changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calendarui/views/src/calenweeklistboxlayout.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Layout calculations for week view listbox. 
+*                Week view implementation differs from LAF specification model
+*                and some calculations are needed.
+#include "calendarui_debug.h"
+#include "calenweeklistboxlayout.h"
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
+#include "CalendarVariant.hrh"
+#include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
+// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
+// Coordinate system conversion functions 
+// REMEMBER: in layout calculations we need changes of coordinate systems. These are easiest
+//  to understand, when you think top-left corner of each rectangle as a vector. When you have two 
+//  vectors P and R in one coordinate system , you can use subtraction P-R to calculate P as a vector
+//  in coordinate system, where R is origo.
+// E.g. if we have following rects: listbox_in_main_pane, and listscroll_pane_in_main_pane, you can
+// calculate listbox_in_listscroll_pane = listbox_in_main_pane - listscroll_pane_in_main_pane.
+// Following two helper functions do this for you. 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns rectangle aRectInOld in new coordinate system of aNewCoordSystem. 
+// Both aRectInOld and aNewCoordSystemInOld has to be in same (old) coordinate system. 
+// Example: If A is relative to X, and B is relative to X
+// then ChangeOrigoToNew(A, B) gives A relative to B. 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static TRect ChangeOrigoToNew(TRect aRectInOld, TRect aNewCoordSystemInOld) 
+    {
+    TPoint newOrigo = aRectInOld.iTl - aNewCoordSystemInOld.iTl;
+    return TRect( newOrigo, aRectInOld.Size() );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copied from AknUtils.cpp
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool IsParentRelative(TInt aVal)
+    {
+    return aVal > ELayoutP-ELayoutPRange && aVal <= ELayoutP;
+    }
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TWeekListBoxLayout::TWeekListBoxLayout( TBool aUseExtraRowLayout, TBool aUseToolbarLayout
+                                        , TBool aUsePreview, TRect aMainPane )
+    : i_grid_cale_week_pane(), i_listscroll_cale_week_pane(), 
+      iUseExtraRowLayout( aUseExtraRowLayout ), iUseToolbarLayout(aUseToolbarLayout )
+    {
+    // Layout data items listscroll_cale_week_pane and grid_cale_week_pane are used lot, so we precalculate them
+    TRect main_pane_Rect;
+    if( aUsePreview )
+        main_pane_Rect = aMainPane;
+    else
+        {
+        TSize main_pane_Size;
+        AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsSize( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, main_pane_Size );
+        main_pane_Rect = TRect( main_pane_Size );
+        }
+    TAknLayoutRect main_cale_week_pane;
+    main_cale_week_pane.LayoutRect( main_pane_Rect, AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_cale_week_pane().LayoutLine() );
+    TInt layoutVariant = LayoutVariantIndex( EListScrollCaleWeekPane );
+    i_listscroll_cale_week_pane.LayoutRect( 
+        main_cale_week_pane.Rect(), 
+        AknLayoutScalable_Apps::listscroll_cale_week_pane(layoutVariant).LayoutLine() );
+    layoutVariant = LayoutVariantIndex( EGridCaleWeekPane );
+    i_grid_cale_week_pane.LayoutRect( 
+        i_listscroll_cale_week_pane.Rect(), 
+        AknLayoutScalable_Apps::grid_cale_week_pane( layoutVariant ).LayoutLine() );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Week view grid rect relative to main pane.
+// Used to handle touch events in week view
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TRect TWeekListBoxLayout::WeekGridRect()
+    {
+    return i_grid_cale_week_pane.Rect();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// List box rect relative to main pane.
+// This is used directly to set list box size in CCalenWeekCont.
+// Layout data defines both week view grid and time pane relative to listscroll_cale_week_pane
+// We calculate listbox size by combaining these two.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TRect TWeekListBoxLayout::ListBoxRect()
+    {
+    TAknLayoutRect cale_week_time_pane;
+    TInt layoutVariant = LayoutVariantIndex(ECaleWeekTimePane);
+    cale_week_time_pane.LayoutRect( i_listscroll_cale_week_pane.Rect(), 
+                                    AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cale_week_time_pane( layoutVariant ).LayoutLine() );
+    // listbox = grid + time pane:
+    TRect listBoxRect = i_grid_cale_week_pane.Rect();
+    listBoxRect.BoundingRect( cale_week_time_pane.Rect() );
+    return listBoxRect;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Return height of single line of list.
+TInt TWeekListBoxLayout::ListItemHeight()
+    {
+    // Calculate height between second and first row
+    TAknLayoutRect first_row;
+    const TInt layoutVariant = LayoutVariantIndex(ECellCaleWeekPane);
+    first_row.LayoutRect( 
+        i_grid_cale_week_pane.Rect(), 
+        AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_cale_week_pane( 0, 0, layoutVariant ).LayoutLine() );
+    TAknLayoutRect second_row;
+    second_row.LayoutRect( 
+        i_grid_cale_week_pane.Rect(), 
+        AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_cale_week_pane( 0, 1, layoutVariant ).LayoutLine() );
+    TInt height = second_row.Rect().iTl.iY - first_row.Rect().iTl.iY;
+    // We assume that ListBoxRect is exactly 8 times list item height
+    //ASSERT( 8*height == ListBoxRect().Height() );
+    return height;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ListItemRect returns rect for list item line relative to main pane. 
