)
+ {
+ Write(_L("\n\nStarting Calendar tests...\n\n"));
+ _LIT8(howareyou, "howareyoudoingtoday");
+ MkCalendarL(KErrNone, howareyou);
+ MkCalendarL(KErrArgument, howareyou);
+ DeleteCalendarL(howareyou);
+ }
+ */
+ /**************************/
+ iEngine->DisableL();
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+ iEngine = NULL;
+ DeleteCalFileL();
+ Write(_L("\n\nFinished CalDav Engine test..."));
+ Write(_L("\n\n"));
+ }
+void CalDavTest::Write(const TDesC &aMessage)
+ {
+ iConsole->Write(aMessage);
+ iFileLogger.Write(aMessage);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::Enabled(TBool aEnabled)
+ {
+ Write(iEngine->EnabledSync() == aEnabled, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::DoesExistL(TBool aExists, const unsigned long localuid)
+ {
+ CCalEntry* entry = iEngine->iCalEntryView->FetchL(localuid);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
+ unsigned long uid = iEngine->DoesEntryExistL(entry->UidL());
+ Write(aExists ? uid > 0 : uid == 0, __FUNCTION__);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::DoesExistL(TBool aExists, const TDesC8 &aUID)
+ {
+ unsigned long uid = iEngine->DoesEntryExistL(aUID);
+ Write(aExists ? uid > 0 : uid == 0, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::HeadL(TBool aExists, const TDesC8 &aUid)
+ {
+ TBool del = iEngine->HeadL(aUid) == OK;
+ Write(aExists == del, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::MkCalendarL(TInt aSuccess, const TDesC8 &aName)
+ {
+ TInt ret = iEngine->MkcalendarL(aName);
+ Write(ret == aSuccess, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::DeleteCalendarL(const TDesC8 &aName)
+ {
+ Write(iEngine->DeleteCalendarL(aName) == KErrNone, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::OptionsL()
+ {
+ TBuf<500> message;
+ message.Append(_L("Options Displayname "));
+ CCalCalendarInfo* info = iEngine->iCalSession->CalendarInfoL();
+ TBuf<500> display;
+ display.Copy(info->NameL());
+ message.Append(display);
+ delete info;
+ Write(display != KNullDesC, message);
+ Write(iEngine->iOptions.sync_collection == iWebdavSync, _L("Options Webdav Sync"));
+ Write(iEngine->iOptions.sync_ctag == iCtag, _L("Options Ctag"));
+ Write(iEngine->iOptions.VEVENT == iVEVENT, _L("Options VEVENT"));
+ Write(iEngine->iOptions.VTODO == iVTODO, _L("Options VTODO"));
+ Write(iEngine->iOptions.VFREEBUSY == iVFREEBUSY, _L("FREEBUSY"));
+ Write(iEngine->iOptions.VJOURNAL == iVJOURNAL, _L("VJOURNAL"));
+ }
+void CalDavTest::CalendarInfoL()
+ {
+ _LIT8(user,"user");
+ _LIT8(password,"pass");
+ _LIT8(url,"http://neindanke/");
+ iEngine->SetUserL(user);
+ iEngine->SetUrlL(url);
+ iEngine->SetPasswordL(password);
+ iEngine->SetSyncIntervalL(TTimeIntervalMinutes(5));
+ iEngine->SetPastDaysL(TTimeIntervalDays(10));
+ iEngine->SetKeepServerEntryL(EFalse);
+ iEngine->SetImmediateSyncL(ETrue);
+ iEngine->EnableL();
+ iEngine->iCalSession = CCalSession::NewL();
+ iEngine->iCalSession->OpenL(calendar);
+ CCalCalendarInfo* calendarInfo = iEngine->iCalSession->CalendarInfoL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(calendarInfo);
+ Write(!GetBoolFromProperties2(calendarInfo, KCaldavEnabled), _L("CalendarInfo: enabled"));
+ Write(!GetBoolFromProperties2(calendarInfo, KCaldavKeepServer), _L("CalendarInfo: Keepserver"));
+ Write(GetBoolFromProperties2(calendarInfo, KCaldavImmediateSync), _L("CalendarInfo: ImmediateSync"));
+ Write(calendarInfo->PropertyValueL(KCaldavUrl) == url, _L("CalendarInfo: url"));
+ Write(calendarInfo->PropertyValueL(KCaldavUser) == user, _L("CalendarInfo: user"));
+ Write(calendarInfo->PropertyValueL(KCaldavPassword) == password, _L("CalendarInfo: password"));
+ TTimeIntervalDays pastday;
+ TPckgC<TTimeIntervalDays> pastdays(pastday);
+ pastdays.Set(calendarInfo->PropertyValueL(KCaldavPastDays));
+ Write(TTimeIntervalDays(10) == pastdays(), _L("CalendarInfo: pastdays"));
+ TTimeIntervalMinutes syncintervals;
+ TPckgC<TTimeIntervalMinutes> syncinterval(syncintervals);
+ syncinterval.Set(calendarInfo->PropertyValueL(KCaldavSyncInterval));
+ Write(TTimeIntervalMinutes(5) == syncinterval(), _L("CalendarInfo: syncinterval"));
+ /*
+ Write(calendarInfo->PropertyValueL(KCaldavSynctoken) ==KNullDesC8, _L("CalendarInfo: SyncToken"));
+ Write(calendarInfo->PropertyValueL(KCaldavCtag) == KNullDesC8, _L("CalendarInfo: CTag"));
