changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pimappservices/calendar/client/src/calinstanceiteratorall.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "calinstanceiteratorall.h"
+#include "calentryimpl.h"
+#include "agmentry.h"
+#include "calinstanceview.h"
+#include "agmentry.h"
+#include "calsessionimpl.h"
+#include "calclient.h"
+#include "calinstance.h"
+#include "agmrptdef.h"
+#include "calcommonimpl.h"
+#include "CalinterimApiPanic.h"
+const TInt KNumInstances(256);
+/** All instance iterator NewL().
+CCalInstanceIteratorAll* CCalInstanceIteratorAll::NewL(const CCalFindInstanceSettings& aSettings, const CCalInstanceViewImpl& aInstanceViewImpl)
+	{ 
+	CCalInstanceIteratorAll* self = new (ELeave) CCalInstanceIteratorAll(aInstanceViewImpl);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aSettings);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+/** All instance iterator NewL() when starting instance is defined.
+CCalInstanceIteratorAll* CCalInstanceIteratorAll::NewL(const CCalFindInstanceSettings& aSettings, const CCalInstanceViewImpl& aInstanceViewImpl, TCalLocalUid aLocalUid, const TCalTime& aInstanceTime, TUint8 aShortFileId)
+	{ 
+	CCalInstanceIteratorAll* self = new (ELeave) CCalInstanceIteratorAll(aInstanceViewImpl);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aSettings, aLocalUid, aInstanceTime, aShortFileId);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+/** All instance iterator constructor
+CCalInstanceIteratorAll::CCalInstanceIteratorAll(const CCalInstanceViewImpl& aInstanceViewImpl)
+	:CCalInstanceIterator(aInstanceViewImpl), iCurrentIndex(-1)
+	{
+	}
+/** All instance iterator ConstructL() for when a starting instance is provided.
+Set the find instance settings that are provided.
+void CCalInstanceIteratorAll::ConstructL(const CCalFindInstanceSettings& aSettings, TCalLocalUid aLocalUid, const TCalTime& aInstanceTime, TCalCollectionId aCollectionId)	
+	{
+	iInstanceIdCache = new(ELeave) CArrayFixSeg<TAgnInstance> (KNumInstances / 4);
+	SetFindInstanceSettingsL(aSettings);
+	CAgnSimpleEntry* simpleEntry = iInstanceViewImpl.GetServ().GetSimpleEntryL(aCollectionId, aLocalUid);
+	TCleanSimpleEntry cleanSimpleEntry(*simpleEntry, iInstanceViewImpl.GetServ().SimpleEntryAllocator());
+	TCleanupItem cleanupItem(TCleanSimpleEntry::DestroySimpleEntry, &cleanSimpleEntry);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(cleanupItem);
+	// The entry should exist
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(simpleEntry, User::Leave(KErrNotFound));
+	// Check that the instance is a valid instance of the entry
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iInstanceViewImpl.IsValidInstanceL(*simpleEntry, aInstanceTime), User::Leave(KErrNotFound));
+	// Create and put the starting instance as the first in the array
+	TAgnInstance instance;
+	instance.iCollectionId = aCollectionId;
+	if (simpleEntry->EndTime().IsSet())
+		{
+		// for an undated todo we do not set the instance time
+		instance.iId.SetDate(CalUtils::TCalTimeToTAgnCalendarTimeL(aInstanceTime));
+		}	
+	instance.iId.SetEntryId(simpleEntry->EntryId());
+	iInstanceIdCache->AppendL(instance);
+	iCurrentIndex = 0;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // simpleEntry
+	}
+/** All instance iterator ConstructL()
+void CCalInstanceIteratorAll::ConstructL(const CCalFindInstanceSettings& aSettings)	
+	{
+	iInstanceIdCache = new(ELeave) CArrayFixSeg<TAgnInstance> (KNumInstances / 4);
+	SetFindInstanceSettingsL(aSettings);
+	}
+/** All instance iterator destructor
+Frees the cached instance list.
