changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/organizer_plat/calendar_common_utils_api/tsrc/conf/ui_CalendarCommonUtilsTest.cfg	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test if the query dialog returns the correct date, when Pressed OK.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestDateQueryOK "Year:2009 Month:2 Day:25 Result: Year:2005 Month:4 Day:20 End:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test if the query dialog returns the correct date, when Pressed Cancel.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestDateQueryCancel "Year:2009 Month:2 Day:25 Result: Year:2009 Month:2 Day:25 End:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test if the query dialog returns the correct date, when Pressed OK.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestActionDateQueryOK "Year:2009 Month:2 Day:25 Result: Year:2005 Month:4 Day:20 End:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test if the query dialog returns the correct date, when Pressed Cancel.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestActionDateQueryCancel "Year:2009 Month:2 Day:25 Result: Year:2009 Month:2 Day:25 End:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying delete confirmation query dialog for Deleting an Entry.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowDeleteConfQueryL "Delete:Entry Result:0"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying delete confirmation query dialog for Deleting a TODO.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowDeleteConfQueryL "Delete:TODO Result:0"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying delete confirmation query dialog for Deleting all TODOs.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowDeleteConfQueryL "Delete:TODOs Result:0"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying delete confirmation query dialog for Deleting all notes.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowDeleteConfQueryL "Delete:All Result:0"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying delete confirmation query dialog for an unknown type.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowDeleteConfQueryL "Delete:Unknown Result:-6"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying delete confirmation query dialog and rejecting the query.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowDeleteConfQueryL "Delete:Entry Result:0"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying Recurrence select list for action Save, expecting EThisOnly.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowRepeatTypeQueryL "Type:Save Result:ThisOnly"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying Recurrence select list for action Save, expecting EThisAndAll.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowRepeatTypeQueryL "Type:Save Result:ThisAndAll"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying Recurrence select list for action Edit, expecting EThisAndFuture.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowRepeatTypeQueryL "Type:Edit Result:ThisOnly"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying Recurrence select list for action Edit, expecting EThisAndPrior.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowRepeatTypeQueryL "Type:Edit Result:ThisAndAll"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying Recurrence select list for action Delete, expecting EThisAndFuture.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowRepeatTypeQueryL "Type:Delete Result:ThisOnly"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying Recurrence select list for action Delete, expecting EThisAndPrior.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowRepeatTypeQueryL "Type:Delete Result:ThisAndAll"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying reminder type list when a new reminder is created, expecting ECalenNewMeeting.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowNewNoteQueryL "Selection:20100"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying reminder type list when a new reminder is created, expecting ECalenNewDayNote.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowNewNoteQueryL "Selection:20103"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying reminder type list when a new reminder is created, expecting ECalenNewAnniv.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowNewNoteQueryL "Selection:20102"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying reminder type list when a new reminder is created, expecting ECalenNewTodo.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowNewNoteQueryL "Selection:20101"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for displaying reminder type list when a new reminder is created, Cancel key is pressed.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestShowNewNoteQueryL "Selection:-3"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test if status of TODOs is changed.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestSetToDoCompleteStatusL "Filter:EIncludeInCompletedTodos"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test if status of TODOs is changed.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestSetToDoCompleteStatusL "Filter:EIncludeCompletedTodos"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to return the possible CCalInstance for a given instance Id.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestFindPossibleInstanceL "Year:2009 Month:7 Day:19 EntryType:EAppt Next: Result:1"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to return the possible CCalInstance for a given instance Id.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestFindPossibleInstanceL "Year:2009 Month:7 Day:18 EntryType:EEvent Next: Result:1"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to return the possible CCalInstance for a given instance Id.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestFindPossibleInstanceL "Year:2009 Month:7 Day:15 EntryType:EEvent Next: Result:1"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to return the entries list for a given day.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestCreateEntryIdListForDayL "Year:2009 Month:3 Day:20 EntryType:EAppt Next: Year:2009 Month:3 Day:20 EntryType:EAppt Next: Year:2009 Month:3 Day:20 Result:2 NextResult:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to return number of events, given a range of time/date.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestFindEventsForDayRangeL "Year:2009 Month:3 Day:20 EntryType:EAppt Year:2009 Month:3 Day:20 EntryType:EAppt Year:2009 Month:3 Day:20 StartDate: Year:2009 Month:3 Day:20 EndDate: Result:2 Filter:EIncludeAll"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to return the number of todos, given a range of time/date.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestFindTodosForDayRangeL "Year:2009 Month:6 Day:15 EntryType:ETodo Year:2009 Month:6 Day:16 EntryType:ETodo Year:2009 Month:3 Day:21 StartDate: Year:2009 Month:6 Day:25 EndDate: Result:2"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to delete all the events ending before the midnight of a given day.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestRemoveEntriesEndingAtMidnightL "Year:2009 Month:6 Day:15 Hours:11 Minutes:59 StartDate: Year:2009 Month:6 Day:16 Hours:0 Minutes:0 EndDate: EntryType:EAppt Next: Year:2009 Month:6 Day:16 Result:1 NextResult:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to check if an entry ends at the midnight i.e begining of next day.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestEndsAtStartOfDayL "Year:2009 Month:6 Day:15 Hours:11 Minutes:59 StartDate: Year:2009 Month:6 Day:16 Hours:0 Minutes:0 EndDate: EntryType:EAppt Next:Year:2009 Month:6 Day:16 Result:1 NextResult:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to check if the duration of an event is correct.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestDurationL "Year:2009 Month:6 Day:15 Hours:11 Minutes:13 StartDate: Year:2009 Month:6 Day:15 Hours:13 Minutes:0 EndDate: EntryType:EAppt Next: Result:107 NextResult:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to check if the Entry Time is correct.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestEntryTimeL "Year:2009 Month:6 Day:15 Hours:11 Minutes:13 StartDate: Year:2009 Month:6 Day:15 Hours:13 Minutes:0 EndDate: EntryType:EAppt Next: Year:2009 Month:6 Day:15 Hours:11 Minutes:13 ResultDate: NextResult:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to check if a given Entry is Timed or not.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestIsTimedEntryL "EntryType:EAppt Result:1 EndOfInput:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to check if a given Entry is Timed or not.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestIsTimedEntryL "EntryType:EEvent Result:0 EndOfInput:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API to check if a given Entry is repeating or not.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestIsRepeatingL "Year:2009 Month:6 Day:15 Hours:11 Minutes:13 StartDate: Year:2009 Month:6 Day:15 Hours:13 Minutes:0 EndDate: EntryType:EAppt RRule:EWeekly Next: Result:1 NextResult:"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API if given text is empty or not.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestIsEmptyTextL "Text:emptytext Result:0"
+delete testObject
+title ViewActionAgendaUtils: Test for API if given text is emptyt or not.
+create CalendarCommonUtilsTest testObject
+testObject TestIsEmptyTextL "Text:  Result:1"
+delete testObject