changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
child 25 bf573002ff72
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendarengines/calenlauncher/src/CalenLauncherImpl.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Wrapper implementation class for launching S60 Calendar
+* Include files
+#include "CalenLauncherImpl.h"	                            // CCalenLauncherImpl
+#include <calenlauncher.h>                                 // View UIDs
+#include <apgcli.h>                                         // RApaLsSession
+#include <apgtask.h>                                        // TApaTask, TApaTaskList
+#include <eikenv.h>                                         // CEikEnv
+#include <e32std.h>
+* Constants
+const TUid KCalendarUid             = {0x10005901};         // Calendar application UID
+const TInt KMaxCmdLineLength        = 128;                  // Max length of cmd line string
+* Command line parameter strings.  Should NOT be localised.
+_LIT(KCmdNewMeeting,                "NEW_MEETING");         // Launch to new meeting editor
+_LIT(KCmdNewAnniv,                  "NEW_ANNIV");           // Launch to new anniv editor
+_LIT(KCmdNewTodo,                   "NEW_TODO");            // Launch to new todo editor
+_LIT(KCmdDefault,                   "DEFAULT");             // Launch to default view
+_LIT(KCmdMonth,                     "MONTH");               // Launch to month view
+_LIT(KCmdWeek,                      "WEEK");                // Launch to week view
+_LIT(KCmdDay,                       "DAY");                 // Launch to day view
+_LIT(KCmdTodo,                      "TODO");                // Launch to todo view
+_LIT(KCmdLUid,                      "LUID");                // Launch to editor
+_LIT(KCmdLUidViewer,                "LUIDVIEWER");          // Launch to viewer
+_LIT(KCommandAlarmViewer,           "LUIDALARMVIEWER");     // Launch to alarm viewer
+_LIT(KCommandAlarmViewerNoSnooze,   "LUIDALARMVIEWER_NOSNOOZE"); // Launch to alarm viewer (with only stop key available)
+_LIT(KLUidFormat,                   "%u");                  // TLocalUid is unsigned int
+_LIT(KDateParamFormat,              "%d");                  // Date components are signed ints
+_LIT(KFlagFormat,                   "%d");                  // Flag is int
+_LIT(KSpace,                        " ");                   // Space
+* First stage constructor.
+* Creates an instance of CCalenLauncherImpl and places it
+* on the cleanup stack before passing ownership to the caller.
+CCalenLauncherImpl* CCalenLauncherImpl::NewLC()
+    {
+    CCalenLauncherImpl* self = new (ELeave) CCalenLauncherImpl;
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;
+    }
+* Second stage constructor.
+* Performs any leaving operations needed for construction.
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iLaunchUnicode = HBufC::NewL( KMaxCmdLineLength );
+    }
+* Private constructor
+    {
+    // Nothing to do.
+    }
+* Destructor
+    {
+    delete iLaunchUnicode;
+    delete iLaunchParams;
+    }
+* Opens Calendar directly to the new entry editor.
+* Calendar will be closed when the editor is closed.
+* Any open dialogs (eg entry viewer or editor) will be closed.
+* @param aEntryType Type of entry editor to open
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::NewEntryL( const CCalEntry::TType& aEntryType, TInt aFlag )
+    {
+    switch (aEntryType)
+        {
+        case CCalEntry::EAppt:
+		case CCalEntry::EEvent:
+            // Add string 'NEW_MEETING'
+            AddLaunchParamL( KCmdNewMeeting );
+            break;
+        case CCalEntry::ETodo:
+            // Add string 'NEW_TODO'
+            AddLaunchParamL( KCmdNewTodo );
+            break;
+        case CCalEntry::EAnniv:
+            // Add string 'NEW_ANNIV'
+            AddLaunchParamL( KCmdNewAnniv );
+            break;
+        case CCalEntry::EReminder:
+            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+            break;
+        default:
+            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+            break;
+        }
+    AddFlagParamL( aFlag );
+    // Launch Calendar
+    LaunchAppL();
+    }
+* Opens a Calendar entry directly in the entry viewer.  If the
+* entry is a repeating entry then entire series will be opened.
+* The entry editor may be launched from the entry viewer.
+* Calendar will be closed when the viewer is closed.
+* Any open dialogs (eg entry viewer or editor) will be closed.
+* @param aLocalUid LocalUid of the entry to view
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::ViewEntryL( const TCalLocalUid& aLocalUid )
+    {
+    // Add string 'LUIDVIEWER'
+    AddLaunchParamL( KCmdLUidViewer );
+    // Add the local uid
+    AddUidParamL( aLocalUid );
+    // Launch Calendar
+    LaunchAppL();
+    }
+* Opens an instance of a repeating Calendar entry directly in the
+* entry viewer.
+* The entry editor may be launched from the entry viewer.
+* Calendar will be closed when the viewer is closed.
+* Any open dialogs (eg entry viewer or editor) will be closed.
+* @param aLocalUid LocalUid of the entry to view
+* @param aInstanceTime Instance time of the repeated entry
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::ViewEntryL( const TCalLocalUid& aLocalUid, const TCalTime& aInstanceTime, TInt aFlags )
+    {
+    if( aFlags & CalenLauncher::EAlarmViewer )
+        {
+        // Add string 'LUIDALARMVIEWER'
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCommandAlarmViewer );
+        }
+    else if( aFlags & CalenLauncher::EAlarmViewerNoSnooze )
+        {
+        // Add string 'LUIDALARMVIEWER_NOSNOOZE'
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCommandAlarmViewerNoSnooze );
+        }
+    else // aFlags == 0
+        {
+        // Add string 'LUIDVIEWER'
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCmdLUidViewer );
+        }
+    // Add the local uid
+    AddUidParamL( aLocalUid );
+    // Add the time
+    AddTimeParamL( aInstanceTime );
+    // Launch Calendar
+    LaunchAppL();
+    }
+* Opens an instance of a repeating Calendar entry directly in the
+* entry viewer.
+* The entry editor may be launched from the entry viewer.
+* Calendar will be closed when the viewer is closed.
+* Any open dialogs (eg entry viewer or editor) will be closed.
+* @param aLocalUid LocalUid of the entry to view
+* @param aInstanceTime Instance time of the repeated entry
+* @param aCalFileName Calendar DB name of the repeated entry
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::ViewEntryL( const TCalLocalUid& aLocalUid, const TCalTime& aInstanceTime, const TDesC& aCalFileName, TInt aFlags )
+    {
+    if( aFlags & CalenLauncher::EAlarmViewer )
+        {
+        // Add string 'LUIDALARMVIEWER'
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCommandAlarmViewer );
+        }
+    else if( aFlags & CalenLauncher::EAlarmViewerNoSnooze )
+        {
+        // Add string 'LUIDALARMVIEWER_NOSNOOZE'
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCommandAlarmViewerNoSnooze );
+        }
+    else // aFlags == 0
+        {
+        // Add string 'LUIDVIEWER'
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCmdLUidViewer );
+        }
+    // Add the local uid
+    AddUidParamL( aLocalUid );
+    AddLaunchParamL( aCalFileName );
+    // Add the time
+    AddTimeParamL( aInstanceTime );
+    // Launch Calendar
+    LaunchAppL();
+    }
+* Opens a Calendar entry directly in the entry editor.  If the
+* entry is a repeating entry then entire series will be opened.
+* Calendar will be closed when the editor is closed.
+* Any open dialogs (eg entry viewer or editor) will be closed.
+* @param aLocalUid LocalUid of the entry to view
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::EditEntryL( const TCalLocalUid& aLocalUid )
+    {
+    // Add string 'LUID'
+    AddLaunchParamL( KCmdLUid );
+    // Add the local uid
+    AddUidParamL( aLocalUid );
+    // Launch Calendar
+    LaunchAppL();
+    }
+* Opens an instance of a repeating Calendar entry directly in the
+* entry editor.
+* Calendar will be closed when the editor is closed.
+* Any open dialogs (eg entry viewer or editor) will be closed.
+* @param aLocalUid LocalUid of the entry to view
+* @param aInstanceTime Instance time of the repeated entry
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::EditEntryL( const TCalLocalUid& aLocalUid, const TCalTime& aInstanceTime )
+    {
+    // Add string 'LUID'
+    AddLaunchParamL( KCmdLUid );
+    // Add the local uid
+    AddUidParamL( aLocalUid );
+    // Add the time
+    AddTimeParamL( aInstanceTime );
+    // Launch Calendar
+    LaunchAppL();
+    }
+* Launches Calendar in the specified view.
+* If Calendar is already running it will be brought to the foreground
+* in the specified view.
+* Any open dialogs (eg entry viewer or editor) will be closed.
+* @param aViewUid UID of the Calendar view to use.
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::LaunchL( const TUid& aViewUid )
+    {
+    // Add the view command
+    AddViewUidParamL( aViewUid );
+    // Launch Calendar
+    LaunchAppL();
+    }
+* Launches Calendar in the specified view, focused to the specified time
+* If Calendar is already running it will be brought to the foreground
+* in the specified view.
+* Any open dialogs (eg entry viewer or editor) will be closed.
+* @param aViewUid UID of the Calendar view to use.
+* @param aLaunchTime Initial focus time
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::LaunchL( const TUid& aViewUid, const TCalTime& aInstanceTime )
+    {
+    // Add the view command
+    AddViewUidParamL( aViewUid );
+    // Add the time
+    AddTimeParamL( aInstanceTime );
+    // Launch Calendar
+    LaunchAppL();
+    }
+* AddLaunchParamL
+* Adds a parameter to the unicode launch string
+* @param aLaunchParam Parameter to add
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::AddLaunchParamL( const TDesC& aLaunchParam )
+    {
+    TPtr ptr = iLaunchUnicode->Des();
+    ptr.Append( aLaunchParam );
+    ptr.Append( KSpace );
+    }
+* AddTimeParamL
+* Expands a TCalTime and adds the individual components to the
+* unicode launch string.
+* @param aCalTime Time to add.
