--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pimappsupport/vcardandvcal/inc/VPROP.INL Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+inline TUid CParserPropertyValue::Uid() const
+/** Returns the property value's UID.
+This UID identifies the property value's type and is specified on construction.
+The values are defined in vuid.h.
+@return The property value's UID. */
+ {return iPropertyValueTypeUid;}
+inline void CParserPropertyValue::SetPlugIn(MVersitPlugIn* aPlugIn)
+/** Assigns a Versit plug-in to the property value.
+Allows functions of the MVersitPlugIn class to be used when writing to a stream.
+If a plug-in is in use then this function needs to be called with each property value
+before it is externalised. However, this will be done for you if you add a property
+using the function CVersitParser::AddPropertyL().
+@param aPlugIn A pointer to an MVersitPlugIn instance. */
+ {iPlugIn=aPlugIn;}
+inline MVersitPlugIn* CParserPropertyValue::PlugIn()
+/** Gets a pointer to the Versit plug-in
+@return A pointer to the plug-in. */
+ {return iPlugIn;}
+// CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray
+inline CParserPropertyValueBinary::CParserPropertyValueBinary() :CParserPropertyValue(TUid::Uid(KVersitPropertyBinaryUid))
+/** Constructs a binary property value.
+Sets the property value UID to KVersitPropertyBinaryUid. */
+ {}
+inline CParserPropertyValueBinary::CParserPropertyValueBinary(CBufSeg& aValue) :CParserPropertyValue(TUid::Uid(KVersitPropertyBinaryUid)), iValue(&aValue)
+/** Constructs a binary property value.
+Sets the property value to aValue and the property value UID to KVersitPropertyBinaryUid.
+@param aValue The property value. */
+ {}
+// CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray
+inline CDesCArray* CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray::Value() const
+/** Gets the property value.
+@return Pointer to the array of descriptors owned by the property value object. */
+ {return iValue;}
+// CParserPropertyValueTimeZone
+inline TTimeIntervalSeconds CParserPropertyValueTimeZone::Value() const
+/** Gets the time zone property value.
+@return A time interval (in seconds) which represents the offset from universal
+time. */
+ {return iValue;}
+// CParserPropertyValueDaylight
+inline CVersitDaylight* CParserPropertyValueDaylight::Value() const
+/** Gets the daylight saving property value.
+@return Pointer to the daylight saving specification. */
+ {return iValue;}
+// CParserPropertyValueDateTime
+inline TVersitDateTime* CParserPropertyValueDateTime::Value() const
+/** Gets a pointer to the date/time property value.
+@return Pointer to the date/time property value. */
+ {return iValue;}
+// CParserPropertyValueDate
+inline TVersitDateTime* CParserPropertyValueDate::Value() const
+/** Gets a pointer to the date property value.
+@return Pointer to the date property value. */
+ {return iValue;}
+// CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime
+inline CArrayPtr<TVersitDateTime>* CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime::Value() const
+/** Gets a pointer to the object's list of date/time property values.
+@return Pointer to the array of date/time property values. */
+ {return iValue;}
+// CParserPropertyValueInt
+inline TInt CParserPropertyValueInt::Value() const
+/** Gets the signed integer property value.
+@return The signed integer property value. */
+ {return iValue;}
+// CParserProperty
+inline void CParserProperty::SetValue(CParserPropertyValue* aPropertyValue)
+/** Sets the property value.
+The property takes ownership of the property value.
+@param aPropertyValue A pointer to the property value to be set. */
+ {iPropertyValue=aPropertyValue;}
+inline CParserPropertyValue* CParserProperty::Value() const
+/** Gets a pointer to the property value.
+Ownership of the property value is not transferred by this function.
+@return Pointer to generic parser property value. */
+ {return iPropertyValue;}
+inline TUid CParserProperty::Uid() const
+/** Gets the UID of the property value.
+@return UID of the property value. */
+ {return iPropertyValue->Uid();}
+ * Gets the name of the property.
+ *
+ * @return " HBufC8*& "
+ * Pointer to the property name.
+ */
+inline HBufC8*& CParserProperty::NameBuf()
+ {return iPropertyName;}
+inline void CParserProperty::SetNameUid(TUid aUid)
+/** Sets a property name UID.
+This function is called by CVersitParser::AddProperty() when internalising,
+and will not normally be used directly.
+@param aUid A property name UID. */
+ {iPropertyNameUid=aUid;}
+inline TUid CParserProperty::NameUid() const
+/** Gets the property name UID.
+@return UID of the property name. */
+ {return iPropertyNameUid;}
+inline void CParserProperty::SetParamArray(CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* aArrayOfParams)
+/** Sets the array of property parameters.
+The property takes ownership of aArrayOfParams
+@param aArrayOfParams Array of property parameters. */
+ {iArrayOfParams=aArrayOfParams;}