+ Write(GetTimeFromProperties2(calendarInfo,KCaldavTime).TimeUtcL()== TCalTime().TimeUtcL(), _L("CalendarInfo: LastTime"));
+ */
+ // access point
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(calendarInfo);
+ delete iEngine->iCalSession;
+ iEngine->iCalSession = NULL;
+ }
+void CalDavTest::GetUIDByUrl()
+ {
+ _LIT8(url,"1234");
+ _LIT8(url1,"/hi/1234.ics");
+ _LIT8(url2,"/1234.ics");
+ _LIT8(url3,"1234.ics");
+ _LIT8(url4,"1234");
+ Write(iEngine->GetUIDByUrl(url1) == url, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(iEngine->GetUIDByUrl(url2) == url, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(iEngine->GetUIDByUrl(url3) == url, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(iEngine->GetUIDByUrl(url4) == url, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::GetBaseUrl()
+ {
+ _LIT8(url1,"http://www.ok.de/1234.ics");
+ _LIT8(url,"http://www.ok.de");
+ _LIT8(url2,"https://www.ok.de:80/123444444.ics");
+ _LIT8(urlport,"https://www.ok.de:80");
+ iEngine->GetBaseUrl(url1);
+ Write(*iEngine->iBaseUrl == url, __FUNCTION__);
+ iEngine->GetBaseUrl(url2);
+ Write(*iEngine->iBaseUrl == urlport, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::CTagL(TBool aEqual)
+ {
+ if (iEngine->iOptions.sync_ctag && !iEngine->iOptions.sync_collection)
+ {
+ HBufC8* tag = iEngine->GetCTagL();
+ Write(aEqual ? *tag == *iEngine->iCTag : *tag != *iEngine->iCTag, _L("CTag"));
+ if (aEqual && (*tag != *iEngine->iCTag))
+ {
+ TBuf<500> name;
+ name.Append(_L("saved cTag: "));
+ TBuf<100> one;
+ one.Copy(*iEngine->iCTag);
+ name.Append(one);
+ name.Append(_L(" current server cTag: "));
+ TBuf<100> two;
+ two.Copy(*tag);
+ name.Append(two);
+ Write(ETrue, name);
+ }
+ delete tag;
+ }
+ }
+void CalDavTest::SynctokenL(TBool aEqual)
+ {
+ if (iEngine->iOptions.sync_collection)
+ {
+ HBufC8* tag = iEngine->GetSyncTokenL();
+ Write(aEqual ? *tag == *iEngine->iSynctoken : *tag
+ != *iEngine->iSynctoken, _L("SyncToken"));
+ if (aEqual && (*tag != *iEngine->iSynctoken))
+ {
+ TBuf<500> name;
+ name.Append(_L("saved Syntoken: "));
+ TBuf<100> one;
+ one.Copy(*iEngine->iSynctoken);
+ name.Append(one);
+ name.Append(_L(" current server Synctoken: "));
+ TBuf<100> two;
+ two.Copy(*tag);
+ name.Append(two);
+ Write(ETrue, name);
+ }
+ delete tag;
+ }
+ }
+void CalDavTest::SendL(const unsigned long localuid)
+ {
+ Write(iEngine->UploadEntryL(localuid, MCalChangeCallBack2::EChangeAdd,
+ MCalChangeCallBack2::EChangeEntryAll) == KErrNone, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::SendL(TBool aVEvent)
+ {
+ TBuf8<500> url;
+ url.Append(*iEngine->iUrl);
+ url.Append(KFixedUIDics);
+ _LIT8(KEntry1, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n"
+ "PRODID:Symbian\r\n"
+ "VERSION:2.0\r\n"
+ "UID:123456\r\n"
+ "SUMMARY:first entry\r\n"
+ "DESCRIPTION:a description\r\n"
+ "DTSTAMP:20100411T100000Z\r\n"
+ "DTSTART:20100411T100000Z\r\n"
+ "DTEND:20100412T120000Z\r\n"
+ "END:VEVENT\r\n"
+ _LIT8(KEntry2, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n"
+ "PRODID:Symbian\r\n"
+ "VERSION:2.0\r\n"
+ "DTSTAMP:20100205T235335Z\r\n"
+ "DUE;VALUE=DATE:20110104\r\n"
+ "SUMMARY:Task #1\r\n"
+ "UID:123456\r\n"
+ "END:VTODO\r\n"
+ CBufFlat* response = CBufFlat::NewL(500);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(response);
+ TInt Ret = iEngine->iHttp->PutL(url, aVEvent ? KEntry1() : KEntry2(),
+ response);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(response);
+ {
+ //might be still there from an older run
+ TBuf8<500> url;
+ url.Append(*iEngine->iUrl);
+ url.Append(KFixedUIDics);
+ iEngine->iHttp->DeleteL(url);
+ CBufFlat* response = CBufFlat::NewL(500);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(response);
+ Ret = iEngine->iHttp->PutL(url, aVEvent ? KEntry1() : KEntry2(),
+ response);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(response);
+ // locally as well maybe:
+ iEngine->DeleteLocalEntryL(KFixedUIDics);
+ }
+ Write((Ret == CREATED) || (Ret == NOCONTENT) || (Ret == OK), __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::SyncL()
+ {
+ Write(iEngine->SyncL(), __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::DownloadLGetL(const unsigned long localuid)
+ {
+ TInt aPos = iEngine->iLocalUidArray.Find(localuid);
+ if (aPos != KErrNotFound)
