changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pimappsupport/vcardandvcal/inc/VObserv.H	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __VOBSERV_H__
+#define __VOBSERV_H__
+#ifndef __E32DEF_H__
+#include <e32def.h>
+#ifndef __E32STD_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#ifndef __E32DES16_H__
+#include <e32des16.h>
+#ifndef __S32STRM_H__
+#include <s32strm.h>
+#ifndef __VUTIL_H__
+#include <vutil.h>
+class CVersitParser;
+class MVersitObserver
+/** A Versit parser observer.
+This is a plug-in class and contains only pure virtual functions.
+An implementator of this class can find out the version number of an entity 
+being parsed. The version number specifies the version of the vCard/vCalendar 
+specification used by the data of the vCard/vCalendar. This is for use in 
+conjunction with the MVersitPlugin class, which adjusts the parser's behaviour 
+according to the vCard/vCalendar version.
+An implementator of this class can also respond to the creation of a new parser 
+for an embedded sub-entity. This is so that the observer can set the MVersitPlugin, 
+as well as itself, for each new parser that is created.
+An observer is set up for a Versit parser using CVersitParser::SetObserver(). 
+	{
+	/** Called when the version property (a property of the name KVersitTokenVERSION) 
+	of an entity is parsed during internalisation of a stream, if the Versit parser 
+	has an observer.
+	An implementation of this function can determine the version of an entity 
+	being parsed.
+	Called by CVersitParser::ParsePropertiesL().
+	@param aParser A pointer to the parser object that detected the version.
+	@param aVersion A unicode string containing the version number detected. */
+	virtual void VersionSet(CVersitParser* aParser,const TDesC16& aVersion)=0;
+	/** Called when a new Versit parser is created to parse an embedded object, 
+	specifically a vEvent, a vTodo or an agent, if the Versit parser has an observer.
+	@param aParser The newly created Versit entity. */
+	virtual void NewParser(CVersitParser* aParser)=0;
+	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved1();
+	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved2();
+	};
+class MVersitPlugIn
+/** A Versit parser plug-in.
+This is a plug-in class and contains only pure virtual functions.
+An implementator of this class can override some of the low level behaviour 
+of a Versit parser. For instance, options are provided to determine behaviour 
+during line wrapping and unwrapping.
+The use of this plug-in is optional, and when there is no plug-in the parser 
+object will use default behaviour. However, vCard v3.0 has some differences 
+to vCard v2.1, such as for line wrapping and unwrapping. Symbian OS supports 
+vCard v2.1 in its default behaviour. Therefore this plug-in can be used to 
+provide compatibility with vCard v3.0. 
+	{
+	/** Tests whether a space is to be added when merging (unwrapping) two lines 
+	while internalising a stream. 
+	If there is no plug-in then a space will be added.
+	Used by the CLineReader class.
+	@return ETrue if a space is to be added and EFalse if not. */
+	virtual TBool AddSpace()=0;				//Unwrapping lines
+	/** Tests whether white space at the start of a line, apart from the first space, 
+	forms part of the data when internalising a stream.
+	Note that the first space is always ignored and never included.
+	If there is no plug-in then the rest of the white space at the start of a 
+	line (tabs and spaces) is skipped and does not form part of the data when 
+	internalising a stream.
+	Used by the CLineReader class.
+	@return EFalse if the spaces are to be part of the data and ETrue if not. */
+	virtual TBool DeleteAllSpaces()=0;		//Unwrapping lines
+	/** Tests how the end of Base64 data (data encoded using Versit::EBase64Encoding) 
+	should be detected when internalising a stream. 
+	To determine the end of Base64 data, either a blank line can be used, or a line 
+	without a space at the start.
+	If there is no plug-in then a blank line will be looked for. 
+	Used by the CVersitParser class.
+	@return ETrue if a blank line should be used and EFalse if a line without 
+	a space at the start should be used. */
+	virtual TBool NeedsBlankLine()=0;		//Unwrapping Base64 data
+	/** Allows the removal of escape characters from a property value when internalising 
+	from a stream.
+	Versit deals with the escaping of semi-colons and the escape character itself 
+	(that is, the Yen character for Shift-JIS or a backslash for other character 
+	sets) without the help of a plug-in. Other characters, such as commas and 
+	carriage returns, can be escaped and un-escaped using the plug-in's AddEscaping() 
+	and RemoveEscaping().
+	This function is needed as escaping is done differently in vCard v3.0: firstly, 
+	commas are used as syntactical characters and so need to be escaped when they 
+	are just part of the text; secondly, \\r\\n in plain (un-encoded) text is used 
+	to mean a CRLF, whereas v2.1 forces you to use Quoted Printble encoding if 
+	there is a CRLF in the data.
+	Note that, although the string passed into this function can be changed, it 
+	must not be made longer.
+	Used by the CVersitParser class.
+	@param aText The property value text from which escape characters are to be 
+	removed. */
+	virtual void RemoveEscaping(TPtr16& aText)=0;
+	/** Allows the addition of escape characters to a property value when externalising 
+	to a stream. 