+// This is used to make coordinate system conversions between main pane and list item,
+// because list's subcell rects are given relative to list item.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TRect TWeekListBoxLayout::ListItemRect()
+    {
+    // list item rect is same as listbox, except height is reduced
+    TRect result = ListBoxRect();
+    result.SetHeight( ListItemHeight() );
+    return result;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Equivalent to cale_week_time_pane_t1 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+TAknLayoutText TWeekListBoxLayout::HourTextLayout()
+    {
+    TInt layoutVariant = LayoutVariantIndex(ECaleWeekTimePane);
+    TAknLayoutRect cale_week_time_pane;
+    cale_week_time_pane.LayoutRect( i_listscroll_cale_week_pane.Rect(), 
+                                    AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cale_week_time_pane( layoutVariant ).LayoutLine() );
+    TAknLayoutText cale_week_time_pane_t1;
+    layoutVariant = LayoutVariantIndex(ECaleWeekTimePaneT1);
+    cale_week_time_pane_t1.LayoutText( 
+        cale_week_time_pane.Rect(),
+        AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cale_week_time_pane_t1( layoutVariant ).LayoutLine() );
+    return cale_week_time_pane_t1;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Layout rect of hour text subcell rect. Relative to list item rect
+// Used for SetSubCellSizeL. Margins are calculated based on this and actual text rect layout.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TRect TWeekListBoxLayout::HourSubCellRect_in_ListItemRect()
+    {
+    TAknLayoutText cale_week_time_pane_t1 = HourTextLayout();
+    TRect hourCellRect_in_ListItem = 
+        ChangeOrigoToNew( cale_week_time_pane_t1.TextRect(),
+                          ListItemRect() );
+    return hourCellRect_in_ListItem;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Layout rect for week grid cell relative to list item rect
+// Used directly for SetSubcellSize. Used also for icon layout for memo, todo and anniversary icons. 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TRect TWeekListBoxLayout::GridSubCellRect_in_ListItemRect(TInt aSubCellIndex)
+    {
+    const TInt layoutVariant = LayoutVariantIndex(ECellCaleWeekPane);
+    // Subcell is fetched for first row
+    TAknLayoutRect cell_cale_week_pane;
+    cell_cale_week_pane.LayoutRect( i_grid_cale_week_pane.Rect(), 
+                                    AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_cale_week_pane(aSubCellIndex, 0, layoutVariant).LayoutLine() );
+    TRect cell_cale_week_pane_in_ListItemRect = ChangeOrigoToNew(cell_cale_week_pane.Rect(),
+                                                                 ListItemRect());
+    return cell_cale_week_pane_in_ListItemRect;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool TWeekListBoxLayout::UseExtraRowLayout() const
+    {
+    return iUseExtraRowLayout;
+    }
+TBool TWeekListBoxLayout::UseToolbarLayout() const
+    {
+    return iUseToolbarLayout;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ?classname::?member_function
+// ?implementation_description
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt TWeekListBoxLayout::LayoutVariantIndex(TWeekLayoutVariant aLayout) const
+    {
+    TInt layoutVariant(0);
+    switch (aLayout)
+        {
+        case EListScrollCaleWeekPane:
+            {
+            if(UseToolbarLayout())
+                layoutVariant = 1;
+            else
+                layoutVariant = 0;
+            break;
+            }
+        case EPopupToolbarWindowCp01:
+            {
+            if(UseToolbarLayout())
+                layoutVariant = 0;
+            else
+                __ASSERT_DEBUG(0, User::Invariant());
+            break;
+            }
+        case EScrollPaneCp08:
+        case EBgCalePaneCp01:
+        case EGridCaleWeekPane:
+        case ECaleWeekScrollPaneG1:
+        case EBgCaleHeadingPane:
+        case ECellCaleWeekPane:
+        case ECaleWeekDayHeadingPane:
+        case ECaleWeekDayHeadingPaneT1:
+        case ECaleWeekTimePane:
+        case ECaleWeekTimePaneT1:
+        case EBgCaleSidePane:
+        case ECellCaleWeekPaneG2:
+            {
+            if(UseToolbarLayout() && UseExtraRowLayout())
+                layoutVariant = 3;
+            else if(UseToolbarLayout())
+                layoutVariant = 2;
+            else if(UseExtraRowLayout())
+                layoutVariant = 1;
+            else
+                layoutVariant = 0;
+            break;
+            }
+        case EListScrollCaleWeekPaneT1:
+            {
+            if(UseToolbarLayout() && UseExtraRowLayout())
+                layoutVariant = 1;
+            else if(UseExtraRowLayout())
+                layoutVariant = 0;
+            else
+                __ASSERT_DEBUG(0, User::Invariant());
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    return layoutVariant;
+    }
+// End of File