+ Write(iEngine->DownloadEntryL(iEngine->iGlobalUidArray[aPos])
+ == KErrNone, __FUNCTION__);
+ else
+ Write(EFalse, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::DownloadLMultiGetL(const unsigned long localuid)
+ {
+ if (iEngine->iOptions.MULTIGET)
+ {
+ TInt aPos = iEngine->iLocalUidArray.Find(localuid);
+ if (aPos != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ TBuf8<500> url;
+ url.Append(iEngine->iUrl->Mid(iEngine->iBaseUrl->Length()));
+ url.Append(iEngine->iGlobalUidArray[aPos]);
+ url.Append(KIcs);
+ CDesC8ArrayFlat *multiget = new (ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat(4);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(multiget);
+ multiget->AppendL(url);
+ multiget->AppendL(url);
+ Write(iEngine->DownloadEntryL(multiget) == KErrNone, __FUNCTION__);
+ multiget->Reset();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(multiget);
+ }
+ else
+ Write(EFalse, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ }
+TInt CalDavTest::ConfigureSessionL(TInt aSucces, const TDesC8 &aUrl,
+ const TDesC8 &aUser, const TDesC8 &aPassword)
+ {
+ iSession->SetUrl(calendar, aUrl);
+ iSession->SetUsername(calendar, aUser);
+ iSession->SetPassword(calendar, aPassword);
+ TInt ret = iSession->Enable(calendar);
+ Write(ret == aSucces, __FUNCTION__);
+ return ret;
+ }
+void CalDavTest::OptionSession()
+ {
+ TTimeIntervalDays pastdays = 0;
+ TTimeIntervalMinutes syncinterval = 0;
+ TBool immediatesync = EFalse;
+ TBool keepserverentry = EFalse;
+ TBuf8<500> url, username, password;
+ // retreive standard values
+ iSession->PastDays(calendar, pastdays);
+ iSession->SyncInterval(calendar, syncinterval);
+ iSession->ImmediateSync(calendar, immediatesync);
+ iSession->KeepServerEntry(calendar, keepserverentry);
+ iSession->Url(calendar, url);
+ iSession->Username(calendar, username);
+ iSession->Password(calendar, password);
+ Write(pastdays.Int() == DEFAULT_PAST_DAYS, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(syncinterval.Int() == DEFAULT_SYNC_MINUTES, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(immediatesync, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(keepserverentry, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(url == urlAries, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(password == passwordSUN, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(username == userSUN, __FUNCTION__);
+ // set new values
+ pastdays = TTimeIntervalDays(100);
+ syncinterval = TTimeIntervalMinutes(4);
+ immediatesync = EFalse;
+ keepserverentry = EFalse;
+ iSession->SetPastDays(calendar, pastdays);
+ iSession->SetSyncInterval(calendar, syncinterval);
+ iSession->SetImmediateSync(calendar, immediatesync);
+ iSession->SetKeepServerEntry(calendar, keepserverentry);
+ iSession->SetUrl(calendar, urlGooglePrincipal);
+ iSession->SetUsername(calendar, userGoogle);
+ iSession->SetPassword(calendar, passwordGoogle);
+ // check if new values are set correctly
+ TTimeIntervalDays pastdays1(10000);
+ TTimeIntervalMinutes syncinterval1(4000);
+ TBool immediatesync1 = ETrue;
+ TBool keepserverentry1 = ETrue;
+ TBuf8<500> url1, username1, password1;
+ iSession->PastDays(calendar, pastdays1);
+ iSession->SyncInterval(calendar, syncinterval1);
+ iSession->ImmediateSync(calendar, immediatesync1);
+ iSession->KeepServerEntry(calendar, keepserverentry1);
+ iSession->Url(calendar, url1);
+ iSession->Username(calendar, username1);
+ iSession->Password(calendar, password1);
+ Write(pastdays1.Int() == 100, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(syncinterval1.Int() == 4, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(!immediatesync1, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(!keepserverentry1, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(url1 == urlGooglePrincipal, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(username1 == userGoogle, __FUNCTION__);
+ Write(password1 == passwordGoogle, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+TInt CalDavTest::EnableL(TInt aSucces, const TDesC8 &aUrl, const TDesC8 &aUser,
+ const TDesC8 &aPassword)
+ {
+ iEngine->SetUrlL(aUrl);
+ iEngine->SetUserL(aUser);
+ iEngine->SetPasswordL(aPassword);
+ TInt ret = iEngine->EnableL();
+ Write(ret == aSucces, __FUNCTION__);
+ return ret;
+ }
+void CalDavTest::DeleteServerL(const unsigned long localuid)