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::AddTimeParamL( const TCalTime& aCalTime )
+    {
+    TBuf<10> dateBuf;
+    TDateTime dateTime = aCalTime.TimeLocalL().DateTime();
+    // Add year
+    TInt dateParam = dateTime.Year();
+    dateBuf.Format( KDateParamFormat, dateParam );
+    AddLaunchParamL( dateBuf );
+    // Add month
+    dateParam = dateTime.Month();
+    ++dateParam;    // Month is offset from 0
+    dateBuf.Format( KDateParamFormat, dateParam );
+    AddLaunchParamL( dateBuf );
+    // Add day
+    dateParam = dateTime.Day();
+    ++dateParam;    // Day is offset from 0
+    dateBuf.Format( KDateParamFormat, dateParam );
+    AddLaunchParamL( dateBuf );
+    // Add hour
+    dateParam = dateTime.Hour();
+    dateBuf.Format( KDateParamFormat, dateParam );
+    AddLaunchParamL( dateBuf );
+    // Add minutes
+    dateParam = dateTime.Minute();
+    dateBuf.Format( KDateParamFormat, dateParam );
+    AddLaunchParamL( dateBuf );
+    }
+* AddUidParamL
+* Adds a local uid to the unicode launch string.
+* @param aLocalUid Uid to add.
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::AddUidParamL( const TCalLocalUid& aLocalUid )
+    {
+    TBuf<10> uidBuf;
+    uidBuf.Format( KLUidFormat, aLocalUid );
+    AddLaunchParamL( uidBuf );
+    }
+* AddViewUidParamL
+* Adds a view uid to the unicode launch string as a command.
+* @param aViewUid Uid to add.
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::AddViewUidParamL( const TUid& aViewUid )
+    {
+    if ( aViewUid.iUid == KCalMonthViewUid.iUid )
+        {
+        // Add string "MONTH"
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCmdMonth );
+        }
+    else if ( aViewUid.iUid == KCalWeekViewUid.iUid )
+        {
+        // Add string "WEEK"
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCmdWeek );
+        }
+    else if ( aViewUid.iUid == KCalDayViewUid.iUid )
+        {
+        // Add string "DAY"
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCmdDay );
+        }
+    else if ( aViewUid.iUid == KCalTodoViewUid.iUid )
+        {
+        // Add string "TODO"
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCmdTodo );
+        }
+    else if ( aViewUid.iUid == KCalDefaultViewUid.iUid )
+        {
+        // Add string "DEFAULT"
+        AddLaunchParamL( KCmdDefault );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Need to handle custom views here at some point...
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    }
+* ConvertLaunchParamsFromUnicodeL
+* Converts the launch parameters to pass to calendar.  For some obscure reason,
+* lost in the midsts of time and space, Calendar is expecting an 8 bit
+* descriptor containing 16 bit unicode.  No one knows why.  Nice.
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::ConvertLaunchParamsFromUnicodeL()
+    {
+    // copy the 16-bit data from iLaunchUnicode to iLaunchParams
+    iLaunchParams = HBufC8::NewL( iLaunchUnicode->Length() *2 );
+    TPtr8 ptr = iLaunchParams->Des();
+    ptr.Copy( reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>( iLaunchUnicode->Ptr()), iLaunchUnicode->Length() *2 );
+    }
+* LaunchAppL
+* Starts Calendar with command line parameters.  This will call
+* TApaTask::SendMessage if Calendar is running, or launch Calendar normally.
+* Either way, the command line parameters will end up in
+* CCalenAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::LaunchAppL()
+    {
+    // Convert the launch parameters to 8-bit unicode
+    ConvertLaunchParamsFromUnicodeL();
+    // See if Calendar is running or not.
+    TApaTaskList taskList(CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession());
+    TApaTask calenTask = taskList.FindApp(KCalendarUid);
+    // If Calendar is running we can just send a message with the parameters
+    if (calenTask.Exists())
+        {
+        const TUid dummyUID = { 0x0 };
+        calenTask.SendMessage(dummyUID, *iLaunchParams);
+        calenTask.BringToForeground();
+        }
+    // If Calendar is not running we launch from the command line
+    else
+        {
+        // Construct the command line object
+        CApaCommandLine* cmdLine = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
+        cmdLine->SetCommandL(EApaCommandRun);
+        cmdLine->SetExecutableNameL(_L("calendar.exe"));
+        // Set the command line parameters
+        cmdLine->SetTailEndL(*iLaunchParams);
+        // Connect to the application architecture server
+        RApaLsSession appArcSession;
+        CleanupClosePushL(appArcSession);
+        TInt error = appArcSession.Connect();
+        User::LeaveIfError( error != KErrNone );
+        // Start the app (standard command line launch)
+        appArcSession.StartApp(*cmdLine);
+        // Clean up
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&appArcSession);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cmdLine);
+        }
+    }
+* AddFlagParamL
+* Adds a parameter to the unicode launch string
+* @param aFlag Parameter to add
+void CCalenLauncherImpl::AddFlagParamL( TInt aFlag )
+    {
+    TBuf<10> flagBuf;
+    flagBuf.Format( KFlagFormat, aFlag );
+    AddLaunchParamL( flagBuf );
+    }
+// End of File