+	Versit deals with the escaping of semi-colons and the escape character itself 
+	(that is, the Yen character for Shift-JIS or a backslash for other character 
+	sets) without the help of a plug-in. Other characters, such as commas and 
+	carriage returns, can be escaped and un-escaped using the plug-in's RemoveEscaping() 
+	and AddEscaping().
+	This function is needed as escaping is done differently in vCard v3.0: firstly, 
+	commas are used as syntactical characters and so need to be escaped when they 
+	are just part of the text; secondly, \\r\\n in plain (un-encoded) text is used 
+	to mean a CRLF, whereas v2.1 forces you to use Quoted Printble encoding if 
+	there is a CRLF in the data.
+	If the string passed into this function needs to be made longer, then this 
+	should be done with the following command, otherwise the cleanup stack will 
+	eventually panic:
+	@code
+	aText=aText->ReAllocL(newSize); 
+	@endcode
+	Used by the CParserPropertyValue class.
+	@param aText The property value text to which escape characters are to be 
+	added. */
+	virtual void AddEscaping(HBufC16*& aText)=0;
+	/** Determines how an unencoded property value should be wrapped when externalising 
+	to a stream.
+	If there is no plug-in then line wrapping will follow vCal v1.0 and vCard 
+	v2.1 wrapping rules. In this case, the text is split into lines with a maximum 
+	length of KMaxExternalizedTokenLength (70) characters, and two spaces are inserted 
+	at the beginning of each new line.
+	Used by the CParserPropertyValue class.
+	@param aStream The stream to write the text to.
+	@param aCurrentLineLength The number of characters already written to the current 
+	line, which needs to be taken into account when calculating where the next 
+	line break should occur. This value should be updated before returning.
+	@param aText The property value text to write to the stream, in the correct 
+	character set and encoded as necessary.
+	@return ETrue if the property value is wrapped using the method defined in 
+	this (overloaded) function. EFalse if the property value text is not wrapped 
+	by this function (in which case the default wrapping rules are implemented). */
+	virtual TBool WrapLine(RWriteStream& aStream,TInt& aCurrentLineLength,const TPtr8& aText)=0;
+	/** Determines how property values are encoded when externalising a property to 
+	a stream.
+	This function is called for each property in turn and can specify how encoding 
+	should be implemented for the value of that property.
+	If there is no plug-in, or this function returns EFalse, then the default 
+	rules are used to determine how each property value is encoded.
+	Used by the CVersitParser plug-in when externalising a property.
+	@param aEncoding On return, specifies the encoding type used.
+	@param aRequiresEncoding ETrue if encoding is required. This is the case if 
+	either the default encoding is not Versit::ENoEncoding, or if the property 
+	value contains characters that cannot be written out directly (e.g. equals, 
+	CR, LF, tab or non-ASCII characters).
+	@param aDefaultEncoding The default encoding specifed by the user of the parser.
+	@param aPropertyUid The property UID of the property being externalised. These are 
+	defined in vuid.h.
+	@param aPropertyCharsetId The character set UID of the character set being 
+	used to output the property.
+	@return ETrue if the encoding type to be used is defined in this (overloaded) 
+	function. EFalse if this function does not determine the encoding type (in 
+	which case Versit's default method is used to decide the encoding type). */
+	virtual TBool EncodingType(Versit::TVersitEncoding& aEncoding,TBool aRequiresEncoding,Versit::TVersitEncoding aDefaultEncoding
+																						,TUid aPropertyUid,TUint aPropertyCharsetId)=0;
+	/** Returns the encoding name to be used for a specified encoding type when externalising 
+	a property to a stream, or allows the default name to be used.
+	Can override the default name Versit would select if there was no plug-in ("BASE64", 
+	The default names are selected using VersitUtils::IANAEncodingName().
+	Used by the CVersitParser class when externalising a property.
+	@param aEncoding The encoding type the name is required for.
+	@return The name to use for the encoding type, or a zero length descriptor 
+	if the default name should be used. */
+	virtual const TDesC8& EncodingName(Versit::TVersitEncoding aEncoding)=0;
+	/** Returns a pointer to a specified interface extension - to allow future extension
+	of this class without breaking binary compatibility
+	@param aInterfaceUid Identifier of the interface to be retrieved
+	@param aInterface A reference to a pointer that retrieves the specified interface.
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C virtual void GetInterface(TUid aInterfaceUid, TAny*& aInterface);
+	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved2();
+	};
+/** Extension interface UID
+const TUid KUidVersitPluginExtensionBase64Termination = {0x10285A92};
+Provides an extension to the MVersitPlugIn interface to allow a different ending of 
+the base64 multi-lines from the default format.
+Implementation of this interface is optional. Parser behaviour is not modified
+if the function MVersitPlugIn::GetInterface() has not been implemented or does
+not return an instance of a class implementing this interface when passed the
+Uid parameter value KUidVersitPluginExtensionBase64Termination.
+class MVersitPlugInExtensionBase64Ending
+	{
+	/** Allows Base64 encoding multi-lines without leading space and/or a blank line at the end
+	@return ETrue, if the base64 data doesn't have leading spaces and/or a blank line at the end. The
+	versit parser will then search for ":" to determine if the next line is a continuation or a 
+	new property
+	*/
+	virtual TBool BlankLineAndLeadingSpaceNotRequired()=0;
+	};