+	{
+	delete iInstanceIdCache;
+	}
+/** Sets the find instance settings that have been provided
+void CCalInstanceIteratorAll::SetFindInstanceSettingsL(const CCalFindInstanceSettings& aSettings)
+	{
+	// The iterator does not support finding the next of a repeat only
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( !(aSettings.Filter() & CalCommon::EIncludeRptsNextInstanceOnly) , User::Leave(KErrNotSupported));
+	iFindInstanceParams.iFilter = TAgnFilter(aSettings.Filter(), aSettings.Behaviour());
+	// The filter is not allowerd to have next instance only
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iFindInstanceParams.iFilter.RptNextInstanceOnly(), User::Leave(KErrArgument));
+	iFindInstanceParams.iUndatedTodoTimeLocal.HomeTime();
+	iFindInstanceParams.iRangeStart = CalUtils::TCalTimeToTAgnCalendarTimeL(aSettings.TimeRange().StartTime());
+	iFindInstanceParams.iRangeEnd = CalUtils::TCalTimeToTAgnCalendarTimeL(aSettings.TimeRange().EndTime());
+	iFindInstanceParams.iNumInstances = KNumInstances;
+	const TDesC& searchString = aSettings.Text();
+	iFindInstanceParams.iSearchString.Append(searchString);
+	iFindInstanceParams.iFilter.iHighPriority = aSettings.PriorityRange().HighestPriority();
+	iFindInstanceParams.iFilter.iLowPriority = aSettings.PriorityRange().LowestPriority();
+	iFindInstanceParams.iFilter.iUserIntFilterMask = 0;
+	iFindInstanceParams.iFilter.iUserIntFilterValue = 0;
+	}
+TBool CCalInstanceIteratorAll::HasMoreL() const
+	{
+	TBool hasMore(ETrue);
+	if (iCurrentIndex >= iInstanceIdCache->Count() - 1)
+		{
+		// There are no more instances in the cache
+		// so find out if there are more in the store
+		CArrayFixSeg<TAgnInstance>* instances = new(ELeave) CArrayFixSeg<TAgnInstance>(1);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(instances);
+		if (iInstanceIdCache->Count() != 0)
+			{
+			// we have already got some instances so fetch from there
+			iFindInstanceParams.iInstance = (*iInstanceIdCache)[iCurrentIndex];
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// we have no instances so search from the start time
+			iFindInstanceParams.iInstance.iId.SetDate(iFindInstanceParams.iRangeStart);
+			iFindInstanceParams.iInstance.iCollectionId = 0;
+			}
+		iFindInstanceParams.iNumInstances = 256;
+		RArray<TInt64> fileIds;
+		iInstanceViewImpl.GetFileIdLC(fileIds);
+		iInstanceViewImpl.GetServ().NextInstancesL(fileIds, *instances, iFindInstanceParams);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fileIds);
+		hasMore = (instances->Count() != 0);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(instances);
+		}
+	return hasMore;
+	}
+/** Returns the next instance in the iterator
+If there are no more instance in the cache then the iterator will try to fetch
+some more from the server. An instance is created for the next instance in the
+cache, if there is one. 
+@return The next instance in the iterator, or NULL if there are no more instances.
+CCalInstance* CCalInstanceIteratorAll::NextL()
+	{
+	// Check that the current index is not corrupt
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentIndex + 1 <= iInstanceIdCache->Count(), CalUtils::Panic(EInstanceIteratorIndexCorrupt));
+	if (iCurrentIndex + 1 == iInstanceIdCache->Count())
+		{
+		// The index is at the end of the cache so try to find some more instances
+		if (iInstanceIdCache->Count() != 0)
+			{
+			// we have already got some instances so fetch from there
+			iFindInstanceParams.iInstance = (*iInstanceIdCache)[iCurrentIndex];
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// we have no instances so search from the start time
+			iFindInstanceParams.iInstance.iId.SetDate(iFindInstanceParams.iRangeStart);
+			iFindInstanceParams.iInstance.iCollectionId = 0;
+			}
+		iFindInstanceParams.iNumInstances = KNumInstances;
+		if (iInstanceIdCache->Count() > KNumInstances)
+			{
+			// delete some of the begining of the cache before fetching more instance ids
+			iInstanceIdCache->Delete(0, iInstanceIdCache->Count() - KNumInstances);
+			// reset the index to the current new end of the array 
+			iCurrentIndex = iInstanceIdCache->Count() - 1;
+			}
+		RArray<TInt64> fileIds;
+		iInstanceViewImpl.GetFileIdLC(fileIds);
+		iInstanceViewImpl.GetServ().NextInstancesL(fileIds, *iInstanceIdCache, iFindInstanceParams);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fileIds);
+		iInstanceIdCache->Compress();
+		}
+	CCalInstance* instance = NULL;
+	if ( (iCurrentIndex + 1) < iInstanceIdCache->Count() )
+		{
+		instance = iInstanceViewImpl.CreateInstanceL((*iInstanceIdCache)[iCurrentIndex + 1]);
+		++iCurrentIndex;
+		}
+	return instance;
+	}
+/** Returns the previous instance in the iterator
+If there are no more instance in the cache then the iterator will try to fetch
+some more from the server. An instance is created for the next instance in the
+cache, if there is one. 
+@return The previous instance in the iterator, or NULL if there are no more instances.
+CCalInstance* CCalInstanceIteratorAll::PreviousL()
+	{	
+	if (iCurrentIndex == 0)
+		{
+		// The index is at the beginning of the cache so try to find some more instances
+		if (iInstanceIdCache->Count() != 0)
+			{
+			// we have already got some instances so fetch from there
+			iFindInstanceParams.iInstance = (*iInstanceIdCache)[iCurrentIndex];
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// we have no instances so search from the start time
+			iFindInstanceParams.iInstance.iId.SetDate(iFindInstanceParams.iRangeStart);
+			iFindInstanceParams.iInstance.iCollectionId = 0;
+			}
+		iFindInstanceParams.iNumInstances = KNumInstances;
+		if (iInstanceIdCache->Count() > KNumInstances)
+			{
+			// delete some of the begining of the cache before fetching more instance ids
+			iInstanceIdCache->Delete(KNumInstances, iInstanceIdCache->Count() - KNumInstances);
+			}
+		const TInt KInstanceCountBefore(iInstanceIdCache->Count());
+		RArray<TInt64> fileIds;
+		iInstanceViewImpl.GetFileIdLC(fileIds);
+		iInstanceViewImpl.GetServ().PreviousInstancesL(fileIds, *iInstanceIdCache, iFindInstanceParams);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fileIds);
+		const TInt KInstanceCountAfter(iInstanceIdCache->Count());
+		iCurrentIndex += (KInstanceCountAfter - KInstanceCountBefore);
+		iInstanceIdCache->Compress();
+		}
+	CCalInstance* instance = NULL;
+	if ( (iCurrentIndex - 1) < iInstanceIdCache->Count() && (iCurrentIndex - 1) >= 0 )
+		{
+		instance = iInstanceViewImpl.CreateInstanceL((*iInstanceIdCache)[iCurrentIndex - 1]);
+		--iCurrentIndex;
+		}
+	return instance;
+	}
+/** Finds if there are any more instances to be returned by NextL()
+Checks if there are any more instances in the cached instance list
+if there is not it does a next instance call to find id there are more
+instances after the cache
+@return ETrue if there are more instances to be returned and EFalse if not or if there was a problem.
+TBool CCalInstanceIteratorAll::HasMore() const
+	{
+	TBool hasMore(ETrue);
+	// HasMore can't leave so we simply return EFalse if there is an error
+	TRAPD(err, hasMore = HasMoreL());
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		hasMore = EFalse;
+		}
+	return hasMore;
+	}
+/** Finds the total number of intances this iterator is expected to iterate through
+Does a FindInstancesL() call to find the total number of instances that we will iterate through.
+@return The instance count
+TInt CCalInstanceIteratorAll::Count() const
+	{
+	TInt instanceCount = 0;
+	TRAPD(err, instanceCount = CountL());
+	return (err == KErrNone)?instanceCount:err;
+	}
+TInt CCalInstanceIteratorAll::CountL() const
+	{
+	CArrayFixSeg<TAgnInstance>* instances = new (ELeave) CArrayFixSeg<TAgnInstance>(8);
+	TInt instanceCount = 0;
+	if (instances)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(instances);
+		RArray<TInt64> fileIds;
+		iInstanceViewImpl.GetFileIdLC(fileIds);
+	 	iInstanceViewImpl.GetServ().FindInstancesL(fileIds, *instances, iFindInstanceParams);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fileIds);
+		instanceCount = instances->Count();
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(instances);
+		}
+	return instanceCount;
+	}