+ {
+ Write(iEngine->DeleteEntryL(localuid) == KErrNone, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::DeleteServerL()
+ {
+ TBuf8<500> url;
+ url.Append(*iEngine->iUrl);
+ url.Append(KFixedUIDics);
+ TInt Return = iEngine->iHttp->DeleteL(url);
+ Write((Return == NOCONTENT) || (Return == OK), __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+void CalDavTest::DeleteClientL(const TDesC8 &aUid)
+ {
+ Write(iEngine->DeleteLocalEntryL(aUid) == KErrNone, __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoStartL()
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+ for (TInt i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
+ {
+ CalDavTest* aTest = new (ELeave) CalDavTest(console);
+ aTest->TestClientServerL(KErrNone, urlAries, userSUN, passwordSUN);
+ aTest->TestClientServerL(KErrArgument, urlblabla, userblabla,
+ passwordblabla);
+ aTest->TestGeneralEngineL();
+ //Test syntax: (url, username,password,webdav sync,ctag, aEvent, aTodo, aFreeBusy, aJournal)
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlWN, userSUN, passwordSUN, ETrue, ETrue,
+ ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlAriesHome, userSUN, passwordSUN, ETrue,
+ ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlAries, userSUN, passwordSUN, ETrue,
+ ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlAriesPrincipal, userSUN, passwordSUN,
+ ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlApple, userApple, passwordApple,
+ EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, principalAplle, userApple, passwordApple,
+ EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlGoogle, userGoogle, passwordGoogle,
+ EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlGooglePrincipal, userGoogle,
+ passwordGoogle, EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlChandler, userChandler,
+ passwordChandler, EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlChandlerPrincipal, userChandler,
+ passwordChandler, EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlOracle, userOracle, passwordOracle,
+ EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlOraclePrincipal, userOracle,
+ passwordOracle, EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlSogo, userSogo, passwordSogo, EFalse,
+ ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlDAV, userDAV, passwordDAV, EFalse,
+ EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlYahoo, userYahoo, passwordYahoo,
+ EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, ETrue, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlYahooPrincipal, userYahoo,
+ passwordYahoo, EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, ETrue, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlDaviCal, userDaviCal, passwordDaviCal,
+ EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, principalDaviCal, userDaviCal,
+ passwordDaviCal, EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlKerio, userKerio, passwordkerio,
+ EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, principalKerio, userKerio, passwordkerio,
+ EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlBedework, userBedework,
+ passwordbedework, EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue,
+ EFalse, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrNone, urlBedeWorkPrincipal, userBedework,
+ passwordbedework, EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue,
+ EFalse, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrArgument, urlAries, userSUN, passwordblabla,
+ ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse);
+ aTest->TestEngineL(KErrArgument, urlblabla, userblabla, passwordblabla,
+ EFalse, EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse);
+ delete aTest;
+ }
+ // Delete active scheduler
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(scheduler);
+ }
+// Global Functions
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ TRAPD(createError, console = Console::NewL(KTextConsoleTitle, TSize(
+ KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen)));
+ if (createError)
+ return createError;
+ TRAPD(mainError, DoStartL());
+ if (mainError)
+ console->Printf(KTextFailed, mainError);
+ console->Printf(KTextPressAnyKey);
+ console->Getch();
+ delete console;
+ delete cleanup;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }